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  • Introduction

    Chapter One: Inspiration

    Chapter Two: Rules 9

    CREDITSDeveloper, Writer and Editor: Dan "Jackson Creed" HamiltonFront Cover Art and Interior Art: Dan "Jackson Creed" HamiltonTypesetting and Interior Layout: Dan "Jackson Creed" Hamilton, Chris "CHILL" Hill.Superiors adapted from Asia Ascendent: Bruce Baugh, James Maliszewski, John Snead.

    SPECIAL THANKSTo Andrew Bates, Bruce Baugh and the rest of the team who brought us the labour of

    love that is the Trinity Universe. It will never die while we continue their work.To the crew over at WolfSpoor who created the Trinity Storytellers Handbook. This

    provided much of the impetus and, dare say it, inspiration, for this project. Particular thanks to Ian A. A. Watson for the difference of opinion and debate that ini-

    tially gave me the idea to create Trinity: Awaiting Inspiration.

    LEGAL NOTICEVarious terms used throughout this book are copyright White Wolf Publishing Inc. This publication is purely fan fiction, it is in no way associated with or recognised by White Wolf Publishing Inc. In short, this book is completely unofficial, please take it as that.

    In order to use the contents of this book you will need to have purchased several of the official books (particularly the Adventure! and Trinity main rulebooks) and are available from White Wolf Publishing at and (in e-book format). Support the Trinity Universe by either visiting White Wolfs website or to purchase the official books.

    This book in its entirety has been developed to be freely available to fans of White Wolfs Trinity Universe.

    The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book uses science fiction for settings, characters and themes. All science fiction, geopolitical scenarios and psi-related elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised. All characters are fictional and resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  • Introduction

    Welcome to Trinity: Awaiting Inspiration. This little project started as a disagreement about the nature of Quantum and Psi between several of the regular contributers on the EON forums. Originally, updated rules for Inspired were going to be included as a small section of a new EON Order-Setting e-book (Bright Continent), but it rapidly became clear that there was simple too much information for it to fit without spoiling the flavour of that book. As a result, I decided to go ahead and create a small, Trinity Field Report sized, e-book that would have all the rules that a Storyteller would need for incorporating Inspired characters into the Trinity era.

    How To Use This BookAll of the rules and ideas contained within Trinity: Awaiting Inspiration are completely and totally OPTIONAL. They are designed to incorporate Inspired into the Trinity setting and to retain the original flavour found in Adventure. Some of the ideas diverge from what some would consider canonical, but given that even some of the developers disagree on exactly what defines and explains Inspired characters in the Trinity setting, the views and ideas are entirely those of the author.

    If you prefer your Stalwarts as Quantum wielding proto-Aberrants and Daredevils as just extraordinary humans, then go right ahead. Trinity: AI is simply one viewpoint, and one author's attempt to unify the forces behind Inspiration without having to actually create several different sub-types of paramorph. The rules contained within have been adapted from several sources, including the Trinity Players Guide and Asia Ascendant, and while having access to those works is advisable, it is not necessary. Only the Trinity and Adventure! rulebooks are really needed to bring the Inspired into the 2120's.

    Storytellers are advised to use however much of Trinity: AI that they want to, and ignore whatever does not fit into their game or their view of the Trinity universe. Always remember the Golden Rule: Use what you want, ignore what you don't.

    Chapter One: Inspiration takes a look at the nature of Quantum and Psi and how they relate to the mysterious third energy force; Telluric energy, or Z-waves, as well as a more detailed look at the effects of the Venezuelen Phenomenon, AKA Process 418, and who has been recently Inspired by it. Also a brief discussion on the interaction of Inspired with the unique biotechnology of the 2120s.

    Chapter Two: Rules takes a look at the exact rules conversions from Adventure to Trinity, particularly how knacks function in the 2120s, as well as some new Inspired knacks, merits and flaws, an update and renovation of the Dramatic Editing rules, and how Super-science works for characters in the Trinity era.

    I hope you enjoy this work,Dan "Jackson Creed" Hamilton, 2009.

  • CHAPTER ONE: INSPIRATIONPsi, Quantum and Telluric energy-textfile conversation, Dr. Jim Cooper, noetic theorist, ISRA.Psi and Quantum are two forces that are intertwined and yet opposing. Psi enables psions to manipulate subquantum particles to accomplish a wide array of abilities. Quantum, on the other hand, can be manipulated by the Mazarin-Rashoud node, a structure so far unique to humans, to alter the quantum structure of reality itself, and in effect becoming beings of god-like power. However, these two forces are in opposition and do not mix well. Quantum appears to have more brute force than Psi and tends to overwhelm and disrupt all but the strongest Psi concentrations. Psi can disrupt Quantum as well, though on a much smaller scale, but Psi is far more conducive to the presence of life. All life possesses a Psi template and it is this active connection to the subquantum universe that seems to allow life to exist at all. Even Aberrants may have a Psi template; the Quantum that is channelled through their bodies could simply suppress it to the point of undetectability.

    Telluric energy, on the other hand, is generated by the interaction and opposition of Psi and Quantum, and so is related to both but is quite distinct. Telluric energy exists as waves rather than as particles, and is sometimes called Z-rays, pseudo-aetheric waves or simply Inspiration, and it permeates all matter and energy. It can be made to interact with magnetic or electrical fields, be converted to normal electromagnetic radiation and it can be manipulated by emotion, instinct and thought alone. This semi-mystical force underpins reality itself and is far more subtle and sublime than either Psi or Quantum.

    A useful metaphor is to imagine two equal landmasses, one representing Psi and the other Quantum, separated by a Telluric ocean. The currents and weather patterns of this ocean are generated and influenced by the two landmasses. Near the Psi landmass the Telluric waters have more of a Psi character to them than the deeper parts of the ocean. Likewise, the waters have a Quantum character near the Quantum landmass. It is respectively from these two shallower areas that Mesmerists and Stalwarts, to use an archaic terminology for these paramorph types, draw their power and it is why they have qualities in common with psions or Aberrants and yet are neither. Daredevils on the other hand draw their

    Inspiration from the deeper parts of the Telluric ocean, where there is far less influence from Psi or Quantum, and thus they have powers that are less overtly powerful but more subtle and far reaching in their effect. Normal humans are not able to consciously affect the Telluric ocean, although in times of great need they may be able to do so subconsciously, and the vast majority of humanity are to be found in the shallow Psi aspect waters that are most conducive to life.

    Of course, there is no such thing as Telluric energy; there is only Psi and Quantum. While they are diametrically opposed normally, the psionic aptitude of Quantakinesis has proved that Psi and Quantum can actually work hand in hand at relatively low levels. They also appear to be able to coexist at the lower levels found in paramorphs while they cannot in the stronger levels found in psions or Aberrants. Those paramorphs that utilise Psi, whom I have termed Mentalists, appear to have abilities that are less refined and powerful than those enjoyed by psions, but they are nevertheless quite potent in their own way. Even demonstrating a more varied array of psionic powers than even those psions with auxiliary psi modes. Likewise, those paramorphs that utilise Quantum to subconsciously enhance their bodies and minds, which I have named Optimals, do so without manifesting a M-R Node and therefore being an Aberrant. The only clear parallel that we have is with the Chitra Bhanu who demonstrated similar abilities through the medium of Quantakinesis.

    The third form of paramorph is perhaps the most subtle. They lack the overt abilities demonstrated by Mentalists and Optimals, but nevertheless have incredible levels of skill and luck that must have their source from some subtle manipulation of Psi, Quantum or possibly even both. They are examples of the very best that normal humanity has to offer, and it is for this reason that I have called them Exemplars.

    Recently it has come to my attention that there is a fourth, artificial, type of paramorph, called Superiors, that have been developed by the Nihonjin. I have little evidence to back up these rumours but I have heard the name of the technique used to create them; the Nakamura Process.

    I have named the paramorph types and I given a old name to paramorphs as a whole; they are the Inspired.

  • The Venezuelan PhenomenonOn August 3rd, 2122, an energy wave erupted from the Venezuelan Quarantine zone in Sudamerica. Due to the parallels to the Wycoffe detonation, press releases would later pin the blame on Aberrants within the zone, but the truth is far more disturbing. In actuality Process 418 emanated from an ultra secret Nora facility run by the Msicos da Verdade. What this facility was researching is not known but the devastation was profound. The most obvious explanation is perhaps that some Quantakinetic experiment, conducted by the few Nora employed chibs, went massively wrong but what truly happened is yet to be revealed. What is known is the energy wave generated by Process 418 possessed quantum and subquantum properties and created massive ripples that affected both the noetic and quantum spectrum.

    This wave spread over the entire planet in a few short hours and, like the Quantum wave generated in 1998, had massive immediate effects, but on both Aberrants and psions, often causing major changes in their power levels and abilities. This wave has characteristics seen only once before; the Hammersmith event. The Venezuelan Phenomenon was actually a Telluric energy wave, similar to the one

    generated by the destruction of Professor Sir Calvin Hammersmith's Telluric engine in 1922, but rather than condensing, focusing and ultimately releasing Telluric energy directly, as in 1922, this time the wave was more powerful and not just composed of Telluric energy. Without a specialised Telluric generating device, which is a technology lost in the original Hammersmith explosion, only a massive interaction, and violent reaction, between Psi and Quantum could have generated such a powerful burst of Telluric energy and as a result a large release of both Psi and Quantum accompanied the Telluric wave.

