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Page 1: (Appendix (1 - Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ … ·  · 2015-12-04Personal information: ... Is the school environment

Appendix (1(


Dear/ English Inspectors Dear/ English Teachers

I am PhD. student of the Department of Education, Pune University, in India

doing a research on "A Critical study of Crescent English Course for secondary

stage in Yemen”. As apart of research work a questionnaire is designed to collect

information from students and teachers in order to find out the suitability of the

course for Yemeni context. I will be grateful, if you accept to responding of the

current data collection method. Your answers will be kept confidential and used

only for the academic research purpose .

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully Mohammed Md. Nasser Ja'ashan

Personal information: - Please put tick ( ) in suitable blanket.

1 -Name (optional:(

2 -Sex: a) male( )

b) female( )

3-Governarate: Sana’a City ( ) Aden ( ) Al Mahweet( )

4 -Experience: 1-5 years( )

6-10years( )

10 and above( )

5 -Academic qualification :

2 years Diploma( )

B.ed – B.A( )

M.ed –M.A ( )


Page 2: (Appendix (1 - Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ … ·  · 2015-12-04Personal information: ... Is the school environment


1 (Objectives of the CEC textbooks in secondary stage -:Not sureNoYesQuestions


Are the objectives of Textbooks in secondary levels accomplished by its content?


Are the objectives of Textbooks in secondary levels in secondary stage clear?


Are the objectives of Textbooks in secondary levels in secondary stage take in consideration the social

requirement ?


Are the objectives of Textbooks in secondary levels in secondary covering the knowledge ?


Are the objectives of Textbooks in secondary levels meet the learner's communicative needs of English language?


Are there general goals of textbook (CECM) in secondary levels?


Are there instructional objectives in CECM in secondary levels in each unit?


2 (Content of the CEC textbooks in secondary stage--:Is the content of CECM in secondary levels scientifically designing?


Is the content of CECM in secondary levels suitable and enough to numbers of periods?


Is the content of CECM conforming to the culture, religious, and social conventions in Yemen?


Is the content of CECM comprehensive in structural, functional, and communicative?


Is the content of CECM tested before being circulated?12Does the content of CECM in secondary concentrate of students needs?


Does the content of CECM of secondary levels concentrate in skills?


Does the content of CECM achieve the aim of educational targets?


Does the content of CECM consider the individual differences among students?


Does the content of CECM start from easy to difficult?17

Does the content of CECM motivate students to study higher education?


Does the content of CECM make students creative?19

Does the content of CECM in secondary levels constantly hold learners interests?



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3 (Methods in the CEC textbooks in secondary levels--:Do teachers follow presentation and discussion methods in teaching?


Do teachers use mother tongue (Arabic language) in teaching?


Do teachers use different methods in discipline students?


Do methods of teaching used in textbooks secondary meet the objectives?


Does Arabic language effect to learning English language?


Is a communicative method adopted to introduce interactive activities and tasks?


Are textbooks in secondary levels taking accepted methods of EFL teaching?


4 (Skills and activities in the CEC textbooks in secondary stage--- :Are activities in CECM used in secondary levels related to Yemeni learners’ environment?


Are there outdoor (field) activities in CECM in secondary schools in Yemen?


Are cassettes of CECM used in secondary levels available for all learners?


Do activities in CECM help in achieving the goals?31Does CECM in secondary levels have passages present vocabulary in appropriate contexts and situations?


Does the CECM in secondary levels emphasize on the teaching of pronunciation and offer suitable aids for this task?


Does the CECM in secondary levels include reading skill that learners need?


Does the CECM in secondary levels emphasize on listening skills that learners need ?


Does the CECM in secondary levels emphasize speaking skill that learners need?


Does the CECM in secondary levels emphasize writing skill that learners need?


Is there an integrated skills approach used in CECM in secondary levels in Yemen?



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5 (Environment of education in the CEC textbooks in secondary schools-:

Is there contact between student's families and schools administration?


