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  • - , , , , , , , , , Glasgow Caledonian University, Glazgov , Barcelona Strategic Urban Systems, , , -, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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    , , , - , , , , , , , , , Glasgonj Caledonian University, Glazgov , , , , , , , , - University College Dublin, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, Dablin , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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    , 11000 , 73/II: 011/ 3370-091, 3370-185, 3370-203, e-mail: [email protected]


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    : post scriptum...............................................

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    RESPAG 2013

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  • Minimalist theories in architecture are still developing in this century. Vladimir Stevanovi, the author of the text Minimalist

    theories in architecture: post scriptum, analyzes the specific theories of minimalism and defines them as post scriptum because they have developed after the formative period of

    architectural discourse on minimalism. This work is a continuation of his work Formative period of minimalist theorization in architecture, published in the previous issue. The topic of

    minimalism in architecture is still in the focus of attention of many world theoreticians of architecture, as well as in our

    country, and this magazine allows further discussion about the important and new views and hypotheses.

    In the domain of spatial and sectoral planning, two articles deal with waters of the Danube, which are attractive tourism

    resources, valued by applying the FAS technology. Criteria have been suggested for the selection of nautical points significant for the development of nautical tourism and nautical infrastructure.

    The second article discusses the possibility of developing a methodology approach for landscape planning in the light of the

    ratification of the European Landscape Convention, through the example of HPP Djerdap.

    The new column Contributions to the history of urban planning in Serbia, which was launched with the interview with Miodrag Ferenak, continues in this issue with Kosta Kosti, the project-

    leader of Changes and Ammendments to the Belgrade General Plan from 1985. Responding to the questions regarding the

    history of urban planning, the author reflects in a unique way upon the role and significance of urban planning throughout

    different periods.This interview, together with the previous one, opens up the serial on how the main leaders in urban planning

    pass their experiences onto the younger professionals. What has been the influence of politics on urban planning, and what is the relation between the profession and politics are only some of the

    questions that have been answered in this interview. Djordje Alfirevi, the author of a series of interviews on the topic

    Is there expressionism in Serbian architecture?, seeks answers from reputable Serbian architects by asking them the same question.

    For his interviewees he has chosen architects whose works are considered to have elements or signs of expressionist creation.

    It is interesting to learn different interpretations of the esthetic categories of expression, expressiveness and expressionism in

    architecture in Serbia. Discussions on this topic will continue in the next issue of this journal.

    Mila Pucar


    . , : post scriptum, post scriptum, . , . , , , . , , FAS . . , . , , , 1985. . , . , , . , . , ?, . . , . .

  • .




  • 3UDK: 72.038.42ID BROJ: 194408972

    , DOI:10.5937/arhurb1235003S


    XX , , . , . . , post scriptum, . XXI , : minimal art . , : 1) - , , , ; 2) . : minimal art, , , ,


    * [email protected]

    : 2012, : 2012.


    AbstractOwing to the period of intensive development in the last

    decade of XX century, architectural phenomenon called Minimalism in Architecture was remembered as the Style of the

    Nineties, which is characterized, morphologically speaking, by simplicity and formal reduction. Simultaneously with its

    development in practice, on a theoretical level several dominant interpretative models were able to establish themselves.

    The new millennium and time distance bring new problems; therefore this paper represents a discussion on specific

    theorization related to Minimalism in Architecture that can bear the designation of post scriptum, because their development

    starts after the constitutional period of architectural minimalist discourse. In XXI century theories, the problem of definition of minimalism remains important topic, approached by theorists

    through resolving on the axis: Modernism Minimal Art Postmodernism Minimalism in Architecture. With regard to this, analyzed texts can be categorized in two groups: 1) texts

    of affirmative nature and historical-associative approach in which minimalism is identified with anything that is simple

    and reduced, in an idealizing manner, relied mostly on the existing hypotheses; 2) critically oriented texts, in which authors

    reconsider adequacy of the very term minimalism in the context of architecture and take a metacritical attitude towards

    previous texts. Keywords: minimal art, soft modernism, neomodernism,

    supermodernism, postmodern minimalism

  • 4 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum

    ( , ) ; 2) , . , , , . - : 1) , , , ; 2) , . , , . : , , , , - , mainstream .

    2. revival/survival

    , . : ( )2 . , . , , . (Vittorio Gregotti) , , (Gregotti, 1988:8). , / . , London minimum

    1. , , , , , ... anything goes

    Minimalisms (Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, Javier R. Marcos) Architettura minimalista (Franco Bertoni) : 1) , , ; 2) (Zabalbeascoa, Marcos, 2000; Bertoni, 2002). (John Pawson) Minimum, , , , (Pawson, 1996). , , .1 : 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) , , , , . , , : . (Maggie Toy) , zeitgeist, , (Toy, 1999:7; Zabalbeascoa, Marcos 2000:7). , , . , , . , : 1) ,

    1 : 1) ; 2) wabi, , . , - ; 3) .

