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(A Classroom Action Research in the Third Grade of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta)



NIM. 1110014000062






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No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-089

UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 5 Januari 2009

FITK No. Revisi: : 01 Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 Indonesia Hal : 1/1


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Iin Afriyanti

Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Jakarta, 27 Juli 1992

NIM : 1110014000062

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahsa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :Applying Student Teams Achievement Division

(STAD) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading

Comprehension in Discussion Text. (A Classroom

Action Research in the Third Grade of SMA Fatahillah


Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

2. Ummi Kulstum M.Pd.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggung jawab seara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, 17 Desember 2014

Mahasiswa Ybs.


NIM. 1110014000062

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In the name of Allah, The Beneficent and The Merciful

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds for the blessing, the strength,

and the guidance to the researcher in completion of this research. Peace and

blessing be upon to the Prophet Muhammad, his families, his companions, and his


It is a valuable thing that the researcher finally accomplishes her “skripsi”

entitled “Applying Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Technique to

Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension in Discussion Text” (A Classroom

Action Research in the Third Grade of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta). It is presented to

the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S.Pd.) in English Language Education.

First, the writer would like to express the greatest gratitude to her beloved

parents, Umar Ajad and Mariani, the writer’s best part of life. Moreover, her

brothers, Khairul Fahmi and Muhammad Irvan. I thank for love, support, and

contributions both moral and material to the writer.

The writer also would like to express her sincere gratitude to her advisor,

Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kulstum M.Pd. who has patiently given her valuable

help, guidance, and corrections to finish this skripsi.

Furthermore, the researcher would like to give the deepest gratitude and

the greatest honor to:

1. All lectures in Department of English Education for the knowledge, the

motivation, and patience to the researcher during her study at State Islamic

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of Department of English

Education and the researcher’s academic advisor.

4. Nurlena Rifa’I, M.A., Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’


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5. H. Maskuri, S.Pd. as the headmaster of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta who gave

permission to do her research.

6. All of students at the third grade of science class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta

who participated in this research.

7. All of beloved friends of The Class of PBI B in Department of English

Education. In addition, specially thanks to Dian Rahmati, Dhea Ghianina,

Yulis Yasinta S.Pd., Windy Angraini, Wahyudi Wibisono, Yusri Nur

Fadhilah, Siti Hadijah, Ari Wibowo, and Aziz Awaludin.

8. To any other persons who give contribution to the researcher and cannot be

mentioned one by one.

Finally the researcher truly realizes that this “skripsi” cannot be considered

as a perfect masterpiece. Therefore, it is a very precious thing for her to get

suggestion and criticism which can make this better.

Jakarta, 8 Januari 2015

The Writer

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Iin Afriyanti Umar (NIM: 1110014000062). Applying Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading

Comprehension in Discussion Text; A Classroom Action Research in the Third

Grade Students of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta. Skripsi of English

Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

The objective of this study is to improve students’ reading comprehension of

discussion text by applying STAD technique for the third grade students of SMA

Fatahillah, Jakarta. The main problems that have been investigated were how the

researcher improves students’ reading comprehension in discussion text through

STAD technique.

The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR) method

in which to identify and to solve the problem on students’ reading comprehension.

Then, the instrument used in this study is a test including pretest and posttest and

also non-test including questionnaire, and observation. In this Classroom Action

Research, the researcher implements the Kurt Lewin’s design which consists of

four phases. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The action

hypothesis which is proposed in this research is by using Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) technique can improve students’ understanding of

reading discussion text at the third grade students of Science Class at SMA

Fatahillah Jakarta Selatan.

Based on the research findings, it can be said that in teaching reading of

discussion text through Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique

was successful since the criteria of success was achieved. The criterion of success

of this research is 85% of students who can pass the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) which is 75. The findings of research are: (1) Related to the test result; the

result of the post-test 2 shows 13 students passed the KKM from 15 students; (2)

Related to the questionnaire result, it shows student have a good improvement in

learning reading of discussion text after implementing Students Team

Achievement Division (STAD) technique in the teaching learning process; (3)

Related to the observation result, the students were more active and interested in

learning reading activity in the classroom.

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Iin Afriyanti Umar (NIM: 1110014000062). Applying Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading

Comprehension in Discussion Text; A Classroom Action Research in the Third

Grade Students of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta. Skripsi, Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang

bagaimana cara membangun pemahaman membaca siswa terhadap teks diskusi

dengan menggunakan STAD tehnik untuk siswa-siswi kelas tiga di SMA

Fatahillah, Jakarta. Masalah utama yang diselidiki dalam penelitian ini adalah

bagaimana bisa peneliti meningkatkan kemampuan membaca teks diskusi siswa

melalui STAD tehnik.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

(PTK); untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi permasalahan pemahaman siswa

dalam membaca teks diskusi. Kemudian instrumen yang digunakan adalahh

instrumen tes yang berupa pretes dan postes, serta instrumen non-tes berupa

angket, dan observasi. Adapun model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang digunakan

menganut pada Kurt Lewin model; yang mana terdiri dari empat tahapan

(perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi). Hipotesis tindakan yang

diajukan di penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan STAD tehnik dapat

meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa terhadap teks diskusi pada kelas tiga

IPA di SMA Fatahillah, Jakarta.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengajaran membaca teks

diskusi dengan menggunakan tehnik STAD telah berhasil, karena kriteria

kesuksesan dapat dicapai. Kriteria kesuksesan peneletian ini adalah 85% persen

siswa dapat mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yaitu 75. Hasil

yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) berdasarkan hasil tes, yaitu hasil

post-test 2 menunjukan bahwa dari 15 siswa terdapat 13 siswa yang mampu

mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) (2) berdasarkan dari hasil angket

siswa mengalami peningkatan yang baik dalam mempelajari teks diskusi setelah

di terapkannya metode STAD dalam proses belajar mengajar; (3) berdasarkan

hasil observasi di kelas didapati bahwa siswa-siswa lebih aktif dan tertarik dalam

mempelajari aktivitas membaca di kelas.

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TITLE ....................................................................................................... i

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI .............................................. ii

APPROVAL.................................................................................................... iii

ENDORSEMENT .......................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGE ......................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the study .................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ............................................. 4

C. Limitation of the problem .................................................. 5

D. Formulation of the Problem .............................................. 5

E. Objectives of the Research ................................................. 5

F. The Significance of the Research ....................................... 5

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ..................................... 6

A. Reading .............................................................................. 6

1. The Definition of Reading ........................................... 6

2. Reading Comprehension .............................................. 7

3. Basic Comprehension Ability ...................................... 8

4. Types of Reading ......................................................... 10

5. Skills Reading .............................................................. 11

6. Types of text ................................................................. 13

7. The problems of reading .............................................. 13

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B. Discussion Text .................................................................. 14

1. Understanding of Discussion Text ............................... 14

2. The Purposes of Discussion Text ................................. 16

3. The Schematic Structure of Discussion Text ............... 17

4. Language Features of Discussion Text ........................ 19

C. Cooperative Learning ......................................................... 20

1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning ............... 20

2. The Techniques of Cooperative Learning .................... 21

D. Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) ................ 22

1. The Understanding of STAD Technique ..................... 22

2. The Advantage and Disadvantage of STAD ............... 27

E. Review of Previous Study Related to Research ................. 28

F. Thinking Framework .......................................................... 29

G. Action Hypothesis .............................................................. 30

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 31

A. The Aim of the Research.................................................... 31

B. The Place and Time of the Research .................................. 31

C. Subject of The Research..................................................... 32

D. Researcher’s role in the research........................................ 32

E. Research method and design .............................................. 32

F. Research Instrument ........................................................... 35

G. Data Collecting Procedures ................................................ 36

H. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................... 37

I. Trustworthiness .................................................................. 39

J. Technique of Drawing Conclusion .................................... 40

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATION ............................ 42

A. Finding .............................................................................. 42

1. Finding pre-implementation of the CAR ..................... 42

2. Cycle 1 ......................................................................... 46

3. Cycle 2 ......................................................................... 52

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4. Finding after Implementing the CAR .......................... 57

B. Interpretation of the Result................................................. 62

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 64

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 64

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 64

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 66

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 69

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Table 2.1 Example of Team Summary Sheet’s Table .................................... 25

Table 2.2 Example of Assigning Students to Team’s Table .......................... 26

Table 3.1 Schedule of the research ................................................................. 31

Table 3.2 The Observation Sheet Blueprint of Students’ Activity ................ 35

Table 3.3 The Blueprint of Rating Score in Observation ................................. 38

Table 4.1 The Students’ Result of Pre-Questionnaire .................................... 43

Table 4.2 The Students’ Reading Score of Discussion Text in Pre-Test ....... 45

Table 4.3 Assigning Students to Team ........................................................... 47

Table 4.4 The Result of Observation Sheet at The Cycle 1 ........................... 49

Table 4.4 The Students’ Reading Score of Discussion Text in Post-Test 1 ... 51

Table 4.5 The Result of Observation Sheet at The Cycle 2 ........................... 54

Table 4.6 The Students’ Reading Score of Discussion Text in Post-Test 2 ... 56

Table 4.7 The Students’ Result of Post-Questionnaire .................................. 57

Table 4.8 The Comparison of The Students’ Reading Score ......................... 59

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Figure 2.1 Discussion Text and Its Schematic Structure ............................... 18

Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design ......................................... 33

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Appendix 1: Pre-Questionnaire for Students ................................................. 70

Appendix 2: The Questionnaire After CAR .................................................. 71

Appendix 3: The Lesson Plan of The First Meeting in Cycle 1 ................... 73

Appendix 4: The Lesson Plan of The Second Meeting in Cycle 1 ................ 78

Appendix 5: The Lesson Plan of The Third Meeting in Cycle 1 ................... 85

Appendix 6: The Lesson Plan of The First Meeting in Cycle 2 .................... 90

Appendix 7: The Lesson Plan of The Second Meeting in Cycle 2 ................ 97

Appendix 8: The Lesson Plan of The Third Meeting in Cycle 2 ................... 106

Appendix 9: Quiz Score Sheet ....................................................................... 111

Appendix 10: Team Summary Sheet ............................................................. 112

Appendix 11: The Blueprint of Pre-Test ....................................................... 113

Appendix 12: The Blueprint of Post-Test 1 ................................................... 114

Appendix 13: The Blueprint of Post-Test 2 ................................................... 115

Appendix 14: The Question of Pre-Test ........................................................ 116

Appendix 15: The Question of Post-Test 1 ................................................... 121

Appendix 16: The Question of Post-Test 2 ................................................... 128

Appendix 17: The Keys Answer .................................................................... 136

Appendix 18: Surat Keterangan Penelitian .................................................... 137

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This chapter presents the general account of the present study. It covers

background of study, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, and

significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Reading is one of the important activities that someone has to do if she/he

wants to have bright life. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that “if we encounter a

men rare intellect, we should ask him what books he read.” Not only that, Vera

Nazarian state whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door

opens to allow in more light. Moreover, Dr. Seuss indicates that the more that you

read, the more think you will know.1 In short, those who read more books, the

more information can be gotten, and yet by having much information, the more

benefits can be picked up.

In education, reading also has an important role in improving students’

knowledge. Because by reading, students can broaden their knowledge from the

information they read. For instance, they can answer the questions that the teacher

gave easily, give a definition of a term, know the latest issues, and also they can

share the information they know to other friends and other people.

In line with this, reading is also one of the language skills in learning English.

Jeremy harmer noted in his book that in English learning, there are four skills that

should be mastered by the students. They are listening, speaking, reading, and

writing.2 Since learning English is essential, as state in Perundangan tentang

Kurikulum sistem Pendidikan Nasional 2013: “Foreign language especially

English is an international language which the utility in comprehending it is very

1 Goodreads, Quotes about Education, 2014, (

about-education/.) 2 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching. (New York: Longman

Inc., 1989), p. 16.

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important in the globalization era.”3 So being able to read English text is also

needed for success in study.

Moreover, reading skills for senior high level have to deal with many kinds of

texts, and one kind of text which has to be learnt is discussion text. It is stated in

Standard Competence and Basic Competence (SK, KD) both in Curriculum KTSP

2006, and Curriculum 2013. The discussion text is one of the new genre texts that

will learned by the third grade of senior high. The discussion text is a type of text

that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the good points and the

bad points. The purpose of a discussion is to presents to the audience different

opinions on a topic and, at the end, your opinion.

So important is reading to be mastered, yet modern authorities in the field of

reading consider reading as a highly complex process.4 Many people can read, but

many are unable to read critically or to use reading in solving their problems.

Commonly when reading, they are just recognizing the word meaning from the

printed page. Whereas, reading ability is comprised not only of the mechanical

skills, such as word recognition and phrasing, but also of the ability to

comprehend, to interpret and to evaluate the printed or written page.

Concerning about the importance of reading, actually, there are also many

obstacles in learning Reading at schools. Generally, the problem in learning

reading at school is likely to be related with the teaching and learning process.

Mostly, teaching and learning process are still less interesting and tend to be

teacher centered. As the researcher experienced and observed in classroom

activities during Praktek Profesi Keguruan Terpadu (PPKT) in XIIth

grade of

Science Class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta Selatan, there were some problems

which students faced in the learning reading skill. First, most of students have a

limited English vocabulary, so they always face a difficulty in comprehending the

text. Second, the other students, who have a good English vocabulary, just had the

ability to recognize the word but they could not draw a conclusion of what the

3 Tim Redaksi Pustaka Yustisia, Perundangan Tentang Kurikulum Sistem Pendidikan

Nasional 2013, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Pustaka Yustisia, 2013), p. 242. 4 Guy L. Bond and Eva Wagner, Teaching Child to Read, (New York: The MacMillan

Company, 1969), p. 4.

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author extends. Third, they tended to be lazy to answer the question individually,

so they decided to cheat to their friend. Fourth, the researcher found that the

teaching learning process was less interesting, so the students were noisy in class.

Finally, there is prominent gap that occurred among students with higher level and

student with average and lower level. Student with higher performances tend to be

dominated and active during teaching and learning process. In contrast, students

with average and lower performance tend to be passive and silent in teaching

learning process.

In summary, there could be an underlined problem. There is the fact that

students’ reading achievement is low due to the low of teaching strategy.

However, reading has an important role for success in study. Considering the

facts above, there is an urgent need to implement a strategy or technique that can

help solve these problems and involve the teachers and students so that the teacher

are not too dominant in the class and students can be involved in cooperative and

interesting activities. By engaging students in interesting and cooperative

activities, they will likely be more interested and motivated in reading. Then, the

students in which consider as a high performance can share and teach other

students who is categorized as an average and lower performance.

There are many alternative strategies to engage students in reading activities.

One of which is Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) technique from

the cooperative learning strategy, that make student active in class with use of

small group to increase their own and each other’s ability in learning. This

strategy can help the student to solve the problem in reading comprehension and

overcome boredom in reading class activities.

STAD technique is one of a set of instructional techniques developed and

researched by Slavin at Johns Hopkins University. Slavin stated in his book, “Two

of the oldest and most extensively researched forms of cooperative learning are

Students Teams Achievement Division and Team-Games-Tournament.”5 It also

very adaptable, it has been used in mathematics, science, social studies, English,

5 Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning Theory, Reasearch, and Practice, Second

Edition, (Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1990), p. 71.

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industrial arts, and many other subjects, and at levels from second grade to


STAD technique is based on the idea of having students work in cooperative

learning teams to learn academic objectives. However, this technique emphasizes

the use of team goals and team success, which can only be achieved if all

members of the team learn the objectives being taught. In other word, in Students

Team Learning, the students task are not to do something as a team, but to learn

something as a team, where the team’s work is not done until all team members

have mastered the material being studied.

Based on the explanation above, it can be interpreted that by using STAD

technique, students can learn effectively within their group. The teacher can

manage the time efficiently in explaining the material, since they will discuss the

material deeper in their group. Moreover, the high level students will facilitate and

help others in understanding the material.

In line with the statement above, this research is important to be continued

under the title “Applying Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)

Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension in Discussion Text” (A

Classroom Action Research in Third Year Students of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta).

B. Identification Of The Problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are several problems that

can be identified in this research:

1. Student still have difficulty in comprehending the text because most

students have limited vocabularies.

2. Students could not draw a conclusion of what the author extends because

they just have the ability to recognize the word not the whole sentence.

3. Students less interest in learning English because the teacher did not apply

any kind of strategies and techniques.

4. Students with higher score tend to be dominant in the class.

5. Students are lazy to do the assessment individually because they do not

understand the material.

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C. Limitation of The Problem

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, it is important to limit

the problem. In this research, the researcher only focuses on students’ still have

difficulty in comprehending text. The researcher intends to know whether Student

Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique can help student comprehend

discussion text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem, the problem of the study is formulated

as follow: “How does the researcher improve the students’ reading comprehension

in discussion text of the third grade students at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta through

Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique?”

E. The Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation above, the objective of the study is to improve

students’ reading comprehension of discussion text for the third grade students of

SMA Fatahillah, Jakarta.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected can give useful information for English

teachers at SMA Fatahillah in fostering students’ reading comprehension.

Moreover, the result of the study will introduce a new activity that can be

practiced by the student to improve their reading comprehension especially in

discussion text. More importantly, teacher can facilitate student with technique

that can involve them actively in learning reading, so they will be interested in

experiencing reading and hopefully their reading comprehension will increase

significantly. And the findings of this study can be used by other researcher as

consideration for further study.

