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  • 1. Art Portfolio Art Portfolio By: Isabella Alvia Spring (2014)

2. Table of contents... Rhythm and Movement Rhythm in my life Balance Balance in my life Proportion Caricature vs. reality Variety, Emphasis, Harmony, and Unity Placement in a piece Evolution of my art Personal style Opinions on modern art Interview Reflection 3. Rhythm & Movement The rhythmic activity used in this piece is graceful, peaceful movements along with repetition, regular, and alternating rhythmic motifs. Repetition can be identified in the ballet dancers by an equal distance between each one, balancing the space. Color for the ballet dresses as well as their hair and rails also portray pattern and repetition. The green and red flowers balance out the warm and cool colors in the overall picture. The rails distance further and further, in a diagonal direction to indicate length.This piece expresses the design quality due to organization in the overall picture, and balance in colors. Isabella Alvia Project 1: Garden Ballerinas, 2014 Painting, Acrylic paints 8.5 in x 11 in 4. Rhythm in my life The symbols I sketched to represent rhythm in my life are: a sun, airplane, suitcase, ice cream, balloons, cake, movie film, popcorn, and a christmas tree. Each of these symbols represent a certain events that I enjoy and look forward to each year. The sun and ice cream represent summer, my favorite season. The reason why I love summer is because its a time where I can relax, spend time with friends and family, and not have to worry about any school work. Birthdays are another event I look forward to each year because its a fun way to celebrate and look back on how far youve grown. To represent this, I drew a slice of birthday cake and balloons. I sketched an airplane and suitcase to represent my current lifestyle. I travel almost every month, which is something I always look forward to. I drew a christmas tree to represent my favorite holiday, Christmas. I love christmas because its a time where you get to spend time with your family members and celebrate each others company. Lastly, I drew a movie film and popcorn because I always enjoyed going to the movies as a source of entertainment. 5. Balance The subject matter of this piece is based off a photograph of me and my sister. The other main object in this composition would be the background scenery. This piece is asymmetry due to the difference between me and my sister. She, who is taller, taking a picture, while I am looking sideways wearing a hat. I used white mainly to create a lighter contrast against its darker hue. Our features and hair color are different as well as the background colors from the actual picture. Instead of using black and grey, to make the scenery stand out, a lighter shade of green was used. This piece portrays the design quality because balance and organization was used in various colors without using black or brown. Isabella Alvia Project 2: Sightseeing, 2014 Painting, Acrylic paints 8.5 in x 11 in 6. Balance in my life Comparing the two results made me realize that I should balance out the time I sleep, do school work, and spend time with family. It seems as though school work is the dominating obligation in my pie graph. I usually only get around 5 to 7 hours of sleep, which isnt good since I should be getting 8. I should also spend more time with my family because it seems as though I spend most time either doing school work or on my computer. 7. Proportion The subject of this soft sculpture is Albert Einstein. Yarn, fabric and paper was used to construct this piece. The main emphasis is Einsteins head because it represents intelligence. His mind was full of ideas and answers to (at the time) unsolved or unthought of questions. Emphasis was also placed on his mouth due to its size being smaller than the rest of the features of his head to show that he does not talk much, but he is a creative thinker. Colors were used to suit his personality which is learned and reserved. White yarn was used for his hair to indicate age and a plaid pattern was used for his body/ clothes to suit the style of his generation. This piece possesses the expressive quality because it gives a feeling of familiarity to a well known historical figure, Albert Einstein. By the use of design and a dark color scheme, viewers would see that it represents intellect of the human mind based off what they know of Einstein. Isabella Alvia Project 2: Intelligent Minds, 2014 Yarn, Paper, Marker, Fabric 8.5 in x 11 in 8. Caricature VS. Reality Obama, the president of the United States is represented in a caricature to have a large head, with emphasis on his ears and mouth. By emphasizing on his mouth, the artist is referring to his leadership and political responsibilities, leading the country, and giving important speeches. By comparing the two pictures of Marilyn Monroe, both hold the same pose, but are represented differently. In the caricature cartoon image, Marilyns head, hair, and lips are emphasized along with her frilly dress. Marilyn Monroe was known as the ideal women back in the 1950s. By emphasizing on her head, make up, and hair it signifies beauty and feminism. By emphasizing on her dress, the artist is referencing the famous pose as seen in the actual image of her. 9. Variety, Emphasis, Harmony & Unity The site and theme of this mural piece is nature with the subject matter of an owl. The principles of art, variety and harmony were used to create a unified composition. A bright color scheme was used to express happiness on and around the owl, though it may not show in its feature.The mood expresses both happiness and sadness due to the bright colors used and various designs within the