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2-3 Worship and Learning

3 Worship & Music

4 Faith Walk & Talk

4 Ministry & Mission

6 Congregation News

7 Children’s Ministry

7 Servant Schoolhouse

8 Senior High Ministry

9 Junior High Ministry

10 Calendar of Events

11 Outreach & Fellowship Events

inside this issue

“Men and Their Faith”— Pastor EricUsually in summer church newsletter articles, I write about enjoying the beautiful MinnesotaSummer and how summer is a time for restand relaxation etc. But not this time!

Over the past six months or so I’ve been giving A LOT of thought to men and our faith.Across denominations the statistics are thesame: A much higher percentage of womenactively participate not only in church activitiesbut more importantly in intentional spiritualpractices. I’ve read a couple of books on thesubject including one titled, “Why Men HateGoing To Church” that seek to explain why.Rather than going into all of the reasons letme sum them up in one sentence: “For most men church doesn’t meet them wherethey’re at and deal with their real questions about faith and life.”

While that’s not true for all men it’s true for a lot of us. Most men I talk to want tobe better Christians, want to pray more and grow deeper in their faith but all kindsof things get in the way. SO, AFTER A LOT OF THOUGHT WE’RE GOING TOTRY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

This fall on Saturday, October 28th there will be a free men’s breakfast at churchfor all men and any of their friends they’d like to invite. Our guest speaker will beVince Miller from Resolute Ministries. He has a remarkable testimony to share. Ifyou want to find out more about Vince and this ministry see

We all have the same spiritual longings but the demands of the marketplace, familylife, perhaps our backgrounds, male role models or lack thereof when it comes tofaith play a large role when it comes to exploring the faith and our REAL questionsabout God. Often men feel alone when it comes to spirituality and faith. Often menfeel like faith is secondary to their other roles in life.

I believe this could be the beginning of a breakthrough or a transformation in thespiritual life of some men in our congregation and community. I hope you will putthis date on your calendar or call me if you’d like more information. And mostly I’dlike to invite you to pray for the men in our congregation as so many are alreadyactively engaged in their faith and so many others are wondering what it might looklike for them without doing the “traditional stuff”.

May God bless you and your family this summer!

Blessings, Pastor Eric



July 2017

Summer Worship HoursJust a reminder: Summer Worshiphours are Memorial Day weekendthrough Labor Day weekend. Servant of Christ summer worship hours are9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We will returnto the 9 & 10:45 a.m. worship times onRally Day September 10, 2017.

“Hannah prayed and said, ‘My heart exults in the Lord; my strength is exalted in myGod. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in my victory. There is no Holy Onelike the Lord, no one besidesyou; there is no other Rock likeour God.’”

— 1 Samuel 2:1-2

verse of the month

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worship & learning


Prayer Resourceson the WEBVisit our website for a resource onprayer. Go to is part of the ELCA website. Thepage provides resources for individualsseeking to expand their prayer life. Contents of the page include medita-tion, healing, prayer requests, dailyBible readings and a short coursecalled “Prayer 101”. This is an EXCELLENT resource, check it out!


Servant of Christ Mission —Making DisciplesWe are committed in every aspect oflife to encourage the ministry of thecongregation and individuals to grow in the following biblical marks of discipleship: Prayer, Weekly Worship,Biblical Literacy, Spiritual Friendship,Serving and Giving.

our mission

Bringing Communion to People in Their Homes!Please let Pastor Eric or Pastor Melissaknow if there is a Servant of Christ member unable to attend worship due tomedical reasons. The Pastors would behappy to bring communion to them intheir home. Just call the church office at 763-427-5070.


Upcoming Preaching ThemesSunday, 7/2 “Who is Welcome”Text Matthew 10:40-42Theme Hospitality should be extended to all disciples and people who come

in Jesus name.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Who are the people Jesus is talking about that should be welcomed?2) What do you think their reward might be? 3) When have you been on the receiving end of hospitality?

