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  • Love is a Shared Energy of Blessing Posted by Barry Hesperus

    Love is an expansive connective energy that enables individuals to experience the sublime grandeur of the core of their own being by sharing that relational energy with others. Empathically tuning into what is experientially genuine, naturally good, or fully alive in another life presence arouses similar qualities in our own being, through a process of sympathetic vibratory resonance, or compatible energy attunement. In deeply invested empathic communion, heartfelt experiential attunement, caring energetic connection, or true love, we find our fulfillment by reflecting each others essential qualities of life energy, such as, generosity, compassion, courage, beauty, goodness, sweetness, or enchanted richness of being, which magnetically arouses similar noble, exalted, or sublime qualities in ourselves. Any qualities of true greatness, genuine sincerity, and natural goodness that we empathically contact in another life presence arouses similar qualities in ourselves, because the seeing and being of the shared energy of love are interrelated processes. When we view others and ourselves through the eyes of love, or the perspective of nonjudgmental empathic attunement, the energy of love intuitively sees or recognizes (re-cognizes) its own loving, lovable, lovely qualities of flawless purity, integrated cohesive wholeness, regenerative life energy, or blessedness, in whoever or whatever it gazes upon. That is why true love naturally brings blessing by revealing its own blessed energy presence as the true being of the lover, the beloved, and the relational energy that flows between them. Sublime qualities of love such as true inner and outer beauty, sweetness, wonder-full

    enchantment, joyful vitality, and total security reflect an exalted or very high vibratory

    frequency of relational life energy, which give our consciousness the experience of

    being filled full to overflowing with a fully satisfying life energy presence. The

    relationally shared energy presence of love also involves the experience of full

    blessedness, or being united to the source of everything that contributes to full

    satisfaction, total security, and overflowing fullness of being. The sweet or juicy

    qualities of love are what satisfy and nourish our inner being, metaphorically

    represented by tasty treats that stimulate our material taste buds with vibrations that

    are experienced as sweet and succulent. The energy of love naturally seeks full

    energetic and experiential union or deep communion with the beloved so that we can

    experience the blessed essence or relational core of our own life energy being as love.

    The vibratory energetic pattern, evolutionary blueprint, song, dance, or story of

    our own heart, soul, or essential core of being is inherently relational to other

    individuals, and, therefore, is naturally aroused through our loving empathic

    communion with them.

  • Our empathic appreciation of the truly lovable, noble, or blessed qualities of other individuals is reflected or resonated back to us as the blessed experience of our own individual form of the being, energy, electricity or electromagnetic pulse of love. Being in the presence of and in deeply invested empathic communion with someone who we deeply care about arouses and releases the essential juices and related vibratory energy pulse of our own individual being, as naturally matching, compatible, complementary, resonating, vibratory energy pulses. That is why true love or warmhearted caring is the greatest natural tonic, elixir, succulent sweetness, or ambrosia and nectar of life energy. The urge to connect to another individual at a sensual, sexual, mental, emotional, experiential, and/or energetic level is part of a natural urge for full union, unrestricted communion, empathic attunement, or deep vibratory resonance of our individual energy fields. The deeper our level of communion with the wholeness of another individuals living energy presence, to the very core of their being, the more deeply, fully, or greatly the energy of our own whole being is magnetically amplified, or enhanced in its pitch or rhythmic pulsation, to the very core of our being. The process of empathic communion or energetic experiential attunement is the relational connection of true love that reveals the blessed love-being of each of the participating individuals, through an electromagnetic process of sympathetic, congruent, compatible, complementary, or harmonic vibratory resonance. The relational energy of love makes us extremely open or superconductive to contacting, experiencing, expressing, amplifying, and limitlessly expanding all of the shared qualities of love, sublime grandeur, or blessedness that are inherent to the shared being of love. We must unselfishly, generously, abundantly share the blessed qualities, capacities,

    and gifts of love for them to grow more abundant, richer, more vivid, or more fully

    developed in our own experience, because the expansive process of sharing our caring

    energy with others releases or elicits the source, or reservoir of that energy to unfold

    deeper and deeper levels of itself, like pumping water from a limitless fountain, or like

    the heartbeat pumping blood to circulate throughout our individual body. However,

    any kind of egocentric, narcissistic, self-seeking sets into motion a greater and greater

    accelerating momentum of contraction of energy, producing increasing levels of

    scarcity rather than abundance of the inner and outer riches of reality. Any kind of

    selfish self-seeking is grounded in an implicit premise of inner deficiency or lack of

    wholeness of being and well-being, for which we try to compensate by trying to fill

    ourselves with something that we presume that we currently lack. That selfish premise

    of inner deficiency naturally produces an increasing momentum of inner and outer

    experiences of deficiency, limitation, scarcity, or lack of material and experiential


  • However, unselfishly sharing our caring energies, talents, and gifts with others implicitly reflects an opposite premise that our being or energies are limitless and inexhaustible, so we do not fear being permanently depleted or deprived through the process of giving of our energies. This premise of limitless abundance of being must actually be lived or expressed through the expansive process of sharing our caring energies to be experientially valid; theoretical affirmations of abundance that do not involve an expansive flow of energy to others are likely to set into motion an opposite contracting momentum, producing increasing levels of inner and outer deficiency and scarcity rather than true abundance. When we set into motion the expansive energy of love by unselfishly sharing our warmhearted caring, investment of empathic attention, and other resources with others, that expansive momentum reveals the blessed or limitlessly renewable, regenerative, fully satisfying qualities that are intrinsic to the expansive, inexhaustible, energy of love. There is a natural rhythmic oscillation between the giving and receiving of the expansive relational energy of love, like the natural process of inhalation and exhalation within the greater whole process of breathing, or like the rhythmic in-beat and out-beat of the heart. This rhythmic flow of energy between receiving and giving, or between self and other, is naturally meant to occur spontaneously, guided by what intuitively feels right to our core integrity from moment to moment, and is not meant to be managed through volitional control, which interferes with the unpredictable pulse of loves natural flow. Conscious control tends to be one-sided, exclusive, imbalanced, restrictive, rigid, divisive, whereas the energy of love is a natural integrated seamless wholeness and spontaneous flexibility that arises from the mystery core of our being, sometimes beyond what the conscious mind can measure, predict, and control. The perfect pitch or rightful harmonic integrated coherence of our core integrity can gradually emerge and reveal itself when we no longer try to impose preconceived patterns or predetermined agendas upon the relational energy of love and the individual energy of our own being. Having plans and preferences is natural and should not be relinquished or suppressed, but we need to intuitively align those with rather than against the natural spontaneous flow of our individual being and relational connections.

    Genuinely caring relationships or loving empathic connection propels the two or more

    participating individuals to a very high vibratory speed frequency of conscious and

    unconscious energy, the level of full cohesion, integrated coherence, or permanent

    integrity wholeness, which cannot be disintegrated, the supreme source level of reality

    or creative intelligence. That integrated wholeness or core integrity level of reality

    integrates the individual, relational, and unity or universal levels of reality. Optimal

    health of all levels of our being, including body, mind, energetic heart, soul, and spirit,

    involves attunement to the integrating wholeness of reality, which is the energy of

    individual integrity and the connective energy of love, uniting the inner and outer (or

    subjective and objective) levels of reality into a greater integrated wholeness of being.