    It was the noetic wave, of a strength unseen since the Esperanza disaster, that knocked many psions onto their collective asses, and the quantum wave that has caused many Aberrants to evolve, but it is the Telluric energy that has once again turned the Weird-Crap-O'meter back up to eleven. Some psions have had massive power boosts while others have lost some of their powers, and strangest of all, the artificial restriction to a single psionic Aptitude, imposed by the Prometheus Effect, seems to be breaking down in some cases, with psions suddenly manifesting multiple strong auxiliary modes. Aberrants

  • have been affected even more profoundly; their Taint seems to have been largely stripped away, along with much of their raw power, but even more astonishingly; their noetic auras have become detectable by psions! This should not be possible; even Quantum 1 should suppress the noetic aura beyond even Otha Herzog's ability to sense. Nevertheless, this is the case. Rules for post-Process 418 Psions and Novas can be found in Asia Ascendant (pp45-46).

    Telluric What?While this work refers to Inspiration as being Telluric energy, there is, in fact, no such thing. In the Trinity universe, there is only Psi and Quantum; psions use one, novas use the other. Telluric energy is the catch-all term used by the Inspired of the 1920's who had little knowledge of quantum, or subquantum, physics. Inspired characters possess both Psi and Quantum at low enough levels that the two do not counteract each other. Optimals are more inclined to Quantum and Mentalists to Psi, with Exemplars falling somewhere between. The use of the term Telluric energy and the rules covering Inspiration are simply streamlined ways of describing how this type of character relates to the other inhabitants of the Trinity universe. So, how do Inspired use both Psi and Quantum? The answer is simple: very well thank-you.

    Inspiration: The EnhancedThere is a third group that has also been deeply affected by the after-effects of the Venezuelan Phenomenon; normal humans. In many cases, normal humans, especially within the VQZ, have suddenly manifested unusual abilities that they have not before; like their forefathers in 1922, they have become Inspired. Some have become Mentalists, and to the blinkered noetic scientists of the 2120's, appear to be strong Psi latents or weak psychomorphs (naturally occurring, multiple Aptitude wielding psions), while others become Optimals and have developed exceptional physical and mental enhancements (such as becoming able to take down an Aberrant using only martial arts).

    Unlike the 1922 energy wave in which all the various Inspired types equally, the increased Psi and Quantum within the Process 418 energy wave has increased the frequency of Optimals and Mentalists among the Enhanced but has meant that the third type, Exemplars, are more rare than

    they have ever been before. Additionally the three Enhanced types are no longer as separate as they once were; the dividing line between Optimal and Mentalist is now very thin and vague. Indeed many are developing powers that mimic those of the other types, even the rare Exemplars have been known to use low level Quantum and Psychic knacks. While now much rarer, Exemplars are still the only Inspired able to use Heroic knacks and fate smiles on them far more often than either of the types.

    Who Are They?So, who has become Inspired in the wake of the Venezuelan Phenomenon? Some previously neutral people within the VQZ have begun to show the initial signs of Inspiration, but this is probably due to their proximity to the strongest emanations of Telluric energy as the wave spread out from the Msicos da Verdade facility. It has been theorised by noetic scientists that the genetic trigger that allows a normal, or baseline, human to be triggered as a psion or erupt as a Nova is actually the same gene sequence! This is thought to be the reason that psions cannot erupt as Novas and why Novas cannot become psions.

    Only those with the genetic predisposition toward manifesting either Psi or Quantum seem to be likely to be Inspired. Psi latents tend to become Mesmerists and Quantum latents tend to become Stalwarts (although there are exceptions), while the level of latency to become a Daredevil seems to be far lower (most of the rare new Daredevils were categorised as being completely neutral in Psi latency tests).

    Inspired and Psi LatencyThe new generation of people who have been Inspired in the wake of the Venezuelan Phenomenon appear to be strongly latent when they are tested for Psi potential. Mentalists are probably the most obviously latent towards Psi, given that their abilities manipulate Psi in a similar, but less direct, way. Mentalists are always strongly latent to Clairsentience, Telepathy and Vitakinesis and those who undergo the Prometheus Effect to one of these aptitudes will often be powerful psions. Most Mentalists register as being strongly latent enough to be triggered for Teleportation but are almost never latent for Quantakinesis.

    Although Optimals manipulate Quantum forces, they do so indirectly and thus have far more in common with Quantakinetics than with Aberrants. As a

  • result, Optimals almost always have stronger latency for Quantakinesis, although they will never get triggered as a Quantakinetic because the Chitra Bhanu Prometheus Chamber was dismantled following the purge in 2108, than for other Psi aptitudes. Optimals are also often strongly latent towards Biokinesis, Electrokinesis and Psychokinesis and will become powerful psions if triggered to these aptitudes.

    Exemplars are the most weakly latent of the three natural Inspired types and although they have a high enough Psi latency to be triggered for any of the six basic aptitudes, they are not exceptionally latent like Optimals and Mentalists, and are usually unable to be triggered as a teleporter or a quantakinetic..

    Superiors are quite different; they are not latent and dunking superiors in a Prometheus Chamber would cause them to die a slow and agonizing death. They may have been latent before they became Superiors; but undergoing the Nakamura Process removes the genetic capability of becoming either a psion or a nova.

    Psychomorph versus ParamorphPsychomorphs are those humans who have developed the ability to manipulate Psi energy in a conscious, controllable way. Psiads are able to do so naturally (albeit with lower power levels but diverse aptitudes), while Psions are able do so because they have been enhanced by the Prometheus Effect (however, this process also limits them to a single Psi aptitude).

    Paramorphs, on the other hand, are those humans who have the ability to subconsciously manipulate Psi particles to achieve some extraordinary ability. While a paramorph may have conscious control over his powers, he does not have conscious control over Psi use and expenditure that gives him those powers.

    Instead, Paramorphs use the Inspiration rules adapted from Adventure! It should be noted that Inspiration is a rules mechanic and not a third energy particle/wave. Note that while all paramorphs are latent, not all (in fact the vast majority) of latents are not paramorphs.

    Mentalists are paramorphs who have the ability to achieve effects that are similar to those achieved by psions and psiads, but do not have the raw power and versatility of such Psi use (although their

    abilities may be quite potent when properly used).

    Exemplars use Psi to affect quantum probability. This has the effect of making them very lucky and for coincidences to go their way. They are often exceptional individuals, but they are not superhuman in the way that Mentalists and Optimals can occasionally be.

    Superiors, on the other hand, appear to be most like Optimals (in terms of enhanced mental and physical abilities) they are in fact enhanced Exemplars. They may have been latent Optimals before their alteration (and thus more likely to Erupt than trigger as a psiad/psion) the Nakamura Process makes them most like Exemplars, even if they appears to be Optimal in their abilities.

    Optimals and QuantakinesisOptimals are a special case. They are those paramorphs who have a strong latency to Erupt with a Mazarin-Rashoud node and become Novas (or Aberrants). They have the ability to enhance their bodies and minds in a similar way to Novas, but at an exponentially lower power level. In fact, they do not have an active M-R node at all. They instead have the ability to use Psi to infuse their bodies with low levels of quantum that allows them to be physically and mentally beyond the norm. In this way they are most similar to Quantakinetic psions (although only in the mode of Enhancement). However, it should be noted that Optimals do not use Quantakinesis; the powers that come with their Inspiration are simply related to it (but at a far lower power level, and without the versatility of control that true Quantakinetics possess).

    Inspired and QuantumOptimals may use Quantum, albeit in an indirect and unfocused way, but do not have a Quantum rating. This is the critical difference between Novas and Optimals; the former has an active Mazarin-Rashoud Node, the latter does not. Quantum 1 is the boundary between the realms of being superb human and superhuman.

    Effectively, even the most powerful Optimal (Inspiration 9 or 10), is still effectively just below being a Nova (about 90% of Quantum 1) and this explains why they still register as being humans rather than novas. Put simply, Quantum 1 is the point at which the M-R Node becomes active and the resultant flood of Quantum

  • energies suppresses the Psi template of the new nova to the point of undetectability.

    Inspired and Psi

    Although Inspired characters follow many of the rules for neutral characters, they may not buy extra points of permanent Psi at character creation. The reason for this is quite simple; neutrals with a naturally high Psi rating have increased resistance and sensitivity to Psi use, while Inspired characters use their Inspiration ratings for a similar purpose. Having two different traits to describe the same abilities is redundant.

