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Page 1: Attend 2 out of the 3 Zoom Calls Hit Success Club 5 … · by author Jeff Olsen AND Go Pro by author Eric Worre. We will reference one lesson from each of these books in 2.0, ...

AUGUST 2015 Rock the Basics 2.0 Express

PRE-PARTY! Welcome to Rock the Basics 2.0


So glad you are here!! Our goal for 2.0 is to get everyone to Emerald (or increased rank), Success Club 5 and running a 21-Day Slimdown. Also, we want to help you form strong daily habits of personal development, being a product of the product, and inviting (to challenges and coaching opportunity).

Here are the Graduation Requirements for 2.0: Attend 2 out of the 3 Zoom Calls Complete all of the daily lessons Hit Success Club 5 Run a 21 Day Challenge When you graduate, you will earn a PRIZE from your sponsor!

After you watch the video, comment below before we start on Monday: 1. Comment below, "I'm COMMITTED!", if you read the Graduation Requirements. 2. Follow up with all of your previous challengers and customers. Check back in with each person. No sale, no pitch, just "thinking of you and wondering how you're doing, what are your goals right now…." 3. Get busy on social media again. Share tips and lessons from your life, share stories, recipes, workout tips, and pictures and get conversation started. You can't take a hiatus from social media and expect to have "friends" waiting for you when you return! 4. We encourage you to invest in 2 books for 2.0 and beyond. Please consider buying The Slight Edge by author Jeff Olsen AND Go Pro by author Eric Worre. We will reference one lesson from each of these books in 2.0, but you can get a lot more out of each by reading the whole book-even if it’s just 15 minutes every day.

POD LEADERS – PLEASE READ each post and edit or personalize accordingly. Your other role is to

comment back on their replies, so that they know they are being heard and their answers are not

going into a black hole! Yes, their sponsors should be in the group to help, too. Part of being a

Page 2: Attend 2 out of the 3 Zoom Calls Hit Success Club 5 … · by author Jeff Olsen AND Go Pro by author Eric Worre. We will reference one lesson from each of these books in 2.0, ...

leader is taking responsibility and not assuming “someone else will do it.” Stay on top of this, have

fun and get your head in the game! Our team is unstoppable.

Zooms start right away on Monday, decide on your Zoom offerings and get these posted as soon as

possible. If you are offering a Sunday Zoom be sure to include that. With so many leaders in each

pod, we hope to offer FIVE zoom times.





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Hey we’re ready to ROCK the BASICS 2.0. Are you? This month can change your life.

Our live ZOOMS will start TODAY - Here are the times and links: Schedule & Links 6am PST/ 7am MT/ 8 am CST/9 am EST Nickie Carrigan - Dial:1 646 568 7788 l Meeting ID: 128 474 703    12pm PST/1pm MST/ 2pm CST/ 3pm EST Mendy Shriver - 3pm PST/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CST/ 6pm EST Natalie Tanase- Dial: 1 646 568 7788 | Meeting ID: 581 246 362 6 pm PST/7 pm MT/ 8 pm CST/9 pm EST Stacy Van Dam - Dial: 1 646 568 7788 | Meeting ID: 564 483 664

TUESDAY - August 4th, 2015 6pm PST/ 7pm MT/ 8pm CST/9pm EST Cassie Showerman - Zoom Link Dial: +1 415 762 9988 Meeting ID: 432 205 3213 ZOOM LESSON: ROCKSTAR TRACKER - How using daily to-do list (Rockstar Tracker) has helped YOU grow to diamond. What additional tools do you use or how do you use several together? Which pieces

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are most important in your business? They are asked to report in daily on the tracker. This month, we will share lessons on team building and leadership. We’ll also help you organize your own 21-day SLIMDOWN starting on AUGUST 24TH. You’ll get more details in the coming days, but let’s start simple. Don’t worry, if you have a different challenge in the works, that’s fine. You’ll still pick up tips here and be able to tailor it to what you are doing. The SLIMDOWN will require your participants to be on Shakeology HD or purchase a Challenge Pack. This is a great way to earn SC points, commissions and meet potential future coaches. TIP: Starting a 21-Day on the FIRST Monday of the month is a GREAT habit to get into! Give this one a try and then set your calendar for the rest of the year. You can partner up with others.


HW #1: Listen to today’s National Wake Up Call. Post at least two takeaways below.

HW #2: Get on your zoom. Share 1 thing you enjoyed about today’s zoom, remember these are

mandatory each week.

HW#3: Think about who you might want to partner up with for a 21-Day Slimdown, to share responsibility and create a thriving group. Contact one of your own PS coaches, or your sponsor or another coach on TRSF. Write first names here of who you might work with.

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You read The Compound Effect, so you already know that daily habits are the foundation of success.

On Team Rockstar Fit, we have identified 9 daily habits that create successful fitness leaders. We took

the “vital behaviors” of a Beachbody coach and made it into a simple checklist.

We shared this tool in Rock the Basics 1.0. It’s called the Rockstar Tracker. Remember? Let me remind

why we stand behind it. We want to take the guesswork out of success. Just follow in the footsteps of

others. This list WILL build a strong business. This list WILL build a business that can replace your

current income or drastically change your family’s future.

Star Diamond Krystal Boyle, she said the Rockstar Tracker was the “secret sauce” of her success. She

said if you follow it daily, you can’t help but succeed. She is PROOF that it works. She was 100 percent

committed to it. In 5 months in the business, she earned $4K, lost 14 pounds and helped 120 people

lose 500 lbs. You can’t achieve that by chance. You need a daily plan.

Some days, you’ll miss something (a workout), other days you’ll do extra (taking care of challengers),

but over the course of the week, you’ve repeatedly done these nine things.


