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    Belief is a feelingof certaintythat something exists or

    is good.

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    The values of a person or a groupare the moral principles and beliefsthat they think are important in life

    and that they tend to live theirlives accordingly.

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    1. Your attitude to somethingis the way that you think and feelabout it.

    2. Your attitude towards someone is the wayyou behavewhen you are dealing with them,

    especially when this shows how you feel

    about them.

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    What is an attitude?

    A mental and neural state of readiness,organised through experience, exerting

    a directive or dynamic influence uponthe individuals response to all objects

    and situations with which it is related

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    What is an attitude?

    An attitude is a psychological tendencythat is expressed by evaluating a

    particular entity with some degree offavour or disfavour

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    What is Attitude ?

    It express an individuals positive and

    negative feeling about some objects.It descries an individuals feelings, thoughts

    and predisposition to act toward

    some object in the environment.

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    10 %

    90 %

    The attitude is like and

    Ice Berg

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    SO What isattitude?Attitude is a

    hypotheticalconstruct thatrepresents an

    individual's like ordislike for an item.

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    A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    A T T I T U D E

    1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5

    K N O W L E D G E11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5

    H A R D W O R K8 1 12 4 23 15 18 11

    S K I L L S19 11 9 12 12 19 =








    Let each letter of the alphabetic has a value equals to it sequence of thealphabetical order:

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    Attitude structure

    Attitudes consist of three relatedcomponents:

    1. An emotional component consisting of emotional

    reactions toward, or feelings about the attitude object.

    2. A cognitive component consisting of thoughts and

    beliefs about the attitude object.

    3. A behavioural component consisting of actions

    toward the attitude object.

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    Components of Attitude: Affective = feelings about

    the attitude object.

    Behavioural =

    predisposition to acttowards the attitudeobject in a certain way.

    Cognitive = beliefs about

    the attitude object. Any given attitude maybe based in lesser orgreater amounts on any

    of these components



    e Affect



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    Where do attitudes come from?

    Some attitudes seem to reflect stable,internal dispositions of the individual i.e., ways of seeing the world

    Broad attitudinal dispositions mighthave a shared genetic basis

    This is most likely for gut-preferences: For example, feelings of disgust at certain smells or foods

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    A positive attitude allows a

    person to create the life

    they want because they are

    not afraid to see things as

    they really are and work to

    create their own reality.



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    Explicit V. Implicit Attitudes

    Once we have developed an attitude(an orientation to some object), thisattitude can exist in a number of states:

    1. Explicit attitudes: The evaluations we consciously express.

    2. Implicit attitudes: Involuntary responses to the attitude object.

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    How much do you like the monarchy?

    Notat all

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Verymuc


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    Explicit V. Implicit Attitudes

    Our explicitly expressed attitude andour implicit reactions can be the samething.

    But, there can also be a differencebetween what people say and whatthey think or believe

    Raises questions about attitudemeasurement

    Raises possibilities for studying


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    Attitude functionAttitudes will fluctuate in order to serve our

    current needs.Four major functions

    1. Utilitarian function

    - Helps person to achieve rewards and gainapproval from others

    2. Knowledge function

    - Attitudes can be used as a frame of

    reference for organizing the world so that itmakes sense

    -For example, we perceive knowledge that contradicts ourviews with suspicion, thus forming a negative impression of

    that source of information (Giner-Sorolla & Chaiken, 1997).

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    Attitude function

    3. Ego-defensive function- Helps to cope with emotional conflicts andprotect and enhance ones self-esteem.

    -E.g., ones job not going well, can blame colleagues or his boss, thisnegative orientation towards the people he or she blames protects onefrom acknowledging painful truths.

    4. Value-expressive function

    - Help to express central values and core

    aspects of self-concept.

    - For example, if you are a person who firmly believes in fairtreatment and equality towards others, youll most likely have apositive attitude towards particular political parties and a negativeattitude towards others.

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    What wordscan you see?

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    What wordscan you see?

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    What wordscan you see?