Are libraries and English Lab. available in secondary school in Yemen?


Are the teachers’ guide and cassettes available in secondary school in Yemen ?


Is the school environment conducive to teaching English?


Do school’s buildings correspond with educational conditions (fresh air, light, Restaurant quits ?(


6 (Technical aspect and illustration in the textbook (CECM6-:(

Do teachers use modern techniques in methods of teaching?


Are the educational materials continually evaluated by expert?


Do teachers able to use technology of education in their jobs (teaching?(


Does evaluation comprise the knowledge and skills of students?


Are illustration related to the content of CECM in secondary levels?


Do illustrations help to understand the content of CECM in secondary?


Are illustrations of CECM clear and correct?50Do illustrations of CECM belong the learners' environment?


Appendix (2(203

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1 (Content of the CEC textbook in secondary stage-:

Not sure


Is the content of CEC in secondary levels suitable to number of periods?


Does the content of CEC in secondary take into account student's needs?


Does the content of CEC deal with the most important issues and social problems?


Does the content of CECM consider the individual differences among students?


Do the activities and presentations of lessons of the schoolbooks make students creative?


Does the content of CECM motivate students to study higher education?


Is the study English course in secondary levels limited to the schoolbooks?


2 (Organization and appearance of CEC textbook in secondary-:

Does each unit have a revision to connect the previous units?


Does textbooks style encourage the learner for self-learning?


Is there redundancy and repetition in the textbooks of CEC?


Are the size and shape of textbooks suitable and attractive?


3 (Skills and activities of CECM textbook in secondary levels:

Are activities in CECM related to Yemeni environment?


Do activities in CECM help in achieving the goals?13Are there outdoor (field) activities in CECM?14Do the students perform the activities themselves?15Is the language of the textbooks clear?16

Do teachers do the process of teaching within activities?


4 (Technical aspect and illustration of CEC textbook in secondary:


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Do illustrations in the CECM help in understand the content?


Are illustrations of CECM clear and correct?19Do illustrations of CECM belong to learners’ environment?


Do teachers design some materials of CECM to describe the meaning for their classes?


Is the CECM in use enough for students to join universities?


5 (Evaluation of CEC textbook in secondary level:

Do the textbooks of CEC contain questions at the end of each unit?


Do the textbooks of CEC contain questions taking into consideration the individual difference among students?


Does exam of CEC in secondary cover all parts of curriculum?


6 (Environment of education of CEC textbook in secondary:

Is there contact between student’s families and school’s administration?


Are libraries available in secondary schools?27Are English lab, halls, athletic fields, and gardens available to do the educational activities?


Do school’s building correspond with educational conditions (fresh air, light, restaurants quits(


Do teachers use Arabic language in teaching English?30Does Arabic language effect to learn English language?


Appendix (3(


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استبيان لطلب المرحلة الثانوي

بسم ا الرحمن الرحيم

عزيزي/ الطالب المحترم

عزيزتي /الطالبة المحترم

تحية وبعد:

السلم عليكم ورحمته ا وبركاته وأتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في دراستكم

وبعد بي̂^ن أي̂^ديكم اس̂^تبيان حي̂^ث يق̂^وم الب̂^احث بدراس̂^ة لني̂^ل درج̂^ة ال̂^دكتوراه ف̂^ي مج̂^ال التربي̂^ة ومناه̂^ج اللغ̂^ة

النجليزية والموسومة بعنوان "دراسة نقدية للمقرر الدراسي للمرحله الث̂^انويه بالجمهوري̂^ة اليمني̂^ة م̂^ن

وجهة نظر المدرسين والطلب"

ولغرض التعرف على بعض المفاهيم والمعلومات المتعلقة بالبحث قام الباحث بوضع مجموعة من السئلة

المتعلقة بتقييم المناهج في عدة أبعاد وأمام كل بعد من هذه البعاد ثلث إجابات ( نعم-ل- غير متأكد).

