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Shri Ghaisas has been teaching

astrology since 18 years and has done B.A in Vedang Jyotish apart from Diploma in Vastu Shastra. He is the Ex-Secretary of Maharashtra Jyotish Parishad & Ex-President of the Examination Board of the same. He has been conferred Jyotishalankar and Jyotishi Shastri award.

Astrology – The Guide Of Vastu

By Sunil Keshav Ghaisas, India

Translation: Mrs Neelam Bennur, India Copy Editor: Carole McMechan & Andree

Leclerc, Canada

strology (Jyotish) is a Vedang i.e. the part of ‘Vedas’ which is said to be the ‘Pratyaksh – Praman’

shastra. The basic elements of this living – non living world are Panchamahabhutas (Five basic elements). The gunas and karakatwas of these elements are further elevated in Astrology. Astrology helps in predicting happy-unhappy events in the life since birth till the last breath of our life. It also helps us in giving loka about wealthy or unwealthy life span, about successes or defeats in our life when we study and keenly observe a horoscope. For example, it can be seen that a person is going to enjoy happiness, success and a prosperous healthy life that the person gets from childhood. An example is he is born and brought up in a well educated, renowned family. On the contrary, if there are malefic planets in the horoscope, the opposite situation is observed. For example, at birth he faces poverty and he has to struggle a lot. In this life he experiences only hardships and no success. A person spends most of his life at home which can mean if there are any ‘shubha yogas – good yogas’ in his horoscope about the ‘Graha Soukhya – Happiness from Grahas’ then he has nice Vastu which is supplementary to these


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‘shubha – yogas’. But if there are ‘kuyogas’ i.e malefic planets in his horoscope then he will have a ‘sadosh vastu’/faulty vastu.

Jyotish is a science of ‘Diga – Kala’ (Directions and Time) i.e. of Directions (Dishas) and Kala (Time) with the help of Panchamahabhutas, constellations (Nakshatra), Rashis, Planets and houses (Bhavas) we get knowledge of this ‘Diga – Kalas’. It is said that ‘Je Pindi Te Brahmandi’. If we want to expand this idea, then the body is a dwelling of the soul. The structure of body, different organs, diseases, qualities or lack of qualities etc can be studied (the art of logical observation) by observing the positions of planets and constellations. There are rules in relation with body and natural cycle which gives us architecture of our house is ‘Vastu Shastra’.

The similarity between the body and house (Vastu) of a person is described in ‘Sant – Vagmay’ i.e Saint’s literature.

Sola sandhe bahattar kothadya Harine kaya rachili,

Navdarvaje, dahavi and khidki at murti baisvily.

Meaning – With 16 joints and 72 rooms God has created a body, 9 doors and tenth window, (in which an idol is established.) In this verse, body and vastu are binded together with an appropriate thread.

strology is related with a human being ultimately via his body. A similarity is observed between Astrology and Vastu. A comparative study of astrology and vastu is keenly observed in ‘Uttarakalamrit’. It is also studied by other scholars of

‘vastushastra’ thereafter. In the efficacy of vastushastra, an article by Kowtha Lalith Manohar, wherein he says that ….

“Vastu and Astrology are two divine sciences with the help of which one can plan to have a peaceful and happy life. These two sciences deal with invisible forces which make our life happy.”

Vastushastra is a science in which its directions and included are the elements such as Panchamahabhutas. Planets, Rashis as well as Lord of Directions and their qualities are studied. As per in astrology in vastushastra also the planets and rashis are representatives of Panchamahabhutas the gunas and karakatwas. According to the gunas Panchatatvas are defined.

The Dnyanendriyas and Karmendriyas (Sense-organs and work-organs) of our body, work according to these panchatatvas.

Akashtatva Akashtatva (Space) is of Shabdaguna (words) and its dnyanendriya is karna (ear) and karmendriya is vaacha (speech). Jupiter is director of Akashtatva and availability of everything is its ‘karya’. In Astrology and Vastu, Jupiter is the Lord of ‘Ishanya’ i.e North – East direction. Vayutatva Vayutatva (Wind) is of Sparsh-guna (touch). Skin (tvacha) is its dnyanendriya (Sense-Organ) and hands are karmendriya. The work of Vayu (karya) is movement, gatherings and disposal. Communication is also governed by it. Saturn is the representative. In astrology and vastu it is the lord of the west.