  • Thus, the experience of true wholeness and fullness of being or overflowing abundance of life energy comes from the relational union of subjective and objective reality, or inner and outer reality, in fully invested self-forgetful communion with another individual. Perhaps the co-created blessed energy of love can also magnetically repel malign inner and outer forces. The expansive energy of love should be able to displace and replace contracting energies of fear and negativity that naturally attract malign predatory forces of all kinds, inwardly and outwardly. When we are full of true love or genuine warmhearted unselfish caring, then we are free of fear; and then evil negativity has nothing of its own nature to attach itself to in us, so it automatically gets reflected back to sender as a principle of justice, as epitomized by the principle, as you sow, so shall you reap. Any qualities, gifts, or treasures of love, goodness, or spirit we unselfishly, generously share with others naturally grows more abundantly developed in us, too. As we give deeply of our warmhearted caring energy, time, talents, insights, and material resources to other people, we thereby access, elicit, or pump out correspondingly deeper, richer, grander levels of energy from the inner wellspring or bottomless, inexhaustible reservoir of our own individual being. This involves a veritable ontic gift exchange, bringing out the best in ourselves by bringing out the best in others, through a process of vibratory resonance or empathic attunement. We are not necessarily limited only to exchanging material gifts, resources, and ideas (although that can also be very valuable and necessary, at times); we can also enrich one anothers inner being and transformational development with a higher or grander vision of what we can be at our best, as a blessing, true vision of excellence, or what the ancient Greeks called Arete. When we view others with the eyes or perspective of love, it can give us a true vision of their realistically attainable greater levels of unfolding fruition, transformational development, and limitless abundance of being. When we invest our whole being in empathic communion or heartfelt attunement with another individual, to the core of their being, that enables us to see beyond their surface appearance (such as their physical features, illusory acquired psychosocial masks of ego-personality, and current level of development) to a deeper level of their permanent being and of what they are naturally meant to become. This ability of empathic loving communion to see beyond the surface appearance and the sometimes disagreeable, acquired, personality traits of other individuals brings to mind St. Exuperys insightful observation, in The Little Prince, only the heart sees rightly; what is essential is not visible to the eyes. True love, or warmhearted caring, is a great co-creative transformational blessing power to bring our deeper hidden or latent inner resources to the surface in more developed form. Furthermore, the energy of caring warmth or true love is like a soothing lubricant, ointment, or balm to release whatever energies, habits, or patterns have become stuck, misdirected, distorted, and toxic in us. As we develop greater discernment, alertness, responsibility and accountability to self and others, we can thereby increasingly align ourselves with the vibratory energy pulse of love, as integrated wholeness, which enables it to gradually transform us into its own blessed nature, while transmuting or transforming our shadow or negative qualities.

  • We must learn to follow the winding vibratory pulse of integrity, beauty, love, to its source in our own limitless power source, our inexhaustible core being, metaphorically like following the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz story. People should experiment with various ways of producing soulful, heart-inspired products that are made with love, saturated with the living energy presence of love. Such products would be highly blessed living products, imbued with regenerative love-life energy to enhance the vitality, well-being, and creative functioning of people who come into contact with those blessed products, and the regenerative relational or connective energy field transmitted by such products. That would be a meaningful contrasting alternative to dead products that are produced exclusively through mechanical means, without much investment of the producers inner being or heartfelt caring. Such products are basically deadening or numbing, shallow, sterile, dry, without real juices of life energy, like a body without a soul. However, love-inspired, love-blessed products can serve to revitalize contemporary society, as well as enrich individuals, dyadic relationships, families, groups, and social networks, with a greater quality, stature, nobility, blessedness, enchantment, or richness of being, beyond the more easily measurable, quantifiable, material benefits that can exist without such infusion of love-blessed energies. At their best, social and professional networks can function as synergistic/co-creative platforms, thereby providing opportunities to exchange empowering energy, liberating new options, expanded resources, and a transformative blessing grounded in a true vision of one anothers untapped potentials. Through the process of fully investing our conscious attention and caring energies in heartfelt empathic communion with other individuals, we make contact with the core of their being where those untapped latent potentials abide, and we energize those potentials to become activated, like seeds that sprout or eggs that hatch when exposed to warmth of sunlight. We are meant to serve as energy transformers, inner and outer resource magnifiers, amplifiers, or elicitors, for one another. The best way to generate a sustainable momentum for our individual lives, personal relationships, social networks, and global society is to deeply explore how we can minimize energy draining or toxic energy processes, while maximizing energy gaining or regenerative energy processes, in our inner and outer lives. Such co-creative synergistic partnerships would be guided by win-win mutual benefit principles rather than Social Darwinism, involving zero sum game destructive predatory competition, grounded in win-lose scenarios.

    Warmhearted individuals around the world should unite as a veritable tribe or community of embodied human seraphim, outlets for divine love flame. Uniting together in this way would greatly amplify the energy power of love, enabling the force of love to bless, heal, and transform this world, and distressed individuals in this world, from the inside as well as from the outside, as a regenerative inner atmosphere. Perhaps such a community of love-awakened individuals would be relatively rare in the universe, since purported extraterrestrial visitors to our planet earth are usually depicted as being basically mechanical, robotic, technologically advanced but without heart and soul, without energy feeling, and therefore, apparently lacking the ability to create and appreciate true beauty and joyful vitality.

  • Those who contribute to awakening the love-heart and soul of humanity should be respected and rewarded for their contributions, even if they lack the technical skills necessary to contribute to the material needs of humanity. The more readily quantifiable, measurable, skills and contributions of more technically or mechanically oriented persons should also be respected and rewarded without devaluing, marginalizing, and impoverishing those who lack such skills but who are naturally meant to serve the nourishment and development of the inner being of humanity through the relatively advanced level of their own inner being, their heart and soul. Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

  • BE LIKE THE EARTH Posted by Michael Forbus

    Obstacles can arise from good as well as bad circumstances, but they should never deter or overpower you. Be like the earth, which supports all living creatures indiscriminately, without distinguishing good from bad. The earth is simply there. Your practice should be strengthened by the difficult situations you encounter, just as a bonfire in a strong wind is not blown out, but blazes even brighter. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, In Transition (Winter 1991) ------------------------------------------------- "Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion." ~His Holiness the Dalai Lama ------------------------------------------------- Watering The Plants Watering the plants once in a while just to keep them from dying is how we treat others and ourselves when we become lost in doing or the future. We offer just enough attention to get by. Spend some time here, in the now. Fertilize yourself and others with loving presence.

  • nnnccchhhaaannnttteeeddd ooorrreeesssttt

    rrraaapppeeevvviiinnneeeLLLooooookkk fffooorrr ttthhheee EEEnnnccchhhaaannnttteeeddd FFFooorrreeesssttt

    GGGrrraaapppeeevvviiinnneee fffooorrr aaa llliiisssttt ooofff aaawwweeesssooommmeee dddiiissscccuuussssssiiiooonnnsss aaannnddd pppooosssttt fffrrrooommm

    mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff ttthhheee FFFooorrreeesssttt...... ttthhhiiisss wwwaaasss tttooo hhheeelllppp cccuuuttt dddooowwwnnn ooonnn mmmaaaiiilll

    cccooonnnfffuuusssiiiooonnn iiinnn yyyooouuurrr iiinnnbbboooxxx... SSSooo aaalllwwwaaayyysss lllooooookkk fffooorrr ttthhhiiisss ssshhhaaarrreee iiisss

    aaalllwwwaaayyysss gggooooooddd iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn fffrrrooommm ttthhheee sssiiittteee!!!!!!!!!

  • One Day at a Time Posted by Nancy Anderson

    Dear Family, I thought this would help us all. April 13 from my Al -Anon Book.. No wonder that AA and Al--anon stress the importance of living just one day at a time. How much thinking time we waste, fretting over past mistakes and missed the opportunities! How often our depressed imaginings betray us into speculating about, "what's going to happen." Yesterdays have no values except as experiences, To be used in making today and the future more fruitful. It may be difficult at first to discard these negative thinking habits. Yet it's a relief to find we can unload the burdens of the past and anticipate, rather than dread, our tomorrows. I pray to be relieved of the compulsion to worry about the past. God of my Understanding help me to help my self, That I need to teach my self to live just one day at a time.. Nancy Anderson

  • EXPRESS YOUR MIND OF COMPASSION Posted by Michael Forbus

    When we come into contact with the other person, our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if that person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We practice in this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable. ~Thich Nhat Hanh ---------------------------------------- Being Grounded My sense is that there is a very real problem among Western Buddhist practitioners. We are attempting to practice meditation and to follow a spiritual path in a disembodied state, and our practice is therefore doomed to failure. The full benefits and fruition of meditation cannot be experienced or enjoyed when we are not grounded in our bodies. The phrase from the early text, when understood fully, implies not only that we are able to touch enlightenment with our bodies, but that we must do so--that in fact there is no other way to touch enlightenment except in and through our bodies. -Reggie Ray, "Touching Enlightenment" ---------------------------------------- Meeting This Moment If you want to learn how to meet death, learn how to meet life and this moment with open arms.

  • ~ ~ A !~



    Remember our Mother Earth Today Be Safe The Enchanted Team

  • The Legend of the Cherokee Rose. Posted by Whispr

    No better symbol exists of the pain and suffering of the Trail Where They Cried than the Cherokee Rose(pictured at top of page). The

    mothers of the Cherokee grieved so much that the chiefs prayed for a sign to lift the mother's spirits and give them strength to care for

    their children. From that day forward, a beautiful new flower, a rose, grew wherever a mother's tear fell to the ground. The rose is

    white, for the mother's tears. It has a gold center, for the gold taken from the Cherokee lands, and seven leaves on each stem that

    represent the seven Cherokee clans that made the journey. To this day, the Cherokee Rose prospers along the route of the "Trail of

    Tears". The Cherokee Rose is now the official flower of the State of Georgia.