    2 The new moderns, twenties revivalism i London minimum : , . (2012): , 34, . 68.

  • 5 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum

    3. wallpaper* ization

    . , . , , : 1) , , ; 2) () ; 3) . , : 1) , ; 2) , , . . , . , , . , / - , (. 1) (Ibelings, 1998). (Charles Jencks) , , (Jencks, 2002). ,

    . lifestyle , . , , (Avon, Vragnaz, 1988:32). . (Hans Ibelings) (John Macar-thur) (Ibelings, 1988; Macarthur, 2002). ( ), 3 (Macarthur 2002:146, 2005:106). - (less is more, monolitic architecture, light construction) . / , (Ibelings, 1998:51). , . , (Zabalbeascoa, Marcos 2000:14). , . , , , (Ibelings, 1998:33-41). , , /. , , , , .

    3 (so called minimalist architecture, 2002:137)

    4 .

    . 1. , Industriel Berliner, , 19861990.Fig.1. Dominique Perrault, Hotel Industriel Berliner, Paris, 19861990.

  • 6 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum

    , , , . (Ilka&Anders Ruby), (I&A. Ruby, 2003:22). , , , (Bertoni, 2006:94).

    4. Minimal art

    XX - (Donald Judd), (Robert Moriss), (Dan Flavin), (Carl Andre) (Robert Smithson). minimal art- , minimal art-, , , , .6 , . , (Hall Foster) minimal art- (Foster, 1986). , - . , : (Clement Greenberg)7 - . , minimal art

    , (degree zero minimalism). , . : , , .4 , , (Macarthur, 2002:137). , , , . , . lifestyle5 , , , , , . - . /, - - , . (Mike Grimshaw) . , lifestyle . Wallpaper*ization (Grimshaw, 2004). (soft modernism), , , , . , , casual : -, . , . , . - (oy, 2000). , , . 5 Wallpaper* .6 ,

    (Obendorf, H. (2009): Minimalism in architecture in Minimalism: Designing Simplicity, Obendorf, H., London, Springer-Verlag, pp. 5456; VanEenoo, C. (2011): Minimalism in Art and Design: Concept, influences, implications and perspectives, Journal of Fine and Studio Art 2/1, pp. 712), (Celant, G. (1988): La scultura, unarchitettura non abitabile, Rassegna 36/4, pp. 1628; Kuspit, D. (1988): La versione minimalista dellarte non-oggettiva, Rassegna 36/4, pp. 3849).

    7 , . , , . , . medium specific . flatness i apstraktan . : Battcock, G. ed. (1968): Minimal Art: A Crtical Anthology, NewYork, Dutton; Meyer, J. (2000): Minimalism, London, Phaidon

  • 7 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum

    ? (Macarthur, 2005:106). . 8

    . minimal art- , (). , , : 1) ; 2) , (. 3). , , , . (Rosallind Krauss) , : ? (Krauss, 1996:134; Macarthur, 2000:48) , 9 : , .

    . , (Philip Ursprung) , (Ruby et al, 2003:7) minimal art- : 1) , , (what you see is what you see); 2) ( , ) . - , . . Minimal art , (. 2), . , . , :

    . 2. , Quinta do Lago, , 1989.Fig. 2. Eduardo Souto de Moura, Casa de Quinta do Lago, Algrave, 1989.

    . 3. , Equivalent VIII , Tate Galery, , 1972.Fig. 3. Carl Andre, Equivalent VIII foundly known as the Rile of bricks, Tate Galery, London, 1972.

    8 , , . , , - .

    9 : Merleay-Ponty, M. (1978): Fenomenologija percepcije, , IPV. Maslea; Pallasmaa, J. (2005): The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, New York, John Wiley; Holl, S., Pallasmaa, J., Prez-Gmez, A. (2006): Questions of perception: phenomenology of architecture, San Francisco, William Stout Publishers

  • 8 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum


    Post scriptum . , (, 2001:31) : 1) ; 2) , ; 3) . - : , , . , , revival ? , . New Directions in Contemporary Architecture, (Puglisi L. Prestinenza) , , (Francis H. Mallgrave, David Goodman) An

    , a priori (Ibelings, 1988:89, 94). , , , , 10. , , . , (Alberto C. Baeza), , (. 4) (Baeza, 2009). (Mark Linder) (Linder, 2004:4). , minimal art .11 , minimal art- , , .

    10 : 1) ; 2) , (, 2012:68, Zabalbeascoa, Marcos, 2000:107).

    11 minimal art (Richard Wollhaim) . . , minimal art: (Marcel Duchamp), (Robert Rauschenberg) (Ad Reinhard). : Wollheim, R. (1965): Minimal Art , Arts Magazine, January 1965, pp. 2632.