Sunday, 7/9 “Wisdom’s Spokesperson”Text Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30Theme Every generation has had a reason to dislike Jesus, but in the end

Jesus offers us both wisdom and a way to God.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Why did the generation at Jesus’ time dislike him?2) According to Jesus how can people get to know their heavenly Father?3) What is Jesus promise at the end of this reading?

Sunday, 7/16 “Blessed Assurance”Text Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23Theme The seeds that fall on the good soil make for an abundant harvest.

Often where we see only scarcity God sees abundance.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) What does it mean to be a person who has no roots?2) What are some cares of the world that choke out the Word of God?3) Can we do anything to make our heart good soil for God’s Word to grow?

Sunday, 7/23 “Dandelions and Cockleburs”Text Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43Theme Many of the bad things that happen in the world are the work of God’s

enemy, the devil, but God is patient and will set things right in the end.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Why are both the weeds and the wheat allowed to grow together?2) What are some examples of weeds in your life or in the life of the

greater world?

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worship & learning


Sunday, 7/30 “The Kingdom of Heaven and Ordinary Things”

Text Matthew 13:31-34, 44-52Theme Jesus uses many ordinary things to illustrate what the Kingdom of

Heaven is like. The Kingdom of Heaven is not just a future reality. It is growing in us and among us now.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) What do the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the yeast tell usabout the kingdom of heaven?

2) What does the parable of the hidden treasure tell us about the kingdom of heaven?

3) Is it comforting or frightening to think about the Kingdom of Heaven as both apresent and future reality?

Last summer (2016) we had the opportunity to be back in the States for home leave. We were able to visit 11 of oursponsoring congregations and were reminded once again how grateful we are for our family in Christ all over the world,especially you congregations who pray for and support us so faithfully.At many of the churches we talked about the severe persecution of the Japanese Christians for a couple of centuries. There is a powerful movie entitled “Silence” that isbeing shown in theaters. This is a movie directed by MartinScorsese and is based upon the 1966 novel written byShusaku Endo, a Japanese Catholic Christian. We encourageyou to see this movie as it will give some insight into the deepstruggles that many Japanese Christians had to come to gripswith about their faith. This story is a novel, but does give anaccurate portrayal of the trials many believers faced duringthis period of Christianity being outlawed in Japan.• Carol is currently working with the sixth set of students taking the Lyra Precaria course, where they learn to use the harp and voice at the bedside of the dying. There havebeen 32 graduates from the first five classes that havecompleted this two-year study. Most of them are active inproviding care to those who are dying and their families invarious hospices and hospital throughout Japan.

• For this academic year Jim was asked to be head of theChristianity Department which means he has a number of new committee meetings to attend to each week, butprovides him with numerous opportunities to deal with students in the department. He continues his teaching at the graduate school in clinical psychology as well asteaching pastoral counseling in the seminary. Jim also trains staff at a large Lutheran nursing home to do active listening with the patients who live in the facility.

We hope to havethe chance for allof us to reuniteagain when we return to theStates. Each occasion to be together is causefor thanksgiving!

We ask for yourprayers. Please pray for:1) The four seminary graduates who became pastors in

March, as they begin their ministryfor the Lord2) Mr. Chisaka as he starts his new life of faith as a Christian3) The rapidly aging society of Japan and the decrease in

population of younger people4) The Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church — that the Word

of the Lord would be powerfully preached each week andthat others would come to know Christ as their Savior

5) The seminary as it struggles to deal with the loss of important faculty members through retirement

6) For ourselves — that we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be clear witnesses for Christ

in our assignments We give thanks for all of you and your support throughprayers and financial offerings on our behalf.

In Christ,Jim and Carol Sack — Tokyo, Japan

Check out the Community Bulletin Board above the water fountains in the coat area for the full letter from Jim & Carol Sack.

News from SOC Sponsored Missionaries to Japan: Jim & Carol Sack

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Restless Hearts — Pastor Melissa

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxiousthoughts.”Psalm 139:23

Imagine considering every moment as a potential time of communion with God. Bythe time your life is over, you will have spent six months at stoplights, eight monthsopening junk mail, a year and a half looking for lost stuff (double that number in mycase), and a whopping five years standing in various lines.

