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Page 2: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth



The Chancellor

The Acting President

Elected by Senate:

J. Stuart Keate, B.A.

Donovan F. Miller, B.Com.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council:

Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc.

Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B.

Einar Gunderson, F.C.A.

Walter C. Koerner, K. St. J., LL.D.

John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc_, M.F.

Allan M. McGavin, CD.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Nathan T. Nemetz, B.A., LL.B., Chairman of the Board


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SENATE The Chancellor. The Acting President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary.

The Deans: Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc., Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., M.C.I.M. Dean of Arts—Dennis M. Healy, B.A., L. es L., Docteur de l'Universite de Paris. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc., F.R.I.C.S. Dean of Dentistry—S. Wan Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of Education—Neville V. Scarfe, B.A., MA. Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F. McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc., Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M.A., LL.D. Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W.

Elected by the Faculties: Agriculture: A. J. Renney, B.S.A., M.S., Ph.D. Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., M.Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A., D.B.A. Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H. G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A.,

A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A.I.C. Law: A. J. McClean, LL.B., Ph.D. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc., D.Pharm. Science: G. H. N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.

Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc., Ph.D. C. B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.I.E.E.E. J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B A , M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.C W. C Gibson, B.A., M.Sc., D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.C.P. W. S. Hoar, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.C D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D. P. Larkin, M.A., D.Phil. C. A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.C.I.C, F.R.S.C. J. McGechaen, MA. R. D. Russell, M.A., Ph.D. A. D. Scott, B.Com., B.A., A.M., Ph.D. W. Opechowski, Mag.Fil., F.R.S.C *H. V. Warren, B.A., B.A.Sc., B.Sc, D.Phil., A.I.M.M., F.G.S.A., F.R.S.C S. H. Zbarsky, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. W. L. Holland, M.A.


D. V. Smiley, MJEd., MA., PhJD. I McNairn, B.A. S. Black, R.S.W., D A , A.T.D.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: W. T. Brown, M.B.E., E.D., B A , M A J. R. Meredith, B A , MJEd. R. F. Sharp, B A., D.Paed. The Hon. H. Green, P.C, Q.C, B.A., LL.D.

Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B ASc . D. M. Brousson, BA.Sc. F. J. Cairnie, B A . C M. Campbell Jr., BA. BA.Sc. J. Guthrie, B A , M A J. S. Keate, B A . H. L. Keenleyside, M A , Ph.D. LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B ASc . D. F. Manders, B A . D. F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B A . Mrs. H. J. MacKay, B A . J. V. Rogers, BA.Sc. Mrs. B. E. Wales, B A D. R. Williams, B A., LL.B.

Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, B A . V. J. Housez, B.Com. E. D. Sutcliffe, B.A.Sc.

Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia, (Theological), Vancouver,

Rev. W. S. Taylor, M A , B.D., PhJD. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver,

Rev. J. Blewett, B A., B.D. St. Mark's College (Theological),

Rev. E. C LeBel, C.S.B, CD., M A , LL.D. University Librarians

B. Stuart-Stubbs, B A , B.L.S.

Student Representatives: Mark C Waldman—Graduate Student Donald J. Munton Gabor Mate Roger R. Larsen


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MUSICAL PROGRAMME Wednesday, May 29th

Mr. Hugh McLean, M.A., MUS.B., F.R.C.O., F.R.C.C.O., A.R.C.M.,

Honorary Organist to the University of British Columbia

Organ Recital 1;30 p.m.

Choralpartita H (1948)

The Lord is my true shepherd - - - Helmut Bornefeld

Voluntaries DC and X John Bennett

Three English Song-Preludes Alan Bush Worldes blis Be merry Lowlands, my lowlands

Trio Sonata i n D Georg Philipp Telemann Grave Presto Andante Scherzando

Processional Music Processional Peter Racine Flicker

Recessional Music Finale Jubilante Healey Willan



Wednesday, May 29th

Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies


R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education


C. W. J. Eliot, M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Classics


E. I. Signori, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Psychology H. C. Wilkinson, B.Com., M.B.A., Associate Professor,

Commerce and Business Administration


B. N. Moyls, M.A., PhD., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies

Marshal C. S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department, Anthropology

Chief Usher Miss S. A. Egoff, B.A., F.L.A., Assistant Professor, Librarianship

Usher for Mrs Buchanan's Party P. Ford, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor, Zoology


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O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With .glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!


Programme of Ceremony

Wednesday, May twenty-ninth




Chancellor of the University of British Columbia







Acting President of the University of British Columbia


C O N F E R R I N G O F D E G R E E S IN COURSE by the Chancellor



Reception in Brock Hall


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Aaron, Gerald Tingey, B.A. (Brigham Young), United States Hispanic and Italian Studies Thesis: Fray Mocho and Lunfardo.

Anderson, Darrell Vail, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack Education Thesis: Analytical Review of Remedial Educational Programs for Socially and

Economically Disadvantaged Adults.

Angel, Leonard Jay, B.A. (McGill), Quebec Philosophy Thesis: A Transformational Analysis of Metaphor.

Barford, Jeromy Charles Gilbert Mansell, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Planning

Thesis: Environmental Traffic Standards.

Baudouin, Mrs. Rae Suzanne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Pour une Etude Descriptive du Style du Charroi de Nlmes.

Bell, Gordon, B.Com. (London), New Westminster Education Thesis: The Adoption of Business Practices by Participants in the Small Business

Management Training Programme.

Bergsma, Marshall, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: An Investigation of Learning by Discovery.

Birch, Daniel Richard, B.A. (Brit. Col.); B.R.E. (Northwest Baptist Theological College), United States History

Thesis: Royal Government to Guyenne During the First War of Religion: 1561 -

Brill, Barrie Alfred, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver History Thesis: The Situation of Dominican Political Thought and Activities in France and


Campbell, Donald Leslie, B.Com.; B.Ed. (Alberta), Alberta Education Thesis: A Study of Enrolments and Financing of Provincial Technical and Voca­

tional Training in Alberta 1936-1965.

Cates, Mrs. Mary Elian, B.A. (Toronto), North Surrey French Thesis: Du BeUay: Idealisme et Sens Pratique.

Celli, Floyd Dominic, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Involution de l'Amour dans l'Oeuvre d'Albert Camus.

Cernetic, Dragan Marijan, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Slavonic studies Thesis: Slovenian Translations of Pushkin's Poetry and Prose (1853-1901).

Chang, Ian Wellesley, B.Com. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: The Problem of Private Investment in Urban Redevelopment. Part of a

Group Study "The Nodular Metropolitan Concept".

Creighton, Terence Donald, B.Com. (Brit Col.), West Vancouver Psychology Thesis: Stimulus Properties, Perceptual Learning and Their Effect on Disap­

pearances of Luminous Figures.

Daneshazad, Ali, B.A. (Tehran), Vancouver Political Science Thesis: Teenager and Politics: A Study of Political Attitudes.

Darcus, Shirley Muriel Louise, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Classics Thesis: Democritus and Epicurus: Soul, Thought, and Theory of Knowledge.

Davey, George Harold, B.A. (Waterloo), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Planning for Transportation Corridors in the Context of Regional De­


Ennenberg, Mrs. Margaret Dorothea, B.A.; B.S.W. (Manitoba) M.S.W. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Education

Thesis: The Relationship Between Failure in Beginning Reading and Certain De­velopmental and Environmental Factors.


Falk, Linda Margaret B.A. (Brit Col.), Saskatchewan English Thesis: The Love-Death Theme in D. H. Lawrence's Early Novels.

Firmalino, Tito Castro, B.S.E. (Far Eastern); M.P.A. (Philippines), Philippines planning

Thesis: Citizen Participation in Selected Planning Programs: A Case Study of New Westminster.

Gifford, Martin Nelson, B.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Psychology Thesis: Herzberg's Theory of Work Motivation as it Applies to University Librar­


Goard, Dean Sinclair, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: Analysis of Participants in Rural Adult Education.

Grant Hugh Joseph, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: The Influence of William Blake on the Poetry and Prose of Dylan Thomas.

Grenda, Edward Ronald, B.A. (Brit Col.), North Burnaby Sociology Thesis: Theory in Talcott Parsons' Sociological Writings (An Exposition and

Critique of Talcott Parsons' Conception of Scientific Theory in his Meta-theoretical writings and his substantive Sociological Theory in the Light of the Criteria of Hypothetico-Deductive Theory).

Griffin, Mrs. Helen Wodehouse, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Fine Arts Thesis: The Case of the Three Paintings by Wang Meng.

Hankin, Richard Alfred, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: An Investigation of the Utility of BenefitCost Analysis in Waterfront


Hempel, Rainer Lutz, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver German Thesis: WTTIKO—Das Kleine und das Grosse in der Entwicklung und als Dar-


Hickman, Richard Michael, B.A. (London), England Planning Thesis: The Peripheral Journey to Work in Vancouver.

Hiyobo, Lucia, B.A. (East Africa), Tanzania planning Thesis: Manpower Planning: Technical Education for Planning for Regional De­

velopment, the Case Examined for Tanzania.

Husband, James Dalla Thorne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Psychology Thesis: The Effect of Partial Reinforcement Before and After Continuous Rein­

forcement on Acquisition Level and Resistance to Extinction.

Johnson, Terry Dawson, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: The Attitudes of Good and Poor Male Readers.

Jones, Lindsay Maxwell, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Crescent Beach English Thesis: A Critical Study of Byron's CAIN.

Koerner, Mrs. Anna Kirk Rosborough, B.H.S. (McGill), Vancouver Education

Thesis: Heating Techniques in Domestic Food Processing. A Text for Adult Education.

Koerner, Kirk Finlayson, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Political Science Thesis: Political Alienation.

Lee, William Randolph, B.Sc. (Alberta), Vancouver Economics Thesis: Prorationmg and its Effect on Investment in the Canadian Oil Industry.

Lemche, Soren Qvistgaard, (University of Copenhagen), Denmark Economics Thesis: Factor Market Distortions and the Gains from Trade.

Lindeman, Monica Hertha, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: The Nodular Metropolitan Concept: Some Social and Spatial Aspects. Part

of a Group Thesis.

Livingstone, Kenneth David, B.A. (Bishop's), Quebec Theatre Thesis: Tis Pity She's a Whore' - A Record and Analysis of a Production.


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Maclaxen, Elisabeth Owen, B.A. (McGill), Vancouver French Thesis: Le Sens de l'Absnrde Chez Boris Vian.

Marshall, Douglass William, B.Com.; B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Conflit et Ideal dans le Theltre d'Henry de Montherlant

Maurach, Bernhard, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver German Thesis: Christoph Martin Vielands ErzShlweise in Geschlchte des Agathon und

Der Goldene Spiegel.

Mayne, Mrs. Joan Sheila, B.A. (Hull), Vancouver English Thesis: The Novels and the Poetry of Philip Larkin.

McAuley, Margaret Elizabeth, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Engagement et D6tachement dans le Theatre Religieux d'Henry de Mon­

therlant McClean, Mrs. Sylvie Marie-Claire,

l ie. es Lettres (Paris), Vancouver French Thesis: Le Feminisme Chez Colette et Chez Simone de Beauvoir d'Apres leurs

Romans: Une Comparison.

McCracken, Mrs. Merle Diane, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Psychology Thesis: The Regulation of Behaviour by Speech in Pre-School Children.

McFadyen, Stuart Malcolm, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Economics Thesis: Excess Capacity in Gasoline Retailing.

McGilvery, Charles Jude, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Psychology Thesis: The Critical Requirements of the University Librarians Job: Methodological

Considerations in Collecting Incidents and Weighting Requirements.

McMillan, Arvo Arnold, B.A. (Dalhousie); M.A. (Queen's), Quebec Planning

Thesis: The Systems Approach in the Analysis of the Official Town Plan, Zoning By-Law, and Subdivision Regulations: A Case Study of the Town Planning Act of Nova Scotia.

Miles, Ronald William, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: Madman. A Novel.

Mitchell, Mrs. Diana Lee, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: The Effects on Sentence Recall of Varying Age, Mean Depth, and Sen­

tence Type.

Mkama, Jumanne, B.A. (East Africa), Tanzania Planning Thesis: Transportation and Economic Development in Tanzania.

Moffat, Michael Carter, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ladner Psychology Thesis: Cueing—Operant Conditioning: Mediators of Experimenter Expectancy?

Navey, Julianne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver French Thesis: Le Pech6 et la Soif d'Amour dans 1'Oeuvre de Francois Mauriac.

Norby, Mrs. Beverly Joan, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver English Thesis: Max Beerbohm as a Literary Critic.

Omane, Isaac Antwi, B.A. (London), Ghana Planning Thesis: Integration of Development Plan with the Budget An Evaluation of the

Usefulness of Program and Performance Budgeting to "Planning for De­velopment".

Orr, Allan Donald, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver History Thesis: The Western Federation of Miners and the Royal Commission on In­

dustrial Disputes in 1903 with Special Reference to the Vancouver Island Coal Miners' Strike.

Otchere, Danny Kit, B.Sc. (Ghana), Ghana Economics Thesis: The Demand for International Liquidity: The Developing Countries.

Peter, George Michael, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Public Squares: An Analysis of an Urban Space Form and its Functional



Poggemiller, Marion Doreen, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vernon English Thesis: Sean O'Casey's Last Plays: A Celebration of Life.

Radford, Mrs. Denise Yvonne, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: A Correlation of Socioeconomic Group and Academic Performance.

Rogers, Barbara Marion, B.A. (London), Vancouver English Thesis: Bath in the Time of Ralph Allen: A Cultural Survey.

Rogers, William Todd, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Education Thesis: The Effect of Delay of Knowledge of Results on the Acquisition and Re­

tention of Novel Multiplication Facts.

Saborio, Mrs. Jane Mary, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Hispanic and Italian Studies Thesis: Un Estudio Comparative) de Benito Perez Galdos y Jose Maria Eca de


Seidelman, Mrs. Racheline Sheila Dayan, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French

Thesis: L'Art de La Fontaine. Solomon, Devadason, B.A. (Mayala), Malaysia . Economics

Thesis: Manufacturing Industries in Malaya. Spring, Bernard, B.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster History

Thesis: Administration and its Personnel Under the Protectorate of Oliver Crom­well, 1653-1658.

Statton, Marian Joyce, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Hispanic and Italian Studies Thesis: Manuel Gonzalez Prada and Two Trends in Peruvian Poetry.

Stocking, John Robert, B.A. (Grinnell College); MAT. (Harvard), United States Fine Arts

Thesis: Tradition and Individual Talent in the Theory of Chinese Painting (The Paradox of Hsieh Ho's First and Sixth Principles).

Taggart, James Stewart, B A (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: A Traffic Distribution and Relief Model Based Upon Staggered Working


Tallentire, David Roger, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Victoria English Thesis: Virginia's Woolfs Short Fiction: A Study of Its Relation to the Story

Genre; and an Explication of the Known Story Canon.

Tiessen,Eric Alfred, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack Planning Thesis: The Effectiveness of Replotting as a Community Planning Implementation

Technique: A Case Study of the District of North Vancouver, B.C.

Wallace, Ian Hugh, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Fine Arts Thesis: Piet Mondrian: The Evolution of His Neo-Plastic Aesthetic 1908-1920.

Webber, Mrs. Jean Patricia, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Oyama English Thesis: Timon of Athens: Its Relationship to Other Plays of the Shakespeare

Canon. A Study of the Play with Special Reference to Themes Related to Judaic-Christian Thought and Expressed Through the Plot Characterization and Imagery of the Drama.

Webster, Mrs. Daisy, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Vancouver Education Thesis: The Need for Adult Education of Married Women in the Lower Socio-

Economic Levels in Vancouver.

Weston, Peter James, B.A. (McMaster), Ontario Planning Thesis: The Relationship Between Site Quality and Population Age Structure: Three

Case Studies, Suburban Vancouver.

Whitehead, Jimmy Carl, B.A. (Brit Col.), Alberta Geography Thesis: Country Residential Growth in the Calgary Region: A Study of Ex-


Williams, Jeffery Alvin, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: Theme and Structure in Bernard Shaw's Political Plays of the 1930's.


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Willmott, Mrs. Jill Adams, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Quebec Anthropology Thesis: Interrogative Conceptual Displays: A New Direction for Museums of


Wood, Barry Albert, B.A. (Toronto), Vancouver English Thesis: Emerson as a Process Philosopher.


Bailey, Peter Cecil, B.A. (Oxon.), England History Thesis: The Complete Suffrage Union of 1842.

Baxter, Eunice Helen, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack Sociology Thesis: Perceptions of Occupational Rewards and Prestige and the Relationship

Between Them - A Study of Children and Adolescents.

Baxter, Kenneth Wayne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Port Alberni Anthropology Thesis: The Search for Status in a Salish Indian Community.

Bishop, Charles Walter Fraser, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver History Thesis: Civil War Field Artillery in the West, 1862-1863.

Blott, Stewart Gordon, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Wellington English Thesis: John Keats the Poet as Mythmaker - A Study in the Theory and Composi­

tion of Mythological Poetry.

Bovey, John Alexander, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver History Thesis: The Attitudes and Policies of the Federal Government Towards Canada's

Northern Territories: 1870-1930.

Bradley, Harry Willard, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Psychology Thesis: Competing Responses and Resistance to Extinction.

Byers, Robert Henry, B.A. (Washington), Vancouver Slavonic studies Thesis: An Analysis of Morphological Form-Classes and Form-Class Matrices in

the Contemporary Russian Verbal System.

Campbell, Colin Kerr, M.A. (Aberdeen), Scotland Geography Thesis: An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Urban Based Skier and his

Recreational Hinterland.

Darcus, Roy Lionel Heath, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Classics Thesis: A New Translation of Lucian's De De Syria With a Discussion of the Cult

at Hierapolis.

Dennis, Isobel Gertrude, B.A. (Western Ontario), Ontario Education Thesis: The Relation of Piaget's Three Stages in Number Conservation Develop­

ment to Achievement in Grade I Arithmetic.

Dunn, Robert Dale Jr., A.B. (Adams State), United States English Thesis: The Hallow'd Fire: Mythical Consciousness in Paradise Lost.

Gerard, Bernice Margaret, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: Milton's Orthodoxy and its Relation to the Form of Paradise Lost.

Ginn, Edith Margaret, B.A. (Queen's, Belfast), N . Ireland Geography Thesis: Rural Dutch Immigrants in the Lower Fraser Valley.

Hentschel, Klaus Gunther, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Political Science Thesis: The Position of the Southeast Asian Communist Parties in the Sino-Soviet


Kanigan, Lawrence Louis, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Winlaw Mathematics Thesis: An Inequality in Generalized Sobolev Spaces.

Kerr, Erik Sven, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Economics Thesis: The Determinants of Bank Borrowing under the Finance Act, 1914 -1934.


Etching, Laurence Patrick Anthony, B.A. (Brit. Col.), United States German

Thesis: Realism and Idealism in the Major Plays of Bertolt BrechL Kroeker, Leonard Paul, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Education

Thesis: An Investigation of the Effects of Discovery Learning on Retention at Two Levels of Mental Functioning.

Krumins, Juris Talivaldis, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Economiis Thesis: A Model of the Labor Surplus Dualistic Economy in the Notions of

J. C. H. Fei and G. Ranis.

Lenos, Mrs. Maria Helena, Diploma (Zagreb), North Vancouver German Thesis: The Love Theme in Gottfried's Tristan and Isolde and its Treatment in

German Literature from the Romantics to Wagner.

Litteljohn, Bruce Malcolm, B A . (McMaster), Ontario History Thesis: The Dawson Route: A Phase of Westward Expansion.

Logan, Roderick MacKenzie, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Burnaby Geography Thesis: The Geography of Salmon Fishing Conflicts: The Case of Noyes Island.

Mather, Mrs. Jane Maynard, B.A. (McGill), Quebec Fine Arts Thesis: Bernini's Fountains: An Illustration of how this Art-Form can be said to

Symbolize the Emotional Stability of its Creator—The Seventeenth Century Genius.

Mitchell, William Bruce, B A . (Brit. Col.) , Saskatchewan Geography Thesis: The Water Component of the Industrial Location Problem: British Col­

umbia's Pulp and Paper Industry.

Morrison, Terrence Robert, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Education Thesis: The Development of National Radio Education in Canada 1929-1949.

Mullins, Mrs. Doreen Katherine, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Courtenay Geography Thesis: Changes in Location and Structure in the Forest Industry of North Central

British Columbia: 1909-1966.

McFadden, Kenneth Dallas, B.A. (Western Ontario), Ontario Slavonic Studies Thesis:' Russian Conugation.

MacKay, Robert Wayne, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Cranbrook Sociology Thesis: The Acquisition of Membership: Socialization in Grade One Classrooms.

Nepaulsingh, Colbert Ivor, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Hispanic and Itaiian Studies Thesis: Prose Poetry and the Novels of Ricardo Guiraldes.

Newell, George Russell, B.A. (Mount Allison), Northern Ireland History Thesis: The Attitudes of Canada's Bankers Towards Their Role Daring the De­

pression, 1930-1935.

Oishi, Tony Tsutomu, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Mathematics Thesis: Linear Transformations on Algebras of Matrices Over the Class of Infinite


Olaya, Norma Peralta, B.S.E. (Manila), Philippines Linguistics Thesis: A Phonological Grammar of a Dialect of Hokano.

Powell, Mary Patricia, B.A. (Colorado), United States History Thesis: Response to the Depression: Three Representative Women's Groups in

British Columbia,

Preston, John Frederick, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: The Development and Function of the Image in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot,


Robb, Andrew Leslie, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Princeton Economics Thesis: A Human Capital Approach to Occupational Wage Differentials.

Shelly, Mrs. Barbara Gail, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: The Justification for Teaching Colour.


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Smith, John Terry, B.Sc. (Acadia); B.A. (Oxon.), Nova Scotia Mathematics Thesis: Fitting Spline Functions by the Method of Least Squares.

Spankie, Caroline Margaret Dacre, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Space for Outdoor Recreation: Planning Aspects for a National Policy.

Stinson, Winona Elizabeth, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Educatoln Thesis: A Systematic Review of Research Related to Methods of Adult Educa­


Straume, Guido, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Slavonic Studies Thesis: A Glottochronological Analysis of Latvian and Russian.

Tan, Evangeline K., B.Sc. (Ed.), (Manila), Philippines Linguistics Thesis: The Phonology of Tausug: A Descriptive Analysis.

Thomas, Ian, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: Two Worlds: The Conflict of Cultures in West Africa in Relation to the

Aims and Practice of Art Education in Ghana.

Wade, Catherine Jill, B.A. (Manitoba); B.L.S. (Brit. Col.), Manitoba Fine Arts

Thesis: Red River Architecture, 1812-1870. Wright, Arthur James, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Duncan History

Thesis: The Winter Years in Cowicban: A Study of the Depression in a Van­couver Island Community.


Burritt, Lloyd Edmund, B.Mus. (Brit. Col.), Gibsons


Brehaut, Charles Henry, B.Sc. (Queen's), Vancouver Thesis: Uncertainty and the Capital Investment Decision.

Copeland, Curtis Joseph, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: An Investigation of the Divident Decision, with Emphasis on the Canadian


Fevang, Leroy Conrad, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Marketing Costs Incurred Within the Ethical Pharmaceutical Industry.

Frizzell, Dennis Lester, B.Sc. (Alberta), Vancouver Thesis: An Analysis of the Canadian Consumer Credit Market and of the Compe­

tition Facing Sales Finance Companies.

Khoo, Suat Choo, B.A. (Singapore), Singapore Thesis: The Use of Projective Techniques in Consumer Attitude Research.

Lee, Meng-Hye, B.A. (Malaya), Malaysia Thesis: Linear Programming Analysis Applied to a Selected Plywood Manufac­

turing Firm.

Leigh, Clive Michael, B.Sc. (London), England Thesis: Real Property Tax Assessments: An Examination of the Consequences of

a Departure from the Specified Basis of Assessment.

Low, Siew Nghee, B.Eng. (Malaya), Singapore Thesis: Steady State Single Channel Queues.

Morrison, Keith Ian, B-A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Personnel Management Information Systems.


Nichols, Peter Royall, B.Com. (Brit. Col.), Manitoba Thesis: The Vancouver Personal Travel Market: A Multivariate Statistical Analy­


Nyan, Boon Hang, B.A. (Singapore), Singapore Thesis: A Comparative Study of the Recent Use of Corporate Income Taxation in

Canada and Singapore as a Means to Stimulate Industrial Development

Osborn, Edward Tryon, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vernon Thesis: An Analysis of the Fed Beef Industry in the Fraser Valley Region of

British Columbia.

Ronalds, Kenneth Lloyd, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: A Study of the Distribution System in the British Columbia Building

Materials Industry.

Rousseau, Alfred Sim, B.Sc. Pharm. (Manitoba), North Vancouver Thesis: An Appraisal of Methods Used for Timing Investment Decisions in the

Stock Market.

Sim, Ah Ba, B.A. (Malaya), Malaysia Thesis: The Development and Testing of a Field Instrument for Research Into the

Study of Attitudes and Preferences Involved in the Purchase of Homes.

Weekes, Irvine Duncan, B.A. (Alberta), Vancouver Thesis: The Collapse of Atlantic Acceptance Corporation and Its Effect on the

Structure of Liabilities and Quality of Reporting of Canadian Finance Companies.

White, Robert Wayne, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Risk-Aversion in Open-End Investment Companies.

Wilson, Stephen James, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ontario Thesis: The Evaluation of Management Information Systems.


Lee, Martin Blame, B.Sc. (Bngham Young), Alberta Thesis: An Experimental Investigation of the Effects on Group and Leader

Efficiency and Leader Anxiety when Varied Leadership Styles are Im­posed.

Lee, Moon Hoe, B.E. (Malaya), Malaysia Thesis: Statistical Transformation of Probabilistic Information.

McCombs, Arnold Martin, B_A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Canada 1980 - Methodology, Trends and Forecast

McLaney, William, B.Sc. (McGill), Quebec Thesis: An Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Canada's Unemployment

Insurance Programme as an Automatic Stabilizer.


Akune, Bonnie Chizuko, B.A., Richmond 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Alfawicki, Peter John, BA., B.S.W., Vancouver 'Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.

Azzara, Elio Amedeo, B.A., West Vancouver 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Ball, Leonard Rae, B.A., B.S.W., New Westminster 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.