  • love comes in many forms Posted by peacewillow devine

    how much of your own comfort would you be willing to sacrifice for the well-being of someone you love? would you go without food so that they could eat? would you give up financial security? would you sleep in your car with them, rather than in a bed somewhere without them? i have done all of those things, and more. what seems to amaze and annoy people is that i've done all that for a dog, rather than a human. but cheyanne is much more than just a dog to me. she is my best friend, my familiar and the love of my life. she is teaching me patience, tolerance, self-sacrifice and unconditional love, among other things. these are not always easy lessons to learn and, to be honest, it's probably better to learn them from someone who doesn't hold a grudge! i really don't see what i'm doing as anything special. i am responsible for cheyanne's well-being. she has been with me since she was 4 weeks old and she just turned 13 on december 8. unlike a child, she's never gonna grow up and leave home. she depends on me for everything. why are people so surprised that i would lay my life down for her? i have been told that i treat my dog better than some people treat their children, and i know it's true, which saddens me greatly. we apparently live in such a disposable society that it's become okay to toss away pets, children and other people when they fail to conveniently serve our purpose. little wonder that divorce is so common, children so under-parented and animal shelters are always full to capacity. my prayer is that we remember that we are all a part of the same spiritual entity, and that what we do to each other, we do to ourselves. peace and blessed be to all. namaste

  • Creating A Kitchen Altar Posted by Whispr

    A kitchen altar makes a vital, visual connection between you and your cooking activities and the Goddess. If the oven and stove, as modern equivalents of the hearth-fire, are the heart of the house, this altar will be the soul. Every time you see it, you will be reminded that what you do as a kitchen witch is vitally important. It will remind you that your kitchen is a sacred place. It will help you to remember that your ability to nourish yourself and your loved ones connects you with the Great Mother, the nurturer, the spirit of loving and compassionate care. The kitchen altar is meant to be a joyous and playful expression of your wild spirit: creating it is great fun! Whenever we consciously allow our inner self to come out and play, a deep satisfaction results from feeding our spirits and nurturing our souls. Here, then, are some guidelines to get you started. KITCHEN GODDESSES It is very ancient and powerful magick to have a goddess figure in your home. Some of the earliest human artifacts ever discovered include many domestic goddess statues. When we create an altar and house a goddess there, we are making a satisfying link with our earliest ancestors. As kitchen witches, we choose to honour the spirit of our homes and the Goddess who is the source of all nourishment and life. A good first step in creating your altar is choosing the goddess you wish to honour with it.

    PLACEMENT Your kitchen altar can be almost anywhere in the room--on a countertop, on top of a cupboard or the fridge, on the table. Perhaps the range hood, a window shelf, or a shelf on the wall would work well for you. You'll just want to be sure that it won't get bumped or broken in the midst of your cooking activities (but if it gets a little spattered with cooking juices, consider it a libation or blessing upon your sacred space!). Find a spot near the stove or oven, if possible. Many kitchen goddesses are pretty hot and fiery, and they love to be right where the action is (not only can they take the proverbial heat in the kitchen, they thrive on it). If space is an issue for you, consider an arrangement of framed photographs or making a collage on posterboard to serve as a vertical altar on the wall. Another idea, inspired from the Hindu faith, is to dedicate one of your kitchen cupboards as an altar space. The doors to the cupboard altar are opened while cooking to allow the kitchen goddess to guide the cooking and ensure a healthy, spiritual meal, and also so that a cyclic flow of Divine Energy can make its way around the room.

  • The first step is to choose which cupboard you will dedicate as your altar. Cupboard space is usually of short supply in most kitchens and some re-arranging of cupboard contents may be at hand. It is recommended that you use a cupboard with two doors and one that is at eye level. This way, the Divine Presence is closer to you, and easy to access. When both doors are open, it directs the energy outward and around the room. Make sure the cupboard you choose is easily accessible; if you choose the cupboard above the refrigerator, it makes your altar virtually inaccessible and easily forgotten. On the back of the cupboard, you could place a picture of your kitchen goddess, a pentacle, or what ever reminds you of Divine Energy. You might like to hang a special cloth, picture, or create a collage as a backdrop to your altar. This would also be an appropriate place to hang a lunar or Goddess-themed calendar. Charge the object in whatever way feels best for you. With this charged picture, statuette, or pentacle, Divine Energy will have its direct pathway into your kitchen. The next step would be the altar cloth. This might be an old scarf from a local thrift shop, a fabric remnant from a local sewing store, or a colourful paper or cloth napkin. You could also make your own altar cloths. Acquiring a collection of different colours and patterns allows you to change your altar according to the season, your moods, or any particular magickal goal or focus you are working on at a given time. It will also make it easier to clean your altar periodically. If you feel like doing a little minor renovation, you could hollow out a niche in a wall to house your altar. Or you can improvise a setting for your altar with a special box--ransack the attic or check out yard sales to find the perfect one. Your altar can be set inside or on top of it. Or you could take a trip to the nearest craft shop; they often sell lovely wild-looking twiggy birdhouses that make terrific kitchen altars. The shape of your altar, as well as the decorations you choose for it, will depend in large measure not only on your taste, but on the taste of your kitchen goddess ( a primitive terracotta bird-headed goddess would probably feel more at home in one of the aforementioned nests than in a columned and frescoed temple). If you decide on an actual historical goddess to be the patron of your kitchen, you may want to read up on her to find out what she'd like; make sure your tastes are compatible.

    HONOURING WHO YOU ARE One of the most important functions of your kitchen altar is to remind you of your intimate connection with the Goddess and the earth. It also celebrates the unique gifts and talents that you bring to the kitchen--and to the world--as a human representative of nurturing Goddess energy. What small objects could you include on the altar to express who you are? A painter might do a small still-life oil painting of her favourite foods for her altar, while an avid needle worker could make a cross stitch background hanging for hers. An attorney may choose a small metal scale, symbol of justice, to dangle from the hand of her kitchen goddess, Athena, and a potter might like to throw a tiny spiral-painted pot to rest at her kitchen goddess's feet.

  • Writers could make books from paper, lace, or corn husks to place on their altars; a teacher might place a piece of chalk in her Hestia's hand; and a marathon runner may include a tiny pair of running shoes from Barbie's wardrobe. If you have a special love for any particular animal, you can find or make a small representation of the animal to share the altar space with your kitchen goddess. Collectors may want to find a spot for an item from their button or stamp collections. Find ways to share your talents and enthusiasms via the altar. DECORATION While the choices for altar decoration are virtually limitless, here are a few basics to get you started. Books: This would be the perfect place to house your own Kitchen Witch's Book of Shadows, a favourite cookbook or recipe collection, as well as any food novels that you might be reading. Candles: Candles become a visible reminder of the hearth-flame. Small tealights in aluminum cups work very well, and they are often burnt just for the amount of time it takes to plan, prepare, cook, and eat a meal. Or you could use votives (many of them have food-related fragrances: apple cinnamon, honeydew, pumpkin spice, vanilla) or regular pillars or taper candles. The simple act of lighting your altar candle before you start your meal preparation can make a profound difference in the way you feel about cooking. Just be sure not to leave it burning unattended. Food: Our distant ancestors left bits of their meals at the feet of the hearth goddess. It can be soul-satisfying to for us to do this, as well. Perishable items will need to be removed and replaced regularly...take the offerings outside and bury them in the earth or in your compost pile. Or you can stick to dried items that won't spoil such as seeds, dried herbs, nuts, or Native American corn. Incense and Burner: Most of us don't burn incense before we begin preparing a meal because we don't want to mask all those wonderful cooking aromas; however, lighting a stick of incense can be part of your cleaning routine and is also a satisfying way to bring closure to a meal. Natural Objects: When we include something from nature on the altar, especially something that is relatively unchanging like a special rock or crystal, we are reminded of how ancient the planet it, and how brief has been the span of human life upon it. It's good to root our altars in the ancientness of Earth. Pinecones, gourds, geodes, sheaves of wheat, or a bundle of pussywillows or twigs are all possibilities. Plants: Depending upon the placement of your altar, it might be an appropriate spot for a plant such as rosemary, aloe vera, or basil. Reminders of Loved Ones: It can be a special act of love to include small photos or mementos for each family member or friend whom we'll be feeding.