1. Workout & Drink Shakeology

2. Be Social (3 engaging posts on social media, one related to health/fitness) and Grow Your Reach

(add 5 people to your network, in person or on FB, IG, Twitter, LinkedIN or Pinterest)

3. Take Care of existing challengers/customers

4. Team Building (make a personal connection, add names to your “prospect list,” find out how BB

might help their life/goals, when they’ve indicated that they might be interested in knowing more,

invite to an opportunity call)

5. Personal Development (John Maxwell, Dani Johnson, Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma or

someone YOU like)

6. Stay in the Know (breaking news on Online Office, call recordings, live calls, TRSF FB page)

7. Invite (2 to 5 people to a challenge)

8. Follow up (reply to all BB emails, FB messages, calls and leads in 24 hours)

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9. Communicate with the downline (email, call, text your PS coaches, or your entire downline, host

team calls, zooms, local meetings, and communicate in your own FB page)

So, we’re including something in Rock the Basics 2.0 that has proved to have incredible results. This is

a technique that other top leaders in the network use in their “push to diamond groups.” We’re using

it here because we know you’re ready for it. In addition to the daily lesson and assignment, we want

you to report what items you completed on the list every day, Monday through Friday. Don’t worry;

we have included days to catch up on this. Don’t worry about having time to give detail each day most

days we’ll simply ask you to report like this: 1. Rockstar Tracker – 1,2,3,4,7 and 8

Rockstars, we can load your notebook and heads with tools. But the reality is, daily action is the secret



HW #1: Get out your Rockstar Tracker. Need it? Here is the link to the FILES tab on TRSF FB.

Hopefully you already downloaded it in Rock the Basics 1.0. If you have modified it or use something

different, tell us what you use. Beachbody just completely revised their business activity tracker (BAT)

and used OURS as their template! Put your hands up for Team Rockstar Fit. You can find the corporate

version in your coach online office.

HW #2: Compete the ENTIRE tracker today (all the ones that are relevant -- numbers 3 and 9 depend

on what your business looks like.) Give us details for each one.

For example:

Rockstar Tracker -

1. T25 Speed 2.0, yoga and drank a vanilla shake with peanut butter for lunch.

2. Posted three times on FB and one on IG. Shared a recipe for dinner, a parenting tip, a great quote

and a picture of me walking the dog in the snow. I added 5 people to my network by meeting and

friend requesting people on Healthy Cooking Like Page.

3. I posted a tip on staying hydrated in the winter in my on-going FB group for customers.

4. I messaged a friend from college about her family’s upcoming spring break vacation and told her

that our team could help her save money for it. Set a time to chat on Friday. I added 2 names to my

memory jogger list.

5. Read 15 minutes of Focal Point by Brian Tracy and shared a favorite quote on my FB page.

6. I spent 10 minutes on the TRSF FB page scanning through updates and checked my Coach Online

Office breaking news.

7. I sent 3 texts to friends in other states inviting them to the 21-day SLIMDOWN with me.

8. I responded to an email from a customer about the P90X3 food plan and an email from a prospect. I

attached an opportunity webinar for him to review.

9. I sent an email to my two coaches about Summit that they can start earning money for now. I

invited my coaches to meet for a zoom on Saturday.

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Example of a great post from Star Diamond Lindsey Thompson’s FB page: “As moms, we can get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else that we forget about ourselves. But we are better when we focus on our needs too! Our kids are looking up to us for how to live their lives... Let's give them something we want them to copy! Before I found my soulmate workout and got fit (I can do push ups on my toes now!), I didn’t have the energy to play with my kids like I do now. I was a good mom, but now I’m a happy, fit mom, too. Live healthy and it gets passed on.” Lesson: Gary Vaynerchuk is a 38-year-old self-made millionaire and social media marketer whose book “Jab,

Jab, Jab, Right Hook” teaches people how to capitalize on the power of social media. The title is

borrowed from the boxing world, of course. The Jab keeps the fight alive. The Right Hook is the knock

out punch. In the social media world, it means “Give, Give, Give, then ASK” For example, give

inspiration, give funny stories, give fitness tips, then… Ask. The key is to NOT make the “gives” feel or

sound like a sale. Just give without expecting something in return. You’ll build up trust and you’ll build

up curious followers. Then when you DO have something to ASK, they are more tuned in and their

guard is down.

From Trina: “I read this book on vacation and experienced so many “ah-hah” moments. It is very

relevant to our lives as coaches and entrepreneurs. I HIGHLY recommend it to you. The main lesson is

that your words or pictures have to tell a story, engage, entertain, teach or inspire. You cannot, even

in the slightest way, overtly sell. People are on social media to be social. Make all of your posts fit one

of those five categories.

Look at these two made-up posts: “I am starting a P90X3 challenge group next month. It includes

martial arts, yoga and lots of hardcore strength. Who wants a great deal on a fitness program? “


“The last time I tried yoga, I laughed the whole time. My friend and I were trying to be one with the

earth, but honestly we both kept falling! I’m hoping that a shorter yoga workout in my living room will

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be a better experience. I just got this 30-min video in the mail and I’m going to bust it out. Watch out

mother earth, I am going to rock a tree pose!”

If you use the second one, you’ll get people’s attention, they’ll laugh, or comment back or they’ll

engage. You’re getting conversation started. Someone might say: “Why are you doing Yoga” or “What

did you get in the mail?” That is what you want to have happen. Then the door is open! As Julie

Voorhies on our team said, “don’t invite them to a challenge group off the bat, invite them to world of

health and fitness and let it unfold from there.”


HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed

HW #2: Tell me one thing you learned in this social media lesson above. Make a great post today.

HW #3: HERE IS A BONUS LESSON on social media for you to review. **� This is a live presentation from my friend and Superstar Diamond Brigitte Linford. She's a mom of three who has built her dream life after overcoming struggle (she doesn't share this in the video, but she and her husband were bankrupt and she was suffering depression when she found the business, it changed her whole life). She did a presentation at a recent Super Saturday on "social media dos and don'ts." I filmed it for her and think the content was fantastic. I'd suggest you take the time to watch it today! You CAN share the link with your coaches, if you want. Just don't put it on your newsfeed. The link is unlisted, but Brigitte said we are welcome to use it. After you watch it (save for the weekend if you need to), share TWO takeaways.