يأم̂^ل الب̂^احث تع̂^اونكم ب̂^الطلع عل̂^ى ه̂^ذه الس̂^ئلة ووض̂^ع الجاب̂^ة المناس̂^بة أم̂^ام ك̂^ل عب̂^ارة وال̂^تي تراه̂^ا

مناسبة م̂^ن وجه^ة نظ̂^رك كم̂^ا ه^و موض^ح ف^ي الج^داول.يرج^ي التعام̂^ل م^ع ه^ذه الس̂^تجابة ب̂^روح التع̂^اون

والمسئولية وبقدر عالي من الهمية.

مع خالص الشكر والمتنان

الباحث /محمد محمد ناصر جعشان

بيانات شخصية:السم (اختياري)/ القسم/

اسم المدرسة/ المحافظة/ النوع ذكر( ) أنثي ( )


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استبيان لطلب المرحلة الثانوي

محتوي المقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)1


هل يتناسب المقرر المدرسي للمرحله الثانويه مع عدد الحصص1السبوعية؟

هل يركز المقرر الدراسي على احتياجات الطلب؟2هل محتوى المقرر الدراسي يتناول أهم القضايا والمشكلت الجتماعية؟3هل محتوي المقرر الدراسي يراعي الفروق الفردية بين الطلب؟4 هل النشطة وطرق عرض الدروس للكتاب المدرسي يدعو للتفكير5

البداعي عند الطلب؟هل محتوى المقرر الدراسي يشجع الطلب على التعلم؟6هل يقتصر التعليم على الكتاب المدرسي فقط؟7

التنظيم و الخراج للمقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)2

هل مقدمة كل وحده ترتبط بالموضوع السابق بطريقة متسلسلة؟8هل أسلوب المقرر الدراسي يشجع المتعلمين على التعليم الذاتي؟9

هل يوجد حشو وتكرار في المقرر الدراسي؟10هل حجم وشكل المقرر الدراسي مناسب وجذاب؟11

المهارات والنشطة للمقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)3

هل ترتبط النشطة بالبيئة اليمنية؟12هل النشطة تساعد على تحقيق الهداف؟13هل يوجد في المقرر الدراسي أنشطة خارج الفصل الدراسي؟14هل يقوم الطلب بالنشطة لنفسهم؟15هل لغة المقرر الدراسي واضحة؟16هل المدرسين يقومون بعملية التدريس مع النشطة؟17


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عناصر المادة التعليمية والوسائل للمقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)4

هل ترتبط الوسائل التعليمية بمحتوى المقرر الدراسي؟18هل تساعد الوسائل التعليمية على فهم للمقرر الدراسي؟19هل الوسائل التعليمية واضحة وصحيحة؟20هل الوسائل التعليمية من بيئة الطلب؟21 هل يصمم المدرسون بعض الوسائل الواصفة لمعاني الكلمات داخل22

الفصل؟هل المقرر الدراسي كافي للطلب لللتحاق بالجامعة ؟23

تقويم المقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)5

هل يحتوي المقرر الدراسي على أسئلة تقويمية نهاية كل وحده؟24 هل يحتوي المقرر الدراسي على أسئلة تأخذ بعين العتبار الفروق25

الفردية للطلب؟هل المتحانات تغطي كل محتويات المقرر الدراسي؟26

البيئة التعليمية للمقرر الدراسي للصف الثالث الثانوي:)6

هل يوجد ترابط بين أسرة الطالب والدارة المدرسية؟27هل توجد مكتبات في المدارس الثانوية؟28 هل توجد معامل وقاعات وحدائق وميادين رياضية لممارسة النشطة29

التربوية؟ هل المبني المدرسي ملئم للمعايير التربوية(التهوية الجيدة-الضاءة-مطاعم –البعد30

عن الضوضاء)؟هل يستخدم المدرسين اللغة العربية أثناء تدريس اللغة النجليزية؟31هل تؤثر اللغة العربية على تدريس اللغة النجليزية؟32


