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Page 1: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.


Dr David Schaefer

Page 2: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.


Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal

Pathological: - most common

- selective attention - Yerkes Dobson

Page 3: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.


Generalised anxiety disorder Panic disorder Agorophobia Specific phobia Social phobia OCD PTSD Substance induced anxiety disorder

Page 4: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Panic Attack Discrete period of intense fear/discomfort Starts suddenly, peaks at 10 mins Palpitations Sweating Trembling/shaking SOB/choaking Chest pain Nausea Dizzy/fainting Derealization/detached Fear losing control ,dying Paraesthsia, chills

Page 5: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Panic Disorder

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks Worry about additional panic attacks Worry about consequences Behavioural change

Page 6: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Treatment Panic Disorder

Emergency- Benzos First line- SSRI (delayed effect) 2nd line- MAOI

- Mirtazepine

- TCA- imipramine, clomip

- Venlafaxine

- Epilim

Page 7: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Panic Disorder-Therapy

Psychoeducation Cognitive- ‘false alarm’ Relaxation- muscular, imagery Breathing

Page 8: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessions- recurrent intrusive thoughts, impulses, images. Recognise thoughts are their own

Compulsions- repetitive behaviours/mental acts in response to obsession or rule. Include:

- handwashing, ordering, checking,praying, repeating words, counting

Compulsion aimed at reducing stress/preventing event

Page 9: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Treatment OCD

SSRI or Clomipramine Add Neuroleptic Citalopram and Clomipramine Mirtazepine and SSRI

Page 10: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Therapy OCD

Exposure CBT

Page 11: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders OCD Body Dysmorphic Disorder Hoarding Disorder (new to DSM V) Trichotillomania Excoriation (skin picking) Substance induced Obsessional jealousy

Page 12: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.


Exposure to traumatic event Reexperienced: Recurrent recollections Dreams FlashbacksAvoidanceEmotional numbing/detachmentHyperarousal- sleep, irritability,startle reflex

Page 13: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Treament PTSD

SSRI Add neuroleptic Mirtazepine Venlafaxine ? CMZ, clonidine, lamictin, Epilim ? Benzos

Page 14: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Therapy PTSD

Cognitive- world unsafe Exposure therapy- conditioned fear response

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

Behavioural- breathing, progressive muscular relaxation

Page 15: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Specific Phobia

Marked fear specific object/situation Exposure provokes anxietyb response Avoidance Realises fear unreasonable

Treatment- exposure therapy

- ?B-blockers

Page 16: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Social Anxiety Disorder Fear of social/performance situations Fears humiliation/embarrassment Exposure causes anxiety Avoidance Anxious anticipation Blushing

Treatment- emergency- Benzos -1st line- SSRI - B-blocker- performance - Buspirone - Venlafaxine - Epilim

Page 17: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Therapy SAD

CBT- mind reading Exposure therapy

Page 18: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Excessive anxiety and worry Unable to control worry Symptoms- restlesness - fatigue - poor concentration - irritability - muscular tension - insomnia- Common- prevalence 5-8%- women>men- Many seek help other specialities

Page 19: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Treatment GAD

Benzos?- sort-term 2-4 weeks Stessum SSRI- start low dose Mirtazepine Venlafaxine B-blockers ?neuroleptics

Page 20: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.

Therapy GAD

Psycho-education CBT Exercise Relaxation

Page 21: ANXIETY DISORDERS Dr David Schaefer. History Normal anxiety: - evolutionary - alerting signal - interpersonal Pathological: - most common - selective.


Common Disorders Often Missed High comorbidity Often missed Treatment medication and therapy