    Inspired are not psionically active in a standard sense (at least as far as most psions are concerned), but they are still sensitive to sudden changes in the flow of Psi (and its absence in the case of Taint). As a result they may use the Attunement rules (Trinity rulebook p191-192) but at +2 difficulty. They also suffer the effects of Backlash if they are near to a sudden change in noetic energy. The effective Psi score that an Inspired has depends on what type of Inspired he is. Note that this is only an effective rating; they do not have a Psi pool and thus may not spend Psi points.

    In terms of game mechanics, Mentalists, being the Inspired type most attuned to Psi, have an effective Psi trait equal to either half their Inspiration rating (rounded up) or equal to their highest Inspiration facet (whichever is higher), with regards to Attunement and resisting the effects of Psi powers.

    Optimals, on the other hand, are much more attuned to Quantum energy and as such only have an effective Psi rating equal to their lowest Inspiration facet. However, when using Attunement to detect Quantum or Taint, they use their highest Inspiration facet +1 as their effective Psi.Exemplars and Superiors have an effective Psi score equal to their Intuitive facet.


    Skill ConversionsSome of the skills in Adventure are either not present in Trinity (such as Archery) or are listed under a different Attribute (such as Pilot). It is a simple matter to simply use the Trinity Attribute-Ability combinations instead of those found in Adventure. As always, the exact dice pool used will vary on the situation, but Inspired characters should be given the benefit of the doubt when deciding which Attribute to apply to a roll (Inspired are designed to be a much more rough and ready character class). As always the Storyteller's decision is final.

    Knack Conversions.The vast majority of the knacks found in the Adventure rules will work perfectly well in the Trinity setting. However, the rise of new technology and the presence of Psi powers means that some will function slightly differently.

    Heroic KnacksThe use of Heroic knacks are always subtle and appear co-incidental and never registers to the Attunement of psions.

    Complete Privacy All attempts to covertly spy on the character fail without the use of an Inspired, Psi or Quantum power and such attempts are subject to an increased difficulty modifier equal to the Exemplar's Reflective facet.Death Defiance Functions as the basic power in Adventure! rulebook.Dramatic Entrance Can now be bought as two separate knacks. The first, Dramatic Entrance, functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook. The second knack is Dramatic Exit which adds three bonus dice to the Exemplar's attempts to make a getaway.Eagle Eyes Functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook.Enhanced Impact Functions as the basic power in Adventure! rulebook.Fists of Stone Functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook.Forgettable As normal, but the difficulty penalty also applies to holo-cameras, and other modern media tools, and to Telepathic attempts to get witnesses to remember the Exemplar (or the use of the Clairsentience mode of Psychometry).

    Gadgeteer As normal, but this knack is required if the Exemplar wishes to format bioware to himself without the aid of conventional lab technicians.Indomitable Will As normal, but all Telepathic modes and Mentasis used against the Exemplar are also at the +2 difficulty penalty.Instant Expert Functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook.Jack of All Tongues As normal, and the bonus also applies to learning alien languages such as Qin and Chromatic. Lie Detector As normal, but psions and Novas (or Aberrants) only ignore the difficulty penalty if they have at least Subterfuge 2. If they do not, they suffer the +2 difficulty as normal.Lightning Reflexes Functions as the basic power in Adventure! rulebook.Master of Dissimulation - Functions as the basic power in Adventure! rulebook.Navigation Hazard As normal, and also cover the greater variety of vehicle types in the Trinity setting. One Man Army Functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook.Perfect Poise Functions as the basic power in Adventure! Rulebook.Resilient As normal, but also adds a +2 bonus to all medical treatments, including Vitakinetic, used on the Exemplar.Steely Gaze As normal, winning all staredowns with neutrals and gains two extra dice against psions and Novas (or Aberrants).Trick Shot As normal, but the knack must be bought separately for melee weapons, thrown weapons, projectile weapons, laser weapons, vehicle weapons (any Hybrid or smaller vehicle) and ship weapons (frigate or larger vehicle).Untouchable As normal, but this knack may be purchased twice. If it is bought a second time, then the knack functions even when the Exemplar is armed.Wheelman As normal, but there are many more types of vehicle in the Trinity setting. The Exemplar may buy this knack for each of the following (each knack applies to all the specialties in the brackets after the skill): Drive (Cycle and Hover), Drive (Crawler and Wheeled), Drive (Tracked and Maglev), Pilot (Jet, Hybrid and Rotor), Pilot (Freighter and Jump Ship), Pilot (Frigate), and Pilot (Submersible).

  • Psionic KnacksPsionic knacks use Psi particles indirectly and as a result, the use of a Psionic knack has a chance of registering to the Attunement of psions. The more powerful the knack, the greater the disturbance it generates. Level one Psionic knacks are usually sensory in nature and may be detected as if the Mentalist were using the Basic Technique of a Psi Aptitude (such as Kirlian Eye). Level two knacks register as level one Psi powers and level three Psionic knacks register as level two Psi powers.

    LEVEL ONEThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure, require no change in system and register as an Aptitude basic technique to Psi Attunement: Brain Skimming, Command Voice, Marked Man, Perfect Translation, Psychic Hand and Thermal Manipulation.Scientific Prodigy As normal, but can be used to format bioware without the aid of conventional lab technicians.

    Telluric Resonance As normal, but can also detect Psi use nearby. The Awareness roll has a difficulty modifier of +3 for a basic technique, +2 for level one powers, +1 for level two powers, standard for level three powers, -1 for level four powers and -2 for level five powers.

    LEVEL TWOThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure, require no change in system and register as a level one power to Psi Attunement: Cloak of Dread, Flame/Frost Conjuration and Teledigitation.Brainstorm As normal, but psions count as Inspired when determining the target's resistance. Psions may use Psi instead of Willpower to defend but is the Mentalist succeeds, the target loses Psi points instead of Willpower.Evil Eye As normal, but psions count as Inspired when determining the target's resistance.

    LEVEL THREEThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure, require no change in system and register as a level two power to Psi Attunement: Mindhammer, Psychic Synergy, Sleight of Will and Touch of Life.

    Cloud the Mind As normal, and attempts to detect the Mentalist psionically (such as Attunement or Clairsentience and Telepathy powers) adds a difficulty modifier equal to the Reflective facet.Psychic Control As normal, but Psions may use Psi instead of Willpower to defend.

    Quantum KnacksQuantum knacks use manipulate Quantum particles indirectly. Unlike Psionic knacks, most Quantum knacks are always in effect and do not require the expenditure of Inspiration. As a result the Quantum used indirectly by Quantum knacks are so faint that they are largely undetectable by Psi Attunement. Only the active use of Inspiration will generate a disturbance and even that will probably only feel like a brief, very faint surge in the local Quantum (which the majority of psions will mistake as background Taint). LEVEL ONEThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure and require no change in system: A Single Bound, Cool Hand, Heightened Senses, Man For All Seasons, Powerlifter, Sex Symbol and Superhuman Reflexes.

    Mad Scientist A s normal, but can be used to format bioware without the aid of conventional lab technicians.

    LEVEL TWOThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure and require no change in system Aetheric Vision, Blazing Speed, Blindfighter, Piledriver, Sun Tzu's Blessing and Touch of the Muses.Optimised Metabolism As normal, but is immune to only poisons and diseases with a toxin rating equal or less than Reflective facet. Reflective facet can be used as soak against higher toxin ratings.

    LEVEL THREEThe following knacks function exactly as they do in Adventure and require no change in system: Body of Bronze, Reptilian Regeneration, Sensory Filtering and Threat Awareness. Indesputable Analysis and Man of Many Faces As normal, but will be detectable as very weak Taint to Psi Attunement, but only when the knack is first activated. Once active, it is once again undetectable by Psi.

  • Character CreationThe following have been designed for creating new Inspired characters for the Trinity era.PHASE ONE - GENESISStep One: Concept - This is similar to creating a psion character. Inspired may have almost Origin or Nature.Step Two: Attributes - To begin with, an Inspired character is essentially a neutral character and follows the rules for creating non-psion characters (TPG: p86). At this stage the character has six primary attribute dots, four dots for secondary and three dots for tertiary.Step Three: Abilities - As a neutral, the character gets 12 Ability points in his Ability group and 15 to place in any other Abilities. Further, having an Allegiance and its corresponding Ability group assumes a degree of advanced training: the character may buy up to two of his Ability groups skills to four dots. If the character has no Allegiance then he doesnt get this benefit but can spend the total 27 Ability points around where he likes (TPG: p86). Step Four: Advantages - As a neutral, the character starts with seven dots Background. Starting Psi is at one (1) dot and Willpower is at three (3) dots.Step Five: Bonus points - As a neutral, the character may spend bonus points as normal; such as buying up to seven dots worth of merits and gaining up to seven extra bonus points in flaws. A character may purchase additional dots of Psi and still be considered psionically neutral (even after Inspiration, this will only be of the same use that extra Psi would be to neutral characters).