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Appendix (4(

Sheldon’s Evaluation sheet/checklist (1988(



Publisher……………………………………..Price..……………… :ISBN………………………………………… No. of pages..……… :

Components: SB/TB/WB/Tests/Cassettes/Video/ Call/Other...………Level: ………………………………………..Physical size………… :

Length: …………Units: ……..Lessons/sections: ………………HoursTarget skills..………………………………… :

Target learners..……………………………… :Target teachers..……………………………… :

ASSESSENT (*Poor ** Fair *** Good **** Excellent(

Factor………………………………………… :Rationale...…………………………………… :

Availability...………………………………… :User definition..……………………………… :

Layout / graphics..…………………………… :Accessibility.………………………………… :

Linkage.……………………………………… :Selection / grading…………………………… :

Physical characteristics.……………………… :Appropriacy..………………………………… :Authenticity..………………………………… :Sufficiency…………………………………… :

Cultural bias..………………………………… :Educational validity..………………………… :

Stimulus / practice / revision………………… :Flexibility.…………………………………… :Guidance..…………………………………… :

Overall value for money..…………………… :Rating and comments ..……………………… :


Page 11: (Appendix (1 - Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ … ·  · 2015-12-04Personal information: ... Is the school environment

Appendix (5(

Penny Ur’s evaluation textbooks scheme (checklist) (1996(

ImportanceCriteria Objective explicitly laid out in an introduction, and implementation in the material.Approach educationally and socially acceptable to target communityClear attractive lay out; print easy to readAppropriate visual materials available Interesting topics and tasksVaried topics and tasks, so as to provide for different learners levels, learning style, interests, etc. clear instructions

Systematic coverage of syllabusContent clearly organized and grade (sequenced by difficulty(

Periodic review and test sectionsPlenty of authentic languageGood pronunciation an practice Good vocabulary explanation and practiceGood grammar explanation and practiceFluency practice in all four skillsEncourages learners to develop own learning strategies and to become independent in their learning

Adequate guidance for the teacher, not too heavy preparation loadAudio cassettes


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Appendix (6(

New Researcher Evaluation Checklist for Textbook

1 -Academic Aspects Criteria:

i) Selection and organization of Content .

ii) Presentation of Content

jjj) Illustrations :

iv) Exercises and Activities:

2-Language Aspects criteria :

i) Language .

ii) Skills .

iii) Grammar.

3 -Suitable Aspects Criteria:

i) Culture:

ii) Religion:

iii) Marco-state policies:

4 -Physical Aspects :

i) Printing layout and get-up :

ii) Durability

iii) Size of the book :

Appendix (7(211

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Appendix (8(


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Appendix (9(

Appendix (10(


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CECM used as bags/ wrappers


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Appendix (7) Content of Crescent English Course 4 for secondary stage in Yemen- Pupil’s Book

Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6Pages 2-6 7-15 16-26 27-34 35-44 45-56Unit title

What do you remember?

Air travel Living a broad newspapers Other countries, other customs

Staying healthy


1-Astreet scene2-Ttwo games3- Massages4-Possibilities

1- Airlines in the Arab World2- What do they do?3-Changing places4- Ahmed flies to London-IY7425- The early days6-Hussein-TV reporter7-Language review 1

1- A new home in Yemen2-Household objects3-Shopping in Exeter4-Do you know..?5-A good neighbor6-On the souk7-At the local bakery8-How to make falafel9-Stuck in a rut10-Hussein-diving for treasure11-Langauge review 2

1-Headlines2-Local news3-What’s on4-Letters to the newspaper5-Public opinion6-View from abroad-London7-Hussein-success at last8-Lnaguage review3

1-Travellers2-An invitation3-What can you do in Britain?4-Tourist attractions5-Morocco-two holidays6-Around Yemen7-Famous explorers8-Langugae review4