Page 10: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Begg, Sheila Carolyn, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta 'Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court.

Bonner, Kenneth Ralph, B.A. (Victoria), Victoria 'Thesis: Social Class and Hospitalization for Mental Illness.

Brett, Mrs. Barbara Gail, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Brown, Mrs. Diana Jacqueline, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.

Bryniawsky, Zenon, B.A. (Loyola), Quebec •Thesis: Typology of Poverty.

Carlton, Mrrs. Lois Mae, B.A., B.S.W., Richmond 'Thesis: Professional Autonomy as a Criterion for Classification of S.W. Tasks in

a Quid Welfare Setting.

Clemson, Mrs. Asbjorg, Ocean Park 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Cox, Michael Christopher, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: Social Class and The Pre-Hospitalization and Post-Hospltalization Ex­

periences of the Mentally 111.

Devine, Susan Antoinette, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta 'Thesis: Mandatory Release in Canada: A Cost and Manpower Analysis of Man­

datory Release in Canada.

de Vries, Thomas, B.A. (Calgary), Alberta •Thesis: Typology of Poverty.

Dodd, Paul Wakefield, B.A. (Waterloo), Ontario 'Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Dodds, Valerie Marjorie, B.A. (Toronto), Vancouver 'Thesis: Social Group Work with Acting Out Adolescents in the School Setting:

A Critique of Two Research Studies.

Failing, Allan Lloyd, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta •Thesis: Social Class and Hospitalization for Mental Illness.

Felker, Melvyn Brant, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Ferguson, Mary Louise, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario 'Thesis: Social Class and Hospitalization for Mental Illness.

Gaudette, Pamela Dawn, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta 'Thesis: Social Class and Hospitalization for Mental Illness.

Gellatly, Mrs. Susan Lee, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

Geoffrey, Barbara Madeleine Valerie, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Ghaed, Mrs. Sylvia, B.A. (New York), Vancouver 'Thesis: A Follow up Study of Patients Discharged from lion's Gate Hospital.

Hansen, Ronald Mark, B.A., B.S.W., West Vancouver •Thesis: Typology of Poverty.

Hodgson, William Arthur, B.A. (Washington), United States •Thesis: Social Class and The Pre-Hospltallzatlon and Post-Hospitallzatlon Ex­

periences of the Mentally HI.

Hopkins, Naomi Penelope, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.


Jauck, Roberta Miriam, B.A., Vancouver 'Thesis: Social Class and Hospitalization for Mental Illness.

Kinanen, Kalervo Hmari, B.A. (McMaster), Ontario Thesis: A Study of Socio-Economic Adjustment of Finnish Immigrants.

Konon, Joanne Alvenia, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Kuo, Chun-Duh, B.A. (Taiwan), Hong Kong 'Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Lady, Donald Alfred, B.S. (Southern Oregon), United States 'Thesis: A Follow up Study of Patients Discharged from Lions' Gate Hospital.

Lam, Katherine Tak Mei, B.A. (St. Xavier), B.S.W., United States 'Thesis: A Follow up Study of Patients Discharged from Lions' Gate Hospital.

Lamont, Dorothy Jean, B.A. (Western Ontario), Ontario •Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

Langdon, Judith Louise, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario •Thesis: Social Class and The Pre-Hospitalization and Post-Hospltalization Ex­

periences of the Mentally 111.

Langstaff, Mrs. Shirley Adelaide, B.A. (Manitoba), B.S.W. (Toronto), Vancouver •Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Leboe, Mrs. Lynn, B.A. (Toronto), Vancouver •Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.

Lesyk, Sandra Maureen, B.A. (Dalhousie), Victoria •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Livingstone, Donald Alan, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Low, June Gladys, B A., Vancouver •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Luckyj, Anna Katharine, B.A. (Toronto), Vancouver •Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

MacGregor, William Dale, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver Thesis: A Q-Sort Study of Family Centered Casework Performance.

Maclnnes, Charles Ian, B.A., B.S.W., North Vancouver Thesis: Mandatory Release in Canada: A Cost and Manpower Analysis of Man­

datory Release in Canada.

Madden, Gillian Eleanor, B.A., West Vancouver •Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.

Malchow, David George, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta •Thesis: Social Class and The Pre-Hospitalization and Post-Hospltalization Ex­

periences of the Mentally 111.

Manduca, Nicholas Domenic, B.Sc, New Westminster •Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Mansfield, Stephen Glover, B.Sc. (Portland State), United States •Thesis: Social Group Work with Acting Out Adolescents in the School Setting:

A Critique of Two Research Studies.

Manson, Pamela Ragna, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children,


Page 11: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Martin, Marjorie Donalda, B.A., B.S.W., Creston •Thesis: Client Characteristics of the Family Service Centres of Greater Vancouver.

Marzari, Mrs. Darlene Roselle, B.A. (Toronto), West Vancouver •Thesis: Typology of Poverty.

Matheson, Kenneth Douglas, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Epidemiological Survey of Children Admitted to Care in the Province

of B.C.

Matson, Mrs. Jeannette Evelyn, B.A., Victoria •Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Matsune, Kenneth, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Mandatory Release in Canada: A Cost and Manpower Analysis of Man­

datory Release in Canada.

McCargar, Donamae Anne, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Generational Links in the Poverty Cycle.

McKay, Gilbert James, B.A. (Victoria), Vancouver •Thesis: Generational Links in the Poverty Cycle.

McLeod, Ronald Keith, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Social Worker's Orientation to Client Problems.

Mkhando, Joel Wilson, (Johannesburg), Rhodesia •Thesis: Health Practices of Lower Income Groups.

Moroz, Donna Yvonne, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Moy, Walter Willingdon, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Social Worker's Orientation to Client Problems.

Neave, Davis Colden, B.A. (Victoria), Burnaby •Thesis: Epidemiological Survey of Children Admitted to Care in the Province

of B.C.

Nenzel, Judith Ann, B.A. (Calgary), Alberta •Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

Odren, Mrs. Sandra Julaine, B.A. (Pacific Lutheran), United States •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Pedlingham, Mrs. Williamina Hermione Marion, B.A., B.S.W., Ladner •Thesis: Professional Autonomy as a Criterion for Classification of S.W. Tasks in

a Child Welfare Setting.

Petersen, Orla John Lauritz, B.A., B.S.W., Abbotsford •Thesis: A Follow up Study of Patients Discharged from Lions' Gate Hospital.

Poplack, Sherrie Louise, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Social Class and The Pre-Hospitalization and Post-Hospitalization Ex­

periences of the Mentally M.

Primas, Edward, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan •Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Raymond, Mrs. Maria Liliana, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Mandatory Release in Canada: A Cost and Manpower Analysis of Man­

datory Release in Canada.

Roberts, Mrs. Jean Muriel, B.A. (New Brunswick), B.S.W., Ontario Thesis: Characteristics of Families and Situations in which Child Abuse exists.

Robinson, Brian Thomas Henry, B.A. (Sir George Williams), B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Professional Autonomy as a Criterion for Classification of S.W. Tasks in

a Child Welfare Setting.


Schachner, Miriam Sara, B.A. (McGill), Quebec •Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Sheppard, Colin Burrington Spencer, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: Generational Links in the Poverty Cycle.

Shnitzler, Mrs. Hannah, B.A. (McGill), Vancouver •Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Sloan, Carole Helen, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

Snelgrove, Mary Margaret, B.A. (Windsor), Manitoba - 'Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Stibbard, Mrs. Nancy Rae, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Social Class and Treatment in Burnaby Mental Health Centre.

Teranishi, Thomas Matsuo, B.A., Richmond •Thesis: A Follow up Study of Patients Discharged from Lion's Gate Hospital.

Voldeng, Joan Helen Marie, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan •Thesis: Consumer Practices of Low Income Families in Vancouver, Winnipeg,

and Halifax.

Wells, Janet Mary, B.A., B.S.W., West Vancouver •Thesis: Generational Links in the Poverty Cycle.

Wheatley, Henry Patrick, B.A., Langley •Thesis: Social Group Work with Acting Out Adolescents in the School Setting:

A Critique of Two Research Studies.

Williams, Thomas Bernard, B.A., Vancouver •Thesis: Factors Precipitating Agency Care of Children.

Wolf, Lieselotte, B.Sc. (Nursing) (McGill), B.S.W., Vancouver •Thesis: The Relationship of Social Factors of the Female Juvenile Offender to

the Disposition of her Case in the Juvenile Court

Young, Jean Margot, B.A. (Victoria), Victoria •Thesis: Social Worker's Orientation to Client Problems.

•-Joint Thesis.


Chud, Ben, B.A. (Queen's), Vancouver •Thesis: The Joint Family Services Project

Kidwai, Shahnaz Zoya, B.A. (North Bengal), B.S.W., India Thesis: Study of Changes in Functioning of Multi-Problem Families.

•^Joint Thesis


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Arnaud, Frances Ellen, B.A. North Vancouver Balshaw, Mavis Catherine, B.A. Vancouver Barnes, Enid Annmarie,

B.A. (Capetown) South Africa Biggane, Arlene Frances, B.A. North Vancouver Blower, Deirdre Elizabeth, B.A. Kelowna Brearley, Neil, B.Sc. (London) Vancouver Bronaugh, Mrs. Gretchen Meade,

B.A. (Alberta) Alberta Brown, Stephanie Mary, B A . Vancouver Buller, Alex Edward, B.Com.,

M.P.H. (California) North Vancouver Bundon, Mrs. Sharon Joanne,

B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Cardin, Roderick Victor Matthew,

B.A. Vancouver Cedric, Valerie Peari, B.Mus. Vancouver Clarke, Linda Carol, B.A. Vancouver Cloarec, Valentine, B.Sc. (Nursing),

B.A. (Saskatchewan ) Saskatchewan Close, Mrs. Anne Marilyn,

BA. (Alberta) Vancouver Curtis, Mrs. Marion Gudlaug,

B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Dale, Brian, B.A. (Toronto) Ontario Derksen, Anne, B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Ditmars, Janice Elizabeth,

BA. (Mount Allison) Nova Scotia Dodd, Mrs. Jessie Ann Trood,

BA. West Vancouver Doeling, Linda Maureen,

B.Sc., BA. (Alberta) Alberta Doidge, Mrs. Florence May,

B.Sc. (Victoria) Vancouver Duffy, Gail Frances, B A. (Toronto) Ontario Epp, Mrs. Mary Anne, B.A. Vancouver Eskelson, Bonnie Ann Faye,

B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Evans, Robert Bruce,

B.Ed. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Ferguson, Amanda Margaret,

B.A. (New Brunswick) Quebec Ferry, Mrs. Sheila, B.A. Vancouver Fowlie, Fay Carol, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Gibney, Ruth Sandra Lee,

BA. (Manitoba) Saskatchewan Grant, Dorothy Elizabeth,

BA. (Alberta) Manitoba

Greig, Patricia Ann, B A (Western Ontario) Ontario

Grierson, Florence Joan, B.Sc. Vernon Gross, Bernadine Zoe,

B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Gunderson, Leifian Jenny Ruth,

B.A. Vancouver Hansen, Mrs. Janice Elizabeth,

B.A. Vancouver Harper, Lois Marjorie,

B.A. (McMaster) Ontario Hassell, Heloise Rebecca,

B.A. (McMaster ) Ontario Haughton, Marcia Elaine,

B A (West Indies) Jamaico Holter, Ian Campbell, B A. (Alberta) Burnaby Hoskin, Mrs. Irene Lilian,

B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Hunter, Gordon William,

B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Jensen, Bente Jelhof, B A. (Alberta) Alberta Johnson, William Donald,

B.A. (Manitoba) Alberta Jones, David Glynn, B.A. (Victoria) Nanaimo Kailly, Hardabe, B.A. Vancouver Keryluk, John Joseph,

B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Kothavala, Vera, B.A. (Bombay) Ontario Kullman, Barrie Jacqueline, B.A. Langley Lefley, Margo Eileen, B.A. Vancouver Lincke, Musa Henriette Asta, B.A. Vancouver Litz, Carol Joy, B.Sc. Victoria Livingstone, Doreen Shirley,

BA. (Toronto) Ontario Macbean, Ann Veronica,

M.A. (Aberdeen) Vancouver McGregor, Lois Eileen,

B.A. (Saskatchewan) Kelowna McNab, Margaret Jean, B.A. Vancouver Meadows, Donald Frederick,

B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Moore, Helen Margaret, B.A. Vancouver Pearson, Mrs. Diane Helen,

B.A. (Bus. Admin.) (Washington) New Westminster

Prince, Linda Ruth BA. (Acadia) United States

Ringe, Vicki Rae, MA. (Linfield) United States


Robinson, Mrs. Marsha Helen, B A., Vancouver Roussin, Lucille Marie Antionette,

BA. (Manitoba) Manitoba Roy, Patrick Allan, BA. Gibsons Roy, Robert Arthur Clement, B.A., Vancouver Sandilands, Joan Ruth, BA.

(Alberta), MA. Squilax Schellenberg, Abram, BA.; M.A.,

B.Ed. (Manitoba) Manitoba Sherwood, Carol Susan, BA.

(Western Ontario) Ontario Starkman, Susan Rochelle,

BA. (Toronto) Ontario Stevenson, Barbara Jane Lee, BA., Vancouver Thacker, Angela Maureen,

B.Sc. (London) Vancouver Thompson, Judith Patricia,

B.A. (Manitoba) Saskatchewan

Turnbull, Gerald Robert, B.A. Summerland Valli, Gilda Lois, BA. (Alberta) Alberta Wai, Mrs. Evelyn Kin-Chuen, M.Sc., Vancouver Webb, Margaret Jane, B.A. (Alberta) Alberta Wierum, Ann Robinson, A.B.

(Radcliffe), MA. United States Wight, Mrs. Gudrun Pauline,

B.Ed. (Alberta ) Alberta Wilimovsky, Mrs. Diana Vera,

B.S. (Michigan) Vancouver Willson, Mrs. Florence Lily,

B.Ed. Prince George Wishlow, Patricia Lynne,

B.Sc. New Westminster Wroblewski, Mrs. Peggy Kathleen,

BA. (McGill) Quebec Young, Roger David, B.A. North Vancouver Young, Sarah Congdon, BA. (Calgary) Alberta






Allingham, Philip Victor Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Anderson, John Robert First Class Honours in Psychology

Antenbring, Joan Margaret Second Class Honours in History

Arthur, Henry James Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Atkins, Judith Lyla West Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Bonte, Andries Simon Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Borland, Donald Bruce Vancouver First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Buzan, Barry Gordon Vancouver First Class Honours in Political Science

Campbell, Mary Margaret Port Coquitlam Second Class Honours In Political Science

Campbell, Richard Stanley West Vancouver Second Class Honours in Economics

Chisick, Harvey Vancouver First Class Honours In History

Clarke, Elizabeth Vancouver Second Class Honours In Mathematics

Cohen, Stephen David Vancouver First Class Honours In Mathematics

Cooke, James Edward Burnaby First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Cragg, Charles Edward New Westminster First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Crowle, Anthony John Vancouver First Class Honours In Sociology

Daneluz, Mrs. Marie Elizabeth Vancouver Second Class Honours In Political Science

de Lotbiniere-Harwood, Mrs. Andree Marie Vancouver First Class Honours In French

Diehl, CarlArno Christoflfer New Westminster First Class Honours In History

Dolsen, Arthur LeRoy Vancouver Second Class Honours In Greek

Francis, Mark Ontario First Class Honours In History

Gordon, Richard Douglas Vancouver Second Class Honours in Philosophy

Habart, Jack Wilfred Golden Second Class Honours In Economics

Heap, Peter Charles Vancouver First Class Honours in History

Henderson, John Vernon West Vancouver First Class Honours In Economics

Hennell, Diana Joan Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

High, Joan Norah North Surrey Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Hougham, George Richard Ontario Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature


Page 13: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Hudson, Heather Elizabeth West Vancouver First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Hunter, Ellen Janet Vancouver First Class Honours In French

Hyde, Kathleen Richmond Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Jaeck, Lois Marie New Westminster Second Class Honours In French

Keighley, Ian Michael New Westminster Second Class Honours In Political Science

Kenneally, Michael Anthony Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Krammer, Franz Georg Vancouver Second Class Honours In Psychology

Lanning, Gregory John Vancouver First Class Honours in Philosophy

Leibel, Mrs. Paulette Malvina Flora, Vancouver First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

LeMaitre, Darlene Joan Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

le Nobel, Mrs. Joan Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Levin, John Stewart Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Levy, Stanley Sholom Vancouver First Class Honours in Religious Studies

Lewis, Frank George Perrin Vancouver Second Class Honours In Economics

Lowe, Judith Olga North Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Macfarlane, Walter Julian North Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Matthews, Douglas John Ashcroft Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Mitchell, Charles Patrick Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Mohr, Patricia Margaret Cloverdale Second Class Honours In Economics

Murphy, Peter John Sardis Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Murray, Patricia Mary Kelowna Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Palsson, Billie Ann Lake Cowichan Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Parkinson, Glenys Margaret Vancouver First Class Honours in Psychology

Pritchard, John Charles Sechelt First Class Honours in Anthropology

Reagh, Mrs. Elizabeth Murielle Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Richter, Susan Harriet Quebec Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Schiffer, Jennifer Ann North Vancouver First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Scott, William Hugh Burnaby Second Class Honours In History

Sinclair, Geraldine Bonnie Vancouver First Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Stoffman, Mrs. Judith Bing Vancouver First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Symonds, Diana Margaret Pinder Vancouver First Class Honours In Geography

Toews, Dianne Norma Clearbrook Second Class Honours in English Language and Literature

Tubbesing, Elisabeth Maria North Vancouver First Class Honours In French

Uhl, Bernard Wayne Kelowna Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Volkoff, Elizabeth Vancouver Second Class Honours In French

Wingert, Mrs. Heather Dianne Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Wolverton, Mrs. Muriel Beatrice Vancouver First Class Honours in Fine Arts

Wood, Mrs. Bernice Laura Dawson Creek First Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Woodsworth, Robert Ralph Vancouver Second Class Honours In Political Science

Wright, Peggy Anne Vancouver Second Class Honours In English Language and Literature

Young, John Geoffrey Stockley Vancouver First Class Honours in Economics


Achtemichuk, Norman Alen Vancouver Major—Geography

Ackroyd, John Linden New Westminster Malor—Philosophy

Adams, Stuart Chesley Port Alberni Majors—Anthropology and Sociology

Adrian, Mrs. Anne Anita Vancouver Majors—Sociology and Psychology

Alexander, Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie Vancouver Majors—English and French

Alexander, Mrs. Laura Kathleen Richmond Majors—History and French


Alexander, Mark Cannon Quebec Majors—English and Economics

Alger, Beverly Gordon Creston Major—Geography

Allen, Rita Almadine Antigua Major—English

Allen, Robert Pearson Vancouver Major—Theatre

Anderson, Garry Walter Cranbrook Major—Fine Arts

Appleton, Ronald Earle Vancouver Major—Economics

Archibald, Margaret Josephine Vancouver Major—English

Armstrong, Brian Frank Ontario Major—English

Arthur, Maureen Patricia Vancouver Major—Linguistics

Ashdown, Janet Athalie Vancouver Major—English

Auger, Timothy Franklin Vancouver Majors—English and Philosophy

Ayerbe, Maria Victoria Vancouver Major—Italian

Ayres, Lome Ernest North Burnaby Major—Psychology

Baird, Marilla Rose North Vancouver Major—Psychology

Bakk, William Alexander Vancouver Major—Economics

Baldock, Robert Lionel Campbell River Majors—Psychology and Philosophy

Balfour, Susanne Elizabeth Vancouver Major—English

Balzer, George Henry Joseph Vancouver Major—Philosophy

Barbaree, Howard Errol New Westminster Major—Psychology

Barrett, Laurence Wilkinson Vancouver Majors—English and Fine Arts

Barrett, Peter Robert Vancouver Majors—French and Anthropology

Bartlett, Stephen George Armour Vancouver Major—Religious Studies

Basile, Albert William Kamloops Major—History

Basman, Itzit Vancouver Major—English

Bastow, John Charles Vancouver Major—History

Batchelor, Lee Yvonne Sidney Majors—English land Psychology

Bayer, James Anton Burnaby Major—International Relations

Beach, Carole Maria North Surrey Major—English

Beardsley, Richard James Vancouver Major—-Geography

Beckow, Stephen Mark Vancouver Major—History

Belhouse, Jack Steven Ontario Major—Geography

Bell, Roderick Warren Vancouver Majors—Creative Writing and Music

Bennest, Brian Keith Oliver Major—Psychology

Bennett, Donald Brin Vancouver Major—Political Science

Ben-Ron, Freda Ariella Manitoba Major—Psychology

Benson, Joy Elizabeth Vancouver Major—English

Bergman, Linda Louise Ontario Majors—English and Political Science

Bernard, John Adrian Trinidad Majors—Sociology and Psychology

Berukoff, Walter Harold Salmo Majors—Economics and Psychology

Beynon, Ardith Diane Vancouver Major—French

Bickford, Janet Elizabeth West Vancouver Major—Theatre

Bignell, Douglas Charles Haney Major—History

Bird, Clive Stuart Vancouver Major—English

Bird, Michael John Vancouver Major—Economics

Birt, Benjamin John Vancouver Major—Economics and Psychology

Black, David Edgar Ladner Major—History

Black, Richard Reynold Vancouver Major—Psychology

Blair, Barbara Joan Burnaby Major—Geography

Blair, Richard Marcroft Latta Vancouver Majors—English and History

Blair, Sheila Marion West Vancouver Major—English

Blom, Johannes David Vancouver Majors—French and German

Blumenscheit, Reinhard Kamloops Majors—English and History

Boda, Zoltan Vancouver Major—Geography

Bogdanovic, Nicholas Ontario Majors—Linguistics and Slavonic Studies

Boguski, Mary Joanne Vancouver Major—Psychology

Boksenbaum, Eve Gila New Westminster Majors—English and French

Bondoreff, Gordon John Vancouver Major—Political Science

Bonner, Mrs. Shirley Vancouver Major—English

Borgen, Johan Arne Vancouver Major—English

Bosomworth, David Bryce Armstrong Majors—Sociology and English

Bottemiller, Maxine Marie Dawson Creek Major—English

Boyd, Thomas Douglas North Vancouver Major—Classical Studies

Page 14: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Bradbury, Anthony Charles New Westminster Major—Philosophy

Braidwood, Lynne Joanne Vancouver Major—Psychology

Brennan, David Michael Vernon Major—Asian Studies

Brian, Mary Elizabeth Quebec Majors—English and Psychology

Brock, Joanne Olivia North Vancouver Majors—Spanish and Psychology

Brooks, Terrence Alan Vancouver Major—English

Brown, William James Vancouver Major—English

Browne, David Raoul West Vancouver Major—History

Burnell, Rosalind Jean Kelowna Majors—English and Anthropology

Burnham, Donald Miller North Vancouver Major—Economics

Burns, Robert Victor Vancouver Majors—Political Science and Economics

Burr, Richard Alan Ontario Majors—Economics and Psychology

Burwash, Mrs. Judith Ann Vancouver Major—Psychology

Burton, Phyllis Louise Vancouver Major—Psychology

Butler, William Fred Burnaby Major—History

Cairns, Richard William Trail Majors—History and English

Caldwell, Heather Loraine Vancouver Major—English

Calvert, Elizabeth Jean Vancouver Majors—History and English

Calvert, Sheila Gay Cunningham Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Calvillo, Elena Socorro Vancouver Majors—French and Spanish

Campbell, Eric Elrod Vancouver Major—Economics

Campbell, Gerald Kenneth West Vancouver Major—Psychology

Campbell, Mrs. Gillian Vancouver Major—Sociology

Cannings, Elizabeth Jean Penticton Major—English

Carefoot, Garth Donald Tsawwassen Major—Economics

Carey, Neil John Richmond Majors—Political Science and History

Carlson, Susan Elizabeth Ganges Majors—English and Mathematics

Carr, Christina Macmillan Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Sociology

Carriveau, Beverly Ann North Vancouver Major—Sociology

Carson, Guy Alexander Vancouver Majors—Sociology and Anthropology

Carter, Linda Margaret Vancouver Major—English

Carter, Mrs. Novia Anne Marie Vancouver Majors—Philosophy and Psychology

Carter, Virginia Joy Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Caruso, Douglas John Vancouver Major—Geography

Castrucci, Roberto Vancouver Majors—Italian and Spanish

Cawker, Marilynne Ann Vancouver Major—English

Chamberlain, Sally Ann Summerland Majors—History and English

Chapman, Eldon Clark Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Chapman, Mrs. Jennifer Jane Miller, Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Chapman, Susan Pearl North Vancouver Major—French

Chechik, Sheldon Michael Vancouver Major—Psychology

Cherneff, Gary Walter West Vancouver Major—Geography

Chichmanian, Sourene Quebec Major—French

Chichmanian, Victoria Madeleine Vancouver Major—Psychology Christensen, Marieanna North Surrey Major—Psychology Chucas, Terence Michael North Vancouver

Major—History Churchfleld, Louise Barbara Vancouver

Major—French Cincer, Peter Vancouver

Major—History Clarjdge, Myron Geoffrey Vancouver

Majors—Economics and Political Science Clifford, Jean Marie Burnaby

Major—English Coles, Judith Dianne Okanagan Falls

Major—Psychology Collicutt, Donald Brian Powell River

Major—History Collier, Richard John Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts Conaway, James Virgil Ontario,

Major—History Conlin, Carol Anne Vancouver

Major—English Connell, Penelope Lee Vancouver

Major—English Cooper, Gavin Mathers Burnaby

Major—Asian Studies Cownden, Mrs. Jean Mary Melvin Vancouver

Majors—Fine Arts and Psychology Coyne, James William Ocean Park

Majors—Political Science and International Relations Craig, Frances Jean Vancouver