    . 4. , , , 1982.Fig. 4. Alberto Campo Baeza, Nursery school, Alicante, 1982.Pizza, A., (ed), (1999): Alberto Campo Baeza: Works and projects, Milano, Electa, p. 52.

  • 9 35/2012/ 3-9/ : post scriptum


    Avon, A., G. Vragnaz (1988): Aspetti del minimalismo in architettura, Rassegna 36/4, pp. 2938.

    Gregotti, V. (1988): Editoriale - Minimal, Rassegna 36/4, pp. 48. Bertoni, F. (2002): Architettura minimalista, Firenze, La BibliotecaBertoni, F. (2006): Design minimalista e Claudio Silvestrin, Zbornik

    Muzeja primewene umetnosti 02, pp. 9196.Bobi, M. (2001): Arhitektura dvadesetog veka (5) Minimum,

    Vreme 527, p. 31. Foster, H. (1986): The Crux of Minimalism, in Individuals: A Selected

    History of Contemporary Art 19451986, Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, pp. 162183.

    Grimmer V., M. Mrduqa and A. Rusan (2009): To Be Apstract Doesnt Mean to Be Minimalist: interview with architect Alberto Campo Baeza, ORIS online 55, M. (2004): Soft Modernism - The World of the Post-

    Theoretical Designer, 140,

    Ibelings, H. (1988): Supermodernism, Rotterdam, NAi PublishersLinder, M. (2004): Nothing less than literal: architecture after

    minimalism, Cambridge, The MIT PressJencks, C. (2002): The New Paradigm in Architecture, London, New

    Haven, Yale University PressKrauss, R. (1996): The grid, the /cloud/, and the detail in Presence

    of Mies, Detlef Mertins (ed), New York, Princeton Architecural Press, pp. 134146.

    Macarthur, J. (2000): The Look of the Object, Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture 41, p. 48.

    Macarthur, J. (2002): The Look of the Object: Minimalism in Art and Architecture, Then and Now, Architectural Theory Review 7/1, pp. 137148.

    Macarthur, J. (2005): The Nomenclature of Style: Brutalism, Minimalism, Art History and Visual Style in Architecture Journals, Architectural Theory Review 10/2, pp. 100108.

    Mallgrave, H. F., D. Goodman (2011): Minimalisms, in An introduction to architectural theory: 1968 to the present, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 194215.

    Pawson, J. (1996): Minimum, London, PhaidonPrestinenza, P. L. (2008): New Directions in Contemporary

    Architecture, London, John Wiley& Sons, Ltd, pp. 5155, 8587.Ruby, I., et al. (2003): Minimal Architecture, Munich, PrestelStevanovi, V. (2012): Konstitutivni period teoretizacije

    minimalizma u arhitekturi, Arhitektura i urbanizam 34, str. 6671.

    Toy, M. (1999): Editorial - Aspects of Minimal Architecture II, Architectural Design Profile 139, p. 7.

    Toy, M. (2000): Practically Minimal, London, Thames and HudsonZabalbeascoa, A., J. R. Marcos (2000): Minimalisms, Barcelona,

    Editorial Gustavo Gili

    introduction to architectural theory: 1968 to the present : 1) ; 2) ; 3) (Prestineza, 2008; Mallgrave, Goodman, 2011). , , , , , - . , . , . .

  • 10

    : VII . , , . UNWTO . , . , . , . . , , . - , . : VII, , , , - .


    Summary: The importance of Corridor VII for tourism development in spatial

    planning and sector planning for tourism has been presented. The key tourism assets, primarily Danube and natural and

    cultural heritage assets along its coastal area are identified. Based on the FAS methodology (UNWTO) the attractiveness of

    identified key tourism assets is evaluated. The results of this evaluation indicate there is still more factors than attractors, the least developed are the man-made attractors, while the

    natural attractors are underdeveloped. Based on identified tourism assets and their attractiveness the differentiation of

    Danube and its coastal area into three highly valuable zones are proposed. Bearing in mind that potential tourism attractiveness

    of identified factors and attractors has not yet been realized, necessary actions for activating and sustainable development of three proposed tourism zones are suggested. Therefore the

    criteria for nautical infrastructure prioritization, as well as criteria for urban and rural tourism centers differentiation at Danube

    coastal area are defined. The paper indicates the priority actions for sustainable tourism development, namely the upgrading of

    tourist presentation and interpretation in order to achieve the potential attractiveness of tourism assets, supported with their

    better accessibility, as well as development of tourism products, integration and diversification of tourism offer at Danube and

    along its coastal area. One of the key problems for achieving sustainable tourism development are insufficient institutional

    arrangements that need to be changed and improved for Danube primary tourism destination management in Serbia.