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This chapter covers some theories related to the Research. The discussion

focuses on the reading, discussion text, cooperative learning, and Students Team

Achievement Division Technique.

A. Reading

1. The Definition of Reading

Reading is a common thing in our life. In every subject of learning activities

consist of reading since the lesson in the content subjects need the use of

textbook, reference book and related library writing. Even in hand-writing of the

teacher on the blackboard also require to be read by the students. In conclusion

reading is truly a basic means of learning in all subjects.

Furthermore, there are a lot of definitions of reading. Linguists give definition

about reading, their opinions about reading vary. Some of them say reading is the

process to get, to understand, to catch the content of the reading. And also reading

is a process to understand a written text which means extracting the required

information from it as efficiently as possible. The definition comes from

Francoise Grellet who said that ―Reading is a constant process of guessing, and

what one brings to the text is often more important than what one finds in it.‖1 It is

supported by Guy L. Bond that ―Reading is the process of requiring an author‘s

meaning of interpreting, evaluating and effecting upon those meaning‖.2

Reading is to get meaning defined by Guy L. Bond, also said by Mary

Finocchiaro that ―Reading is bringing meaning to and getting meaning from

printed or written material‖.3 From all that definitions can be summed up that


Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills, (Cambridge: University Press, 2010), p.


2 Guy L. Bond and Eva Wagner, Teaching Child to Read, (New York: The MacMillan

Company, 1969), p. 4.

3 Mary Finocchiaro and Micheal Bonomo, The Foreign Language Learner: A Guide for

Teacher, (New York: Tegent Publishing Company Inc., 1973), p. 119.

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reading is a process to get meaning from a text that has read with through the

process of recognition, interpretation, perception and evaluation of meaning.

2. Reading Comprehension

The essence of reading act is comprehension: it becomes a primary challenge

in teaching or learning of reading skill. In order to learn or understand the

massage of the author, the students are hoped to have the ability to comprehend

the written textbook.

Ellen K. Closs define reading comprehension as ―the process of readers

interacting and constructing meaning from text, implementing the use of prior

knowledge, and the information found in the text.‖4 In some paragraphs, the topic

sentence may not state the complete main idea. The topic may be stated in one

sentence, and the writer's idea about the topic may be expressed in another

sentence or in several sentences in the paragraph. In this case, the reader must

combine ideas from several sentences to infer the complete main idea. To know

that it is really expressing a complete idea, the main idea statement should always

be stated in a complete sentence with a subject and verb. The statement above is

also supported by Barbara Hawkins that stated ―Viewed in the past as either a top-

down or bottom-up process, we now thinking reading comprehension results from

interactive variables that operate simultaneously rather than sequentially.‖5

In line with this, reading comprehension ability is the major goal of reading

comprehension. There are many skills that have to be completed in order to reach

comprehension ability. As Guy and Eva said ―Comprehension is made up of a

number of basic abilities, including skill in recognizing words and their meanings,

in grouping words into thought units and in giving the proper emphasis to the

thought units so that the sentences may be understood.‖6 In short, to develop

4 Ellen K. Closs, ―Teaching Reading Comprehension to Struggling and at Risk Reader:

Strategies That Work‖ in The Reading Teacher. Nov. 2004. p. 272. 5 Marianne Celce-Murcia (eds.), Teaching English as A Second or Foreign Language,

(Boston: Heinle &Heinle Publisher, 1991), p. 170.

6 Guy L. Bond and Eva Wagner, op. cit., p. 200.

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comprehension abilities, we have to consider many skills that related to sentences

and meaning.

Meanwhile George D. Spache stated that ―Comprehension is more than

understanding the ideas conveyed by the printed word, for this ideas must be

meaningful to the reader and must be integrated with his own concepts.‖7

In other

word, understanding does not mean the readers have comprehended the ideas, but

when the readers can combine the ideas of the text into their own concept it can be

identified as a comprehension. With comprehension readers can get the ideas from

the text more useful.

In addition, Philipot and Grave said in his book that ―a number of theoretical

considerations underline the understanding of comprehension and the suggestions

for promoting comprehensions. The most important of these come from cognitive

psychology, the social constructivist orientation, and reader response theory.

There are three concepts emerging from cognitive psychology. They are schema

theory, the interactive model, and metacognition. Then, the social constructivist

orientation discuss about the general concept of constructivism, social

constructivism, and the significance of context.‖8 In other word, there are many

theories which become a basic foundation in interpreting and identifying the

meaning of comprehension.

So the writer can sum up that reading comprehension is the activity to

integrate written text that containing information into reader own concept, and to

recognize of written materials, interpretation of meaning and interaction with

background knowledge in order to make the ideas from the text more meaningful.

3. Basic Comprehension Ability

In this term, consideration will be given to the basic comprehensions ability

needed for the many reading process. The basic comprehension ability consist of

the ability to comprehending word meaning, comprehending thought units,


George D. Spache, Toward Better Reading, (Champaign: Garrard Publishing Company,

1963), p. 61. 8 Raymond Phillippot and Michael F. Graves, Fostering Comprehension in English

Classes. (New York: The Guilford Press, 2009), pp. 5—12.

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comprehending sentence sense, comprehending paragraphs, and understanding

total selection.9 The explanations among them are discussed below:

a. Comprehending Word Meaning

Associating the correct meaning of a word with its printed symbol is the most

basic of all comprehension abilities. The reader is categorized as someone who

comprehend word meaning if the he can not only recognizing the printed symbol,

but he also must select from many the exact meaning the author had in mind.

Hence, word meanings are so essential to word recognition and so interrelated

with word recognition. It is well, however, for the students of reading to recognize

that no comprehension can take place without adequate association of word-

meanings to the printed symbols that represent item.

b. Comprehending Thought Units

The most essential efficient meaningful reading is having sufficiently rapid

word-recognition techniques to enable the reader to assemble words into thought

units. Much of the difficulty in thought-unit reading is caused by the lack of

ability to analyze the printed line into usable thought units. This is accomplished

by an anticipation of the thought units which are to come through the more or less

automatic use of the peripheral or marginal vision.

c. Comprehending Sentence Sense

Actually it is an additional component in basic comprehension skill, but it still

needed to be taught. When reading, we must appreciate the sentence as a whole.

We have to be taught to sense relationship between its parts. Sometimes we also

have to accustom ourselves to sense the part of sentences of unusual order. To

encourage the ability to comprehend sentences sense for the beginner reader is

they should start the direct sentence in which the parts are easily located. The

reader also should be introduced gradually to sentences in which connectives

change the anticipated ending of the sentences.

d. Comprehending paragraph

In comprehending paragraph means that reader understanding a paragraph

depends, to great extent, upon an appreciation of the interrelationship among its

9 Guy L. Bond and Eva Wagner, op. cit., pp. 201—206.

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sentence. It is taught by giving specific attention to the meaning and organization

of paragraph. The reader requires exercise to find the best statement of the general

meanings of paragraph is helpful.

e. Understanding total selection

Sensing the meaning of a total selection is a basic comprehension ability that

depends upon discerning the interrelationship among the paragraphs and also the

interrelationships among the various sections of the larger presentation. Actually,

when completing the text, the writer follows an established sequence the reader

should sense as he read.

In conclusion, there are many basic comprehension abilities that the reader

should consider in reading the text. The ability to associating the word meaning

and printed comprehending word meaning, comprehending thought units,

comprehending sentence sense, comprehending paragraphs, and understanding

total selection.

4. Types of Reading

a. Scanning

Scanning is the process of quickly searching reading material in order to

locate specific bits of information. When you scan, you don‘t start at beginning

and read through the end. Instead, you jump around in the text trying to find the

information you need. You probably already scan when you search for a phone

number in a telephone book, go through the TV guide looking for a program to

watch, or look up a word in the dictionary.10

b. Skimming

The purpose of skimming is to gain a quick overview in order to identify the

main points. When skimming, you will often skip words, sentences, and

paragraphs. When you are satisfied that you have a general understanding of the

author‘s key points, you put the reading material aside. Skimming, then, serves as

a substitute for careful reading.


Peter Mather and Rita McCarthy, Reading and All That Jazz: Tuning up your Reading,

Thinking, and Study Skills. 3rd

edition. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), p. 526.

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When you are skimming, be sure to move rapidly through the material,

skipping the information you are already familiar with. You may wish to read the

first and the last sentences of each paragraph because that is often where the main

ideas are located. Read the introduction and the summary if one is provided.

When examples are given, you may want to read a few of them until you

understand the concepts they are meant to illustrate. When skimming a textbook

chapter, glance quickly at the title, subheadings, italicized words, boldface print,

and illustrations. 11

5. Skills in Reading

a. Predictive Skill

The efficient reader predicts what he is going to read and the process of

understanding the text is the process of seeing how the content of the text matches

up to these predictions. In the first instance his predictions will be the result of the

expectation he has. As he continues to read, however, his predictions will change

as he receives more information from the text.

b. Extracting specific information

Very often the reader is involved in the use of receptive skills for the sole

purpose of extracting specific information. In other words the reader may look at a

piece of written language not in order to understand it all, but for the purpose of

finding out only one or two facts. This skill when applied to reading is often

called scanning.

c. Getting the general picture

Reader often read to something because they want to get the general picture.

In other words they want to read something and as a result of their reading have a

general idea of the main points of what they have read: it is the main point that

they are interested in, not the detail. Indeed the skill of reading in order to get the

general picture, called skimming, presupposes the reader‘s ability to pick out the

main points and discard what is irrelevant, or what is only detail. The reader is

able to skim rapidly over information that is repeated more than once.

11 Ibid., p. 531

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d. Inferring opinion and attitude

A reader often has to be able to work out what the writer opinions and

attitudes are, particularly since they are not always directly stated. The

experienced reader will know, from various clues he receives while reading,

whether the writer approves of the topic he is discussing, or whether his opinion

of the personality he is describing is favourable or not. The ability to infer opinion

and attitude is largely based on the recognition of linguistic style and its use to

achieve appropriate purposes.

e. Deducing meaning from context

Even native speaker often come across words in written text that they do not

understand. Most usually, however, the fact that a word is unknown to them does

not cause any particular problem. Based on the context in which the word occurs

the native speaker guesses its meaning. Usually, too, his guess will be right. The

point is that the deducing of meaning is important for a language user who will

often meet unknown words. It should be said that for a native speaker there is a

point at which they are not able to deduce meaning from context where there are a

great number of word that they do not understand.

f. Recognizing function and discourse patterns and markers

Native speakers know that when they read ‗for example‘ this phrase will be

followed by an example. When they read ‗in other word‘ a concept will be

explained in a different way. Recognizing such discourse markers is an important

part of understanding how a text is constructed. It is important to know, for

example, which sentence in a paragraph is a generalization and which sentence

then backs up that generalization with evidence. It is also important to be able to

recognize devices for cohesion and understand how a text is organized


12 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching. (New York: Longman

Inc., 1989), pp. 144—145.

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6. Types of text

a. Authentic text

Authentic texts are those which are designed for native speakers. They are real

texts designed not for language students, but for the speakers of the language in

question. Any English newspaper is composed of what we would call authentic


b. Non-authentic text

A non-authentic text is one that has been written especially for language

students, but here again there is a distinction to be made between texts written to

illustrate particular language points for presentation, and those written to appear

authentic, even though there has been some language control of the ‗rough tuning‘

type. The justification for the latter is that beginner students will probably not be

able to handle genuinely authentic texts, but should nevertheless be given practice

in reading to texts that look authentic. The reading of such text will help students

to acquire the necessary receptive skills they will need when they eventually come

to tackle authentic material.13

7. The Problems of Reading

According to Jeremy Harmer in his book ―The Practice of English Language

Teaching‖, there are a number of particular problems in reading. It consists of

language, topic and genre, comprehension tasks, and negative expectation.14

a. Language

In the case of written text some researchers look at word and sentence length.

Truly, the text with longer sentences and longer words will be more difficult to

understand than those with shorter ones. If reader does not know half the words in

a text, they will have difficulty in understanding a text as a whole. To be

successful they have to recognize many vocabularies without consciously thinking

about it. In short, it is clear that both sentence length and unknown words both

play their role in a text‘s comprehensibility.

13 Ibid., p. 146.

14 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, (Harlow:

Longman, 2002), pp. 203 – 208.

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b. Topic and Genre

Reading activities prove less successful than anticipated because the topic is

not appropriate or because students are not familiar with the genre of the text. If

students are not interested in a topic, or if they are unfamiliar with the text genre,

they may be hard to engage fully with the activity. Their lack of engagement may

be a major hindrance to success in reading.

c. Comprehension tasks

The choice of comprehension task is essential in fostering the successful of

reading. Sometimes such tasks appear to be testing the students rather than

helping them to understand. However, the tasks that tend to test students will not

be an appropriate way of accomplishing the students‘ improvement in this skill.

Sometimes texts or the tasks which accompany them are far too easy or far too


d. Negative expectation

Negative expectation sometime is felt by students when they are reading.

They tend to think that they are not going to understand the text because it is

bound to be too difficult, and they predict that the whole experience will be

frustrating. Those occur due to the previous unhappy or unsuccessful experience.

If, in the past, students have been given reading and listening text which are too

difficult, that will color their view of the process.

B. Discussion Text

1. Understanding of Discussion Text

Before discussing the understanding of discussion text, it is better to discuss

what the understanding of text is. Manuel and John states, ―A text is defined as a

product that is expressed inside of and through a system of norms that is


It can be seen that a text is something expressed that comes from a

system of norms, and it is linguistic. Meanwhile, Daniel Cottom states, ―A text is

not an objective thing but rather the object constituted by conditions of meaning


Manuel J. Caro and John W. Murph y, The World of Quantum Culture. (Westport:

Greenwood Publishing Group. Inc, 2002), p. 39.

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within a particular score.‖16

This statement defines that a text is more than an

objective, a text is constructed through meaning. A text is valued from the

meaning listed in.

There are two main categories of texts, literary and factual.17

Within these,

there are various text types. Each type has a common and usual way of using

language. Literary text is constructed to appeal to our emotion and imagination.

There are main text types in this category such as narrative, poetic and drama.

Meanwhile, Factual present information or ideas and aim to show, tell or

invite the audience. The main text types of factual text are recount, response,

explanation, discussion, information report, exposition and procedure. In other

word, discussion text is one types of factual text that present to the audience both

sides of the topic either it is a good point or bad point.

Anderson in his book state that discussion text is a text that gives the for and

against, the positive and negative, or the good points and the bad points towards a

topic discussed. The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience

different opinions on a topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood

that discussion text is a type of text that presents both side of the case including

the positive or negative statement.

Experiencing discussion texts can help students to think clearly and

critically. It encourages students to listen and respond to others‘ opinions, and ask

related question. Therefore, discussion texts make students become aware that

actually the facts can be interpreted in different ways and that a variety of

opinions toward an issue may be valid. In short, by learning discussion text

students will be wise in facing a determined issue.

Throughout their live students will need to make decisions. Either it is a

big decision or a simple one. Hence, it is important for students to develop the

skills to look both of sides of an argument objectively before making a decision.

Discussion text will give students opportunity to develop the skills of finding


Daniel Cottom. Text and Culture: The Politics of Interpretation.. (Minneapolis: The

University of Minnesota Press, 1989), p. 40.

17 Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Macmillan,

2003), p. 1.

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information to support their arguments and emphasis the importance of

anticipating arguments and responding to this.

In addition, Discussion texts are concerned with the analysis,

interpretation, and evaluation of issues. In effective discussion, all points of view

on an issue are considered and attitudes change when different perspectives are


It can be concluded, discussion text gives students opportunity to explore

different perspective toward an issue. Students are accustomed to the ability in

involving and persuading audience while evaluating the strength of different


There is a summary that can be picked up based on the definition explains

above. A discussion text is a text that presenting different opinion of an issue

consists of argument for and arguments again. Learning discussion text related to

the real life situation that students will be faced. They have to make a decision,

and the skills in making decision can be learned through learning a discussion


2. The Purpose of Discussion Text

The purpose of discussion text is to present different opinions, view point or

perspective on an issue. As Mark and Kathy Anderson stated in their book; the

purpose of discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion.19

It means discussion text enable reader to

explore different ideas both negative and positive side of an issue. It will be

meaningful for reader to get important information needed before making a

decision. It also can make a reader critically in facing an issue.

18 Bloke Education, Structure and Features of Discussion Text, 2014, p. 1,


19 Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra: Macmillan,

2003), p. 117.

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3. The Schematic Structure of Discussion Text

In constructing discussion text, there are several steps that should be

considered by the author. The elements of them are also provided to guide the

readers in reading the text.

a. An Introductory Paragraph

Discussion text begins with a brief introduction describing the situation. It

has a statement or question about the topic.20

In this introduction will be

recognized that there are two points of view. We can see the example of

introductory paragraph in the part of the text by the title, ―Television: The best

invention of the twentieth century?‖:

“During the twentieth century the world has witnessed the invention of many

amazing things. Television is a great invention but there are arguments for and

against whether it is the best invention of the twentieth century.”

b. A Series of Paragraphs

This paragraph gives evidence, opinions, or argument for and against the

topic. There are two terms in this paragraph; first is argument for and supporting

evidence, second argument against and supporting evidence.

In the next few paragraphs elaborate the arguments for the issue, based on

researching, surveying and interviewing experts. It is what we called argument

for. Meanwhile, the next set of paragraphs describes the arguments against the

issue based on researching, surveying or interviewing. It is what we called

argument against.

