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Page 1: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

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Protein and Exercise


Protein and Exercise


Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MScFN3373: Nutrition for Physical ActivityLecture 4

Page 2: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Function & Classifications of Protein

Page 3: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Functional Roles of Protein

• The three-dimensional shape and sequence of amino acids determine the functional role of a protein within the body

• Proteins have many exercise-related roles:– Building materials for bone, ligaments, tendons,

muscles, and organs– Enzymes that facilitate reactions associated with

energy production & fuel utilization, as well as the building & repair of body tissues (esp. muscle)

– Hormones involved with energy metabolism

Page 4: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Functional Roles of Protein

• Proteins have many exercise-related roles:– Maintain fluid & electrolyte balance– Maintain acid-base balance– Transport proteins carry a number of substances

such as micronutrients, drugs, and oxygen within the body and move nutrients into cells

– Can provide energy during and following exercise (esp. in low CHO and energy situations)

Page 5: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Special Characteristics of Protein

• Proteins: – C, H, O, N– strands of amino acids

• Breakdown of protein:– Yields CO2 + H2O + N

• The body does not store extra protein

Page 6: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Essential vs. Non-Essential Amino Acids

• Essential (indispensable) amino acids:– Must be consumed in the diet (9 total):

• Histidine• Isoleucine• Leucine• Lysine• Methionine• Phenlalanine• Threonine• Tryptophan• Valine

Page 7: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Essential vs. Non-Essential Amino Acids

• Non-essential (dispensable) amino acids:– Can be synthesized by the body (11 total):

• Alanine• Arginine• Asparagine• Aspartic acid• Cysteine• Glutamic acid• Glutamine• Glycine• Proline• Serine• Tyrosine

Page 8: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Methods of Assessing Protein Status

Page 9: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Nitrogen Balance

• Nitrogen balance: involves assessing the relationship between dietary protein intake (contains ~16% nitrogen), and nitrogen lost from the body.

• Positive nitrogen balance: anabolism– Occurs during growth and development– E.g. weight gain, growth spurt, pregnancy, lactation,

times of muscle healing or recovery from injury

Page 10: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Nitrogen Balance

• Negative nitrogen balance: catabolism– When protein intake is less than the amount excreted– E.g. weight loss, illness, burns, injury

• Nitrogen balance: when protein (nitrogen) intake is equal to the amount excreted

Page 11: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Nitrogen Balance

• Nitrogen intake:– Dietary protein: total protein intake (g/day) divided

by 6.25 grams of nitrogen/day

• Nitrogen excretion:– Urine: N-containing compounds (i.e. urea, creatine,

ammonia, uric acid)– Feces: undigested proteins, sloughed-off cells,

bacteria within the gut– Skin & Misc.: exfoliated dermal cells, nitrogen

losses in blood, sweat, nails, hair, and semen

Page 12: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Crude Nitrogen Balance

Equation pg. 112N balance = [(pro intake in g / 6.25) – (urinary urea N + 4)]

Page 13: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Dietary Sources of Protein

Page 14: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Dietary Sources of Protein

• Protein is abundant in the Canadian diet– Meat & dairy products contain high levels of protein– Significant amount of dietary protein also comes from

cereals, grains, nuts, and legumes

Page 15: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Dietary Sources of


Page 16: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Requirements & Protein Quality

• Protein RDA: 0.8 g/kg for healthy adults– Recommended that people who do not eat meat or

dairy products consume more protein daily (0.9 g/kg)

• Protein AMDR: 10-35% of kcal (IOM, 2005) • Protein quality: determined by both the amino

acid content and the digestibility of the protein– Proteins derived from plant foods are ~85% digestible– Proteins from a mixed diet (meats, dairy, grains) are

~95% digestible

Page 17: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Quality

• Complete protein: “high quality proteins”– A protein containing all of the essential amino acids

in the correct quantity and ratio for humans, found only in a few animal foods

• Incomplete protein: “lesser quality proteins”– Any protein lacking one or more essential amino

acids in correct proportions as necessary for good nutrition and health, true of many plant foods• Grains: tend to lack lysine• Legumes: tend to lack methionine