    PHASE TWO TRANSFORMATIONStep One: Inspiration As an Inspired, the character gains starting Inspiration at one (1) dot, and chooses primary Inspiration facet; Destructive, Intuitive or Reflective.Step Two: Define the Inspiration Did the character become Inspired due the effects of Process 418, the Nakamura Process, or by some other means? Choose the type of Inspired that the character will become: Exemplar, Mentalist, Optimal or Superior. This stage is critical because this is where the different Inspired types branch away from each other and the creation process is slightly different for each.

    Step Three: Transformation At this stage, all types of Inspired gain a certain amount of Transformation Points which can be used to buy additional traits. Unlike other character types, Inspired have no upper limit on how many points worth of Merits (see below) that they can purchase. However, they are still limited to a maximum of seven (7) points worth of Flaws.

    Acute Sense: 1 pt Merit; Ambidextrous: 1 pt Merit; Animal Magnetism: 1 pt Merit; Catlike Balance: 1 pt Merit; Centered: 5 pt Merit; Code of Honour: 2 pt Merit; Combat Veteran: 3 pt Merit; Common Sense: 1 pt Merit; Concentration: 1 pt Merit; Crack Driver/Pilot: 2 pt Merit [1 pt Merit for Exemplars]; Daredevil: 3 pt Merit [2 pt Merit for Exemplars]; Eidetic Memory: 3 pt Merit; Enchanting Voice: 1 pt Merit; Exceptional Potential: 3 pt Merit [2 pt for Optimals]; High Pain Tolerance: 3 pt Merit [2 pt Merit for Optimals and Superiors]; Huge Size: 4 pt Merit; Increased Tolerance: Free to all Inspired but unavailable to Superiors; Internal Compass: 1 pt Merit; Lightning Calculator: 2 pt Merit; Lucky: 3 pt Merit [2 pt Merit for Exemplars]; Natural Leader: 1 pt Merit; Natural Linguist: 3 pt Merit [2 pt Merit for Exemplars]; Natural Technician: 3 pt Merit; Patient: 1 pt Merit.

    Naturally Inspired Exemplars, Mentalists and Optimals may spend fifteen (15) Transformation Points on Inspiration, Attributes, Abilities, Willpower, Merits and Knacks. They also gain the Increased Tolerance Noetic Merit for free and may, if they wish, use their [Intuitive Facet +1] instead of their [Stamina +1] to determine their bioware Tolerance. Additionally, they can use bioware that requires Psi to activate by spending two (2) points of Inspiration per point of Psi required instead.

    Exemplars may spend Transformation Points to buy Heroic Knacks at a cost of two (2) points each.

    Mentalists may spend Transformation Points to buy Psionic Knacks at a cost of one (1) point per level of the Knack (so one (1) point for a level 1 knack, two (2) points for level 2 Knacks and three (3) points for level three).

    Optimals may spend Transformation Points to buy Quantum Knacks at a cost of one (1) point per level of the Knack (so one (1) point for a level 1 knack, two (2) points for level 2 Knacks and three (3) points for level three).

    Artificially Inspired Superiors gain an additional five (5) Attribute dots and their Primary Attributes may be raised to six (6). They also gain an additional two (2) dots in

  • Endurance and Resistance, one (1) dot in Meditation, one (1) dot in Subterfuge and an additional four (4) free dots to be allocated to an ability associated with one of their primary Attributes (to a maximum of six (6)). Add two (2) dots to Resources and three (3) dots to Status (for loyal superiors) or just one (1) dot to Resources (for defectors). The Superior character may then spend nine (9) Transformation Points on Inspiration, Attributes, Abilities, Willpower, and Merits (Superiors cannot take Noetic Merits, even those normally available to non-psions).

    Superiors heal Bashing and Lethal damage one time category higher on the Bashing and Lethal Recovery Time charts (see Trinity rule book pp 253). This healing time bonus is cumulative with to any similar bonuses provided by medical treatment. If a highly skilled physician (4 Medicine) treats a superior, she recovers each Health Level three categories Higher on the health chart (two levels higher from expert medical treatment and one level higher from being a superior). Regardless of how much healing is improved, each level of Bashing damage takes at least 15 minutes to heal, and each level of Lethal Damage takes at least three hours to heal. Studies have also shown that Superiors age approximately half a fast as normal humans and with access to modern Nihonjin medical technology, most can expect to live to be over 300 years old (see Asia Ascendant pp106-107 for more details).


    Choose Origin, Virtue, Vice and Allegiance.Step Two: Select Attributes

    Assign Attributes (6/4/3).Step Three: Select Skills

    Assign Skills (11/7/4) +3 Specialities.No Skill higher than 3 at this point.

    Step Four: Select BackgroundsChoose desired Backgrounds (7).

    Step Five: Finishing Touches Initiative (Dexterity + Wits), Movement (walk Dexterity +2m, run Dexterity +12m, sprint Dexterity [x3] +20m), Inspiration (0), and Willpower (3).

    Step Six: Bonus PointsSpend Bonus points (15)

    Trait Cost per dotAttribute 1Ability 1Speciality (max. 3 per Ability) 1Background 1Willpower 2Initiative 1Merit (max. 7 at this time) As merit cost

    PHASE TWO: TRANSFORMATIONStep One: Inspiration

    Choose the characters Inspired type (Exemplar, Mentalist, Optimal, or Superior) and record initial Inspiration (1).Step Two: Define the Inspiration

    Choose primary Inspiration facet:: Intuitive, Reflective or Destructive.Step Three: Transformation points

    Spend transformation points (15)

    Trait Cost per dot2 Attribute dots (max. 5 in Attribute) 1 5 Ability dots (max. 5 in Trait) 1Ability mastery (max. 3 Abilities) 14 Merit dots (no limit) 1 4 Background dots 12 Willpower points (max. 8) 1Inspiration dot (max. 5) 13 Inspiration points to pool (no limit) 1Knack, Heroic 2Knack, Psionic As levelKnack, Quantum As level

    A character must have 4 points in an Attribute to purchase the fifth dot.

    A character must have 5 points in a Skill to purchase Skill mastery.

    Inspiration cannot be raised above 5 at character creation.

    Inspiration points added to pool are temporary but may increase the pools capacity beyond 10.

    An Inspired character can have as many merits as desired but can only have seven dots worth of flaws.

    Knacks are non-hierarchical and any level of knack may be taken.

    PHASE THREE: LAST DETAILSStep One: Final Touches

    Calculate final dice poolsStep Two: Spark of Life

    Decide how the character came to be who he or she is.

  • Background EnhancementsAs in the 1920's, Inspired characters in the Trinity era have access to a special set of advantages called Background Enhancements. In order to purchase a background enhancement, a character must have 5 dots in the appropriate background. An enhancement essentially makes the background the equivalent of 6 dots, but also adds a number of additional benefits as well. The exact specifics of such potentially far ranging backgrounds must be agreed upon with the Storyteller to make sure that they fit into the campaign.

    In Charge (Status)You are not just a member of your organisation, you are the organisation. You have complete control over the organisation, either directly, like a corporate CEO, or more subtly as the silent partner who controls everything from the shadows. Within your organisation you have complete access to every resource it contains and this gives the equivalent of Clearance 5 and Requisition 5 (these are highly specialised versions of Clearance and Requisition and are not as broadly useful as the real thing). However, these bonus backgrounds apply ONLY to your organisation; you can't requisition an advanced BioVARG if your organisation has little military influence or biotech R&D. The Storyteller has final say on what you have access to.

    Player characters may not have this enhancement with regard to the Aeon Council (the Directors of Proteus, Neptune and Triton are In Charge of their respective departments), Psi Orders (each Proxy has this enhancement with regard to their Order) or the United Nations. Enigma (Cipher)You are a riddle wrapped in a mystery and covered with a crunchy coating of enigmatic invisibility. It is virtually impossible to investigate your dealings and your data tracks are so well hidden that even Alex Cassel and Otha Herzog would spend many frustrating hours trying to get any evidence that might stick. In essence, unless such a powerful investigator is directly trying to get intelligence on you, all such attempts to fail. In fact this enhancement is so good that you no longer actually need your five dots of Cipher and can redistribute them among your allies and friends, representing the cloak of non-existence you can spread about you. Note that this enhancement only causes you to be anonymous; you must

    purchase the Identity background if you want false identities.Kingpin (Contacts)You don't just have an address book full of useful names; you are the centre of a vast spider web of contacts and informants. Hundreds of people, from all walks of life, owe you a favour or two and can trade favours that are owed them. In effect, you have dozens of major contacts around the world and near space (you may even have a contact or two in one of the extra-solar colonies) with which you can call on. You also never have to roll to meet a minor contact and you can get access to expertise in practically any field.