Why not give these moments to God? By giving God your whispering thoughts, thecommon becomes uncommon. The everyday things we do, people we see, placeswe go can become moments to encounter the living God.

Simple phrases such as, “Thank you, Father,” “Have mercy, Lord,” “You are myresting place, Jesus” can turn a commute into a pilgrimage. You don’t need toleave your office or kneel in the kitchen. Just pray where you are. Let the kitchenbecome a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your restless, anxious,nervous thoughts and be still in him.

Wishing you physical rest and spiritual rest in God this summer!

Blessings, Pastor Melissa

faith walk & talk


Lifetree Café will resume in September

Greetings from the Music Ministry Teams!The contemporary band is honored to be able to help lead worship throughout all of Julyand August. We have many guests coming in for the summer to sing and play with theband. We hope you will join us every weekend at either the 9 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. serviceto worship God through song, word and prayer.

We have been richly blessed with dedicated musicians at SOC who give of their time andtalent. The band rehearses on Monday evenings, practices the music throughout theweek and joins back together again on Sunday morning. We not only practice, but wepray for our congregation, pastors and staff.

Please let me know if there is a song you have heard this past year at SOC that touchedyou in some way. It is encouraging for us to hear your stories. Music impacts our lives in a big way.

I introduced a song by Rend Collective called, “The Joy of the Lord” this past January. We shared this song with you as aprelude in January and then again as a congregation piece in March. The lyrics, “in the darkness I’ll dance, in the shadows,I’ll sing” is so powerful. Jesus is our rock and our strength. Our joy flows from Him. Even in the midst of difficult times, wecan lean on His joy which is continuous and ever flowing.

Let’s join our voices in song on Sunday mornings in July and August. Let’s gather to receive and encourage others to liveour lives in close communion with God. We hope to hear your voice with us on Sunday mornings.

God’s peace to you and may the joy of our Lord be with you!

Cathy Yseth

worship & music ministry from Cathy & Susan

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Your Giving IS Making Incredible MinistryPossible This Summer!!!You probably know that Servant of Christ is a Tithing Church. Tithing in Scripturemeans give 10% of one’s resources away for God’s work in the world. In 2017 Servant of Christ will give away more than $80,000 to further God’s work.

A portion of that will help fund Christian summer camps in the inner city of Minneapolis. The camps are sponsored by a consortium of churches that have the ability and passion to serve their economically and ethnically diverseneighborhoods but struggle to make ends meet.

We are privileged to partner with other churches around the Metro area to makethese camps possible. For many of the children served this will be their first andprimary experience learning about Jesus. In addition to VBS the summer campsalso involve fun trips, life skills, learning about Jesus and the church and more.

It’s an incredible ministry that wouldn’t be possible without your contributions toServant of Christ! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFTS TO SERVANT OF CHRIST!!! THEY MATTER AND ARE TOUCHING LIVES FOR JESUS IN TANGIBLE WAYS!!

ministry & mission


bible studies

6 a.m. Wednesday Women’sBible StudyWomen of all ages are welcome to joinour group every Wednesday morning at Hudy’s Cafe in Champlin (located onAquila Drive near Dairy Queen) for aboutan hour to study God’s Word. It is agreat way to start the day. Don’t worry if you cannot stay for the wholehour/come and go as your schedule allows. For further questions call thechurch office at 763-427-5070. Remember, God loves each one of us.You are precious in His sight.

6 a.m. Friday Morning Men’s Bible StudyAll men are welcome to join this groupevery Friday morning at 6:00 a.m. for Bible Study, hot coffee, lively discussions, and fellowship. We meet atchurch in the Family Room at the backof the Sanctuary.

Welcome Everyone to Servant Supper! July 23, 5-6:00 p.m.Servant of Christ offers a wonderful mealprepared by volunteers every 4th Sunday of the month. We send home a bag ofbreads/bagels from Panera and toiletryitems. We encourage everyone in this congregation to come and enjoy a meal withpeople in the community. Invite a friend or aneighbor. All are welcome, and we wouldlove to fill the fellowship hall! If you have agroup friends, neighbors, or Bible Studygroup and would like to volunteer for one ofthe months this year, we would love to haveyou. Contact one of the names below andwe will set everything up for you. Thanks tothe many wonderful volunteers that havemade this beautiful mission possible here atServant of Christ! We truly appreciate allthat you have done! You are truly Servantsof Christ!

