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Page 1: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Tara Nutley

MEASURE Evaluation | Palladium

Amanda Makulec

Advancing Partners & Communities |

JSI Research & Training Institute Inc.

Colleen McLaughlin

BroadReach Healthcare

MERLTech October 3, 2016

Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet

for Quicker, More Inclusive

Data-informed Decision Making?

Page 2: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Tara Nutley

MEASURE Evaluation – Palladium

Amanda Makulec

Advancing Partners & Communities – JSI

Colleen McLaughlin

BroadReach Healthcare

Who we are…

Page 3: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

How are data visualization tools

being used to improve the use of

data in HIV programs?

What impact do they have on

decision making?

What are key elements of success?

Page 4: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Contacted 45 people

from 17 PEPFAR

implementing partners

Page 5: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

16 data viz

case examples

5 cited

specific data

use examples

Page 6: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


South Africa






Page 7: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Collaborate with the end user to ID question(s)

Use proxy indicators when data are not available

Train on how to interpret the visualizations

Standardize data sources

Ensure data quality

Consider sustainability during development


with end









Ensure data


Consider sustainability

S i x C o m m o n B e s t P r a c t i c e s

Page 8: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for

International Development (USAID) under terms of

Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-L-14-00004 and

implemented by the Carolina Population Center, University

of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with ICF

International, John Snow, Inc., Management Sciences for

Health, Palladium Group, and Tulane University. The views

expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the

views of USAID or the United States government.

Page 9: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Colleen McLaughlin

BroadReach Healthcare

Page 10: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


BroadReach Vantage: Using Data and

Analytics to Drive Decision Making

Colleen McLaughlin, Director Client Delivery

[email protected]

October 3, 2016

Page 11: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


Case #1: Ministry of Health Executive Running a

District Health Program

Key Questions for Role:

• What is our overall performance for each of the health

priority areas?

• Upon which clinics and hospitals should we be focusing

our efforts to improve District health performance?

• How do I manage all the DOH reporting requirements?

• What are the key socioeconomic issues for my District’s

catchment population?

• Are there issues that may arise in the next 3-12 months that

will impact our performance and work?

• What is our strategy and operations plan for next year?

Where should we invest our resources and how much? Dr. Patel

Health Systems

Strengthening Manager

Uthungulu District

KwaZulu Natal

Department of Health

Before BroadReach Analytics:

• Unable to lead and manage department effectively, hold staff

accountable for performance due to lack of actionable


• Ineffective resource allocation and outcomes;

• Inefficient paper based reporting system which did not allow

easy assimilation and aggregation of data across

departments, teams, and health facilities

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The performance module provides Dr. Patel with an

overview of district performance across key indicators

User navigates to the

Performance Module

under the modules tab.

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He is able to quickly identify areas where

performance is below target

This view gives an

overview of the district’s

performance with regards

to various indicators

The percentage of adults

with viral loads done at 12

months (70.1%), is below

the 90% target.

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Dr. Patel can then drill down to a cascade view to

determine where within the three 90’s he should focus

This view is an indication of

where the user needs to focus

in terms of the three 90s, being

testing, initiation and retention.

Viral Loads Done represent the

largest gap to target.

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Dr. Patel can then identify the specific facilities

having the greatest negative impact on performance

A 12.8% increase in

performance if the

top 10 facilities with

the largest negative

impact reach target.

This view gives insight

into the impact of an

intervention on the HIV


Page 16: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


He can assess where to prioritize resources and

interventions to driven the greatest value

This view gives insight

into the impact of an

intervention on the HIV


Only a 4.9%

increase in

performance if the

next 20 facilities with

the largest negative

impact reach target.

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Finally Dr. Patel can predict the result of no

intervention being implemented

The trend for retention in care

is predicted to decrease to 65-

70% if no intervention is


This view provides a

forecasted view of the

district’s performance.

Page 18: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


Data visualization provides insights to drive decision

making and ultimately improve health outcomes

• Determine priority interventions.