    You must be cautious to not abuse your network of informants and make sure that all the correct palms remain greased. While you may sometimes be called on to help out a contact directly, as a master of this subtle art you are able to trade favours between your contacts in such a way that they do all the work and you still retain their favour and gratitude! Remember, this enhancement is subtle and should be used as a scalpel rather than a bludgeon.Sanctum Sanctorum (Sanctum)You have access to a secure location safe from the prying eyes of governments, agencies and even the psi orders. The level of security and secrecy is the equivalent to that possessed by the Prometheus Chambers of the Psi Orders. Your sanctum may be in a remote part of Tibet, deep within a mountain, or perhaps a hollowed out asteroid, or even a subterranean complex on Mars. Regardless of the type and location, your sanctum will remain totally secure from even the most determined attempts to either find, or penetrate its defences.Renown (Influence)You are respected on a global scale within your field of interest and expertise. There are very few, if any, people who are capable of challenging your knowledge and opinions on such matters. You are one of the foremost authorities, if not the authority, in your field and your words carry tremendous weight and power. Although this influence is within a fairly narrow field, even outside your expertise your opinions and words will be respected and considered, so long as you can engage in such a debate knowledgeably. Renown is not the same as fame, indeed you may only be known to a select few people; but those people will

  • always be the movers and shakers who really matter. Wealth Beyond Avarice (Resources)Money has long since ceased to be of any real importance to you. You probably have more money than a lot of small countries, and few larger ones! Much of this cash is probably invested in a variety of corporations, governments and more projects than you can probably keep track of. In game terms you have an effective Resources rating of 8 (you can pretty much afford anything with a cost of 7 dots or less without too much trouble). For anything with a cost of 8 or more, such as large spacecraft and facilities, you can still afford it, but it will require time to free up funds and arrange purchases. This will not reduce your Resources unless such expensive property is destroyed, and even then it will only make a significant impact if several such things are completely lost.

    New KnacksAfter Process 418, the distinction between the Inspired types has become more fluid than it was the 1920's. The standard knacks (found in the Adventure rulebook) are still separated into three categories, now called Heroic, Quantum and Psionic, but Inspired characters may now buy knacks from outside their type. In the case of Optimals and Mentalists, such knacks are bought at two levels greater than they normally are; so a Mentalist buying the level one Quantum knack Heightened Senses would buy it as a level three Psionic knack (the Dynamic Potential or Psychic Potential merits allow the character to buy such knacks at only one level more expensive). Heroic knacks are unavailable to non-Exemplars, although Superiors may purchase them if they have Heroic Potential merit.

    Some knacks may be appropriate for different types of Inspired and as such may be available as a Heroic knack and have a Quantum level for Optimals and a different Psionic level for Mentalists. Each type of Inspired buys the knack at the appropriate level (Exemplars always buy it at the higher level; Superiors may never develop Quantum or Psionic knacks).

    Cleaner (Heroic Knack)I fly fast, I talk fast, I think fast, so

    please, pretty please, with sugar on top, just shut up and do what I told you!No matter how deep the trouble or complex the problem, you are able to think quickly,

    react effectively to changing circumstances and solve the problem without even spilling your coffee. You are usually the one called in to sort problems, get rid of evidence or create an alibi for someone who has committed a crime. You dont necessarily have to get your own hands dirty; you can simply be the one who organises everyone quickly and efficiently to get rid of a problem and cover up any evidence of it.

    System: The character adds his Intuitive facet to any rolls involved in cleaning up crime scenes, getting rid of evidence or covering up any evidence of anything having happened. Other characters helping to clean up also get this bonus so long as this character is the one supervising and organising them. Dramatic Editing attempts by this character cost one point of Inspiration less than normal, but only when used to cover up something that the ordinary rolls have failed to do.

    Prerequisite: A Cleaner must be able to think on his feet and react to situations quickly and thus must have a combined Intelligence and Wits score of 7 or more.

    Mastermind (Heroic Knack)So officer, you have no evidence,

    no eyewitness and I have an alibiThe trick to being a true mastermind is to always be one step ahead of the opposition. Secret master plans that insure success, hidden resources and all the appropriate palms greased are the bailiwick of this knack. All evidence that could tie you to a particular planned activity, whether it be a crime or not, is always lost, contaminated, unusable or otherwise made useless.

    System: All evidence of any activities that the character is involved in, that are part of a long-term plan, will mysteriously be made useless. Uninspired (and non-psion) investigators will be completely unable to solve such cases where a Mastermind is involved. Inspired and psion investigators will still be able to make rolls normally but with a penalty to the roll based on the Masterminds Reflective facet. If the activity is not part of a long-term plan, such as a quickly improvised cover up, then non-Inspired investigators suffer a penalty to any rolls equal to the Masterminds Reflective facet, while Inspired investigator suffer no penalty.

    Prerequisite: The Mastermind must have a keen mind and a sharp intellect. He must possess an Intelligence of 3 or greater and Larceny of 3 or greater.

  • The Hustle (Heroic Knack)"Oldest trick in the book? Hell kid, I

    wrote the book and the sequel!"You know how to spot cons, from the simplest tricks to the most complex confidence games. From the multitudes of short cons tot he fine art of the long con, you also know new angles on all the old tricks and can fool even the most experienced grifter.

    System: Any Larceny rolls made against the character suffers a dice penalty equal to the character's Reflective facet. Additionally, when the Exemplar tries to con somebody, he may re-roll any failed Manipulation or Larceny rolls. The result of the second roll must be taken, even if it worse than the first, and cannot be re-rolled more than once.

    Prerequisites: It takes a thief to catch a thief; the character must have Manipulation of 3 or greater as well as Larceny of 3 or greater.

    Unstoppable Optimism (Heroic Knack)CRUNCH!! Seriously, is that the

    hardest punch you've got... PASSES OUTEven if the Exemplar is out if his league and is on the receiving end of an appalling beating, there is something about him that refuses to lie down and quit. No matter how badly something goes wrong, or how badly he is injured, a quick broken toothed smile and thumbs up will inspire his allies and comrades to persevere through his example.

    System: Once per scene the character may inspire his comrades to greater heights through sheer stubborn bloody mindedness, unflappable optimism, or never say die attitude. All the character's comrades able to see him do this gain one point of Willpower or one point of Inspiration per health level the character has suffered in that scene. Even if Incapacitated or killed, the character can still inspire his fellows before collapsing.

    Prerequisite: Optimistic perseverance takes grit; the character requires Willpower of at least 8 to have this knack.

    Lasting Impression (Heroic Knack)Jack Jameson... what a guy!

    An Exemplar with his knack somehow leaves an impression of people that is slow to fade. Thoughts and feelings relating to the Exemplar creep into a person's mind to

    undermine his concentration or uplift his spirit, long after they have parted.

    System: By spending a point of Inspiration, the character can inspire a person to greater heights and give them an automatic success on all rolls involving creating or performing something. Alternatively, the character can intimidate and frighten someone to the point that their Willpower is effectively one point lower and loses one die from rolls involving control, finesse or concentration. This effect only lasts for 24 hours, but the impression the character will last far longer.

    Prerequisite: The Exemplar must have a combined Charisma + Appearance of 6 or greater in order to have this knack.

    Guilty Secret (Level 2 Psionic Knack)So tell me Seor, why are you so

    nervous about answering my question?The Mentalist has an insight into the inner workings of another's mind. If the subject is speaking and a topic comes up that reminds him of a misdeed that he has been keeping secret, the Mentalist will immediately become aware of it. Even if the person feels no guilt or shame, or otherwise shows no stress or telltale signs of hiding something, but has still gone to the trouble and effort of hiding this fact from others, the Mentalist will still become aware of that the person is hiding something. This knack will not reveal what the secret is, just that it is there is one. A crafty character will certainly be able to manipulate the conversation toward finding out what the secret is.

    System: The character may add his Intuitive facet in automatic successes to any Rapport or Subterfuge rolls made to determine if someone is hiding something. This knack requires that the character be able to understand the person hiding the secret, so language is an issue.

    Liar, Liar (Level 2 Psionic Knack)You may be able to fool the police,

    but you'd better start talking... Now!This potent ability makes the Mentalist as good as, if not better than, the most advanced polygraph test ever created. If someone tries to hustle, con or mislead in the presence of the Mentalist, he will know the exact quality of the that person. He can tell that the person is being deceptive, though not necessarily what the person is being misleading about, regardless of that person's usual credibility or influence.

    System: The Mentalist may add his Reflective facet in automatic successes to

  • any Rapport or Subterfuge rolls made to determine if if someone is deliberately attempting to mislead. This knack transcends language; it is an instinctive, gut feeling that the person is lying. However, it won't allow the character to understand what the exact nature of the con or lie is, simply that the person is being misleading.

    Postcognition (Level 3 Psionic Knack)There was someone watching us at

    the crime scene...Some Mentalists can sense events that have occurred in an area in the past, but this knack allows the character to relive events that she has experienced. This is beyond even an eidetic memory; this knack allows the character to actually relive a memory both from her own perspective or from the perspective of anywhere within range of her senses.

    System: Spend one Inspiration to activate for a number of turns equal to her Reflective facet. While this power is in effect, the psion has almost instant recall of any event she has ever experienced in precise detail. She experiences a memory fully, every sound, smell or sensation is remembered no matter how subtle. The event can be slowed, paused, rewinded or even experienced from a different angle, direction or location from within range, with perfect clarity, to find details that were not noticed or were even imperceptible.