1-Take my advice2-A balanced diet3-How fit are you?4-Smoking: the facts5-Germs and your health6-A day in the life of a London doctor7-The casualty unit8-A nurse’s training 9-Great names in medicine10-Language review 5

Periods numbers

15 15 15 15 15 16


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Appendix (8) Content of Crescent English Course 5 for secondary stage in Yemen- Pupil’s Book

Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5Pages 4-6 7-15 16-23 24-31 32-39Readers -------------- A)42-45 S)58-61 A)46-49 S)62-65 A)50-53 S)66-69 A)54-56 S)70-72Unit title What do you

remember?Serving the people The United Kingdom English-speaking

countriesYemen-future developments


1-Decribing holidays, people and objects2-Asking for information3-Barry Jones-London schoolboy

1-Four services2-welcome!3-Being polite4-A responsible job5-It’s all part of the job6-Fire!7-Yousif’s story8-Saved!9-Language reviw1

1-Facts and figures2-A famous queen3-Changes4-A famous tourist sight5-An English tradition6-Another kingdom7-Barry Jones-tourist guide8-Language review2

1-English-a world language2-Australia3-India4-East Africa5-Canada6-USA-New York City7-Barry’s Christmas dinner8-Language review3

1-Tourism in Yemen2-What’s your opinion3-Umar’s dream4-Nadia’s dream5-Towards a greener land6-Opportunities7-Language review4

Arts reader


1-Crime and punishment2-Detectives and detection3-Young people and the law4-The Olympic Game

1-The world2-Children at work-London, 18503-Two poems by William Wordsworth4-The Channel Tunnel

1-Famous writers in English2-English idioms3-An American experience4-Proverbs

1-World-famous tourist sights2-Getting the message across3-Modern communications

Science reader ------------------

1-How science helps the police2-The human skeleton3-An athlete’s training4-Tobacco

1-The world2-The movement of the earth3-Mathematics

1-Malaria2-The polar regions3-Oil3-Energy sources of

1-Sun, sea and land2-Man-the destroyer3-Modern telecommunications


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4-Computrs the future

Appendix (9) Content of Crescent English Course 6 for secondary stage in Yemen- Pupil’s Book

Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6Pages 1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-49Readers 51-52/65-66 53-54/67-68 55-57/69-70 58-60/71-72 61-62/73-74 -------------Unit title Describing

thingsReporting events Looking for a job Tables, flow charts

and diagramsWorking things out Looking back


1-Shape, coverings and materials lost2-An unusual animal3-Laguage review 14-A drive in the countryside5-Language review 26-a view from a window

1-Newspaper headlines2-Today’s news3-Don and Debbie: dreamers4-Language review35-Natural disasters6-Language review47-Armenia-7, Dec.1988

1-Getting work experience2-Thinking about the future3-Getting careers advice4-Language review55-Jobs and qualities6-Applying for a job7-Language review68-A business letter

1-Food2-Learning to cook3-Agriculture in Yemen4-Langugae review75-Words and more words6-Invesitgating the world around us7-Language review88-Frozen peas

1-Word sets2-Possibilities3-Puzzles and riddles4-Language review95-The mystery of the Mary Celeste6-What could have happened?7-Language review 108-Tracks in the sand

1-Emergencies in the news2-a lucky escape3-Accident at Jebel Kebir4-Saving Anwar5-How a hospital works6-Working in public service7-Huge change in Libyan health care8-Discovering Yemen9-Tourism and the future

Arts reader

1-A difficult choice?2-Proverbs and idioms

1-Teford Hall Episode2-A famous play by Shakespeare

1-Telfod Hall Episode2-critics and criticism

1-Telfod Hall Episode2-Calligraphy

1-A poem 2-Strange happenings -------------


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Science reader

1-Acide and alkalis2-States of matter


1-Arab scientists2-Vaccinations

1-Experimental procedures2-Internal combustion engine

1-The Moon2-Radioactvity --------------



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