Each paragraph should be clearly structured with a topic sentence supported

by details. The supporting material could be reported speech, or supporting

evidence from research or surveys.21

Here the example of argument for and

argument against:

“Television was invented in the 1920’s and first came to Australia in

1956. It has played an important role in communicating news. We can learn

20 Ibid., p. 118.


Bloke Education, Structure and Features of Discussion Text, 2014, p. 2,


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instantly about what is happening in the world because of television. We often see

it happening such as when the Vietnam wars taking place.”

“On the other hand, there are other inventions that could be seen as more

important than television. Some would argue the computer has made life easier

for many people, including those in the outback, especially with email and

internet connections.”

c. A Conclusion

The discussion ends by presenting a personal point of view, either for or

against the topic, before concluding. The conclusion sums up both sides of the

argument if they are fairly balanced, or can recommend one argument over the

other if the evidence is overwhelming.22

This is the one of example of concluding

paragraph in discussion text:

―It can be seen that there are reasons supporting and questioning

television being considered the best invention of the twentieth century. After

looking at both sides I still believe it is the best invention.”

Here is the example of discussion text and its schematic structure:

Television: The best invention of the Twentieth Century?

During the twentieth century the world has witnessed the

invention of many amazing things. Television is a great invention

but there are arguments for and against whether it is the best

invention of the twentieth century.

Television was invented in the 1920‘s and first came to

Australia in 1956. It has played an important role in

communicating news. We can learn instantly about what is

happening in the world because of television. We often see it

happening such as when the Vietnam war was taking place

Television has also provided people with entertainment in their

own homes. People in isolated areas can still feel part of the world

because of television. This is especially true for those Australians

who live in the outback areas. This is why many people are

concerned with the possible sale of Telstra as they feel they will

lose vital links with the world.



A general

statement that

introduces the

topic for


Reasons for


being the best


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On the other hand, there are other inventions that could be seen

as more important than television. Some would argue the computer

has made life easier for many people, including those in the

outback, especially with email and internet connections.

Others would argue that many medical inventions, such as

heart pacemakers which have allowed many people to lead healthy

and happy lives despite a potentially crippling disease, are a more

important invention.

It can be seen that there are reasons supporting and questioning

television being considered the best invention of the twentieth

century. After looking at both sides I still believe it is the best


Figure 2.1

Discussion Text and Its Schematic Structure

Seeing the text above and schematic structure, the writer may describe that the

introductory paragraph show briefly statement that describe the situation. And it

recognizes the two points of view. It introduces television as a great invention

during twentieth century, and it tells that there are arguments for and against

which questioning whether it‘s the best invention or not.

In addition, there are some arguments for supporting the statement that

television being the best invention in twentieth century. It proved based on the

research, survey and interview. Then, the next paragraph elaborates the argument

that against the television being the best invention. It is proved by the fact that

there is also computer that has made life easier.

Furthermore, there is a conclusion paragraph that gives a final point of view,

either for or against the topic. In this case, after delivering some argument for and

against, the writer presenting his/her own personal perspective that the writer

thinks television is still a great invention.

4. Language Features of Discussion Text

The language features usually found in a discussion text are:

a. The use of generic terms related to the topic.




being the best



comment with

write‘s opinion

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b. The use of words that show a comparison or a contrast.

c. The use of words that link arguments.

d. The use of general statement to make statement.

e. The use of thinking verbs.

f. The use of connectives to link arguments.

g. The use of quoted and reported speech.

h. The use of comparative adjectives.23

C. Cooperative Learning

1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning.

In a classroom, especially in Indonesia‘s school, the teachers are faced with a

problem in which they should handle a class that consists of 25 to 35 students.

This is one of the challenges in teaching today. Teachers are expected to teach in a

way that enables students to learn materials in the classroom cooperatively.

Cooperative learning is an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of

cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the

classroom. However, we cannot define all types of group work as cooperative

learning. It has to be structured-organized that can make the students interact with

other and they can inspire others to master the material being studied. It has been

defined as follows: ―Cooperative Learning (CL) is a body of literature and

research that has examined the effects of cooperation in education. CL is not

general, free discussion; nor are all types of group work necessarily cooperative.

Cooperative learning is carefully structured- organized so that each learner

interacts with others and all learners are motivated to increase each other‘s


Cooperative learning creates opportunity for students to help their group

members to solve their learning problems which in small group students feel more

comfortable asking for help. In cooperative learning students can work their

23 Ibid.

24 Carolyn Kessler (Ed.), Cooperative Language Learning: A Teacher’s Resource Book,

(United States of America: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992), p. 1.

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aasignment together. Cooperative learning grounded in the belief in that learning

is most effective when students are acctively involved in sharing ideas and work

cooperatively to complete academic tasks.

According to Roger E. W-B Olsen and Spencer Kagan in Cooperative

Language Learning‘s book, ―CL provides increased interactions between students.

This, in turn, increases opportunities for language practice while using those same

interactions to increase comprehension of lesson material. Nonnative English

speaker in CL classes show gains in language acquisition and academic

achievement that are either equivalent to or superior to gains through traditional

whole-class instruction.‖25

Based on the all statement above, the writer summarized that cooperative

learning is a learning model which provides opportunity to interact and

communicate with each other. Cooperative learning is not just putting students

into group but they should learn social skill. The cooperative learning requires

students to be active in the grou p and achieved the main goal of every member in

the group.

2. The Technique of Cooperative Learning

There are many techniques in Cooperative Learning which can be applied by

teachers in teaching-learning activities, such as; Student Teams-Achievement

Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT), Jigsaw, Number Head

Together (NHT) and Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI). Three are general

cooperative learning methods adapted to most subjects and grade levels; STAD,

TGT, and Jigsaw.26

The writer limits his study only in Student Teams-Achievement Division

(STAD) technique as he mentioned in chapter one.


Ibid., p. 1 26

Steven G. McCafferty (Ed.), Cooperative Learning and Second Language Teaching,

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 181—194.

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D. Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Technique.

1. Understanding of Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD)


Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is one of the set of

instructional technique developed and researched by Slavin at Johns Hopkins

University. Slavin stated in his book, ―Two of the oldest and most extensively

researched forms of cooperative learning are Students Teams Achievement

Division and Team-Games-Tounament.‖27

STAD technique is based on the idea of having students work in cooperative

learning teams to learn academic objectives. However, this technique emphasizes

the use of team goals and team success, which can only be achieved if all

members of the team learn the objectives being taught. In other word, in Students

Team Learning, the students‘ tasks are not to do something as a team, but to learn

something as a team, where the team‘s work is not done until all team members

have mastered the material being studied.

STAD is also the simplest cooperative learning methods, and the most

appropriate method for teachers who want to apply the Cooperative Learning for

the first time in their teaching-learning activities. STAD is one of the simplest of

all cooperative learning methods, and is a good model to begin with for teachers

who are new to the cooperative approach.28

According to many teaching

researches, it is very appropriate in teaching many subjects than other cooperative

learning methods and can be used for every level education. Shlomo Sharan

writes, ―It is also very adaptable, it has been used in mathematics, science, social

studies, English, industrial arts, and many other subjects, and at levels from 2nd

grade to college.‖29

27 Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning Theory, Reasearch, and Practice, Second

Edition, (Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1990), p. 71. 28

Ibid., p. 71.

29 Shlomo Sharan, Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, (Westport: Preager

Publisher, 1994), p. 4.

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STAD expects students learn together with other team mates in a small team

to study the subject that is presented. Shlomo Sharan states, ―These techniques are

based on the idea of having students work in cooperative learning teams to learn

academic objectives.‖30

The smartest students are expected to teach the lowest

students until they understand and master the subject that is presented. They not

only study to answer the task correctly but also study how to make all the group

members understand and master the subject so all the group members can answer

the task correctly. The students‘ task are not to do something as a team, but to

learn something as a team, where the team‘s work isn‘t done until all team

members have mastered the material being studied.31

This is done because they

are not allowed helping each other in answering quizzes although they study

together as a team.

In STAD, students are assigned to four-member learning teams that are mixed

in performance level, sex and ethnicity.32

Students are divided into small groups

consist of four to five members. The groups must be totally heterogeneous. The

groups are mixed in high, average, and low levels, boys and girls, different

ethnicity, and different religion. Do not allow students choose their own teams,

because they will prefer to choose others like themselves. There are three

concepts in Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) technique;

a. Team Rewards

Team rewards means that teams are not in competition with one another

for limited rewards. All of the teams, some of them, or none of them may earn

whatever rewards are made available depending on how well the team‗s

performance matches a predetermined standard.

b. Individual accountability

Individual accountability means that students have their own

responsibility, because their team success is depended on individual score

when they get quizzes.

30 Ibid., p. 1.


Ibid., p. 3.

32Ibid., p. 4.

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c. Equal opportunities for success

It means that what students contribute to their teams is based on their

improvement over their own past performance.33

It is the important steps to

ensure that all students have an opportunity to contribute to their team.

In addition, there are five major components in Student Teams-Achievement

Divisions (STAD) technique;34

a. Class Presentations

In a class presentation is initially introduced material in STAD. It is

directly conducted by the teacher or a kind of lecture-discussion, but could

include audiovisual presentations. Actually, class presentation in STAD is the

same as usual teaching, the only differences is that the teacher must be clearly

focused on the STAD unit. As a result, students realize they must to pay

attention during the class presentation, because it will help them to do well

while discussing in the team and on the quizzes, and teams score is determined

by their quiz scores.

b. Teams

In team normally consists of four or five students who represent a cross-

section of the class in terms of academic performance, sex, and race or

ethnicity. As a team, each student has responsibility to make sure that all team

members are learning, and, more specifically, to prepare its member to do well

on the quizzes. The team meets and starts to study the worksheet after the

teacher delivered the material. Most often, the study involves students

discussing problem together, comparing answers, and correcting any

misconceptions if teammates make mistakes.

In fact, in STAD technique team become the most important one. It is

because at every point emphasis is placed on team members doing their best

33Ibid., p. 4.


Slavin, op. cit., 71—73.

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for the team, and on the team doing its best to help its member. Not only that,

team also provides the peer support for academic performance that is

important for learning, and it provides the mutual concern and respect that are

important for such outcomes as intergroup relations, self-esteem, and

acceptance of mainstreamed students.

When assigning students to team, it is important to make sure that the team

represents a cross-section of the class and each of the team consist of high

performer, low performer, and average performer. The high performer in this

term is based on the score in the class, and not necessarily compared with

national norms. The important point is do not let students to choose their own

team, because they tend to choose other like themselves. Here are the steps in

assigning students to team:

Make copies of team summary sheets. Make one copy of a team

summary sheet for every four and five students in the class. Here is the

example of team summary sheet.

Table 2.1

Example of Table in Team Summary Sheet

Team Name:

Team Member 1 2

Total Team Score

Team Avarage

Team Award

Rank Students. On a sheet of paper, rank the students in your class from

high to lowest in past performance. Use whatever information to this. It

may be difficult to be exact in your ranking, but do the best you can.

Decide on the number of teams. Each team should have four members if

possible. To decide how many teams you will have, divide the number of

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students in the class by four. However the number of team is actually

depend of the amount of the students in the class, and the teacher can

decide their own number of the teams wisely.

Assigning students to teams. In assigning students to team, balance the

teams so that (a) each team is composed of students whose performance

levels range from low to average to high, and (b) the average performance

level of all the teams in the class is about equal. Here is the example of

table in assigning students to team:

Table 2.2

The Example of Table in Assigning Students to Team

Level Range Rank Team Name



1 A

2 B



3 A

4 B

Students 5 A

6 B

Fill out team summary sheets. Fill in the names of the students on each

team on your team summary sheet.35

c. Quizzes

The students have to take individual quizzes after experiencing one or two

periods of teacher presentations and one to two periods of team practice. In

this opportunity, students work their assessment individually, they are not

allowed to ask and help one another during the quizzes. This is the time to

prove that every student has responsible for knowing the material.

d. Individual Improvement Scores

Individual improvement score is used to give each student a performance

goal if they had worked harder and perform better in their individual quizzes.

The success of the team score is mostly based on individual improvement


Slavin, Ibid., pp. 74—75.

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score. It is because any students can contribute maximum points to his or her

team in this scoring system, but no students can do so without doing his or her

best work. Individual assessment score is come from the degree to which their

quizzes scores exceed their base scores. Each student is given ―base‖ score

according to students‘ past performance on similar quizzes. Individual

improvement score in this terms means the point that students get from the

degree of individual quiz scores exceed their base scores. The rule is as


1) Quiz score more than 10 points below base score = 0

2) Quiz score 10 points below to 1 point below base score = 10

3) Quiz score base score to 10 points above base score = 20

4) Quiz score more than 10 points above base score = 30

5) Perfect paper = 30

e. Team Recognition

Teams may earn certificates or other rewards if their average scores

exceed a certain criterion. Students‘ team scores may also be used to

determine up to 20 percent of their grades.

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of STAD Technique

As the writer explained in introduction that STAD is one of the techniques in

cooperative learning, it is a technique where the group work is applied. Some

advantages and disadvantages can be gained when teaching using STAD.

a. Advantages of using STAD

1) By using this technique, the amount of talking for individual students


2) It promotes learner autonomy by allowing students to make their decision

in the group without being told what to do by the teacher.

3) It encourages skills of cooperation and negotiation between the studerits

4) The condition of learning more relax and the students knowing more each

other than before.

5) The students will get new experience in solving the problem with others.

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b. Disadvantages

1) It takes much time to organize the group

2) The class situations become noisy so the teacher need the voice the


E. Review of Previous Study Related to Research

Some studies related to the implementation of Students Team Achievement

Divisions (STAD) technique proved that STAD can be used to improve students‘

knowledge in many kind of learning subject. Among which, there are three studies

that the writer consider as a basic consideration in holding a research. The first is

the research conducted by Jony Anto, Padmadewi, and Putra with the title ―The

Effect of STAD Technique and Learning Motivation toward the Students‘

Reading Competence.‖36

They identify the effect of implementation of STAD

technique and learning motivation toward students‘ reading competence of the

eight year students of SMP N 3 Ubud. Based on the result of their study showed

there was a significant different effect toward students‘ reading competence

between the students taught by using STAD and conventional method. The

relationship between this research and the writer‘s research is the variable used.

They used STAD technique and reading comprehension as variables. However,

the writer in this skripsi has focusing the types of text that used in her research,

that is, discussion text.

Another previous study related to research is from Alireza Jalilifar with his

paper research entitled ―The Effect of Cooperative Learning Technique on

College Students‘ Reading Comprehension.‖37

Alireza investigated the impact of

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) and Group Investigation (GI),

which are two techniques of Cooperative learning, on students‘ reading

comprehension achievement. The result of his research revealed that STAD is a


Jony Anto, Padmadewi, & Putra. The Effect of STAD Technique and Learning

Motivation toward the Students‘ Reading Competence. Electronic Journal Program Pasca

Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. 1, 2013. 37

Alireza Jalilifar, ―The Effect of Cooperative Learning Technique on College Students‘

Reading Comprehension‖, Thesis on Shahid Chamran University of Alwaz Iran: 2009.


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more effective technique in improving EFL reading comprehension achievement

whereas GI did not enhance reading comprehension significantly. According to

Alireza team rewards, as one of the central concepts of STAD, may have a strong

impact on learners‘ performance in reading comprehension. The relationship

between this research and the writer‘s research is the use of variables, cooperative

learning and reading comprehension. However in this skripsi, the writer has

chosen STAD as a determined technique. Then, if Alireza conduct the research in

college, while the writer do the research in the third grade students of SMA


The last previous study is from Rifki Hadyan which held the research by the

title ―The Implementation of The Cooperative Learning method in Teaching

Reading Comprehension.‖38

The research was conducted to find out whether or

not cooperative learning improved students‘ reading comprehension.‖ The design

employed in this research was Classroom Action Research. The finding of the

study showed that cooperative learning method (STAD and Jigsaw) improved the

students‘ comprehension in reading descriptive text. This research is in line with

the writer‘s research both in research design and variables. However, the writer in

this ―skripsi‖ has different focus. The writer focuses on STAD technique, one of

types of cooperative learning method, and the type of text used is discussion text.

F. Thinking Framework

Reading is one of the essential skills that is needed for students. By reading

many books students can get much information. It can also facilitate students with

a lot of sources that was gotten through book that have been written in English.

However, most students face difficulty in comprehending the text. It is because

they have limited vocabularies. The other students, who have a good English

vocabulary, just had the ability to recognize the word but they could not draw a

conclusion of what the author extends. Then, they are unmotivated in learning

38 Rifki Hadyan, ―The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Method in Teaching

Reading Comprehension‖, Thesis on English Education Study Program of Indonesia University of

Education: 2013. Unpublished.

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reading because the teaching and learning process seems less interesting and

cannot catch their attention. Nevertheless, it was not occurred to all students.

There are several students who like to learn English and have a good ability in

comprehending reading text.

Since the class consists of heterogonous students, the teacher is needed to

apply a cooperative learning method to facilitate students to be able to learn and to

discuss the material with their friend. Student Team Achievement Division

(STAD) is one of the techniques from cooperative learning method. STAD

technique is based on the idea of having students work in cooperative learning

teams to learn academic objectives. However, this technique emphasizes the use

of team goals and team success, which can only be achieved if all members of the

team learn the objectives being taught. As a result, by applying STAD technique

the teacher are not too dominant in the class and students can be involved in

cooperative and interesting activities. So the writer interested to research the

students‘ improvement in reading comprehension through Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) technique at the third grade of Science Class at

SMA Fatahillah Jakarta.