Major—Psychology Cramond, Mrs. Thelma West Vancouver

Major—History 24

Cruikshank, Douglas Bryan Vancouver Major—Economics

Cunning, Peggy Joan Kamloops Major—Sociology

Cushing, Susan Joan Vancouver Major—History

Dale, Persis Elizabeth Cranbrook Major—English

D'Alfonso, Modestino Vancouver Major—Economics

Dallas, Shirley Louise Powell River Major—English

Dandy, Mrs. Betty Viola Mission City Major—History

Davies, Kim Alan Lovatt West Vancouver Major—English

Day, Carol Anne Burnaby Major—Economics

Dean, Harley MacGregor Vancouver Major—Geography

Deeth, Paul Manson Vancouver Major—Psychology

DeForest, Robert Wayne Vancouver Major—English

Demers, Mrs. Madeleine Georgette Vancouver Major—French

Dempsey, Margaret Leona West Vancouver Major—French

De Paolo, Carla Maria Vancouver Majors—French and Psychology

Desharnais, Wayne Joseph Cranbrook Majors—English and History

de Vink, Pieter Hendrik Richmond Major—Sociology

de Vries, Cornells North Vancouver Major—History

Devries, Maureeta Elinor North Vancouver Major—English

Dewar, Mrs. Kathleen Patricia, B.P.E. Nova Scotia

Majors—History and English Dixon, Ian Frank Vancouver

Majors—Economics and Sociology Dobson, Margaret Ann Vancouver

Major—English Donaldson, Nancy Lynne Vancouver

Majors—English and Psychology Doran, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Manitoba

Major—English Dorion, Geraldine Marian Vancouver

Major—International Relations Douglas, John Francis New Westminster

Major—History Douglas, Karl Philip Tobago

Major—Political Science Doulis, George Basil Telkwa

Majors—English and Mathematics Dow, James Edward Alberta

Major—History Downie, James Richard Richmond

Major—Political Science Drabik, Marian Dianne New Westminster


Durana, Alice Louise Richmond Major—History

Duschinksy, Mrs. Christiana Maria Kelowna Major—History

Duschinsky, Peter Kelowna Major—History

Edgett, William Max Vancouver Major—History

Edwards, Susan Louise Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Eekman, Gordon Clifford Duncan, B.Sc. Victoria

Major—Mathematics Eggert, Arven Richard North Vancouver

Majors—Mathematics and Psychology Eggleton, Geoffrey John Prince Rupert

Majors—English and Geography Eichstadter, Werner Frank Fraser Lake

Major—History Elliott, David William Richmond

Major—History Enomoto, Dennis Yuji Vancouver

Majors—Italian and French Eriksson, Sven Ruben Vancouver

Majors—History and Psychology Etches, Mrs. Marilyn Lesley

Dawn North Vancouver Major—Psychology

Excell, Margaret Anne Burnaby Major—Psychology

Fainstein, Judith Helen Vancouver Major—Psychology

Fair, Karen Elizabeth Richmond Major—Sociology

Fairweather, Margaret Christine New Westminster

Major—Political Science Fairweather, Pamela Margaret Powell River

Major—French Feldman, Irene Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts Ferris, Valerie Aganetta Vancouver

Major—Anthropology Fidler, David Graham Vancouver

Majors—History and Psychology Finch, Judith Mary North Vancouver

Major—English Fladmark, Knut Reidar West Vancouver

Major—Anthropology Fodor, Eileen Jean Vancouver

Major—Psychology Foley, Alexander Lewellyn West Vancouver

Major—Economics Forkes, David Ontario

Major—Political Science Fountain, George Russell Vancouver

Major—Geography Fox, Heather Revis Alberta



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Framst, Lilian Jane Major—Sociology

Frank, Michael Joseph Major—Sociology

Fraser, Brian Gordon Major—English

Freeman, Donald Elliott Major—English

Freeman, Stephen Leroy Majors-Sociology

Cecil Lake




United States

Quebec Freeze, Barbara Camilla Major—English

French, Elizabeth Carol Ann West Vancouver Major—English

Freschi, Roger Joseph Trail Majors—English and Mathematics

Friesen, Dennis Bernard Richmond Majors—English and Fine Arts

Friesen, Joyce Darline Vancouver Major—English

Frizell, Charles George, B.Ed. Vancouver Majors—English and Mathematics

Gabe, Thomas John Vancouver, Major—Political Science

Gallagher, Mrs. Donna Johanna Vancouver Major—Political Science

Galloway, Leilani Melody Vancouver Major—English

Gehrke, Evelyn Dianne Vancouver Major—English

George, Rosalind May Cloverdale Major—English

George, Sheila Anne West Vancouver Major—Psychology

Gertzen, Richard William Vancouver Major—Sociology

Getzie, Thomas John North Vancouver Major—Psychology

Gibson, David Lawrence Salmon Arm Majors—Economics and Political Science

Gibson, Peter James Ontario Major—French

Gibson, Susan Louise North Vancouver Major—Theatre

Gigun, Vivian Blanche Nanaimo Major—English

Gilbert, Robert Ontario Major—Geography

Gill, Brian Frederick West Vancouver Major—Economics

Gingrich, Nolan Boyd Burnaby Major—English

Girvan, Maureen dimming Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Glennie, Mrs. Sheila Jeanette West Vancouver Major—English

Godfreyson, Eric William Vancouver Major—Psychology

Gomez, Alma Betty Vancouver Major—English

Gorcak, Joanna Frances Langley Major—English

Gordon, Cameron Hugh John Vancouver Majors—Fine Arts and Mathematics

Gould, Geoffrey Brian Burnaby Major—International Relations

Goulet, Joseph Richard Adelmar Maillardville Major—French

Graham, Robert Michael William West Vancouver

Major—Theatre Grant, Brenda Carolyn Vancouver

Major—English Green, Eric Ross Vancouver

Majors—Philosophy and English Green, Truman Charles North Surrey

Majors—History and English Gregg, Robert William Bowman Vancouver

Major—History Griffin, Doreen Shaw Vancouver

Majors—Sociology and English Griffiths, Geraldine Barbara Fort Fraser

Major—Geography Grigg, David Ralph Gibson's Landing

Major—English Grigolato, Fiorella Vancouver

Majors—French and English Groberman, Mrs. Roberta Ann Vancouver

Major—English Haddock, Perry Stephen Vancouver,

Major—English Haig Brown, Evelyn Coelia Campbell River

Majors—Zoology and English Halcrow, Dale David Freeman Vancouver

Majors—History and Political Science Hama, Hiroko Helen Richmond

Major—English Hamm, Victor George Clearbrook

Major—Political Science Handley, Thomas Andrew Kaslo

Major—Mathematics Hanna, Mrs. Janet Lee Boundary Bay

Major—English Hansen, Bo New Westminster

Major—Political Science Hards, Gaye Eileen Vancouver

Major—Sociology Harold, Deane Speakman Vancouver

Majors—History and English Harper, Elizabeth Roberta North Surrey

Majors—Geography and History Harris, David George Vancouver

Major—Psychology Harrison, John Edward Vancouver

Major—Psychology Harrop, Mrs. Jean Penrose Vancouver

Major—English Hartman, Bryan Douglas Vancouver

Major—Psychology Hartshorne, Robert Kenneth Vancouver

Majors—Mathematics and Economics


Harvey, Roderick Wilson Victoria Majors—Mathematics and English

Haskins, Donald George White Rock Major—Economics

Hatto, Peter Donald White Rock Major—History

Haworth, Kent MacLean West Vancouver Majors—History and Political Science

Haws, Ronald Entwistle New Westminster Major—Economics

Heider, Annette Estelle Vancouver Major—English

Henderson, Brian Richard West Vancouver Major—International Relations

Henderson, Moira Katharine, North Vancouver Major—French

Hill, Walter Leigh Victoria Major—Economics

Hill, William Robert James Vancouver Major—Political Science

Hoar, Kenzie Margaret Newcomb Vancouver Major—English

Holloway, Roderick Hugh George North Vancouver

Major—History Holsti, Mrs. Mava Jo Deming Vancouver

Major—English Home Douglas, Christopher Vancouver

Major—French Hope, Graham Martin Burnaby

Major—History Horner, Margaret Blaize Port Alberni

Major—Economics Horswill, Thomas Leslie Nelson

Major—Political Science Horvat, Andras (Andrew) Vancouver

Major—Asian Studies Hosegood, Sheila Ann West Vancouver

Major—English Hove, Hoberly Heigh Vancouver

Majors—History and English Howatson, Elizabeth

Margaret North Vancouver Major—Psychology

Hucul, Helen Marie Angela Vancouver Major—English

Huddart, Larry Alan West Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Huggard, Jill Anne Mica Creek Major—French

Huni, Mrs. Lucie Aline Vancouver Major—French

Hurd, Mrs. Lillian Isabelle Vancouver Major—History

Hurford, Marthe Linda Vancouver Majors—Sociology and Psychology

Hutton-Potts, Robin Michael Vancouver Majors—Economics and Sociology

Inglis, Ellen Margaret Lumley Major—Mathematics

Ireland, Wendy Gay Vancouver Major—English

Irwin, Mrs. Lola Eleanor Vancouver Major—Psychology

Isaak, Robert Bruce John Chilliwack Major—Psychology

Ives, Barbara Ann Nanaimo Majors—History and Psychology

Janzen, Lenora Rose Clearbrook Majors-Sociology

Jarvis, Peter Laing Leith Fort St. John Major—English

Jelliffe, David Richmond Major—Psychology

Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth Vancouver Major—French

Jewell, Mary Susan Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Fine Arts

Johnson, Judith-Lee Vancouver Major—Psychology

Jones, Darrell Donald, LL.B. Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Jordan-Knox, Barbara Ann Vancouver Majors—English and Political Science

Joy, Charles Hilla Victoria Majors—Geography and History

Juhasz, Geza North Surrey Major—French

Kassautzki, Helmut Peter Vancouver Majors—German and History

Keenlyside, Mrs. Wendy Katherine Vancouver Majors—Psychology and French

Kelleher, Stephen Frederick Danby, Vancouver Major—Political Science

Kelsey, Mrs. Gloria Kay North Vancouver Majors—English and Sociology

Kennedy, George Edward Vancouver Majors—-Sociology and Psychology

Kennedy, Martha Ann West Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Kerr, James Douglas Vancouver Major—Economics

Kerr, Linda Louise Vancouver Major—French

Keys, Marion Melvina Aldergrove Majors—English and Political Science

Kidd, Gillian Mary Vancouver Major—History

Killon, Patricia Rosalyn Vancouver Major—English

King, Heather Ruth Vancouver Major—Theatre

King, Robert Hewitt Vancouver Major—Asian Studies

Knott, Murdoch Nairn Dimsdale Vancouver Major—History

Knox, Beverley Ann Vancouver Majors—English and History

Konkin, Fred Alexander Grand Forks Majors—Mathematics and Russian

Koyanagi, Lorna Tsuyako Vancouver Major—Psychology


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North Vancouver











Krantz, Agnes Kristin Dawson Creek Major—History

Kraushar, Gloria Jean Major—History

Kvenich, Mate Vinko Major—Philosophy

Laird, Gail Carol Major—English

Lake, Steven Keith Major—Economics

Lally, Reid William Major—Economics

La Riviere, Margaret Evelyn Major—English

Larsen, Roger Raymond Major—History

Lawrie, Stuart Robert Majors—Fine Arts and Geography

Lazar, Joze Major—English

Leahy, David Edward Major—Political Science

Leahy, Jacqueline Roseanna Major—English

Leathley, John Leonard Major—Economics

Ledson, Louisa Anne Majors—English and Psychology

Lee, Joan Edith Major—Psychology

LeRoux, Wynne June New Westminster Major—Political Science

Levine, David Cyril Vancouver Major—History

Lew, Michael Peter Vancouver Major—Economics

Lewis, Diane Frances Ladysmith Majors—English and Sociology

Lloyd, Percy Gordon Vancouver Major—English

Locke, Nina Marguerite Vancouver Major—German

Long, Diana Vancouver Major—English

Loosley, John Christopher Ontario Major—Political Science

Low, Lillian May Saskatchewan Major—English

Lowenberg, Margaret Emilie Kelowna Major—English

Luckhart, Richard Bruce Vancouver Majors—English and Political Science

Lunney, William Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Lush, Eric Arthur Vancouver Major—Psychology

Macartney, Barbara Mary Powell River Major—Psychology

Macdonald, Mrs. Dorothy Anne Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

MacDonald, Gary Wayne Alberta Major—English

MacDonald, James Edgar West Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

MacKay, William Murray Vancouver Majors—Slavonic Studies and Economics

MacLean, Donald Scott Albert White Rock Major—Psychology

MacLeod, Kenneth Vancouver Major—History

Macluskie, Ronald Ernest Cranbrook Major—English

Maddin, Bruce Burns Vancouver Major—History

Madryga, Frederick John Vancouver Major—Psychology

Magrega, Dennis Jack Vancouver Major—Psychology

Manders, Douglas William Lytton Major—History

Margolese, Gila Joanne Vancouver Major—English

Margolus, Michael Barry Alberta Major—Sociology

Markin, William Vladimir Castlegar Major—Slavonic Studies

Marsh, Thomas Barnett, LL.B. West Vancouver

Major—History Marshall, Carolyn Vancouver

Major—English Martin, Elizabeth Hazel Vancouver

Major—International Relations Martin, John Clare Vancouver

Major—Classical Studies Masak, Mrs. Katre-Ann Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts Mate, Gabor Vancouver

Major—English Matheson, Lynne Frances Vancouver

Major—English Matheson, Sheila Heather Vancouver

Major—French Matheson, Mrs. Virginia Mae, North Vancouver

Major—Spanish Mattson, Robert Enoch North Surrey

Major—Linguistics Maude, Christopher Julian Vancouver

Major—Economics and History Maughan, Mrs. Pauline

Lorraine New Westminster Major—Fine Arts

McBride, Jill Vancouver Major—English

McCooey, Derek Michael Abbotsford Majors—Sociology and Theatre

McCormick, Robert Paul New Westminster Majors—History and Geography

McCrimmon, Warren Douglas Vancouver Major—History


McDougall, Elizabeth Helen Vancouver Major—Psychology

McElwee, Janie Margaret West Vancouver Major—English

McGillivray, Derek Richard Vancouver Major—History

McGillivary, Francis Xavier Nova Scotia Major—History

McGregor, Bertha Louise Vancouver Major—Psychology

McHardy, Pauline Sydney Jamaica Major—Geography

Mclnnis, Donald John Vancouver Majors—English and Theatre

Mclntyre, Edward John McGregor, Vancouver Majors—English and Anthropology

McKay, Mrs. Lynne Isabelle Vancouver Major—English

McKay, Paul Jack Burnaby Major—Economics

McKay, Wendy Joanne North Kamloops Major—Geography

McLeary, William Arthur Vancouver Major—Psychology

McLennan, Robbie James Edward West Vancouver

Major—International Relations McLeod, William Marshall Chilliwack

Majors—Psychology and Economics McMillan, John Pearson West Vancouver

Major—Psychology McNeil, Wendy Joanne Vancouver

Major—International Relations McWilliams, Earl John Sandspit

Majors—Economics and Psychology Mennie, Nordia Chovine Powell River

Majors—French and Psychology Merner, Gerald Blane Vancouver

Major—Sociology Metcalf, Marilyn Ann North Vancouver

Major—Sociology Michelsen, Sim Morris Richmond

Major—Psychology Mickleburgh, Bruce Edmon Ontario

Majors—English and History Milburn, John Henry Hall Vancouver

Major—History Millar, Hugh Lynch Ontario

Majors—History and Political Science Mitchell, Edward Charles Vancouver

Major—Economics Mitchell, Suzanne Gray United States

Major—English Moir, Susan Lynne Kelowna

Major—English Monsen, Mads Erik Vancouver

Major—Economics Moody, Janet Louise Vancouver


Moore, Maureen Ann United States Major—English

Mori, Richard Yoshihiro Vernon Major—Psychology

Morris, Mrs. Estelle Selma United States Major—History

Morris, Maureen Elizabeth Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Morrison, Elizabeth Ruth New Westminster Majors—Spanish and History

Motiuk, William Oemelan Vancouver Major—Economics

Moul, William Brian Burnaby Major—Political Science

Mui Loo, Jayne Vancouver Major—Psychology

Muratoff, Helen Vancouver Major—Slavonic Studies

Murby, Robert Neil Vernon Majors—Russian and Slavonic Studies

Murphy, David Ridgeway Vancouver Major—Economics

Murray, Mrs. Shirley Jean Vancouver Major—English

Muzzin, Beverly Maria Filomena Trail Major—Psychology

Myckatyn, Michael Martin New Westminster Majors—Slavonic Studies and •Linguistics

Nagai, Evelyn Haruye Haney Majors—Classical Studies and Fine Arts

Nagler, Henry Noel Vancouver Major—Sociology

Nemeth, Zoltan Vancouver Majors Psychology and French

Nesbit, Sydney Eileen Vancouver Major—Psychology

Neufeld, Donald Cornie Sardis Major—History

Neufeldt, Carol Marlyn Yarrow Major—English

Neville, Helen June Vancouver Major—Psychology

Newbold, John David Vancouver Majors—Economics and Psychology

Notter, Vicki Anne North Surrey Major—English

Olsen, Jack Stuart Burnaby Major—Economics

Osten, William Robert Vancouver Major—Economics

Ostensoe, Mrs. Sheila Dianne Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Pagonis, Ollyas Penticton Major—Fine Arts

Paine, Michael Douglas Britton Vancouver Majors—Political Science and Economics

Palmer, John Wellington Majors—Classical Studies and Psychology

Palsson, Vicky Alice Letham Lake Cowichan Majors—English and Psychology


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Paterson, Sarah Catherine Ladner Major—English

Patterson, Mrs. Joyce Isobel Vancouver Ma]or—Fine Arts

Pattie, Brian Lawrence Lumby Major—Economics

Pearse, Mrs. Linda Lorraine Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Peever, Lawrence Harold Yarrow Major—History

Penner, Ronald David Vancouver Major—Psychology

Perry, Raymond Paul Vancouver Major—Psychology

Petch, Lyle Mervin Kitimat Majors—History and English

Petrie, Mrs. Anne Grant Ontario Major—English

Phillips, Evangeline Anne North Vancouver Major—History

Phillips, Robert James Vancouver Major—International Relations

Player, Douglas George Trail Majors—History and English

Pollock, Marion Simpson Vancouver Major—History

Pollock, Roberta Ann Vancouver Majors—English and Fine Arts

Powell, Michael John Vancouver Major—Sociology

Prendergast, Donna May Nanaimo Major—Psychology

Preymak, Frederick Douglas Burnaby Major—Geography

Prowse, William Colquhoun Alberta Major—Economics

Pryke, Frank Roger Martin Dawson Creek Major—Mathematics

Queale, Susan Lynne Victoria Major—French

Quinn, Hugh Russel Vancouver Major—Economics

Racich, Carolyn Eve Richmond Major—Economics

Radcliffe, Frances Sharon West Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

Radcliffe, Jane Madeleine Nanaimo . Major—Psychology Rae, Mrs. Karen Lee Vancouver

Major—French Ratcliffe, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Vancouver

Major—Anthropology Ratcliffe, Frances Lee Victoria

Major—English Ratel, Ann Kelowna

Major—English Raymond, Felix Ferdinand Vancouver

Major—Geography Read, Gaye Shirran Vancouver

Major—Psychology Read, Jeananne Patricia Vancouver


Reid, Brian Thomas Vancouver Major—Economics

Reif, Charles Douglas Vancouver Major—English

Rempel, Henry Vancouver Majors—Sociology and Anthropology

Rempel, Julianna 'Lisabeth Chilliwack Major—German

Renshaw, Marilyn Joan West Vancouver Major—History

Revutsky, Mrs. Valentina Vancouver Majors—Psychology and German

Richards, David Edward Alberta Majors—Mathematics and Fine Arts

Richards, Peter Martin Vancouver Major—Economics

Richardson, Alan Joe Vancouver Major—Classical Studies

Richardson, Ann Louise Vancouver Major—History

Rickard, Vincent Hugh Victoria Major—Fine Arts

Ritchie, Mary Margaret Kelowna Majors—English and French

Roach, Donna Lynne Port Alberni Major—Geography

Roach, Michael Edward North Vancouver Major—French

Roberts, Marilyn April Avon New Westminster Major—Psychology

Robertson, Judith Lynne North Vancouver Major—Psychology

Robinson, David Norman Vancouver Major—English

Roblin, Wendy Irene Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Rockwell, Irvin Laurie Vancouver Majors—Geography and Zoology

Ross, George Arthur Nanoose Bay Major—English

Rowden, Karen Louise Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Rubin, Ava Vancouver Majors—Asian Studies and Psychology

Rushworth, Alfred Ernest Vancouver Major—Economics

Russell, Mrs. Susan Marie Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Rust, James Thomas Vancouver Major—History

Ryan, Michael Norman Vancouver Majors—English and History

Rybarchuk, John Wayne Kamloops Major—Political Science

Safarik, Edward Anthony Vancouver Major—Economics

Salutin, Lome Michael Ontario Major—Anthropology

Saslaff, Seema Ruth Vancouver Majors—French and Spanish


Sawchen, William Donald Burnaby Major—Slavonic Studies

Seed, George James Forbes Vancouver Major—Economics

Schelter, Peter Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Sociology

Schmidt, Marianne Alice Helene West Vancouver

Major—French Schnepf, Gordon Barry Prince George

Major—Political Science Schoenf eld, Mrs. Marie-Luise North Vancouver

Major—French Schreier, Mrs. Ruth Maidstone Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts Schultz, Dietrich Werner Joachim Smithers

Major—English Schutz, Morag Gail Christine, New Westminster

Major—Psychology Scott, Beverley Joan Vancouver

Major—Psychology Scott, Carol Anne Trail

Major—Psychology Scott, Edward Allan Summerland

Major—International Relations Scott, Jason Alder Vancouver

Major—Psychology Scott, Joan Katharine Trail

Major—Political Science Scott, Noreen Violet Vancouver

Major—Geography Scouten, Valerie Ruth New Westminster

Major—English Scramstad, Lois Karen Vancouver

Major—English Sewell, Robert James Vancouver

Major—History Seymour, Paula Marie Burnaby

Major—Psychology Shanks, David Orr Oasis

Majors—Classical Studies and English Sharp, Georgina Louise Vancouver

Major—French Sharpe, Herbert William Vancouver

Majors—English and Chemistry Sharpe, John Joseph Richmond

Major—History Sheppard, Paul Lawrence Northcote, Vancouver

Major—English Shindel, Mrs. Jane Anne Vancouver

Major—History Shirreff, Mark Douglas Kelowna

Majors—History and Political Science Siegenthaler, Peter Sicamous

Major—Mathematics Silber, Herbert Sherman Vancouver - Major—Political Science Simmonds. Beverly Dale West Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts

Simonsen, Bjorn Oddvar North Surrey Major—Anthropology

Simpkinson, David John Trail Major—History

Sjoman, Ritva Anneli Terrace Major—German

Skelly, Robert Evans Burnaby Majors—English and History

Small, Harriet Valerie Vancouver Major—English

Smith, David John Prince George Major—English

Smith, Susan Lorraine Vancouver Major—English

Smyth, Sheila Margaret Vancouver Majors—Theatre and English

Solomon, Adrian JJene Saskatchewan, Major—Fine Arts

Soon, Carol Mei Vancouver Major—English and Theatre

Sotvedt, Kenneth Henry Adair Ladner Majors—Mathematics and English

Southam, Martha Lou Vancouver Major—Psychology

Spence, Ronald Ross Vancouver Major—Psychology

Stamp, Graeme Andrew George Vancouver Major—Geography

Stanford, Judy Anne Elizabeth Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Steel, Philippa Anne Vancouver Major—English

Steinberg, Daniel Benjamin Vancouver Major—Political Science

Stewart, Mrs. Gayle Heather Vancouver Major—English

Stewart, Tiffany Jean Trail Major—English

Stubson, Carol Andrea Burnaby Major—English

Suderman, Edward Abraham Abbotsford Majors—Psychology and Political Science

Sukava, Frances Joan Vancouver Major—Theatre

Svatek, Peter Quebec Major—Theatre

Svingen, Marvin Orvil Burnaby Major—Sociology

Sweeney, Fleurette Marie Vancouver Majors—English and Music

Swoboda, Leo John Vancouver Majors—English and Mathematics

Szajbely, Elizabeth Vilma Trail Major—French

Tait, Donald Louis Victoria Majors—English and Classical Studies

Temoin, Laurene Gail West Vancouver Major—International Relations

Theissen, Elmar Theodore Victoria Major—English


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Thomas, Joyce Hester Peru Major—Fine Arts

Thomson, Bruce South Burnaby Major—Geography

Thomson, Gordon Russell West Vancouver Major—History

Thomson, Marlyn Leslie Vancouver Major—Psychology

Tipple, Mrs. Shannon Lysle Margaret Vancouver

Majors—Religious Studies and Psychology Towns, Mrs. Ann Louise West Vancouver

Majors—English and Philosophy Townsend, Richard Edward Vancouver

Major—English Treloar, David Michael Prince George

Majors—History and English Trudeau, Harley Sanford Nelson

Major—History Turbett, Helen Groves North Surrey

Majors—English and History Turton, Phyllis Belle Vancouver

Major—English Valair, Dell Campbell Vernon

Major—History Van Campen, Mariko United States

Major—Theatre Verbrugge, Martin Seacle Vancouver

Majors—Economics and Political Science Vesterback, Marion Ida Courtenay

Major—English Vogts, Sharon Marie Vancouver

Major—Psychology Vojtech, Milan Czechoslovakia

Major—Political Science Vroege, Bastiaan Hendrik Burnaby

Majors—French and German Walker, Barbara Louise Vancouver

Major—English Wallace, David Henry Vancouver

Major—Asian Studies Ward, Margaret Anne Manitoba

Major—Geography Warkentin, Irwin Elmer Clearbrook

Majors—English and History Warren, David Gordon West Vancouver



West Vancouver


New Westminster





Watchorn, Allan Warren Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Webb, Peter Nicholson Major—Political Science