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Want to be a leader? Follow the clues left by successful leaders! Meet Tiffanie Smith, a TRSF diamond coach who runs her business as a stay-at-home mom.

Here is a summary of her story. See how to tie an invite to her story. We want YOU to share your story. Inspire, provoke curiosity and then have conversations. This feels much better than selling. “Getting fit changed my body, my family, my life and even my faith. I lost my dad at 25-years-old. My life went into a tailspin of weight gain and sadness. He had been my biggest supporter and he was gone. Almost 9 years later, my life is rebuilt and strong. I’m a mom of two, married to a wonderful man and have found my calling helping other women get fit and love themselves. In the past year, with my on-line challenge groups, I’ve helped 50 people lose 300 lbs. I’m making a dent in my corner of the world. In two weeks, I am starting a 21-day group for women who want to lose 8-10 lbs and feel stronger. I will be providing a very easy-to-follow 30-minute workout, 5 days a week, meal planner, and the nutritious meal replacement shake. Basically everything I used to lose all my baby weight and then some. If you want to get in this group or know someone who may be interested too, PM me! Success awaits you...Guaranteed.”

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To share your story, consider this great formula. 1. Here is where I was growing up… 2. Here is my past… 3. These were my dreams… 4. This is how I got off-track or dissatisfied… 5. What happened that started to change everything… 6. Why and How it worked… 7. Where I am now… 8. Where I’m going next… 9. Here is how I can help you! IMPORTANT NOTE: So, we all have many stories and many pasts. For this story, think about what relates to Beachbody, either your past career, struggles with fitness or nutrition, how fitness helped you out in a tough time in your life, struggles with finances or moving someplace new and finding a new path. Pick something! The more we develop our own story and learn how others have been impacted by fitness, the savvier we become as coaches. There is so much value, emotion and power in people’s words. This whole business is about building relationships, helping people solve their problems and changing lives. Your impact (and your paycheck) is determined by how many lives you help and how deep you impact them.


HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: Write out your story following this formula. Just a sentence or two for each one above. YES YOU CAN. Include here.

HW #3: Find ONE way to share YOUR story today. Ideas: Post a paragraph of it on your FB page, use a picture and pull a line from your story as a quote (text on photo app), film a short YouTube video, or write an email to friends and tell them it's part of your work in your new business to share how fitness has impacted you. As people respond, click LIKE, or comment, private message them! Ask them one or two of the same questions that you answered! Remember you're building relationships (first) and looking for people who may need the 21-Day SLIMDOWN or future challenge with you. Post a link of what you did, tag your coach, or tell us who you emailed.

HW #4: Tune into the Team Rockstar Fit Call TONIGHT! You won't want to miss this business meeting!!! We will post the pre-recorded Zoom promptly at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST with LIVE TRIVIA following on the TRSF page! Hear about the drive it takes to become a successful Beachbody Coach! We will give recognition and give away Rock$tar swag!! You'll get to hear from a team of 3 successful Diamond+ leaders within TRSF. Rachel Doyle, Mallory Burroughs and Nikki Schneider will share their process on DUPLICATING DIAMONDS! Learn about their own journey and how they have shared systems and best practices with each other. Find out how they work together and still grow as leaders individually! You won't

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want to miss this one! See you there!

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FRIDAY, Day 5 – Give Up Excuses and Keep Inviting

Today, we have a great audio to listen to from personal development guru and direct marketing Rockstar Dani Johnson. She shares her number one secret to success. The question is, are YOU ready for it? Listen and share your top THREE takeaways. HOMEWORK - HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed. HW #2: Listen to Dani Johnson’s audio and share your top THREE takeaways. HW #3: You’ve been inviting every day with your Rockstar Tracker. But today, put out 5 more *personal* invites or follow-ups to our upcoming 21-day SLIMDOWN.

Here are more details and words to help you talk about it: -Kickoff date- deadline to RSVP and order is NO later than “DATE” -Their ONLY investment is to order a box of Shakeology HD from you (or a challenge pack, if they need a fitness program). Suggest a variety box. - They'll get guaranteed results, a simple, clean-eating food plan, team support, a month of meals, a motivating coach and a chance to win GREAT prizes! -That is a LOT of crazy added value for just the cost of daily lunches! -Who needs the 21-Day SLIMDOWN? Anyone at a plateau, anyone overcoming winter weight gain, anyone with a busy schedule, anyone who wants to fit in their jeans better, anyone...! -This is the most affordable and smart way to stay on track during a busy time of year. They will basically have a "coach on speed dial" for 21-days, with 24/7 access to a private, Facebook group that will be blowing up with support! -You can run the group on your own, or you can group up with other coaches in our Rock the Basics (or your up-line) to run it together.

Inviting Tips:

- Like you did for your HOMEWORK assignment yesterday, create a cute post and just start private conversation with people who click LIKE or message you back. - Use the coach mobile tool to send their exact order and have them forward you their confirmation!

- Are you hitting brick walls with your invites? “No” is just a little bump on the road to “yes.” Remember that most people do need time to make a decision, but they also need to hear/see/feel your message repeatedly. Also remember, they are busy people too, so when someone expresses

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interest in your offerings, but they aren’t quite ready to sign on the dotted line, they can often be persuaded with a polite follow up.

HW#4: Share two takeaways from last nights Team Zoom recording! If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, tell us when you plan to.

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SATURDAY, DAY 6 – TOOLS to Build a TEAM! **MOST important lesson of 2.0 – save it!

We're pouring on the team building tools. Why?

Because success in this business is in growing a team of coaches, not selling. You can only reach so

many people with your own invites and running your own groups. What if you taught others to do the

same? We can change a l lot more lives and Beachbody will reward you for it.

Nothing is more fun than being part of a TEAM! Others want to feel like they belong to something too.

Don’t underestimate the power of that when you are recruiting and inviting.