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    What is required ?


    for the BETTER

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    Barriers to changing attitude

    Prior Commitments

    Insufficient informationPersonal Ego

    Influence of social surroundings

    To bring a change you have to

    oversome these barriers

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    Good Attitude Plays A Vital RoleGood work attitude isimportant for the increase ofsuccess at work. Any companyor concerns that are looking forgood employees and workers

    will look only for the personwho has got good workattitude

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    How to develop such good workattitude?

    Say You Can Do it

    Never Say its not PossibleDo Not Complain With Your Work

    Hard Work

    Plan your Work

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    BehaviorA persons behavior

    is the way they act in general,especially

    in relation to the situation they are in

    or the people they are with.

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    Attitudes + behaviour

    Part of the interest in attitudes is due to theassumption that people act in accordance withtheir attitudes:

    Companies spend ridiculous amounts of money onadvertising campaigns designed to changepeoples attitudes toward their products.

    Political parties closely monitor opinion polls to try

    and gauge the mood of the community and thelikely outcome of elections.

    Do attitudes really predict behaviour?

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    Attitudes + behaviour

    Later research confirmed the gap: E.g., Wicker (1969) reviewed research on the attitude-behaviour link

    Although the two were usually positively related, the relationship was

    typically small (averager

    = .15).

    Evidence for weak relationshipsbetween attitudes and behaviour

    prompted 2 responses:1. Attitudes are a load of rubbish!

    2. Attitudes are related to behaviour, but the relationship is more complex

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    Attitudes + behaviour: The full


    1. Not all attitudes should be relatedto behaviour: Specific attitudes should predict behaviour better then general


    Strong (accessible) attitudes should predict behaviour better

    than weak attitudes.

    2. Other variables are involved in theattitude-behaviour relationship

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    The theory of reasoned action



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    The theory of reasoned action



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    The theory of reasoned action




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    The theory of planned behaviour




    Perceivedbehavioural control

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    Attitudes + Behaviour: The full

    story Research using more complete models have

    provided a better account of the attitudebehaviour relationship:

    Attitudes arerelated to behaviours but notdirectly.

    Attitudes affect behaviour - in combination withnorms, control beliefs, and intentions.

    In addition to being a theoretical improvement,this approach has also proven to be very practical.

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    Unbelievable results from positiveattitude

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    - Improved relationshipswith others both at home

    and at work

    - More opportunities for


    - Improved productivity

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    Think of it this way:

    Developing a positiveattitude means interpretinglife's events in a way that is

    truthful, honest, and self


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    Keeping a positive attitudemeans continuing with these

    positive and self affirming

    interpretations of life's

    events, even negative


    Think of it this way:

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    Some Positive Attitude tips

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    Believe that you are in chargeYour life doesn't just happen to you accidentally. Youcreate it. If you do not accept this fundamental belief no

    amount of positive attitude tips will help you to manifest

    the life you want.

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    Live with intent and purposeKnow what it is you want from life andcontinue to put yourself in charge of

    obtaining it.

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    Live with emotional inquiry and clarityKeep examining your emotional reactions to life'sevents. Ask yourself " What am I feeling right now?

    When was the first time I felt like this and why am I

    interpreting this circumstance in the same way.

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    Practice being gratefulNo matter how unlucky or dreadful youthink your life is practice being grateful

    for one small thing every day.

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    Help and serve othersFind things to help other people.

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    Conversation Attitude3 good rules to think about beforespeaking are:

    Conversation Attitude

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    Is it true?

    Is it nice?

    Is it necessary?

    Arabic Proverb

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    Think about these rules before speaking to avoidhurting people by what yousay. Below are more rules for good conversation


    Conversation Attitude

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    Speak slowly and clearly.

    Mention a topic of shared interest.

    Conversation Attitude

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    Don't talk too much about yourself.

    Conversation Attitude

    Don't try to control theconversation, but don't remain silent.

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    Ask the other person's opinion and listen to it.

    Conversation Attitude

    Do not ask personal questions such as age, weight,

    or how much something cost.

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    Do not ask a question that you would not want toanswer yourself.