    Key words: Corridor VII, attractiveness of tourism assets, spatial differentiation of tourism development, criteria for setting tourism

    development priorities, governance arrangements.



    ,* **

    : 2012, : 2012.

    * , , e-mail: [email protected]

    ** , , , e-mail: [email protected]

    1 (..36036).

    UDK:711(497.11) ; 502.131.1:338.48(497.11 )ID BROJ: 194409740

    , DOI: 10.5937/arhurb1235010M

  • 11

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    2. VII

    (-- -) , - ( : , - ). . , , ( ), ( ), ( ), , , . , 5350 m3 , 42% , ( I II) , 3 (-) II. VII ( 80 ) , , , . , III/IV , II II , , - . VII X ( , , , , .) ( I II , , , ). , , , VII . VII , . 24 . .

    1. VII, , -80 (588 km, 2415 km) . . (, ), . VII, . , . VII . , , . , . . . , - . , . , , .

  • 12

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/


    3.1. . 2010. 2020. , , (, 2010). : , , ( ) ( ), , - , (. 1). 2014. : , ( ) (touring) VII ( , /).

    - VIc , - VII . II ( ), , II, VII . , . VII , , , . . ( ) , , . , , , , , , , , , . , . 54 (16 38 ). , (60 ), (10 ) (25 ). .

    . 1.


    Primary tourism destinations along Danube in Serbia

    : -

    , , 2010.

    Source: Temathic map Spatial structure of primary tourism areas in Serbia, Draft version Spatial Plan

    of the Republic of Serbia, 2010

  • 13

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    35 19 , 77 km2 230 ;

    (, , ), , (, ), (, , , , , , ) ;

    ( ) .

    () . , . , . ; , ; , , . , (, , .), , . ( , ). ( ) , , , ( -80 , 2010). 17 (. 2), : ( ), ( ), ( ), ( , , , - ) 25 .

    - ( , 2011). , , , - ( , 2011:138, 139). (2006) : . , : , . , : , , . , (2009) . , : . , , , . ( ) (-, , 2001) / .

    3.2. :

    ; - , , , -, ;

  • 14

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    ; , - (List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Convention on Wetlands); UNESCO (MaB) , ; , ; (Tentative List) UNESCO ; ( --), , ( / Portile de Fier ). , ,

    ( ), 15 (., . 2). . : (IBA, Important Bird Areas) , , , , , , , , , ; (IPA, Important Plant Areas) , , , - , , , , , -; (PBA, Prime Butterfly Areas) , , ; EMERALD (Emerald Networ of Areas of Special Conservation Interest AcCI) , , , - , , ,

    : , -80 ( VII), , , 2010.Source: Map Special purpose areas, Concpet Spatial Plan for Corrdior VII Special Purpose Area, Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Public Enterprise Office for Urban Planning of Vojvodina, 2010

    .2. Fig.2Natural assets at Danube coastal area


    , , -

  • 15

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    , . . . 2008. 380.000 , , 13,4% 51.000 (Danube Tourist Commission, 2009), 2011. 58.000 (, 2011). , . , . , 2012. , .

    3.3. (Factors Attractors Support) UNWTO (2010), , . , ( man-made) . ,

    . 1186 . 140 (11% , . 2) 374 (43%). 31 ( ) 89 ( ). (Tentative List)UNESCO 2010. . ( , , , , , ). : , , , , , , . (.). 100 km , , . ( : , 2010) ? , ,

  • 16

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    . ( , , , ) ( , , ), . , ( ) . , 1 5 ( : , /, .) 1 5 ( : , , ). (. 1). 1 5 , . , . . . . , ( ).

    , (. 3), ( ) . 3.5 , . . , , , () . ( UNESCO, . 4) , . ( ) , ( ). 3.7 . (: Diagnostic of Rural Tourism in Serbia, Master Plan for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia, 2011). , 2009. 2010. 10.000 ( , 2010, 2011). , . 1.25 ( , -, , , ).

    1. 4.0 1. 4.02. 3.0 2. 3.5

    3. 5 3. 3.0 4. * 3.25

    1. 1.0 5. Exit 4.02. 1.5 6. Beer fest 4.5

    1.25 3.7

    3. 5 3.7 1.0


    * UNESCO .

    : 1-5, 1 , 5 .

    1. FAS Table 1Attractor assessment according to the FAS methodology

  • 17

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/


    , (. 2). , , ( ) , . , ( -- ), . , , , . : , ; ; (Spa, Wellness) ; (, , , ); ( EXIT), + MIC- , ( ). , , - , , , - , , ( ) .

    (. 2). ( ) . , , , . , (: ., 2011). ? . , , . . ( : ., 2011). , , / ( , , , , , / ), , .

    * , - .

