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Presented by:ACHMAD NURHADIHP : 082143338677 / 081654923488PIN: 2AE2F6D3Email: [email protected]

Bagian-Bagian Telinga

Telinga LuarTelinga TengahTelinga DalamProses Mendengar

OUTER EARMIDDLE EAR INNER EAR4The ear consists of three parts:The outer earThe middle earThe inner ear

The outer earThe outer ear is made up of the external cartilaginous part of the ear and the ear canal.

The outer ear functions as a kind of funnel which collects sound waves and conducts them to the eardrum. The eardrum is located at the end of the ear canal and forms the boundary to the middle ear.The middle earThe middle ear is an air-filled space. The air pressure in the middle ear is regulated by the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nose and throat. There are three small bones in the middle ear; the malleus, the incus and the stapes, commonly called the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup.

This chain of bones forms a lever mechanism, conducting the vibrations from the eardrum to the part of the inner ear that processes sound.The inner earThe inner ear is a fluid-filled bone structure shaped like a snail shell. The connection between the middle ear and the inner ear is called the oval window. The footplate of the stirrup is attached to the oval window and functions as a piston moving the fluid of the inner ear.

In the cochlea there are about 23,000 outer hair cells (sensory cells), which are activated by this movement of the fluid. When the hair cells are activated, they send impulses to the brain, which perceives these impulses as sound.

Besides the cochlea, the inner ear also houses the balance organ.The function of hearingThe outer ear, ear canal and middle ear collect and enhance the sound waves, which set the eardrum into motion. The mechanical vibrations of the eardrum are transmitted to the stirrup by the hammer and the anvil. The stirrup moves back and forth like a piston in the oval window, moving the fluid of the inner ear.

The resulting wave movements in the cochlea cause the hairs (cilia) of the hair cells in the inner ear to move. As the hair cells are stimulated, they send neural impulses via the auditory nerve to that part of the brain that is located just behind the temporal bone, commonly referred to as the hearing centre.

The frequency of the sound determines which group of hair cell cilia are activated, whereby it becomes possible to distinguish between different sounds. If ones hair cells are damaged due to age, illness or other causes, they will have problems hearing certain sounds and differentiating between sounds. Large amounts of ear wax can also considerably reduce the ability to hear Bagian-Bagian TelingaOuter ear (Telinga Luar) terdiri dari daun telinga, liang telinga sampai pada gendang telinga. Middle ear (telinga tengah)- terdiri dari tiga tulang kecil yaitu malleus, incus, dan stapes, yang berfungsi menghantarkan suara dari gendang telinga menuju telinga bagian dalam. Pada bagian ini ada juga Eustachian tube.Inner ear (telinga dalam)- terdiri dari cochlea, semi circular canals dan auditory nerve.

AudiometerAudiogramdBHertzAudiogramdesiBell (dB)Frekwensi ( Hertz )Air ConductionBone ConductionTelinga KananTelinga KiriAmbang PendengaranTingkat KetulianJenis Ketulian

Tingkat KetunarunguanTuli Ringan ( 26 dB 40 dB )Tuli Sedang ( 41 dB 70 dB )Tuli Berat( 71 dB 90 dB )Tuli Berat Sekali( 91 dB 120 dB )

Cara menghitung/menentukan Tingkat Ketunarunguan :Menghitung rata-rata tiga frekwensi utama yaitu 500, 1000 dan 2000 HertzMisalnya : 90 dB + 100 dB + 110 dB = 100 dB 3


Penderita Tuli Ringan ( 26 dB 40 dB )Dalam suasana tenang tidak mengalami kesulitan mendengar suara normal.Tidak dapat mendengar suara yang lemah.Dalam kelas normal tidak dapat memahami semuanya.Mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari kosa kata dan konsep baru.Mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan penggunaan ABDEnggan untuk memakai ABDPenderita Tuli Sedang ( 41 dB 70 dB )Tanpa ABD akan kesulitan memahami pembicaraan.Membaca bibir sebagai kompensasi informasi yang tak didengar dan dimengerti.Pembicarannya sendiri mudah dipahami walaupun kesulitan pengucapan /S/.Situasi kelas membaca, ejaan dan kosa kata dipengaruhi ketulian.

Penderita Tuli Berat ( 71 dB 90 dB )Tanpa ABD tidak bisa memahami pembicaraan sama sekali.Memakai ABD pun tidak bisa mendengar pembicaraan secara jelas.Pembicaraannya masih bisa dimengerti tetapi mengalami kesalahan artikulasi.Ketrampilan berbahasa (membaca,ejaan, bahasa lisan dan tulis maupun kosa kata ) akan dipengaruhi oleh ketulian.Anak menggunakan kombinasi dari membaca bibir dan pemakaian ABD untuk memahami pembicaraan

Penderita Tuli Berat Sekali (91 dB 120 dB)Hanya bisa mendeteksi bunyi yang paling keras.Dengan ABD hanya beberapa vokal pembicaraan yang bisa didengar.Membaca bibir menjadi metode utama dalam mengikuti bahasa lisan.Anak belajar dan menggunakan isyarat sebagai sarana komunikasi.Pembicaraan anak sangat sulit untuk dimengerti.Pelajaran membaca, bahasa dan kosa kata dari seorang guru khusus untuk anak tunarungu.Penerjemah bahasa lisan atau isyarat mungkin diperlukan.

Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Cochlear Implants17Improvements in CI technology followed with the release of the Contour implant and the k, in 2000 and the ESPrit 3G in 2002 and the contour advance in 2004.Soundfield Amplification System

18This is an example of an radio frequency system.

The teacher speaks into the FM microphone

The teachers voice is amplified to a constant level of loudness across the classroom.

No matter where a child is sitting, they can hear the teachers voice above normal classroom noise.

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