    Conversation Attitude

    Give the other person a chance to speak.

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    Don't interrupt or break in when the other person isspeaking.

    Conversation Attitude

    Do not finish the other person's sentences.

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    Try not to talk about boring topics.

    Conversation Attitude

    Give more than one word answers and add

    interesting facts.

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    Be truthful.

    Conversation Attitude

    Think before you speak;

    don't hurt the other person's feelings.

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    Don't argue, brag, or exaggerate

    Conversation Attitude

    Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

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    Always laugh with them instead of at them.

    Conversation Attitude

    If you think you can youre right

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    Yes, it is all a matter of attitude.

    If you think you can, you re right.

    If you think you cant, youre right


    The world is your mirror

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    The world is your mirrorand your mind is a magnet.

    Life will give you what youattract with your thoughts.

    Think, act and talk negativelyand your world will be

    negative. Think, act and talk with

    enthusiasm and you willattract positive results.


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    If you use the right instruments and

    choose the right time, that is.

    Believe you can, you will.

    Its all in your mind. Winning comes from

    within. It is not your aptitude, but your attitude,

    that will determine your altitude in life.

    Happiness is simply a result of choosingattitudes.

    Progress has always come from thosewho said it could be done.

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    Yes. Conquering the world. Even that ispossible, if only you would act at theright time and from the right place!

    smile, please.

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    smile, please.

    1. To be positive is natural.---------------------------------------

    Be cheerful.

    Happiness is a state of mind. Ifyou think you are in heaven, youare.

    Use bright & positive language in

    everything you do. Think positive. It is good for you.


    Expect the best. You will get it.

    Not doing good is evil.

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    g g

    (Even if you cannot do good,refrain from evil at least) is itenough? The answer is, No.

    (Not doing good results in evil.)

    Try to help in every little way,whenever & wherever it ispossible.

    Every time something good

    happens to you, make suresomething good happens tosomeone else.

    Be open.

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    Free your mind from prejudices.

    Have an open mind. Emptied, youhold.

    Be receptive to ideas.

    Be quick to listen. Be slow to respond. Perceptions differ. What is right in your

    view may not be that.

    Dont jump to conclusions. See the

    other persons point of view.

    H d f

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    Be balanced!

    Have a sound sense ofproportion.

    See the things as they are.

    See the big as big and thepetty as petty.

    Wisdom is knowing whatto overlook.

    Seeing negative is notbeing negative.

    Those who see thenegative are as important

    as those who see thepositive.

    Think right towards people.

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    g p p

    Have a positive attitude towardspeople. Find qualities in them to like.

    Everyones, just everyones, life islittered with compromises, morallyquestionable decisions & inconsistentbehaviour. Keep this in mind.

    People can only be as perfect as youare. Accept differences & limitations.

    Judge them less harshly. Dont behostile when they slip up in tiny ways.


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    Know what to be angry about.

    One cannot be neutral between

    the right and the wrong. One soneutral is on the side of injustice.

    Evil multiplies when good peopledont champion what is right.

    Injustice anywhere is a threatto justice everywhere.

    Not to be angry at injustice is to

    be dishonest.

    R d i k

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    Rudeness is a weak persons attemptat strength.

    Be considerate, friendly & affable.

    Practise courtesy. Say - please. Tell the truth by all means, but with tact

    & kindness.

    Explain. Do it patiently.

    Accommodate the other viewpoints. Allow criticism. It is often constructive.

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    But, manage that anger. tack the thing rather than the


    If you must say unpleasant things,say them in a pleasant way.

    Sugar-coat your criticisms.

    It is easy to say a few mean

    words in the heat of the moment.Refrain.

    Dont drag out issues from thepast.

    Dont make any personality digsor snide remarks.

    Avoid being embroiled in ascreaming match.


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    Resist the temptation to be childish.

    Be a grown up. Be mature.

    Be liberal in outlook & considerate in

    action. Be understanding & forgiving. Refrain

    from mischief.

