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Page 1: Application Innovation  · Web viewCustomer Retention. Customer Reactivation. Branding. Marketing Performance. Other _____

2015 Application Innovation AwardEntry Form

How To Enter the 2015 AIAs:

1. The 2015 Application Innovation Awards program includes three categories. Only one category can be selected for each entry. The categories are:

a. Integrated Marketing Campaignb. Signage Projectc. Online Storefront (Web to Print)

2. The entry form is below. If you are reading a hard copy of this document, download the Microsoft Word version of this entry form from the home page of SirSpeedyNet, PIPNet or SignalGraphicsNet.

3. All entries must be typed and all questions must be answered. Hand-written forms and incomplete entries may be disqualified. Entries submitted not using the entry form provided will be accepted providing all questions from this form are included.

4. Samples must be included to illustrate your solution. They must be provided as PDFs, JPGS, or URLs.

5. The 2015 AIA entry deadline is Friday, February 27, 2015. Entries and samples should be emailed to [email protected], or by mail to: Denise Denton, Franchise Services, Inc., 26722 Plaza, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.

6. Previously submitted entries will not be considered for the 2015 Awards Program.

Winners and Prizes: A 1st Place winner will be selected from each category and each will receive $750. In addition to the cash prize, winners will also receive an award trophy and all entries

will be featured at the 2015 Convention In Washington, D.C. Following Sales Forum, all entries will be recognized in a feature article in our network

communications and distributed to the networks via the Nets. Your entry will also be developed into a written case study and may be used on the website and for other corporate marketing purposes.

© 2014 Franchise Services, Inc., Business Confidential

Page 2: Application Innovation  · Web viewCustomer Retention. Customer Reactivation. Branding. Marketing Performance. Other _____

2015 Sales Forum AIA Entry Form

Salesperson Name:      

Brand (Sir Speedy, PIP, Signal Graphics) and Center #:      

City and State:      

Entry Category - Select one of the following:

Integrated Marketing Campaign Signage Online Storefront (Web to Print)

Your Client’s Company Name (optional):      

Industry the company is in:      

Job title of your main contact or the decision maker:      

Which of the following business objectives were sought by the customer and met through your solution? (Click the shaded box to place an X into it.)

Lead Generation Cross-Sell/Upsell Customer Retention Customer Reactivation Branding Marketing Performance Other __________________________

Part I.

Section 1: CUSTOMER CHALLENGE. Describe in detail your customer’s challenge. (Include the business objective(s), project objective(s), previous experiences and reason for seeking your help.)

Section 2: SOLUTION PROVIDED. Describe the solution you developed for your customer. (Include why you implemented this particular solution over another you or they may have considered, how the solution helped them achieved their objectives, and provide details about your sales process, if applicable.)

© 2014 Franchise Services, Inc., Business Confidential

Page 3: Application Innovation  · Web viewCustomer Retention. Customer Reactivation. Branding. Marketing Performance. Other _____

Section 3: RESULTS. What were the results of the solution you developed? (Be as specific as possible, describing your customer’s feedback of the solutions as well as any tracking and analysis data you or the customer obtained after implementation of the solution.)

Part II.

Select one of the following to describe this customer. Click the shaded box to place an X into it.

Current customer who we work with often Prospect who just became a new customer with this job Dormant customer we had not worked with for a while or for whom we only did a few jobs

How did you first obtain this customer?

Centralized Direct Marketing Program Other local marketing campaign (specify: _________________) Newspaper or magazine print ad Paid Search Program Referral, word of mouth or networking efforts Other, please specify:      

Describe your sales process and how you worked with the customer to win this job and/or develop the program/solution for them:     

Please include any other information you would like us to know about this application. Use as much space as needed to describe your challenge, solution and results.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

© 2014 Franchise Services, Inc., Business Confidential

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