G. Action Hypothesis

Dealing with thinking framework above, the researcher would like to propose

the action hypothesis of this study as follow: by using Students Teams

Achievement Division Technique (STAD) can improve students‘ understanding

of reading discussion text at the third grade students of Science Class at SMA

Fatahillah Jakarta.

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This chapter presents the aim of the research, the place and time of the

research, subject of the research, researcher’s role in the research, research

method and design, research instrument, data collecting procedures, technique of

data analysis, trustworthiness, and technique of drawing conclusion.

A. The Aim of the Research

The aim of this study is to improve the students’ reading comprehension in

discussion text for the third grade students of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta.

B. Place and Time of the Research

1. Place of the Research

This research was conducted in SMA Fatahillah Jakatra, which is located at

Jalan Raya Buncit No. 67, Kalibata Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan.

2. Time of the Research

This research was carried out for 3 months started from September, 2014 until

November, 2014. The schedule is as follows:

Table 3.1

Schedule of the Research



Month and Week

September October November

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Arranging



2 Pre-Observation X

3 Pre-Questionnaire X

4 Pre-test X

5 Cycle 1 X X

6 Cycle 2 X X

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Month and Week

September October November

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

7 Post-test X

8 Post-Questionnaire X

9 Report X X X X

(Adapted from Arikunto Suharsimi, 2009)

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is XII IPA students of SMA Fatahillah academic

year 2014/2015. The number of XII IPA consists of 15 students.

D. Researcher’s Role in the Research

In this research, the researcher acts in classroom action research is not only as

the researcher, but also as a teacher, a planner, and does in making pre-test,

a lesson plan, post-test in each final cycles, collecting data, analyzing, and reports

the result of the study. Besides, the researcher carries out the action based upon

the lesson plan has been made.

E. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method

The research method of this study is classroom action research. This method is

chosen since this study dealt with the classroom setting and the study is directed

to implement the teaching technique in that specific class in order to find out

solutions to the classroom problems in teaching reading.1

1 Wijaya Kusumah, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Malta Pritindo,

2009), p. 9.

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2. Research Design

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure used in this research is

Kurt Lewin’s design. It consists of two cycles in which each cycles contains four

phases: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.2

Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design

3. Procedure of CAR

The Classroom Action Research using Kurt Lewin’s design consists of four

phases within one cycle, those are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

After accomplished the first cycle, it will be probably found a new problem or

unfinished problem yet. Therefore, it is essential to continue to the second cycle

with the same concept as the first cycle. So that, based on the experience and

outcome in the first cycle, the researcher will follow the planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting phases in the second cycles. It is because the best cycle

is commonly occurs more than two cycles.

Here are the explanations of what happens in every phase:

a. Planning Phase

After identifying and diagnosing students’ reading problem occurred in the

class proven by the result of observing and questionnaire, and then based on the

finding, the writer make some planning. The following activities in this planning

phase are designing lesson plan, determining technique, preparing materials and

media, and determining criteria of success.

2 Ibid., p. 20.






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The organized planning will be formed into lesson plan based on the syllabus

used. Then, the lesson plan will be implemented in the third grade students of

Science Class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta. The researcher also prepared the post-

test 1 to collect the data of cycle 1. The purpose of post-test 1 was to know

whether there are some improvements on the students’ score achievement from

the pretest to post-test or it was not.

b. Acting Phase

In the acting phase all of what had been planned in the previous phase was

conducted in the real action. The deeper concentration of the issue of the research

also began here. In the first meeting the researcher gave pre-test to know students’

achievement in reading discussion text. Then in the next meeting, students’

problems were analyzed and tried to be solved by using the determined strategy,

Students Team Achievement Division Technique, in teaching reading of

discussion text. The researcher took the action phase during two weeks within two

cycles in which each cycle consists of three meetings in action.

c. Observing Phase

In this phase, writer carried out observation toward implementation of the

action using direct monitoring by seeing the action. The observer notice and note

all of the activities which are found during the teaching and learning process, such

as: students’ response, teacher performance, class situation, students’ participation

and achievement. Observer also collected the data derived from post-test. The

purpose of this phase was to know the changes made by the implementation of the

action toward the subject of the research.

d. Reflecting Phase

In reflecting phase, the researcher reflects and review the result of the action

based on the data that have been gathered from the previous phase. In the other

word, the purpose of this phase is to evaluate students’ progress in their

understanding of reading discussion text after taught by using Students Team

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Achievement Division technique. The scope of reflection in the classroom action

research involves analyzing, synthesizing, and assessing collected data. Based on

what had been reflected, the researcher decided what had been attained or not. If

there was something that still needed to be revised, the next cycle should be done

by the revised planning, re-acting, and re-observing.

F. Research Instrument

The research instrument is used in order to complete the data needed. It

divided into two types: test and non-test. Test consists of pre-test and post-test.

Non-test consists of observations and questionnaire.

Research instrument from non-test are:

1. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, first-hand information by

observing people and places at a research site.3 In this study, English teaching-

learning process in XIIth

grade students of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah

Jakarta was observed directly by the researcher. In gathering data the writer took

field notes and used observation sheet. The observation sheet was used to know

students’ response toward the implementation of STAD technique in teaching

reading. It consisted of five categories: active students, interest, appreciating

others opinion, cooperating in the group and giving the idea. Here are the

following formats of the observation sheet of students’ activity:

Table 3.2

The Observation Sheet Blueprint of Students’ Activity





Mean A B C D E




(Adapted from Wina Sanjaya, 20011)

3 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: planning, conducting and evaluating

quantitative and qualitative research, 3rd

edition, (Boston, Pearson Education, Inc., 2008), p. 221.

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A = Active students

B = Interest

C = Appreciating others opinion

D = Cooperating in the group

E = Giving the idea

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be given to the second grade students of SMA

Fatahillah Jakarta in order to know their responses toward the process of

improving students’ reading comprehension in exposition text through applying

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) technique before and after

teaching and learning process.

3. Test

The test will be done before and after conducting the research, first was pre-

test. It was conducted before the implementation of Students Team Achievement

Division (STAD) technique in order to know the students’ reading comprehension

of discussion text. Second was post-test. It was conducted after the implementing

of STAD technique in cycle 1 and 2 in order to know how STAD technique can

improve students’ reading comprehension of discussion text. In this research the

test was multiple choice items. The number of the questions item was 20. The

questions were based on three general indicators in learning reading

comprehension in terms of discussion text, such as: finding main idea, finding the

schematic structure in the text, and determining the meaning implied in the text.

G. Data Collecting Procedures

In this research used two technique of collecting data: qualitative and

quantitative. The qualitative data (experience-based) consists of observation and

questionnaire. Meanwhile, the quantitative data (number-based) consists of pre-

test and post-test. The completely explanation as follows:

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1. Observation

In this case, the writer observed the students during teaching and learning

process. There are two types of observation sheets that are used: structural and

opened observation. Structural observation used in order to get the deep

information about students activity related to their motivation, participation, and

achievement in learning reading. However, opened observation used to describe

any additional information that was not listed in structural observation. In opened

observation the researcher used journal as a tool to collect the real situation that

occurs in the class during teaching and learning process.

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be given to the third grade students of Science Class at

SMA Fatahillah Jakarta. The researcher used pre-questionnaire in order to know

students’ responses toward their teaching and learning process of reading text

before the implementation determined technique. On the other hand, post-

questionnaire is given to measure the improving students’ reading comprehension

in discussion text after applying Students Team Achievement Division (STAD)


3. Test

The test used in this research was pre-test and post-test. The researcher used

pre-test in order to know the students’ reading score before implementing STAD

technique. Meanwhile post-test was held after the implementation of STAD

technique. It is used to identify the improvement of students’ understanding in

discussion text after implementing determined technique.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

In order to obtain the result of this research, the writer conducted some

analysis which consists of:

1. Qualitative Analysis

The process of analyzing qualitative data is based on observation data and

questionnaire data. In this case, the researcher collected the data that have

gathered and all data was interpreted in order to ease in categorizing and

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formulating the hypothesis. In addition, rating scale table and observation of

students’ activity during teaching learning process were used in this research.

Here is the blueprint of rating score:

Table 3.3

The Blueprint of Rating Score in Observation

Rating score Quality

< 5.0 Bad

5.0—6.9 Enough

7.0—8.9 Satisfactory

9.0—10 Good

Based on the blueprint of rating score above, there are 4 grade of rating score

started from <5.0 to 10. In each rating score has its own quality: <5.0 described

the quality of bad, 5.0—6.9 described the quality of enough, 7.0—8.9 described

the quality of satisfactory, and the last 9.0—10 described the quality of good.

2. Quantitative Analysis

The process of analyzing quantitative data is based on students’ test score by

using a simple statistic. The formula is as follow:4

To know the mean score of students’ reading score in one cycle. The

researcher used this formula:

X = Σx


Explanation: X: average score

X: Individual score

N: number of students

To know the class percentage, the writer uses the formula:

P = F x 100%


4 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p. 81.

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Explanation: P: the class percentage

F: the frequency of students who passed the KKM

N: number of students.

I. Trustworthiness

After collecting and analyzing data, the researcher need to make sure that the

findings and interpretations are accurate. The accuracy of the findings is important

in qualitative research since in qualitative research the word bias is do not

typically used by the researcher. Thus, there are a set of procedures to help ensure

that the standards of trustworthiness would be met. For validity /credibility, this

research used three terms: peer debriefing and triangulation.5

1. Peer debriefing

Researcher also checks her finding by exposing the result of the study in the

form of analytical discussion with her friends and her academic advisor. The

friends chosen in this section were competent in terms of teaching and learning,

especially reading skills, and had applied the research methodology used in this

study. In addition, the researcher also consulted the result findings with her

academic advisor in order to check the validity and the reliability of them. In

discussing it, the writer got many feedbacks and guidance toward the result

finding that should be, and all of the data was analyze and studied which later

become the consideration for clarifying the interpretation.

2. Triangulation

Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence towards finding,

analyzing, and interpreting data that comes from different individuals that consists

of teacher and students, types of data that consists of observation, questionnaire,

and test, or methods of data collection that consists of observation, questionnaire,

and test. This ensures that the study will be accurate because the information

draws on multiple sources of information, individuals, or processes. In this study,

5 Catherine Marshall, Designing Qualitative Research, (United States of America: Sage

Publication, Inc., 2011), p. 40.

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the researcher triangulate by gathering data from multiple sources and through

multiple methods.6

The writer gathering data from multiple sources in order to compared and

recheck the degree of validity of the information obtained through different time

and instrument. This was done by doing some activities as follow: first is

comparing the result of the test with the result of questionnaire. Second is

comparing what participant said in public and what is done in private. Third is

comparing the result of the observation and the result of the test. Last is

comparing the result of the test, questionnaire, and observation with the related


Then, the writer also triangulated this study by using multiple method through

two strategies, as follow: first is by checking the degree of validity of the result

finding of the research with data collecting procedures. Second is by checking the

degree of validity of multiple sources of data with the same method.

J. Technique of Drawing Conclusion

Before deciding about the conclusion, the researcher calculated and

interpreted or discussed the finding. The conclusion can be drawn based on


1. If student can achieve the individual mastery learning (learning passing

grade). Based on standard of KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan)

which was adopted for third grade students in SMA Fatahillah, the score

minimum criterion in English subject is 75.

2. If there are 85% or more number of students in determined class (XII IPA) has

passed the passing grade. This term is called classical. The formulation in

calculating percentage of classical is described below:7

P = F X 100


P : Classical percentage

6 Marshall, op. cit., p. 40.

7 Creswell, op. cit. p. 81.

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F : The total number of students’ mastery learning

N : The total number of students.

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In this chapter presents, the researcher presents the finding of the research. In

this case, it discussed the way to improve students’ reading comprehension of

discussion text through Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

in the XIIth

grade of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta and the

interpretation about the finding.

A. Finding

1. Finding pre-implementation of the CAR

Before implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR), there are three

parts that have to be considered. Those are: result of pre-observation, result of

pre-questionnaire, and result of pre-test. Those explanations are as follow:

a. Result of Pre-Observation

Pre observation was conducted to observe the process of teaching and learning

in reading activity before implementing the action. It was held on Tuesday and

Wednesday, September, 23td

an d 24td

2014 at XIIth

grade of science students of

SMA Fatahillah Jakarta. That class consists of 15 students. The pre-observation

was started at 09.30 A.M. and finished at 10.00 A.M.

In general, during the teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the

teacher tended to dominate the class. Teacher liked a center of the class. Therefore

students become passive and just did the activity asked by the teacher. However,

there are some students that can be classified as high students. They were always

active in the class and looked interest in English. In addition, they tried to ask

many questions and, sometime, criticized the material during the teaching and

learning process. In this class seemed that there was a gap between high students

and low students. If the high students can follow the lesson smoothly, but the low

students have to be given some stimulations to understand the material.

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b. Result of Pre-Questionnaire

Pre-questionnaire was used to know the students’ response of teaching

learning process before implementing CAR. The pre-questionnaire was delivered

on Tuesday September, 30th


Table 4.1

Students’ Result of Pre-Questionnaire


Student’s answer

The result of student’s answer

Yes % No %

1. Students feel satisfied with their

English score

9 60 % 6 40 %

2. Students like to learn English 11 73,3 % 4 26,6 %

3. Students motivated in learning

reading comprehension

5 33,3 % 10 66,6%

4. Students understand reading

comprehension that was taught by

the teacher in the class

6 40 % 9 60 %

5. Students have a difficulty in deciding

the schematic structure of the text.

10 66,6% 5 33,3 %

6. Students could easy to remember the

schematic structure of the text

5 33,3 % 10 66,6%

7. The students know the use of reading

comprehension in their daily life

6 40 % 9 60 %

8. Students can do the exercises about

reading comprehension

7 46,6 % 8 53,3 %

9. Students do the English exercises


7 46,6 % 8 53,3 %

10 Students do the English exercise in


12 80 % 3 20 %

Result 51.97 % 47,97 %

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Based on the result of the pre-questionnaire on the table 4.1, the researcher

would like to write the explanation. In fact, from the table above it can be

interpreted that actually students like to learn English because most students, in

this case, 60% of students answer yes when the researcher asked whether they like

to learn English or not. However, in learning reading comprehension they face

many obstacles, such as, limited vocabularies, error in structures, and difficult in

deciding and remembering schematic structure of the text. The data showed that

66.6% of students have a difficulty in deciding and remembering the schematic

structure of the text (See on table 4.1 no. 5 & 6). As a result, they were difficult in

understanding the material that was taught by the teacher and they were

unmotivated in learning reading comprehension. Then, it caused they could not do

the exercise well and their reading score is always bad and below the KKM. As

could be seen on table 4.1 that 60% of students did not understand the material

that was taught by the teacher, and 66.6% of students unmotivated in learn

English, and it make 53.3% of student hard to do English task, hence, 40% of

students dissatisfied with their English score. In doing the English task actually

most students or 80% of students prefer to work in group than to do the task

individually. There just 46.6% of students who answer “yes” about doing exercise

individually. Last, but perhaps more importantly that on the table above showed

that only 40% of student knew the use of reading comprehension in their daily

life. It means that most of students, in this case 60%, did not really understand the

purpose of their learning reading in their real life. In conclusion, the total number

of students who answer “yes” for the following question was 51.97%. However,

the total number of students who answer “no” for the following question was

47.97%. in other word, students have a difficulty in learning reading

comprehension and students also has a low motivation in learning reading in


c. Result of Pre-Test

The pre-test was held on Tuesday, September 30th

2013. There were 20

questions in form of multiple choice questions. The students carried out the test

during 40 minutes. Here is the table of the students’ score result in pre-test:

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Table 4.2

The Students’ Reading Score of Discussion Text in Pre-Test

Students’ Number Score

1 80*

2 65

3 70

4 60

5 55

6 65

7 60

8 50

9 50

10 60

11 60

12 65

13 75*

14 35

15 55


X = ΣX



*The students passed the KKM (75)

Based on the result of pre-test on the table 4.2, it can be identified that there

were only 2 students who passed the KKM, whose score 80 and 75. Meanwhile

the other 13 students could not pass the minimum mastering criteria (MMC) or

KKM. They consist of: a student who got 70. Then, three students who got 65 and

three others got 60. Two students got 55 and other two students got 50, and the

last, there are a student who get 35. Finally, the mean of the pretest result is 60.33.

Then, the highest score of pre-test was 80 and the lowest score that was gained by

the student was 35. From the data above, it could be seen that most of the students

in XII of Science class needed an improvement to understand reading

comprehension of discussion text.

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2. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In planning phase, the observer designed a well preparation for the action

based upon the problems faced by the students toward reading comprehension. It

was started from making a lesson plan that consists of standard competence, basic

competence, and indicators that will be reached by the students and technique that

would be implemented, that was, Students Team Achievement division. In

addition, the observer also determined the selected material and exercises into a

lesson plan. Therefore, discussion text, was chosen as the text to be learned by the

students, was needed to break down into specific material; that was discussing the

schematic structure of discussion text, finding main idea and supporting detail in

discussion text.

In this phase, the writer not only made a lesson plan but also prepared material

used to apply STAD technique. At the first, the observer assigned students to

teams. A team consisted of five students who represent student that have a high,

average, and low performer. Then, the observer made “Team Summary Sheet”

and “Quiz Score Sheet” (see appendix). In quiz score sheet there is initial base

score, so the observer determined initial base score which is based on students’

pre-test score. Moreover, the observer also designed the worksheet that will be

discussed in their teams and test for individual quiz to collect students’ score.