    An eye for an eye will leave the

    whole world blind. Do good to the person who has doneyou wrong. Let this be his punishment.

    Grow up.B i h hild i

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    But retain the child in you.

    Be playful. Import fun into all thingsyou do.(We dont stop playing because wegrow old; we grow old because we

    stop playing. Be lively, not half-dead. Be alive to

    things around.

    View the world in wonderment. Be

    curious. Discover the joy in simple things &

    deeds. Relish them.

    Dream (but be wakeful). What is lifewithout impossible dreams?

    Battles are won first in the minds

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    Battles are won first in the mindsbefore they are won in the battlefield.


    If you dont control what you think,you cant control what you do.

    Have a winning attitude.

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    Yes, we can.

    We can make itwork.

    We are perfect for

    this job. We are a lean,

    mean machine.

    Ill be glad to take


    It is a challenge.

    Ill come up with

    alternatives. We have the

    opportunity to be thefirst.

    Theres room forimprovement.

    We shall learn

    something new. Lets try it a few more


    No great talent

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    No great talentwithout great willpower

    Those who are determined and workto win will win, no matter what thedestiny has ordained.

    The difficult can be done right away.

    The impossible will take only a little


    There is nothing you cannot be, thereis nothing you cannot do, and there is

    nothing you cannot have. All you haveto do is believe in you.

    Aim high.

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    Let no horizon be too large foryou to gaze at.

    In the long run you hit onlywhat you aim at.

    It is not failure but low aim

    which is crime. Aiming at an elephant & failing

    is more glorious than targettinga rabbit & felling it.

    Never quit. No one can cheat you

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    out of ultimate success but you.

    Life is full of beginnings.

    A mere bend in the road is not the end of it. Have belief in yourself. Never sell yourself


    There is always some good in every

    situation. Look out. Sharpen your awareness to the

    opportunities that lie around.

    You will never know what can be doneuntil you try it.

    The secret to success is never to give up.

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    Failures are but stepping stones to success. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

    Every failure is a lesson in learning.

    There is no failure except in no longer trying.

    Failing is not bad. Staying down is.

    No failure is final.---------------------------------------Failure is a noun. The only fear it holds forus is in the meaning we give it. Define failureas giving up. Take control of it.

    Dont give in

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    Don t give in.

    Tough times dont last. Whatcomes after them is bound to be

    good. The harder you fall, the higher

    you bounce.

    Learn to make the best of a

    situation. Optimism is a duty castupon you.

    Have hope. Things may change ina day, and for the better.

    No pressure, no diamonds.

    One who feels bound remains bound.

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    Invest in yourself. Grow.Keep growing

    Only those who dare reachgreat heights.

    Opportunity exists onlywhen you can see it.

    Opportunity is no accident.

    It must be attracted.Opportunity of a lifetime

    should be seized within thelifetime of the opportunity.

    Dont be weighed down by knowledge!

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    You are what you know.

    Knowledge is power. But,left unused, it has no power

    in it. Little is ever achieved by

    persons who are bookish.

    Indifference and unconcernmake a superior &knowledgeable personaverage.

    He who has imagination withoutk l d h i b f

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    knowledge has wings but no feet.

    Creativity without knowledge is rudderless. Buildup knowledge.

    Imagination helps in exploring the unknown. Use

    imagination to go beyond knowledge.Reinforce your skills. Constantly update them.

    Rich vocabulary helps.

    A higher order language allows us- to deal better with processes and things, and

    to convey more, saying less./

    W ere s t e erence etween arut and a grave?

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    gOnly in the dimensions!

    Should I stay with the routine?No! Get out. Dont be stuck in the present.

    When do I act?Act now. Follow it through. Till success.

    Should I self-start or..?Be pro-active, not reactive. Dont wait for prompting.

    How can I do more?Capacity is a state of mind. Do more of what you do, just

    like that.

    How can I do better?Crave for excellence in whatever you do. You can do betterby just willing to do better.

    One is never too old to learn

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    (something foolish?).

    To read is to grow.

    To read is also to lead.

    Learn something every day.


    Discussions make you richer.

