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Tabernacle Times Bringing God’s News to the Gentiles - April 2010

The Man Behind the Sign / DC*B - Church Music / Sickness and the Grace of God

What’s the Center of Your Easter?

Page 2: April - Scv Tabernacle Church's Magazine

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Devotional Easter

What is Easter? Easter is primarily the celebration of the

resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christian tradition.

It is broken up into: Good Friday (the Crucifixion) and

Easter Sunday (the Resurrection). It is one the oldest of

Christian holidays and many believe it to be the most

significant day on the Christian Calendar. The word “easter”

derived from the name Ēostre, the pagan goddess of fertility and

birth, thus being appropriate to call the day of Jesus’ Re-birth, Easter.

Why do we celebrate Easter? We celebrate Easter to honor and observe an important day in our

history. We keep Easter so that it is never forgotten that Jesus Christ,

our Lord and Savior, died for our sins so that we could have eternal

life. He paid the price for our iniquities and conquered death. And as

a gift to us, death we will no longer fear as long as we believe that

Christ the Messiah died for us. The way to heaven, eternal life, is

through the Holy (sinless) blood of Jesus. So rejoice on this

day, Easter, and every other day, knowing that Christ’s

resurrection gives hope to us all hope.

Blessings to all

- Tabernacle Times Team

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check out what’s inside…

Sickness and the Grace of God // pg 12

DC*B - Church Music // pg 7

The Man Behind the Sign // pg 6

So, What Does Easter Mean to You? // pg 3

Contents :

Prophet’s Wall Activity // pg 9

All of us, from the Tabernacle Times magazine, would like to thank those who helped produce this magazine. We hope this issue is truthful, entertaining, and informative. But above all we hope that in some way, it will help strengthen you in your walk with Christ. All glory honor and praise be unto the LORD. CONTACT US: -Wednesday’s 7-8:30pm @Tabernacle Church18909 Soledad Canyon Rd. Canyon Country CA 91351 [email protected]

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I think everyone can agree that Easter is

an important day. Nevertheless, I think people

disagree on the reason why that day

is important. Think about this

question: what is the purpose of

Easter? Now take that question, and

ask it to your pastor, then your

teacher or supervisor, your

spouse, your Christian friends,

your parents, and finally your

children or a child that you know.

But before you do that, ask yourself this

question: if you were to celebrate Easter with the

absence of Jesus Christ, how would you feel?

Although I have no idea who you are, I think it’s

safe to assume that your answer would probably

be something like: it feels wrong, it’s pointless, it

would feel like something is missing, or (maybe

even) it feels uncomfortable. So, to say the least,

probably the general response to that question is:

it would feel strange.

So now that I’ve asked you that question,

consider asking it to other people; preferably the

people that I mentioned before: pastors,

teachers, spouse, friends, parents, and children.

But once again, before you ask other people that

question, I have another question for you: if you

were forced to celebrate Easter, with the absence

of Christ, how much would it affect your day, -

explain in detail? I asked myself that question.

You want to know what my response was, it was

blank stares. At first, I thought that I would be

outraged and all would be lost for the sake of

Easter. But I soon realized that when it came

down to the truth, I would be able to function in

life quite normally if I were never to annually

celebrate and observe Christ’s resurrection. I

would simply carry on in life celebrating an

Easter-bunny day, probably wondering why; in

the same way I wonder why April fool’s day is

celebrated. I should clarify though that the

explain in detail? I asked myself that question.

You want to know what my response was, it

was blank stares. At first, I thought that I would

be outraged and all would be lost for the sake

of Easter. But I soon realized that when it

came down to the truth, I would be able to

function in life quite normally if I were never to

annually celebrate and observe Christ’s

resurrection. I would simply carry on in life

celebrating an Easter-bunny day, probably

wondering why; in the same way I wonder why

April fool’s day is celebrated. I should clarify

though that the reason why I felt this way was

because I don’t need a special day to rejoice

over Christ’s resurrection. I can rejoice any

and every day.

However, this fact (that I had blank

stares) raises a very important question. What

does Easter mean to me? I know what “Easter”

means, but I don’t know what it means to me.

So to continue, you should again ask this

question to people as well, and see what they

have to reply. And again I’m assuming here,

but I think if you were to ask them the question

(“what does Easter mean to you?”) their

responses would be something like: pastor-

preparing for my sermon, spouse- making sure

we got all the Easter baskets finished, friends-

visiting my family, parents-making sure you

visit me! , and children – Easter egg hunting!