Individual quiz was used to know whether there are some students’ improvement

from initial base score to individual quiz. The observer also decided the team

reward for the team that has a high total performance.

b. Acting

The action of the cycle 1 was done on Tuesday, October 7th

, Wednesday,

October 8th

, and Saturday, October 11th

, 2014. The researcher implemented the

teaching and learning process based on the lesson plan had been made. In the first

meeting, before the researcher went to the material, she started by explaining the

indicators that students have to reached and the technique that will be used in this

study. Afterward, the students were given a short text by the title “the importance

of family” and the researcher gave them the time to read and to understand the

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text. Next, she moved to ask students’ opinion about the text and what the text

mainly talking about. Then, she continued by explaining about the concept and

characteristic of discussion text. She not only tells about the schematic structure

of the text but also the language feature of discussion text and a little bit

discussing about the text that students have read.

In addition, after explaining clearly about discussion text, the students were

assigning to teams. There are three teams that consisted of five students. In

assigning students to team, the researcher balance the teams so that each team was

composed of students whose performance level range from low to average to

high, and the average performance level of all the teams in the class is about

equal. The teams also should be checked for race, ethnicity and sex balance to

make sure that teams were heterogenic. Here is the table of assigning students to


Table 4.3

Assigning Students to Teams

Level Students Name Rank Team Name



Sarah 1 Star

Syarifah 2 Sky

Afrian 3 Sun

Huzaifi 4 Sun




Tri Holipah 5 Star

Rizky Maulana 6 Sky

Fania Rusmi 7 Star

Rini Angraeni 8 Sky

Latifah Fauziah 9 Sky

Sabrina 10 Sun

Students Qoriah 11 Sun

Ahmad Syaifullah 12 Star

Muhlis 13 Star

Mufrodi 14 Sun

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Resa 15 Sky

Based on the table 4.3, it could be identified, that there are four students who

categorized as high-performing student, and six students who categorized as

average-performing students, and the others was categorized as low-performing

students. Each of them was divided into three teams: Star, Sky, and Sun. All of

the team consisted of the different range level.

After the researcher announced students’ team assignment, students have

moved their desk together to make team tables. Then in the second meeting, she

let the students study worksheet in their teams. During team study, the team

members’ tasks are to master the material and to help their teammates master the

material. In this meeting, students with high level performer become a leader in

their team. Their important tasks were facilitating and making sure that all

members in their own group understand the material that they had discussed well.

In the last meeting of cycle 1, each student was given an individual quiz that

they have to do individually. Students cannot work together on the quiz, at this

point students must show what they have learned as individuals. Moreover, score

in individual quiz will be calculated and compared by the pre-test in order to

know students’ improvement of comprehending discussion text.

c. Observing

In this phase, all the occasions that happened during the action phase was

observed. It included students’ response and class situation. Generally, the

teaching and learning process had done in line with the lesson plan. The

researcher delivered the material orderly based on the lesson plan, and the

students followed the researcher direction. She noticed that there were some

improvements in teaching and learning process. The students looked comfortable

and enjoy during the learning process, they were acted actively and seriously

engage doing their assignment in the team. However there were also some

weaknesses that occurred during the action phase. That was when the researcher

asked students to move their desk to make team tables. Since, it was the first time

their experienced STAD Technique in their learning activities, so at the first they

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got confused in following the direction. Indeed, she needed an extra time to

explain the students about their task as a team and about their assessment that

would be taken from individual quiz. Moreover, some students also complained

about the team to which they were assigned. During study in team they also did

not use the time as effectively as they can. They still made a joke then laugh at

that time. In addition, the weaknesses also occurred in the third meeting. In order

to get the higher team improvement score, the students that had a high

performance still helped the other students in their team while doing individual

quiz. Further, the participation of students in the teaching learning through

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) technique can be described as the

table below:

Table 4.3

The Result of Observation Sheet





Mean A B C D E

































































































































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A = Active students

B = Interest

C = Appreciating others opinion

D = Cooperating in the group

E = Giving the idea

Mean = Total mean score of all students

Total number of students

= 103.82


= 6.9

Based on the result of the data analysis on the table 4.3, we could see that the

mean score of students’ learning process was 6.9. According to the classifying of

the blueprint of rating score in observation (See on chapter 3), students’

participation during teaching and learning process in the first cycle was enough.

Therefore, it could be concluded that applying Students Team Achievement

Division (STAD) as a technique to improve students’ reading comprehension of

discussion text in XIIth

grade students of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah was

unsuccessful yet.

d. Reflecting

After teaching learning process, the researcher considered the conclusion of

the applying the action. Based on the result of observation toward teaching

learning process in this cycle, the students’ participation actually had get little

improvement, because some students had pay attention and active during doing

assessment in their team. However there were also some weaknesses. First is

about students’ motivation that just appeared when they did the assignment

together. It was proved by their attitude during individual quiz. Actually they still

did not really understand the text, and they feel that their confidence more

increase if they did the individual quiz with their team. As a result some students

tried to chatted and asked for others help. Second is about time management.

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They did not use the time effectively. While they were study in their team, they

sometime still made jokes and laugh. As a result, to do their worksheet they

needed many times.

In addition, based on the result of post-test 1, there were 40% who passed the

KKM which increased become 6 students, although there was an improvement in

cycle 1, this condition has not reached yet the criteria of success that has been

decided. It means that, to get 85% or more students reach the KKM to develop the

action. It can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.4

The Students’ Reading Scores of Discussion Text in Post-Test 1

Students’ Number Score

1 90*

2 60

3 80*

4 65

5 60

6 80*

7 70

8 75*

9 65

10 60

11 70

12 65

13 75*

14 85*

15 65


X = ΣX



* The students passed the KKM (75)

Based on the table 4.4, it can be delivered that there are six students passed the

KKM, those students whose score 90, 85, 80, and 75. Meanwhile the other 9

students get the score below the KKM. There were 2 students who got 70, and

four students who got 65 then other three students got 60.

Because of that, the researcher evaluated the implementation of Students

Team Achievement Division technique in the first cycle. She revised the

worksheet that will be given to the team. Since in the first cycle the researcher just

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gave two texts for each team, and each team made five questions that would be

given to others team members. Hence, in the next cycle the researcher had to

make a worksheet that consist of three texts and in each text consist of five

multiple choice questions. It can make student accustomed to and know how to do

the test since in the individual quiz they did the multiple choice question. Then,

she also had to control the team member during they worked in the team in order

to avoid students’ who did not involve in the team activity. In addition, she also

needed to clarify about Students Team Achievement Division technique and give

a clear explanation about discussion text so that the students could understand the

material easily and they not chatted anymore during individual quiz. Another

problem was about time management. The students needed to be given

determined time to make the students more efficient in using their time during

work in the team.

After reflecting the teaching learning process of cycle 1, the researcher

decided to conduct the next cycle. To get the better result in the next cycle, the

researcher modified a previous lesson plan and worksheet in order to make

students more active during teaching and learning process.

3. Cycle 2

a. Planning

In the planning phase of the second cycle, the researcher modified the

previous lesson based on the finding that was found in the first cycle. The lesson

plan which was used was still Student Team Achievement Division Technique in

learning discussion text. However, there were some modifications in the second

cycle especially in the worksheet that was given for student. In this cycle the

students were given five texts for worksheet. In each text were followed by some

question. In addition, there were also time keeper that controlled the students

while working their assessment in group as a result they were accustomed to read

and answer the question in particular time. The five texts were divided into two

meeting; 2 texts for first meeting, and three texts for second meeting. Finally, the

researcher still also prepared the observation sheet to note the classroom activities.

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And she also prepared the posttest 2 to collect the data. In this cycle, she would

give punishment for student who cheated during the test by decreasing their team


b. Acting

Cycle two was occur in three meeting started from Tuesday, October 21th


Wednesday, October 22th

, and Friday, October 24, 2014. The researcher began the

class by reviewing the material that they have learned in the first cycle: discussion

text by using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) technique. The

students were still confusing about STAD technique at that time. Hence, the

researcher explained clearly until all students understand the main point of STAD

technique and discussion text. Then, the students made a team table based on the

same team as in the previous meeting. In their team students discussing five texts

and answer the question given, but before that, student had to find the difficult

word and identify the schematic structure of the text. In this cycle, the researcher

determined the time allotment for students in discussing the text and answering

the question. Time allotment is used in order to make students accustomed in

using the time effectively. At the end, she asked the chief of the team to make sure

that all of his/her member comprehended the text. Then, in the last step, she asked

student randomly to answer the question given and asked about the reason why

they choose the answer and how to find the answer. In the last meeting of the

cycle two, she gave students post-test 2 and questionnaire to measure how well

their reading comprehension about discussion text. Finally, once in a week after

the teaching and learning process has finished.

c. Observing

In the second cycle, the condition of the class is better than the previous cycle.

It was proved by the students’ enthusiasm in following the lesson and answering

the question given by the researcher in particular time. Further, because it was not

the first time for them in applying STAD technique, they were managed easily in

making team table. It could be seen that they had already known about how to

make a team table and what their own task in their group. Since in this cycle

researcher used time keeper, students used the time effectively. They did the

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assessment harder and tried to finish the task as soon as possible. In addition, in

the second cycle, students were looked comfortable in doing the worksheet since

the question in their worksheet is in the form of multiple choice questions.

Finally, while doing the post-test 2, all of the students did the test individually, no

one cheated because their team score would be decreasing. The participation of

students in the teaching learning through Students Team Achievement Division

(STAD) technique in the second cycle can be described as the table below:

Table 4.5

The Result of Observation Sheet





Mean A B C D E


































































































































A = Active students

B = Interest

C = Appreciating others opinion

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D = Cooperating in the group

E = Giving the idea

Mean = Total mean score of all students

Total number of students

= 122.36


= 8.1


Based on the result of the data analysis on the table 4.5, we could see that the

mean score of students’ learning process was 8.1. It means that the mean score of

students’ learning process improved 12 points (8.1—6.9). According to the

classifying of the quality of rating score, students’ participation during teaching

and learning process included into satisfactory. Therefore, it could be interpreted

that applying Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) as a technique to

improve students’ reading comprehension of discussion text in XIIth


students of Science Class at SMA Fatahillah in the second cycle was success.

d. Reflecting

Based on the result of acting and observing in the second cycle the researcher

felt satisfied because the effort to improve students’ reading comprehension in

discussion text had been reached. After applying Students Team Achievement

Division (STAD) Technique in the second action, there were many improvements

toward students’ attitude in learning reading comprehension of discussion text.

For example, students’ participation in reading discussion text is better than in the

first cycle. It can be proved by the changes of students’ attitude while the

researcher explained discussion text through STAD Technique. Moreover, the

result of the observation sheet showed that students’ response during teaching and

learning process was good. They follow researcher direction and actively engaged

in discussing the assignment in their team within a particular time. Finally, their

confident in answering question had increased. It was proved by their attitude

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during the post-test 2 that they did the test individually without asking for others


Furthermore, the result of post-test II that was held in the last meeting of the

second cycle was improved. The mean score of the class in reading discussion text

test gained 84 in which there were 13 students who passed the KKM 75 (seventy

five) and 2 students who did not pass the KKM. In other word, there was

improvement of their score from post-test I to post-test II which has been showed

more than 85% or 87% of students who passed the KKM. In other word, it means

that the classroom action research would not be continued to the next cycle. Here

is the result of the cycle 2 test:

Table 4.6

The Students’ Reading Scores of Discussion Text in Post-Test 2

Students’ Number Score

1 90*

2 70

3 85*

4 85*

5 75*

6 85*

7 85*

8 80*

9 80*

10 75*

11 85*

12 80*

13 90*

14 85*

15 65


X = ΣX



* The students passed the KKM (75)

Based on the result of the table 4.6, it could be seen that most of students

passed the KKM. There were only two students whose score below the KKM.

They were student number 2 who got 70, and student number 15 who got 65.

Other 13 students could pass the KKM. There are 2 students whose score 90, and

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6 students whose 85. Then, 3 students got 80, and 2 other students got 75.

Therefore, it should be concluded that the implementing of Classroom Action

Research can improve students’ reading comprehension through Students Team

Achievement (STAD) Technique.

4. Finding after Implementing the CAR

There are two data that was discussed after implementing the action. Those

were the result of questionnaire, and the result of the comparison of the students’

reading score before cycle test, cycle 1 test, and cycle 2 tests.

1. Questionnaire

The post-questionnaire was held on Tuesday, 4th

November 2014. The

questionnaire consisted of ten (10) statements that were used to know students’

response related to reading comprehension of discussion text through Student

Achievement Division (STAD) Technique. The following table was the result of

the questionnaire after CAR.

Table 4.7

Students’ Result of Post-Questionnaire


Students’ Answer

The Result of Students


Yes % No %

1. Students like the material of reading

comprehension of discussion text in

English lesson.

13 86.6% 2 13.3%

2. The teaching learning process was better

than before the implementation of STAD


15 100% 0 0%

3. The students’ motivation was increased in

learning process after the implementation

of STAD Technique.

12 80% 3 20%

4. The technique that was used by the

teacher is suitable with students’


13 86.6% 2 13.3%

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Students’ Answer

The Result of Student


Yes % No %

5. The students could remember the

schematic structure of discussion text

easier after the teacher taught by using

STAD Technique.

10 66.6% 5 33.3%

6. The students could do the exercise in

reading comprehension of discussion text

easier than before teacher implemented

STAD technique.

11 73.3% 4 26.6%

7. The students’ reading comprehension of

discussion text improved after the

implementation of STAD technique.

13 86.6% 2 13.3%

8. The students accustomed to ask question

during teaching and learning process.

8 53.3% 7 46.6%

9. The teacher gave students opportunity to

work in group in doing the exercise.

15 100% 0 0%

10. STAD technique could help the students

to implement the material in their daily


9 60% 6 40%

Result 79.30% 20.64%

According to the data on the table 4.7, the researcher would like to give some

explanations. Generally, the teaching and learning process in the class was better

after applying STAD technique. Students not only understood the material of

discussion text, but also, motivated while following the teaching and learning

process. The data showed that 100% or all students thought that teaching and

learning process was better than before implementing STAD technique. Then,

86.6% students motivated and like to learn the material of discussion text by using

STAD technique. In addition, Students also gave good response to the

implementation of STAD technique in their class. Most of them, 86.6%, consider

STAD technique as a good technique that was suitable with students’

expectations. Because of that, students’ reading comprehension was improved and

they could easily answer the exercise given related to the material of discussion

text. On the table 4.7 showed 86.6% of students consider that their reading

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comprehension improved after the researcher applied STAD technique. By

applying STAD technique, students have many opportunities to discuss and share

their idea related to the material with the other friends. Furthermore 66.6% of

students easier in remember the schematic structure of discussion text, and they

tend to be active during teaching and learning process. In conclusion, from the

table 4.7 it could be seen that 79.30% or most of students were respond the action

positively. Beside that the data shown the improvements compared with the

questionnaire before CAR (51.97%).

2. Test comparison

Furthermore, to make clearer interpretation of the data resulted from three

tests, the researcher made a table of the comparison among the result of data

including the pre-test, post-test1 and 2 into a table as following:

Table 4.8

The Comparison of the Students’ Reading Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and

Post-Test 2



Pre-Test Post-

Test 1


Test 2


from BC to C1


from C1 to C2

1 80* 90* 90* 10 0

2 65 60 70 -5 10

3 70 80* 85* 10 5

4 60 65 85* 5 20

5 55 60 75* 5 15

6 65 80* 85* 15 5

7 60 70 85* 10 15

8 50 75* 80* 25 5

9 50 65 80* 15 15

10 60 60 75* 0 15

11 60 70 85* 10 15

12 65 65 80* 0 15

13 75* 75* 90* 0 15

14 35 85* 85* 50 0

15 55 65 65 10 0


_ Σx

X = ──


60.33 71 81

* The students passed the KKM (75)

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In comparing the result of pre-test and post-test, in this case the researcher

used three steps. Those are; calculating the mean score in each of text, analyzing

the class percentage, and identifying whether any improvement of students’

reading comprehension from pre-test up to students’ average score in cycle 1 and

cycle 2.

At the first time, the data form pre-test was analyzed in order to get the mean

score of the class. It was calculated as follow:

X = Σ x


X = 905


X = 60.33

From the calculation above, it could be seen that the mean score of the class in

pre-test was 60.33. It could be interpreted that the students’ mean score in reading

comprehension of discussion text before the implementation of Classroom Action

Research (CAR) by using Students Team Achievement Division (STAD)

Technique was 60.33.

The next step is identifying the percentages the students’ score who passed the

Minimum Mastery Comprehension (KKM) 75 (seventy five). It was calculated as


P = F x 100%


P = 2 x 100%


P = 13.33%

From the result above, the students score percentage in pre-test is 13.33%. In

other word, there were only two students who passed the KKM in pre-test.

Meanwhile, in cycle 1 of implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR),

the result of post-test 1 was calculated to know the improvement of students’

score from pre-test to post-test 1. The researcher also used three steps in order to

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analyze students’ improvement. The first step is calculating the mean score of

post-test 1. The calculation is as follow:

X = Σx


X = 1065


X = 71

The data above showed that mean of students’ score in post-test 1 was 71. It

means that there were some improvements in the mean score of post-test 1.

Therefore, mean of students’ score from pre-test to post-test was improved 10.67

point, (71—60.33).

The next step is identifying the percentage of students who pass the KKM.