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Agnitatva Agnitatva (Fire) is of Rupaguna. Eyes are dnyanendriya and feet are karmendriya. To control, clean, lead, to depart, to give knowledge, to guide etc is the work (karya) of Fire. Sun and Mars are the fire planets. Sun, and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius govern East and Mars governs south direction. Jalatatva Jalatatva (Water) is of Rasaguna (Fluids). Rasana (Tongue) is its dnyanendriya while linga (organs) is karmendriya. Happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment is the work of Jalatatva. In the planets of jalatatva, Moon governs North/West (Vayavya) and Venus governs South/East (Agneya). The rashis of Jalatatva governs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and governs the North direction. Prithvitatva Prithvitatva (Earth) is of Gandha Guna (Smell). Nose is dnyanendriya and rectum is karmendriya. Accumulation Dharan (holding capability), neat and tidiness and neat arrangement, etc are the gunas of Prithvitatva. The planet earth, Mercury governs North and Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn governs the South direction.

When we think about the gunas and karya of these panchamahabhutas we see that, what we know or we don’t know, our necessities, happiness, sorrows, ill health, wealth or poverty is included in these gunas or karyas. Our actions are related with these tatvas and so we have to study the planets, rashis and directions of the tatvas which are related with that tatvas. In vastushastra we also study the effects of planets, rashis and direction. For example, if you are a student, you have to consider planets related to knowledge (Dnyana) i.e Sun, Mercury and Jupiter and supplementary directions - East and North. Another example, if we want to deliver some material quickly from a factory, as a moveable planet Moon and Vayutatva representative Saturn and so the directions North and West must be considered.

Is Astrology an Art or Science? This question is also asked about Vastushastra. There are different opinions about both these shastras. Every shastra (Science) has two aspects or

1H East

4H North


7H West


3H West

Jupiter N/E

10H South Mars 7H

West Saturn

4H North


1H East

10H South Mars

6H South

Moon N/W

12H North

Venus S/E

5H East

9H East

8H North

2H South

11H West

2H South

3H West Jupiter is N/E

5H East


South Moon N/W

8H North

9H East

11H West

12H / North Venus is


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parts, and they are Mantras and Tantras. i.e Mantras mean rules used and practical application of these rules is called Tantra. For example: In Music, Ragas, Tal, Notes and their Aaroha and Avaroha are studied and are called Mantras. But only literal knowledge of them is useful in scoring marks in theory exams but to get complete bliss of music the singer has to do Practice or Riyaz. After such Riyaz and the special modification in his singing gives the listener the complete satisfaction of the art of music.

In chemistry also one atom of sulphur, four atoms of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen contribute a molecule of sulphuric acid. Should one want to prepare this substance, one is aware of the difficulties even though one knows the composition of the acid well. This is the same for astrology. There are important rules about Nakshatras (Constellations), Planets, Rashis and Bhavas (Houses) and different ‘Yogas’ between them are the Mantras. The use of these Mantras (even though they are sometimes contradictory) and the experience with them is considered while giving guidance to a Jataka. Also knowing which rules or factors are important and which are not so important is taken into consideration. Predicting is the tantra of Astrology. It means, when shastra (Science) comes in flow - becomes applicable and useful, it can be an art which helps mankind to live more in harmony.

Vastu Shastra also includes Tantra and Mantras. Here we come across some rules about benefic and malefic effects or the rules which tells us about the benefic and malefic effects of vastu. But for practical purposes we can’t apply them exactly as they are stated. It can be explained better with an example.

All the members of a family live in the same house (vastu). So everyone in that house will enjoy the benefics or suffer malefics regarding success, defeats, health, wealth or prosperity and will be observed in every one’s life.

But in actual life we don’t observe this. One member of family may have good health and wealth all through life but another one may suffer ill health periodically. It means whatever he has in his destiny or in his kundali accordingly, he gets benefits of guna doshas of that vastu.

In another example we see that a person gets prosperity in his business in a particular vastu. After him his son runs that business in same vastu but instead of prosperity the business does not prosper. Even though the vastu is built according to rules of vastu shastra it does not become beneficial to all the members of family but everyone gets it’s benefit according to his destiny and for that Astrology helps us. With the simultaneous study of Astrology and Vastu Shastra we get the correct guidance in our life.

The fact or formula accepted by today’s science is that the subtle (or microscopic or atomic) energy is greatest in its effect or it is more powerful. Our Sages were well versed to this information because they only had their intuition. So they created Astrology and Vastushastra for the benefit (wellbeing) of mankind. The scholars thereafter also have stated that astrology is helpful in vastushastra.