    Perfect Recognition (Level 2 Quantum Knack)

    Ah, Messier! Welcome back! I'd recognise your walk anywhere!With this knack the Stalwart is always able to recognise anyone that she is strongly familiar with. She can pick their faces out of a crowd with a single glance, recognise their voice regardless of distortion or background noise. This affects every sense; the Stalwart can recognise the feel of skin, body odour or even the subtleties of body language no matter how skillful the subject is at disguise. As an added benefit, the Stalwart is able to recognise biological relatives of a person that she has used this knack on. She may not be able to guess immediately what the relationship is, but she will certainly know that they are related, even if the subjects in question do not.

    System: In order to be able to recognise a person perfectly, the character must be familiar with them. This requires concentrating on the subject's mannerisms, body language and other traits to commit

    these details to her memory. By spending a point of Inspiration and a point of Willpower, the character will be able to recognise that person, regardless of disguise or environmental distortion, for the rest of the story. As an additional benefit, the character is able to add an number of additional dice to any roll involving mimicking or impersonating that person equal to her Intuitive facet. At the end of the story, this ability fades but the character may renew it for another story simply by spending another Inspiration and Willpower point without having to study the subject again.

    Total Recall (Level 2 Quantum Knack)Don't worry, the access code is

    only eighty digits long.While this power is in effect, the Stalwart has almost instant recall of everything she has ever experienced in precise detail. She experiences a memory fully, every sound, smell or sensation is remembered no matter how subtle, and is relived as if experiencing them for the first time.

    System: This power does not require any roll and usually only takes a single turn or less to summon the information. The Storyteller may require the expenditure of a Willpower point to call forth a particularly obscure or subtle piece of information. Even if the player cannot recall the information, the Storyteller should give it to the player provided that the character experienced it at some point in the past.

    Body of Iron (Level 3 Quantum Knack)Have you any idea how much that

    stings?!This power makes the Optimal far

    tougher and harder to injure than normal. Being hit by bullets causes severe bruising and hurts like hell, but they wont break the skin, and falling off a skyscraper or out of a plane may leave him with bruises, cuts and maybe a fracture or two, but it probably wont kill him!

    System: The character converts all Lethal damage taken from kinetic impact (such as projectiles, blades or long falls) into the same amount of Bashing damage and normal (unconverted) Bashing damage is halved. However, only half the Lethal damage from energy weapons (rounded up) is converted to Bashing. This doesnt change his normal soak ratings but armour or Knacks such as Body of Bronze can increase the soak dice as normal.

  • Variations on a ThemeIt is the default of this supplement that Inspired have their own powers (Inspiration, Dramatic Editing, Knacks et al) and it is implied that the source of these powers is the subconscious and passive use of Psi (as discussed in the previous chapter). However, if you prefer that Inspired use a third force (Telluric energy or Z-waves) that underpins reality, completely separate from Psi and Quantum, then feel free to use that in your stories. Indeed if you want Inspiration to be a handy way to show that characters are simply highly accomplished and skilled people, then go right ahead. It's your story and your campaign; use only what you and your players are comfortable with.

    Olaminium Skin (Level 3 Quantum Knack)

    "What do you mean I should be dead? Gamma radiation is highly overrated if you ask me..."

    An Optimal with this ability has a truly remarkable ability to resist the effects of radiation and heat. Radiation levels that would kill a normal man will probably cause discomfort or pain, but an Optimal with this knack can resist high levels of radiation without permanent harm for far longer periods of time. As a side benefit, he is effectively immune to sunburn and sunstroke (though he'll get a great tan!).

    System: The Optimal only suffers damage from radiation at a rate of one level per [Reflective facet +1] turns. This includes both the Bashing damage caused by soft radiation and the Lethal damage caused by Hard radiation.

    Flow like Water (Level 2 Generic Knack)"Its not about strength, its about

    grace."By dispersing the flow of energy

    within her, the character's movements become as fluid as water, or in the case of Exemplars, very lucky, and thus incredibly hard to strike. She barely seems to move but perfectly aimed attacks only just miss, bullets strike the wall behind her and melee attacks whistle past without touching.

    System: The character spends one point of Inspiration. For the next three turns, she may dodge any and all attacks directed at her with a full dice pool for each one, in

    addition to any other actions she wishes to take that round. She suffers no penalty to dodge multiple attacks.

    Prerequisite: Only applies to Exemplars. In order to take this as a Heroic knack, the Exemplar must have a Dexterity + Dodge dice pool of 7 or greater.

    Physical Prodigy (Level 2 Generic Knack)Hes the best there is, the best

    there was, and the best there ever will be. The Inspired with this ability possesses a natural gift for all physical activities, such as athletics or sports. He always knows the best position, technique or style to achieve the best results in any athletic endeavour on an almost instinctive level. It is as if the finest instructors and coaches in the world were whispering advice.

    System: The character receives a number of extra dice equal to his Intuitive facet towards any roll involving Athletics or similar competitive skills. These bonus dice cannot be used in any combat related dice pools unless they are used for competitive rather then offensive purposes, such as fencing or martial arts demonstrations.Prerequisite: Only applies to Exemplars. A Exemplar must be fit and athletic to take this as a Heroic knack and needs to have Dexterity or Stamina at 3 or higher, and have Athletics at 3 or higher.

    Shift Balance (Level 2 Generic Knack)"When you can control yourself, you

    can control the world."The character has far greater

    control over the flow and distribution of energy within her own body, and can adjust this balance to maximise her abilities.

    System: Spend a point of Inspiration and roll permanent Inspiration. Each success allows the character to rearrange one dot of an Inspiration facet and place it into another. By shifting these facet dots around the character gains whatever benefits the increased facet brings but reduces the benefits of the decreased facet. No Inspiration facet may be reduced lower than one or raised higher than five, and the effects last for one scene.

    Prerequisite: Only applies to Exemplars. An Exemplar must be in tune with her inner self and needs to have a combined permanent Inspiration + permanent Willpower of 10 or greater.

  • Free-form Knack CreationWhile all of the knacks in the Adventure! Rulebook are applicable in the Trinity setting, players and Storytellers may wish to create new knacks more appropriate to dealing with the various aspects of the 2120's. The free-form improvisational system for generating Psi effects introduced in the Trinity Players Guide (pp161+) provides an excellent tool for knack building. This system is particularly suited for generating Psionic knacks (after all, Mentalists are essentially very low-power psions) but can also be adapted to building Quantum knacks as well. However, Heroic knacks are very different and have far more subtle effects and will be dealt with later in this chapter along with Dramatic Editing.

    Unlike the free-form Psi rules, you do not generate a knack every time a Mentalist or Optimal wishes to use their powers, but rather the free-form system is used to build their knacks. Once a knack has been built, the experience cost is worked out and once the knack is purchased, it will work in the same way every time.

    Psionic Knack BuildingMany Psionic knacks are similar to low level Psi powers and as a result are the most straightforward type of knack to generate.

    Step One- Determine the effect that the knack is going to achieve. Psionic knacks can replicate most effects that could be generated by any level one, two or three Psionic Mode (Teleportation Modes are limited to level one only and Quantakinesis Modes are not allowed at all). The knack is considered to be the level of the highest Mode used to generate it (only level one, two and three knacks are available).

    Step Two- Apply a difficulty equal to [knack level 1] and add +1 difficulty for each additional Mode used to generate the effect.

    Step Three- Roll Inspiration. If no successes are generated, the character loses one Inspiration point and the knack cannot be built at this time. The character may not attempt to rebuild this knack until the character has improved one of his Inspiration facets (i.e. permanent Inspiration is increased by one). Additional Inspiration may be spent to generate extra successes [each Inspiration point gives one extra success].

    Step Four- Define the Duration, Range, Target and Result effect parameters. Level one and two knacks

    automatically begin at one dot, and level three knacks begin at two dots. Any extra successes from the Inspiration roll may be used to increase an effect parameter on a one-for-one basis.

    Step Five- The Inspiration cost to activate the power is equal to the knack level. This may be reduced by spending extra successes on a one-for-one basis. The activation roll will use the character's appropriate Ability. Where the knack can be resisted, you can add a bonus to the roll equal to the appropriate Inspiration facet by spending an extra success.

    Step Six- The experience cost to buy the knack is worked out by adding the number of successes used to make the knack, including successes used to offset the difficulty of the initial roll, to the base experience cost for the power [level one knacks cost a base of 4, level two cost a base of 6 and level three cost a base of 8]. Once the power is purchased it is considered to be a normal knack and will have whatever costs and effects that were built into it.