Weber, Susanna Emily Major—Geography

Weber, Ulrich Alfred Major—Economics

Wheeler, Dennis Franklin Major—English

White, Donna Carroll Major—Theatre

Wiggan, Alan Rosson Major—English

Wilkinson, Frederick Henry Major—Political Science

Williams, Norman George Major—Political Science

Williams, Raymond Brinley Burnaby Major—History

Wilmink, Mrs. Svetlana Burnaby Majors—Russian and Geography

Wilson, Beverley Ann Cbilliwack Major—English

Wilson, Mrs. Conroy Olive Kelowna Major—English

Wilson, Donald MacLean New Westminster Majors—English and History

Wipperman, Gertrude Henriette Vancouver Major—Psychology

Wirick, Harold Earl New Westminster Majors—Economics and History

Wishlaw, Mrs. Janice Gail Vancouver Major—Fine Arts

Wong, Laura Vancouver Major—Psychology

Wyles, Laurie Philip Penticton Major—Economics

Young, Barry Girvin Saskatchewan Major—Psychology

Yakura, Sachie Vancouver Majors—Psychology and History

Zarowny, Louise Theresa Kimberley Majors—History and Sociology

Zieroth, Kaaren Jo-Anne Burnaby Major—Psychology


Acton, Margaret Doreen Richmond Majors—Psychology and Geography

Adams, James Michael Richmond Majors—Economics and Political Science

Affleck, Kenneth Nelson Burnaby Honours—History

Aherne, Bernard James Mission City Major—English

Aherne, Theresa Mission City Majors—English and Psychology

Akizuki, Lillian Mayumi Richmond Majors—French and Anthropology

Anderton, Joel Thomas Nanaimo Major—International Relations

Balshine, Sheila Ruth Vancouver Majors—Fine Arts and Psychology

Barabonoff, Edgar West Vancouver Majors—English and Philosophy

Barnard, Douglas Keith West Vancouver Majors—Economics and Geography


Beck, Wesley Charles Robert Vancouver Major—English

Bisbee, Mrs. Velma Irene Pitt Meadows Major—English

Blades, Philip Michael West Vancouver Major—English

Blair, William Thomas Ladner Majors—Economics and Psychology

Blenkinsop, Jennifer Port Alberni Majors—French and English

Boe, Carla Louise Vancouver Majors—English and Classical Studies

Bogner, Leon Samuel Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Economics

Bolton, Graeme Joan West Vancouver Majors—History and English

Bourget, Viviane Marie New Westminster Majors—French and Psychology

Bouvier, Colette Marie Vancouver Majors—Sociology and English

Bremness, Susan Emily Alberta Majors—History and English

Brennan, Thomas James Van Anda Majors—History and Psychology

Brock, Phoebe Gaye West Vancouver Majors—Sociology and Psychology

Brophy, Mary Teresa Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Philosophy

Brown, Bernard George Grand Forks Majors—History and Geography

Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Ontario Majors—Psychology and English

Brown, Reginald Hartley Bruce Kelowna Majors—Mathematics and Fine Arts

Bryce, Donald Cameron Burnaby Majors—Mathematics and Geography

Buchanan, Mrs. Lucinda Alice Vancouver Major—English

Butchart, William Ross Vancouver Majors—English and Sociology

Campbell, Mrs. Catherine Aileen Vancouver Majors—Political Science and History

Carefoot, Kenneth Alan Dennis Vancouver Major—Geography

Carter, Diane May Alberta Majors—Psychology and English

Charlebois, Carol Ann Ruth Richmond Major—Political Science

Clark, John Patrick Thomas Vancouver Major—Philosophy

Clark, Neale Patrick North Vancouver Majors—English and Anthropology

Cliff, Alan Fraser Vancouver Majors—English and French

Coull, Barry Brian Vancouver Major—English

Crammond, Pamela West Vancouver Majors—History and Psychology

Crape, Judith Arleen North Surrey Majors—English and History

Crisafio, Leonardo Rolando Burnaby Majors—History and Geography

Cullis, Diana Hilda Elizabeth Jeanne Richmond Majors—English and Classical Studies

Davies, Kenneth Lewis Vancouver Majors—English and History

Deeks, Mrs. Nean Linda Vancouver Honours—French

Delavault, Katherine Madeleine Alice Vancouver Major—English

Dickson, Graham Stewart West Vancouver Honours—Political Science

Durst, Fritz Vancouver Honours—Economics

DuFour, Lome Walter Ontario Major—English

Eredics, Imre Karoly Vancouver Major—Philosophy

Faires, Barry Dean Burnaby Major—Psychology

Farber, Carole Marie Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Fillmore, Shirley Diane Kelowna Major—History

Fleming, Jane Isabel Ontario Honours—Geography

Flick, Robbert Vancouver Majors—English and Fine Arts

Forster, Jane West Vancouver Majors—French and English

Fraser, Douglas Alastair 100 Mile House Majors—Classical Studies and History

Fraser, Douglas Kennedy Alberta Majors—History and Geography

Fraser, Mrs. Marie Victoria Majors—English and Psychology

Fraser, William Gilbert Walker Richmond Majors—Political Science and International Relations

Friend, James Allan Vancouver Majors—Economics and Geography

Geisler, Mrs. Beverley Nora Vancouver Majors—Anthropology and English

Genn, Mrs. Judy Ann United States Major—English

Gericke, Nanna Ocean Falls Majors—English and Psychology

Gertz, Harrison Rubin Vancouver Majors—Geography and History

Gibson, William Taylor Davie White Rock Major—History

Glazier, Rick(y) Ferguson Vancouver Major—Asian Studies

Gomes, Mrs. Ana Maria Bordeira Ramos Lopes Vancouver

Major—Romance Studies Good, Peter Gordon North Vancouver

Majors—History and Geography Gooding, Ann Marjorie Vancouver

Majors—English and Psychology 33

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Goodwin, Mrs. Marjorie Elizabeth Vancouver Major—Sociology

Gosse, Donald Arthur White Rock Majors—Economics and Political Science

Groenewold, Harm Jan Bumaby Major—History

Haga, Charles Karel White Rock Majors—Latin and English

Hajer, Mrs. Mary Anne Joan Prince Rupert Major—English

Hamilton, Joanne Frances Vancouver Majors—French and German

Hanano, Francis Yoshihide Vancouver Majors—Asian Studies and History

Harold, Anne Meredith Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Anthropology

Harrigan, Kathleen Patricia Quebec Majors—English and Mathematics

Harris, Mrs. Lorayne Carolyn Vancouver Major—Psychology

Harrison, Cameron English Vancouver Majors—History and Political Science

Haworth, Richard Charles Theodore Burnaby Majors—Mathematics and Geography

Hecker, Donald Peter Wilson North Vancouver Major—History

Henslow, Anne Josephine West Vancouver Majors—English and History

Hitt, Brian James Vancouver Majors—German and Mathematics

Hladek, Eileen Dorothy New Westminster Majors—Psychology and Sociology

Hoffmeister, John Rodway Vancouver Majors—Economics and Geography

Holland, Anthony Vancouver Major—Psychology

How, Mrs. Valerie Ann Vancouver Major—English

Howden, Mrs. Carol Lynne Vancouver Major—History

Howlett, Irene Clare (Sister Mary Paul) Vanderhoof

Majors—English and History Hughes, Mrs. Violet Victoria

Majors—English and French Hullah, Miranda Paula Ruskin

Majors—English and Creative Writing Hunt, Lloyd Courage Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts Hunter, David George Vancouver

Majors—English and Geography Huzyk, Daniel Marshall Vancouver

Major—Slavonic Studies Hyslop, Douglas Penticton

Majors—Sociology and Psychology Ingalls, Mrs. Jean Sharon Quebec

Majors—English and Fine Arts Jackson, Margaret Stewart Vancouver


Janzen, Elmer Jacob Richmond Majors—English and History

Janzen, Hilda Clearbrook Major—German

Jenkins, Wayne Stephen Coquitlam Majors—Religious Studies and Psychology

Johnson, Mrs. Eleanor Barbara Vancouver Major—International Relations

Johnston, Mrs. Carolyn Sylvia Quesnel Majors—English and Psychology

Johnston, Stewart Nanaimo Majors—History and Geography

Jones, Denzil Martin Vancouver Majors—Spanish and French

Jones, Hugh Selwyn Lake Cowichan Major—Economics

Joyce, Mrs. Genevieve Marjorie Port Alberni Majors—English and History

Karagianis, Ronald Melvin Victoria Majors—History and Psychology

Keller, Mrs. Betty Carol Chilliwack Major—English

Kennelly, Mrs. Mildred Vivian Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Political Science

King, Mary Edith Prince George Majors—English and Sociology

Kitchen, William John Vancouver Majors—English and Mathematics

Kroeker, John Berny Yarrow Majors—History and Geography

Lea, Virginia Martha Vancouver Majors—Zoology and Fine Arts

Leverman, William Charles Prince George Major—Psychology

Lewis, Edward Morris Ladner Major—Economics

Lindsay, Alan Gordon Burnaby Major—Economics

Lofting, Bruce Edward Prince George Majors—Mathematics and French

Lowrey, Judith Doris Hatzio Honours—English Language and Literature

Lundell, Susan Collier Vancouver Majors—English and Anthropology

Mabee, Margaret Florence West Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Anthropology

Madsen, Mrs. Etsuko North Surrey Major—English

Manly, Mrs. Eva Grace Prince Rupert Majors—English and History

Manojlovich, Mrs. Majda, B.Ed. (Elem.) Vancouver

Majors—French and English Marchant, Edward John Steele Vancouver

Majors—English and Fine Arts Matheson, Graeme Peter Burnaby

Majors—English and Philosophy Mathisen, Brian Peter Vancouver

Major—English 34





Mattiello, Ferdinando Annibale Vincenzo Honours—Italian and Spanish

Medd, Mrs. Janet Elizabeth Major—English

Mitchell, Alexander Keith Major—Political Science

Moody, Robert James Majors—Economics and Psychology

Mortifee, Margaret Tait Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

Moser, Gary Albert Burnaby Major—Psychology

Mountain, David Dean Haney Majors—Mathematics and Economics

Mueller-Schade, Einar North Vancouver Major—History

Mullins, Wayne John New Westminster Honours—Economics

Mullis, Donald Earl Burnaby Majors—History and English

Munroe, Mrs. Doris Beryle Creighton Vancouver

Major—Fine Arts McGladery, Kevin Michael New Westminster

Majors—-Geography and Psychology Mcintosh, Barbara Anne Quebec

Majors—Psychology and English Mcintosh, Dennis Wayne Vancouver

Major—International Relations McKenzie, Neil William Vancouver

Major—English Mackenzie, Norman Allan North Surrey

Majors—Zoology and History McKerracher, Alexander Donald Vancouver

Majors—History and Geography McLaughlin, Marney Jean North Vancouver

Honours—English Language and Literature and Fine Arts

McMaster, Samuel Bliss Penticton Majors—Economics and Psychology

McMeekan, Barry Robert New Westminster Majors—Geography and History

MacMillan, Mrs. Marionne Jean Vancouver Majors—Fine Arts and English

McRae, Kenneth Scott West Vancouver Majors—Psychology and English

McVicar, Kenneth Edward Vancouver Major—English

Nakashima, Frank Vancouver Majors—Asian Studies and Mathematics

Nakatsuka, Gerard Minora Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

Nepveu, Joseph Leo Rosaire New Westminster Majors—French and Linguistics

Ohanjanian, Mrs. Margaret Valerie Vancouver Major—Asian Studies

Olmstead, Janet Katherine Campbell River Majors—English and Zoology

On, Alfred Johnston Oliver Majors—English and History

Ostergard, Raymond Vancouver Majors—English and Creative Writing

Palmer, Margo Alexis Vancouver Major—Psychology

Palmer, Merton Ronald Winfield Major—English

Pears, Ronald Nixon Victoria Majors—English and Psychology

Pearson, David Arthur Vancouver Major—Geography

Penner, Jacob Gerhard Prince George Majors—Mathematics and History

Peters, Edwin Mervin Mission City Majors—English and Fine Arts

Peters, James Watson Burnaby Major—English

Pf ortmueller, Hartmut Vancouver Majors—Economics and Geography

Philip, Heather Jill Prince George Majors—Geography and Anthropology

Phillips, Mrs. Elizabeth Edith Manitoba Majors—Mathematics and Psychology

Phillips, Mark William West Vancouver Major—Psychology

Price, Richard Francis Bryan Duncan Majors—Geography and Political Science

Price, Mrs. Ruth Helen Vancouver Majors—Geography and Anthropology

Reddington, Robert Thomas North Vancouver Majors—Political Science and Philosophy

Rose, Ross Patrick Vancouver Majors—English and Theatre

Rothnie, Ronald Courts Vancouver Majors—History and Psychology

Saba, Darrell Louise Vancouver Majors—English and Psychology

Sachinides, Demetrius Philippus Vancouver Majors—Greek and Latin

Sargent, Robert Richardson Boyce Vancouver Majors—History and English

Sawtell, Thomas Francis Garibaldi Highlands Majors—History and Geography

Sayers, Patrick Terrence West Vancouver Major—English

Schwab, Philippine Rose Ontario Majors—History and Classical Studies

Sebastian, Ralph Cameron Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Sexsmith, Mrs. Judith Anne West Vancouver Majors—Geography and English

Shopland, Ian Harold Mouat Vancouver Majors—Geography and History

Sinclair, Isabel Margaret Vancouver Majors—English and Theatre

Skapski, Mieszko Jan Steveston Major—English

Skelly, Raymond John North Surrey Majors—Psychology and Sociology


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Smith, Joseph Arthur Vancouver Major—Geography

Sorin, David Gregory Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Sociology

New Westminster Sparling, Peter William Majors—English and Psychology

Stacey, Joan Wendy Majors—Sociology and English

Stark, Ila Maureen Majors—History and English

Stoochnoff, Paul Majors—Economics and Russian

Sulsbury, Zoel Geraldine Majors—English and Psychology

Takenaka, Jun Major—Sociology

Tate, Carolyn Laura Honours—English Language and Literature

Taylor, Mrs. Margaret Ruth Majors—English and Anthropology

Taylor, Robin St. George Major—History

Tilley, Robert Patrick Majors—History and Geography

Trussell, Mrs. Wendy Elizabeth Major—English

Valiant, Lawrence Albert Major—French

von Redwitz, Eckenbert Freiherr Major—German




North Vancouver

New Denver


West Germany




Campbell River


Walter, Barbara Jean Buraaby Major—English

Warland, Peter Alfred Cranbrook Majors—Anthropology and Geography

Waterton, Eric Claude Vancouver Major—Anthropology

Watts, Robert Gary Vancouver Majors—English and History

Weitzel, Norman Roy Cranbrook Majors—Anthropology and Zoology

Weston, Mrs. Joanna Mary Vancouver Major—English

White, Richard Kerry Vancouver Majors—Theatre and English

Whitehead, Gordon Edmund Vancouver Major—English

Wiebe, Rudolf Peter Kelowna Majors—Mathematics and Geography

Wiens, David Peter Prince Rupert Majors—History and Geography

Wieser, Robert Lawrence Vancouver Majors—Psychology and English

Williams, Percival Vernon Manitoba Majors—Geography and History

Wilson, Mrs. Jeanne Mary Vancouver Honours—English Language and Literature

Wilson, Virginia Eileen North Vancouver Majors—Psychology and Sociology

Woods, Willis Lloyd North Vancouver Majors—Psychology and English


Anderson, Marilyn Leslie Bateman, Florence Elaine Beauchamp, Mrs. Randi Bishop, Gillian Frances Burns, Mrs. Susan Kathleen Carmichael, June Irene Cooke, Lynda Evelyn Corker, Norma Christine Dahl, Hilda Helen Dallin, Sandra-Lynn Endersby, Jennifer Margaret Fawkes, Cheryl Ann Fiddler, Katheleen Joan German, Sandra Gale Gilleland, Catherine Greene, Wendy Jean Grobb, Muriel Lorraine Hansen, Elaine Margit Hepburn, Donna Mae Howell, Margaret Elizabeth

Vancouver Edgewood

North Surrey West Vancouver

Vancouver Sicamous

North Vancouver West Vancouver

Yarrow Victoria

White Rock Vancouver Vancouver

Powell River West Vancouver

Burnaby Vancouver

Haney Chilliwack

New Westminster

Izard, Patricia Elizabeth Katai, Naomi Pearle Kembi, Kart Kerley, Donna Marjorie Kristiansen, Margit Lykkegaard MacDonald, Kathleen MacFarlane, Ann Louise MacNutt, Karen Patricia MacQuarrie, Mary Elaine Matsushita, Toshiko Isabel Mayhew, Marlyn Jean McAfee, Judith Gay Mitchell, Anna Isabel Morrison, Linda Patricia Mountain, Muriel Diane Muralt, Roberta Louise Ritchie, Carolyn Dawn Schaab, Sharon Elizabeth Schuler, Lorna Marie Schuster, Gladys Judy

Victoria Richmond Vancouver

Williams Lake Salmon Arm

Langley West Vancouver

Victoria Revelstoke Vancouver

Victoria North Vancouver

Burnaby West Vancouver

Milner Langley

Fort Langley Saskatchewan

West Vancouver Vernon


Schwartz, Nancy Esther Alberta Smylie, Judith Marie North Vancouver Skodje, Berna Lorraine Burnaby


Brown, Barbara Doreen Vancouver Cunningham, Mrs. Margaret Willis Vanderhoof Fitch, Mary Lillian Vancouver Fournier, Jo-Ann North Surrey

Kay, Mrs. Wendy Patricia Scarlett, Mrs. Roberta Claire Schmidt, Mrs. Julie Lynne Skelton, Carol Anne

Vancouver Buraaby

Port Coquitlam Vancouver


Barrett, Ross Raymond Brooks, Carolyn Joyce Carr, Edwin Wayne Gillingham, Bryan Reginald,

B.A. Grandy, Joan Carol Hackwell, Kenneth Walter Kaye, Mrs. Claudia Mae Longton, Michael Matheson McKenzie, Waneta Grace

Nelson West Vancouver


West Vancouver Chilliwack Vancouver Vancouver

New Westminster Quebec

Nicholl, John David Vancouver Oke, Doreen Anne Vancouver Pope, James Dale Vancouver Robertson, Alan Naismith Cranbrook Silvester, Gertrude Helen Penticton Springer, Peter John Kitimat Taylor, Mrs. Jean Dianne Vancouver Wall, Gail Marilyn Victoria Wold, Roy Allen Vancouver


Vancouver Dunham, Susan Elisabeth Sneed, Brenda Joyce

Burnaby Taylor, Bruce Edward Vancouver


Acres, John Keith •Alexander, Ralston Stewart Andersen, Erik Robert

Dedekam * Anderson, Douglas Nurse Anderson, James Richard Angman, Dale Wayne Argue, John Gordon Armitt, Walter Barrie Frank August, Helen Elaine Baldry, Douglas Richard Barratt, John Philip Baxter, Donald Scott Bell, David Seymour Bennett, Alan Arnold Berkson, Jerome Robert

Nelson Salmon Arm

North Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver

Lillooet North Vancouver

Coquitlam Kelowna

North Vancouver Trail

Vancouver Prince Rupert

Vancouver Vancouver

Billingsley, Malcolm Kent Brookes, Raymond Morris Brown, Richard Malcolm Bruce, Barry Douglas Buckley, Cornelius Lestocque Burian, Harvey James Buxton, William Cameron Calder, Gary David Callison, Wayne Frederick Cameron, John Joseph Catchpole, Michael James Chow, Sharon Fay Ciccozzi, Gary Wayne Clarke, Gordon William Clarke, John Roger Clough, Gordon James

Vancouver Victoria

Vancouver Vancouver

Haney Yukon Territory

Langley Trail

Dawson Creek Vancouver

Haney Vancouver Vancouver

Victoria West Vancouver



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Collins, Glenn Ross Comey, Larry Frederick Conroy, Peter Vincent Copeland, Martin Peter Davis, Kirk Robert Davis, Roger Miles Daye, William Peter Demerse, Patrick Edwin Dickson, Steven Lorimer Dodson, Leonard Dosman, Stanley Joseph Duzita, Wayne Anthony Enefer, William Lawrence Ewart, Brian Craig Farish, William Gordon

*Feller, Helmut Del Ferguson, James Robert Fisk, William Gordon Fowler, David John Galloway, Edwin James JJ Gillespie, Kenneth Herbert Good, Douglas Francis Grist, Anthony Ian Guernsey, Peter Charles Guest, Kenneth Peter Gung, Janice Sui-Ching Hallam, William Percy Hancheroff, Donald Richard

•Hannah, John Merle Harmer, Sharon Barrie Harrison, Brian Stanley Hawkshaw, Bruce Albert

John Hawley, Kenneth Murray Hender, Byron Hamilton Herdman, Gordon James Hitchens, Barry George Hobson, Laurence John Holte, David Bruce Huber, Daniel Frank Hudson, Gordon George Hughes, David Alan Hume, Frederick John Hurly, Robert Charles Dott, Fredrick Richard Insley, David William

•Johns, Murray Edward Johnston, Robert Eldon

Vancouver North Vancouver

Abbotsford New Westminster

Victroia West Vancouver

North Vancouver Cbilliwack Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Campbell River Burnaby

Saskatchewan. Vancouver

Alberta Vancouver

West Vancouver Vancouver

North Surrey Vancouver

Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

James, Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver Kelowna

Vancouver North Burnaby

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Port Kells Vancouver

West Vancouver West Vancouver North Burnaby

Montrose Vancouver

Haney Murrayville

Keenan, James Simon Kelly, John Charles Kensit, Lawrence Duncan

Hastings Kirk, Thomas Jams Kirkwood, Dennis Wayne Kline, Ronald Harvey Lacterman, Lawrence Peter Laird, Garry Robert Lockhart, David Culton Loo, Charlie Keung Lucas, Robert Gillmor MacBeth, James Duncan Macbeth, James William MacCormac, Douglas

Theodore MacKenzie, Ronald Morrow Markoff, Philip Gary

•Marriott, Robert Edward Mathias, Gail Elizabeth Maxwell, David James McDell, Byron Lloyd McEwen, Peter Donald Keith McKenzie, Gordon Douglas McMahon, Ronald George McNeely, Lennox John Dick

•McQuarrie, Robert William McTavish, Barbara Bea Meikle, John Whitney Melville, Derek Matson Mesplier, Eric John Miller, Victor James Mitchell, Angus Cameron Mitchell, Pamela Helen Moorhead, Charles David Morse, Alan George Neil, John David Nelson, Derek Guy Nicholls, Paul James Nordlund, Michael James

•Norton, John William Okada, Ronald Koji Olma, Gerald Anthony O'Riordan, Jesse Raymond Park, David Andrew Parker, Patrick Eugene Pasquill, Earle Douglas Paterson, Robert Allen

Vancouver Vancouver

Prince George North Vancouver

Ontario Vancouver Vancouver Ladysmith

Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver


West Vancouver Vancouver,

Slocan Park Vancouver Vancouver

South Burnaby New Westminster

Richmond Vancouver

Burnaby Victoria

Vancouver Clinton

Vancouver Victoria

Vancouver Vancouver

Victoria Vancouver Vancouver

West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Salmon Arm Vancouver

Alberta Prince George

Vancouver Kamloops



Paulus, Karl Heinz Pauwels, Raymond Frederick Pellatt, Robert James Peterson, Robert Stuart Petrie, Donald John

•Phillips, Kenneth Gary Proctor, Irving Leroy Quek, Yong Hai

•Ramsay, David Peter Ratcliffe, Brian Arnold Rawlings, James Sydney Ray, Harry Victor Rebkatsch, Alex Florian Reilander, Richard Sebastian Reinzuch, George Walter Robin, Ronald Charles Rogers, Lome Arnold Roueche, Kenneth Lee Salton, Jeflry Lee Sam, Calvin Man Jam

North Surrey Victoria

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Cranbrook Singapore

Vancouver Cbilliwack

Victoria Victoria

Yukon Territory Richmond Richmond

Vancouver Vancouver

Victoria West Vancouver Yukon Territory

Scholefield, Gordon Owen Stuart Vancouver Scribner, Franklin Charles, B.A. Vancouver Smiley, Lome Irving Smith, Robert John Solly, John Roger Spicer, Phillip Ralph Spitz, Lawrance Grant

Vancouver Trail

North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

•Standerwick, Richard Warren Steinberg, Kenneth Robert Steuart, Donald Cory Surgeson, Ronald Richard

•Sutherland, Sandra Donna Suzuki, Lawrence Mutsumi Terry, Paul Ernest Timm, Erich Friedrich Torrance, Thomas Gregson Trotman, George Porte Turco, Tony Paul Tymkiw, Dmitri Waysl Uitdenbosch, Peter Van Nes, Dale Ronald Walker, James Arthur Sellers Wall, Murray Leonard

•Webber, Philip Bernard Weber, Martin Fredrick Weinstein, Daniel Wellock, Douglas Michael Wener, Brian Melvin Wessel, Peter Erhard Winton, Donald Gordon Wright, John Stuart Howard Young, Garry Keith Zuest, David Allan

Vancouver Vancouver

West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Richmond

Vancouver Abbotsford Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Oyama North Vancouver

Vancouver Rossi and

Vancouver Port Coquitlam North Burnaby

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

*—Candidates for Degree of Bachelor of Commerce in the double-degree B.Com. - IX.B. Programme.


Barnett, Howard David Chauvin, Kent Walton Cooper, John Thomas Cunningham, David Robert Dercole, Kenneth Lawrence Douglas, Dale Thompson Edwards, David Benjamin Eng, Harvey Norman Fast, Victor Steven Gjernes, Allan Thomas Green, Donald Gary Harrison, David Archiebald Jones, David Alastair Kannik, Knud Kelly, David Graham Kendrick, Douglas John Kennedy, Donald Robert

North Vancouver Victoria

New Westminster Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Ladner Vancouver

Alberta Port Alice

New Westminster West Vancouver


Kirkby, Gerald Vincent Koshure, James Robert Man, Reynold Alexander Melling, Robert John Nelles, Robert Ernest Nicholson, Daniel Wayne Oliver, John William Parker, Malcolm John Pearce, Kenneth Edgar Pierce, John Edward Russell, Robert Alan Smith, William Stanley Turner, Harry Ernest Vick, Anton Henry Wilcock, Alan Wright, David John Wright, Harvey Charles


Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Vancouver Burns Lake Vancouver

North Vancouver North Vancouver

Burnaby Vancouver Port Kells

Burns Lake Ladner

Coquitlam Vancouver

West Vancouver


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Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later.

HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science,

B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture,

B.S.A. degree): Ian Garnett (Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in

Engineering, B_A.Sc. degree): Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Commerce,

B.Com. degree): John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Science, B.Sc.

degree): Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, Call and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating

Class in Law, LL.B. degree): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree

of M.D.): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy, B.S.P.

degree): Sylvia M. G. Wallace (Burnaby). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N. degree):

(Mrs.) Winifred Margaret Miller (North Vancouver). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of

course, B.S.F. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry,

B.S.F. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

B.Ed, degree, Secondary Teaching field): Douglas Frederick Cole (Burnaby). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

BJBd. degree, Elementary Teaching field): Anthony W. Rogers (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating

Class in Dentistry, D.MJX degree): Richard A. Suen (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture,

degree of B.Arch.): Donald Irwin Gutstein (Ontario). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianship (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship,

degree of B.L.S.): Ann R. Wierum (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of

the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, B.P.E. degree): Robert G. McGill (Vancouver).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B.H.E. degree): Margaret Elizabeth Howell (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Social Work, M.S.W. degree): (Mrs.) Nancy Rae Stibbard (Vancouver).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, B.Mus. degree): Michael M. Longton (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine, degree of B.S.R.): Judith McDonald Cleaver (Kelowna).

THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Richard D. French (Cloverdale).

AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions

in student or community affairs): Norma Jean Scott (Vancouver). ARCHITECTURE

The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prize, books ($100): Alan S. Bell (West Vancouver).

ARTS The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Mary K. White (Vancouver). British Columbia Psychological Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding

record in Psychology): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver).


The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Philosophy): Gregory John Lanning (Vancouver).

The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in Geography): Douglas John Caruso (Vancouver).

The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in graduating class, English Honours): Geraldlne Sinclair (Vancouver).

The English Honours Prize, $300: Geraldine Sinclair (Vancouver). Frank de Bruyn Memorial Prize, $100 (highest standing in 17th Century English literary

studies): Rosemary Elizabeth Webber (Montrose).* French Government Bronze Medal (proficiency in French): Ellen Janet Hunter (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reid Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): Harvey

Chisick (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and

Literature): Marie-Luise Schoenfeld (North Vancouver). COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

Graduating Class of 1958 Memorial Shields (outstanding academic records, personal qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dilworth Memorial—Kathleen K. Campbell (Trail). Matthew Henderson Memorial—John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver).

EDUCATION The Edna Baxter Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's Litera­

ture): Patricia O. Miller (Salmon Arm). The Stella Shopland Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's

Literature): Ingrid Barbara Kallus (North Vancouver).

ENGINEERING The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prize, $50 (highest standing

in highway engineering): James R. Lundgren (Vancouver). The Anna Margaret Armstrong Memorial Prize in Metallurgy, $300 (outstanding overall

contribution to class and to profession of metallurgy (awarded in April): Alan Munro Ross (Victoria).

The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): William R. Clendenning (Vancouver).

Merrill Prindie Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contri­butions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Lynn Dickson Spraggs (Vancouver).

Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Lynton S. Gormely (Vancouver).

The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—James Norman Lightfoot (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—John Victor Maras (Vancouver). Third Prize, $30—James R. Lundgren (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Ronald G. Fuller (New Westminster)

Norman George Stephenson (Vancouver) Lloyd Dale Thate (Vancouver).

FORESTRY Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prize in Forestry, $100 (proficiency, harvesting option):

Harold A. JoMffe (Cranhrook). Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest Harvesting

option): Harold A. Jolliffe (Cranbrook). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency):

Richard Becker (Vancouver) John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops).

HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing pro­

ceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): Carolyn Dawn Ritchie (Fort Langley). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): Margit

L. Kristiansen (Salmon Arm). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and

skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Susan Kathleen Burns (Vancouver).


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LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court) (awarded during Session):

David Alexander Nichol (North Vancouver), $123 Stephen D. Gill (Vancouver), $75.

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, highest standing courses in Succession), $50: Mohan S. Jawl (Victoria).

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, Mercantile Law): Laurence Wilford Anderson (Vancouver).

Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (highest overall standing): Douglas Boyd Robson (Vancouver).

The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): Robert G. D. Wilson (Vancouver).

The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver).

The Insurance Company of North America Prize in Insurance Law, $200 (highest standing): Allen Barrie Davidson (New Westminster).

Special Prize Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver). Vancouver-New Westminster Newspaper Guild Prize in Labour Law, $125 (proficiency):

Russell Walter Lusk (Victoria). ITRPAPTATMBHTP

The Marion Harlow Prize in Iibrarianshtp, $25 (leadership and academic or research ability in studies relating to special Ubrarianship): David G. Jones (Nanaimo).

The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each: Neil Brearley (Vancouver) Barbara J. L. Stevenson (Vancouver).

MEDICINE CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of

studies): James Edmond Dimmick (Vancouver) Morris Vanandel (Burnaby).

The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): David George Haegert (Victoria). The Dr. A. B. Schinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery):

John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Dr. A M. Agnew Memorial Scholarship, $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynae­

cology): Martin G. McLoughUn (Vancouver). The Dr. Frank Porter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of sur­

gery): Martin G. McLoughUn (Vancouver). The Dr. Lavell H. Leeson Memorial Scholarship, $100 (high standing and promise): Dietmar

E. Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Dietmar E.

Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Walter Stewart Baird Memorial Prize, $50: Man-Chiu Poon (Hong Kong). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications):

David George Haegert (Victoria). The E.E.N.T. Section, B.C. Medical Association Prizes, $125 each:

(a) best record in ophthalmology—Albert A. Brosseuk (Vancouver) (b) best record in otolaryngology—David E. Harris (Burnaby).

The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interneship): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

The Hamish Heney Mcintosh Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty, is best qualified in every respect, to practise his profession): Wayne L. Cyr (Vancouver).

The Health Officers' Prize, $100 (meritorious scholarship in field of public health): Woon-Tak Pun (Ottawa).

The Horner Prize, $100, and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Richard Owen Hooper (Vancouver).

The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications in terms of interest, student affairs, academic standing, character): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $100 (highest standing in paediatrics): Albert A. Brosseuk (Vancouver).

The Myron M. Weaver Memorial Scholarships, $100 each (overall record and special interest in the humanities): David G. Dahlstrom (Vancouver) David A. Kester (Vancouver).

The Northern Building Maintenance Ltd. Prize, $100 (runner-up to Head of Graduating Class): Martin G. McLoughUn (Vancouver).


The Samuel and Rebecca Nemetz Memorial Scholarship, $200 (special aptitude for medical research): Richard Owen Hooper (Vancouver).

The Signus Club of Vancouver Prize, $100 (best graduation thesis or report in field of nervous diseases): James R. Heyworth (Vancouver).

MUSIC I.OJD.E. Fine Arts Foundation Scholarship, $500: Gertrude H. Silvester (Penticton). Henry Ohlman Scholarship, $100 (major clarinet, overall record): (Mrs.) Shannon Diane

Purves-Smith (Vancouver). Maurice Taylor Scholarship in Music, $450 (overall academic standing): Daniel P. Kravin-

chuk (Vancouver). Prize for Musicology, $25: Bryan R. GilUngham (West Vancouver). Vancouver Symphony Society Scholarship in Music, $200: (Mrs.) Denise L. Phillips (Vancouver).

PHARMACY Bristol Award (books) (general overall record): David F. Donaghy (Vancouver). Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy (most outstanding record in all years of course), $100: Sylvia

M. G. Wallace (Burnaby). Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in both the theoretical and

practical parts of the pharmaceutics courses in all years): Donna Wallace (Victoria). Edith and Jacob Buckshon Memorial Prize, $100 (highest marks in laboratory course in

compounding and dispensing, Final Year): Donna Wallace (Victoria). Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology courses): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby). Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, books and $25 (highest standings in pharmaceutical

chemistry): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby) Donna Wallace (Victoria).

SCIENCE David E. Little Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics):

Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Lefevre Gold Medal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency in chemistry): Kathleen

Brenda Greening (North Surrey). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key): Kathleen Brenda Greening

(North Surrey). Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, $50 (proficiency in Botany): (Mrs.) Margaret

Elizabeth Stirling (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK

Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Work Prize, $50 (aca­demic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): Jean M. Young (Victoria).

GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith HiUel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing

with graduate studies): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver) Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster).

The Brissenden Scholarship, $300 (Creative Writing): Derk Wynand (Cloverdale). Macmillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each:

Short Story—Lynn Patrick Thorn* (Montrose) Poetry—Carolyn J. A. Wolfe (Halfmoon Bay).


Summer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced in January, 1968): (Mrs.) Hildegarde Bandsmer (Vancouver) Irene Clare Hewlett (Vanderhoof) Rienk Koat (Murrayville) Kathleen Elizabeth Smith (Vancouver) Lois Gail Wales (Vancouver) Caroline Mary Webster (Vancouver).


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The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research studies by the academic staff and graduate assistants are made pos­sible, in large measure, by such grants. Special teaching projects are supported or assisted by bequests. Many scholarships, prizes and bursaries have been provided by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped build U.B.C.

The basic support of the University is provided by student fees and by grants from the Province of British Columbia and the Govern­ment of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends to a great extent on added support received from friends. Benefactors, during the past year, donated $6,522,608.

A record of private gifts made in the year ending 31st March 1968 will be mailed to the donors and to others concerned with sup­port for higher education. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure please write or call the Resources Council as shown at the foot of the page.

The brochure shows a fascinating variety of thoughtful and meaningful gifts-in-kind, as well as the many hundreds of gifts of money: bison and mountain goat bones from Lulu Island and the skull of an extinct bison found in the Yukon territory; a grinding mill, valued at $1500; a Chinese culture chart, a set of New Guinea arrows and a bow; one purebred Yorkshire boar; the ceremonial robes, Haida crest shirt, church robes and pilot cap of the late Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley, who was a United Church missionary skipper on the "Thomas Crosby" mission boat based in Ocean Falls; a free aeroplane trip (to secure silver ore specimens); a telescope for Cecil Green Park; 1000 day old chicks. Alumni across the world make their contributions, many annually. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends and by bequest in wills. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal Government grants, the mainstay of the University's finances, are recorded in other University publications.

With twelve faculties, seven schools and four institutes, the needs of the University are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching, research and student aid. However, as the needs and priorities of the University change we welcome early opportunities to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small—and none too large—to be of value.

THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL Enquiries regarding the brochure and regarding gifts:

A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 224-4311


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The Chancellor

The Acting President

Elected by Senate:

J. Stuart Keate, B.A.

Donovan F. Miller, B.Com.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council:

Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc.

Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B.

Einar Gunderson, F.C.A.

Walter C. Koerner, K. St. J., LL.D.

John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc, M.F.

Allan M. McGavin, CD.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Nathan T. Nemetz, B.A., LL.B., Chairman of the Board

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SENATE The Chancellor. The Acting President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary.

The Deans: Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc, Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc, P.Eng., M.C.I.M. Dean of Arts—Dennis M. Healy, B.A., L. es L., Docteur de PUniversit6 de Paris. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc, F.R.I.C.S Dean of Dentistry—S. Wah Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc, Ph.D. Dean of Education—Neville V. Scarfe, B.A., M.A. Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F. McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M.A., LL.D. Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W.

Elected by the Facilities: Agriculture: A. J. Renney, B.S.A., M.S., Ph.D. Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc, Ph.D., M.Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A., D.B.A. Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A.,

A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A.I.C. Law: A. J. McClean, LL.B., Ph.D. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc, D.Pharm. Science: G. H N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.

Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc, Ph.D. C B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.LE.E.E. J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. W. C Gibson, B.A., M.Sc, D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.C.P. W. S. Hoar, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.C. D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D. P. Larkin, M.A., D.Phil. C A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.C.I.C, F.R.S.C. J. McGechaen, M.A. R. D. Russell, M.A., Ph.D. A. D. Scott, B.Com., B.A., A.M., Ph.D. W. Opechowski, Mag.Fil., F.R.S.C. H. V. Warren, B.A., B.A.Sc, B.Sc, D.Phil., A.I.M.M., F.G.S.A., F.R.S.C. S. H. Zbarsky, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. W. L. Holland, M.A.


D. V. Smiley, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. I McNairn, B.A. S. Black, R.S.W., D.A., A.T.D.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: W. T. Brown, M.B.E., E.D., B.A., M.A. J. R. Meredith, B.A., M.Ed. R. F. Sharp, B.A., D.Paed. The Hon. H. Green, P.C, Q.C, B.A., LL.D.

Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. D. M. Brousson, B.A.Sc. F. J. Cairnie, B.A. C M. Campbell Jr., B.A. B A.Sc J. Guthrie, B.A., M.A. J. S. Keate, B.A. H L. Keenleyside, M.A., Ph.D. LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B.A.Sc. D. F. Manders, B.A. D. F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B.A. Mrs. H. J. MacKay, B .A. J. V. Rogers, B.A.Sc Mrs. B. E. Wales, B.A. D. R. Williams, B A., LL.B.

Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, B.A. V. J. Housez, B.Com. E. D. Sutcliffe, B.A.Sc

Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia, (Theological), Vancouver,

Rev. W. S. Taylor, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver,

Rev. J. Blewett, B.A., B.D. St. Mark's College (Theological),

Rev. E. C LeBel, C.S.B., CD., M.A., LL.D. University Librarian:

B. Stuart-Stubbs, B.A., B.L.S.

Student Representatives: Mark C Waldman—Graduate Student Donald J. Munton Gabor Mate Roger R. Larsen


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Thursday, May 30th, 1968

Mr. Hugh McLean, MA., MUS.B., F.R.CO., F.R.C.C.O., A.R.C.M., Honorary Organist to the University of British Columbia

Organ Recital 1:30 p.m.

Choralpartita II (1948)

The Lord is my true shepherd - - - Helmut Bornefeld

Voluntaries IX and X John Bennett

Three English Song-Preludes Alan Bush Worldes blis Be merry Lowlands, my lowlands

Trio Sonata inD. Georg Philipp Telemann Grave Presto Andante Scherzando

Processional Music Processional Peter Racine Fricker

Recessional Music Finale Jubilante Healey Willan



Thursday, May 30th

Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies


R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education


F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., Professor and Assistant to the Dean of Pharmacy


H. D. Fisher, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Zoology B. A. Dunell, M.A.Sc, A.M., Ph.D., F.C.I.C, Professor, Chemistry J. R. H. Dempster, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer Science


B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies

Marshal R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D., Professor, Economics and Director of

Academic Planning

Chief Usher J. D. Dennison, M.P.E., Assistant Professor, Education

Usher for Mrs Buchanan's Party P. Ford, B.Sc, Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor, Zoology


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O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!


Programme of Ceremony

Thursday, May thirtieth




Chancellor of the University of British Columbia









Reception in Brock Hall


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Dickinson, James Gary, B.Ed.; M.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: An Analytical Survey of the Pemberton Valley in British Columbia with

Special Reference to Adult Education.

Koopman, Mrs. Peggy Rae, B.A. (Purdue); M.S. (Illinois), West Vancouver Thesis: Input-Output Modes and Short-term Memory for Object Sequences in

Grade 1 Children.

Miller, Albert Herman, B.A. (Concordia); M.A. (Wheaton College); B.Ed. (Alberta); M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver

Thesis: The Theory and Practice of Education in Ontario in the 1860's.


Buckley, Geoffrey John, B.Ed., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: Reading Achievement in Grade Five and its Relationship to Parental Oc­

cupation, Verbal Inteligence, and Certain Environmental Factors.


Watty, Anthony John, B.Arch. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: Residental Environs in the Urban Area; Environ 2; Intropolis.


Alleyne, Egbert Patrick, Dip. (Imp. College of Tropical Agric); M.Sc. (Cornell), West Indies Agricultural Extension

Thesis: Interpersonal Communication and the Adoption of Innovations Among Strawberry Growers in the Lower Fraser Valley.

Embree, Charles Gordon, B.S.A. (Ontario Agricultural College), Nova Scotia Plant Science

Thesis: Effects of Certain Management Practices on Nutrient Status of Highbush Blueberry Plants on Acid Sphagnum Peat.

Fung, Ping Chuen Mark, B.Sc; B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), New Brunswick Poultry Science Thesis: Effect of Chicken Breeder Diet on Growth of Progeny.

Halladay, Delbert Raymond, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Kant Science Thesis: Avian Ecology as it Relates to the Bird Hazard Problem at Vancouver


Morehouse, Ralph Ernest, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Nova Scotia Agricultural Extension Thesis: A Study of Role Perception and Performance Among Agricultural Exten­

sion Personnel in Nova Scotia.

Ranta, James Lawrence, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Animal Science Thesis: The Effect of the Level of Roughage, Diethylstilbestrol, and Iron on Cer­

tain Blood Components in Growing Beef Cattle.


Herath, Edward Herath Mudiyanselage, B.Sc. (Poona), Ceylon Plant Science Thesis: Some Effects of Water Table, pH, and Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen

Upon the Growth and Composition of Highbush Blueberry.



Woo, Wendy Weng Wah, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Thesis: The Biopharraaceutical Properties of Solid Dosage Forms the Operating

Characteristics of a Continuous Flow Dissolution Apparatus.


MacKenzie, Helen May, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.), Chemainus Thesis: A Spectrophotofluorometric Method for the Quantitative Determination of

Hydrocortisone Absorption in the Skin from Dermatological Medications.


Baldis, Hector Alberto, Licenciado (Cordoba), Argentina Physics Thesis: A Study of a Perturbation in a Glow Discharge.

Barua, Anil Kanti, B.Sc. (Dacca), Pakistan Planning Thesis: An Investigation of Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Tool in the Evaluation of

Urban Plans.

Beveridge, John Leslie, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond Physics Thesis: A Small Shift Mossbauer Spectrometer.

Bugslag, Claude Roberts, B.Sc. (Victoria), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Ecology as a Factor in Planning for Outdoor Recreation.

Calabia, Gerardo S., B.S. (Philippines), Philippines Planning Thesis: The Development of a Land Use Databank for Community and Regional

Planning: A Case of the Philippines.

Cowie, Arthur Robert, B.Sc. (For.) (New Brunswick), Vancouver Planning Thesis: The Provision and Distribution of Local Open Space in Urban Residential

Areas; Part of a Group Thesis: "The Nodular Metropolitan Concept".

Currie, Ralph Gordon, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Kelowna Geophysics Thesis: A Comparison of Long Shot and Earthquakes.

Davis, Ivern Ulysses, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Bahamas Planning Thesis: The Need for Government Assistance in Housing: With Special Reference

to Nassau, Bahamas.

Davis, John Christopher, B.Sc. (Victoria), Victoria Zoology Thesis: The Influence of Temperature and Activity on Certain Cardiovascular and

Respiratory Parameters in Adult Sockeye Salmon.

Dill, Lawrence Michael, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Behavioural Ecology of Chum Salmon (O. Keta) and Coho Salmon (O.

Kisutch) Alevins in the Gravel.

El-Lakany, Mrs. Safaa Mohamed, B.Sc. (Alexandria), United Arab Republic Poultry Science

Thesis: Studies of the Effects of Different Treatments on the Metabolizable Energy Value of Wheat

Fraser, Frederick James, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Effect of Population Densities on Survival, Growth, and Behavior of

Coho Salmon and Steelhead Trout Fry.

Gibson, Sheila Mary, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Psychiatry Thesis: A Study of Several Aspects of the Enzyme Tyrosine Hydroxylase.

Harder, Harold John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Abbotsford Physics Thesis: A Carbon Dioxide Sensitive Photosynthetic Rate Sensor.

Healey, David Andrew, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics Thesis: Internal Gravity Waves in a Vertically Sheared Flow.


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Johnston, Terrence William, B.E. (Civil) (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Planning

Thesis: Implications of Air Space Utilization in British Columbia.

Kenney, Geraldine Anne, Licentiate (Royal Inst, of Chemistry), England Chemistry

Thesis: Nanosecond Pulse Radiolysis Studies. King, Richard Dennis, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology

Thesis: Food Habits in Relation to the Ecology and Population Dynamics of Blue Grouse.

Koo, JaHak, B.Sc. (Seoul), Korea Geology Thesis: Geology and Mineralization in the Lorraine Property Area, Omineca

Mining Division, British Columbia.

Koster, Evert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics Thesis: Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Iron.

Lainsbury, John Michael, B.Sc. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Planning Thesis: The Implications of Railway Relocation in Western Canadian Cities;

Saskatoon, a Case Study.

Lam, Dominic Man-Kit, B.Sc. (Lakehead), Hong Kong Physics Thesis: The Gravitating Effect of Gravitation.

Lance, Arthur Norman, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Zoology Thesis: A Telemetry Study of Dispersion and Breeding Biology in Blue Grouse.

Langford, George Albert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Degeneration of the Germinal Epithelium in the Mouse and Rat Testis with

Respect to the Seminiferous Cycle Following Ligation of the Vasa Efferentia.

Louie, Mrs. Judy Sok Beng, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Philippines Chemistry Thesis: Formation and Catalytic Properties of Some Ruthenium (II) Olefin Com­

plexes in Solution.

Madderom, Peter, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Computer Science Thesis: Analytic Differentiation of a Fortran TV Function Subprogram.

Mann, Ronald Edward, BArch. (Manitoba), Richmond Planning Thesis: The Role of the Time Element in the Urban Renewal Process. Part of a

Group Thesis, "The Nodular Metropolitan Concept".

Mathias, John Anthony, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Population Energetics of Two Amphipod Species in Marion Lake.

McQueen, Donald James, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Studies of Feeding Activities of Copepods in Marion Lake, B.C.

Millar, John Steven, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), MesachieLake Zoology Thesis: The Reproductive Biology of the Western Red Squirrel.

Mintz, Kenneth Jose, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: A Study of the 2700A Absorption of Molecular Iodine.

Morris, Robert Norton, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Physics Thesis: A Helium Plasma Jet: Construction and Plasma Properties.

McKay, Diane Louise, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Sidney Botany Thesis: Saprolegnia dlclina Humphrey as a Parasite of the Salmonid, Oncorhynchus


Mullen, Brian Charles, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), PoweU River Physics Thesis: Toward an Accurate Calculation of the Mean Lifetime of the H- Ion in


Ng, Flora Tak Tak, B.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Chemistry Thesis: Activation of Hydrogen by Rhodium and Iridium Chloro Complexes Con-

taming Sulphide or Arsine Type Ligands.


Pearson, William Daniel, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Plant Science Thesis: The Establishment of the Dosage-Mortality Curve for an Aphid: A Problem

in Methodology.

Quenet, Robin Vincent, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Forestry Thesis: An Examination of the Canada Land Capability Classification for Forestry.

Ricker, Karl Edwin, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Nanaimo Geology Thesis: Quaternary Geology in the Southern Ogilvie Ranges, Yukon Territory and

An Investigation of Morphological, Periglacial, Pedological and Botanical Criteria for Possible Use in the Chronology of Morainal Sequences.

Russell, Lome James, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Chapman Camp zoology Thesis: The Parasites of the Whitetail tieei (Odocotleus virginUmus ochrourus) of

British Columbia. Sastry, Cherla Bhaskararama, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Andhra), India Forestry

Thesis: Some Effects of Fertilizer Application on Wood Properties of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziestl (Mirb.) Franco).

Schratter, Jacob, Dip.Phys. (Bucharest), Vancouver Physics Thesis: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in a Thallium Single Crystal.

Sealy, Spencer George, B.Sc. (Alberta), Saskatchewan Zoology Thesis: A Comparative Study of Breeding Ecology and Timing in Plankton-Feeding

Alcids (Cychlorrhynchus and Aethia spp.) on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Shaede, Eric Albert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Chflliwack Chemistry

Thesis: Light Emission from Water Irradiated with High Energy Electrons. Shahani, Ashok Gurmukhdas,

B.Tech. (Indian Inst, of Tech.), India Planning Thesis: The Nodular Metropolitan Concept: Transportation Aspects.

Simpson, James Eric, B.Sc.F. (Toronto), Victoria zoology Thesis: The Flight Muscle Polymorphism in Cenocorixa bifida.

Smith, Ian Donaldson, B.A. (Victoria), Victoria zoology Thesis: The Effects of Hunting and Serai Succession Upon Vancouver Island

Black-Tailed Deer. Sood, Rattan Sagar, B.Sc.;M.Sc. (Panjab), India Chemistry

Thesis: The Synthesis of 11-AZA Pregnane Derivatives Stallard, Graham Victor,

B.Sc. (London School of Economics), United Kingdom Planning Thesis: The Projection of Tourism: A Case Study of British Columbia.

Swiatkiewicz, Victor Joseph, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Zoology Thesis: Studies of the Oxytocic Activity of the Neurointermediate Lobe of Squalus

acanthlas (Pacific Variety). Thompson, Mrs. Ann Bernice, B.Sc. (Bishop's), Quebec Animal Science

Thesis: The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol Implants and Ration Protein/Energy Ratios on the Water Requirements of Growing Sheep.

Torupka, Edward John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Studies Related to the Veratrum Alkaloids. The Total Synthesis of C-Nor-

D-Homo Steroid Analogues. Zyblut, Edward Ronald, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond zoology

Thesis: Temporal and Spatial Changes in Distribution and Abundance of Macro-Zooplankton in a Large British Columbia Lake.


Arita, George Shiro, B.A., M.S. (Hawaii), United States Zoology Thesis: A Comparative Study of the Structure and Function of the Adhesive

Apparatus of the Cyclopteridae and Gobiesocidae.

Baillie, David Leonard, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Second Chromosome TS Lethals in Drosophtla melanogaster.

Barakso, Janos, B.S.F. (Sopron), North Vancouver So" Science Thesis: Relationships Between Some Elements in Rocks, Soils and Plants of Some

Mineralized Areas of British Columbia.


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Bassett, Michael Conway, B.Sc. (Victoria), Victoria Zoology Thesis: A Cytotaxonomlc Study of the Most Common Larval Chironomidae in a

Series of Saline Waters in the Southern Interior of British Columbia.

Bramhall, George, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Buraaby Forestry Thesis: Longitudinal Permeability Within Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesil

(Mirb.) Franco) Growth Increments.

Burnett, Neal Harvey, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Physics Thesis: Some Investigations Into Spark Gap Recovery in Air and Hydrogen.

Chan, Vernon Bruce, B.Sc. (Victoria), Victoria Zoology Thesis: A Study of Some Factors Influencing the Orientation Behaviour of the

Ambrosia Beetle Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).

Dalby, David Allan, B.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Physics Thesis: The Development of a Germanium Lithium-Drift Gamma Spectrometer

and Preliminary Applications to Positron Physics.