You are on a team with your sponsor and also a part of the larger Team Rockstar Fit. We are a

fast-growing team of success stories, led by nearly 100 diamonds, two superstar diamonds and many

Elite and star diamond coaches with their own teams within our larger team! Do you feel the power of

our team? Part of your role as a coach is to help grow our team by inviting people to join you. As

you’ve learned, growing a team is the smartest way to run a Beachbody business. Most likely, you will

always run challenge groups and help people achieve fitness results. But when you show people how

to duplicate what you’ve done, your success becomes exponential. Read that sentence again. Write it


THIS LESSON IS KILLER – you need this.

In our experience, there are FIVE reasons people become a coach (warning: not everyone sees

themselves as a "coach," use terms & descriptions below that fit them).

1. To get a 25% savings on their own products, to stay on track with their own fitness & to help you

build your team (Think about family & friends. Think "Sam's Club membership")

2. All of the above, plus get paid for referrals. (Think about customers who like the products & have

gotten great results & people are asking them about what they've done.)

3. All of the above, plus turn their fitness hobby into real income. (Think about avid fitness

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enthusiasts, triathletes, group ex junkies and runners who have other "day jobs" but would love to be

involved in fitness.)

4. All of the above, plus they already have a career in fitness & wellness this is an easy thing for them

to add to it. It's a way of helping more people & make more money doing what they already do. (Think

about fitness instructors, personal trainers, dieticians, chiropractors, etc).

5. They are not in fitness and have not been a challenger, but are interested in business and being a

part of a very reputable fitness company with a solid compensation plan. They are already successful

or interested in business and willing to learn this one. (entrepreneurs, friends in business, people

who’ve been in network marketing before and like the idea of working for themselves).

Here are some ways to refer to what you do, besides saying you’re a “coach.”

It depends on who YOU are and WHO you are talking to!

You can say you: manage an on-line fitness support group, you coordinate a clean eating support

Facebook group, you organize monthly virtual boot camps, or you help people start their own fitness


Do you remember that 71% of diamond coaches started as customers? What an endorsement. You

need to take great care of your customers and then "call them up to the big leagues" of coaching

when you see that they are ready to contribute on a greater level. Look for people who shine! Use this

visual from today's lesson to remind you how special it can feel for someone to get "called up" or

invited! You're not asking a favor, you're giving them an opportunity to play big! It can change your

business and help you discover amazing coaches...who may be right under your nose!

But coaches do NOT always come from challenge groups! Coaches can be people who are interested

in earning an income, having an at-home business, being on a team and getting fit themselves! Don’t

limit yourself to your challengers. You CAN invite people to your team even if they are not in love with

Beachbody programs (yet!)


HW #1: Write 2-3 names of people you know for each of the five categories. Share first names below.

Start reconnecting. Just reach out, see what they’ve been up to, ask questions.

HW #2: Save ALL of these resources to your smart phone, your notes, keep the links. Listen as you

can. Try to get through them all during this training. Tell us what you learned.

1. Opportunity Webinar. It’s 40-minutes long and Trina talks about different people who all find

success in Beachbody – from a stay at home mom to a personal trainer. She shows pictures inside a

challenge group and talks about what Beachbody is and what it is not. When you can carve out the

time (today, this week!) Take the time to listen, and write down specific phrases or ideas that you like

and want to use when talking about the business in the future.

Watch and list 5 ways you picked up that will improve your conversations about this business.

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This is a powerful lesson and can change your business. I know we all WANT to help everyone, that doesn’t work. It’s a crowded marketplace and people get bombarded with messages of weight loss, fitness and nutrition from all angles — tv, magazines, social media. People also hear about all kinds of business opportunities. They will chose YOU and Beachbody if they NOTICE you and LIKE you! Read that again. If you want to be HEARD and NOTICED, you have to BE SPECIFIC on who you want to help (both customers and coaches). I know you think you’re shutting the door on people, you’re not. You’re opening the door to success by developing an expertise, a niche! (e.g. maybe you want to help stay at home moms with 40+ lbs to lose, maybe you want to help former athletes get back in shape, maybe you want to help executives make time to get healthy, maybe you want to help trainers grow their reach, maybe you want to help people who hate their jobs earn a new income). The best advice is to help people LIKE YOU! When you are sharing your story, or inviting people to challenge groups or coaching, think about what would inspire YOU to take action? What things matter to YOU in life? Tell them that! Also, as you’re building your brand as a health coach, share all parts of your life that differentiate you. (healthy cooking for kids, travel, hobbies, sports, caring for aging parents, faith, scuba diving!) Be you and people like you will notice you. But always put your best foot forward! Today’s video is really great. Kick back and listen. You’ll meet Josh Spencer. He is not on TRSF. He was a guest speaker on our diamond call and is the founder of Team Next Level. Josh is a former top coach who shared his journey from the bottom to the top. He fought hard give his family complete freedom. He is unabashedly himself, he targets guys like him (again, know your niche). He cares about people, he doesn't use sales trainings, he teaches his team to ask a lot of questions and make solid recommendations. He teaches his coaches to create their own success stories. Many great takeaways.

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But truly, we can all learn from this. Keep it simple, focused and work at it like your life depended on it… HOMEWORK: 1. Who are YOU? Tell us 6 things that describe you and your life. Start posting and talking about those things more. That is your niche. 2. What did you like best about Josh’s story?

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HOMEWORK – HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: Listen to today’s National Wake Up Call and post at least two takeaways below.

HW #3: Get on your zoom. Share one thing you learned and why you like our virtual meetings.

Our live ZOOMS will start TODAY - Here are the times and links:

Schedule & Links

6am PST/ 7am MT/ 8 am CST/9 am EST

Nickie Carrigan -

Dial:1 646 568 7788 l Meeting ID: 128 474 703   

12pm PST/1pm MST/ 2pm CST/ 3pm EST

Mendy Shriver -

3pm PST/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CST/ 6pm EST

Natalie Tanase-

Dial: 1 646 568 7788 | Meeting ID: 581 246 362

6 pm PST/7 pm MT/ 8 pm CST/9 pm EST

Stacy Van Dam - 1 646 568 7788 l Meeting ID: 917 546 902


6pm PST/ 7pm MT/ 8pm CST/9pm EST

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Cassie Showerman - Zoom Link

Dial: +1 415 762 9988 Meeting ID: 432 205 3213





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The fact is, we all got our start with Beachbody in our own unique way. Some of you jumped on board

after having success in a Challenge group, others joined because they trusted their friend, and some

just want to earn extra income in fitness and this sounded fun! We have all found our way to where

we are now, and the road has been bumpy and curvy. There is definitely a learning curve to becoming

a successful Beachbody coach.