The calculation is as follow:

P = F x 100%


P = 6 x 100%


P = 40%

From the calculation above showed that the class percentage which passed the

KKM was 40%. In other word, there were 6 students who passed the KKM and 9

students who get score below the KKM. It can be interpreted that there was

improvement from the class percentage of pre-test and post-test 1. The data

showed that the improvement was 26.67%, (40%—13.33%).

Then, in Cycle 2 of Classroom Action Research by using STAD Technique,

the researcher also calculates the result of post-test 2 in order to know the score

improvement between post-test 1 and post-test 2. Three steps used in this

calculation. The first step is analyzing the mean score of the class in the post-test

2. The calculation is as follow:

X = Σx


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X = 1215


X = 81

The result above showed the mean score of the class in post-test 2 was 80. It

means, the mean score in post-test 2 increase 9 point since in the post-test 1 the

mean score of the class is 71.

The next step is identifying the percentage of students who passed the KKM.

The calculation is as follow:

P = F x 100%


P = 13 x 100%


P = 86.66%

The data above showed the percentage of students who passed the KKM was

86.66%. In other word, there are 13 students who passed the KKM, and only 2

students below the KKM. It can be interpreted that the class percentage of post-

test 2 obviously increased from the previous test. The improvement is 73.33%

from the pre-test and 46.66 from the class percentage of post-test 2.

B. Interpretation of the Result

As whole of the calculating above, the interpretation of the data result among

pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test2 as follow:

In the pre-test, the mean score of the class on reading test before implementing

Classroom Action Research (CAR) was 60.33. In other word, it was the students’

reading score before the teacher used Students Team Achievement (STAD)

Technique in learning reading. In addition, the percentage of students who passed

the KKM was 13.33%. It means from 15 students in the class, there were only two

students who passed the KKM of English lesson (75) .

Meanwhile, in the post-test 1, the mean score of the class was 71. It means

there was improvement in the cycle 1 of applying Classroom Action research

using STAD technique. The mean score of the class increase up to 10.67% from

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the previous test. Further, the percentage of the students passing the KKM was

40%. In other word, there are 6 students passed the KKM in the post-test 1.

Therefore, it can be interpreted that after applying STAD technique in learning

reading discussion text, the mean score and the percentage of the students who

passed the KKM was improved. However, the improvement had not achieved the

target yet, that was 85% of students had to pass the KKM. Hence, the researcher

decided to continue to the second cycle.

In the second cycle, the mean score of the class was 81. Then, the percentage

of students who passed the KKM was 86.66%. In other word, there were some

improvements either in the mean score or in the percentage of students who

passed the KKM. The mean score improve 13 point from post-test 1, that was 71.

Additionally, the students who passed the KKM increased significantly to 13

students and only 2 students who got score below KKM. In short, the class

percentage showed the improvement 46.66% (86.66%—40%) from post-test 1. It

was in line with the result of the questionnaire that showed 79.30% of students

were respond the action positively. Besides that, the result of post-questionnaire

show the improvement compared with the result of the questionnaire before CAR,

they were 51.97% of students who respond the action positively. In conclusion,

based on the calculation above, it could be interpreted that post-test 2 in the

applying CAR by using STAD technique was success. It was proved from the

percentage of students who passed the KKM score was 86.66%, and it has already

met the criterion of success (85%) which means this cycle did not have to be

continued to the next cycle.

This research discovered how student responded to Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) technique. They stated that the technique was very

useful and the process of teaching and learning as well as reading activities were

enjoyable. They believed that the use of STAD technique could improve their

reading comprehension, especially when they read discussion text.

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After finishing the whole steps of this Classroom Action Research (CAR)

study, it can be drawn some conclusions considering the result of this research.

Furthermore, related to the conclusion, there are also some suggestions given.

A. Conclusion

This subtitle presents the answer of the questions which have written at the

formulation of problem in the previous chapter. Based on the result of the research

that was conducted in the XIIth

grade students of science class at SMA Fatahillah

in academic year 2014/2015, it can be drawn conclusions as follows:

1. The students could improve their reading comprehension of discussion text

through Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) technique in two


2. The students’ score in reading comprehension of discussion text improve

significantly through STAD technique. The data showed 86.66% of the

students in the class passed the KKM which was used as indicator of students’

success. In short, the score of students’ quality in learning reading have good


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions, go to:

1. The teacher, STAD technique would be helpful to develop students’ reading

comprehension in learning discussion text. Therefore, the teacher needs to

maintain using STAD technique in the next new academic year in teaching

discussion text and another type of texts.

2. The suggestion for students is about the activeness of the students during the

reading lesson. They must actively involve in the lesson, so they know what

they learn and how to implement what they have learn.

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3. The suggestion for students and teacher is by using STAD technique teacher

can manage the class efficiently. Since within the class there are students

which has high, average and low performer, STAD technique can facilitate all

students to learn cooperatively. The high level performers will facilitate the

average and low student’ performers. As a result the role of teacher in the

class is not too dominant, and the students will not only depend on teacher’s

hand but also more depend on their effort in discussing particular material.

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Students’ Reading Comprehension”, Thesis on Shahid Chamran

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Pre-Questionnaire for Students

Nama :

Hari/Tanggal :

Cara pengisian

1. Berilah tanda tick (√) pada salah satu jawaban Ya atau Tidak!

2. Jawablah dengan jujur sesuai keadaan sebenarnya dan tanpa rekayasa!

3. Periksa kembali jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada guru!

Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Saya puas dengan nilai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

yang saya peroleh.

2. Saya menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

3. Saya merasa bersemangat ketika mengikuti pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris pembahasan Reading Comprehension.

4. Saya dapat memahami pembahasan Reading Comprehension

dengan cara pengajaran guru di dalam kelas selama ini.

5. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan schematic

structure dalam sebuah text reading.

6. Saya dapat dengan mudah mengingat schematic structure

dalam sebuah text.

7. Saya mengetahui kegunaan reading comprehension dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.

8. Saya dapat mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru

dengan baik saat pembahasanReading Comprehension.

9. Saya mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara individual.

10. Saya mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok.
































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The Questionnaire after CAR

Nama :

Hari/Tanggal :

Cara pengisian

1. Berilah tanda tick (√) pada salah satu jawaban Ya atau Tidak!

2. Jawablah dengan jujur sesuai keadaan sebenarnya dan tanpa rekayasa!

3. Periksa kembali jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada guru!

Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Saya senang dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris materi

Reading comprehension of discussion text sekarang.

2. Pengajaran materi reading comprehension of discussion text

Yang diberikan oleh guru sekarang lebih baik.

3. Saya lebih bersemangat dengan pengajaran bahasa inggris

Reading Comprehension of discussion text sekarang.

4. Pengajaran yang digunakan guru sekarang sesuai dengan

Yang saya harapkan.

5. Saya merasa lebih mudah dalam mengingat schematic

Structure of discussion text dengan strategi Students Team

Achievement technique yang digunakan guru sekarang.

6. Saya lebih mudah mengerjakan tugas tentang reading

Comprehension of discussion text.

7. Saya mengalami peningkatan dalam memahami reading

comprehension of discussion text dengan Students Team

Achievement Division Technique.

8. Saya Sering mengajukan pertanyaan ketika pembelajaran
































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9. Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk bekerja secara kelompok

dalam mengerjakan tugas

10. Saya merasa strategi yang digunakan guru sekarang

membantu saya untuk menerapkan penggunaan Reading

comprehension of Discussion Text’ dalam kehidupan sehari- hari.























































































































































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(The 1st Meeting of Cycle 1 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Discussion Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk: discussion.

2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

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3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami makna dan funsi komunikasi yang terkandung dalan sebuah teks


2. Menentukan dan membedakan jenis teks.

3. Menjelaskan generic struktur sebuah teks discussion.

4. Membaca teks discussion.

5. Menentukan ide utama informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

6. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of

text that presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Text 1

Who is more important – friends or family?

You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your relatives. This may be true,

but does it mean that friends are more important just because you choose who they are?

I don’t think so, but not everyone will agree.

To many people, friends (in particular best friends) are the most important

relationships in their lives. They spend more time chatting with friends over the phone,

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by email or text messages than they do with their families. There are different reasons

for this. One reason is that people share so many special memories with friends as they

grow up together. Friends are often similar in age so they find themselves doing the

same things at the same times and this gives enjoyment. Often families have only one

child or children many years apart so they don’t share these special moments. Another

reason in favour of friends is that people spend their free time, their fun time, with

friends. Often parents are working on weekends or in the school holidays, so who do

you spend time relaxing with? Good friends of course!

Yet families are also very important. Within families people have a special bond of

culture, beliefs and of course love. These are not always shared by friends. The best

thing about families is that they are always there for you. They look after you when you

are sick, they help you learn all about life and they love you no matter what – even

when you might sometimes be a bit naughty

So, even though it is great to have friends, it is much better to have family. You might

not be able to choose who they are, but you certainly can rely on them to be there and

help you out whenever you need it.

VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Memberikan brainstorming dengan melakukan Tanya

5 Menit

5 Menit

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jawab mengenai berbagai hal terkait dengan discussion


3. Menjelaskan indikator pencapaian

5 Menit

Kegiatan inti (± 60 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Secara individual siswa membaca teks discussion yang

berjudul “who is more important, friends and family”

kemudian memahami isi text tersebut.

2. Secara individual siswa menjelaskan isi text tersebut

kemudian guru membahas dan memberikan konfirmasi

3. Guru menjelaskan pengertian, fungsi, dan schematic

structure sebuah discussion text dan mengaitkannya

dengan teks yang sudah siswa baca sebelumnya.

4. Siswa secara individu mencoba mengklasifikasikan

struktur kebahasaan dari discussion text yang diberikan

oleh guru.

5. Guru menjelaskan pengertian, fungsi dan pengaplikasian

Students Team Achievement Technique.

15 Menit

15 Menit

15 Menit

5 Menit

10 Menit

Penutup (±15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan review mengenai topic yang telah

didiskusikan dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengemukakan pendapat mereka.

2. Guru memberikan siswa waktu untuk bertanya seputar

generic struktur, fungsi komunikasi serta ciri

kebahasaan teks discussion sebelum guru mengakhiri

kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Guru memberikan tindak lanjut berupa tugas rumah

(PR), dan menutup kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan

membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

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IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari

sebuah teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100.

Jakarta, 7 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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(The 2nd

Meeting of Cycle 1 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Discussion Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk:


2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

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1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami makna dan funsi komunikasi yang terkandung dalan sebuah teks


2. Menentukan dan membedakan jenis teks.

3. Menjelaskan generic struktur sebuah teks discussion.

4. Membaca teks discussion.

5. Menentukan ide utama informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

6. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a topic

and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of text that

presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


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Text 1

Do We Still Need Zoos?

Zoos were originally set up so that people could see and learn about wild animals from

distant lands. As more and more people became city-dwellers, never seeing animals in the

wild, zoos began to house local creatures too. However, in today’s world, are zoos really


Since people can now see any sort of wild animal in its natural habitat, simply by tuning

into a TV programme or buying a video, some animal rights activists claim that zoos are

out of date. They argue that it is cruel to capture animals, transport them long distances,

and then keep them caged up simply for the entertainment of human beings. Captive

animals often develop ‘zoochosis’ – abnormal behaviour like rocking or swaying – which

indicates they are bored and unhappy in their prison-like conditions.

On the other hand, there is a huge difference between watching an animal on screen and

seeing it in real life. It could be argued that visiting a zoo is educational, often increasing

people’s concern for wildlife and conservation, which is of great importance in today's

developing – and often overdeveloped – world. Indeed, sometimes the only way to save an

endangered species may be to arrange for it to be breed in captivity. Behind the scenes,

zoos also provide scientists with opportunities to research into animal behaviour: modern

zoos can therefore be much better planned than old-fashioned ones, providing animals with

carefully designed enclosures appropriate to their needs.

It seems then, that there are still arguments for retaining zoos. These should, however, be

carefully planned with the animals’ welfare in mind: in the modern world, there is no

excuse for keeping animals in cramped or cruel conditions.

Text 2

Recycling – It’s not easy being green.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Every day we are told that we need to take more care of our

environment. But it’s not that easy being green

Over the past few years, local councils have tried to make it easier for people to be green.

They provide different coloured bins so residents know where to put their rubbish. Added

to these coloured bins are pictures on the bins showing what is allowed and what is not.

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These steps make it simple for people to recycle most of their household waste and help

protect our environment. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Australians

participate in the annual ‘Clean Up Australia Day’. This was started by a famous Australia,

Ian Kiernan. He aims to make people more aware of the need to look after our country and

its unique landscape. It certainly is inspiring to see so many people collecting rubbish from

their local areas and the best bit is that most of it is recycled. Surely that many people can’t

be wrong!

But on the other hand, some people find the idea of recycling takes too much of their

time. They can’t be bothered to sort their rubbish, and would rather just send it all to our

ever growing tips and dumps. They don’t stop to think about what will happen 10, 20 or 30

years down the track when these places are full. Other narrow minded people believe that

one person can’t make a difference. Well they’re wrong. Every item that is recycled is a

bonus for our environment as we learn to use our resources in a more efficient way so that

they last for years to come.

Recycling is not that hard when you think about it. Almost everything we use can be

recycled, from paper to glass to plastic. It makes sense to do everything we can to help

protect our environment for the future. Green is the very best colour of all!

VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



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VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Memberikan brainstorming dengan melakukan Tanya

jawab mengenai berbagai hal terkait dengan discussion


3. Mereview tentang Student Team Achievement division


5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

Kegiatan inti (± 60 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru membagi siswa menjadi 3 kelompok dan masing2

kelompok membuat team table.

2. Masing-masing kelompok diberikan dua text discussion

dan diminta untuk memahami kedua teks tersebut.

3. Siswa diminta untuk mencari kata-kata sulit yang

terdapat dalam teks dan menerjamahkannya.

4. Siswa diminta untuk mengklasifikasikan schematic

structure dari teks tersebut.

5. Masing-masing kelompok membuat 5 soal yang

berhubungan dengan teks discussion yang diberikan.

6. Masing-masing ketua kelompok wajib memastikan

bahwa anggota kelompoknya sudah memahami kedua

teks tersebut.

7. Masing-masing kelompok diberikan kebebasan untuk

memberikan pertanyaan yang telah dibuat kepada

anggota kelompok lain.

5 Menit

15 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

10 Menit

5 menit

10 Menit

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8. Siswa yang ditunjuk wajib menjawab pertanyaan yang

diberikan secara individual.

5 Menit

Penutup (±15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan review mengenai topic yang telah

didiskusikan dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengemukakan pendapat mereka.

2. Guru memberikan siswa waktu untuk bertanya seputar

generic struktur, fungsi komunikasi serta ciri

kebahasaan teks discussion sebelum guru mengakhiri

kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Guru memberikan tindak lanjut berupa tugas rumah

(PR), dan menutup kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan

membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

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c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari sebuah

teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100.

Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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(The 3rd

Meeting of Cycle 1 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Post-Test 1 (Discussion Text)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk: discussion.

2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

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3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

1. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat kemampuan membaca siswa pada materi

discussion text.

2. Untuk mengukur pengaruh pengunaan Student Team Achievement Division

technique terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa pada materi discussion text.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of

text that presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Text 1

Animal testing is a deeply divided subject with a great deal of passion, emotion

and ideas on both sides regarding the ethic of the practice. Some individuals support

animal testing and some other oppose its use.

The scientific community is strongly in favour in animal testing. The medical

breakthroughs that have occured as a result of animal testing are considered reason

enough to continue the practice, with the aim of reducing human suffering and saving

human lives. Animal testing aids researchers in finding drugs and tratments to

improve health and medicine. Many medical treatments have been made possible by

animal testing, including cancer and HIV drugs, insulin, antibiotics, vaccines and

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many more. Animal testing also helps to ensure the safety of drugs and many other

substances human use or are exposed to regularly. Scientists typically use animals for

testing purpose because they are considered similar to humans.

The contra on the issue of animal testing is that countless animals are

experimented on and then killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live

the rest of their lives in captivity. Many of these animals received tests for substances

that will never actually be used for public consumption and use. Animal testing

generally costs an enormous amount of money as the animals must be fed, housed,

cared for and treated with drugs or experimental substances. The price of the animal

themselves must also be factored into equation.

As a result of the controversy, regulations and laws should be enforced. At the

very least, animal suffering should be minimized and that animals should be respected

during their care. If animal testing is to continue, animals must be abused.

VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Memberikan brainstorming tentang kegunaan post-test 1

dan materi yang akan ada dalam test.

3. Menjelaskan tata cara pengerjaan soal dan peraturan

selama mengerjakan soal.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

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Kegiatan inti (± 60 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengatur tempat duduk siswa agar tertib dan tidak


2. Membagikan soal post-test 1 (individual quiz) kepada

masing-masing siswa.

3. Secara individual, siswa mengerjakan post-test 1 dengan


4. Siswa mengumpulkan jawaban yang telah mereka

kerjakan kepada guru.

5 Menit

5 Menit

45 Menit

5 Menit

Penutup (±15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan review mengenai topic yang telah

didiskusikan dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengemukakan pendapat mereka.

2. Guru memberikan siswa waktu untuk bertanya seputar

generic struktur, fungsi komunikasi serta ciri

kebahasaan teks discussion sebelum guru mengakhiri

kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Guru memberikan tindak lanjut berupa tugas rumah

(PR), dan menutup kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan

membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

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X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari

sebuah teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100.

Jakarta, 11 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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(1st Meeting of Cycle 2 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Discussion Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk: discussion.