— Diane Engle, Liz Doering, Carolyn Schlitter, Tammy Lund

servant supper

Servant Supper Donations

Can you donate toiletriesfor Servant Supper? The supplies for ServantSupper are getting low forthe following:• Shampoo• Deodorant• Men’s razors• 3 in one body wash

Making Disciples

Servant of Christ L U T H E R A N C H U R C H Generously serving our community!

Servant SupperDonations

We can use the following items:

� Toilet Paper� Soap� Tooth Brushes� Toothpaste� Combs/Brushes� Dish Soap� Dish Cloths� Napkins� Misc. Hygiene Products

Cash Donations Accepted in the Church Office

Servant Supperserves at:5:00 - 6:00 p.m.4th Sunday of the month

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congregation news


A Special Message for Summer TravelersWould you find it helpful to have your offerings debited directly from your bank account as you probably do with other obligations? Servant of Christ offers electronic giving for those of you who wish to have contributions transferred electronically to the church’s account. If youhave plans to travel this summer, electronicgiving gives you a convenient way to keep up with your intended offerings. Simplycomplete and return an electronic giving authorization form located at the kiosk inthe Narthex or go to and click on the giving page.

Peaceful Prayer in the GardenThe Prayer Garden is available for all to come andRestR PrayU Reflect$.

The prayer garden is locatedon the south side of the churchand is always available for quiettime with God. You are invited to come and spendsome peaceful moments andenjoy the beauty of the flowers.Spend time alone or with a small group of friends to meet and pray with God.

Baptism ClassLearn about the meaning of baptismand how to arrange for a baptism hereat Servant of Christ. We invite all agesto be baptized. Classes are held on the first Sunday every other month at12 noon in the Family Room at the backof the Sanctuary.The next Baptism classes are August 6, October 1 and December 3.*Please note that the August classwill meet at 11:30 a.m.

New Member ClassNext New Member Class & Lunch dateis: Sunday, October 8 at 12 Noon in theFellowship Hall.

Let us know if you are interested in joining our church by filling out theblack Friendship Folder.

Please be sure to include your contact info so we can either contactyou by phone, email or letter in themail. You can also send an email to Kim Miller in the church office [email protected].

Donuts and CoffeeJust a reminder that without thesupport of generous people likeyou, we would not be able to havedonuts and coffee each Sunday inthe Fellowship Hall.

2017/18 Disciple of God Award RecipientsCongratulations to the following students who have received the Disciple ofGod Award scholarships.

Blake AuerBrooke AuerTaylor BraunRose EerdmansWesley HolmBritta KamrathAdam Kamrath

These students will be attending various colleges/universitiesand trade schools this fall. As part of receiving the DOGAscholarship, a scholarship award up to $3,000, these students will be sharing their leadership in various serviceprojects at Servant of Christ, our local communities and their school communities.

Calvin KonopAllison KuehnMichaela LarsenMichelle PaskoMolly SchumanSarah Watson

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children’s ministry from Anne

It’s almost here! Camp WAPO is justaround the corner.

FEARLESS: “Be strong and courageous.Do not be afraid or discouraged for theLord your God will be with you whereveryou go.” — Joshua 1:9

WAPO (4 – 9th grade) July 23-28 TIM Team (9 – 12th grade) July 23-28SEEDS (2 – 3rd grade) July 28-30Go to the camp WAPO website and check outthe Information Packet list. It will answer all yourquestions on what to bring, what not to bring,should I bring money, medication questions etc. Go to


September 10 Rally Day

September First Day Sunday School

Dates to Remember

Thank You to Everyone!A super-sized thank you to all forthe help during Garage Sale Week!