    Grow every day. Overtake yourself. Make incremental improvements,

    every day.

    Excellence then is not an act,but a habit

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    Aim at perfection. Achieve excellence.

    Develop an instinct for quality. It pays.

    If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

    Try to do it right at the very firstinstance. A work done poorly must be

    done again. Do it in time.

    We are what we repeatedly do.


    but a habit.

    Enemy of the country,

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    and the people!

    Q: Des aur moashray ka dushman kise mantehain?

    A: Jo waqat par apne kamoon ko pura nahin

    karte hain.

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    Belief & Behavior Accept your limitations. But be aware of your qualities & strengths.

    Change your beliefs, and you change your behaviour.

    Change your behaviour, and you change your results,

    and your life itself.

    Self-limiting beliefs are learnt behaviours. Anythingthat is learnt can be unlearnt as well.

    List all negative beliefs. Replace them with the


    Begin. Take the first step which is the most difficult.

    Anything worth doing is worth failing at, until you getit right.

    Overcome your anxiety.

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    y y

    Failure is not a crime. All humans are fallible. It is not terrible to be not perfect. Negative stress comes from what you tell

    yourself, like I must always succeed. Ive to meet everyones expectations of me. Im no good unless I do everything right.

    Develop strategies to cope with stress &performance anxiety. Learn to like yourself. Make a list of positive things about yourself. Feel good about who you are & how you feel.


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    (Dont doze off, brother,wake up)

    Also, be not a pretender. Bea performer.

    Being busy is irrelevant. It isperformance that matters.

    Slow performance and

    under-performance are badenough.

    Non-performance takes thecake: it is plain theft.

    Annihilate these assumptions:

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    Inefficiency is normal.

    Delays are inbuilt & cannotbe cut down.

    Performance will not berewarded.

    Only manipulators will getahead.

    We are made this way &things just wont improve.

    Things will get only worse.

    Nothing can be done.

    Experience is what you get when youdont get what you want D St f d

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    dont get what you want.- Dan Stanford


    Be ready: planned destructionmay be necessary before plannedconstruction Dare! Innovate!

    Dont be risk-averse. Only thosewho dare reach new heights.

    Dare to be different. Discoveryfollows exploration.

    Challenge the givens & the.

    Never mind that you didnt


    May you not enjoy the work you do!

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    The worst possible curse.That one is, in anylanguage.

    Learn to like and enjoy thework.

    Any work, just any work,can be made interesting.

    There is always a better

    way of doing things. Do your work creatively.

    Import fun into it.

    If you see only problemsill h l bl

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    you will have only problems!

    Every solution contains aproblem within it.

    syndrome. Suppose we win?

    If anything can go

    wrong, it will.

    Weighing problem!

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    A man carrying a baby wanted to weigh the baby in ascale.

    Our baby weighing machine has gone for repairs. But

    we can weigh the baby on the general weighingmachine, the sales attendant offered.

    How will you do that? asked the man.

    Simple. We do it all the time. The father first stands onthe weighing machine with the baby. Then he stands

    without the baby. It wont work, said the man, looking disappointed.


    Well, you see Im the babys uncle, not his father.

    Mind half-used

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    Look at pbms as challenges. Successoften presents itself as an alluringchallenge.

    Most problems are produced, or leftunsolved, by half-used minds.

    Face pbms with keenness & from anew direction, each time.

    Dont jump to the obvious solution.(This is the tallest peak! syndrome)

    Challenge what is accepted. Youwill find a whole new world of

    possibilities uncovered.

    Every problem has a lifespan..

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    Know the stage at which it is .

    Compartmentalize. Prioritise. Recognize the minor hassles from the major

    ones. Know what to worry about & what totake coolly.

    Take one step at a time. Deal with them insmall bits.

    No knee-jerk reactions. No short-term

    patches. The real obstacles are not the pbms

    themselves, but the wrong approaches tofinding the solutions.

    Think solution, not problem.

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    See a solution, where others see a pbm.There is a solution to every problem.

    Try to solve, not prolong.