Now I know that this is not the only thing that

Easter means to them, because probably they

would also mention: going to church, enjoying

the sermon, fellowshipping, and maybe even

extending praise and worship throughout the

day. But what I’m really trying to get at is this:

what is the most significant part of Easter,

according to your brain. And while you’re

thinking about that question, I’ll ask you this:

how would you feel celebrating Easter, with the

absence of the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, and

Easter chocolate? Would Easter feel wrong if it

were solely focused on Jesus? No holiday

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My friend asked this question to her younger cousin. The response was, “We celebrate

Easter because the Easter Bunny comes and hides the eggs and we need to look for

them. Sometimes he puts chocolate in the eggs and sometimes confetti.”

So, What Does Easter Mean to You?

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visit me! , and children – Easter egg hunting! Now

I know that this is not the only thing that Easter

means to them, because probably they would

also mention: going to church, enjoying the

sermon, fellowshipping, and maybe even

extending praise and worship throughout the day.

But what I’m really trying to get at is this: what is

the most significant part of Easter, according to

your brain. And while you’re thinking about that

question, I’ll ask you this: how would you feel

celebrating Easter, with the absence of the

Easter bunny, Easter eggs, and Easter

chocolate? Would Easter feel wrong if it were

solely focused on Jesus? No holiday sales, no

Easter bunnies, no baskets, no nothing; just

Jesus and His resurrection. Would it affect your

day? Would you be disgruntled, paralleled in the

same way you would be disgruntled if Jesus were

absent from Easter? If so why? Take a moment

and really think about these questions...

Now here’s my point, I’m not trying to

convict you. What I’m trying to do is make you

aware of something. Something I just became

aware of myself. While it is important to know

what Easter is “all about”, it’s far more important

to know what Easter means to yourself. If our

government banned Easter, (the celebrated day

of Christ’s resurrection) is that something you

would die fighting to bring back. I know that

question is very controversial, but I’m not trying to

bring up a debate. What I’m really trying to do,

and what I hope I have done is sparked a thought

in your mind. Is the celebrated day of Christ’s

resurrection really significant to you? Is it

something that you demand to be kept known

question is very controversial, but I’m not trying to bring

up a debate. What I’m really trying to do, and what I

hope I have done is sparked a thought in your mind. Is

the celebrated day of Christ’s resurrection really

significant to you? Is it something that you demand to

be kept known (Christ’s resurrection), or is it merely a

holiday that you enjoy having off, and spending with

friends and family. If Easter is to you, the day to

remember Christ’s resurrection, then I challenge you,

make this holiday, a day that people remember you

refusing to stop telling the story of Christ’s resurrection.

One last thing though, I don’t say all of this to try

and persuade you into disregarding the whole lot of

everything non-Jesus, in “Easter”. Honestly, engaging

in Easter-bunny-activities reminds me of Jesus’

mother. Remember the water into wine story, when

Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding in

Galilee. In the story, wine ran out at the party, and in

those days running out of wine was a huge

embarrassment. Mary went to Jesus and told Him that

they had no more wine. Jesus asked her what did wine

running out have to do with Him and his disciples,

because, as he mentioned, His hour had no yet come.

Yet still persistent, Mary told the servants to do

whatever Jesus said. And the rest, as you all should

know, is glorious history. I think it was remarkable how

Mary found such a great opportunity to share the

power that God instilled in Christ Jesus. So if

preaching the gospel on Easter isn’t your cup of tea, I

challenge you still. Look for opportunities that may arise

for you to also share the loving-kindness of our God,

and the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus.

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the sign

grace and truth, and has allowed

me to share them with others.

- Willy Young

To say the least, we could all

learn from Willy. The fact that this

man has been devoted to holding

signs saying “U Need Jesus” and

“Where Will You Spend Eternity,”

begs some questions within my

own heart. How far would I go to

stand up for what we believe in?

How ready am I to engage in

conversation about the gospel?

And, how prepared am I to defend

God’s word against those who

oppose it?

May we all find it within

ourselves, a passion to stand up

for the gospel of Christ. And may

we all receive, from God’s Spirit,

boldness to preach it.