    ** (Tentative List) UNESCO .

    : Diagnostic of Rural Tourism in Serbia, Master Plan of Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia, UNWTO, 2011, pp. 32.

    1. ** 5.02. 3.53. ** 3.54. * 3.05. 5.06. 4.07. 4.08. 2.59. 2.0


    2. FAS Table 2

    Natural factor assessment according to the FAS methodology

  • 18

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    ; () ( , , ). Portile de Fier ( -80 , 2010). , , : I : ;

    , ; , , (20-30 km/h); (, ) (, ); (, , , , , , , , , - , , , , , );

    II : , : - ( ), - ( - ), - ( ), - (

    - . , - ( - -), . ( 220 km ). ( ) ( " "). : () - , ; () , , , : , , , - ( ) ; () , , . , ( - ) , . : () ; () I II; () , , , , , - , .; () -

    . 3. Fig.3. erdap gorge

  • 19

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    10 ( , ); ( , ); ( VII ); ( , VII , ); ( , , , RENT-a Boat .); ( ); ( ); ( -, ); I II ().

    , : -- , -- - --;

    - 18 : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ;

    - 11 (, , , , , , , , , ) 46 .

    - : ( ), ( ), / ( , ), , , ( ),

    ), - ( );

    III : - , . : , , - ; , , , , , .


    / 1 /;

    - ; , , , ( 2-4 );

    ( ).

    , - :

    . 4. . Fig.4. Presentation of Lepenski Vir archaeological site

  • 20

    , , 35/2012/ 10-21/

    , , , , , , , , ( ). , -- , -- - -, . 100 km , , . ( ) , , , . . ( ) , ( ), , , , , . : ( ); "" ( : , ; ); ; 11 (, , , , , , , , , , ); ( ); ( , ).

    ( ), ( ) . : /, (, , ) /, 20-30 km . ( ) 5-7 , 130-160 km ( 20-30km/h). : , , -, (), , , / .

    5. , . , 3.7, 3.5. . ( 1.25). (3.6). , , , . , 2012. , . / ( , -, , , ). , . , . .

  • 21

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    . , (2009), (, 2011). , . , ( ), ( ) ( ). , ( .., ). , . , 2011. 6,5 , (:, : 25.08.2012). , 13 , 2011. . . - -- , ? , - , , .

    Danube Facts and figures 2008 (2009), Danube Tourist Commission, h t t p : / / w w w. d a n u b e s a l e s m a n u a l. co m / d o w n l o a d. p h p, pristupljeno: 25.8.2012.Zakon o Prostornom planu Republike Srbije od 2010. do 2020.

    godine (2010), Slubeni galsnik RS, Beograd, br. 88.Zakon o turizmu (2009), Slubeni galsnik RS, Beograd, br. 36. Koncept Prostornog plana podruja posebne namene

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    Maksin M. (2011), Podrka zakonskog osnova ostvarivanju Prostornog plana Republike Srbije i koordinaciji stratekog planiranja u Srbiji, Arhitektura i urbanizam, br. 32, str. 49-54.

    Maksin M. (2010), Challenges, response and partnership for achieving sustainable tourism and heritage preservation, SPATIUM International Review, No. 22, pp. 11-18

    Maksin-Micic M., Milijic S. (2001), Methodological approach to the spatial plan of the river belt, SPATIUM, No. 7, pp. 5-8

    Master plan turistike destinacije Gornje Podunavlje (2007), Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu

    Marketing strategija turizma Vojvodine (2009), Sekretarijat za privredu Izvrnog Vea AP Vojvodine, Novi Sad

    Nautikoturistika sezona 2011, Turistika organizacija Beogra-da,2011., prist-up 12.2.2012.

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    UN Joint Programme Sustainable Tourism for Rural Deelopment (2011), Diagnostic of Rural Tourism in Serbia. In Master Plan for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia, Madrid, UN WTO. Novi fajlovi 21042011/VOLUME I DIAGNOSTIC of Rural Tourism in Serbia_190411.pdf, pristupljeno: 25.8.2012.

    Tentative Lists, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, http://www.whc., pristupljeno: 25.8.2012.


  • 22

    AbstractRatification of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and its entry into force after adoption of the Law on Ratification of the

    European Landscape Convention in 2011. created in the Republic of Serbia the conditions for further development of landscape

    planning and management. Taking into account new circumstances, the main aim of this paper is to determine the

    place and coverage of the Study which will take into consideration landscape planning and, as well formulate

    recommendations for the development of a methodological approach for landscape planning with special reference to spatial

    planning. As a result of the analysis of the existing legal and planning

    framework, the paper stress potentials and as well limitations and points out the necessity for creating the Action Plan for the

    implementation of ELC which should, above all, clear up misunderstandings and establish a framework - methodological

    and procedural, for inclusion of landscape planning in the process of urban and spatial planning in the Republic of Serbia.