  • When we bring visible reminders of our tenderness into the kitchen, it helps us to cook with a joyous, open heart. Perhaps you have a special reminder of your ancestors, such as a teacup that belonged to your grandmother, that you would like to give a place of honour to on your altar to celebrate your ancestors. Seasonal Reminders: You can add items to your altar throughout the year to honour the changing seasons: seeds for late summer; a small squash or wheat sheaves for harvest time; evergreen sprigs for midwinter; sprouts for early spring. What season is it now? Pay real attention when you explore farmer's markets, or take a walk outdoors and notice what the green things are doing. The world is filled with incredible bounty and richness, and the altar is a perfect place to celebrate this truth, as well as our connection to the cycles of the earth. See the Decorating for the Seasons page of A Kitchen Witch's Book of Shadows for ideas of seasonal items that you might like to include on your kitchen altar. Utensils: It can be fun to honour the utensils with which we cook. Dollhouses often yield beautiful miniature utensils that fit well on kitchen altars, or you can make them yourself out of various materials. Small wooden cooking spoons are a favourite, or you may prefer a miniature greenhouse, a tiny mortar and pestle, or a teensy food processor. A small cauldron could symbolize your magickal workings and the ever flowing abundance of the Goddess as she provides nourishment for you and you family. Periodically you might also like to place your everyday utensils on the altar for charging. For example, if you have a special wooden spoon that you use to cast circles in your kitchen, you might like to place it on your altar every full moon and ask your kitchen goddess to bless and reconsecrate it. CONSECRATION An important part of creating your altar is taking a few moments to bless or consecrate it. How you do this is up to you. You could simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, open them again, look all around your kitchen, and exhale. You could say a few words: "This kitchen is now a sacred space," or "May the food that is cooked in this sacred kitchen feed us deeply." You might choose to do something more elaborate like sprinkling the altar with salt and water, smudging it with incense or a smudge stick, or reading a passage from a poem or other work that has meaning to you. The important thing is for you to find your own way to acknowledge that a sacred space has now been created for you in the kitchen.

  • Lets Get Crafty... Harobeds Hippy Gardening Tricks!

    Posted by Harobed

    Welcome my Lovlies:) Being a Hedge Witch my gardens are where I dwell for the biggest part of the year. I lovingly tend mine in the old ways as much as possible and always use the most earth friendly way to accomplish my gardening goals.This does not have to be exspensive or a tiresome chore!Earth friendly and Goddess honoring ,I gleaned alot of knowledge back in the day from sources such as Mother Earth News ,Grit and Organic Gardening ,all of these are now online and free for the most part. They were the foundations I've based my life of gardening on.I use what I have around our home to solve my problems .This time I'm sharing some of the things I brew up for my outdoor realm.First off let me say ,Being who I am I have to tinker with stuff, so all of these recipies started off someone elses. Over the years Ive tweaked them until they worked best for me.Next , believe me when I tell you I like things simple!All of these are simple,quick and cheap enough to please the most frugal of Hedge Witchs. Now having said that,the lesson begins....

  • I love my water garden its my very own taylored to me quiet spot!My fish are friendly and always looking for a handout.To keep them healthy I feed them Koi pellets that can be bought most anywhere including walmart.But like kids they want treats too and being a loving Mom I oblige:) This is a quick simple recipie for fish treats suitable for Koi or any larger gold fish.

    Combine in a bowl...... 1 cup unbleached flour (I use Wheat) 1 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup plain oatmeal 1/4 cup blackstrap molasses DONT USE PANCAKE SYRUP!!! It has to be molasses ,syrup is bad for your fish )O(

  • Mix well to create a stiff dough. Form into small jelly bean size balls and drop into boiling water for 10 minutes remove from the boil with a straining spoon and plunge into ice water for about a minuet spread them out on paper and allow to dry for a day before storing. Now I cheat on the last step lol I preheat my oven to 450 spread them out on a brown paper bag , when the oven beeps ready I cut the oven off , pop the bag in the oven and leave it till the oven is intirely cool.By then my treats are cool and dry enough to be stored. My fish love these and I keep a coffee can of them around all season, first thing in the spring when they first start to activly feed after being mostly dormant Im a bit more generous with them.The same goes for after Mabon because then they are storing up fat for the winter. While Im on the subject of coming through a long winter shortly it will be time to toss our house plants out into the fresh air.Even if yours stay indoors year round after weak winter sun and canned heat,they are tired and in need of a pick me up. This is my witchy spring tonic remedy for the sad plant blues. Set a pot with a gallon of water on the stove to boil in a bucket toss the following..... 1 dz empty eggshells 3 oyster shells 3-4 old rusty nails bring the water to a rolling boil, cut the stove off,pour the water into the bucket and cover it If (like me) you are using your cauldron or an old pot not used for kitchen duty any more you dont need the bucket,you just toss everything in and bring it to a boil. I my old cast iron Cauldron outside under a real fire for this and let it steep outside in the moonlight. It must steep for at least 24 hours, then water plants as you normally do using this.Continue to do this once every 3 months and you'll be amazed as to how much happier your plants are!

    City or country ,forest or your back yard Squirells are everywhere! They are cute ,playful and I am among those who really dont mind most of the rascally mischief they get up to.However as all my denizons learn I have my limits. So when I need to deter them from chewing something I whip up a batch of this.

  • In a spray bottle Combine ..... 4 Tbs hot sauce the hotter the better 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 Tbs Castor oil fill with water Shake to combine well Soak down whatever the little Imps are chewing and be persistant ,just like toddlers they will try you. So soak it down 2-3 times a week it may take awhile but this does work. Now while we're on the subject of Squirells ,do you have birdfeeders on a pole and no matter what you do they are invading ? Heres a trick I learned from one of my clients ,have some fun at their expence.If your feeders are plastic or metal coat them down with petrolium jelly .The little buggers cant get purchase and slide right off,they are also like cats in the aspect of cleanliness and they hate having it all over them.According to her if you get a persistant one that wont give up.You switch and use Vicks Vapor rub because they hate the mentholatum.I know two things for sure ,her feeders remain unmolested and when you get to watch the attempts at gaining a foothold its a riot ! So you've solved the Squirell problems and your happy.Then you open your back door one morning look out at your realm and ARRRRGGG the moles have invaded.There are humped tunnels everywhere and you are not a happy camper!Here are a few important things you should know before you wage battle.The Moles are only using 1 of those tunnels more than once.Moles have 1 main tunnel ,all the others are feeder runnels. These are created when the Mole branchs out to feed on grubs once hes eaten he goes back to his main run and that tube is never used again.Now I know your wondering why did I tell you this lol and heres the reason.Before you can rid of them you need to figure out where the frack they are:) So every morning for a few days go out and stomp the tunnels down, you will quickly be able to see the one thats his main run.Once you know that you can do one of two things the first being you can kill it by setting a mole traps in a couple places along his run .Or if your like me and just want him to leave, you can make the ground unpalatable.

  • Combine in blender or bowl ..... 1 capful Oil Soap ,I use Murphey's because thats what I clean my wood with 1/3 cup castor oil 6 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons liquid detergent any kind will do then whip beat until its stiff and fluffy ,stop when it looks like cool whip To Use , Add 4 Tablespoons of mix to a regular watering can and fill with warm water.For those who have the Miraclegrow feeders that attach to your hose you can apply it useing these also. Its best to use this between 4 in the afternoon and dark.Either wait until after a good rain or water the area your treating first, this assures the mix soaks in and stays where the moles are running.When you apply it use plenty (as in soak that ground!) its easy to make and you want them to leave ! Next your peacfully contemplating your beautiful Roses and suddenly you spy Aphids! Tiny bright green little nasties sucking the life out of the buds you've been waiting to open,how dare they! Well theres a cheap and easy inhouse solution that only takes a few minuets to make! In your blender combine..... 1 cup chopped onions 1 whole peeled garlic clove 1 cup water Puree until super fine,then puree a bit longer! place in a spray bottle. In the morning before the sun is high in the sky and its hot Spray down the plants that have aphids and any that are close by them. Repeat spray as needed through out the season. So there you have it,lesson over:)I have now armed you with some of my hippy gardening ways! There will be more another day until then "May your gardens be bountiful and your harvests be abundant"

  • 7 Spiritual Lessons I Learned Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

    By Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph.D.