Gflffflan, Edward Smith, m , B . A . (Yale), United States Zoology Thesis: A New Method of Determining the Efficiency of Towed Plankton Samplers.

Hamilton, John Dwayne, B.Eng. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Physics Thesis: On a Relativistic Two-Body Problem.

Harrison, Roy William, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Campbell River Chemistry Thesis: The Determination of the Crystal Structure of Acetyltriphenylgermane by

X-Ray Diffraction.

Hay, John Bruce, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Effect of Thymectomy on the Course of Experimental Tmmime

Thyroiditis in Mice.

Head, David Alan, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Some Aspects of the Radiation Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions of Nitrous


Hebert, Daryll Marvin, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Cranbrook Zoology Thesis: Natural Salt Licks as a Part of the Ecology of the Mountain Goat.

Hepburn, John Duncan, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Fulford Harbour Physics Thesis: Coincidence Methods for Determining Scintillation Counter Efficiency.

Humphrey, Leonard Blair, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Stereochemistry of Bridgehead Free Radicals.

Kalra, Rajinder Mohan, B.Sc, M.Sc. (Panjab), India Chemistry Thesis: Application of Oxo Reaction to Two Sugar Epoxides.

Kan, Gordon Ying Pui, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Application of Oxo Reaction to Two Carbohydrate Derivatives. Nucleoside


Kubo, Masayoshi, B.Eng. (Osaka), Japan Chemistry Thesis: Some Reactions of Singlet Delta Oxygen.

Lee, Jack Foo, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Pharmacology Thesis: The Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ribonucleotide 2',3'-Cyclic Phosphates by a

Diesterase In Nerve Tissue.

Lee, James Hin Foon, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Poultry Science Thesis: An Investigation of Egg Shell Quality.

Lee, Winston Keh Chin, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver Animal Science Thesis: Serum Protein - Bound Iodine Levels in Growing and Pregnant Sheep.

Levings, Colin David, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Zoology Thesis: Aspects of the Life History of Lycodopsis pacifica (Collett) 1879.

Lo, So Esther, B.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Zoology Thesis: The Ultrastructure of the Rostral Sensory Organs of the Water Bug,

Cenocorixa bifida (Hungerford), Hemiptera).


Memon, Nasrir Ahmed, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Sind), Pakistan Chemistry Thesis: Homogenous Hydrogenation Catalysed by Square Planar Iridium (I)


Moeck, Henry Adolf, B.Sc. {Brit. Col.) , Alberta Zoology Thesis: Electron Microscopic Studies of Antennal Sensilla in the Ambrosia Beetle

Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) (Scolytidae).

MacRury, Thomas Bernard, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Quantum Effects in Dilute Adsorption Systems.

Potter, Michael Urwin, B.Sc. (Royal Military College, Kingston), Vancouver Physics

Thesis: Measurement of Small Shifts of Wide Lines. Potts, Jerrald Rowell Murray, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Mission Plant Science

Thesis: The Effect of Abrupt Temperature Increase on Phosphorous Metabolism of Pisum sativum.

Shkurhan, Eugene, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond Microbiology Thesis: The Role of Fungal Lipids in the Hypersensitive Response.

Speight, Janet Dorothy Isabella, B.Sc. (Dalhousie), Nova Scotia Zoology Thesis: Acidification of Rectal Fluid in the Locust Schistocerca gregaria.

Sun, Bernard Ching-Huey, B.S. (National Taiwan), Taiwan Forestry Thesis: Energy Dissipation in Paper Tearing as Time-Dependent Phenomenon.

Walton, Thomas George, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Port Coquitlam Physics Thesis: An Intermediate Image Nuclear Spectrometer.

Wolfe, Robert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Chemistry Thesis: Low Coverage Gas-Surface Interactions.


Archibald, William Robinson, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Haney

Avis, Mrs. Jeanette, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.) , North Vancouver

Baggoo, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, B.H.E. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver

Bennett, David Malcolm, B.A. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver

Brown, Mrs. Elinor Mary, B A . (Brit. Col.), Burnaby

Cave, Geoffrey Charles, B A . (Bristol), White Rock

Church, Mrs. Shirley Anne Aleta, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.) , Vancouver

Cone, George Edward, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Cudworth, Brian, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Midway

Diemert, Albert Joseph, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , North Surrey

Dowds, Rose Willa, B.Sc. (Columbia), Ontario

Drugge, Nels Leonard, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) , North Vancouver

Edgar, David James, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Harris, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Crescent Beach

Harvey, Frederick James Terence, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey

Hendrickson, Mrs. Myrtle May, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Quathiaski Cove


Page 33: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Howarth, Margaret Anna, BA. (Queen's); B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Alberta

Jones, David Charles, B.Ed. (Victoria), Revelstoke

Le'bel, Harold John, BA. (Manitoba); B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan

Lencucha, Wilfred Stephen, B.Ed. (Alberta), Alberta

Lund, Mrs. Mary Jessie MacLeod, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Manley-Casimir, Michael Edward, B.A. (Exeter), Spuzzum

McAteer, Kenneth Davidson, B.Com. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby

McCurrach, Helen Isabel, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Neufeld, Jacob Albert, BA. (Brit. Col.), Saskatchewan

O'Brien, Mary-Catherine Theresa, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario

Pankratz, Harry Ernest, B.A.; B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Peters, Thomas, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Richmond

Petraki, Mrs. Marika, B.A. (Beirut), Vancouver

Robinson, Frederick William, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Rogers, Matthew Everet, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Ladner

Schofield, John Edward, B.A. (Toronto); B.Ed. (Alberta), Alberta

Smart, Peter, BA.; B.Ed. (Alberta), Victoria

Smith, Marilyn Elizabeth, BA. (Brit. Col.), Ladner

Smith, William Thomas, BA. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver

Soles, Andrew Edwin, BA. (Brit. Col.), Castlegar

Storrs, Mrs. Catherine Alexandra, BA. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby

Stubbs, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Sutherland, Lester, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Swanson, Christine Theodora, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Tatroff, Daniel Peter, BA.; B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Todd, Stuart, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Vallis, Arthur Frank, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Verma, Des Raj, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Panjab), Kamloops

Wood, Mrs. Dorothy Margaret, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Young, Ernestine Alberta, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver


Ashworth, Nesta Mary, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Banmen, John ,B.Ed., BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Bayfield, John Turner, B.SA, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack


Brown, Muriel Jean, BA. (Toronto), Vancouver Bunting, Isobel Joan Gilfillan, BA. (Brit. Col.), Campbell River

Carter, David Frederick Roy, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster

Close, Erling Robert, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Coates, Robert Elmore, BA., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Qualicum Beach

Colledge, Ernest Lloyd, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Collings, Thomas William, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Collins, Richard, B.Sc. (Sydney), Vancouver

Curteis, Charles Thomas, BA. (Victoria), Vancouver

Cuthbertson, John Osborne, MA. (Glasgow), Cranbrook

Dancey, Francis Earl, B.A., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan

Denley, John Raymond, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver

Dier, Carole Ann, BA. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan

Dillon, Mrs. Patricia Marguerite, BA. (National, Ireland), Vancouver

Dougan, Henry John, BA. (Brit Col.), Vancouver

Dunlop, Willard Gerald, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver

Dunn, Albert Edward, BA. (Western Ontario), North Vancouver

Embleton, Charles Richard Anthony, BA. (Brit. Col.), Kamloops

Paris, Ronald Lyle, BA. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Fletcher, Mrs. Shirley Louise, BA. (Brit Col.), Vancouver

Graves, Ronald Dennis, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), 100 Mile House

Hawes, Roland Graham Downard, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster

Holmes, Sydney Arthur William, BA. (Brit Col.), Port Alberni

Hutton, Stewart Thomas, B.P.E. (Brit Col.), Kelowna '

Isaak, Peter David, B.A., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan

James, Robert Colclough, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Nanaimo

Jones, Ronald Thomson, BA. (Brit. Col.), Ladysmith

Keddis, Mrs. Margaret June Yvonne, BA. (Brit Col.), Vancouver

Kendrick, Harold Robert, B.Ed. (Victoria), Victoria

Kynaston, Dennis Leslie, B.SA. (Brit Col.), Richmond

Lafavor, Harold Douglas, B A. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver

May, Edwin Peter, B A. (South Africa), North Surrey

Milton, Kenneth Breckenridge, A.B. (Stanford), Vancouver

Minato, Mrs. Lily Ying Chue, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver


Page 34: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Moysiuk, Orest, B.A. (Saskatchewan), South Burnaby

Nath, Gyanendra, B.Com. (Agra); M.Com. (Lucknow), Vancouver

Neumann, Peter, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack

Ornes, Mrs. Marilyn Lois, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Palleson, Edward Robert, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey

Perlstrom, Roy Hilmer, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Richmond

Reynolds, Gerald Blackett, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver

Rourke, William Harold, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Ladysmith

Sage, John Lynn, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Sawyer, Thomas George, B.A. (Brit. Col.). New Westminster

Selby, Mrs. Lyflan Gertrude, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Kimberley

Sherry, George James, B.Ed., BA. (Brit. Col.), Nanaimo

Smith, James Gregory, B.A. (Leeds), Trail

Stephenson, Hugh Lothian, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan

Thompson, Margery Lucille, B.Mus. (Saskatchewan), Vancouver

Tortorelli, Ralph Louis, BA. (Brit. Col.), Quesnel

Wild, Reginald Douglas, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver

Wolfe, Joyce Elizabeth, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Kelowna

Wood, John Wilton, B.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster

Worsdale, Arthur James, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster


Blackshaw, Sandy Arthur Rennie, B.Sc; B.P.E. (Windsor), Ontario Thesis: The Effects of an Accelerated Physical Education Programme on Certain

Physical and Motor Traits of Children in Kindergarten and Grade Two.

Tihanyi, Jeno, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Effects of an Accelerated Physical Education Programme on Certain

Physical and Motor Traits of Children in Grades One, Three, and Four.


Backstrom, David Clarence Bell, Alan Streatfeild Chen, Morris Colvin Davis, Shane Remmette Dill, Robert Morgan Fieldwalker, Rol Gutstein, Donald Hong, Thomas Liang

Vancouver West Vancouver

Trinidad West Vancouver

Saskatchewan Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Hutchinson, Kenneth Hewitson Alberta Kembar, John Ross Marach, William Nicholas Milkovich, Nick John Neilson, John Alan Schellenberg, Alvin Peter Simpson, Douglas Barry Walters, Guy Martin

North Vancouver Ontario

North Vancouver Victoria

Saskatchewan West Vancouver




Bruneski, Donald William Vancouver Young, Thaddeus Ding-Tai, B.Sc. Vancouver Motomochi, Hideyuki Tom, B.Sc. Vancouver



Beveridge, Linda Arlene Beveridge, Thomas Herbert James Bhoojedhur, Seewant Blair, William James Blumenauer, Donald Robert Brown, Charles Dwight Bush, Donald Joseph Chorley, Phyllis Mary Crawford, William Henry Eady, Francis Charles Edwards, Henry Anthony Garnett,Ian Gelder, Linda Arlene Goerzen, Walter Reginald John Graham, Bruce Alexander Haigh, Murray Stephen Johnson, Harold Stener Kloosterman, Broer Lee, Raymond Hak-Keung Martens, Victor Jake

Richmond Vancouver Mauritius

Langley North Kamloops

Abbotsford Vancouver

England Langley

Vancouver England Burnaby

North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Richmond

Prince George Victoria

Vancouver Clearbrook

Mathieson, Ronna Arlene Maubert, Raymond Michael Mayhew, Garth Alan Maynard, Richard John McFee, Ronald Charles Nichols, Royal Brock Obradovich, Jim Bob Paulin, Robert Stanley Paulson, Stewart George Peter, Clinton Guy Pollock, Elizabeth Carol Anne Resh, Howard Martin Resh, Lyle William Scott, Norma Jean Sneddon, James Ian Tatto, Peter Caesar Waterman, Peter Fredric Wiens, John Herbert Zednai, Jerry George Steve

Richmond North Vancouver

Victoria Vancouver Chilliwack

Victoria Aldergrove Vancouver

Burnaby Merritt

Vancouver Salmon Arm Salmon Arm

Vancouver Vancouver

Burnaby Westbank

Vancouver Penticton


Baker, Gary Guy Vernon Lee, David Joe Yow Vancouver Bentley, Susan Vancouver Wicks, Michael Brian West Vancouver Cumming, Daniel Brian Vancouver


Black, Norman James New Westminster Bond, Richard William Wallace Burnaby Boughey, Diane Elizabeth Browne, Liam Joseph Chan, Chih-Chiang Counter, Barbara Joan Cutf orth, Glen Stanley Cutler, Russell Manning Donaghy, David Francis Henker, Donald Frank

Victoria Rossi and

Japan North Vancouver

Victoria Penticton

Vancouver Creston

Jordan, Curtis Albert Jow, So Fay Kong, Mrs. Diana Lynn Kwan, Franklin Levis, Peter Michael Loney, Linda Kathleen Mandin, Christopher Henry McLay, Kenneth Donald Misfeldt, Patrick Fred Morse, Richard Dakin

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Nanaimo Fort St John

Vancouver Haney


Page 35: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Negraeff, Michael Joseph Grand Forks Posnikoff, Mrs. Sandra Jean Vancouver Ringrose, Kenneth George Haney Sanderson, Glen Arnold Vancouver Strom, Jon Erwin Chemainus Wallace, Donna Victoria

Wallace, Sylvia Mary Gloria Burnaby Waller, Ronald Henry Castlegar Willms, Marie Anne Abbotsford Wong, Arthur Coquitlam Wyllychuk, Donald William Vancouver


Franzen, Glen Earl Vancouver Stephanson, Lawrence Gerald Sheepwash, Douglas Richard, B.Sc. Sardis




Allen, John Thomas Nelson First Class Honours In Chemistry

Bahner, Barbara Quebec Second Class Honours in Biology

Baker, Donald Arthur Nanaimo Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Bardsley, Robert Eckardt Vancouver Second Class Honours in Physics

Bech-Hansen, Nils Torben Vancouver Second Class Honours in Biology

Behrens, Sylvia Ladner Second Class Honours in Zoology

Belyea, David Walker Vancouver First Class Honours in Physics

Breaks, Fredrick William White Rock Second Class Honours in Geology

Buker, Donald William Dewdney Second Class Honours in Physics

Chauncey, Evelyn Joy United States First Class Honours in Chemistry

Chew, Khoon Hock Malaysia First Class Honours in Physics

Choy, Siew Kiong Malaysia First Class Honours in Zoology

Clement, Andrew Howard West Vancouver Second Class Honours in Mathematics

Collins, Glenn Albert Vancouver Second Class Honours in Biochemistry

Conroy, Patrick Francis North Vancouver First Class Honours in Mathematics

Cooper, Terry Kenneth Vancouver Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Cowley, Mary Jacqueline North Vancouver Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Dickinson, James Russell Vancouver First Class Honours in Physics and Chemistry

Donnelly, Margaret Grace Vancouver First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics

Elliott, Robert William Victoria Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Enright, Gary Dennis Nelson First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics

Enright, Wayne Howard Nelson First Class Honours in Mathematics

Ford, Beverly Frances Effie White Rock Second Class Honours In Chemistry

Foster, Gillian Ruth Victoria Second Class Honours In Physiology

Gillespie, Brian William John Vancouver First Class Honours In Physics

Gravlin, Linda Margery Burnaby First Class Honours in Zoology

Greenall, Robert Martin New Westminster First Class Honours in Biochemistry

Greening, Kathleen Brenda North Surrey First Class Honours In Chemistry

Hill, Mary Ada Richmond First Class Honours in Zoology

Hodgson, Bruce Alexander North Vancouver Second Class Honours In Chemistry

Hodgson, Lois Elaine Vancouver First Class Honours In Chemistry

Honkanen, Arne Arthur Kaslo Second Class Honours In Geology and Geophysics

Isaac, Lorna Maureen North Vancouver Second Class Honours In Mathematics

Johannsson, Ora Elizabeth United States First Class Honours in Biology

Johnson, Wesley Moore Nelson Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Jones, Robert Alan West Vancouver Second Class Honours In Mathematics


Kaneen, Ronald Geoffrey First Class Honours in Mathematics

Kastner, Michael Robin Second Class Honours in Chemistry



Kerr, James Bews Vancouver Second Class Honours in Physics

Kirk, David John Queen Charlotte Second Class Honours in Mathematics

Kirkland, Kenneth John South Burnaby Second Class Honours In Geology

Knittel, Peter Vernon Second Class Honours In Chemistry

Lam, Christopher Vancouver Second Class Honours In Physiology

Larson, Sylvia Josephine Vancouver Second Class Honours In Physics

Lea, George Raymond West Vancouver Second Class Honours In Zoology

Lortie, Ralph Burton Yukon Territories First Class Honours in Geology

Mayers, Ian Richard Trinidad Second Class Honours in Geology and Geophysics

McCarry, Brian Edward Vancouver First Class Honours In Chemistry

McGill, Kenneth Patrick Williams Lake Second Class Honours in Chemistry

McRitchie, Donald Murdo Fernie First Class Honours In Biochemistry

McWhirter, Ina Pamela Cranbrook First Class Honours in Mathematics

Meakin, Timothy David Vancouver Second Class Honours In Physiology

Mirk, Liis Vancouver Second Class Honours In Zoology

Nodwell, Bruce Harold West Vancouver First Class Honours In Physics

Olsen, Lyle Allen Roger Saskatchewan First Class Honours In Chemistry

Olson, Reginald Arthur Vancouver Second Class Honours In Geology

Patterson, James Darryl Vancouver Second Class Honours In Physics

Perley, Richard Alan Kelowna First Class Honours in Physics

Peters, Marilyn Diane Vancouver Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Randall, Richard Fraser Summerland First Class Honours In Chemistry

Redlack, Austin Rienold Vancouver First Class Honours In Physics

Reinsbakken, Arne Castlegar First Class Honours in Geology

Reynolds, Robert James Burns Lake Second Class Honours in Mathematics

Rivett, Arnold MacLean Clearbrook Second Class Honours in Physics and Geophysics

Roscoe, Kerry Dawn North Vancouver Second Class Honours In Microbiology

Rowley, Susan Jane Vancouver First Class Honours in Mathematics

Rurak, Danny William Burnaby First Class Honours In Zoology

Secret, Dennis Walter North Vancouver Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Shaw, Lome Angus Walter Burnaby Second Class Honours in Biology

Smith, Robert Charles Vancouver First Class Honours in Physics and Geophysics

Steppler, James Gordon Haney Second Class Honours in Chemistry

Stiles, James Alexander Robert Vancouver First Class Honours in Physics

Stott, Adrian George Ellingham North Vancouver

Second Class Honours in Mathematics Strachan, James Douglas Saskatchewan

First Class Honours In Physics Strohmaier, Ronald Murray Burnaby

First Class Honours In Physics Tait, David Edward Neil Gibsons

Second Class Honours In Mathematics Taylor, Ann Lorraine Prince George

Second Class Honours In Mathematics Thompson, Peter Hamilton Vancouver

Second Class Honours In Geology Turnell, Roger William Vancouver

First Class Honours in Biochemistry von Hahn, Cecil Franz Peter

Heinrich Hugo Vancouver Second Class Honours In Geology

Wakefield, Robert George Vancouver First Class Honours In Chemistry

West, Nels Oscar Saskatchewan First Class Honours In Zoology

Whipple, Earle Raymond United States Second Class Honours In Geology

Wickland, Grant Robert Vancouver Second Class Honours In Biochemistry

Wilson, William James Fitzpatrick Duncan Second Class Honours In Physics

Wood, Christopher Michael North Vancouver First Class Honours In Zoology

Wostradowski, Rockford Allen Rutland First Class Honours In Chemistry

Yap, Cheng Wa Malaysia Second Class Honours In Zoology


Abbey, Norman Major—Microbiology

Addicott, David Miles Major—Zoology

Port Coquitlam

North Vancouver

Aitchison, Robert John Major—Physics

Aitken, Gailen Margaret Major—Zoology




Page 36: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Akrigg, Marian R o s e Major—Zoology

Akune , Tetsuro Major—Mathematics

Allard, James Terry Major—Mathematics

Apps, Mrs . Karen Sue Major—Mathematics

Arduini, John Louis Major—Mathematics

Argyle , Janice Elaine Major—Mathematics



N e w Westminster


N o r t h Vancouver


Armstrong, James Henry Ferguson Trail Major—Physics

Arnold, James D a v i d Vancouver General Science

Arthur, John Scott Major—Mathematics

Attiana, Gulzar Major—Physics

Aylard, El ise A n n General Science

Baillie, Kenneth D a l e Major—Botany

Balork, D o n a l d Bruce


Lake Cowichan



Vancouver Major—Microbiology

Bateman, D o u g l a s Wi l l iam Edward Burnaby Major—Chemistry

Baylis, John Wil l iam Major—Mathematics

Beck, Reginald John Major—Physics

Beckett, Peter Michael Major—Microbiology

Behrisch, Mrs . Kathryn Elizabeth

Major—Zoology Belzer, W a y n e Phill ip Arthur


Bennett, D o u g l a s M a l c o l m Major—Zoology

Berry, Ela ine Teresa Major—Microbiology

Bigold, D e n n i s A l a n Major—Zoology

Bishop, Michael Clayton Major—Chemistry

B l o o m , Murray Samuel General Science

Boettcher, A l l en Dav id Major—Mathematics

Bolger, M e l Wayne Major—Mathematics

Borgen, Mrs . Use Christine Major—Biochemistry

Bowles , Margaret Amar6 Major—Biochemistry

Breen, Paul Al lan Major—Zoology

Mission City


N e w Westminster

N e w Westminster




Powe l l River

Prince George





Prince George


Brown, Erin Stuart Major—Chemistry

Bruce, Peter Geoffrey Major—Zoology

Buhler, Richard Andrew Major—Biochemistry

Burgar, Wi l l iam Major—Physics

Burgess, Richard D e n n i s Major—Mathematics

Cameron, Roderick Laird Major—Zoology

Cameron, Sandra Lee Major—Chemistry

Campbell , A l a n Murray Major—Chemistry

Card, Kent Edgerton Major—Geology

Carter, James Cunningham Major—Physics

Chambers , G o r d o n Keith Major—Mathematics

Chapelski, Mrs . El izabeth Jill Major—Physics

Cherry, Frank Stephen Major—Mathematics

Cividin, R e n z o Major—Geophysics

Claridge, N o r m a n A l l a n Major—Zoology

Clement, Terrynce Howard Major—Mathematics

Coates , Richard Jackson Major—Biochemistry

Connop , Brenda Lea Major—Zoology

Consigl io, Giovanni (John) Major—Chemistry

Cowan, D e a n n a Maie Major—Zoology

Crawford, Brian Baru Major—Physics

Cullis, R o n Edwin Major—Mathematics

D a e m , Jean-Pierre Major—Zoology

Dale-Johnson, V e r n o n Henry General Science

Daly , Peter Sean Major—Geology

Dauk, Phil ip Carl Major—Mathematics

Davis , G o r d o n Lawrence Major—Chemistry

D a y , Terry Lynn Major—Mathematics

* D e l Vicario , Michele General Science

Diggens , John Stacey General Science


D u n c a n



N o r t h Surrey












N a n a i m o



V ernon




K a m l o o p s

Garden Bay



Ne l son


Ocean Fal l s


Digney, Paul Burnaby Major—Physics

Dixon, Anthony Hunter Major—Mathematics

Dobrowolski, Denis Leon Major—Physics

Dodds, Joyce Margaret Major—Zoology

Dopson, Mrs. Isobel Joan Major—Microbiology

Dopson, Kenneth John Major—Microbiology

Doughty, Nancy Jill Major—Biology

Duffey, Sean Stephen Major—Zoology

Duncan, Leigh Major—Zoology

Durkin, Florence Kathleen Major—Zoology

East, Craig Munro Major—Chemistry

Eastman, Barry William Russell Major—-Geology

Effa, Wayne Eldon Major—Mathematics

Ellis, David Norman Major—Mathematics

Elsoff, John Major—Microbiology

Endicott, Charles Robert Major—Zoology

Ewing, Sheila Maureen Major—Mathematics

Fancett, Robert Frederick Major—Physics

Feher, Bona Major—Biochemistry

Finnigan, James Duncan Major—Mathematics

Flett, Gregory Alistair Major—Mathematics

Forrest, Robin James Duncan, North Vancouver Major—Zoology

Forsythe, Jay Robert Major—Geology

Foster, Leonard Glenn Major—Zoology

Fowler, David John Major—Geophysics

Eraser, Donald William Major—Mathematics

Fraser, Keith Rhoderick Major—Zoology

French, Richard DeLand General Science

Fromme, Martin Harold Major—Chemistry

Funk, Shirley Kathleen Major—Chemistry




Prince Rupert

Prince Rupert

















Qualicum Beach





North Vancouver


Gardner, Linda Joanne Major—Chemistry

Gerbrandt, Michael Eric Major—Mathematics

Gielnik, John Peter Major—Zoology

Gilraine, Gary Francis Major—Mathematics

Given, William James Barry Major—Chemistry

Glommen, Anne Kari General Science

Goddard, Edward Joseph General Science

Gossen, Thomas Warren General Science

Grassl, Karl Wolfgang Major—Zoology

Gray, Collin Butler James Major—Biochemistry

Green, Francis James Arthur Major—Mathematics

Green, Munroe Frederic Compton

Major—Mathematics Green, Stephanie Isabel

Major—Mathematics Groberman, Jeffrey Samuel

General Science Gustafson, Robert Leonard

Major—Zoology Hack, Donald Elmer

Major—Mathematics Haddad, Ronald Elias

Major—Mathematics Halford, Richard Alwynn

Major—Biology Hanlon, Brian Edward

Major—Mathematics Harris, Allan Gordon

Major—Chemistry Hatcher, Earle Ross

Major—Mathematics Hawkins, Carell Adrien

Major—Biochemistry Heiss, Dirk Bertram

Major—Geophysics Higo, Karen Ann Sachiko

Major—Zoology Hill, James Alexander

Major—Zoology Hill, Richard David, B.A.