    The development of the information base with a parallel development of institutional framework and capacity building

    are emphasized as next steps. As a contribution to the development of the methodological

    approach within spatial planning, the work points out the importance of preparing Study on landscape and, as an example

    present the Spatial Plan of the Area of the Special Purposes of the National Park erdap. For futher development of landscape

    planning, as priority activities aiming the implementation of the provisions of the ELC, are stressed the following: the development of strategic documents, updating and

    harmonization of the legal framework, the creation of bylaws, manuals, establishing a framework and institutional framework

    and education.Key words: landscape planning, European Landscape Convention,

    National Park erdap


    UDK:712.2(497.11-751.2); 502.15:711(497.11-751.2)ID BROJ: 194410252

    , DOI:10.5937/arhurb1235022C

    : 2012, : 2012.

    *, **, ***

    (European Landscape Convention) 2011. . , . -, , , , , . , : . , , , . , - , , , : , , , , . : , ,

    1 : , , 2011.

    * , , , e-mail: [email protected]

    ** , , , e-mail: [email protected]

    *** , , , -mail: [email protected]



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    2. ,


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    1) ;

    2) , , , , , , ;

    3) , , , ;

    4) , , , ;

    5) , , , .

    -, 3,

    1. , , . , , ( : Eureopean Landscape Convention). , 2000. ., , . 21. 2007. ., 28. 2011. ., 2011. . (. , . 4/2011) . , 40 -, 37 () (

    , , , (Stainitz) 2006. ., , , , , .

    , . ( : ) 1995. ., . , , , , , , (, 2002). , , , , (-, 2003). - , - , , , , ( ,

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  • 34

    Abstract Geoffrey Bawa (19192003), not well known in our

    ambience, was Sri Lanka's most influential architect and South Asia's leading guru of unique style, named tropical

    architecture. The distinction of his work is outstanding aesthetic sensitivity to site and context, especially to peculiar

    climatic conditions and demands. For his architectural opus he received in 2001 prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture,

    Special Chairman's Award. Although he started to engage in architecture late, in age of 38, soon he became a noted by

    his inventiveness in forming new canons and prototypes of modern architecture, based on traditional knowledge and

    perfectly fitted in local surrounding. Bawa created sustainable architecture even before the term started to be used and his

    masterpieces broke down the barrier between inside and outside space, designing of the interior and landscaping,

    reducing the building to a series of scenic spaces separated by courtyards and gardens. He is well known by his designs

    for private villas and hotels, but his portfolio contains public building, as schools and universities, new Sri Lankas Parliament, sacral, office and industrial structures. Through

    the presentation of several projects, the paper analyzes his development path and basic characteristics of so called monsoon modernism and special relationship to the bio-

    climatic conditions of the environment.

    Keywords: modern architecture, context, climate, landscape, traditional elements.

    (Geoffrey Bawa 19192003), , , . , . 2001. . (Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Special Chairman's Award). , 38. , , . , , , . , , , , . , . .

    : , , , , .

    * , . . . , 30 [email protected]


    : 2012, : 2012.

    UDK:72.071.1 Bava D.

    ID BROJ: 194410508 , DOI:10.5937/arhurb1235034D


    on case study of the monsoon modernism of architect Geoffrey Bawa

  • 35

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    , , . , , . 2 , , 27 , ( 375 ). , , , , . , , , , , ,

    1 , . (2007) Beyond Bawa. London, Thames and Hudson, 24 , , (Kerry Hill) , (Chelvadurai Awalendran).

    2 (Colombo), , , (Wadduwa, Bentota, Galle). . .

    3 , , (), , . , , ? , , . .

    4 Carmen Gunesekera House (Colombo, 1958), Strathspey Estate Bungalow (Upcott, 1959) Bishops College Classrooms, (Colombo, 1959), Upali Wijewardene House (Colombo, 1959), A.S.H. de Silva House (Galle, 1959)

    5 (Ulrik Plesner), 19591966.

  • 36

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    , , , ( , ). , , , (Mies van der Rohe) . , , . , , (Robson, 2002).

    ,6 1948. 1997. ., 2006. . . , 10 ha, , . , , , , . , ,

    . 1. .

    Fig.1. Architect Geffrey Bawa

    . 2, 3.

    Fig.2, 3. Lunuganga Estate

    . , (Bawa, Bon, Sansoni, 2006). , , 7. , . , , , , , .

    6 Lunuganga, Bentota. 7 Gallery Caf, 2 Alfred House Road, Colombo

  • .., 35/2012/ 22-29/ , .

    . 47. , Fig. 47. Former architectural office in Colombo, todays gallery Caf

  • 38

    .., 35/2012/ 34-41/ , .