    1. Accept Other Dimensions. This is not the only reality. This world and death are not the only options. Other worlds, other places exist. There are other dimensions. And we know that. Listen to that knowing. 2. Heal Psychologically as well as Spiritually. We have the responsibility to heal ourselves in order to evolve. That healing, however, is not only spiritual. Too often we forget to address our emotional problems before concentrating on a higher level. Both are important. Ignoring relationship issues, drug and alcohol problems, or anger concerns will not allow us to progress on a spiritual plane. 3. Choose a Spiritual Practice and make a Commitment. We can choose any spiritual practice that is appropriate to us, not one forced on us by convention or others insisting their way is the right one. Whether it is meditation, spiritual study, spiritual movement, or some other practice, there is a one that will assist in your growth once you identify and observe it. 4. Find Tools to Connect to the Universal Database. We can learn to use The Akashic Records, Astrology, the pendulum, kinesiology, or other methods to help our spiritual quest. While some, such as astrology, require years of study, others are easy to learn and accessible ways to find answers in the search for our truth. These tools are available to everyone and are no longer the domain of only a select few. Books and materials are available to assist anyone.

    5. Be Your Own Teacher. There is much debate about finding a spiritual teacher. In many instances and for many people, this is an important and necessary step. Do not fall into the belief, however, that this is a requirement. Many people find a different route through books and study that become the teacher. We each have the power within to evolve. Use your own ability to determine the correct route. Do not be overly influenced by others.

  • 6. Balance the Masculine and Feminine within. Too often we neglect the two sides within us. We become dominated by our left, rational brain that reinforces our masculine side, or we allow our right, nonlinear brain to override and allow the feminine to rule. Neither works, whether we are male or female. We need to honor and identify with both our masculine and feminine qualities. 7. Trust Your Messages. Develop a confidence in the messages you receive. Often these are inspirations during the day, perhaps a gentle nudging toward a particular path or a strong sense that we need to devote time to some activity, person or study. We all know that voice or urging within that demands attention. Listen to it. Trust the information when it feels right. Trust your chosen path. by Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph.D. About the Author: Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph.D. invites you to visit her nonprofit organization at to find additional information on the 7 Spiritual Lessons.

  • LOVE Posted by BZ

    The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether

    it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.

    If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

    Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless

    Mother Theresa

  • CCChhhaaatttsss wwwiiittthhh

    SSSuuusssuuunnn WWWeeeeeeddd

    ~~~ TTThhhiiirrrddd MMMooonnndddaaayyy ooofff eeevvveeerrryyy mmmooonnnttthhh ~~~

    PPPllleeeaaassseee jjjoooiiinnn uuusss wwwiiittthhh SSSuuusssuuunnn WWWeeeeeeddd eeevvveeerrryyy mmmooonnnttthhh aaasss ssshhheee

    dddiiissscccuuusssssseeesss dddiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt HHHeeerrrbbbaaalll tttooopppiiicccsss... VVVeeerrryyy iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiivvveee

    aaannnddd hhheeelllpppfffuuulll tttooo aaallllll...

    CCChhheeeccckkk ttthhheee dddaaattteeesss bbbeeelllooowww aaannnddd tttiiimmmeee sssaaannnddd hhhooopppeee yyyooouuu cccaaannn

    cccooommmeee bbbyyy aaannnddd vvviiisssiiittt aaannnddd ccchhheeeccckkk ooouuuttt sssooommmeee ooofff SSSuuusssuuunnnsss


    sssccchhheeeddduuullleeeddd tttiiimmmeee fffooorrr aaallllll ccchhhaaattt ssseeessssssiiiooonnnsss:::

    EEEaaasssttteeerrrnnn --- 777 pppmmm

    CCCeeennntttrrraaalll --- 666 pppmmm

    MMMooouuunnntttaaaiiinnn TTTiiimmmeee --- 555 pppmmm

    WWWeeesssttteeerrrnnn --- 444 pppmmm AAAuuussstttrrraaallliiiaaa (((MMMeeelllbbbooouuurrrnnneee))) --- 999 aaammm

    UUUKKK --- 111222 aaammm

  • A Witchs Take On The "Common Violet" Posted by Harobed

    The "Viola Soroia", which is white with a blue splotch,and the blue "Violet Odorata" are generally called common garden violets.Well shame on those who would call such a wonder of nature names, consider them weeds ,rip them up by the roots and toss them on the compost pile Why is beyond me, this plant is anything but!Violets boast a long history of documented uses that run from culinary,medicinal, industria to magical!The name Viola (or Violet ) is the Latin form of the Greek name Ione, from the legend of Jupiter when he changed Io into a white heifer for fear of Juno's jealousy and caused these little flowers to spring forth from the earth for her to eat. They were used by the Athenians for moderating anger, procuring sleep and to comfort and strengthen the heart,hence the nickname "hearts ease". There are a wealth of recipes for violet flowers and their heart shaped leaves. One of the springs first wild edibles,the leaves are high in vitamins A and C and mild and easily incorporated into salads or salad dressing.Violet flowers have long been used as an edible decoration,the Victorians made candied blossoms and favored Violet vinegar. Freezing the blossoms in ice cubes will brighten any summer drink,and will turn plain old punch in a bowl into to a lovely sophisicated presentation. Chinese medicine uses the leaves in medicinal teas as do Romanians.This is because like the Willow Violets contain natural Salicylic acid ,a naturally occuring asprin like compound that reduces pain and fever.

    it also contains an antioxidant called anthocyanin. The roots are used regularly in aromatherapy to induce endorphins, which activate the pleasure centers in the brain. Roots can be dried and burned as a smudge to ease the pain of a headache caused through lack of sleep,or to invoke prophetic dreams of your one true love In witchcraft, violets and lavender combined can be used to bring the return of a lost lover. Its often used in spells for luck, money, faithfulness, and the leaves are used to absorb negative energy. Lore tells us to pick the first violet of the season in your garden and a wish will be granted to you.

  • Soothing smudge run water over the roots until all soil is gone thencut the root from the plant directly below the green stems soak violet roots in a bowl of water and pure vanilla extract over night the following morning pour the water off ,slice the roots into medallions and allow them to dry for a week or two.Once dry they can be tossed into your smudge pot for a wonderful soothing scent that eases headaches ,cleanes negative energies and chases away grief. Violet-Mint Spring Salad (full of vitamins this will roust you out of that winter slump) 1 cup of violet blossoms, set aside 2 cups of violet leaves, chopped 1 cup of mint, wild or otherwise A bunch,(2 big handfuls) of watercress And any lettuce thinnings you may have from the garden A bit of chopped onion,chives or leeks Salt and pepper to taste Toss and lightly dress with your favorite dressing. Top with the flowers. For a total violet experience, try this: Creamy Violet Goddess Salad Dressing 2 cups of fresh small violet leaves 1 Tablespoon violet vinegar 1 teaspoon honey 1/2 cup olive oil 1 clove garlic Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup sour cream or yogurt (your choice) Blend all ingredients in a blender or a cuisinart, except the sour cream. Add that by hand and blend until smooth. Use when fresh, this wont keep for more than a day or two in the fridge

    Violet Tea ( great for headaches and aids in digestion) This is simple ,use the flowers either dried or fresh. (The dried flowers make a stronger tea.) Pick the flowers by pinching them off so you get little to no stems. Then wash and check for bugs. Pour boiling water over the fresh or dried blossoms, cover and steep. Be sure to use a ceramic or glass vessel to make the tea ,metal containers change the taste.

  • Lets Get Crafty For Belthane.... Mullein and Yarrow Spell Pouches

    Posted by Harobed

    As a Taurus Belthane has got to be my favorite holiday simply because everything in my garden is now going "fullsteam" ahead.The farmers feild is a lush green ,I am in Tarus heaven as my realm begins to thrive.I cant wait to fire up my cauldron .The groovy little spell pouches I'm in this blog are for my cauldron,however they also can be buried ,carried ,slipped into your pocket ,or put on your altar.I just like a little fire with my spells ;) wheeee! Yarrow and Mullein are two of my favored herbs when it comes to their easy growth habits and their versatility in simple spells. As you can see in my garden they grow side by side needing only full sun and the most basic of care to thrive.They really could care less about the soil being poor or the summer being hot and dry ,in fact they dont like alot of tending.You can harvest Yarrow any time during the season for use.I like to let mine bloom at least once as the blossoms dry quite easily.Yarrow also comes in a wide range of color ,from White (this grows wild here in Va.) to hot reds .They make a wonderful display in the garden and dry beautifully for spell use.