Your donations along with the mostmarvelous volunteers helped tomove a monumental amount ofgarage sale items! The sale made$4300 and along with it we wereable to donate two trucks and a car load of items to the Bridging Organization in Roseville, all the remaining clothes went to theEpilepsy Foundation and the rest ofthe collection went to the Veterans.

Thank you again to all the volun-teers who put in a colossal amountof physical work that week. You’rededication to make it successfulwas appreciated beyond words!

Summer BlessingsWe hope you are having a fantastic summer from ServantSchoolhouse Preschool! If you have a preschooler at homewith you this summer, here are a few ways you can keepthem staying sharp over the summer!• Have your child practice writing their name daily. Whenthey become a confident name writer, start encouragingthem to write the first letter of their name as an uppercaseletter, with the rest of the letters in lower case. If they accomplish this, then have them learn how to write theirmiddle name, last name, and family members’ names!

• Number practice! Whether you are having your child countout loud, count groups of objects, or write numbers, hav-ing them use math at a young age will greatly benefit themin their academic future. A great way to practice writingnumbers is to have your child write their address, homephone number, and family cell phone numbers.

• Surround your child with literature. A scorching, hot day may be a great time to take a trip to the library. Establish a routine with your child of reading books with them, perhaps every night before bedtime. Ask ques-

servant schoolhouse

tions while you read to your child to evaluate theircomprehension, to keepthem thinking, and to makesure they are focused onthe story. Point out lettersand words as well, and youwill have a reader in no time!

• Give your child outlets to express their artistic side.Give them scissors, glue, paper, markers, crayons, paint,etc., and let them be creative!

• Expose your child to new experiences. Take them on“field trips” to a nature center, zoo, museum, farm, waterpark, community center, etc.

• Most importantly, have fun just being with them!

We still have a few openings for the 2017-2018 schoolyear. If you would like more information visit us on thechurch website;, Facebook; Servant Schoolhouse Preschool, email Diane [email protected] or call 763-427-7765!

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senior high ministry from Mary

Chicago Missions Trip UpdateOur students are preparing their hearts and minds for a week of God-inspired relationship building and serving. Please prayfor our team and for God to move among us and through us as we step out in faith! Trip dates are July 29th - August 4th.

Mandatory meeting date for Mission Trip attendees (Sunday, July 16th at 11:30 a.m.)

Calendar PinsSunday, July 16 – 11:30 a.m.Mandatory 2017 Mission Trip Meeting

Wednesday Nights 7-8:30 p.m. Senior High Bonfires at the fire pit behind SOC

Senior High Summer BonfiresWe’ve been having lots of fun already this summer during our get-togethers, and would love for you to join us! Our weekly Senior High bonfires meet at the fire pit behind SOC from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (or later) on Wednesday nights. All Senior High students and those who graduated are invited for games, music, snacks, a short devotion, and of course, an awesome fire; bring your friends!

Stay connected with us through Social Media, the SOC website, and the Youth Bulletin Boards as we update Senior High Happenings! We hope to see you this summer!!!


Rose Eerdmans

Cecily Gaspar

Matt Hayes

Wes Holm

Brett Ingram

Kailey Johnson

Allison Kuehn

Gabi Lamott

Emmaly McClellan

Alex Melnarik

Grace Rennaker

Carlie Thorup


Ashley Konop

Mary Monsrud

Todd McClellan

Tom Rennaker

The team members going are:

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Happy July Everyone!First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who sup-ported us before and during our mission trip.Whether you were able to support us financially, orthrough prayers, or encouraging words, or dona-tions… whatever the means: THANK YOU! Our tripwas quite the experience. We have many stories to share, so stop by church andask one of the other leaders, or a student and/or me!

We have lots of events coming up this month. Our regular Wednesday night programming for Junior Highers is well under way. We are continuing our journeythrough the Old Testament and playing games, having bonfires, and more! Capture the Flag is coming up on Wednesday, July 12th from 8-10:00 p.m. It’s a free event, and non-SOC friends are welcome to come with to play!