• Determine where such interventions needed

to be focused, and therefore drive potential

improvements of:

• % of adults with VLD at 12 months by


• % of adults on ART at 12 months to


As a result, Dr. Patel was

able to:

The visualization of data leads to insights that allow for actions and the

prioritization of resources, which ultimately improves the health and

wellbeing of underserved populations.

• Identify poor performing indicators.

• Identify poor performing facilities

• Understand the trend for the district’s

performance in the absence of an


With the Vantage platform,

Dr. Patel was able to:

Page 19: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?


Practical Results: Dramatic Improvements in Viral Load

Completion Rate Seen in Ugu District, KZN South Africa

“Utilizing BroadReach Vantage, we have effectively prioritized resources,

identifying the facilities with the greatest negative impact on overall district

performance. Optimization of resources together with focused interventions

have resulted in significant improvements in viral load completion rates

for ART patients at a clinical level, from 32% to 92% in one year.”

— Kgomotso Nyandwi, BroadReach Nurse

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Ensure data





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C a s e E x a m p l e B e s t P r a c t i c e s

BroadReach Vantage

Additions from our experience:

• Keep it simple

• Dashboards are the first piece of the puzzle

Page 21: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Amanda Makulec

Advancing Partners & Communities – JSI

Page 22: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

The Story of a



Dashboard Zimbabwe

Page 23: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

It all started with a

simple data placemat.

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Note: Names of district and

clinics have been

anonymized for privacy

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Page 26: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

The partners were

interested in having the

data in a simple, routine

visual format.

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So our APC team coached

the local M&E Officer to

build a simple pivot table


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We recorded simple, step-

by-step custom videos

accessed in Zimbabwe

through a shared Dropbox.

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Note: Names of health centers on

the slicer are covered for data

privacy. Slicer is designed as a filter

for users to select the Health

Centre of interest and view trends

in the selected indicators.

The final product was simple, but

very effective at showing quick

snapshots of trends to identify

success stories and challenges.

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So what?

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Challenges identified

Actions taken

Expanding use

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Advocacy Issue Raised

from Score Card Actions Taken by the DHE

Shortage of STI drugs

Shortage of Infant ART


The DHE immediately phoned the respective nurse in Charge of the Clinics to send requests for

the drugs. The District Pharmacist was also tasked immediately to teach the respective nurse in

charge on how they should order the drugs on time.

The community / artisanal

miners were claiming

shortage of STIs drugs

The DHE responded by highlighting that the drugs were not in short supply but rather the problem

was defaulting patients which ended in them wanting second line STI drugs that were not available

at local clinic. The DHE agreed with CECHLA team to jointly carry out drugs/treatment literacy

interventions in areas served by this clinic.

One of the clinics was not

receiving RBF monies

Due to note receiving the funds, the clinic struggled to procure drugs in a timely manner. The

issues was presented to DHEs and RBF agents. The engagement resulted in Clinic receiving its first

RBF disbursement.

User fees very


Shortage of STI drugs

DHE promised to improve supply of drugs and also to reduce user fees in cases where the patients

are prescribed drugs when the clinic is out of supply.

Negative attitudes of

Health staff towards sex


The nurse in charge at the local clinic and the HCC met and there is now positive/ improved

relationship between sex workers and health staff at the clinic.

“When people look at the trends, they

start to ask questions.” – CECHLA M&E Officer

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C a s e E x a m p l e B e s t P r a c t i c e s

Zimbabwe Community Scorecard Dashboard

Additions from our experience:

• Pick the right tool for the job

• Capacity building is critical

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data sources

Ensure data


Consider sustainability

C a s e E x a m p l e

B e s t P r a c t i c e s

What We Share

Additions from our experience:

• Keep it simple

• Dashboards are the first piece of

the puzzle

• Pick the right tool for the job

• Capacity building is critical

Page 36: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Sharing ideas

& insights

Page 37: Are Dashboards the Magic Bullet?

Tara Nutley

MEASURE Evaluation – Palladium

[email protected]

Amanda Makulec

Advancing Partners & Communities – JSI

[email protected]

Colleen McLaughlin

BroadReach Healthcare

[email protected]

Follow @MEASURE_Eval @APC_Project @BroadReachinfo

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