    , , , (Brawne, 1995). , , , .8 , . , , ,

    8 Blue Water Hotel, Wadduwa, 1996.

  • 39

    .., 35/2012/ 34-41/ , .

    . 817. Blue Water , Wadduwa, , Fig. 817. Blue Water Hotel, Wadduwa, airy lobby, water and vistas

    , , . , . , , , . , , , . , (Barbara Sansoni)9, .

    9 Barefoot.

  • 40

    .., 35/2012/ 34-41/ , .

    . , . , , , , , . , .

    (Beira Lake), , 65 . 10, 1985. . , , . , , , . , , (Kandy). , , . , ,

    , (Nakamura, 1982). , , , , . , , , (, 2011). , (Robson, 2007). 10 Seema Malakaya temple, Beira Lake, Colombo

  • 41

    .., 35/2012/ 34-41/ , .

    . 1823. , Fig. 1823 Seema Malakaya temple, modern and traditional in the same tim

    , , , (Robson, 2002). , , . , , , . , , , , . , , , . (Robson, 2007). , , . , . : .

    Bawa, G., Ch. Bon, D. Sansoni (2006): Lunuganga, Singapore,

    Marshall CavendishBrawne, M. (1995): Paradise Found, London, Architectural

    Review, Dec. 1995. Nakamura, T. (1982): The Architecture of Geoffrey Bawa,

    Architecture & Urbanism (A+U) 141.Robson, D. (2002): Bawa the complete works, London, Thames

    and HudsonRobson, D. (2007): Beyond Bawa, London, Thames and HudsonVavan Vuelji, S. (2009): Analiza mogunosti poveanja energetske

    efikasnosti zgrada primenom fazno-promenljivih materijala, Arhitektura i urbanizam, 27, str. 78-87.

    Kosori, V. (2011): iveti blie okruenju, Arhitektura i urbanizam, 32, str. 16-26.

    Pucar, M. (2006): Bioklimatska arhitektura, Beograd, Posebna izdanja IAUS, 45.

    . 1, 2 3 , , ''Geoffrey Bawa Trust'', .

  • 42



    ue W




  • 43

    1943. . . 1962, 1968. . 1974. Johns Hopkins , . 1979. . 1970. . 1972. . , . . : 2011. . ; 2006. ; 1993. 2000. . ; 19852003. - 1985. ; 1985. - 19861995. ., 2000. . ( ) ; 1985. - ; 1984. ; 1983. . ; 1982. , ; 1981. , ; 1980. ; 1976. ; 19721976. (, , , , .). , - , , .

    BIOGRAPHYKonstantin Kosti was born in 1943. in Sombor.

    He studied at the University of Architecture in 1962. graduated in 1968. During his

    specialization in 1974. he studied at the John Hopkins University, Baltimore USA. He got his

    Master's degree in 1979.In 1970. he got a job in the redaction of Our

    Home revue. In 1972. he worked in The Belgrade Institute of Urbanism, in such positions

    as urban planning and projecting, and organization of the urbanistic service.

    He participated in the making of various plans and projects. The following are the most

    important ones:2011. Poject concept of building st. Hristofors

    monastery in Misloin the author;2006. The Slankamen University center the architectural

    urbanistic design concept the author;1993. A concept of the development of Belgrade after the year of

    2000 conception and syntheses;19852003. Realization of the MP, year 1985 the coordinator;

    1985. The program for social and economic development of Belgrade from 1986. to 1995. or, in case of certain areas, year 2000

    (a plan divided into stages);1985. Changes and adjunctions of the MP

    conception and syntheses;1984. The MP of Lazarevac a town planner;

    1983. A draft for the Adis Ababa assignment accompanied by a fellow architect, Kosta Karamata;

    1982. The MP of Sopot, program and variants of spatial development - conception and syntheses;

    1981. The spatial plan of Belgrade, The Goals of development planner.

    1980. MP of Barajevo conception and syntheses;1976. DU plan of the harbour industrial area in Belgrade the

    planner; 19721976 DU plans of several city housing estates in Belgrade (Cerak Vinogradi, the VI community center in Vodovac, Veliki

    Mokri Lug, studies, analysis).With his work related to the planning of Belgrade, from urbanictic

    and technical conditions to detailed and regulatory plans (that also include a Master plan and a Spatial plan), as well as his work on the

    organizing of the Urban Service, his whole engagement with the urban planning of the city was encircled.

    The Dominant ideas of the Master plan, year 1985.