The last week of July our students will be heading up to Camp WAPO for a week of fun at camp. They have daily chapel sessions, devotions and worship to helpthem grow in their faith. They also play a lot of games, have free time, junk food(and healthy food, don’t worry!) and have a pretty awesome time. Please keepthese students in your prayers!

As we are looking toward the fall remember that Confirmation registration formsare due on Wednesday, August 16th by 8 p.m. Our Open House/Orientation nightwill be on Wednesday, September 13th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. If God is calling youto serve in the Confirmation Ministry, or if you want more info, come and talk withme. We’ll have a conversation, I’ll give you some information, and we’ll see if it willbe a good fit. Thanks everyone!


junior high ministry from Calvin

Summer Events!This year we have a summer jam packed with fun. The Junior High ministry has been meeting on Wednesday nightsfrom 7-8:30 p.m. since June 14th. We have a devotion time (we’re learning about the story through the Bible, fromGenesis to Revelation over the summer) and we’re doingsome fun stuff, too.

Looking toward July and AugustThere are some pretty awesome events and importantdeadlines coming up in July and August other than our

regular summer programming. Check it out:

Wednesday, July 12 — CAPTURE THE FLAGIt’s a church wide, inside and outside game of Capture theFlag. That’s right, the whole church property. This is goingto be the biggest game of Capture the Flag that you’ve everplayed, so bring all of your friends, stretch your runninglegs, and dress in your sneakiest clothes. We’re playingfrom 8-10 p.m.

Wednesday, August 16 — Mission Impossible:Church Edition (Code Name M.I.C.E.)An evil corporation, MegaCorp, is trying to take over thechurch and use it as their headquarters for all of their evildoings. You and your team need to sneak around churchproperty collecting clues that will lead to the downfall of thecorporation. You bring your camo clothes; we’ll bring theblack face paint and the pizza. Cost is $5, goes from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Bring your friends and help save thechurch from MegaCorp!

Wednesday, August 16 — Confirmation Registration DeadlineIt’s that time of year again. Whether this is your kids 1styear in Confirmation or they’re going on their 3rd year, you’llneed to fill out a registration form with as much contact information as possible. If you have any questions, contactCalvin. Extra registration forms can be found on our website.

Wednesday, August 16 — 8:00 p.m.

Confirmation Registration Forms Due

Wednesday, September 13 —5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Confirmation Open House/Orientation

Dates to Remember

2017 Jr. High MissionTrip to Minneapolis

Thank you all for your support bothfinancially and prayers! This year’s

mission trip group included:

LeadersCalvin KonopRich Skoglund

Michelle Hagberg

YouthSamantha SauterJaden Zabriskie

Kylie WickOwen EerdmansGriffin SparkeEllie IsaksonCade Moffitt

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calendar of events


Ongoing EventsSundays:9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship ServicesNo Sunday schoolChildcare available for infants through 3 year olds

Mondays:6:30 p.m. Summer Worship Team Practice

Tuesdays:11:00 a.m. Staff MeetingNoon Bulletin DeadlineNO Lifetree Café (Resumes in Sept.)*7:00 p.m. Al-Anon*7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

Wednesdays:6:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study/Hudy’s7-8:30 p.m. Junior High Group7-8:30 p.m. Senior High Group

Fridays:6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study/Family Room*Not a church functionHoly Communion Services are 1st & 3rd Sunday

Brookdale-ChamplinWorship ServicesOn the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Pastor Melissa Maltman or Pastor Eric Walbolt leads worship for the residents and visitors at the Brookdale-Champlin Senior Living Complex. The worship service is open to all who wish to attend. If you knowsomeone there, please feel free to invite them. Current worship servicedates are listed below.