Now that YOU are bringing coaches on the team, it's time to give you some tools to shorten their

learning curve. It starts with how you welcome them. TWO things matter: 1. Get to know them and

their fears and goals. 2. Give them a SIMPLE plan of action (share Shakeology with 3 friends, run a free

challenge, clean up their social media, tell 5 friends and family about their new business, set their own

fitness goals, start with personal development). YOU have to help decide WHAT they need first, but

those are all good examples.

Trina revised a New Coach Welcome email for YOU to use, edit, and personalize as you wish! You can't

just copy and paste, you NEED to read it and personalize a few sections to your new coach.

Here are the GSR10 questions that Trina sends to new coaches and uses this as a guide for the GSR call. You can edit anyway you want, but this helps with a focused conversation. These are also in the new coach welcome email listed above. GSR10 QUESTIONS to send prior to your GSR: 1. Your basics – where you live, what you do, career path, education, hobbies, family 2. Your journey with fitness – always active, overweight as a kid, athlete, injuries, health issues, what you do for your own workouts, (For trainers - how did you get into fitness as a career), etc. 3. Your beliefs about nutrition— Have you used Shakeology? Has it helped you? Why did you start? How is your personal nutrition? Where do you struggle? Do you cook? Anything interesting about works or you to eat healthy? (For trainers - Do you currently coach your clients on nutrition? How?)

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4. Two words that describe you. 5. What part of adding Beachbody to your life and career excites you? 6. What part, if any, scares you or makes you nervous? 7. How do you want Beachbody and my coaching to impact your life in the next 3 months? - specific monthly income goal, meet new people, expand your reach? 8. Why did you join? What was deciding factor? What made it “click?” 9. Who is your support system in your business or life? Who did you tell about this, or who can you tell that this is important to you? 10. When you signed up, what did you think a coach really does? If you aren’t sure, that’s fine!

Homework -

HW #1: Read the New Coach Welcome Email and save it to your computer. Read it again. Watch the

embedded videos. Write "done."

HW #2: Personalize the email for at least ONE of your coaches (even if he/she has been a coach for a

while). Personalize it and send it as a practice and then he/she will have it for future reference! Tell us

who you sent it to.

HW #3: If you do NOT have a coach yet, stop. Pull out your list of names and start connecting again.

Who have you talked to that would benefit from this business? Follow up with three people today.

Why did you think of them and what's in it for them (review the lesson from earlier this week), etc.

Write 3 names.

HW #4. Save the GSR10. Write done.

HW #5. OPTIONAL: For the HARD CHARGER. Listen to Trina’s call for Platinum Presenters on asking

questions on a GSR. If you need help leading a GSR, this is a GREAT resource. Share two takeaways.

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Today, we’re talking logistics. Coach Placement and Rank. It’s a tricky subject, but it can be learned. There is strategy behind it. Don’t just randomly place your coaches. Learn it. Ask questions as you have coaches signing on. The basics: To be Emerald, you need to be active with 50 PV. You need an active coach on your right and left. To be diamond, you need 4, active PS coaches on your right and left. At least one of the active coaches on each side needs to be an emerald. You need 100 PV for Diamond. But that is just the bare bones. Understanding the basics of the binary pay plan.

Your strong leg is the leg you are on of your sponsor. If you don’t know, ask. You “should” have other coaches added to this leg by coaches above you. Basically, they are helping you build one side of your business, which is very important later when you are earning team cycle bonuses. You also need to add coaches to this side. Don’t worry if your personally sponsored coaches end up “farther down” the line. The fact that other coaches are also getting added there is good and will also benefit them. So, yes, it’s okay if you have other people’s coaches between you and your personally sponsored coaches. They all add to your team volume.

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Your inside leg is called your weak leg and you build this one on your own with your PS coaches and their coaches. As you build, a lot of your focus goes here because you want to be able to earn team cycle bonuses. If you have a growing, strong leg with your sponsor, you are in great shape to tap into the bonus by adding to your own weak leg. All the coaches placed under you on both sides matter to your bonus and you should help anyone who needs it! On both sides, weak and strong, you want to place your coaches on the outside bottom of each leg to benefit as many coaches as possible and teach your coaches to do the same. This will form an upside down “V.” Learn how to set preferred placement accurately. Go to My Business -> My preferred placement. Set preferred placement to the correct spot before each time you sign up a coach. You’ll also teach your coaches to build their own “inside/weak legs.” In general, stack your business builders on your weak leg to help drive volume there. But in reality, you never really know who is going to take off in the business and eventually you need strong coaches on each side to grow in star diamond rank.

If a coach gets placed incorrectly, you have 5 business days to move him/her. To do so, email [email protected] from the email account you have on file. Give your coach ID and the existing coach ID of the coach you want to move. Then explain where they should be moved. For example, This is coach Tara Jones, id 104651. Please move my new coach Jane Smith, id 156687 to my bottom left leg, under Joe Thompson’s left side. Thank you.”


HW #1: Read the lesson above. Tell us one thing you learned.

HW #2: Download the coach policies and procedures from the bottom link of your coach on-line office. There is so much that can be learned from this document. It is the rules of your business. You need it. Starting on page 37, you’ll see diagrams and details of ranks and requirements. It’s never too early to familiarize with this. You are in 2.0 and on your way to business building. Print this out! Write “done.”

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Page 27: Attend 2 out of the 3 Zoom Calls Hit Success Club 5 … · by author Jeff Olsen AND Go Pro by author Eric Worre. We will reference one lesson from each of these books in 2.0, ...