  • Mullein leaves can be harvested often though out the growing season without stopping its beautiful bloom stalk from forming.Be conservative now cant expect to pluck it nude once a week.Mullien have great big leaves so, if you have 3-4 plants you harvest 3-4 leaves every 4 -5 weeks.Let it bloom and set seed ,you can harvest the bloom stalk later in the fall for other uses such as witch candles and wands. Now in spellwork ,together these herbs represent both the masculine and the feminine .They balance and strengthen each other , working hand in hand . Lets begin...... First you harvest a little :) Once that's done gather up your twine and a pair of scissors.Any twine or ribbon will do.However if ribbon is what you use the color should correspond with the spell you are making.Since these spell pouches are going to be used for divination I have used hemp twine.One of the properties of hemp is to open the third eye ,another is it facilitates divination

    Lay your Yarrow across

    the width of your

    mullein and cut your

    twine to the length you


    Then you simply roll it

    up , tie twine around

    the the middle and you

    have a great little spell

    pouch that can be used

    fresh or dried for later


  • See how easy ,it takes no time at all!These are something I make weekly during the season.I put them on wreaths,they grace my altar and theres always a few in the cauldron basket ready to be burnt.If you belong to a coven they are great little presents for your buddies :) Below you'll find the properties of Mullein and Yarrow listed .Have fun ! Mullein Masculine, Saturn, Fire. Mullein can be used for courage, invoking spirits, protection or keeping away demons and nightmares. It's great for the cleansing ritual places before and after working there. I also use it for cleansing and purifying ritual tools and altars. Yarrow Feminine, Venus, Water. Yarrow's magical uses are courage, love, marriage charms, dispelling

    negativity,amplifying psychic abilities and divination. The tea drunk prior to

    divination will enhance one's powers of perception.

  • Love Lemon Herbs this Summer Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

    Lemon Balm: This invasive herb is incredibly useful (and underused) in the kitchen. Harvest its leaves for cream cheeses, vinegars, dressings and veggies. You can also use it to make a mildly sedative tea to ease headaches, indigestion and nausea. Almond and Lemon Balm Stuffed Apples The lemon balm added to the center of the apples lends a warm lemon flavor. Serve with clotted cream, homemade custard, horseradish cream or brandy butter. SERVES 4 4 large Granny Smith apples 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus 2 tablespoons extra for dotting 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup ground almonds 2 tablespoons finely chopped lemon balm Zest of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 13 cup flaked almonds, toasted 1/4 cup maple syrup 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. Wash and generously core the apples. Carefully, using a sharp knife, put a shallow slit in the skin, not deep into the flesh, running all the way around the apples diameter. Place the apples in a roasting tin. 3. Cream butter with sugar, beat in the ground almonds and stir in lemon balm, lemon zest, cinnamon and flaked almonds. Using a small spoon, put 14 of this mixture into each cored apple, then drizzle 1 tablespoon maple syrup over each apple, dot with butter and bake in the oven for about 45 minutes, until the apples are soft but not mushy. Lemongrass: This tropical grass is lemon-scented with robust cream and beige cane-like stems. Towering 3 to 6 feet, this flavorful herb is often used in southeast Asian cooking. Its lemon flavor complements curries, seafood, garlic and chiles.

  • Lemongrass Oil This oil is lovely for salad dressings, mayonnaise, stir-fry dishes and soups. MAKES 2 CUPS OIL 5 swollen lemongrass stems 2 cups light olive oil 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1. Prepare the stems by removing the outer sheaths and revealing the white inner stem. Slice finely, then, using a pestle and mortar, add stems and pound until you have a paste (you may have to do this in a few batches). Add a small amount of oil, mix, then spoon into a medium-sized bowl. Repeat until you have turned all the stems into paste. Once all the paste is in the bowl, add remaining oil and lemon juice and stir well. 2. Pour into a container with a sealing lid, and pop into the fridge. Use within 5 days; shake well before use as the lemon juice will separate. Note: Swollen lemongrass stems refers to the pale bottom part of the stalk. Alternative method: After 2 days, strain the oil through an unbleached coffee filter paper, pour into a clean sterilized container with a sealing lid and keep in the fridge. Use within 3 days; shake well before use. Lemon Verbena: This herb shows off pale green lance-shaped leaves that smell strongly of lemon sherbet. For the best flavor, harvest in early summer. Use to flavor oils, vinegars, fruit puddings, fruit salads and jellies.

    Lemon Verbena Crme Brle My mother made the best crme brle. Alistair, my son, has inherited her passion and always rates restaurants and cooks on how well they make this pudding. This is a wonderful recipe; the flavor, with its hint of lemon sherbet, is unique, and makes this brle very special. SERVES 4 1 cup milk 1 handful lemon verbena leaves, finely chopped (reserve a few whole ones to garnish) 7 egg yolks 1/2 cup fruit sugar 1/4 cup whipping cream 1/4 cup Demerara sugar or light brown sugar Lemon verbena sprigs, for garnish 1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees.

  • 2. Put milk in a small pan with chopped lemon verbena leaves; bring to simmering point, remove from heat and leave to cool and infuse. 3. Place egg yolks in a bowl with sugar and whisk until pale and thick. Add the cooled infused milk and the cream and whisk well. Pass through a fine-meshed sieve. 4. Ladle the mixture into 4 ramekin dishes and set them in a roasting pan. Pour in enough water to come three-quarters of the way up the side of the ramekins, pop into the oven and cook for 1 hour or until set. Leave to cool, then refrigerate until ready to serve. 5. Just before serving, sprinkle Demerara sugar or light brown sugar over the top of each pudding and caramelize with either a blow torch or by putting them under a hot grill. Decorate with fresh lemon verbena sprigs. Jekka McVicar grows more than 650 herb varieties on her herb farm in South Gloucestershire, England. The United Kingdoms leading organic herb grower, Jekkas Herb Farm has won more than 60 gold medals from the Royal Horticultural Society, including 14 at the renowned Chelsea Flower Show. As well as the day-to-day running of the farm, Jekka is also well-known for her regular appearances on television and radio broadcasts on gardening and cookery and as an enthusiastic writer on herbs, having published five books. Jekka will be the keynote speaker at the 2011 Herb Society of America educational conference, to be held June 23 to 25 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, see:

  • Herbs & the Wheel of the Year Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

    Here I have broken the Wheel of the Year down into its respective holidays and observances and have included bits of folklore about the herbs where it was possible so that you will know why you are incorporating these herbs into your rituals. SPRING/EOSTRE This is the time of the year when the Sun moves into 0 degrees Ares. Traditionally it is a season of birth and rebirth of resurrection following the long winter. The time when the Pagan Sun God begins to makes to make it known that He is well on His way from going from the Sun Babe to the Sun Prince. ACORNS --- may be planted as part of the festival/celebratio n. It should have been gathered the previous year and is symbolic of life renewing itself. While planting concentrate on those attributes which you already possess and would like to see become stronger in yourself. BULBS -- Any type, daffodils, crocus, tulips, what-have-you are very appropriate for altar decorations and for planting at this time. CELANDINE -- should be included into the ritual cup. It may also be tossed into the ritual fire during the celebration. CINQUEFOIL -- add some of this to your incense. It should have been gathered either under the light of the full moon or at mid-night as the day changes between Wednesday to Thursday under a waxing moon. It brings a sense of communication and awareness to the ritual and when burned as incense will bring friends closer and is said to bring dreams of one's perfect partner. DOGWOOD -- the flowers will bring beauty to your altar and the dried bark may be ground and added to the incense. It is one of those beautiful and voluptuous symbols of spring.

    HONEYSUCKLE -- grace the perimeter of the Sacred Circle. It is an herb of Immortality and represents the ever constant cycle of life renewing itself.

  • IRIS -- the ground root is added to the incense mixture. It has long been held as a Religious Herb and is named for the deity who leads the souls to the Elysian Fields. In Egyptian lore the Iris is noted as having been carved upon the head of a magickal want to represent the scepter of the pharaoh. It was though the three petals represented the virtues of faith, wisdom and valor. JASMINE -- may be added to the ritual cup and/or used as incense. It is most often associated with the Goddesses and is considered sacred to Diana of Ephesus, in later years it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is sacred to Quan Yin. It is related to the female/maternal aspects of the universe. ROSE -- Yellow are most appropriate but any color will do, they should adorn the altar. The rose is the most sacred symbol of Aphrodite and represent beauty in its purest aspect. SEEDS -- any and all seeds you have collected from the previous year should be placed upon the altar so that they may blessed by the Priest and Priestess for spring planting. TANSY -- should be baked into the ritual cakes. It is also considered an herb of Immortality and is associated with many Christian festival of Easter. When added to your batter it represents the eternalness of life. VIOLETS -- make beautiful altar decorations. They carry the virtues of modesty, simplicity, serenity and peace. They are a particular source of inspiration and good fortune for women. Violets originate from the nymph Io, daughter of the river god Inachus. She and Zeus developed a romance and when another of Zeus' lovers heard of this she became so jealous that she cast as spell and changed Io into a heifer! In Zeus' great love and compassion for her he changed her into the Violet.

