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Page 1: August 20th bulletin

Sabbath School


Compromise and

Crisis in Worship Hebrews 5:14

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Mike Keim

Musician: Mike Keim Praise Leader: Max & Juliana

Next Week: Super: Gord Rayner Music: Jonathan Bartoszc Praise: Gibsons

Worship Hour

Song and Praise ………………………………………….Onyango Family

Opening Song…………No.15………………My Maker and My King

Intercessory Prayer………………………………………………Earl Biggs

Praying for Anniversaries Next Week Praying for Healthy families

Offering Appeal….........Church Budget ……….Edwin Onyango

Children Story…………………………………………………Faith Maphosa

Special Music………………………………………………………Pat Carter

Scripture Reading….Romans 13:11-14….AJ & Kusum Gaikwad

Sermon “Brace for Impact” Elder Aroldo Anniehs

Closing song...........No.202..............Hail Him the King of Glory

Benediction.........................................................Earl Biggs

Sunset this Sabbath 8:21 pm Next week 8:10 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: [email protected]

Announcements 1. We invite every church member to the time of

Prayer, every Wednesday 7 pm. A Prayer Group is also meeting at North London Church every Wednesday morning 10am-12noon. You have an option of “shifts” to come and interceded for our church family, for our city, for leaders. We have seen miraculous answers to prayer, and experienced the goodness of God, connecting to His Mystery and presence in prayer.

2. The Health Department presents Dr. Neil Nedley's “Depression the Way Out” seminar weekly. Seminars will take place in the evening from 7:00 to 9:00 PMCost - $150.00 single, plus $40.00 for a spouse sharing material.Mark your calendars, invite friends who needs this good news. Following is the session name and date: September 9 - Identifying Depression and It's Causes September 13 - Lifestyle Treatment for Depression September 20 - Nutrition and the Brain September 23 - How Thinking Can Defeat Depression September 27 - Positive Lifestyle Choices October 4 - Stress Without Distress October 11 - Living Above Loss October 18 - How to Improve Brain Function November 1 – Graduation

3. Personal Ministry leader Aroldo Anniehs is fundraising for purchasing “Steps to Christ” books to distribute in the neighbourhood around the church. Make a donation marked “Steps to Christ project” toward this initiative.

4. Next Baptismal service is planned for September 10. If you are interested in making the commitment to Christ, speak with pastor Golovenko about preparation.

5. Pastor is on vacation until August 31. Next Sabbath, August 27th pastor’s family will be hosting potluck lunch at their backyard right after the church service.

6. Adventurer Club Registration / Meet and Greet Day to be held on Sabbath, September 10th from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Parents may register their children 4 to 9 years of age. Cost is $25 per family for new members and $10 per child for those returning members. Please note that no one will be turned away if cost is prohibitive. For more information please see Lucy Simoes.

7. 2011 is the Year of Mission. September 3rd at 6 pm pastor Alex will continue the teaching on Mission with presenting approaches to reaching people from Latin American background who had been exposed to Liberation theology, dealing with extreme needs and survival, and not interested in institutional religion. This seminar is geared to address practical ways of inviting people from different backgrounds to discover God’s Plan of Salvation in Christ. Remember, Mission is not optional for a healthy Adventist church.

8. Sermon series on Radical Christianity will continue in September. September 3 pastor Alex Golovenko will speak on Radical Humiliation as taught by Christ, and on September 17th pastor will invite the whole church for a Radical Experiment with your life, at the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

9. Kingsway College a Seventh-day-Adventist boarding and day co-ed high school in Oshawa Ontario, is now accepting applications for the 2011/2012 school year. For more information please g to our website or call 905-433-1144 ext. 211 or 212. You can also e-mail us at [email protected]

10. The Ontario Conference is sponsoring a Seniors Wellness Retreat (September 16-18, 2011), to be held at the Best Western Hotel Oshawa. There will be FREE health screening and massage, seminars on exercise, heart and stroke, diet and more. The Seniors Walking Club will also be launched at this time. Please see your pastor, church clerk or seniors’ ministry leader for registration form to the wellness retreat & order form for walking club exercise suit. Submission deadline is September 2. For further details contact Judith Guarin, Office of the President, Ontario Conference. All people over 55 are invited to attend the information session this afternoon at 5:00 pm. At that time Aroldo will have more information about the retreat as well as the forms for registration

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11. Ladies! Join us Fri, Sept 2nd to Sun, Sept 4th for a rejuvenating weekend in Christ at Nottawasaga Resort in Alliston ( Our annual Women’s Retreat hosts keynote speaker Cynthia Prime, CEO and Co-Founder of Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach ( Other speakers include therapist, author and educator Beverly Sedlacek (, Pastor Janice DeWhyte and Pastor Elizabeth Pule for Young Women’s Ministries. Register by August 1st. Email [email protected] for details.