    Example: Micheal Jacobs (a Mentalist with Inspiration 5) decides to create a knack that will allow him to strongly influence the minds of people. Psychbending 2 is the obvious choice, but he wants to be able to influence their emotions as well so he adds in Empathy 2 as well. Even though the effects chosen are only level 2, he decides to make the knack level three. He rolls Inspiration at a difficulty of +3 [+2 for a level 3 knack and +1 for an additional Mode] and manages to get three successes, but since these were required for the knack building to be successful they cannot be used to improve parameters. So he empties his Inspiration pool and spends five points of Inspiration to get an extra five successes. At 2 dots (as a level three knack), the Target parameter can effect two subjects and the Duration lasts 10 minutes. Michael decides this is fine and doesn't bother boosting these parameters. Since influencing minds is a delicate process he uses two extra success to improve the Short Range parameter to work at five meters. The Control parameter is used for Result and Michael spends a success to improve it 3 dots (major control). At this point the power will cost 3 Inspiration to activate and so he spends a success to reduce this cost to 2. At this point he will be rolling his Command of 4 resisted by the Subject's Willpower, so he decides to spend his final success to allow him to use his Destructive

  • facet as a bonus to his roll. Michael then works out the Experience cost by adding the number of successes used (8) to the base cost of 8 to give a total experience cost of 16. Once purchased, this power is can be used freely with the effects he built into it.

    Quantum Knack BuildingQuantum knacks are different from Psionic knacks in that they almost entirely focused on enhancing the physical, mental and social aspects of the character.

    Step One- Determine the effect that the knack is going to achieve. Quantum knacks can replicate most effects that could be generated by level one, two or three powers from the following Psionic Modes only: Adaptation, Psychomorphing, Telesthesia, Electromanipulation, Iatrosis, Mentasis (self only) and the Quantakinetic Mode of Enhancement (see below). The knack is considered to be the level of the highest Mode used to generate it (only level one, two and three knacks are available).

    Step Two- Apply a difficulty equal to [knack level 1] and add +1 difficulty for each additional Mode used to generate the effect.

    Step Three- Roll Inspiration. If no successes are generated, the character loses one Inspiration point and the knack cannot be built at this time. The character may not attempt to rebuild this knack until the character has improved one of his Inspiration facets (i.e. permanent Inspiration is increased by one). Additional Inspiration may be spent to generate extra successes [each Inspiration point gives one extra success].

    Step Four- Quantum knacks are almost always focused on the characters own body and as such the Target and Range parameters are almost always just one dot. Result is treated as normal, but Duration is a special case; most knacks are considered to be Invested effects and they last indefinitely if the character spends two successes to Invest the effect. Other knacks that require a short duration effect will need to use the Duration parameter. Any extra successes from the Inspiration roll may be used to increase an effect parameter on a one-for-one basis.

    Step Five- The Inspiration cost to activate the power is equal to [Knack Level 2] . Only powers that have a short duration effect, such as accelerated healing or minor shape-shifting, need to be activated; Invested knacks are in continuous effect.

    This cost may be reduced by spending extra successes on a one-for-one basis.

    Step Six- The experience cost to buy the knack is worked out by adding the number of successes used to make the knack, including successes used to offset the difficulty of the initial roll, to the base experience cost for the power [level one knacks cost a base of 4, level two cost a base of 6 and level three cost a base of 8]. Once the power is purchased it is considered to be a normal knack and will have whatever costs and effects that were built into it.

    Example: Iron Jack Jameson is an Optimal with Inspiration 5 and he wants a knack that will enable him to survive for longer in the event of an explosive decompression on his orbital freighter. Adaptation 2 is appropriate for this effect. Jack rolls his Inspiration at +1 difficulty and gets three successes. He empties his Inspiration pool by spending 5 points to get an extra five successes (for a total of seven successes). He ignores the Target and Range parameters, since the knack will only affect him, and concentrates on the Survival Result and puts four successes into increasing his Endurance dice pool by 5 versus Suffocation. He spends the other three successes on giving himself soak +4 versus the extreme heat/cold and radiation of space. Although he didn't invest successes to make the effects of this knack last indefinitely, because it is only level two, it doesn't require Inspiration to activate and only requires a successful Endurance roll. So, if Jack were to suddenly find himself in a vacuum, he can survive for about ten minutes or so, if not actually in space (in which case he may last only a few minutes longer than a normal man), which may give himself just enough time to either be rescued or to save himself. The experience cost for this knack is the number of successes spent (8) plus the base for a level two knack (6) for a total of 14 experience points.

    Enhancement (Quantakinetic Mode)The following rules are extrapolated from the basic freeform enhancement rules given in the Trinity Players Guide. They are intended to help with building Quantum knacks and thus only the first three levels are given here.

    At its most rudimentary level, Enhancement involves infusing the psions body with quantum energy. She may use Enhancement to boost any of her bodys

  • physical or mental capacities. At higher levels, a quantakinetic can enhance almost any aspect of her body and mind, expanding her natural traits and abilities into the realm of near-superhuman and enabling her to perform actions that are normally the bailiwick of other Aptitudes (although not necessarily at the same level of finesse).

    Basic Enhancement: A psion uses this power to boost any of her Physical, Mental or Social attributes At this level of ability, she may only enhance one trait at a time, and it may only be increased by a single dot. The psion may invest Psi to boost the trait for greater periods of time, however.

    Heightened Awareness: The psion may now increase the range and sensitivity of her natural physical senses. For example, she may expand the range of her hearing to listen to ultrasonic or subsonic frequencies or enable her to detect normally invisible frequencies of light. Similarly, she may enhance her awareness of air currents to easily move around in the dark or to pick up on changes in anothers body language.

    Accelerated Healing: This ability enables the psion to enhance her bodys natural ability to heal itself. Broken bones fuse, wounds close and tissue regenerates. This power can even heal Lethal damage, but can only close wounds that would have healed naturally (which means that re-growing destroyed organs and lost limbs is not possible).

    Sample Enhancement Effects Boost Charisma (Level 1): By raising her Charisma, the psion becomes more charming, cool and elegant. Boost Wits (Level 1): By raising Wits, the psion thinks faster and with greater clarity. This enhancement also boosts her Initiative for the duration. Commanding Presence (Level 1): By enhancing any natural leadership qualities she has, the psion may add the Modifier result in extra successes to any roll that involves telling people what to do, to a maximum of level three. Blind-fighting (Level 2): Thanks to this enhancement, the psion can use this effect to offset the usual penalties for fighting blind. In fact, in some situations e.g. at night or glaring light, this power may be used to gain an advantage over opponents. Differentiate (Level 2): By using this power, the psion can sort out and identify all the various components of something e.g.

    identifying all the ingredients used in the preparation of a meal, or picking out every background noise in an audio recording. Use the Precision table to determine the accuracy of this effect. Cat-footed (Level 2): By enhancing her natural agility, the psion becomes able to maintain her balance with far greater ease and can move much more stealthily. She may use this effect to improve rolls regarding balance or footing or to increase her dice pools for stealth or similar skills. Resiliency (Level 3): This enhancement enables the psion to absorb damage more effectively than normal. The psion may use this power to increase her natural soak bonuses. She may also use this power to increase the difficulty of psi powers used against her, such as Electromanipulation, Mentasis, Algesis or other powers that interfere with the natural functions of her body. Speed Reading (Level 3): The psion can vastly accelerate the rate at which she can absorb and remember information. This could be used to remember every lyric and musical note of a song after hearing it once, or for reading information at a much higher rate than before.

    INSPIRATIONInspiration is the trait that sets apart Inspired characters from most normal people, and indeed from psions and Aberrants. Although it is essentially the manipulation of noetic energy, in a similar manner to the way psions use Psi, it is far more passive. Like Psions, Inspired are very closely attuned to the Psi energy in the local environment, but unlike them they do not generate much of a noetic presence and disturbance. As explained in the Adventure! Rulebook, Inspiration can be spent in a number of ways: Activating Knacks: Some knacks require Inspiration to be activated. Dramatic Editing: Inspiration is used to alter certain aspects of the current scene in a character's favour. Activate Biotech: Biotech devices that require Psi to be spent to activate, can instead be activated using Inspiration, but at double the normal cost. Sheer Heroism: Once per scene, and Inspired character can spend a point of Inspiration to double his dice pool for a single task, even if it requires multiple actions to perform.

  • Intuition: By spending a point of Inspiration, the player can ask the Storyteller for a piece of advice that will move the story onward. This represents the uncanny luck that Inspired tend to manifest; their hunches are very rarely wrong, and even when they are they will often lead to an important discovery or revelation.

    Regaining InspirationInspiration points can be regained in a number of ways, as described in the Adventure! Rulebook (Work Hard, Play Hard; Wild Success; Inner Peace; Heroic Entertainment; and Inspiring Acts). However, unlike Psi, which psions regain relatively quickly and easily, Inspiration is rather slower to regain. This is because psions are able to consciously manipulate Psi and attract noetic energy directly to themselves. Inspired use Psi subconsciously and passively, and so accumulate it only gradually. However, there are a variety new methods and meditation techniques developed by the Psi Orders to improve psion's ability to control Psi. Even though Inspired will never have the finesse and control over noetic energy that psions enjoy, they may, at the discretion of the Storyteller, use meditation techniques to attempt to improve their ability to regain Inspiration. This requires a Meditation ability score of 4, with the Inspiration Recovery speciality. After two hours of uninterrupted meditation, the character may make a Meditation roll at +1 difficulty. Each extra success restores one point of temporary Inspiration to the character's pool. Each story this may be a number of times equal to the character's Reflective facet.