So, unless you've been living under a rock, you've already heard of Beachbody’s Success Club. In fact, many of you have made it before! But do you understand all the benefits and can you explain it to YOUR future coaches? Let us help! Aside from great trips (like Cancun 2015 and a cruise in 2016!) Achieving Success Club is one of the key goals for this training so check out this video: Success Club is a simple way to measure your business growth. To compare it to fitness, people who need to lose weight often try to lose a healthy 1-2 pounds per week. That means, they are cutting (or burning) 3,500 to 7,000 calories per week. It’s not guesswork, it’s simple math. But some people just don’t commit to the daily action it takes to achieve that weight loss – drinking water, getting sleep, daily exercise, healthy food, etc. Right? But anyone CAN do it --it’s just a simple equation! The same is true for Success Club. We know from Beachbody's research that coaches who achieve Success Club do better. It’s that simple. They make more money, build stronger teams and get more satisfaction! So, if you knew that hitting a minimum of FIVE points per month guarantees success, would you make it happen? YES! Remember, all points are not created equal. (Don’t worry, they all count in your total, but some help your business more in the long run). In other words, SC points that come from enrolling new coaches with Shakeology or a Challenge Pack will have a much bigger impact on your business (team bonus) than enrolling customers. Why? Coaches have more potential to change their own lives and others, physically & financially, and will help you grow your team. Of course, many of your points will come from customers as you are always running challenges, but make it a goal of having at least 1 point per month come from a new coach. (POD LEADER – insert YOUR story, or use mine) FROM TRINA: I have reached Success Club every month since October 2012. At first I thought it was just a gimmick. I avoided it. But when I finally woke up and realized it was the real deal, my business changed! I'm making more money, growing faster, feeling momentum in my business and oh....and I'm went a fully-paid cruise, with dozens of other Rockstars--just by getting at least 5 points (points represent helping PEOPLE!) each month! We worked out on deck with Celebrity trainers, and had a blast. SUCCESS CLUB SHOULD BE YOUR GOAL EVERY MONTH IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS BUSINESS.

Wait, there’s more! ☺ Did you know that earning Success Club as an Emerald level coach is another

way to earn free customers? That’s like free money, ya’ll! And YOU want to be a part of it! Here are a

few stories from team's leaders about how the customer LEAD program can be awesome.

Danielle's story: Danielle has been a part of the lead program for over 3 years! She has helped BB

customers from all over the country find their ideal workout and Shakeology. She has signed up two

coaches from her free leads! You WANT to be a part of the customer LEAD program!


HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: Watch the Success Club video and read the post. List 3 benefits of Success Club.

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HW #3: Tell TWO people in your life about your goal of reaching SC every month and ask them to

cheer you on and keep you accountable. (Star-diamond Ashley Mahaffey tracks hers on a white board

in her kitchen so her kids can see and make it a family goal!) Write the names of who you told.

HW #4: Go to to read more about the trip for 2016 and

consider getting your name on the wait list!

HW #5: Get more SC points. Check out this short video from Diamond Coach Shelly Levi in Arizona.

She’s ALWAYS in our Top 10 of Success Club producers on TRSF. Get her FIVE tips.

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We created a cutting-edge, easy-to-implement system for the team! It’s called the 21-Day Slimdown.

You can use it "as is" or you can tweak to fit your style! Many of you have seen it, or been in one, but

here is your chance to really dive in and lead one. Download the .zip file here.

BUSINESS TIP: We have seen HUGE success on our team from coaches who have implemented a short

(4-day FOCUS or 5-day CLEAN) in their business every month, along with a longer 21-day challenge

each month. It’s a SIMPLE formula for success. Use it. You can give your 21-Challenge different

themes. (Spring Break SLIMDOWN, Winter MELTDOWN, 21-day BOOTY CAMP, etc). You can have

people pick ANY fitness program, or just Shakeology and be in a 21-day program together. Yes! That

works! Of course, with the 21-day FIX and 21-day FIX EXTREME, it is a great fit for long-term success.

People do well committing for 21-days, they get great results and you can keep repeating monthly

with different themes to keep them engaged! Consider starting the 1st Monday of the month for the

rest of the year. Partner with coaches on your team or ones you meet in Rock the Basics.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to run challenges, create raving fans, earn SC points and build your

team!!! You have everything you need, what matters now is that you BELIEVE in your success, SEE

your success and run this with ENERGY. You have to have the right mindset and internal drive; the file

can take you only so far...!

You'll want to upload the participant guide, food plan and Shakeology benefits chart to your private

FB group. The coaching guide is all the tips, posts and short cuts for YOU as a coach! Save, print,

review! This doesn't get posted in your group. You'll also find two different logos to pick from to

promote on FB or make as your FB banner. Aren't they cool? Or make your own!

p.s. Not sure how to open a .zip file? Google it. Let's BLOW THIS UP and make everyone wonder why


RESOURCE: A thriving business has thriving challenge groups that serve as a constant feeder system

for new coaches, new SC points and of course NEW success stories! At TRSF day at Beachbody

Summit, a few of our star diamond leaders shared their secret sauce for challenge groups. Success

leaves clues! Take what works for them and make it your own!!!

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RESOURCE: Trina shared a ton of challenge group tips from TRSF on the June 30th National Wake Up

Call. Fast forward to 25 minutes in to hear her tips on being a product of the product AND for putting

your personal touch on your challenge groups. If you already heard it, go back and review your notes

OR listen again!


HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: Open the file, save all the 21-Day Slimdown docs to your computer. READ through the

material. Write done.

HW #3: Create your private FB group and upload the files needed in the FB group and make a

personalized banner featuring your leaders (see the sample above). Write done.

HW #4: Share two takeaways from Summit video and two takeaways from Trina’s call.

HW #5: Get FIRED UP! Tell us how you feel!! If you are running a different challenge, tell us what ideas

you are using from the 21-Day SLIMDOWN

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(Leaders, WRITE some of your own insights and observations at the top of this one, what have you

noticed about the group, what lessons did they do really well with this week, what did YOU learn, let

them feel YOUR energy, your personality!)