    BELTANE/MAY DAY The Sun has now moved into Taurus, the seeds are now planted in the fields. The trees are again turning lush and green, Earth is beginning to bloom all over. It is the night when the pagan Sun-Prince turns into the Sun-God and makes love with the Goddess for the first time that year. His coming of age and their Union will produce the fruitfulness of the fields and the bounty of the harvest to come. ALMONDS -- if you have an almond tree (you're very lucky!) Use the flowers to decorate the altar. You may also use some of the ground bark in your incense. Almond has a long history as a Religious herb and if offered as incense in sacrificial rites sacred to Artemis, Hecate and Zeus. It is the source from which Aaron, the high priest of the Hebrews selected his magickal wand. In Greek myth, Phyllis was abandoned by her lover Domophoon and the Gods, unable to bear her grieving over this, transformed her into the Almond.

  • When he came back to her he found only the Almond. It is said that when he feels sufficiently guilty for having left her and he embraces the tree that it then bursts into leaf and bloom. Almond is used to today to capture the essence of love which survives through all strife. CINQUEFOIL -- add some to the ritual cup and/or incense. FRANKINCENSE -- should be the main ingredient in the incense, all other ingredients are secondary to it. It is primarily considered to be a Religious herb, the Hebrew religion regards it most highly using it often in their rites. It is also part of the Roman Catholic tradition, used in ten parts to four parts benzoin and one part storax. It is used primarily to invoke the Male Aspects of the Universe. The Babylonians used it to invoke their Bel, their Sun God. It is also used to invoke Apollo, Adonis and the Golden Haired Sun God (or Princely Aspect) of the Pagan Sun-God. It is also used to invoke the Feminine Aspects of the Universe, Demeter and various Moon Goddesses such as Diana and Artemis. The fragrance aids in focusing concentration and being aware of all that is happening within the ritual. It also holds as an herb of Protection in that its cleansing and purifying properties are excellent for the soul and spirits, keeping you safe when exploring the astral realms. IVY -- wreaths should be worn around the heads of all and adorn the altar. It holds the virtue of fidelity and as such was made into wreaths worn by victors and newly married couples by the Greeks. It is a Religious herb sacred to Dionysus and Bacchus. As such, in magickal workings it is said to prevent drunkenness. MARIGOLD PETALS -- use these to purify and cleanse the Circle. It is an herb of Consecration and as such is used in rituals to the Goddess. MAYBASKETS -- this is not an herb but rather a wonderful tradition. On this night place small baskets of flowers and home made treats upon the doorsteps of your friends. MEADOWSWEET -- if you're desiring to do some magickal working of the romantic kind on this night, offer some of these to the Goddess. ROSES -- any color are appropriate for decorating the altar or the body. WOODRUFF -- take this in the cup or (if possible) check out the local liquor store at this time of year and ask if they sell "May Wine". MIDSUMMER

  • Well, we all know it isn't mid-summer at all...not by the present day calender is June 21, the beginning of summer but since people of old did not actually count summer as a season, rather a natural progression of spring, it is no longer the middle of the growing season. This is also the longest day of the year. It is also the time of year when we begin to see the first fruits of Beltane form and ripen, the Union of the God and Goddess has been successful and is already beginning to produce that which can be harvested and eaten. CHAMOMILE -- is used to invoke the God and will make us aware of the Father of Nature. You may do this by either including in the ritual cup or the incense. CINQUEFOIL-- add to the ritual cup and incense. ELDER -- stand among the Elder to see the little people and the Faeries. Use the blossom in your ritual but ONLY if your goals are clear and your ethics are pure! It is very powerful and if your intentions are not out. FENNEL -- tie together bunches and hang them around your home, the Circle and/or the altar as it is considered an herb of Protection for the home and family. HEMP -- if you've got some..share with me! This is the night to try out the time honored and very quaint spell of sowing hemp seeds around the church at mid-night. The intended purpose of this has something to do with love...I say something because sources will say doing this will cause you to either...1) dream of your true love and who he/she will be or already is...2) the first person you meet the next day is your true love...3) your true love will come and stand beneath your window while you sleep. Take your pick and let me know the results. In the Pagan/Wiccan religions hemp is an herb of Vision. This does not mean smoke pot all the time, rather that it is reserved for those times of divination alone and for this purpose the fresh juice of the plant should be used rather than smoking a joint.

    LAVENDER -- tradition ally this is tossed into the bonfire to ensure a safe year and good harvest. It is also used as the primary ingredient in the incense and may be taken in the ritual cup. It is capable of invoking Hecate and Saturn. It attract energy of an extremely high vibrational nature and is used in meditation before or during the ritual to increase awareness and bring inner calm and freedom from emotional stress. MALE FERN -- this is the night when this plant should be gathered. It is one of the most potent magickal Aphrodisiacs. Especially useful in males. MISTLETOE -- if you will be wanting this plant for later magickal workings this is the night to gather it.

  • MUGWORT -- is used in the ritual bath and the ritual cup (in a small amount). It is an herb of Protection, tossing some into a fireplace of cauldron is said to keep the home safe from lightning, some burnt in the room brings protection to the children. ROSES -- adorn the Circle and altar with RED rose petals. Also use some in the incense for the Blessing of the Circle. SAINT JOHN'S WORT -- should be gathered upon this night. Stomp on a patch or toss some into the ritual fire to see and commune with the Faery Folk. VERBENA -- gather the new plants for the coming year and toss what you have left from the previous year into the fire. It is considered an herb of Protection and Immortality. LAMMAS Now we begin the cycle of the harvest. The fields have been planted, the fruits have come forth, this is the first of the harvest festivals. It is also the time when the Sun-God slowly begins his downward spiral into Death. The nights are growing longer and although we still toil in the gardens the night are cool and the work is not mindful. Now we harvest and work to gather the crops of material and spiritual natures until the frosts of autumn set in. FENUGREEK -- is used at this time to invoke the waning Sun God. It is sacred to Apollo and will bring His wisdom to one's heart. FRANKINCENSE -- is used to cense the gardens or fields at this time to celebrate the beginning of the harvest. HEATHER -- is used to decorate the Circle or altar, if this is not available you may use other grains such as wheat, rye, and the like.

    HOLLYHOCK -- one long stalk should be carried into the Sacred Circle by the children of the group at the beginning of the ritual procession to the fields. In this respect it will bring the ability to flourish again to the fields when laid upon them. MISTLETOE -- two berries...and no more than that!.. should be added to the ritual cup. This will bring fertility to all who drink from the cup, fertility of the body as well as the mind and the spirit. It will bring creativity through the coming winter.

    OAK -- adorn the altar and circle with oak leaves. Grind the bark for use in the incense. Oak is sacred to the Romans and the Druids. It sacred to Jupiter, Zeus, Blodeuwedd and Odin. The acorn is a symbol of all.

  • Never gather from an Oak which is a host for mistletoe, these trees should be reserved for holding your rituals beneath and left to their own devices. However, if you may gather the mistletoe, it is considered the most magickal of all mistletoe. PRODUCE - -bring some of the produce you have grown in your own garden to the altar as an offering to the deities. SUNFLOWER -- use this in decoration or any other manner which you would like to. It is wonderful to add sunflower petals to the ritual bath prior to rite, it brings increased happiness into your life and attracts joy and fills the spaces which re empty or sorrowful. It is an herb of Immortality and carries the virtues of adoration and worship. It is used to honor all Sun Gods, particularly Apollo and is said to be a patron herb for Leos and Virgos. AUTUMN/MABON Now our harvest is almost complete, all but the hardiest fruits and vegetables have been harvested and are being canned, dried or stored in another fashion for the coming winter. It is the night of Balance, when all has come to the focal point of the Center and now begins its long swing toward the winter months. This is the night when the Pagan Sun-God now actually begins His journey to the Sumerlands and dies off during the coming months awaiting to be reborn at Yuletide. ACORNS -- are now strung into necklaces and used to adorn the male members of the coven. BENZOIN -- is used in the incense and makes us more aware of the balance of light and dark, male/female, positive/negative. FERNS -- this the appropriate night to gather them for later use. HONEYSUCKLE -- the dried ground wood and bark make wonderful incense at this time. MARIGOLD -- decorate with the blossom which are normally quite colorful and full this time of the year.