  • 44

    SummaryThe interview concerns a contemplation of urbanistic development of the post world war Belgrade, with analogies to the MP from 1951, one from 1972 and finally, the alteration and change of the MP from the 1985 The greatest growth of Belgrade occurred after the war, but lacking continuity in the forming of urbanistic conceptions in the plans for the past 50 years. The circumstances under which the alterations and adjunctions of the MP in 1985 were made have been described, as well as the approach used for salving the issue of the building of the city, and its development.The changes and adjunctions of the MP differ in conceptions from the previous plans, especially in the way of thinking the works themselves through. The already existent state was approved instead of planning changes of the general directions in which the development is going. On that basis, a conception of well measured development was formed. A reduction of building space was planned, instead of the extensive spreading. Also, a polycentric city, with the primary city centre, along with seven subcenters and local centers. The traffic was to be regulated through upgrading and improving the already existent system, joined with a coordinated development of all possible means of transport that include a planned building of the first phase of the subway. The new infrastructure was meant to match the planned development of the city and reconstruction and equipping of pre-developed areas.The ways of planning out a city have been pointed out, along with the ties between urbanism and politics, the influence of politics to urbanism and the attitude the profession maintained towards politics.An evaluation of the quality of the planners solutions is to be estimated by researchers of urbanism history.

    - 1951. ., - 1972. . - 1985. . , . - 1985. ., . - , . , . ,

    . . 1985. . . , , , -, . , , , . , .

    The translation of this interview is an attempt to pass the emmense knowledge and experience of Konstantin Kosti, RA on to knew generations of urbanists. He is certainly capable of transferring it, having been an active part of the events, and the person responsible for the extensions of the 1985 master plan. We tried to illustrate the architects thinking up of urbanism through historiographic questioning, with a largely retrospective view of the before mentioned plan, while avoiding to make comments on the events, and on the goals of the next master plan. It was also our wish (with the previous and, hopefully, the next interview), to commence a sequence of transferring the primary authorities experience in the area of urban planning to young experts. The turbulent times of transition which our country is currently going through, requires us to hear out people with various political opinions, along with just how that reflects urban planning.

    . , . . , . , , . .

  • 45

    . . 1951. . ?

    . . , . , , . , , XIX , XX , , , . , . , . . - 1972. . - 1951. ., 1985. . - 1972. . 2003. . 1985. . , , . .

    . 1.

    1972. .

    Fig.1. Urban Master

    Plan of Belgrade, 1972.

    . . , , 1951. ?

    . . , - 1951. . . . , , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , , .

  • 46

    . , 1985. . . , -. -. , , , , 1993. . , , , , 2000. -, . , , , -.

    . , , . , , .

    1994. . . . , . , . . ( ), , , . , , . . 1997. . - .

    . . 1985. . . , 72, ?

    . . ... - 1972. . . , , . . , - (.

    . . 1972. ?

    . . - 1972. . , , , . , .

    , , , , . , . - , . , , .

    , Johns Hopkins , , , . , , - 1972. . .

    . . -

    . . - , . - 1972. . . , , , , , -.

    - , , 1985. .

    , . ,

  • 47

    1984. ., 1972. . . , , , , . , . , . , , , . - 1972. ., , , , .

    , . 7 11. 05. 1984) 3, : : , , , , , , , , . . 3 . .

    1982. . , , . , , , , .

    . 2. 1985. .Fig. 2. Urban Master Plan of Belgrade, 1985.

  • 48

    . , , , . , , , . - .

    ( ), , , . . , . , . , . , , , . - 1985. . , 1972. . . , , . , , , , , .: , , , , - , .

    - , . , , , , , .

    - 1972. . 315 . 18 367 , . - 1985. . . , , , , .

    1972. ., , . , , , : -, ....

    - . - 1985. . :




    2000. ., 2000. .;

    , , , .

    ( , , ). - 1985. . , , 43.905 - 1972. . 29.147 , 33,7%. , , , , . ( , ), - 1995. ., 2000. . ( ), 1985. .

    . , . 1999. .

  • 49

    . 3. 1985. . Fig. 3. Urban Master Plan of Belgrade, 1985The plan of main transportation network

    . . ?

    . . -, . , , , . , , , . , , , .

    . . . ?

    . . ( ), , , , , . , , , , . , .

    -, , , . , , .

    1985. .

  • 50

    , . , , ( , , .). , .

    , 1972. . , , . 2025% , , , , ... . , , , , , . , , , ... , .

    . . 21. 1985. ?

    . . , XIX , . XIX , XX . , . , XIX , 2009. . 10%. . . , , , , , . , .

    21 , , , .

    , ,

    , , , , . , , , , , , . , . . 1985. . . . : 12 , 70 , - .

    , , , . , , . , . , .

    . . ?

    . . . , .

    , , , , , . , , , .

    . . 1985. ., ?

    . . . - , , 1972. ., 1985. . - .

  • , . , , .

    , , , . .

    , . , , . , , , .


    . . ?

    . . , , . , , , .

    , .

  • .





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    (, , , , .) ? , ?

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    . ?


    ( . , . )

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