As promised, it's a time to breathe, catch up and review the lessons from the week - the National Wake Up Call, Success Club, presenting the business, writing your story, sharing your story, prepping for the Slimdown, etc. 1. What did YOU like the best? 2. What are you doing to rest and rejuvenate this weekend?

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SUNDAY, Day 14 – DESIGN Your Day for Success with Time Management

There are few things in life more frustrating than feeling scattered and unproductive. Do you agree? (I

see heads nodding). There is no glory in rushing around. No medal for having the busiest day. You will

start "winning" in life when you learn to have the most productive day. When your head hits your

pillow, you know exactly what you accomplished and you smile.

Success is created one day at a time. You have to learn how to design, engineer and carry out a

successful day. It's a skill, it's something you learn to master. The goal is NOT to work non-stop. The

goal is to know WHAT matters to you, schedule that in your day, and get those things done. If you

need to earn a living, or bring in income to your family, or you want to build a new career or any

career, your coaching business needs to be a part of your day, of course! But it doesn't need to be the

only thing on your to-do list.

A successful day can mean that you completed your Rockstar Tracker, enjoyed a healthy family

dinner, had a smooth day in your "other job" (if you have one, or home with kids), spent 30 minutes

on the phone with your sister, helped your child with science homework, took your dog on a walk,

and wrote out a few thank you cards. There are a lot of roles covered in that day and specific things

were completed.


HW #1: Diamond coaches Amy Schomann and Sharon Johnson attended the Beachbody sponsored

Franklin Covey seminar on time management recently and filmed a short video in December to share

tips they implemented. Watch it and share at least ONE thing you learned that you WILL do.


HW #2: Decide right now to take control of your calendar. Assign ACTION items to BLOCKS of time.

Then stick to it. Show us a picture of your new calendar for the week (on your phone, on your laptop).

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Assign tasks to your calendar or they will never get done.

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HOMEWORK – HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: Listen to today’s National Wake Up Call and post at least two takeaways below.

HW #3: Get on your zoom. Share one thing you learned and why you like our virtual meetings.





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TUESDAY, Day 16 - Are you ready to GO PRO & GET OVER IT?

In the book Go Pro (Have you bought it yet?), author Eric Worre shares what most people describe as

their "ideal job." There are a few things that most people say they do NOT want - a rude boss, a

commute, dealing with office politics. There are a few things they DO want - something

positive/meaningful, time freedom and fun coworkers.

WOW - do you see what I see? Not only does owning a network marketing/direct sales business offer

all of these, but Team Beachbody makes it a slam dunk. YOU are your boss, your commute is reaching

your laptop or smartphone and there is no office where people gossip around the water cooler!

As a coach, you are helping change lives, which is meaningful, you have as much time and financial

freedom as you are willing to create, and I'm pretty sure Team Rockstar Fit has some fun "coworkers"

for you to meet and grow with, right?

Eric says that there is one "catch" to network marketing that some people never get past - you have

to deal with criticism, judgment from ignorant people. Do you "get" that? I bet you've all had friends

and family look down on what you're doing and say "that never works" or "no one ever makes it" or "I

tried that once." Are you willing to stand tall and be proud? You must.

A story from Trina: “When I first got started in the business, I only had one family member join, out of

14 possible siblings and in-laws, and one high school friend out of hundreds. Neither one stayed with

it. Why? Because I wasn't ready to lead a team, I was still "hiding" behind this business of network

marketing, wanting to succeed but not willing to embrace it. I was whispering about it. It was hidden

in the closet. You get it.

Once I decided that I was ready to change my life, my future with this business, I literally dove in with

my commitment. Why did I dive in? People make decisions (large and small) all the time based on

input from others. What school to send their kids to, what neighborhood to live in what hotel to stay

in, what movie to see... Why is this different? I'm fully willing to recommend a fitness program, an

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on-line support group, a health food shake, a business opportunity or mastermind team that can solve

a problem for them. Why hide it? We have all of that to offer.

If you love something, others should know.

If health and fitness has changed your life, others should know.

If you have a way to create more free time and choices, others should know.

You don't have to tackle everyone you know with your "pitch." But you do have to consider everyone

you know, and everyone you meet (and you need to be willing to meet people!) as someone who you

could help. I met my diamond coach and good friend Nickie Carrigan on an airplane. She was reading

a fitness magazine and we struck up conversation and stayed in touch. It’s worked out great for us

both! But what if I’d been afraid to meet her!

This business has changed my present and my future. I can donate, buy, give, share almost anything I

want and I can live debt free before the age of 40. WHY NOT YOU?

You have to WANT to be a business owner in network marketing. Yes. Get over it. But that doesn’t

mean you need to become a slick sales person. Part of being a successful coach is learning how a

network marketing company works and the skills you need to succeed. Study the compensation plan

and how it all works. Study this book. Study other leaders in this business. You have to build a team.

You have to be willing to help lead a team. Lucky for us, we have a lot of shoulders to lean on and

stand on!"

HOMEWORK – HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed. HW #2: Share your own hang-up about network marketing. Then write "Get Over It!" HW #3: Share a short story of a friend or family member who has criticized you. Then write "Get Over It!" HW #4: Time to revisit WHY you want this. Tell us 3 reasons why this business is a great job for you.

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Are you DREAMING BIG about YOUR business? Is the level of success you desire equal to the amount of sacrifices you are willing to make to get there? It’s fun to hear from real coaches who have earned real success within Team Beachbody. The thing about success is that it is not “one size fits all”. Only YOU can define what success looks like for your life and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there. For example, if you want greater success in your marriage you may have to sacrifice watching TV to learn more about your spouse instead. If you want to lose 10lbs for your class reunion you’ll have to sacrifice the beer and brats at the baseball game. If you want to gain more you must willing to give more and by “give” we mean giving up some parts of your life you may really enjoy (like girls night). We have a wide range of levels of success within Team Beachbody and every level is determined by what individual coaches were willing to sacrifice. Use this lesson to think hard about what success means to you and HOW you will facilitate that in your life. Check out the two examples below to give you some ideas of what you CAN do when you are your own boss and are driven to change your life. The first example is Team Rockstar Fit’s own Diamond coach Ashley Gibson who started her business as a stay at home mom with two young boys and has been a coach just over a year. The second example is Superstar Diamond and Elite 10 Coach Scottie Hobbs. Both coaches have achieved great success in their businesses but you’ll notice Ashley and Scottie started with different dreams and their sacrifices were shaped by the level of success they desired for themselves. 1. Here is TRSF Coach Ashley Gibson’s story of success and sacrifice. Cool to see how it has evolved in just one year. The success you desire and sacrifices you make can (and hopefully will) evolve too. Give your dreams plenty of room to grow. When Ashley started she would have been happy with $100 extra dollars each month but a year later she has bigger dreams and is making bigger sacrifices.