    Ascertain the facts.

    Have an uncluttered mind. Cut out theextraneous. Identify the core.

    Face the issue head on. Take it on withoutbreaking step.

    While with major pbm, stay detached. Intractable? Sleep over it . Let it work its

    way out.

    Cursing a flat tyre does not fix it.

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    If you cant go over the hill, go aroundit. Digging a tunnel is a clear option, ifgoing to the other side is all that


    The solution often lies in identifying thesolvers.

    Take help where needed.If something

    seems far too big, maybe its becauseyoure meant to share the load withsomeone else.

    Look for solutions where you will find

    them. (Mullah story)

    Gangrene cannot be cured with palliatives.

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    Face pbms resolutely. Gordianknots may have to be cut.

    Extra-ordinary pbms call for

    extra-ordinary solutions.

    Weeding out is necessary for agood crop.

    Sometimes it is necessary to goa long distance out of the way inorder to come back a shortdistance correctly./

    Nothing great was ever achievedby

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    Sitting Still.

    * Progress has always come frompeople who said it could bedone.

    * I cant- are sad words in anylanguage.

    * Whatever you can dream, youcan begin.

    * Put passion, enthusiasm & zealinto everything you do.

    * Keep pushing. Its wiser thansitting aside.

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    Think your work is important.

    The way we thinktowards our jobsdetermines howour subordinatesthink towards

    their job

    Rules are for human beings,h h d

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    not the other way round.

    Dont be rule-bound.

    Interpret the rules positively. Let them

    enable, and not inhibit, you. Precedents should be guides, not


    Good people follow the rules. But, it isoften the unscrupulous who quote therules.

    Breaking norms in order to framebetter ones is an option to beexplored.


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    Feel & act confident. Stand by yourconvictions.

    Be positively assertive, when you arein the right.

    Where speech is due, silence may bebetrayal.

    Insist on your right to be heard &reckoned. But, be accommodative ofthe other point of view.

    Dont say yes when you want to say

    no .

    Thinking first,

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    action only then.

    Act by all means, but only afterconsidering all relevant matters.

    Dont make decisions based onjust one or two dimensions.(Many a fellow in love with adimple)

    Dont act impulsively.

    If you have to act, act fast &decisively.

    Integrity signifies wholeness

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    Integrity means absence ofinner warfare.

    It gives extra energy & clarityof thought.

    It means living up to the best in oneself.

    having a developed sense ofhonour.

    having a conscience & listening to it.

    having the courage of onesconvictions.

    obedience to the unenforceable.

    In doing a good deed take it that everything isitt d hi h i t hibit d

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    permitted which is not prohibited.

    Be performance-oriented.

    If one desires a change, one must be thatchange before it can take place.

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    change before it can take place.

    Anticipate change. Things canchange in a day.

    Be alert to the first signs of change.

    Feel obligated to effect the change. Look at opportunities that change


    Keep renewing yourself. Dont

    allow routines to become chains. Keep managing the present while

    managing the change.

    Be physical. Be dynamic.

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    Take care of the body. It takescare of the mind.

    Physical well-being gives you

    stamina, both physical & mental. It makes you focussed.

    It makes you optimistic &confident to face the challenges

    of life.

    Learn from the past. Focus on the future.Be in the present. Enjoy.

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    Be in the present. Enjoy.

    The past is finished. Learn from it& let it go.

    The future is not even here yet.Plan for it, but do not waste timeworrying about it.

    Live in the present. Enjoy its joys.

    How many crores of pleasuresyou have created for us, oh ourLord!

    Relish the journey!

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    There is more to life than running

    non-stop. Happiness is all along, not

    merely at the destination. Thejoys along the route are perhapsmore delightful..

    If you are enjoying the journey,you are not upset by a delayed

    arrival. Count your blessings. One rarely

    appreciates ones blessings asmuch as when they are gone.

    We dont laugh because we are happy.We are happy because we laugh

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    We are happy because we laugh.

    Control your emotions by your actions. Be cheerful, in order to feel cheerful.