2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

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3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami makna dan funsi komunikasi yang terkandung dalan sebuah teks


2. Menentukan dan membedakan jenis teks.

3. Menjelaskan generic struktur sebuah teks discussion.

4. Membaca teks discussion.

5. Menentukan ide utama informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

6. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of

text that presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Text 1

Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part

of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in

Cumbria, England in 1956.

Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear

power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of

energy. It causes no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of

nuclear plant are as follow:

It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make.

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It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse


It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.

It produces small amount of waste.

It is reliable.

On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and

buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is

reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear

accident can be a major accident.

People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was

the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.

1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. The benefits of nuclear plant

b. The disadvantage of nuclear plant

c. How to use nuclear plant

d. The danger caused by nuclear plant

e. How to use military ship and submarine.

2. Which of the following is not the danger thing caused by nuclear power?

a. Radioactivity must be buried for many years.

b. A lot of money has to be spent on safety.

c. It produces small amount of waste.

d. If it does go wrong it can be a major accident.

e. It must be sealed up

3. “The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria”

(paragraph 1) this sentence is included into schematic structure of….

a. Arguments for

b. Arguments against

c. Conclusion

d. Argumentation

e. Introduction.

4. When the nuclear power becomes the fastest growing source of power in many parts of

the world?

a. 1992

b. 1956

c. 1990

d. 1974

e. 1988

5. “A metal mined in various part of the world.” The underline word has the same meaning


a. Collapse

b. Different

c. Same

d. Beverage

e. Substance.

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VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 10 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Memberikan brainstorming dengan melakukan Tanya

jawab mengenai berbagai hal terkait dengan discussion

text dan Student Team Achievement Division


5 Menit

5 Menit

Kegiatan inti (70 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Siswa dipilih secara acak untuk menjelaskan tentang

discussion text kemudian guru memberikan konfirmasi

2. Guru menjelaskan kembali tentang fungsi dan tugas

kerja dalam sebuah team dalam Students Team

Achievement Division Technique, kemudian

menjelaskan penggunaan time keeper pada saat siswa

diskusi dalam team.

3. Siswa kembali membuat team table dan membahas

worksheet yang diberikan guru.

4. Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk mencari arti dari

10 Menit

5 Menit

10 Menit

10 Menit

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vocabulary yang sulit serta mengidentifikasikan

schematic structure text tersebut.

5. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam teks

bersama team mereka.

6. Masing-masing ketua team wajib memastikan semua

teamnya memahami isi teks dan mengetahui betul alasan

jawaban yang dipilih.

7. Secara acak guru menanyakan kepada masing-masing

siswa tentang jawaban dari pertanyaan yang terdapat di

teks serta bertanya alasan memilih jawaban tersebut dan

cara mencari jawaban yang benar.

10 Menit

5 Menit

20 Menit

Penutup (± 10 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan konfirmasi atas hasil diskusi team


2. Guru menutup kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan

membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

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c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari

sebuah teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100

Jakarta, 21 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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Meeting of Cycle 2 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Discussion Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk: discussion.

2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

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3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami makna dan funsi komunikasi yang terkandung dalan sebuah teks


2. Menentukan dan membedakan jenis teks.

3. Menjelaskan generic struktur sebuah teks discussion.

4. Membaca teks discussion.

5. Menentukan ide utama informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

6. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of

text that presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Text 1

Read the following text to answer question 1 to 5

Male chauvinism (men's believe in male superiority) extends even into the area of

automobile driving, it seems. They believe that they are far better drivers than women. Men

consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For

example, insurance rates for women are 20 percent than they are for men. Another proof is

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that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 than by any

other groups. Also the greater percentage of accident involving death is caused by men.

Although women are criticized for being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.

The reason for women driver's safer habits can perhaps be found in the differing

attitudes of sexes toward automobiles as a convenience, like a washing machine.

On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. Using it

as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or using it as a status symbol.

In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to become safe

drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.

1. The text is about ….

A. Road accidents

B. Women attitude towards automobile

C. Male superiority in automobile driving

D. A comparison between men and women drivers

E. Statistics about the number of road accidents

2. In term of car accidents, the statistics proves that car accidents caused by ….

A. men are higher than those of women

B. men are lower than that of women

C. men are as high as that of women

D. women are equal to that of men

E. women are the same as that of men

3. Which of the following the writer doesn’t agree with about men drivers?

A. They are safe and careful drivers.

B. They cause more accidents than women.

C. They consider themselves to be competent drivers.

D. They feel that using a car shows status of symbol.

E. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos.

4. We can understand from the text that ….

A. men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude

B. women show their egos by aggressive driving

C. the statistic shows women drive the car carelessly

D. young women drivers get many accidents

E. men underestimate women

5. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the

wheel. (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word means ….

A. Intent

B. Furious

C. Watchful

D. Careless

E. Indiscipline

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VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 10 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Siswa kembali membuat team table dan mereview

kembali materi yang telah mereka bahas kemarin.

5 Menit

10 Menit

Kegiatan inti (65 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Secara acak, guru menanyakan siswa dari masing-

masing team tentang schematic structure, main idea,

supporting detail dan pertanyaan terkait 2 teks

discussion yang telah dibahas pada pertemuan


2. Secara individual, siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang

diberikan oleh guru. Siswa yang mampu menjawab

dengan baik akan mendapatkan poin plus untuk team


3. Siswa kembali mendiskusikan text discussion yang lain

yang diberikan oleh guru serta menjawab pertanyaan

yang tertera.

4. Secara acak, guru akan bertanya kepada masing-masing

10 Menit

10 Menit

25 Menit

15 Menit

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anggota team tentang isi text, dan jawaban soal dan

bagaimana cara menjawabnya.

Penutup (±10 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan review mengenai topic yang telah

didiskusikan dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengemukakan pendapat mereka.

2. Guru memberikan tindak lanjut dan menutup kegiatan

belajar mengajar dengan membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari

sebuah teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100.

Jakarta, 22 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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(The 3rd

Meeting of Cycle 2 CAR)

Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Aspek/skill : Membaca

Tema/topic : Post-Test 2 (Discussion Text)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Standar Kompetensi


1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis esai berbentuk narrative,

explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk: discussion.

2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk discussion.

III. Indikator

1. Kognitif

1.1 Mengidentifikasi makna dan fungsi komunikasi dalam teks discussion.

1.2. Mencirikan generik struktur dari sebuah teks discussion

2. Afektif

Melatih siswa membaca teks discussion.

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3. Psikomotor

3.1. Menentukan ide utama dan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks discussion.

3.2. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari sebuah text discussion.

IV. Tujuan Pengajaran

1. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat kemampuan membaca siswa pada materi

discussion text.

2. Untuk mengukur pengaruh pengunaan Student Team Achievement Division

technique terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa pada materi discussion text.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Discussion text is a text that gives the for and against, the positive and negative, or the

good points and the bad points towards a topic discussed.

The purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a

topic and, at the end, your opinion. It can be understood that discussion text is a type of

text that presents both side of the case including the positive or negative statement.

In addition, the generic structures of discussion text are:


Argument For

Argument Against


Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Text 1.

Having an electric fan in the attic can help with energy savings throughout the

home because the attic temperatures affect the entire house. Electric fans come with

many advantages as well as disadvantages that should be considered prior to


Electric fans help us feel cool. Electric fans are very cheap to operate. They

require very few watts of energy and therefore are cost-effective—even in summer

months. Using an electric attic fan can prevent the use of an air conditioner within a

house—assuming that the outside temperature is below 82 degrees. Electric fans work

to draw heat out of houses and therefore can substitute for the air conditioner.

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On the other hand, using fan for too long can cause the immunity of our body to

drop. Some can easily catch cold, get a fever, contact allergic rhinitis, and allergic

asthma. When using an electric fan, don’t get too close to the fan. In worse case, it may

result in headache, cold feeling, or even lead to other diseases.

In summer time we must need electric fan. As a result, we should use middle or

low speed as much as possible. We can also put the fan at places near a door or a

window when possible. This is good for air circulation by blowing cool outdoor air to


VI. Metode pembelajaran

Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

VII. Alat


Power Point



VIII. Proses Belajar Mengajar:

Pendahuluan (± 15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengkondisikan kelas, kemudian mengawali pertemuan

dengan membaca doa, menanyakan keadaan siswa dan

mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

2. Memberikan brainstorming tentang kegunaan post-test 2

dan materi yang akan ada dalam test.

3. Menjelaskan tata cara pengerjaan soal dan peraturan

selama mengerjakan soal.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

Kegiatan inti (± 60 Menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Mengatur tempat duduk siswa agar tertib dan tidak


5 Menit

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2. Membagikan soal post-test 2 (individual quiz) kepada

masing-masing siswa.

3. Secara individual, siswa mengerjakan post-test 2 dengan


4. Siswa mengumpulkan jawaban yang telah mereka

kerjakan kepada guru.

5 Menit

45 Menit

5 Menit

Penutup (±15 menit)

Kegiatan Waktu

1. Guru memberikan review mengenai topic yang telah

didiskusikan dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengemukakan pendapat mereka.

2. Guru memberikan siswa waktu untuk bertanya seputar

generic struktur, fungsi komunikasi serta ciri

kebahasaan teks discussion sebelum guru mengakhiri

kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Guru memberikan tindak lanjut, dan menutup kegiatan

belajar mengajar dengan membaca doa.

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Slide presentasi terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (buatan guru)

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku teks (Ahmad Doddy, dkk. Developing English Competencies) for

SMA/MA, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2009 Jakarta.

X. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Objective test

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan terkait pemahaman sebuah teks discussion.

XI. Pedoman Penilaian

a. Hasil kerja siswa dilihat dari ketepatan dalam menjawab soal.

b. Ketepatan dalam mengklasifikasikan generic struktur sebuah teks.

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c. Ketepatan dalam menentukan ide pokok dan informasi tertentu dari

sebuah teks discussion.

d. Jumlah jawaban benar dikalikan 5.

e. Nilai maksimal = 100.

Jakarta, 23 Oktober 2014


Iin Afriyanti Umar

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Quiz Score Sheet


Name of


Date: October 8, 2014 Date: October 22, 2014

Quiz: Post Test 1 Quiz: Post Test 2

Base Quiz Improvement quiz Improvement

1 Sarah A 80 90* 30 92* 20

2 Tri Holifah 65 60 10 72 30

3 Sabrina 70 80* 20 88* 20

4 A. Saifullah 60 65 20 88* 30

5 Muhlis 55 60 20 80* 30

6 Syarifah E 65 80* 30 88* 20

7 Rizky M 60 70 20 88* 30

8 Latifah 50 75* 30 84* 20

9 Rini A 50 65 20 84* 30

10 Resa A 60 60 10 76* 30

11 M. Huzaifi 60 70 20 88* 30

12 Afrian W 65 65 10 84* 30

13 Fania R 75 75* 10 92* 30

14 Qoriah N 40 85* 30 88* 20

15 Mufrodi 55 65 20 68 20

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Team Name: Fantastic Star

Team Summary Sheet

Team Member 1 2

Sarah Azizah 30 20

Tri Holifah 10 30

Sabrina Ismi A 20 20

Ahmad Saifullah 20 30

Muhlis 20 30

Total Team Score 100 130

Team Avarage 20 26

Team Award





Team Name: Sky High

Team Summary Sheet

Team Member 1 2

Syarifah Endolusia 30 20

Rizky Maulana 20 30

Latifah 30 20

Rini Anggraeni 20 30

Resa Apriliadi 10 30

Total Team Score 100 130

Team Avarage 20 26

Team Award





Team Name: Coming Sun

Team Summary Sheet

Team Member 1 2

Muhammad Huzaifi 20 30

Afrian Wahyudi 10 30

Fania Rusmi 10 30

Qoriah Nur F 30 20

Mufrodi 20 20

Total Team Score 90 130

Team Avarage 18 26

Team Award





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Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 20

Kurikulum Acuan : KTSP 2006 Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis


Nomor Soal Jumlah


5.1. Merepon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphelet, dll)

resmi dan tak resmi secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima

dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-

hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu


5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esai yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis

secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

dalam teks berbentuk: narrative,

explanation, dan discussion

Merespon Teks berbentuk Discussion (dengan cara)

1. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:

Gagasan pokok

Gagasan pendukung

Informasi spesifik atau rujukan kata

Tujuan komunikatif atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat

2. Menentukan langkah retorika (schematic structure) dalam teks


General statement

A series of Arguments

- Arguments for

- Arguments against

Concluding paragraph

3. Menentukan informasi dan makna tersirat dalam cerita teks


1, 13

2, 16, 17

5, 8, 14, 19

7, 9, 11, 18


4, 10


6, 15, 20


Page 123: APPLYING STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD ...€¦ · Judul Skripsi :Applying Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) ... Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan




Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 20

Kurikulum Acuan : KTSP 2006 Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis


Nomor Soal Jumlah


5.1. Merepon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphelet, dll)

resmi dan tak resmi secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima

dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-

hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu


5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esai yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis

secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

dalam teks berbentuk: narrative,

explanation, dan discussion

Merespon Teks berbentuk Discussion (dengan cara)

4. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:

Gagasan pokok

Gagasan pendukung

Informasi spesifik atau rujukan kata

Tujuan komunikatif atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat

5. Menentukan langkah retorika (schematic structure) dalam teks


General statement

A series of Arguments

- Arguments for

- Arguments against

Concluding paragraph

6. Menentukan informasi dan makna tersirat dalam cerita teks


2, 3, 12

7, 13

1, 5, 10, 18

8, 11, 15, 19



3, 9, 12, 14,

16, 17


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Nama Sekolah : SMA Fatahillah Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 20

Kurikulum Acuan : KTSP 2006 Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis


Nomor Soal Jumlah


5.1. Merepon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphelet, dll)

resmi dan tak resmi secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima

dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-

hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu


5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esai yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis

secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

dalam teks berbentuk: narrative,

explanation, dan discussion

Merespon Teks berbentuk Discussion (dengan cara)

7. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:

Gagasan pokok

Gagasan pendukung

Informasi spesifik atau rujukan kata

Tujuan komunikatif atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat

8. Menentukan langkah retorika (schematic structure) dalam teks


General statement

A series of Arguments

- Arguments for

- Arguments against

Concluding paragraph

9. Menentukan informasi dan makna tersirat dalam cerita teks


1, 10, 14, 23

7, 15, 17

2, 3, 18

8, 13, 16, 22,

24, 25

19, 16



9, 21

11, 20


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Name : Class :

Reading section

Answer the question by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer!

Text 1

Read the following text to answer question 1 to 6

We often hear about solar cars, solar heating, and solar batteries. But will solar energy

ever be a major source of energy for society?

Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels because we can get an abundant source

from the sun. In sunny desert areas, 50 % of the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground could

be used to produce electricity for businesses and industry and to provide heat, light, and hot

water for homes. Experimental solar ponds can also produce hot water to drive generators.

Unfortunately, we can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight. Solar energy can

only be used effectively in bright light. Its greatest potential therefore is in hot countries that

have clear skies for most of the year. But, unfortunately most houses are not in the sunniest

parts of the world. Moreover in order to harness solar power solar cells are needed to convert

sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are very cheap to run, but relatively expensive to

buy and many people can’t afford them.

Needless to say, solar energy is a useful and non-pollution source of energy.

Unfortunately, solar cells, the main device to harness the sun’s energy are still expensive.

1. What is the topic of the text above?

a. Solar energy is a major source of energy.

b. Solar cars, solar heating, and solar batteries.

c. The controversy of harnessing solar energy.

d. Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels.

2. Why is solar energy cheaper than other alternatives energies?

a. Because it can produce hot water.

b. Because it can be used effectively in bright light.

c. Because it is an abundant source from fossil fuel.

d. Because its source is from the sun.

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3. Which of the following is not stated as the arguments for?

a. Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels.

b. Solar energy can be used effectively in bright light.

c. Solar energy can be used to produce electricity.

d. Solar energy provides heat, light, and hot water for homes.

4. Unfortunately, we can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight. This argument is

included into schematic structure of?

a. Arguments for.

b. General statement.

c. Arguments against.

d. Concluding.

5. What is the main problem in harnessing solar energy?

a. Solar cells are very cheap

b. Solar cells are hard to find.

c. Many people can afford solar cells.

d. Solar cells are still expensive.

6. According to the text, which the statement is NOT discussed in the story?

a. Solar energy source is comes from the sun.

b. Solar energy can be used effectively in the urban area.

c. Solar cells are the main device to harness the sun’s energy.

d. Solar energy could be used to produce electricity for business.

7. We can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight. The word entirely in the sentences

above has a closest meaning with?

a. Partly.

b. Completely.

c. Highly.

d. Exclusively.

Text 2

Question 9 – 16 are based on this text.

Insecticide is a substance that kills insects. Insecticides are sometimes called


Farmer and gardeners usually use insecticides to protect plants and animals. Apple

trees must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become “wormy” with moth larvae

(young). Many livestock owners spray their livestock or dip them in an insecticide solution to

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protect them from flies, lice, mites, and ticks. These pests spread such diseases as cattle fever

and sheep scab. Diseases such as malaria and typhus can be controlled by using insecticides

to treat the breeding places of the insects that spread the diseases.

Agricultural pesticides prevent a monetary loss of about $9 billion each year in the

U.S. for every $1 invested in pesticides, the American.