The articles by Vastu Scholars Shri S.K.Kelkar, T.S.Vasan, A.Narsinh Ailas, S.Krishnakumar, Konatha Lalitha Manohar, R.G.Rao, U.S.Pullappini, K.S.Anandkumar, K.R.Dasshetty in the book of Vastu – Astrology and Architecture edited by Gayatri Devi and Vasudeva have stated mutual relation between Astrology and Vastushastra. Dr.

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Narendra Sahastrabudha from Pune in his book ‘Vastu – Shiv – Vidnyana’ also explained that for the good results of vastu, study of Astrology is essential.

With the harmonial study of Astrology and Vastu we can have ‘home science’ or ‘Vastukala’. In vastushastra it is said that the entrance at North or Slope on North/ East or North – East direction is benefic. If entrance & slope is on South/West, West/West directions are not beneficial. But at the temple of kulswanini at Tulajapuri the East/North – East is on height while slope is on south and southwest side. Still the faith of this temple is in prosperity and people from all the sections of the society worship it and have faith in it.

It means all the rules are true as rules but can’t be applicable everywhere as it is. It depends upon the fact that for what purpose that vastu is used. What type of work is going on in that vastu. The work that is carried out by the owner of that vastu is an important fact here. The benefic or malefic effects of the entrance of that vastu depends upon this type of work that is carried out.

East, North or North/East directions are beneficial for fire element i.e Agnitatva and Vipravarna’s businesses. But if ones job is of Advocate then the entrance on West will be beneficial for him. So the rules of any shastras cannot be used as it is but they must be modified according to the situations around. The life of a human being is full of good and bad events but if his mind and consciousness are in harmony then in these sweet /sour events also he will get peace of mind and bad effects of the events are minimized.

If we want to live a happy and harmonious life then we have to correlate the elements of nature with the natural phenomenon and events in our life, which is nothing but vastushastra.

Actually I am a student of Astrology but when I started studying vastushastra I have observed that if a particular house in horoscope is malefic then the (complementary) contemporary Doshas are also observed in that Vastu. While if the vastu shows benefic aspects they are also observed in the horoscope of an individual.

E.g. A horoscope shows yoga bestowing high official status, then East side of his Vastu (house), if a Jataka has high education then his house’s North/East side and if one has good Dhanayoga in his Kundali then North – side of his dwelling is Powerful according to Vastushastra rules. On the contrary, if one has no issues or late marriage yoga then west and north – east side or if one meet an accident frequently then south or south /west direction in their home is malefic. Not only this; but ill health, diseases from which we suffer or disabilities occurring etc are also due to minor changes in our vastu. Sometimes these changes are benefic for other member of the same family. Why so? Is the question that arises and answer for this is nothing but the differences that we observe in their horoscopes.

To explain all this we will study some horoscopes and the vastus where they live.

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H. No: 1, Birth Date: 15th, March 1953, Time: 3.30Am, Place: Gandhinagar

This person is a great business man and active in politics. His factory was in prosperity then his brother became a partner in his business. At the same time there was some alteration work was done in the factory premises. After that soon there were some disputes in the partners and the factory had a lock-out. In this horoscope lord of ascendant Saturn is in tenth house and exalted. It is also Vargottama. Lord of tenth house of from Moon Asc, Mars is in third house (house of bravery) in Aries. These two positions of planets are quite remarkable showing the business & political prosperity. But when we think about the relations of the person with his brothers and sisters then we see that the bhava and planets in the 3rd house are afflicted. The lord of 6th house, mercury is conjunct with lord of 8th house i.e. Sun, in 3rd house. The planet Mars (karak of brotherhood) is in opposite house of Saturn the ascendant lord. So there were disputes in partnership with own brother.

According to Vastushastra the ‘changes that had been made’ in the premises of factory particularly show the same afflictions. For planting a Tulsi plant (Tulashi vrindavan) a big platform was constructed on North/east side of the plot and a pit was dug for the disposal of drainage water on the south corner of the premises. Both these are not suggested in vastu shastra but such things must be avoided, otherwise the vastudosh is created and it creates a ‘vedha’.

Considering astrology and vastu together we can see that north/east direction in kundali is 3rd house, the house of Bhavand soukhya and Mars governs south direction which is also karaka of brother – sisters. When these doshas were removed the factory started again.

One cannot own a house (vastu) which follows each and every rule of shubha vastu. So some doshas remain while some shubha aspects are also seen. It is related to the horoscope of a person who owns that vastu.

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H.No:2 Birth Date: 25th April, 1979, Time: 12.00 Noon, Thane.