General Science Ho, Isaac Wing-Kwong

Major—Biochemistry Holden, Marie-Louise

Major—Microbiology Hollands, Steven Ward

Major—Mathematics Hotson, Mary-Kate Denise

Major—Biochemistry Houlston, Robin



West Vancouver








North Vancouver


West Vancouver

West Vancouver


New Westminster

North Surrey









North Vancouver

Gabriola Island

Hong Kong






Page 37: ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION - · 5f the university of british columbia annual spring congregation for the conferring of degrees wednesday, may twenty-ninth

Hoy, Trygve Chemainus Ma/or—-Geology

Huang, Josephine See Feng Hong Kong Major—Biochemistry

Hucks, Frances Louise Vancouver General Science

Humphries, Thomas William Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Hurd, Gordon Malcolm Vancouver Major—Geology

Hurley, Michael Sean Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Imai, Anthony Hisaharu Vancouver Major—Zoology

Imrie, Philip Andrew Vancouver General Science

Inglis, Douglas Charles Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Irvine, John Alexander North Vancouver Major—Geology

Iverson, Lome Nels David North Surrey Major—Zoology

Iwata, Victor Kuniaki Vancouver Major—Zoology

Jackson, Gary Charles West Vancouver Major—Zoology

Jestley, William Garth Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Kalmakoff, Cecil George Vancouver General Science

Karazinoff, Walter Valery Vancouver Major—Chemistry

Keays, Jeanette Anne Victoria Major—Mathematics

Kern, Kenneth Herbert West Vancouver General Science

Ketterer, Ellie Bertha Vernon Major—Zoology

Kipp, Allan Douglas Kamloops Major—Mathematics

Knodel, John William Oliver Major—Zoology

Komadina, Viktor (Anton) Vancouver Major—Chemistry

Kondo, Ross Susumu Campbell River Major—Mathematics

Kuijt, Peter Vancouver Major—Physics

Kushneriuk, Alexander John Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Landymore, Arthur Frederick Vancouver Major—Zoology

Lapham, Claire Janice Vancouver Major—Microbiology

Lauckner, Gunter Richard Vancouver General Science

Ledding, Gregory James Duncan Major—Mathematics

Leighton, Douglas George Frederick, Vancouver Major—Geophysics

Lercherj Brian Arnold Vancouver General Science

Lethbridge, Beverley Quentin Jerome Coquitlam Major—Mathematics

Leugner, Ernest Joseph North Surrey Major—Mathematics

Leviczky, Nora Margaret Irene North Burnaby General Science

Lewis, Mrs. Irmgard Vancouver Major—Zoology

Lightburn, Steven Grant Mission City General Science

Lindsay, Robert Alex Princeton Major—Mathematics

Little, Donald Thomas Victoria Major—Mathematics

Littlejohn, Brian David Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Love, William James Coquitlam Major—Mathematics

Lowdermilk, Dale Eldon Burnaby Major—Zoology

MacAdam, Linda Ann Vancouver Major—Mathematics

MacKay, Douglas Merritt John Coquitlam Major—Mathematics

Mackenzie, Robert Edward Burnaby Major—Zoology

MacRae, Roche Maxwell Stewart Kimberley Major—Zoology

Madokoro, Dennis George Port Alberni Major—Mathematics

Magnussen, Robert Lloyd Vancouver Major—Physics

Main, George Cecil Quebec Major—Mathematics

Malcolm, David William Burnaby Major—Mathematics

Manly, John David Fort Langley Major—Zoology

Mark, David George Cloverdale Major—Geophysics

Martin, John Ronald Vancouver Major—Mathematics

McBride, Douglas Leonard Fruitvale Major—Biology

McCulley, Milford Leonard South Burnaby Majors—Mathematics and Physics

McDonell, Paul Howard Burnaby Major—Mathematics

McEachern, Donna Jean Ontario Major—Chemistry

McEwen, Mrs. Deirdre Paula, North Vancouver Major—Zoology

McKay, Robert John Burnaby Major—Mathematics

McKenzie, Osmond Oswald Vancouver Major—Mathematics

McKenzie, Wayne Duncan West Vancouver Major—Mathematics 22

McNicholl, Frances Gail Major—Microbiology


Armstrong Mead, David Willis Major—Microbiology

Mehat, Paramjit Kaur Cloverdale General Science

Melville, Terence Roy Spencer Sidney Majors—Zoology and Biology

Meth, Sharon Lorraine loco Major—Microbiology

Milne, Stephen Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Mohd Wari, Mamyudi Bin Malaysia Major—Zoology

Moir, Douglas Bruce Kelowna Major—Zoology

Morgan, Hjalmar Vancouver General Science

Moricz, Magdolna Maria Emma Blanka South Burnaby

Major—Microbiology Morris, Mrs. Monica Frances Ontario

Major—Chemistry Munro, John Robertson West Vancouver

Major—Zoology Murray, Douglas Neil Coquitlam

Major—Physics Murray, William Fredric Vancouver

Major—Chemistry Myers, Richard Allen Burnaby

Major—Physics Naylor, Anthony Frederick Scott Vancouver

Major—Zoology Nelson, Brian Oakey Penticton

Major—Mathematics Newell, Margaret Louise Victoria

Major—Zoology Newton, David James Vancouver

General Science Ng, Ellen Oi-Nin Hong Kong

Major—Biochemistry Nicol, Laurie John Richmond

Major—Chemistry Niedolin, Victor Albert Vancouver

Major—Geology Nishi, Lance Iwao Port Edward

Major—Mathematics Noble, Robert Alan Richmond

Major—Biology Nordman, Gary Bryce Vancouver

Major—Mathematics Norman, Robert Anthony North Vancouver

Major—Zoology Orchard, Reynold Graham Vancouver

Major—Biology Osborne, Elizabeth Jane West Vancouver

Major—Mathematics Oura, Roger Hisao Vancouver

Major—Mathematics Page, William James West Vancouver


Paget, Mrs. Trine Suhr White Rock General Science

Parkin, Raymond Lawrence Ladysmith Major—Physics

Pater, Richard Port Alberni Major—Chemistry

Perrin, Peter William Vancouver Major—Biochemistry

Petersen, Bruce Charles Vancouver Major—Zoology

Pettman, Patrick Harold Kelowna Major—Biochemistry

Piggott, George Anthony Vancouver Major—Zoology

Pon, Hilda Vancouver General Science

Powell, Dwight Gregory Alberta General Science

Probstl, Manfred William Vancouver Majors—Chemistry and Mathematics

Prosser, Judith Diane Vancouver General Science

Quinn, Edward Alan Burnaby General Science

Reekie, John David Vancouver Major—Physics

Reinheimer, Milton Charles Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Richmond, Gillian Susan Port Coquitlam Major—Microbiology

Rickart, Innes Helen Vancouver Major—Microbiology

Roberts, Wayne Joseph Nelson Major—Geology

Robertson, Ian, B.A. Vancouver Major—Zoology

Rose, Carol Esther Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Ross, Gordon Henry Richmond Major—Mathematics

Russell, Robin Elizabeth New Westminster Major—Mathematics

Saleken, Leonard William Erickson Major—Geology

Sandilands, Lynda Ruth England Major—Microbiology

Senkow, Sylvia Richmond Major—Zoology

Sheppard, Robert Harold Burnaby Major—Geophysics

Shigematsu, Lucy Sachiko Alberta Major—Mathematics

Shlapak, George Andrew Vernon Major—Physics

Shuto, Lawrence Takeshi Kaslo Major—Mathematics

Shymko, David Steven Vancouver Major—Geophysics

Sigfusson, Joseph Mission City Major—Microbiology

Sigismund, John George New Westminster Major—Zoology


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Silbernagel, Stephen Henderson Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Silverthorne, Clifford Herbert Vancouver General Science

Skiba, Gene Stanley Burnaby Major—Mathematics

Sladen, Norman Arthur Keremeos Major—Microbiology

Sluggett, Carol Mary Vancouver Major—Microbiology

Smaill, Donald Brett Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Smith, Sheila Margaret Fenwick West Vancouver Major—Zoology

Stanga, Roy Henry Vancouver Majors—Mathematics and English

Steeves, James Robert Surrey Major—Zoology

Stevenson, David Paul Penticton Major—Zoology

Stirling, Margaret Elizabeth Vancouver Major—Botany

Stoilen, Sheldon Thomas New Westminster Major—Mathematics

Stokes, Darrell Thomas Alberta Major—Mathematics

Storey, Leslie Lyon Port Hardy Major—Geology

Stranne, John Michael Trail Major—Physics

Stuart, Penelope Margaret Burnaby General Science

Sudol, Frank John Victoria Majors—Botany and Zoology

Swedburg, Gordon Brian Trail Major—Mathematics

Tabata, Makoto Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Tahara, Kathleen Aiko Vancouver Major—Microbiology

Tanchak, Allan William David New Westminster

Major—Mathematics Taylor, Ronald Jon Vancouver

Major—Microbiology Todd, Randall Scott Vancouver

Major—Zoology Toews, David Andrew Alan Terrace

Major—Zoology Tomiczek, Martin Stanley Richmond

Major—Mathematics Toth, Esther Kathleen Vancouver

Major—Microbiology Towill, Barrie Winston Saskatchewan

Major—Physics Tucker, Hugh Arnold Terrace

Major—Mathematics Ullmann, Gerd Vancouver


Urhahn, Helmuth Josef Mathias Vancouver Major—Zoology

van den Berg, Bert Jan Peter Quebec Major—Mathematics

Vanderkamp, Bernhard Julius Vancouver Major—Geology

van der Meer, Homme Cornells Vancouver Majors—Mathematics and Chemistry

Van Kleeck, Carol Anne Kitimat Major—Mathematics

Veness, Boyd Leroy Kamloops Major—Mathematics

Voth, Herbert Herman Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Vroom, Paul Ronald Vancouver Major—Zoology

Wasilenkoff, James Nelson Major—Physics

Watson, Robert Alexander Vancouver Major—Physics

Watt, Mary Ellen Salmon Arm General Science

Webber, Michael Patrick Edward Port Coquitlam

Major—Mathematics Weimer, James Lome North Vancouver

Major—Physics Westfall, Robert Gerald Penticton

Major—Chemistry Wheater, Mrs. Delma Joye Vancouver

General Science Widdowson, Charles Arthur North Vancouver

Major—Mathematics Williams, Ted Martin Vancouver

Major—Chemistry Williamson, Rodney Lee

MacGregor United States Major—Zoology

Wilmot, Orville Lloyd Jamaica Major—Mathematics

Wingate, Irene Elizabeth Vancouver Major—Zoology

Wingert, John Harold Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Winslow, Douglas Frederick West Vancouver Major—Physics

Wishlow, William Patrick New Westminster Major—Zoology

Wodlinger, Kenneth Joel Burnaby Major—Chemistry

Woodruff, Stephen Mark Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Woods, Kenneth William Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Worbets, Roy Stephen New Westminster Major—Zoology

Worboys, Neil Fredrick Victoria Major—Zoology

Wright, Diane Marilynne Abbotsford Major—Mathematics


Yadernuk, Mary Gwen Major—Zoology

Spillimachene Young, William James Craig Major—Physics



Vancouver Adams, Glenn Edwin Majors—Mathematics and Physics

Alexander, Donald Francis North Vancouver Major—Physics

Belhouse, Robert Lome General Science

Bertoia, Lawrence Domenico Major—Mathematics

Brovald, Harvey Allen Major—Physics

Brown, Robert William Major—Physics

Chipperfield, John Lawrence New Westminster Major—Zoology

Cockcrof t, Donald William General Science

Coltart, Marjorie Susan Major—Microbiology

Creed, Diogenes Majors—Mathematics and Zoology

Dall, Robert Walter Majors—Mathematics and Physics

Davidson, John Alexander General Science

Dawson, Robert Frederick Major—Geophysics

Demiany, Erwin General Science











West Vancouver

Driediger, Wilbert Dennis General Science

Dyck, Ernest Majors—Mathematics and Physics

Frambach, Bemd Siegfried General Science

Fulcher, Brian Edward Major—Chemistry

Gigliotti, John Enrico Major—Mathematics

Gray, Kenneth Norman General Science

Harrison, Edward Wayne Majors—Mathematics and Physics

Hawkins, Donald McVey Honours—Physics

Heyd, Richard Dennis Major—Physics

Hobson, Richard Frederic Honours—Mathematics

Holmes, Alan Wayne Major—Biochemistry

Jewell, Delville Secundus Major—Mathematics

Jewett, David Arthur Major—Geology

New Westminster



North Surrey









West Vancouver

Jones, David William General Science

Jorgensen, John David Major—Geophysics

Kelly, Robert Allan Major—Mathematics

Kitamura, Katsumi Major—Mathematics

Langdale, Philip Alan Major—Chemistry

Lathrop, David McCammon Major—Mathematics

Lennox, David John Major—Physics

Lightfoot, Edward William Major—Zoology

Lillie, Thomas Lester Major—Mathematics

Lyon, Gordon Keith Major—Physics

Macey, Hugh Leslie Major—Biochemistry

Martens, Arthur Edward General Science

Mellor, Jeffrey General Science

Miles, William Murray Major—Mathematics

Morris, Marc Christopher Major—Mathematics

McDaniel, Mrs. Tanis Maryan Major—Microbiology

Mclntyre, Walter Edward Anthony Major—Mathematics

McPherson, Neil Telford Major—Mathematics

MacVicar, Roderick Stewart Major—Zoology

Neill, Richard Alan Major—Physics

Nightingale, David Edward Major—Chemistry

Nixon, William Wallace General Science

Obersteiner, Ernest Johann Major—Biochemistry

Ogilvie, Arthur Robert Brace Major—Chemistry

Pang, Chi-Kee Patrick Major—Microbiology

Petraki, Lawrence Theodore Taz General Science


North Surrey


North Kamloops





New Westminster

West Vancouver





West Vancouver


New Westminster

Prince George










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Raimondo, Richard Forrest Major—Chemistry

Richards, Peter John William Major—Physics

Rickson, William Andrew Major—Biochemistry

Schmidt, Gordon Allan Major—Mathematics

Syberg, Fritz Johan Robert Major—Geophysics

Taylor, Alan Richard Major—Mathematics

Terhune, Stuart Joseph Major—Chemistry

Thompson, Donald Sinclair Majors—Botany and Zoology

Thompson, William Burn Major—Physics

North Vancouver Touzeau, Maureen Ruth Ontario Major—Mathematics

Vancouver Vesely, Robert Karl Vancouver Major—Mathematics

Courtenay Ward, Roald Curtis Woodfibre Majors—Mathematics and Chemistry

Nelson Ward, Ronald Arthur Haney Major—Mathematics

Vancouver Watson, Diane Beverley Vancouver Honours—Physiology

Vancouver Westland, Kornelius Willem Richmond Major—Physics

Rossland Williamson, William Donald Trail Major—Biochemistry

Vancouver Winstone, Larry Tallboy Vancouver Major—Physics

Kelowna Wood, Robert Bruce Vancouver Major—Physics THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION


Abel, Donald George Anderson, Ian Duncan Gordon

Vancouver Richmond

Arnet, Peter Stanley Batiuk, Carolyn Joyce Beach, Robert Lome Bell, William Randall Bissett, Mrs. Grace Ann Bowering, Mrs. Orma Lynne Braden, Norma Lea Brassington, Ivan Harry Brigden, Albert Hugh Brown, Larry Edward Brown, Margaret Barbara Buchanan, Mrs. Constance Muriel Cameron, Mrs. Sherrill Joan Caskey, Donald Nelson Cocking, Thomas Arnold Cole, Douglas Frederick Cranston, Lucille Ethel Crook, Mrs. Carol Lynne Crossman, Janice Ruth Crowley, Kathleen Mary Danchuk, Mrs. Patricia Lynn Davidson, Mrs. Violet Anne Dawson, John Thomas Delparte, Donald Lucien Dorey, Melvin Frederick Dyck, Agnes Ann

North Vancouver Trail

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Ontario Vancouver

Burnaby Vancouver

Burnaby Wellington Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Burnaby Fort St. John North Surrey

Vancouver Abbotsford Vancouver Vancouver

Burnaby Abbotsford

Salmo Abbotsford

Eckert, Ronald Frederick Vancouver Evans, Donald Ross North Surrey Fergus, Robert Miles Vancouver Fletcher, Lance Raymond Vancouver Foster, David John Vancouver Foweather, Mrs. Patricia Ladner Fowler, Edward Thomas

Turner Webb Vancouver Gatley, Lyle Daryl Vancouver Gibb, Mrs. Margaret Geraldine Vancouver Gillis, Lesley Patricia North Burnaby Green, Beverly Jill Vernon Gregg, John Stephen Forsythe Vancouver Griffiths, Elizabeth Maud West Vancouver Grinder, Paul William Vancouver Harper, Ronald Allan Vancouver Hart, Earl Cameron Vancouver Hearn, Mrs. Marion Elizabeth North Surrey Hedberg, Lawrence John New Westminster Heine, Arthur Donald Vancouver Hendry, Kevin William Vancouver Higham, Clifford Paul Coquitlam Hill, Kristian Peter St. Keverne Ladner Hoeppner, Donald William Courtenay Hoover, John Leslie White Rock Horseman, Mrs. Harriet Jane, New Westminster James, Denys Alfred Vancouver Jazic, Valery Nicholas Vancouver


Johnson, Mrs. Charmian Elisabeth Ladner Jones, Wayne Buchanan Burnaby Kalk, Harry George Vancouver Kenna, Frank Michael North Surrey Klemets, Walter Keith Vancouver Kocher, Raymond William North Vancouver Koropchuk, Mrs. Linda Ellen North Surrey Krack, Peter Adolf Frederick White Rock Lavik, Leonard Roger Fort St. John Lay, Albert Saskatchewan Lee, Sandra Faye North Burnaby Letourneau, Eileen Frances Vancouver MacDonald, Frederick William North Surrey MacSween, Ian Murdo North Vancouver Malcomson, Robert Cloverdale Manley-Casimir, Mrs. Elsie Hiroko Spuzzum Mansell, Richard Ernest Port Coquitlam Martel, Peni Marlene West Vancouver Mason-Browne, Mrs. Rosemary

Kathleen British Honduras Masuku, Amos Beresford Timothy

Ndlokufa Rhodesia Matsuzaki, Ken Ladner McManus, John Cairns Ladner McMillan, Colin Malcolm Richmond McNay, Diane Mary North Surrey Meech, Mrs. Rosemary Anne Burnaby Meister, Heinrich Langley Meldrum, James Stewart North Vancouver Merwin, George Wayne Fort St. John Monks, Lois May Torino Moore, Gary Mitchell Vancouver Murdoch, Charles Denis Kelowna Murphy, Lome William Vancouver Owens, Lynn Marcia Vancouver Oxtoby, Mrs. Sharon Australia Palethorpe, Donald Sydney West Vancouver

Paxton, Leona Esther Richmond Pleitner, William Paul North Surrey Pozniak, Nancy Erickson Reid, George Olney Quesnel Rennie, Nancy Ann Vancouver Repel, Teofil Vancouver Rumsby, Kendall Ross White Rock Sankey, Terence Richard Richmond Semple, Barbara Grace England Sharpe, Mrs. Iris Eileen Margaret Richmond Smith, Gillian Patricia Victoria Smith, Grant Alexander West Vancouver Solodki, Gloria Jean Haney Southam, Barrie Rowland Langley Spafford, Theodora Jean Vancouver Spencer, David Norman Bumaby Spicer, Sue Josephine New Westminster Starr, Charles William George Abbotsford Stedham, Harold North Burnaby Stewart, Mrs. Judith Diane Stieda, Roland Helmut Ernst Stobbs, Catherine Lynne Swanzey, David William Tarnowsky, Diana Lynn Templeton, Richard Kirk Thompson, Brian Gary Van Bergen, Edwin Henry Van Hove, Volkert Jan, Jr. van Osterhout, Wayne Allen Vesely, Mrs. Marilyn Vincent, Ardith Juanita Wahl, Arthur Gottlieb Whidden, Douglas Charles Wiggins, Michael George Williams, Judy Gaie Wurz, Mrs. Elizabeth

Vancouver Vancouver

Haney Cultus Lake

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Bumaby ancouver

Vancouver Vancouver

New Westminster Vancouver Vancouver

Rossland Vancouver


Abbott, Ronald Stanley Allen, Donald Franklin Balderson, James Henry Ballard, Gerald Oliver Balzer, John William Barker, Austin Carlson Baschzok, John Paul Bates, Mrs. Marjorie Cheney Behn, Roger Frederick Brandt, Calvin George

North Vancouver North Kamloops

Vancouver Coquitlam

Kitimat Castlegar

Kaslo Bumaby

Chase Vancouver

Cameron, David Taylor Caron, Mrs. Agnes Pearl Carriere, Joseph Romeo

Leonard Chapman, Roland Franklin Chester, Allan Henry Christensen, Frederick Oliver Clarke, Edwin Conner Clarke, John Murray Cordell Classen, Wesley Mervin

Burnaby North Vancouver

North Vancouver North Surrey

Prince Rupert Sidney

Dawson Creek Bumaby



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Creamer, Donald Charles Dunn, Raymond Chevrier Ennis, John Donald Enquist, Harold Epp, Walter George Fiddick, Leslie Dale Field, William Arthur Fraser, Alan Lovat Fuller, Harry Edward

Kimberley Chase

North Surrey North Vancouver

North Surrey Prince George

Kitimat Agassiz

Vancouver Furney, Mrs. Paulette Jacqueline Vancouver Gemmill, Madeline Joan Vancouver Giesbrecht, Helmut Vancouver Glanville, Mrs. Alice Ethel Grand Forks Hammer, Usher Joseph Vancouver Hardie, David Anderson Vancouver Harris, Harold Lindo Ladner Heibey, Mrs. Constance Mary Vancouver Hetherington, Brian James McClean Haney Hobson, Earl Sidney Ernest Richmond Holmes, Jackson Douglas West Vancouver Hundleby, Glenn Daryll Victoria Irvine, Roger Kenneth Vancouver Jackson, Hugh Richard Paul Vancouver James, Francis Trevor North Vancouver Johnston, John Neill Burnaby Jones, Trevor Hugh Vancouver Keast, Ralph Gerard North Vancouver Kerrigan, Sidney Quesnel Koat, Rienk Murrayville Kuechle, Alvin Joseph Saskatchewan Lacina, Francis Joseph North Vancouver Laverty, Charles Abbotsf ord Leahy, William John North Surrey Lee, Donald Winston Vancouver Loenen, Edward John Ladner London, Louis Lennard Vancouver Marshall, Michael Anthony Courtenay Masi, Renaldo Angelo Burnaby Menduk, Allen Stanley Natal Mickelson, Barry Richard Burnaby Mills, Geoffrey Kitimat

Honours in French Mitchell, Eric William White Rock

Moore, David Francis Mott, Mrs. Anne MacDonald, Donald Archie MacDonald, Ian Lloyd McKenzie, John Alexander McMullen, Timothy Evan McRae, Kenneth Bruce Nicoll, Thomas Dickson Opra, John Wilfred Patterson, David Ronald Payne, Lome David

Summerland North Vancouver

Burnaby Burns Lake

North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Ladner Revelstoke Vancouver

Dawson Creek Peever, Mrs. Georgiana Gertrude Ocean Falls Peterson, Lawrence Walter Courtenay Pezel, Paul Charles Qualicum Beach Phillips, Allen Robert North Surrey Pulle, Paul Justus Vancouver Redford, James Douglas Port Alberni Puis, Nelson Andrew North Kamloops Robertson, Evelyn Jean Gibsons Rowe, Mrs. Nancy Beatrice Langley Rowley, Charles William Port Moody Rycroft, Keath Burnaby Samoyloff, Peter Roy Brilliant Sbrocchi, Mrs. Frances Mary Arnett Kamloops1

Selig, Mrs. Norma Eileen Oliver Sim, Jean Elizabeth South Burnaby Slade, Leonard George North Vancouver Slinn, Edward Harvey North Vancouver Smith, Gordon Ernest Burnaby Smith, James Gary Vancouver Summers, Raymond George White Rock Thomson, Evan Richard Chilliwack Turner, Robert Allen Ontario Voth, William John Prince George Waite, John Frederick Trail Wellock, Mrs. Rachel Anne Rossland Whyte, John McKenzie Vancouver Wiebe, Helen Diana Richmond Williamson, Mrs. Patricia Blanche Burnaby Woods, Gordon Lawrence Kamloops Worobec, John Anthony Vancouver Worobieff, Eldon Vancouver

Airton, Mrs. Gloria Kathleen Alexander, Mrs. Karen Diane


Vancouver Anderson, Garry Wayne Vancouver Salmon Arm Babbini, Virginia Erminia Vancouver


Bahsler, Mrs. Donna Mae Vancouver Bailey, Paul Frederick Vancouver Bare, Eugene John Williams Lake Barton, Marilyn Rose Vancouver Barwell, Sherea Daun Burnaby Baxter, Audrey Rose Vancouver Beeching, Mrs. Johanna Vancouver Bell, Shirley Anne Creston Bigelow, Terry-Ann Vancouver Boughton, Janet Elizabeth West Vancouver Bowron, Carole West Vancouver Brandie, Mrs. Grace Vancouver Brehaut, Mrs. Joan Vancouver Britton, Leslie Anne Vancouver Brocklebank, Valerie Lynne North Burnaby Bruce, Marilyn Jane Vernon Cameron, Ian Julian Burnaby Cavin, Elizabeth Ellen Richmond Challans, Mrs. Mary

Catherine West Vancouver Charlton, Mrs. Leila Gertrude Vancouver Charter, Carolyn Daphne Burnaby Clement, Mrs. Dianne Frances

Margaret Vancouver Clouston, Mrs. Betty Bain New Westminster Coles, Kathryn Ann North Vancouver Cook, Donald William Abbotsford Cresswell, Marion Lorraine North Burnaby Cumyouw, Rebecca Anne Vancouver Dargatz, Mrs. Shirley-Anne Sardis Davies, Shirley Maureen Burnaby de Haan, Charlene Amelia Vancouver Dewberry, Mary Lou Richmond Dorrell, Anne Meave Vernon Doyle, Karen Anne Campbell River Durose, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Vancouver Easton, Mrs. Julia Ann Vancouver Echlin, Linda Dianne Vancouver Elsdon, Gary Donald Port Moody Eriksson, Mrs. Laura Andriena Vancouver Evans, Mrs. Margaret Stewart Prince George Evanson, Arnold Edward Vancouver Ferguson, Richard North Pine Fownes, Lynda Jane West Vancouver Fox, Roger Frederick West Vancouver Francis, Catharine Jean Vancouver Fraser, Mrs. Kathleen Jessie Ladner Gates, Carolyn Frances West Vancouver Gibbard, Roger Sydney Powell River