tree/branches, and sadness because of the owls expression. This piece portrays the design quality due to the patterns and colors organized in a way to express joyfulness. Colors were balanced out where appropriate to avoid having too much in one area. Designs within the tree were used to express life and swirls from the sun for positivity. For the owl, an equally balanced green and pink color scheme was used to show its vibrance. Isabella Alvia Project 2: Vibrant Owl, 2014 Pencil, thin marker 8.5 in x 11 in 10. Placement in a piece These two ads are simple yet symbolic. The McDonalds ad represents a wi-fi logo made out of french fries. Though it is unusual, this does portray a message to viewers that just as wi-fi has become so dominant in our lives, McDonalds wants us to buy and value their food. The ipad ad is also simple and taken from an unusual perspective. Usually we view ipads from the top to see its features. The creator of this ad, however, wants viewers to notice its outer appearance and how its creation is fit to appeal technological wise. 11. Evolution of my art My paintings from 6th grade: My paintings today (11th grade): 12. Personal Style My preferred style is more towards sketching. I always enjoyed doodling and practicing drawing every day objects and nature such as trees, flowers, the ocean, fruits, figures, and knick knacks. I enjoy sketching because I can always go back and fix any mistakes, emphasize on an area, make notes and improve any area. Over the course of this class, Ive learned a lot about taking notes while sketching and ways to make my drawings successful. What I enjoyed most about sketching was shading because I can smudge and create 3D effects. To the left are a couple examples of my sketches where I used shading to create the 3D effect within flowers. As you can see, the length and form of each petal is different unlike a solid, flat drawing. The picture above is a cherry blossom tree slanting above a lake. The flowers are, again, not proportional to each other to portray variety, form, and uniqueness. 13. Opinions on modern art When asking my family members their opinions on modern art, most of them responded with positive views mainly because modern art is what we are surrounded with which includes appealing architecture and advanced, useful technology. My dad likes modern art within architecture because he views it as clean, organized and basic. Unlike the past, modern art expresses simplicity while retaining beauty. My dad is a very organized person who prefers a clutter free house. When I questioned him about past art paintings, he doesnt seem to have much interest. My mom, unlike my dad, enjoys both past and modern art. In modern art, my mom likes the use of lines and color. She described the lines as simple as well and colors to have a balance of warm and cool earth tones. My sister loves modern art. She views modern art as simple, yet symbolic. She believes that an art piece doesnt have to consist of much to express a lot. My friend, Kim likes modern art, but prefers artworks of the past. She believes todays art is too basic and boring, while art of the 1800s were unique and expressive. She views art of the past as detailed and has always been fascinated as to how realistic they appear. My brother views modern architecture as crazy in design, yet simple compared to the past. For example, today our architecture in buildings are smooth, calming and uniform. When comparing to the past such as castles, each architecture possessed their own uniqueness. He is fascinated by how technology has evolved and advanced, as well as how modern art has become stiff in appearance. Though he likes modern technology such as cellphones and laptops (creations), he appreciates past artworks, specifically paintings because they expressed an artists amazing talent with limited resources compared to what we have today. 14. Art Interview Ms. Maiquez is my former elementary to middle school art teacher who has been teaching art for 15+ years on Guam. She has attended an art university in the Philippines as she has always had strong interests in art and loves expressing herself. Mrs. Maiquez is very organized and well- planned as an art teacher. She enjoys print making and painting the most. For her students, she organizes art contests and art shows where she hangs students work all around the school for display. Today, Mrs. Maiquez is living in Korea, teaching art to middle school students in an international school where she has stayed for 4 years now. 15. ReflectionOver the course of this Art class, I feel like Ive gained much knowledge of how to create a successful art piece. Before taking this class, I did not know much about the principles and different types of art techniques. However, after completing this class, I feel like I have a better understanding of art. Ive noticed major improvements in my work when I compare it to my previous years of taking art in different schools. I noticed that my pieces have become organized, expressive, and meaningful. Instead of viewing pieces as simply artworks, I now attempt to figure out its message and the artists motifs. Referring back to my paintings from 6th grade, I now see improvements in my work. When I was in middle school, my art seemed to have lacked depth, expression, and intensity. My work appeared to be sloppy and stiff. However, as I compare it to my artworks now, I see major improvements in those categories. I noticed my strengths dealt with sketching, while my weaknesses were in drawing portraits and painting. I do think I have yet to progress as I now recognize my weaknesses. I will continue to work to improve on my weaknesses and one day, create successful pieces from former weaknesses.