If you live in the Santa Clarita

Valley, you probably have seen this

man before. Whether you’ve driven

by him or simply just walk pass him,

many people know that he is no

stranger to our streets. Willy Young,

a member of: Living by the Word

Community Bible Church, has been

a devout street sign holder in our

city for some time. So, just as you

may have been wondering, we were

curious: who is the man behind the

sign? And luckily, one of our editors

knew of him; and somehow had his

number. So, we tracked him down,

or rather just called him, and asked

him some questions:

Q1- How long have you been a


Willy - I was raised in the church, so

I’ve been a believer all my life. But

I’ve been committed to Christ for 25


Q2- What motivated you to hold your

signs in public?

Willy - The Gospel

Q3 - How long have you been

professing your faith with your sings?

Willy - It has been 18 years.

Q4 - What is one memorable

reaction you’ve gotten from holding

your signs?

Willy - A non-believer approached

me once and said he respected what

I believed because of how I always

stood for it.

Q5 - What are your expectations in

doing this?

Willy - I hope that those who don’t

know Christ get to know Him and

receive Him in their hearts.

6Q - How has God blessed you for

your ministries?

Willy - He has blessed me with




the sign

Charles -

Willy Young is a

believer in Christ who

illustrates an

astonishing amount of

bravery in his

dedication for our

Lord. He holds signs

proclaiming that Jesus

is the way the truth

and the light, on the

street corners of my

community's busiest

intersections. He has

been doing this for

over 18 years

voluntarily. That takes

tremendous courage.

So I had to know what

his motivation was.”

Willy Young, from living by the word ministries, is an

extraordinary example of boldness for the gospel

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Music Review Music Review

David Crowder* Band, an amazing group of artist, just came

out with a new album (Church Music) last year. Church Music

was released in September 2009, and although September is

quite some time from April 2010, their album has done nothing

but explode! DC*B, a band that is practically paving the way for

today’s modern Christian music industry, has captivated the

masses, with their influential, progressive electronic rock.

A brief history:

“Singer/guitarist David Crowder first stepped into the music

industry when he realized that over half of the students at Baylor

University, a Christian school that he attended in Waco, TX, were

not going to church. He began to actively recruit students for

worship services and started writing songs to draw more young

people in. He eventually started releasing the songs, leading to

his debut album, 2002's Can You Hear Us? The album was

released under the name the David Crowder*Band, as Crowder

was joined by guitarists Jack Parker and Jason Solley,

drummer Jeremy Bush, bassist Mike Dodson, and electric

violinist Mike Hogan. Their sophomore effort, Illuminate,

appeared in the fall of 2003 and was followed a year later

by The Lime CD, which comprised two earlier live releases

(The Green CD and The Yellow CD) that had been given

out to fans who had either pre-ordered prior albums or

attended various CD-release parties. Sunsets & Sushi

appeared in early 2005 before the band's next studio

album, the bluegrass-tinged A Collision, was issued that

fall. A spinoff of the latter album, entitled B Collision,

came out a year later and focused even more on the

group's bluegrass delvings. ~ Bradley Torreano, All Music

Guide.” (

released under the name the David Crowder*Band, as

Crowder was joined by guitarists Jack Parker and Jason Solley,

drummer Jeremy Bush, bassist Mike Dodson, and electric

violinist Mike Hogan. Their sophomore effort, Illuminate,

appeared in the fall of 2003 and was followed a year later by

The Lime CD, which comprised two earlier live releases (The

Green CD and The Yellow CD) that had been given out to fans

who had either pre-ordered prior albums or attended various

CD-release parties. Sunsets & Sushi appeared in early 2005

before the band's next studio album, the bluegrass-tinged A

Collision, was issued that fall. A spinoff of the latter album,

entitled B Collision, came out a year later and focused even

more on the group's bluegrass delvings. ~ Bradley Torreano, All

Music Guide.”- (

Church music is by far the greatest release from the DC*B

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w Music Review Music Review

today. And what is so remarkable about BC*D, and especially

about this album, is that they cover so many genres of music.

Honestly, you wouldn’t think that soothing hymns, 1970’s

disco, and invigorating metal inspired guitar shreds could all fit

nicely into one CD. But somehow DC*B managed to pull it off,

and well I should add!