    Dramatic EditingExemplars have the best developed ability to affect probability and entropy, but all paramorphs (Inspired) have this ability to a greater or lesser extent. This is expressed with the Dramatic Editing rules adapted from Adventure! (Note: Psions, Psiads and Novas cannot use Dramatic Editing. They are far too noetically "noisy" to manage the subtle and sublime "butterfly effect" probability manipulation that paramorphs are capable of). While probability manipulation has never been explicitly stated as being the foundation of heroic inspiration, it is strongly implied by the existing dramatic editing rules, and the by way that Heroic knacks seem to work; fortunate and often unlikely

    events conspire to ensure the success of the Exemplar.

    It is also important to note that Dramatic Editing is a rules mechanic used by the player, to create a heroic flavour for the game, rather than an in-character ability to change the world around him. Any dramatic edits are likely to be explained as lucky coincidence, even if the character realises that he is far luckier than everyone around him.Offscreen Effect (1 Inspiration)

    A major offscreen effect cannot immediately help a character, but it can inconvenience an adversary or help an ally. It may potentially bring aid to the character, but not for at least fifteen minutes, and it is more likely that aid is up to an hour away. Not much use in an immediately life threatening situation, but will be more than sufficient if the characters are only inconvenienced for the moment.

    Example: The characters find themselves locked in a ship's cargo hold, but a technician notices a minor glitch in the power relays of that hold. He adds the cargo hold to his maintenance rounds later that day. The characters are stuck for a while but they will be freed fairly soon. Minor Onscreen Effect (2 Inspiration)

    A minor onscreen effect will not immediately help a characters plight but an opportune moment will occur within a reasonable amount of time. This opportunity will not give an overwhelming advantage against an opponent, and may be as much trouble for him as his adversary, but it will give an opportunity to escape to fight another day.

    Example: Still locked in the cargo hold, the characters realise that the atmosphere is getting stale very quickly. Suddenly, one of the characters finds a breath mask and oxygen supply, which will sustain one character comfortably until the technician arrives to free them.Minor Extension (1 Inspiration)

    This is an effect that can add to the coincidence that another character has generated. This is a subtle effect but it can stretch a coincidence to include an extra character, or give a little extra aid.

    Example: Another character finds an extra full oxygen tank in one of the storage containers. It's going to be close, and uncomfortable, but they have just enough oxygen, carefully rationed, to share between them till the technician arrives.

  • Major Onscreen Effect (3 Inspiration)This level of effect can save the

    characters life or the lives of his friends. This level of effect must be used very sparingly and closely monitored by the Storyteller to ensure is not abused.

    Example: The characters suddenly realise that their air is being sucked away through a small hole in the cargo hold hull. They have only a few minutes before they begin to suffer the lethal effects of decompression, breath mask or no breath mask. One character looks at the door lock and sees that it was made by a company owned by an old academy buddy. He enters the birth date of his friend's first child... Suddenly the door opens and the characters are freed, thankful that no-one bothered to change the lock code from the default.

    Dramatic NeedsSometimes a character will be in an immediate emergency situation where a major On-Screen Effect is needed to save the characters and/or the story. The major difference between these kinds of of On-Screen effects and the normal dramatic editing techniques is that the player may pay a point of Willpower instead of Inspiration if he has insufficient Inspiration to make the edit. Multiple character may pool their Inspiration and/or Willpower to achieve the desired effect, but the cost of the edit is raised by 1 for each additional character past the first. The costs of some of these kinds of changes are also higher than the standard On-Screen effect, but they are often quite powerful and serve to provide a chance for escape when player creativity is drained.

    The Convenient Distraction Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever an adversary and/or their guards are distracted by a disturbance that takes their attention off the character momentarily.System: The character may automatically leave, regardless of how far it is to the nearest door and how many guards are present. Alternately, the character may work their way to another area within sight, perhaps to reach a weapon, sabotage some equipment while no one is looking or to release another character.Cost: 3 Inspiration.

    The Nick of Time Effect

    Dramatic Need: Whenever a character needs to be somewhere or needs something done NOW or the adventure will end in failure.System: The character arrives or completes whatever it is they are working on at the very last moment, no matter how long it would have normally taken them to arrive or finish.Cost: 3 Inspiration.

    The Achilles Heal Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever a character has to quickly take out an enemy, who clearly outclasses them in every way, to meet some great need.System: The character using some normally useless method manages to disable or destroy his opponent by a lucky blow to a vulnerable spot, or the enemy is neutralized by the intervention of a lucky event. This will not necessarily kill the opponent, but will certainly cause them to lose any advantage they had, and may even leave them temporarily at the mercy of the character.Cost: 4 Inspiration.

    The Dramatic Death Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever an important NPC is mortally wounded before telling the characters some important bit of information.System: No matter how dead the NPC has been made, he will hang on to life just long enough to deliver one last message to the characters or will leave some sort of message for the characters to find.Cost: 4 Inspiration.

    The McGuyver Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever a dire situation, one that could lead to the unsuccessful end of an adventure or the death of a character, calls for a piece of equipment that cannot be obtained through other means.System: A useful item is found lying about or hidden within the reach of the characters. Alternatively such an item can be jury rigged from scavenging equipment in the immediate vicinity. This item can be practically anything appropriate to the story and situation, and is only good for one use. Note that it is not permanent and goes away after the adventure.Cost: 4 Inspiration.

    The Impassioned Speech Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever a character absolutely must convince an NPC of their

  • sincerity, innocence or usefulness in order to stop some event that could lead to the failure of the adventure or death of an important character.System: The character automatically convinces a single NPC to at least forestall whatever catastrophic event would lead to the undesirable end of a character or the adventure. This may only be used once per story and the character had better be able to back up his claims or pleas later.Cost: 4 Inspiration.

    The Cheating Death Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever a character has taken Lethal damage to the Incapacitated or Dead health level. System: The character appears to have been killed, but actually has taken only Bashing damage and is unconscious. The character will recover consciousness a few turns after being left for dead.Cost: 5 Inspiration.

    The Cackling Aberrant Effect Dramatic Need: Whenever a villain has a character at his mercy and could easily dispatch them. This can only be used once per story.System: The NPC adversary that has the character at his mercy must to make a Willpower test against a difficulty equal to the character's permanent Inspiration. If they fail, they are so confidant of their superiority that they not only tell the character part of their plan, but also decide to disregard their potential danger, place them in some sort of unsupervised holding area, and leave them to complete their nefarious plan. The character now has a chance to escape or time for some other character to arrive and rescue them.Cost: 5 Inspiration.

    Dramatic-LinkageInspiration is a powerful thing. Whether it is subconscious manipulation of Psi and Quantum, or perhaps a link to something quite different is not clear, but the effects that Inspired have on the world around them can be quite profound. When an Dramatic Editing is used to alter probability and story continuity in favour of the character, there is a chance that witnesses and participants in those changes will be swept along and dramatically linked to the character whether he, or indeed they, like or not.

    When a player uses dramatic editing to alter the story continuity for an

    Inspired character, a roll is made to see if there will be any additional, and unforeseeable, consequences of that action. The Storyteller should roll the character's permanent Inspiration and if more than 5 successes are scored (with 10s counting as two successes), then a degree of unforeseen dramatic-linkage has occurred. If the roll fails, no additional drama occurs. This roll may be made in front of the player, or in secret, depending on the nature of the story. For each other Inspired character that has also used dramatic editing in the same scene, the number of required successes is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 3).

    When a dramatic linkage has occurred, that person is temporarily treated as a free level in the appropriate background. Unlike normal backgrounds, the Storyteller controls exactly who and how that person interacts with the character. These bonus backgrounds seldom work in the way that the character expects, but rather are a dramatic tool to allow the Storyteller to make the life of the character more interesting and provide possible story opportunities. The dramatic-link fades away at the end of the story, unless events have occurred that will keep that person around for longer. If a situation involving dramatic-linkage has been particularly well roleplayed, then the player should be awarded the extra background points for free (which are then treated as normal backgrounds from then on).

    Depending on the situation, the extra backgrounds are usually Allies, Followers or Nemesis. Below are a few examples of the types of people that dramatic-linkage can attract, but it is far from exhaustive. Additionally, depending on how the character treats the drama-linked person, the type of background that he represents could change to a different background. For example, if a Lover (usually an Ally) is injured because of the character, she may become a Dependent (Followers), or if she is spurned or mistreated she could become a Traitor or even a Creep (Nemesis).

    ALLIESThe Backup: The person is willing to provide assistance to the character when things get tough. They may not necessarily be willing to lay down their lives, but they are certainly willing to pitch in even when things get really difficult.The Lover: The person has fallen in love with the character (or at least in lust) and will

  • do whatever she can do to try and get those feelings reciprocated.The Mentor: The person feels the need to pass on some of his wisdom to the character. This may be useful, and it may not be. Nevertheless, the person will try and teach the values or knowledge that he feels he must pass on.

    FOLLOWERSThe Apprentice: This person respects the character and wishes to

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