Tuesday, July 11Tuesday, August 8Tuesday, September 12

July 4, Tuesday Independence Day — Office Closed

July 9, Monday 11:30 a.m. Senior High Mission Trip Meeting

July 11, Tuesday *2:00 p.m. Brookdale Champlin Worship/Offsite

July 12, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Junior & Senior High Capture the Flag

July 20, Thursday 6:00 p.m. 1st – 3rd Grade “Be Strong Wellness Night”

July 23, Sunday Camp WAPO 4-12th Grade Week/BeginsCommission 2017 Senior High Mission Trip

July 24, Monday Camp WAPO 4-12th Grade

July 25, Tuesday Camp WAPO 4-12th Grade

July 26, Wednesday Camp WAPO 4-12th Grade

July 27, Thursday Camp WAPO 4-12th GradeCamp WAPO SEEDS Weekend 2-3rd Grade/Begins

July 28, Friday Camp WAPO 4-12th Grade/EndsCamp WAPO SEEDS Weekend 2-3rd Grade

July 29,Saturday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago BeginsCamp WAPO SEEDS Weekend 2-3rd Grade

July 30, Sunday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/ChicagoCamp WAPO SEEDS Weekend 2-3rd Grade/Ends

July 31, Monday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago

Aug 1, Tuesday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago

Aug 2, Wednesday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago

Aug 3, Thursday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago

Aug 4, Friday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip/Chicago Ends

Aug 6, Sunday 2017 Senior High Mission Trip Testimonies11:30 a.m. Baptism Class/Family Room

Upcoming July & August Events

You can download an SOC monthly calendar from our church website (

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outreach & fellowship events

Saturday MorningMen’s Breakfast —October 28Calling All Men: Mark Your Calendars for Saturday, October 28! There will be a men’s breakfast at church from 8-9:30 a.m. with guest speaker,Vince Miller from

NO COST FOR THE BREAK-FAST!!! However, please RSVP byfilling out the Opportunity form inthe Sunday bulletin — so we knowhow much food to prepare.

Vince Miller will:1) Share his remarkable testimony2) Talk about his passion for

helping men mature in faith3) Present a plan to help men

take the next step from wherever they’re at right now.

Scrapbook & Craft Weekend— July 14-15photographs? Do you have some unfinishedcraft projects that need to be finished forgift giving or to complete your To Do List?Then we have the space for you and your unfinished photo albums or photo boards for that special graduate, cards, knitting,crocheting, sewing, jewelry — whateveryour project is! Come join us Friday, July 14 at 3:00 p.m. and ending Saturday, July 15 at 3:00 p.m. Please bring a treat to share. You are welcome to spend thenight at church or go home to sleep and return in the morning — come and go as your schedule allows. We meet downstairs. For more information please callTeale Colston at 763-427-3598 or Karen Capra at 763-712-0939.

“Be Strong Wellness Night” — July 20My name is Molly Schuman, I received a Disciple of God Award and my serviceproject is called “Be Strong Wellness Night”. This free event is to strengthen spiri-tual, mental, and physical health through different games and activities. The eventis for children who just finished 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade and will beheld on Thursday, July 20 from 6 p.m.-7:00 p.m. If there are any questions or youwould like a registration slip please contact me at: [email protected]

Save the Date!!Saturday, October 14


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740 East Hayden Lake RoadChamplin, MN 55316

Time Value

church contacts

Servant of Christ Lutheran Church740 East Hayden Lake Road, Champlin, MN 55316Phone: 763-427-5070 Fax: 763-427-4379Website:

Pastor Eric Walbolt: [email protected] Melissa Maltman: [email protected] Larsen, Children’s Ministry Director:

[email protected] Konop, Junior High/Confirmation Ministry Director:

[email protected] Monsrud, Senior High Ministry Director:

[email protected] Huemann, Choir Music Ministry Director:

[email protected] Yseth, Contemporary Music Ministry Director:

[email protected] Gallagher, Nursery Care Ministry Director

Servant Schoolhouse Preschool 763-427-7765Diane Poling, Director: [email protected]

Church OfficeTammy Lund: [email protected] Miller: [email protected]

Summer Worship Hours —9 & 10:30 a.m. through Labor Day Weekend

(No Sunday School)Childcare available for infants through 3 years old

2017 Camp WAPO — June 8-10

2017 Senior High Mission Trip to Chicago— July 29 through August 4

Sunday School Registration — Now through summer

Remember to invite a friend to Servant of Christ!



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