This kundali is of a businessman who is born and brought up in poor conditions and was 10th standard pass only. He started a business of close circuit softy cameras and became prosperous quickly.

Here lord of 9th house (Bhagyesh), Jupiter is in 1st house and exalted. Ascendant lord moon is conjuncted with lord of tenth house Mars in 9th house. He has not completed higher education. The north-east side of vastu which is governed by Jupiter, the Karaka of education was cut thereby giving him less education, but North side is elevated so the lord of the north, kuber has shown his effect and the family became wealthy.

In the horoscope also lord of North (4th house) Venus is exalted and with Rajyoga Karak planet in 9th house. Because of good financial condition they have shifted in a new big house which is shubha – karak according to vastushastra.

For a good business, mainly the North, whose lord is kuber, vishyavarna rashis direction is South and to have success in competitive business world East also must be considered and studied well.

The important and happy state of a man’s life is marriage. But every one can’t be lucky in this matter on the contrary some have such experiences about marriages or married life, that it is impossible for them to get rid of even bad memories of that period. We can have a look considering horoscope but at the same time the vastu also shows those doshas. But if we want to get rid of these bad times of life we must honorably follow the rules of the shastras.

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H.No:3, Birth Date: 14th November, 1975, Time: 3:35PM, Pune

This kundali is of an educated young girl. After marriage she had a miscarriage and within 6 months she returned to her parent’s home. Ascendant lord Jupiter is in 1st house with lord of 5th house moon. So she gets a good education. But Jupiter and Moon are in opposite house of Venus which is lord of 8th house, so married life is unhappy. The house of marriage (7th house) is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Lord of 7th house is in 8th house with lord of 6th house, Sun and also Rahu is in 8th house. Lord of 8th house Venus is in 7th house. In this way the 7th (West) & 8th (South/ West) directions are completely afflicted. When the vastu is observed the entrance of the house is on south- west direction and there is a well in the premises on west side. The North-West direction of Moon (Matrusoukhya) a tall (high) wall is constructed and staircase is also situated there. All these are afflicted factors as vastu is concerned.

For the marriage or married life the 7th house, West direction (Lord Saturn which shows delay) and North-East (Lord Venus, happiness), North-West (Moon – Motherhood) and North -East (issues), must be studied well. And our study should be concentrated on these directions. Sometimes marriage life is satisfactory but issue problems may occur which is actually every couple’s dream in a life. Sometimes issues are their but the parents don’t get happiness from them.

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H.No:4, Birth Date: 14th November, 1965. Time: 19.15, Place: Mumbai.

This kundali is of a lady who had married before 8 years. In these 8 years frequent – abortions happened but no issue.

Here Rahu is in ascendant (East) and lord of 5th house Mercury is in 7th house (West) with Ketu. Mercury /Ketu are in Scorpio i.e. in 5th house (children) from moon. Jupiter is in 2nd house (North/East) i.e. in family house. Jupiter is a lord of 8th house.

In the vastu North-East direction (Lord Jupiter) was cut. An electric motor was on North-West direction (5th House) and a store house was at East direction. When these doshas were removed the expected results were seen and that lady (became mother) had an issue there after.

What diseases one may suffer from, also can be predicted by the relative study of Vastu and Astrology.

H.No:5, Birth Date: 28th March, 1991, Time: 23.11, Place: Dombivili

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This girl is deaf and mute. Saturn and Rahu are in 3rd house and lord of 6th house, Mars is in Gemini, Words (Shabdaguna) karaka – Jupiter is with Ketu are the yogas which show mute and deafness. Her parents own a bungalow and entrance of the bungalow is on North-East

+side (Lord Jupiter) but this direction is cut due to entrance. In kundali also the direction South-West is (9th House) is occupied by Jupiter. In house an underground safety tank is constructed at South – West direction (In Kundali which is shown by Jupiter).

In all these examples we have seen that the events those occur in our life are also observed in the horoscope. For example, the horoscope speaks about them and not only this but the doshas which are there in vastu are also pointed out in our kundali.

According to some scholars vastushastra is a complete shastra. Even though we accept this fact and we can predict Shubha or Ashubha events in our life by studying Vastu. But the time period of these events can be known by the help of Astrology. So instead of going in the contradiction that Vastu – Astrology is a science or an art; we see that they are inter-dependent. We will try to get easy, happy and prosperous lives by the availability of vastu and astrological rules.

Sarvepi sukhinaha santhu, sarve santuniramayaha

Sarve bhadraani pashyanthu maa kacchit duhkhamaaptuyaat