    MILKWEED -- on this night there are Faeries and little folk about, this is the herb to help you see them. MYRRH -- is used in the incense and the ritual cup. In the manner of incense it brings about spiritual awareness and understanding of the currents of energy flowing throughout the ritual. It is important to use when trying to understand times of sorrow both personal and spiritual.

  • PASSION FLOWER -- petal are placed in the incense. It calms angers and replaces it with an understanding of the condition. PRODUCE -- bring the best of your current produce as an offering to the Sun God to take and use on His journey and to dole out to those He meets along His way who have need of it. ROSE -- WHITE roses are appropriate at this time. They represent the pureness of the love of the Goddess for the God. SAGE -- is taken in the ritual cup. Carries the virtues of strength, mental health, wisdom and banishes negativity. SOLOMON'S SEAL -- is now used when casting the Circle. An herb of Protection and consecration. THISTLES -- are appropriate to represent your endurance throughout winter. HALLOWS-SAMHAIN- HALLOWEEN The last of the Pagan Harvest festivals. We now take in the last of the cold crops and take stock of that we have, ensuring there is enough to last us through the coming coldness of winter. We make the last of our preserves, dry the last of our herbs, can the last of the fruits and so on. It is the night when the Sun-God enters the Summerland bringing the souls who have departed that year with Him. It is the night we celebrate our Ancestors, Those Who Have Gone Before. The night when we ask Those to speak with us, to tell us of themselves, to show us our paths and for High Divination purposes. ACORNS -- at this time of year they are symbolic of the Life Within, the life yet to be fulfilled. APPLES -- are used in the Feast and the bark from the tree is ground and used in the

    incense. They are considered a Religious herb and when eaten in this form on this

    night it is said to add a higher magickal dynamic to the ritual and it is then possible to

    bring out deep personal internal change. Bobbing for apples is very appropriate. ..and

    fun!...on this night.

    CORNSTALKS -- help to set the mood and add an imaginative element. DITTANY OF CRETE -- should be tossed into the fire to share with those who have passed. It is used also to seek the wisdom from those who are still between lives, teachers, guides, loved ones. It is used to invoke Persephone and Osiris both deities of the mystical Otherworld.

  • FUMITORY -- is used in the incense. This herb is associated with the Otherworld and legend proclaims it sprang from the gases of the earth being born of the Earth's inner self and spirit rather than from seed. As an incense it purifies and is especially good to purify the Sacred Space and cleanse it or distractions and negative energies. MULLEIN -- should be gathered in advance an dried. The tops are soaked in oil or fat and then lit on this night, they make wonderful torches. Be sure to soak them for at least fifteen minutes before lighting, attach them to a heavy metal rod if possible. They may also be picked and dipped in Candle Wax....use your leftovers from your Candle Spells for this purpose. NIGHTSHADE (DEADLY, BELLADONNA) -- is gathered this night. It is the one night when the negative energies which be cast aside Their eyes from this plant and will not see you take it. Do not eat it! OAK -- adorns the altar and the male members of the Coven. PUMPKINS -- make those Jack-O-Lanterns! Place them all around your Circle and your altar. SAGE -- is used in the ritual cup. YULETIDE This is the wonderful celebration of the re-birth of the Sun God. The time when we spiritually and physically aid the Goddess is giving birth to her Consort. We decorate and burn our Yule Logs and hope that our dreams and desires for the future will come to fruition, we dance our Spiral Dance around our altars and concentrate on sending our energies to the Goddess as She goes through the process of labor and delivery. It is the day when all is born anew and begins, quietly, to grow and flourish again. BLESSED THISTLE -- is taken by the priest in the ritual cup to invoke the newly born Sun God. CHAMOMILE -- symboliz es the Sun God and is cast into the Circle as well as used to actually cast the Circle. It is used in the incense and ritual cup. It is good to use in the Ritual Bath prior to the ceremony.

    EVERGREEN -- any type will do, they are hung everywhere at this time of year in the home and about the Circle. The needles make excellent incense. FRANKINCENSE -- is the best incense for this ritual.

  • HOLLY -- is used along with evergreen to decorate the home and the Circle. It is a sacred herb of the Druids, in the manner of bringing it into the home one is said to also be bringing in the Little people thereby offering them shelter and safety from the harshness of winter. MISTLETOE -- is added to the incense and hung in the doorways to fill the home with extra love and kisses at this time of year. Each person attending the ritual should toss a mistletoe berry into the fire to represent the things personal to them that they desires to grow and increase in strength as the Sun God grows. PINE -- the Christmas tree is OURS people! Go ahead and put up a big one! Decorate it with popcorn, cranberries, pagan symbols, witchballs, lights, mirrors and whatever else you want. SAGE -- is used in the ritual cup. CANDLEMAS/IMBOLG This time is known by some as the "Feast of the Waxing Light" it is the time of year that we are beginning to notice the Sun Gods growth in that the days are becoming longer. This, like May Day/Beltane, is another pagan holiday which has survived into the current time, now it is celebrated as Ground Hog Day. ANGELICA -- is best in the ritual cup. In this manner is considered to bring one in contact with the inhabitants of Atlantis and to bring Atlantean energies into their lives, visions and understanding. BASIL -- this is the traditional time of year for initiations and the initiate should have been taking daily tonics of basil for at least the last two weeks. It is given now to prepare the innerself for initiation to bring fortitude. BAY -- if the ritual is to be a solemn occasion then it is appropriate to chew one or two (no more than that!) Leaves and meditate upon the growing light and Sun God.

    BENZOIN -- is used in the incense. CELANDINE -- is used in the ritual cup and tossed into the fire. HEATHER -- is used to decorate the entire space. MYRRH -- is used in the ritual cup and/or incense.

  • She Enters the Forest By Jen H

    She enters the forest a brand new world awaits

    Its as though she were entering through heavens gates

    The trees whisper to her and the flowers urge her along

    As she quiets herself it is though she can hear a gentle song

    Come to us so that you may learn

    We hold the wisdom for which you yearn

    It is though each one speaks as though each holds a different clue

    As she stands staring trying to make her way through

    She looks around there are so many things to see

    Flowers and trees begging her to come and to just be

    She walks with arms out reached fingers sprawled open wide

    Taking in all the vibrations they come rushing in like the tide

    She touches each being with tenderness and love

    And then all of a sudden it is as if someone gave her a shove

  • Come with us so that you may learn

    The ways of the earth are what for you yearn

    The path continues with many twists and turns

    Deep and winding her curiosity burns

    Smatterings of colors lead her along the way

    Reds, greens and blues they all seem to have something to say

    They urge her to continue to make her way through

    The vibrant colors are glowing, each in a different hue

    The miracles of our existence are for all to see

    Come and play with us they all seem to plea

    The twigs they crunch beneath her feet

    Its like music with a strange new beat

    There are flowers and ferns and butterflies

    Holding on to secrets, urging her to let go of the lies

    The lies of her existence on what she thought she should be

    Her path is more different than she ever thought it would be

    She takes a deep inhale to drink it all in

    The calmness, the earth, the treeslets begin

    ~ Jen H ~ 2013

  • Creative subconcious mind Posted by haw

    Creative conscious mind. This is where one thinks of things not of this world or enhance thought ideas or process and in this can manifest into a reality .. maybe piece by piece but can be done .. specially if it is offered as an idea or presence and sometimes even validated by others .. or assisted in its means in understanding of concept to the intellectual mind and course of. Giving a direction to further a signal from minds to the whole of the conscious thinking beyond the scope of human existence and the 3d reality which many do not realize the scope of their mind's power or intellect goes way beyond the confines of Earthly understanding.. once they open up to the opportunity to open mind thinking they would be amazed of what their minds came up with.. Fantasy? Science fiction? I would say no as long as you have not included subliminals as such as watching recent movies which can in feed to the mind for a short time.. so is good to have a clear mind and conscious before venturing.. We can create with our minds if our intent is dedicated intently to the idea and its purpose. be it for any purpose of life Human or other, energy or travel. the Universe is constantly sending us hints and answers we just have to be open to receive them and learn to understand.. this concept is already utilized by many but more to a confined level.. as with receiving a word or sign.. intermediately. People believe in what is not seen here on Earth but do not for what is not seen in the Universe.. why? conditioned thinking.. broaden your span of the mind.. dont tie it down with limits.. dont even have to try hard.. just clear the mind and let these ideas come to you.. people make mistake by trying too hard.. or if it doesnt make sense to discard it.. have to remember things of the Universe wasnt confined to Earthly understanding we were taught growing up..

    Much peace



    People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, Things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, Love the person and put w hat you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that

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