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Page 1: Apimondia Bee Venom

Electrical current is apllied through them by impulses. Bees in contact with the wires received an electrical shock and stung onto the glass sheet. Odor compound: isopenthyl acetate (IPA), butyril acetae (BA), 1-Hexano, 1-Octanol, Hexyl acetate, Octyl acetate, n-Pentyl acetate and 2-nonanol that stimulate the action of other bees about the collection system which evaporated from the venom, mobilized and irritated the other bees and they also started to sting. The production of a potent bee venom requires good nectar, honey and pollen sources. Consequently, bees have more potent venom under conditions of good feeding. Bees raised without pollen have little and less effective BV in their venom sacs. Bees produce approximately 0.1 mg dried venom per venom sac. The latest research has measured 0.15 mg venom per venom sac HACCP model evaluated in our research group is as shown up. Bee hives in apiaries tested, show no significant differences in BV averages, but is clearly evident that there are two types of bees that collect bee venom, finding that the lines are the most Africanized production of poison. Varroa mite and performance of bee hives demand the final BV recovery. Africanized honeybee has better production.

José Libardo Tapiero Cuellar; Guillermo Salamanca Grosso Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA. Estación La Granja Espinal Tolima Colombia Grupo de Investigaciones Mellitopalinológicas y Propiedades Fisicoquímicas de Alimentos. Faculta de Ciencias - Departamento de Química - Universidad del Tolima. Barrio Santa Elena parta Alta PBX +57(8) 277 12 12 Email: [email protected]    

The study of the apitoxin and it therapeutic properties in our environment has not reached the necessary level among physicians, that is why the general properties of this product are still unknown, in spite of the fact that just in the tropical environment there was initiated the knowledge of some animals’ activity, if we are to refer to the origin. Bee venom is a complex mix of chemical compounds with citotoxic activity, such as phospholipase A, a polypeptide of the mellitine type, and the peptide apamine, among others. The apitoxin activity can be explained in virtue of its blocking effect of the respiratory system, and attaching the red corpuscles, thus causing hemolysis. The device and model used is efficient and provides appropriate conditions for the benefit of the product and it demand in Colombia.        Bee venom (BV) therapy (BVT), the therapeutic application of BV, has been used in traditional medicine to treat diseases, such as arthritis, heumatism, pain, cancerous tumors, and skin diseases. Is secreted ina a acid branched in the alkalyne Doufor´s gland. BV is known like apitoxin it is Composed of three different substances: 1. Inflammatory. 2. Convulsive 3. Paralysing. Contains peptides: Melittin (I). Apamin (II). Adolapin (III), and MCD peptide. Also contains enzymes (PLA2), Active amines (Histamine. Epinephrine). Melittin containing 26 amino acid residues and is the principal toxin. Poison, is a matter secreted by two glands, one of an acid nature, and other alkaline, incorporated in the abdomen of the worker bee. Bitter colorless pH 4.70±0.20.                                                    





An electric comercial device for bee venom collection were used was used. It has been disposed with a glass frame and wire electrodes installed in parallel to each other. At completion of the collection, the electrical stimulator is switched off and the bees are shaken off from the bee venom frames. The bee venom collected dries on the glass. The frames with the fresh dried bee venom on them are carefully packed into a special container for transportation to the laboratory. Africanized, Italian x Africanized and Carniola x Africanized were evaluated. Strong and develope apiaries also considered. Varroa mites were measured in each apiary. Bee venom is synthesized in the venom glands of worker and queen bees and stored in their venom sacs. During the stinging process it is expressed through the sting apparatus. Bees use it in defence of the colony.


Selection Development


Phenotype Epizootiology

Cubital index

Melliferaindex Hygiene Epizotias Varroa

Nosema Loques

Hive of reference

Sanitation of hives

Collector mounting

Removal of collector



Separation of apitoxin




Physicochemical Microbiological





- Molds and yeasts- Aerobic mesophiles- NPM Total coliform- NPM Fecal Coliform

pHTotal acidityWater ContentSpecific gravityProteinMelittinPhospholipase A

BV model in this work is a guide line allowed to implement a production system. Feeding conditions and strength of the hive, as well as the incidence of varroa are determining factors in product performance. The final quality of the bee venom is a function of implementing HACCP system on hives with low incidence rates of disease control. UV sterilization operations are recommended. Microbiological assessments are necessary.


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