But the main reason why we wanted commend DC*B was

because of one song in particular; the song “How He

Loves.”How He Loves has become incredibly popular. This

song has gone from placing in the highest of music charts, to

being covered by big-named Christian bands like Hillsong.

However, all the credit shouldn’t go to DC*B alone, because

the song was covered from its original version by John Mark

Mcmillan. Nevertheless, even though DC*B didn’t originally

write the song, the fact of the matter is that they picked an

incredible song to cover. I can say in the least that this song

has brought me to tears.

incredible song to cover. I can

say in the least that this song has brought me to


I should warn you though, it’s not as if this song has some

majestic power to it, that will lift you off your feet and bring you

all to tears; because it might not, it’s just a song. However, the

thing that makes the song so powerful is the message behind

it. For myself, when I first listened to the song, I was going

through a hard time trying to accept the fact the God accepts

us just the way we are, sin in all. And when I heard that song,

it just hit home.

So to say the least, DC*B’s Church Music is by far my

favorite album of 2009, and unless someone comes out with

something more heart-breakingly powerful, it will be my

favorite for 2010 as well.

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Christian’s churches growing in the SCV

.Praise the Lord that we have two new houses of.

.God opening up this month!.

.Be in prayer for our brothers and sisters for God’s favor & blessings


Newlife in His Presence Church – who will have their first official

service this Easter Sunday April 4th 2010


Real Life Church – who will have their grand opening on April 18th 2010

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David Quinn

Sickness and the Grace of God

‘ve been sick for the past five days. Yesterday

I went to the doctor and used my health

insurance to get checked and then to purchase my


I received an email today from Nancy-Ann

DeParle, Director of the White House Office of

Health Reform. The subject line said, "There but

for the grace of God go I". I doubt she actually

wrote any of the email herself. I hate to be cynical

but I've been to D.C. a few times and I know that

every office has interns running all over the place

pumping these letters out on behalf of their boss.

This quote, when it shows up late in the body of the

email, follows just after a story of a woman who

decided to abandon her health insurance because of

its high premiums just before she got leukemia.

Here's what was quoted by the president in his


"She realized that if she paid those health insurance

premiums that had been jacked up by 40 percent …

she couldn't make ends meet. So January was her

last month of being insured. Like so many

responsible Americans -- folks who work hard

every day, who try to do the right thing -- she was

forced to hang her fortunes on chance... And on

Saturday, Natoma was diagnosed with leukemia…

"Part of what makes this issue difficult is most of

us do have health insurance, we still do.... But what

we have to understand is that what's happened to

Natoma, there but for the grace of God go any one

of us."

So here's what's interesting to me. Did you catch

the line that said "she was forced to hang her

fortunes on chance" and then the few sentences

later when it says "there but for the grace of God go

any one of us?"

"There but for the grace of God" was uttered by

John Bradford, an English Reformer, while a man

passed him on his way to execution, which was to

be his same end. So, he recognized the grace of

God in that moment. But he still received the same

punishment later. Was God's grace removed when

his time of death came?

Was this email supposed to make me support a

nationalized health care system, as though it is

somehow a representation of the grace of God?

How can they tell me that Natoma hung all her

fortunes on chance and then in the next breath tell

me that it's by the grace of God that I am not in the

same situation. What about the grace of God for

Natoma? Does she receive any less of the grace of

God than I just because she had to give up paying

for her health care? Isn't that the perfect time for a

friend or for the church to step in and help provide

for her? Is God's only way to care for people and

demonstrate his grace through the government?

Does she trust in "chance" or "the grace of God"?

Do Nancy-Ann or president Obama really believe

in the grace of God or are they just trying to get my

support for their coup on the health care system in


He said that most of us have insurance. I'll tell you

what. I travel a lot. I've been to a lot of countries

where very few have health insurance. People get

sick and die eventually. It is good for us to care for

one another and demonstrate the grace of God in

each other’s lives. It is good for us to remind one

another that God's grace is available to everyone,

not just as evidence when everything is going well

for you.

I'm still sick. I might get better. I might not. I

believe I will because a lot of people are praying

for me and because I have medicine that addresses

my specific need. Even with health insurance

people still get sick and die. God has been and will

still be gracious to me and to you. I am thankful for

the life He's given me through His Son Jesus Christ

and the grace poured out to save my soul and heal

me of all my diseases. I don't think you'll hear the

president say that, but I still love him and pray for

him that he would really recognize and experience

the grace of God. Maybe he has, but he also seems

to think it's all about chance. And I don't think you

can have it both ways.