Farmer gets about $4 in return. These benefits, however, must be weighed against the

costs to society of using pesticides, as seen in the banning of ethylene dibromide in the early

1980s. These costs include human poisonings, fish deaths, honey be poisonings, and the

contaminations of livestock products. The environmental and social costs of pesticide use in

the U.S. have been estimated to be at least $1 billion each year. Thus, although pesticides are

valuable for agriculture, they also can cause serious harm.

8. What is insecticide?

a. A substance that kills weeds.

b. A substance used to kill insects.

c. A substance used to eradicate malaria and typhus.

d. A substance used to fertilize land.

9. Apple trees must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become “wormy” with the

moth larvae. The word wormy means?

a. Be like worms

b. Eaten by worms

c. Killed by worms

d. Full by worms

10. These benefits, however, must be weighed against the costs to society of using

pesticides. This argument is included into schematic structure of?

a. General statement.

b. Arguments for.

c. Arguments against.

d. Concluding.

11. Agricultural pesticides prevent a monetary loss of about $9 billion each year. The

word prevent has the same meaning with?

a. Avert.

b. Surface.

c. Gained.

d. Predict.

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12. What is the conclusion of the text?

a. Pesticides are useful.

b. Pesticides are danger

c. Pesticides are harmful

d. Pesticides are valuable, but they can cause serious harm.

Text 3

Question 16 - 25 are based on this text

When fossil fuels, or other fuels, such as wood or peat, which contain carbon are

burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Vehicles also give out, and so add,

carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

The earth’s atmosphere allows most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it to heat the

Earth’s surface. The Earth reflects much of the heat energy back into the atmosphere, but

much of this reflected radiation cannot escape because gases such as carbon dioxide absorb it.

They grow warm and send heat radiation back to Earth. This is the greenhouse effect. Many

scientists think that the greenhouse effect may change the climate, over the next 100 years or

so. One consequence of soalled “global warming” resulting from the greenhouse effect could

be melting of the polar ice – caps. This in turn, could lead to a rise in sea level which could

flood large areas of highly populated coastal land.

If carbon dioxide proves to be as harmful as thought, in order to reduce carbon

dioxide levels we need to reduce the amount of carbon-rich fuels burned.

13. What is the major issue discussed in the text above?

a. The causes of carbon dioxide.

b. The earth’s atmosphere.

c. Global warming.

d. Greenhouse effect.

14. What is omitted out when fuels which contain carbon are burned?

a. Carbon dioxide.

b. Wood.

c. Peat.

d. Radiation.

15. In order to reduce carbon dioxide levels we need to reduce the amount of carbon-rich

fuels burned. The following statement is included in schematic structure of?

a. General statement.

b. Argument against.

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c. Argument for.

d. Concluding.

16. What effect does carbon dioxide have on the atmosphere?

a. It makes the atmosphere darker to long-wave radiation.

b. It makes the atmosphere allow most of the Sun’s rays to pass through.

c. It makes the atmosphere allow most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it to heat the

earth’s surface.

d. It makes the atmosphere become warmer.

17. What will happen if the sea level rises?

a. The polar ice will melt and make the sea get cooler.

b. Some large areas of coastal land will be inundated.

c. Some large areas of coastal land will be dried up.

d. The surface of the earth will be flooded with water.

18. If carbon dioxide proves to be as harmful as thought. The word proves in the

sentence above has closest meaning with?

a. Open.

b. Show.

c. Stated.

d. Change.

19. What causes the earth to become warmer?

a. The Sun’s rays reflected by the Earth into the atmosphere.

b. The heat radiation sent back to earth by gases that grow warm.

c. Reflected radiation that escapes into the atmosphere.

d. The burning of wood or peat.

20. According to the text, which the statement is NOT discussed in the story?

a. The greenhouse effect may change the climate.

b. Greenhouse effect could be melting of the polar ice – caps.

c. Carbon dioxide allows most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it.

d. Much of the heat energy that back into the atmosphere is reflected by the Earth.

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Post-Test 1

Name : Class :

Reading section

Answer the question by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer!.

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Animal testing is a deeply divided subject with a great deal of passion, emotion and ideas

on both sides regarding the ethic of the practice. Some individuals support animal testing and

some other oppose its use.

The scientific community is strongly in favour in animal testing. The medical

breakthroughs that have occured as a result of animal testing are considered reason enough to

continue the practice, with the aim of reducing human suffering and saving human lives. Animal

testing aids researchers in finding drugs and tratments to improve health and medicine. Many

medical treatments have been made possible by animal testing, including cancer and HIV drugs,

insulin, antibiotics, vaccines and many more. Animal testing also helps to ensure the safety of

drugs and many other substances human use or are exposed to regularly. Scientists typically use

animals for testing purpose because they are considered similar to humans.

The contra on the issue of animal testing is that countless animals are experimented on

and then killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live the rest of their lives in

captivity. Many of these animals received tests for substances that will never actually be used for

public consumption and use. Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money as

the animals must be fed, housed, cared for and treated with drugs or experimental substances.

The price of the animal themselves must also be factored into equation.

As a result of the controversy, regulations and laws should be enforced. At the very least,

animal suffering should be minimized and that animals should be respected during their care. If

animal testing is to continue, animals must be abused.

1. Which of the following is the reason why scientists use animal for testing?

A. Animals are the same as humans.

B. Animals can reduce human suffering.

C. Cancer and HIV can be found on animals.

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D. Animals and humans are regarded be alike.

E. Medical treatments can be given to animals.

2. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ....

A. the practice of animal testing is intolerable.

B. animals need to be fed, housed and cared for.

C. drugs and experimental substances are useless.

D. animal testing costs enormous amount of money.

E. animal testing causes many animals live in captivity.

3. From the text above, we can conclude that ....

A. medical experiments should be limited.

B. pet lovers are in favour in animal testing.

C. animal testing is against the laws and regulations.

D. vaccines used today have been tested on animals.

E. patients never get benefit from the practices of animal testing.

4. “Regulations and laws should be enforced” (In paragraph four) this sentence is included into

schematic structure of…

A. Orientation. C. Argument against. E. Suggestion.

B. Argument For. D. Conclusion.

The following text is for questions 5 to 8.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often

easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a

car. Also, there are a lot of interesting to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good

restaurants, visit the museums, and go to the theater and to concerts. What is more, when you

want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park

bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel


However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless

it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because

living in a big city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap

accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in

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the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it

seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite

all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.

In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who

like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people,

when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and

fresh air of the countryside.

5. What is the suitable title of the text above?

a. Living in a big city.

b. Advantage of living in a big city.

c. Disadvantage of living in a big city.

d. The positive effect of living in a big city.

e. The danger of living in a big city.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. a choice of public transport.

b. living without having a car.

c. a lot of interesting things to do.

d. a side effect of living in a big city.

e. advantages of living in a big city.

7. What is the advantage of living in a big city?

a. It is often easy to find work.

b. It is not expensive to fulfill daily needs.

c. There are not any interesting things to do.

d. It is not difficult to find good accommodation.

e. There are not noise and pollution affecting people’s life.

8. “In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like

the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution.” (Paragraph 6)

The underlined word means …

a. eye catching. c. beautiful. e. lunatic.

b. attractive. d. wonderful.

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The following text is for questions 9 to 11.

Computers are undoubtedly, used by almost all people in the world. Computers provide

people with quicker, practical and useful works. People admit the superiority of computers in

their work. They can make use of the used product of technology which brings many benefits for

society, from children to adult.

However, computers certainly do not promote physical activity. There are some students

who are caught in the mystique of this machine. They forgot about lunch, forget to rest and even

want to skip from after shool-activities. Even, those who hold strong oppositions about this

machine, they say that this machine fail to allow its users some of emotions that are desirable in

human beings. In fact some preliminary research has slown that prolong exposure to

computerized testing situations has resulted students in being surly and often abusive to each


So, whatever opinion a person holds, try to bear in the mind that computers not only

bring some benefits but also cause some problems.

9. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Computers certainly do not promote physical activity.

B. Computers only bring some benefits.

C. People admit the superiority of computers in their work.

D. Computers are undoubtedly, used by almost all people in the world.

E. Computers provide people with quicker, practical and useful works.

10. "They forgot about lunch, forget to rest and even want to skip from after shool-activities."

(Paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to ....

A. Computer. C. Work. E. Students.

B. People. D. The writer.

11. "... they say that this machine fail to allow its users some of emotions that are desirable in

human beings." (Paragraph 2)

"Allow" means ....

A. Permit C. Advice. E. Instruct.

B. Order D. Suggest.

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The following text is for number 12 to 15.

Parents choose homeschooling to educate their kids because they believe that

homeschooling can be a personalized schedule. Homeschooling allows parents and children to

work out a schedule that will best work for the child.

Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By homeschooling parents can

set the curriculum around vacation, illnesses, and other surprise event.

On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil parents' time. Homeschooling needs a lot of

time in preparation and delivery. Parents have to research topics, prepare the lessons, set up the

projects and field the trips.

So, when thinking about putting children through homeschool, we should make sure that

we understand all of the criteria involved in the home education.

12. What is being discussed in the text above?

A. School for children.

B. Education for kids.

C. The flexibility of homeschooling.

D. Putting children through home school.

E. The advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.

13. What should parents do before deciding homeschooling?

A. They should ask their kids.

B. They should know the weaknesses of homeschooling.

C. They should think that homeschooling can spoil parents' time.

D. They should understand all criteria involved in the home education.

E. They should make sure that their children have desire to be homeschooled.

14. Which of the following statements are TRUE based on the text above?

A. Homeschooling can't be a personalized schedule.

B. Homeschooling has flexibility in time.

C. Homeschooling can't spoil parents' time.

D. Parents shouldn't understand all criteria involved in the home education.

E. Homeschooling has good fix curriculum.

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15. "Homeschooling can spoil parents' time." (Paragraph 3)

The opposite of the underlined word is ....

A. Heal. C. Trash. E. Damage.

B. Ruin. D. Improve.

The following text is for the number 16 to 20

The government has just published a report which suggests that television is partly

responsible for the serious increase in crime over the last ten years. The exposure of violence or

pornography harmfully effects on children.

Many people who are alive today know what it is like to live in a world without

television. Television as we know is only about forty years old. Yet it is so much a part of our

lives that it seems as if it had always existed.

Some people think that the years before the invention of television were a better time.

They claim that families talked more and did more things together. More books were read.

People used their imaginations more fully. People got more outdoor exercises.

But others disagree. They claim that television is a powerful educational tool. It informs

us of what is going on in the world, from a famine in Africa to a local politics and fashion. It

helps us understand how people live, work, and struggle.

In 1961, Newton Minow, a government official, called prime-time schedules “ a vast

wasteland.” Television is credited with being a great teacher, but it is also blamed for the poor

reading and writing skills of our population. Television gets praised for helping us understand

the people of the world. But it has been accused of helping to destroy family life. Television

keeps us informed about the political issues of the day.

Experts will probably continue to argue about television’s value. But everyone agrees

that it is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century.

16. The writer wants to tell …..

a. the development of television

b. the advantages of television program

c. how television destroys people’s life

d. how television improves people’s knowledge

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e. the influence of television on people’s daily life.

17. Many people claim that television is a powerful educational tool. From this statement we

know that they ….. with the existence of television.

a. love

b. agree

c. prefer

d. dissatisfied

e. choose

18. Which of the following is good for children in watching TV?

a. The children should watch the violence on TV

b. Children may watch TV whenever they like

c. There shouldn’t be government censorship of TV program

d. Children should spend all their time to watch TV program

e. Children should be accompanied by their parents in watching TV

19. “ ….. what is going on in the world, from famine in Africa …” (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word means lack of ….

a. food

b. water

c. nutrient

d. education

e. entertainment

20. Some people think that the years before the invention of television were a better time.

(paragraph 3). This argument is included into schematic structure of?

a. Introduction

b. Argument For

c. Argument Against

d. Conclusion

e. Recommendation

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Post-Test 2

Name : Class :

Reading section

Answer the question by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer!

Text 1

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

Having an electric fan in the attic can help with energy savings throughout the home

because the attic temperatures affect the entire house. Electric fans come with many advantages

as well as disadvantages that should be considered prior to installation.

Electric fans help us feel cool. Electric fans are very cheap to operate. They require very

few watts of energy and therefore are cost-effective—even in summer months. Using an electric

attic fan can prevent the use of an air conditioner within a house—assuming that the outside

temperature is below 82 degrees. Electric fans work to draw heat out of houses and therefore can

substitute for the air conditioner.

On the other hand, using fan for too long can cause the immunity of our body to drop.

Some can easily catch cold, get a fever, contact allergic rhinitis, and allergic asthma. When using

an electric fan, don’t get too close to the fan. In worse case, it may result in headache, cold

feeling, or even lead to other diseases.

In summer time we must need electric fan. As a result, we should use middle or low

speed as much as possible. We can also put the fan at places near a door or a window when

possible. This is good for air circulation by blowing cool outdoor air to indoor.

1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. The benefits of electric fan.

b. The disadvantage of electric fan.

c. How to use electric fan.

d. The diseases caused by electric fan.

e. How to use electric fan carefully.

2. Which of the following is not the disease caused by using electric fan for too long?

a. Fever.

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b. Cold feeling.

c. Headache.

d. Allergic asthma.

e. Stomachache.

3. What is the recommendation of the writer about using electric fan?

a. Use high speed.

b. Don’t get too close to the fan.

c. Put the fan far from the door.

d. It’s better for you to use AC.

e. Use the fan in winter.

4. “Using an electric attic fan can prevent the use of an air conditioner within a house” (in

paragraph 2) this sentence is included into schematic structure of…..

a. Introduction.

b. Argument against.

c. Conclusion.

d. Arguments for.

e. Recommendation.

5. “Using fan for too long can cause the immunity of our body to drop” ( paragraph 3)

The opposite of underlined word is….

a. Fall. c. Rise e. Crumple.

b. Collapse. d. Absorb.

Text 2

The Text is for numbers 6 to 9

Some people do not like to carry a lot of money all the time. They, choose to have a

credit card as an alternative to purchase items in a shopping center. The following will present

advantages and disadvantages of having credit card.

Credit cards have been accepted as efficient payment solution. When we buy something,

we do not have cash at hand, we can pay by credit cards. Well, credit cards can be used to buy

things online. A credit card is more convenient to carry around than cash money. When we buy

an expensive thing, we do not need to carry bunches of money in our bag.

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But credit cards also have disadvantages. Having credit cards will allow us to spend

much money. It can make us difficult to pay their credit cards bills. Credit cards sometimes make

problem when they are used to online transaction. We must be careful to use the data on their

credit cards. Some credit cards have interest rate and other applicable fees. It means that we

spend more than the price of the thing we buy.

From the reasons above, it can be concluded that credit cards make our life easier, but

credit cards are disadvantageous if we cannot be careful and use them wisely.

6. What does the text tell about?

a. How to make a credit card.

b. The benefits of having credit card.

c. The use of credit cards.

d. The reasons why people usually use credit cards.

e. The advantages and disadvantages of having credit card.

7. Which of the following is not the reason why people use credit cards?

a. They do not have to carry cash money.

b. They like to shop online.

c. The credit cards are convenient to carry.

d. The credit cards are expensive to make.

e. They can pay the things they buy easily.

8. “…… an alternative to purchase items in a shopping center.”

The synonym of the underlined word is….

a. Buy. c. Pay. e. Choose.

b. Carry. d. Bring.

9. “Credit cards make our life easier, but credit cards are disadvantageous if we cannot be

careful and use them wisely.” This sentence is included into schematic structure of…..

a. Introduction. c. Argument against. e. Conclusion.

b. Arguments for. d. Coda.

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Text 3

The following text is for numbers 10 to 13

Most Indonesian people like to work in abroad. They think that it is a good way to earn a

good salary. However, is it true that working abroad makes happy?

Many workers usually send large sums of money to their families in Indonesia. Even

though, they will just go home once in a year, at least they bring a lot of money back in

Indonesia. Generally, they use their money to pay their children’ education or to change their life

into a better life.

Yet, are migrant workers happy there? They have to leave their families. They often go

home once a year to meet their parents or their children. Moreover, there are some workers who

stay away from their families for such a long time. They must miss their families. Let’s watch on

TV. There are some workers who are abused by their boss. Some of them are injured, or even

died. Some of their families also cannot contact them.

There are good and bad things about working overseas. It would be better if our

governments pay attention to them and the problem as a concern. So that, the migrant worker can

do their struggle safely.

10. What is the text about?

a. The good and bad of being workers.

b. The advantages of working abroad.

c. The good and bad effects of working overseas.

d. The disadvantages of being migrant workers.

e. The relationship between workers and government.

11. What is the main purpose of working overseas?

a. To find their families.

b. To find a good job.

c. To study in a good school.

d. To earn a good salary.

e. To contact their parents.

12. The following sentence is included of argument against, except………

a. Some worker just go home once in a year.

b. Some worker brings a lot of money back to Indonesia.

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c. Some worker has a long distance with their family.

d. Some worker cannot be contacted by their family.

e. Some worker was abused by their boss.

13. “The migrant worker can do their struggle safely.”

The synonym of the underlined word is….

a. Expend. C. Ultimate. e. Sacrifice.

b. Aback d. Effort.

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The Key Answers

Pre-Test Post-Test 1 Post-Test 2

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. D

13. A

14. A

15. D

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. A

20. C

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. E

11. A

12. E

13. D

14. B

15. A

16. E

17. B

18. E

19. A

20. B

1. A

2. E

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. E

7. D

8. A

9. E

10. C

11. D

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. E

16. A

17. B

18. D

19. B

20. C

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