2. Want more inspiration today? EXCLUSIVE RECORDING WITH Melanie Mitro – 2014 Top Coach. Trina interviewed her for our Diamond leader zoom. She's a SAHM turned millionaire. BAM! She doesn't sell, she inspires. She's the real deal and we want you to check out the recording. WE PROMISE you'll get something out of it. **Awesome stuff.** PASSWORD: TRSF

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HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

HW #2: What did you take from Ashley and Melanie? Did your dream get bigger? What are you willing to sacrifice? ☺

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Meet TRSF star diamond coach, Jodi Redfearn, a mom of three young boys in New Mexico who got involved in Beachbody after being a customer in a short 10-day challenge where she first tried Shakeology and fell in love with how she felt. She signed up as a coach with a T-25 Challenge Pack to get a discount. She was in the midst of moving, she had a newborn and life was hectic. But Jodi really loved the support she got from her coach and was decided to dive into the business and help pay for their new home. She has. She helps other moms get their bodies back after babies and she works with tons of nurses and teachers, specifically. (Find YOUR niche, too!). She runs monthly challenge groups and has even built a team of women like herself! What has her success been? As a coach of 18 months, she’s now earning $3,400 per month! Whoa.

She’s in the best shape of her life, down 30 lbs and has had the honor of watching so many of her

friends get healthy. Jodi has grown as a person, she is a self-proclaimed former pessimist and quitter

who has now found her passion and her drive. Watch out, world, here comes JODI!

NOTE: This business is more about embracing failure than it is about chasing success. Many more

people will say "no" (to joining your challenge, to trying Shakeology, to becoming a coach) than "yes."

They aren't saying "no" to hurt or discourage you. It's just not the right time for them. Or they just

don't know yet. Get over it and continue to work on YOUR personal development. That’s the best



HW #1: Rockstar Tracker: List numbers completed.

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HW #2: Watch this short video on FAILURE

Don't let others' decisions affect YOUR attitude. You have to stay positive, proactive and mentally

tough in order to be successful. Do you get that? Don't get discouraged, get driven. Tell us one thing

that you liked about the failure video.

HW #3: Tell us one EXCUSE you are going to throw out (not enough time, not ready to grow, not fit enough, too many other things on my plate, others have more resources, I don't know enough people, social media too time consuming, blah, blah, blah!) YOU are NOT average! YOU ARE GREAT. Excuses? GET OVER IT! HW #4 BONUS! Did you see the team zoom interview with Jodi Redfearn? Check it out. She overcame a LOT of obstacles to find success. You’ll be inspired! She completely changed her attitude about herself, her self worth, her confidence... she is setting goals for the first time in her life!

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By now, you've learned that hitting Success Club and growing a team is the smartest way to build your future. Teach others what you have learned and you will grow your impact and your income. So, what if you committed to doing both yourself every month AND taught your coaches to do the same? You'd grow exponentially. You decide how strong and fast you want to grow. For example: Moderate pace; SC 5 and 1 new coach per month Accelerated pace: SC10 and 2-4 new coaches per month Rockstar pace: Do either of the above AND teach to YOUR coaches to do the same. Which one fits you? Having the goal is what matters most. Know where you are headed, even if you're not there yet. These are the formulas for success on our team. If you are going to put effort into owning a business, we want you to get the MOST out of it! If YOU follow this formula AND teach your TEAM to do that, you'd have a thriving organization earning

a significant income in just one year. There is a great lesson in network marketing, backed up by

Darren Hardy's teachings in the Compound Effect, called the Power of One. It illustrates the benefit of

adding one new coach per month and then duplicating that on your entire team. You could earn up to

$22K per year in team cycle bonuses with such consistent and duplicated growth. You get the picture?

Build a business and teach others to do the same. Wash, rinse, repeat.

HW #1: What did you learn from this lesson? Share it with YOUR coaches.

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HW #1: Use this weekend to get caught up on the lessons. Don’t leave this behind until you’ve

conquered it.

HW #2: Connect with YOUR sponsor coach and ask any questions you may have on kicking off and

running a 21-day Challenge. Set up regular times to connect with your sponsor (we suggest at least

1-2 times per month as you’re growing your business!)

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PERSONAL MESSAGE and tag your SPONSOR. If not, keep working on it and post this when you DO!

HW #2: KICKOFF your 21-day Challenge and BE AMAZING. Connect, inspire, make amazing things

happen!!! It should be your HUGE focus for the next 21 days. Make it fun, do random acts of fitness,

collect success stories, help them, listen to them, lead them!

HW #3: Share your results with us. Give us specific results from the past three weeks. Did you add

coaches? Earn SC points? Earn commissions? Kick off your 21-Day SLIMDOWN? Get more fit? Make

new friends? Tell us your top two.

***What's next? So much. It's all up to you.***

1. Monthly TRSF Team Zooms on the 1st Thursday of month 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST.

2. Stay active on our TRSF FB group.

3. Stay connected to THESE coaches you met in the group! Friend request each other. .

4. Get YOUR new coaches into training. A new Rock the Basics Prep Class group starts the first

Monday of each month!

5. If you graduated, (Emerald and SC 5 and all lessons done and 2 of 3 zooms), get in Rock the

Diamond 3.0! It’s the BOMB!

WHEW! This is not good-bye, this is HELLO to the NEW YOU.

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