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by: Charles Jones

Gen. 1:2 – The Spirit of God moved upon the waters

Gen. 7:24 – The waters prevailed upon the earth

Isa. 11:9 – The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the

waters cover the sea

Isa. 55:1 – Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters

Rev. 22:17 – …Who so ever will, let him take the waters of life freely

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Follow the Master

Take not the wrong road

Which is easy to do

But follow the master

Who is righteous and true

But not overcome by

Loneliness and fear

The loving master

Is ever so near

When you’re troubled by

this World’s affairs

Look to the master

The one who cares

And never be discouraged by

The meanness about

Just trust in the master

Forsaking all doubt

Take no anxious thoughts

About what lies ahead

For He who holds the future

Is alive from the dead

(If any man will come after

Me, let him take up his cross

And follow me. Matt –


- Nate Wilson


Often shall we play in holidays around

But seldom do we think: is here Christ really found?

The people tell me yes indeed,

Yet in my heart, still proof I need.

So history is where I’ll search, hoping that I’ll find,

Some scholarly clarification, and renewed peace of mind.

I look to the right and what do I see,

The gospel of Christ trying to break free.

Behold Methodists and Lutherans fighting to proclaim,

A correct set of rules for their Christianity game.

I look to the left and what do I hear

Sounds of bickering and quarrels as I knew I would fear

Christ’s Easterns and Westerns who call themselves brother,

And still all the while can’t see eye to each other

I see debates over dates and discouraged recreation,

If I play those Easter games it will bring forth damnation.

I see hypocrisy theocracy such claims I think are lies.

Father help me see the truth, Lord just open up my eyes.

They scream Idolatry theology in hopes of their demise,

Halleluiah from the saints to our Savior praises rise.

What is this Holy Day that it should cause much reformation,

It’s the life of Christ, our song, our rock, the foundation of my


That Jesus died upon a cross, alive He came again.

He bore the shame of all the world He took away my sin.

What’s important Easter Sunday is not that pagan bunny

Cause after all its just a tale, our children think is funny

What’s important Easter Sunday, is in the way we love

Just like my Savior Jesus, the Son from God above

- Frank Buard

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From the Pastor’s Desk

Taking Account of the “Showers of Blessings”

We have all heard it said at least once in our lives, “April

showers, brings May flowers,” and with that in mind, I‘d like to

focus our attention this month to the showering of God’s


In James 1:17 it says “Every good gift and every perfect gift is

from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with

whom there is no variation or shadow of turning”.

With this being the month we celebrate the Resurrection of

our Lord, how fitting it is to realize the greatest gift given to

mankind. It is during this month that we need to reflect

and realize that as part of God’s family, He has nothing but

good gifts to present to His children.

Did He not demonstrate that in giving to us the

greatest gift of all in His Son? Let’s reflect throughout this

month on how God “showers” all of us with His gifts of

blessings. What can you look at in your life, family, work, friends,

and be thankful to our Lord in what He has “showered” upon you?

If the showers of blessings this month can be more focused

upon all of us reaching out and touching others with Christ, then

our fruitfulness will multiply and May will become a month of

tremendous physical, spiritual and numerical growth here at The

Tabernacle, and everywhere.

This April let us truly all experience individually as well as

corporately the truth of Philippians 3:10 which says; “That I may

know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of

His sufferings, being conformed to His death…”

In closing what better words to speak then those of the

Apostle Paul to the Corinthian church where he says; “Therefore,

my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding

in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in

the Lord” 1 Corinthians 15:58.

- Pastor Nick Carter

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Prayer Requests

Some requests from the family

to be in prayer about

J - that everything will go well on his

court date

Sage - that he may find a job soon,

and blessings for his graduation

Frank - that God will lift my father back

on his feet, and stand him firmly on His

rock & word

Nate - that his family will come closer


That God will watch over and protect

Charles, and will touch the hearts of the

people around him.

The God’s Spirit will fill up all the

pastors and leaders in this valley

That Christian’s in this valley stand

strong upon the rock of our Lord, and

not of the money of this world.

For our church ministries

For our church leadership team

For Judy and Andrew

For Grandma Carter

May God Be With You All

- Tabernacle Times Team

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