12. Forks Over Knives Movie Presentation Earlier this year the movie Forks Over Knives was released to theatres in North America. This movie has now been released in DVD format. We were able to purchase this movie from the Forks Over Knives web site. As a fund raiser for the Health Department programs we present including CHIP and Depression Recovery we are offering a viewing of this movie for a small ticket price. Dr. Oz said “I Loved it and I need all of you to see it”. The movie features Dr. T. Colin Campbell “The China Study” and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn “The Cleveland Clinic”. We are presenting this movie on Thursday September 15th 2011 at our church. Tickets for this will be $5.00 per person and children/youth are free. We are also offering a movie and dinner for anyone interested. Movie and dinner will be $10.00 per person and children/youth 15 and under will be $3.00 for the dinner. The dinner will start at 5:30 PM and we will try and start the movie by 7:15 PM. The movie is 90 minutes. Tickets will be available at the next CHIP Alumni meeting on September 6th.Please invite your friends to view this movie.

13. The next general church potluck picnic (all the church family is invited) will be in Pastor Alex and Sandra Golovenko’s back yard at 1210 Hamilton Road on Sabbath August 27. We had such a great picnic at Ferriera’s that more people are being inspired to host the church family...if you have a large home or yard and would like to host a picnic, contact Don Topper or anyone from the Social Life Committee.

Happy Birthdays Aug 21 Filip Maletic Aug 25 Sarah Kantor

Aug 21 Elisha Wilson Aug 25 Dale Beckles

Aug 22 Isabel Restrepo Aug 26 Luvvena Gordon

Aug 24 John Ruhinda Aug 27 Deane Sollows

Pastor’s Blog What is a Church for you?

During vacation time I get to interact with the same people in a different way. It’s like their perception changes. I am still a pastor but during these three weeks my visits are considered not “on a job” but “personal.” I also find that during my vacation time funny things happen, like troubles that were dormant for months in some family suddenly come to heads and require immediate attention, or “sheep stealers” from some off-shoot movement show up at prayer meetings to see who is disgruntled to influence on the way out. I hear of families that all of a sudden are not happy with church programming provided and are considering alternatives elsewhere, in Sunday-keeping churches, either for bible classes, or scouts, or cadets, or family enrichment, instead of attending what is offered here, and partnering up to improve and grow our church family.

My first reaction is to “cut vacation short” and get back to visiting, counselling, encouraging, rebuking if need be. Yet, it is not my, but God’s church. I am simply doing my duty as the undershepherd, together with ten elders who are also overseers and undershepherds of God’s flock. I invite you to consider our purpose, as a church. Last Wednesday at the prayer meeting we focused on the designated theme for prayer for this month – spiritual gifts. Adventists all around the world are praying for revival of Spiritual gifts within each baptized believer. We all have received a deposit from the Holy Spirit into our lives as a downpayment (Eph.1:13-14) as a assurance of our salvation (Hebrews 2:3-4). Paul’s letters teach that Spiritual gifts are like body parts – given to different individuals as assignments for edification and benefit of all community (Romans 12 & 1st Corinthians 12). God gifts at baptism every believer with a unique and specific gift. Some to function as an eye, other as an ear, another as a hand, one as a tongue, and when certain individual refuses to use and develop their gift, they make the whole body dysfunctional.

I invite you to consider yet another metaphor for the Church – the Shopping Window of God – a place where the Body of Christ is on display for the world in a walking distance to see. There must be a church, a “shopping window of God” within a walking distance in every community, where God’s Glory is revealed in everyday living, in practical terms. I believe that we are such a church, a display of the Body of Christ in Glen Cairn Community of London, Ontario. Look at this “shopping window” through the eyes of the neighbours – watching us drive in on time for the Sabbath School Bible study at 9:30 am. Staying for worship at 11, eating together at 1 pm. I remember when after VBS neighbourhood kids would run in for the free potluck. Coming to Pray together Wednesdays at 7 pm, and much more – music practices, choir rehearsals, kids Adventurers programs, youth Pathfinders training, training seminars.

My church is such a “shopping window” and those who are involved and engaged by participating, by “standing in a display,” by contributing to each function, are truly “members of the Body of Christ.” More churches need to be planted, so that every community would see and know. For now this one, at 805 Shelborne Street, the place we all call “church” - is a model.

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko



A Place where Every Believer is a Minister. Discover Your Calling!

Sabbath, August 20, 2011

805 Shelborne Street, London, ON. N5Z 5C6

Pastor: Alex Golovenko (519) 281-9706 [email protected]

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