    Act brave, in order to be brave.

    Want a facelift? Smile. Its the duty you owe others.

    Dont just throw out a vice.R l i i h i

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    Replace it with a virtue.

    Sow an action, you reap a habit. Sow ahabit, you reap a character. Sow acharacter,you reap a destiny.

    As we become drunkards by so manyseparate drinks, so we become saints &authorities & experts by so manyseparate acts & hours of work.

    How to break a habit or acquire it ?Break off abruptly & with all emphasis. Abrupt acqn of the new habit is the best

    way, if there be a real possibility ofcarrying it out.

    Work energises.

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    Strenuous application ofeffort anywhere - even onhobbies or games - provides

    the bonus of energy.

    Make as many of youractions automatic as

    possible. The more actionswe make automatic, themore energy we have leftfor creative work & pbm-solving.

    Pleasantness is the dutywe owe others.

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    Be natural & humble.

    Drain off yourgrievances.

    Sincerely attempt toheal.

    Acquire the quality ofeasygoingness.

    What is practical is just. Relax, for easy power.

    Never allow things toruffle you.

    Be interesting.

    Practice liking people.

    Never miss theopportunity to -


    sympathize, or

    express sorrow. Be a comfortable

    person to be with.

    Be a big boss without seeming to be so.

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    Be affable. Be light to lift.

    Develop zero tolerance ofinertia, indifference &

    inefficiency. Motivate, guide, enable, lead.

    Dont appropriate credit. But,accept responsibility.

    Settling personal scores throughofficial means is mean.

    Walk a mile in others shoesbefore you say no to their

    request for new shoes.

    Order! Order!

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    Absent order & regulation, whatremains is chaos. Chaos is theenemy of performance.

    Enforce order to ensureperformance.

    Enforcement is education.

    Organise. Set the right thing (orperson) in the right place.

    Put in place proper systems. What gets measured gets done.

    As the leader, challenge the status quo!

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    Motivate. Create enthusiasm &passion.

    Plant seeds of thinking. Letpeople think in a breakthroughfashion.

    Institutionalize imbibing ideas &suggestions.

    Acknowledge & reward goodideas.

    Honour errors resulting out ofexperimenting.

    Create a dream & make the teamgo towards it.

    Why crib,when you can think positive?(!)

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    Boss to the cribbingemployees:

    Its quite simple justthink positive andmost of your problems

    will just fade away..!

    But,thinking is not enough...Goodness not translated into action is no

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    Goodness not translated into action is nogoodness.

    Thought that does not lead to action isbetrayal.

    I receive & I must give back.

    And this is the pay back time.

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    p y

    Life is not about how much youmake but how you live it.

    How you make a difference iswhat will matter.

    Each one of us is a debtor. Wehave taken so much from thesystem.

    It is but fair that we pay backthe debt, with interest and do itfast.

    Perhaps it is already late. Betterhurry up.


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    You CAN DOeverything, but not all at


    You CAN DOeverything, if its importantenough for you to do.

    You CAN DOeverything, but you maynot be the best at everything.

    You CAN DOeverything, but there will

    be limitations.

    You CAN DOeverything, but youll needhelp.

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    Best Quotes on Positive Attitude: A positive thought is the seed of a

    positive result.

    The most significant change in a

    persons life is a change of attitude.Right attitudes produce right actions.

    There is a better way for everything.Find it.

    A positive attitude is not a destination.It is a way of life.

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    Best Quotes on Positive Attitude: The difference between a successful

    person and others is not a lack ofknowledge, but rather a lack of will.

    The positive thinker sees the invisible,feels the intangible, and achieves theimpossible.

    A positive attitude is like a magnet forpositive results.

    Best Quotes on Positive Attitude:

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    Positive attitudes create a chainreaction of positive thoughts.

    Attitude, not aptitude, determines your

    altitude. Sooner or later, those who win are

    those who think they can.


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    Attitudes are evaluations

    Attitudes guide peoples behaviours


    Attitudes can change

    but the same technique wont work the same way for all people all of thetime

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