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Anima - feminine aspect - the inner feminine part of the male personality or a man's image of a woman.

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Animus - male aspect - an inner masculine part of the female personality or a woman's image of a man.

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- " typical or recurring image, character, narrative design, theme, or other literary phenomenon that has been in literature from the beginning and regularly reappears"


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Frye sees archetypes as recurring patterns in literature; in contrast, Jung views archetypes as primal, ancient images/experience that we have inherited

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Collective Unconscious - "a set of primal memories common to the human race, existing below each person's conscious mind" (Jung)

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Water: birth-death-resurrection; creation; purification and redemption; fertility and growth.

Water: birth-death-resurrection; creation; purification and redemption; fertility and growth.

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Sea/ocean: the mother of all life; spiritual mystery; death and/or rebirth; timelessness and eternity.

Sea/ocean: the mother of all life; spiritual mystery; death and/or rebirth; timelessness and eternity.

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death and rebirth (baptism); the flowing of time into eternity; transitional phases of the life cycle. . . .

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Sun (fire and sky are closely related): creative energy; thinking, enlightenment, wisdom, spiritual vision

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Rising sun: birth, creation, enlightenment.

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Red: blood, sacrifice, passion;


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growth, hope, fertility. growth, hope, fertility.

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Blue: highly positive; secure; tranquil; spiritual purity

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White: light, purity,innocence, timelessness;

[negative: death, terror, supernatural]

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Serpent (snake, worm):

symbol of energy and pure force (libido); evil, corruption, sensuality, destruction.

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3 - light, spiritual awareness, unity (the Holy Trinity); male principle.

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associated with the circle, life cycle, four seasons; female principle, earth, nature, elements.

associated with the circle, life cycle, four seasons; female principle, earth, nature, elements.

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- the most potent of all symbolic numbers signifying the union of three and four, the completion of a cycle, perfect order, perfect number; religious symbol.

- the most potent of all symbolic numbers signifying the union of three and four, the completion of a cycle, perfect order, perfect number; religious symbol.

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Wise old Man: savior, redeemer, guru, representing knowledge, reflection, insight, wisdom, intuition, and morality.

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Garden: paradise, innocence, unspoiled beauty

Garden: paradise, innocence, unspoiled beauty

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Tree: denotes life of the cosmos; growth; knowledge;proliferation; symbol of immortality; phallic symbol.

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Desert: spiritual aridity; death; hopelessness.

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rebirth; genre/comedy.

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Summer - life; genre/romance.

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Fall - death/dying; genre/tragedy.

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Winter - without life/death; genre/irony.

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Freud's symbolism/archetypes:

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Concave images (ponds, flowers, cups, vases, hollows): female or womb symbols.

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Phallic symbols (towers, mountain peaks, snakes, knives, swords, etc.) male symbols

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