Page 18: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Vegetarian Athletes

Page 19: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Dietary Protein Recommendations for

Active Individuals

Page 20: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Recommendations for Athletes

• Endurance Athletes: – 1.2-1.4 g/kg BW per day– Represents 1.5 to 1.75 times

the current RDA

• Strength Athletes: – 1.6-1.7 g/kg BW per day– Represents 2.0 to 2.1 times

the current RDA

Page 21: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Intake of Active People

Page 22: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Table 4.3

Page 23: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Athletes at Risk for Low Protein Intake

• Those athletes at risk for insufficient protein intake include:– Female gymnasts– Distance runners– Figure skaters– Dieting wrestlers

• These athletes may compromise their protein intakes by consistently consuming too little energy (kcal)

Page 24: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Potential Adverse Effects of High Protein Diets

• Excessively high protein diets may cause:– Renal damage– Increased urinary calcium excretion– Increased serum lipoprotein levels and higher risk

for heart disease– Dehydration– Possible toxicity from large doses of individual

amino acids

Page 25: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Metabolism of Protein During & After Exercise

Page 26: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Kinetics (Figure 4.2)

Page 27: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Diurnal Cycling of Proteins (Figure 4.3)

Page 28: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Protein Metabolism During & After Exercise

• Factors influencing protein metabolism:– Exercise intensity– Carbohydrate availability– Type of exercise– Energy intake– Gender– Training level– Age

Page 29: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Type of Activity & Protein Metabolism

• Resistance and endurance exercise rely on different energy systems for fuel

• Resistance training:– ATP & CP– Anaerobic glycolysis– Fatty acids & amino acids are not typical fuel sources

• Endurance training: aerobic mechanisms to generate ATP– Fuel sources include stored energy (CHO, fat, and to

a lesser extent, protein)

Page 30: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Resistance Exercise

• Strength training:– For muscle to grow, rate of protein synthesis must

exceed that of breakdown (anabolism)– Resistance exercise provides the stimulus for muscle

growth, due to the increase in muscle protein synthesis post-exercise• Can last up to 48 hr after a resistance training session

– N balance studies suggest that strength athletes do require higher protein intakes to maintain N balance

– Recommended protein intake: 1.6-1.7 g/kg per day• No further increase in protein synthesis occurs at protein

intakes higher than 2.0 g/kg per day

Page 31: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Endurance Exercise

• Endurance training:– Protein oxidation increases during endurance exercise– Protein contributes to energy production during & after

exercise in the following ways:• aa’s can become substrates for gluconeogenesis• aa’s can be converted to Krebs cycle intermediates and

contribute to acetyl-CoA oxidation• aa’s can be oxidized directly in the muscles for energy

– Additional protein may also be required to repair any muscle damage caused by intense endurance training

– N balance studies suggest endurance athletes require 1.2 to 1.4 g/kg per day to support N balance

Page 32: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Energy & Carbohydrate Availability

• When energy intake is not sufficient, there is an increase in the use of protein for energy-yielding functions rather than for the more preferred functional and structural roles of protein

• CHO / glycogen availability directly relates to protein utilization during exercise– Glycogen depletion (limited CHO

stores): increase in the oxidation of amino acids for fuel during exercise

Page 33: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Gender Effects on Protein Metabolism

• Majority of exercise studies on protein utilization have used male subjects

• Evidence of gender differences in protein utilization in response to exercise– Females rely to a greater extent on fat for fuel during

exercise while oxidizing fewer amino acids and excreting less nitrogen than males

Page 34: Author name here for Edited books chapter 4 Protein and Exercise 4 chapter Prof Jennifer Broxterman, RD, MSc FN3373: Nutrition for Physical Activity Lecture.

Midterm Reminder

• Date: Monday February 9, 2015• Time: 2:30-4:00pm• Location: Brescia, St. James Building, BR-304• Format: multiple choice (60 questions)• What to Study:

– Lecture notes (lectures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)– Textbook chapters (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8)

• Worth: 25% of your overall grade• If you have a conflict, you MUST speak with

your academic advisor 1st before emailing me

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