Gill, Mrs. Patricia Joan Vancouver Gillard, Mary Victoria Vancouver Godin, Mrs. Joanne Kathryn New Westminster Gooderham, George Leslie Victoria Grafton, Richard Stewart Vancouver Green, Mrs. Vicki Ann Vancouver Greenfield, Susan Janice West Vancouver Greveling, Rodger Arnold New Westminster Grierson, Mrs. Agnes Reid Vancouver Grimble, Gail Marilynn Vancouver Guillaume, Carolyn Jill Trail Gustafson, Carl James North Vancouver Hadgkiss, Mrs. Catherine Thea Vancouver Hall, Caroline Margaret Vancouver Harlow, Harold Wayne Haney Harrison, Diane Kamloops Harrison, Jane Elizabeth Ganges Hart, Charles Wilson Vancouver Harvey, Mary Ellen Salmon Arm Heinrichson, Kersti Richmond Henry, Barbara Joan Vancouver Higashi, Susan Toshimi Greenwood Hillier, Elaine Joan Vancouver Hindmarch, Mrs. Taimi Esther Saturna Island Hodge, Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Vancouver Hokonson, Diane Gail Vancouver Holley, Carol Ann Vancouver Hood, Richard Glenn New Westminster Hourigan, Colleen Patricia Victoria, Howes, Lynnda Elaine Fort St. John Hupfau, Ursula Ann Vancouver Hurt, Mrs. Armida Prince Rupert Ingraham, Arlene Joan Squamish Innes, Patricia Jeanne loco Israel, Corinne Ann Victoria Jasper, Faith Emily Abbotsford Johnson, Judith Taylor Vancouver Johnston, Julia Rosamond Amy Chilliwack Kallus, Ingrid Barbara North Vancouver Kelly, Susan Jacqueline Vancouver Kelly, Mrs. Valerie Evelyn Vancouver Kibble, Linda Maureen Vancouver Kika, Sharon-Leigh Mizuho Kamloops Kingsley, Mrs. Evelyn Mildred Vancouver Kirby, Daphne Lynne West Vancouver Knipfel, Sandra Aline Vancouver Lalonde, Judy Vancouver Lamont, Mrs. Edith Dorothy Burnaby Langford, Donald James Chilliwack


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Lavallee, Mrs. Jean Emily Marie Vancouver Leontowich, Beverly Anne Sardis Lira, Brenda Cheryl Vancouver Lock, Mrs. Dorothea Alice Burnaby Lodge, Patricia Margaret Vancouver Low, Elizabeth Russell Vancouver Lyall, Elizabeth Jean Vancouver Lysell, Carol Anna Vancouver MacDonald, Maureen Lynne Vancouver MacDonald, Mrs. Maureen

Marlene Enda Vancouver Macey, Kathleen Anne Vancouver MacKay, Leslie Jean Sardis Malisauskas, Sharie Port Kells Marsh, Susan Mary Vancouver McClurg, Mrs. Danielle Lynne Vancouver McConnachie, Sheila Hellen West Vancouver McKim, Marie Marguerite Abbotsford McMullan, Mrs. Linda Marie Vancouver Miller, Karen Mary Vancouver Miller, Patricia Olive Salmon Arm Millway, Frances Elizabeth Burnaby Miskofski, Gertrude Burnaby Moro, Gabriella Trail Mounce, Mrs. Bertha Louise Port Coquitlam Mullin, Patricia Charlene Princeton Nakamoto, Mrs. Marion Vancouver Nears, Faith Alice Vancouver Neufeld, Alfred Vancouver Neufeld, Annie Vancouver Oates, Jennifer Anne Burnaby Ollenberger, Bonita Maxine Langley Olsen, Mrs. Sharon Gayle Vancouver Oswald, Mrs. Joyce Marguerite, North Surrey Palmer, Mrs. Eileen Theresa, New Westminster Partridge, Gordon Lindsay Vancouver Patsch, Mrs. Alinda Lillian Mary Burnaby Paxton, James Charles Richmond Pead, Mrs. Edna Marion New Westminster Pendergast, June Mabel Vancouver Petley, Patricia Lois Penticton Phillips, Donna Joy Pitt Meadows Pingel, Juergen Albert Richmond Pinsent, Patricia Louise North Vancouver Pisesky, Lynda Jean West Vancouver Pollard, John Donald New Westminster Pradolini, Kathleen Marguerite Revelstoke Prasow, Esther Elaine Alberta Price, Joan Marie North Burnaby

Pusey, Leonard Sidney Ronald North Vancouver

Ralph, Mrs. Barbara Gayle Vancouver Randle, George Robin New Westminster Rice, Margaret Annie apRhys Quebec Roberts, Mrs. Susan Miriam Vancouver Rogers, Anthony William Bernard Vancouver Romaniuk, Sharon Lyn Richmond Rothenbusch, Patricia Mary, New Westminster Roxburgh, Mrs. Marja Johanna Burnaby Russell, Barbara Clare Vancouver Russell, Evelyn Marian Vancouver Russell, Mrs. Joan Ethel Vancouver Ryzak, Shirley Ann Waine Vancouver Sakai, Ichiye Sally Richmond Sakakibara, Janie Nobuko Vernon Sanderson, Gene Ralph Naramata Sankey, Diana Dale Vancouver Schooley, Mrs. Ardell Laurene Vancouver Scott, Gary Robert Coquitlam Scully, Ronald John North Surrey Shore, Carolyn Shirley Ladner Sick, Donna Eleanor Abbotsford Sitter, Thomas Kenneth Burnaby Sklar, Mrs. Blossom Coralee Vancouver Small, Elizabeth Anne Burnaby Smith, Richard Russell Kamloops Smith, Mrs. Valerie Carol West Vancouver Somers, Mrs. Patricia Agnes Salmon Arm Stanford, Mrs. Lila O. Burnaby Staton, Kathleen Grace Richmond Stephen, Hellen Elspet Vancouver Stevens, James William Port Alberni Stevenson, Elizabeth Anne Vancouver Stewart, Mary Pauline Vancouver Stickley, Marilyn Cameron Vancouver Stone, Judy Ann Frances Port Alberni Stromgren, Sandra Mary

Karen New Westminster Takasaki, Patricia Misako Richmond Tasaka, Chuck Hachiro Greenwood Taylor, Mrs. Mary Edith Vancouver Taylor, Roy David Vancouver Thorn, Valerie Sheila North Vancouver Thomson, Mrs. Carolyn Joan Vancouver Titus, Boris Vancouver Trangsrud, Mrs. Helen Charlotte Vancouver Tung, Mrs. Susan Vera Vancouver Turtle, Julia Margaret Alberta


Vivian, Dianne Elizabeth Vogt, Eva Maria Walls, John Colin Wardrop, James Matthew Wilson, Mary Vivian Jeanne

West Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver South Burnaby


Wong, Wendy Mei-Jean Vancouver Woo, Wendie Lynn Vancouver Wood, Alexander Ian Murray Richmond Zazelenchuk, Harry North Surrey


Addicott, Ernest Miles Akune, Mrs. Itoko Alden, Mrs. Rita Jo-Ann Allen, Wilda Joyce Aim, Mrs. Mary Leslie

West Vancouver Richmond

North Vancouver Vancouver

Alberta Anderson, Mrs. Donna Marie Vancouver Anderson, Mrs. Helga Florence Vancouver Armstrong, George James Princeton Babb, Mrs. Beverley Joyce Vancouver Bain, Mrs. Anneke Burnaby Bandsmer, Mrs. Hildegard Susan Vancouver Bate, Ernest Newell Vancouver Beharrell, Ronald George Abbotsford Bennett, Mrs. Nancy Helen Coquitlam Biczo, Louis Andrew Lake Cowichan Bierman, Mrs. Reva Helen Prince George Black, Lorna Virginia West Vancouver Blume, Carol Dorothy Mission City Bouchard, Melvin Ronald Vancouver Bouvier, Gilles Marc Coquitlam Brackman, Mrs. Violet Euphemia White Rock Brandt, Mrs. Beryle Dale Kamloops Braun, Isaac Langley Bridges, Mrs. Susan Therese Vancouver Brown, Seeber Beverly Richmond Bruder, Corneila Maria Vanderhoof Bryce, Mrs. Joy Alberta Vancouver Brydon, Mrs. Amy Alma Powell River Brynjolfson, Mrs. Virginia

Margaret South Burnaby Caple, Mrs. Mary Wallace West Vancouver Casorso, Mrs. Edith Christian Vernon Catherwood, Mrs. Jessie Margaret Vancouver Causey, Mrs. Grace Elizabeth Vancouver Chapman, Mrs. Lorna Vivian Surrey Cheeseman, Mrs. Patricia Joan Vancouver Clark, Mrs. Arlene Helen Nanaimo Clay, Sandra June Vancouver Cooper, Howard Reginald Richmond Copp, Mrs. Alice May Vancouver

Corrigan, Terrance Cowling, Anthony Henry Craig, Charles Wayne Crook, James Curry Currie, Karin Joan Dagneau, Roy Vincent Daly, Catherine Jane Davidson, Norma Ellen Davies, John William Dhaliwal, Giano Kour Dougan, Terrance Alexander Downey, Mozetta Claire

North Vancouver Richmond Vancouver

North Vancouver Vancouver

Salmon Arm Trail

Coquitlam Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Dubeau, Mrs. Yvonne Neleh New Westminster Elliott, Lawrence Kenneth Vancouver English, Mrs. Pamela Mary Langley Evans, Mrs. Joan Elizabeth Mary Quebec Eversfield, Patricia Catherine North Vancouver Eyres, Mrs. Sherrill Marleen Kimberley Farquharson, Mrs. Barbara Patricia Vernon Farynuk, Henry Stephen Vernon Feldes, Joseph Jack Vancouver Ferrari, John Lawrence Port McNeill Fidell, Ronald Nelson Comox Fletcher, Mrs. Carol Lynne Kimberley Folkman, Melvyn Douglas Chilliwack Forrester, Margrett Dawnne Port Coquitlam Freeman, Gordon Edward Comox Fussell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Sayward Gait, Alexander Robertson Nelson Gaskill, Mrs. Madeleine Kathryn Vancouver Gayton, Mrs. Penny Louise West Vancouver Gilewich, Ruth Esther North Vancouver Gillard, Earle Douglas Salmo Gilvear, Deanna Gail Vancouver Glancy, Mrs. Barbara Ann Vancouver Goodwin, Glennys Maureen Vancouver Gustafson, Mrs. Corinne Ann United States Hamm, Mary Anne Patricia Port Coquitlam Hancock, Raymond Donald Howell Nakusp Harvey, Mrs. Marion Winona New Westminster


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Haskins, Alfred Robert Hendricks, Ruona Karen Herman, Mrs. Dulcina Higman, John Spender Hiltz, Mrs. Joan Ernestine Hocking, Mrs. Margaret

Vancouver Dawson Creek

Smithers Coquitlam

Nanaimo Richmond

Hodgins, Mrs. Elizabeth Florence Vancouver Hooge, Mrs. Edith Anna Clearbrook Hope, James Daniel Fort St. John Hopkins, Mrs. Edith Florence Oliver Humphrey, Mary Odell Kamloops Hungerford, Mrs. Vallance Jane

Florence Dimsdale Vancouver Hunter, Donald Richmond Huth, Sigbert Edwin Chilliwack Ingram, Isobel Anne Merritt Izumi, Basil Tadashi Creston James, Linda Margaret Burnaby Jensen, Lenora Ann Vancouver Johnson, Carol Marlene North Surrey Johnston, Andrew Julius Kimberley Johnston, Margaret May Penticton Johnston, Mrs. Viola Irene Chinook Cove Jones, Mrs. Lillian Dorreen North Surrey Jonsson, Ellen Margaret Port Coquitlam Kabush, Mrs. Margaret Louise Vancouver Kandie, Robert Alexander North Surrey Katz, Marilyn Gail Vancouver Kavanagh, Mrs. Veronica

Frances New Westminster Keely, Cecil Bernard North Vancouver Keen, Kenneth Vancouver Kelso, Mrs. Verna Irene Vancouver Kimmel, Karen Lynne Vancouver Kimoto, Ellen Tamayo Ucluelet Kirkbride, Marion Leslie Nanaimo Kirkby, Mrs. Noreen Frances Vancouver Kirkwood, Sheila Margaret Vancouver Kovalevich, Wasyl (William) Canal Flats Kriese, Marilyn Diane Kamloops Lancaster, Johnny Wayne Cranbrook Lancaster, Mrs. Lyalla Rae Cranbrook Langfeldt, Amber Rae West Vancouver Lasuta, Mrs. Muriel Joyce Burnaby Lea, Donna Mary Vancouver Leese, Mrs. Marilyn Kathleen Vancouver Leland, Alice Evangeline New Westminster Lindsay, Mrs. Leslie Frances Vancouver

Lloyd, Lois June Louis, Mrs. Patricia Vernon Lucieer, Ariane Elisa Magus, Peter Fred Mar, Joyce Toyshan Marston, Mrs. Alvina Marie Mason, Mrs. Caroline Maxwell, Owen Luella Mayer, Mrs. Marjorie Helen Meissner, Rosemarie Alma Merling, Alexander Adolph Mint, Gayle Delrose Moore, Mrs. Sharon Dale Moslin, Mrs. Susan Ann Mulder, Sharon Adrienne Muralt, Mrs. Helen

Powell River Ladner

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver Vancouver

Nelson New Westminster

Vancouver Port Coquitlam

Manning Park Richmond Kamloops

Langley Murray, Catherine Christina North Vancouver Mussell, Sharon Louise North Vancouver McCallum, William Bruce Alert Bay MacDonald, Mrs. Deborah Patricia Vancouver Macdonald, Lila Charmaine Vancouver MacLaren, Norman Ross Sardis McLaughlin, Mary Margaret Fruitvale MacLaurin, Mrs. Dianne Elizabeth Kaslo MacLaurin, Peter Crawford Kaslo McLean, Mrs. Dorothy Frances Prince George MacLean, Margaret Dawn United States McLeod, Alexander Vancouver Nakanishi, Shoko Richmond Negrin, Ermida Louise Vancouver Niccoli, Tarcisio Vancouver Nickford, Mrs. Marion Richmond Norman, John Frederick Prince George Nye, Mrs. Marilyn Susanne West Vancouver O'Brien, Patricia Mary Coquitlam Oliver, Mrs. Karen Opal Vancouver Ollis, Mrs. Eva Joy West Vancouver Orr, Mrs. Charlene Patricia Chilliwack Ourom, Mrs. Edith Rita Vancouver Pearce, Mrs. Elna Joanne South Burnaby Peebles, Hubert Phillip Samuel Enderby Peramaki, Bette Louise Ladysmith Perrin, Thomas Kenneth Merritt Peterson, Donald Roy North Burnaby Philcox, Susan Mamie Nanaimo Pighin, Vivian Mable United States Pinckney, Beverly Anne Kinnaird Ponak, Emil Milan Vancouver


Vancouver Vancouver

Port Moody Cranbrook

North Vancouver Abbotsford Vancouver

Prince George

Powell, Mrs. Phyllis Mary Prescott, Jerome Otto Prkachin, Mrs. Barbara Mona Qualtieri, Joseph Anthony Ramsay, Mrs. Judith Ann Ratzlaff, Stanley Norman Reid, Kenneth Alan Reilly, Sharon Lynne Reimer, Mrs. Irene (Iris) Caroline Vancouver Remedios, Vivien Cecilia Vancouver Roberts, Glyn Ross Burnaby Robin, Mrs. Pamela Ann Vancouver Ross, Dorothy Jean White Rock Roulette, Julius Vancouver Ryall, Kenley Bernard Nanaimo Sandercock, Donald Peter Vancouver Sayer, Mrs. Judy Lorraine Vancouver Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Quebec Scott, Colin John Prince George Seddon, Henry Arthur North Vancouver Seddon, James Lawrence Vancouver Selder, Andrew Noel Vancouver Shannon, Mrs. Patricia Catherine Vancouver Shantz, Mary Ella Pollyanna Port Simpson Shearing, Clane Wendall Vancouver Sibilleau, Romeo Meinrad Vernon Simmons, William Alec Randall Burnaby Simpson, Mrs. Lawrie Elizabeth Vancouver Slater, Mrs. Wilma Edna Chemainus Smith, Mrs. Donna Jean Vancouver Smith, Kathleen Elizabeth Vancouver Smith, Mrs. Laura Eileen Hazelton Smith, Mrs. Ruth Anne Vancouver Sookochoff, Mrs. Karen June South Burnaby Soy, David Michael Ladner Starick, Edward Stefan New Westminster Stevens, Frederick Griffith Vancouver Stigings, Peter Bruce Vancouver Stinson, Mrs. Margaret Eleanor Vancouver

Sturn, Mrs. Joan Darlene. Tanaka, Annie Tarnava, Mrs. Alice Taylor, Daniel Terakita, Sally Kiyomi Thompson, Barry Edward Tifenbach, Ronald Tindale, Mrs. Muriel Maude Titchmarsh, Sheila Kathleen Todd, Norman George Toews, Njuta Henrietta Towill, Mrs. Anita-Louise Town, Mrs. Laurie Isobel Tracy, Maxwell Trask, Oscar Keith Van der Ree, Michael Robert Wachowski, Ernst Ulrich Wales, Mrs. Lorna Gail Walker, Kathleen Lucy Waterfall, Mrs. Helena Watson, Stephen

Kimberley Richmond Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Quesnel North Surrey

West Vancouver Vancouver Kimberley

North Surrey Vancouver

West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Squamish Golden

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Duncan Weber, Mrs. Marilyn Patricia West Vancouver Webster, Mrs. Caroline Mary Vancouver Weltens, Mrs. Dorene Evelyn New Westminster White, Judith Aileen Coquitlam Wiebe, Catherine Sylvia Marian Saskatchewan Wiebe, Mrs. Esther Lily Vancouver Wiens, Frieda Ruth Chilliwack Williams, Lois Anne Courtenay Williamson, Harry David Burnaby Willis, Beverley Rose Vancouver Wilson, Marguerite Mary Beatrice Burnaby Wrineh, Thomas Warwick Vancouver Wylie, Mrs. Ruth Evelyn Vancouver Yawney, Edward Ernest Kamloops York, Robert Phillip North Surrey Young, Mrs. Diane Elizabeth Kamloops Young, Michael Joseph Vancouver Zapf, Alan John Vandene North Burnaby


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Bain, John Roger Vancouver Barr, Susan Jean Kimberley Bean, Carol Ann Leslie Saskatchewan Blake, Wayne Edwin Victoria Callaghan, Barry Joseph Vancouver Carr, Robin Victor Vancouver Dellert, William John Richmond Dockendorf, Neal Allan North Burnaby Dugas, Robert Allan Vancouver Elliott, Barbara Joan Vancouver Elliott, Malcolm Edward Victoria Everett, Douglas Gordon Vancouver Fandrich, Bernard Vernon Frederick, Glen Ronald Burnaby Fridulin, Dennis Anthony Burnaby Gordon, Arlee Netta Victoria Granlin, Marcus Robert James Victoria Grant, Elizabeth Ruth North Vancouver Grimmond, Thelma Dianne Richmond Haar, John Trevor Vancouver Hurson, Patricia Anne West Vancouver Johnston, William Glenn Scott Victoria Kamm, Mrs. Theodora Melanie Richmond King, Mrs. Karen Lynn Vancouver

Klein, Karl John Lefevre, Mrs. Kathryn Mary McGill, Robert Glen McNulty, William Brian Miller, Reginald Walter Murray, Bruce Alexander Nemeth, Andrew Leslie Paul Nishi, Albert Fumetake Paulley, Robert Gordon Phipps, Charles William Poggemoeller, Norman Erich Pope, Alvie Louise Rattray, Bryan Wade Reagh, Ronald Dennis Redford, Robert Wilson Rigby, Brian Colin Snider, Stewart Bryan Staveley, Norman Douglas Taylor, Michael MacDonald Thorsteinson, Cynthia Gaye Vandermeulen, Mrs. Kaye Irene Vandermeulen, Sjouke (Sam) Villeneuve, Mrs. Mary Michele Weightman, David Leonard

Alberta Kimberley Vancouver

Hope Port Coquitlam

Vancouver Vancouver Richmond

North Vancouver North Surrey

Vernon Vernon

Osoyoos Burnaby

Hendrix Lake Victoria Golden

Vancouver North Surrey

Cloverdale Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver



Emerson, Edward Albert Hoenig, Hans Killeen, Paul Fredric Murray, Neil Henry McComb, Brent Douglas McGavin, Barry William Nessman, Robert Alfred Osis, Victor Harold

Merritt Vancouver

Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

North Surrey Slocan Qty

Sheeley, Carlton Arthur Smith, James William Stebbings, Robert Phillip Tudhope, Peter Wayland Wenger, Howard Allan Williams, Linda Margaret Youngberg, Edward John

Coquitlam Castlegar

Vancouver New Westminster

Vancouver Williams Lake



Buzan, Mrs. Jean Mary Heeley, Frank

Vancouver Singh, Harnam Arjuna Terrace Niranjan, B.Sc. Vancouver


Coughlan, Mary Ann Roberta, B A. Vancouver



Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later.

HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science,

B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture,

B.S.A. degree): Ian Garnett (Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in

Engineering, B_A.Sc. degree): Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Commerce,

B.Com. degree): John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Science, B.Sc.

degree): Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, Call and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating

Class in Law, LL.B. degree): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree

of MX).): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy, B.SJ>,

degree): Sylvia M. G. Wallace (Burnaby). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N. degree):

(Mrs.) Winifred Margaret Miller (North Vancouver). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of

course, B.S.F. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry,

B.SJP. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

B.Ed, degree, Secondary Teaching field): Douglas Frederick Cole (Burnaby). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

B.Ed. degree, Elementary Teaching field): Anthony W. Rogers (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating

Class in Dentistry, D.M.D. degree): Richard A. Suen (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture,

degree of B.Arch.): Donald Irwin Gutstein (Ontario). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianshlp (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship,

degree of B.L.S.): Ann R. Wierum (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of

the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, B.P.E. degree): Robert G. McGill (Vancouver).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B.H.E. degree): Margaret Elizabeth Howell (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Social Work, M.S.W. degree): (Mrs.) Nancy Rae Stibbard (Vancouver).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, BJtfus. degree): Michael M. Longton (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine, degree of B.S.R.): Judith McDonald Cleaver (Kelowna).

THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Richard D. French (Cloverdale),

AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions

in student or community affairs): Norma Jean Scott (Vancouver).

ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prize, books ($100): Alan S. Bell (West

Vancouver). ARTS

The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Mary K. White (Vancouver). British Columbia Psychological Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding

record in Psychology): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver).


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The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Philosophy): Gregory John Lanning (Vancouver).

The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in Geography): Douglas John Caruso (Vancouver).

The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in graduating class, English Honours): Geraldine Sinclair (Vancouver).

The English Honours Prize, $300: Geraldine Sinclair (Vancouver). Frank de Bruyn Memorial Prize, $100 (highest standing in 17th Century English literary

studies): Rosemary Elizabeth Webber (Montrose). French Government Bronze Medal (proficiency in French): Ellen Janet Hunter (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reid Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): Harvey

Chisick (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and

Literature): Marie-Luise Schoenfeld (North Vancouver).

COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduating Class of 19S8 Memorial Shields (outstanding academic records, personal

qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dilworth Memorial—Kathleen K. Campbell (Trail). Matthew Henderson Memorial—John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver).

EDUCATION The Edna Baxter Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's Litera­

ture): Patricia O. Miller (Salmon Arm). The Stella Shopland Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's

Literature): Ingrid Barbara Kallus (North Vancouver).

ENGINEERING The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prize, $50 (highest standing

in highway engineering): James R. Lundgren (Vancouver). The Anna Margaret Armstrong Memorial Prize in Metallurgy, $300 (outstanding overall

contribution to class and to profession of metallurgy (awarded in April): Alan Munro Ross (Victoria).

The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): William R. Clendenning (Vancouver).

Merrill Prindle Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contri­butions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Lynn Dickson Spraggs (Vancouver).

Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Lynton S. Gormely (Vancouver).

The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—James Norman Lightfoot (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—John Victor Maras (Vancouver). Third Prize, $30—James R. Lundgren (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Ronald G. Fuller (New Westminster)

Norman George Stephenson (Vancouver) Lloyd Dale Thate (Vancouver).


Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prize in Forestry, $100 (proficiency, harvesting option): Harold A. Jolliffe (Cranbrook).

Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest Harvesting

option): Harold A. Jollifle (Cranbrook). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency):

Richard Becker (Vancouver) John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops).

HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing pro­

ceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): Carolyn Dawn Ritchie (Fort Langley). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): Margit

L. Kristiansen (Salmon Arm). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and

skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Susan Kathleen Burns (Vancouver).


LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court) (awarded during Session):

David Alexander Nichol (North Vancouver), $125 Stephen D. Gill (Vancouver), $75.

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, highest standing courses in Succession), $50: Mohan S. Jawl (Victoria).

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, Mercantile Law): Laurence Wilford Anderson (Vancouver).

Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (highest overall standing): Douglas Boyd Robson (Vancouver).

The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): Robert G. D. Wilson (Vancouver).

The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver).

The Insurance Company of North America Prize in Insurance Law, $200 (highest standing): Allen Barrie Davidson (New Westminster).

Special Prize Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver). Vancouver-New Westminster Newspaper Guild Prize in Labour Law, $125 (proficiency):

Russell Walter Lusk (Victoria). LIBRARIANSHIP

The Marion Harlow Prize in Librarianship, $25 (leadership and academic or research ability in studies relating to special librarianship): David G. Jones (Nanaimo).

The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each: Neil Brearley (Vancouver) Barbara J. L. Stevenson (Vancouver).

MEDICINE CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of

studies): James Edmond Dimmick (Vancouver) Morris Vanandel (Burnaby).

The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): David George Haegert (Victoria). The Dr. A. B. Scbinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery):

John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Dr. A. M. Agnew Memorial Scholarship, $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynae­

cology): Martin G. McLoughlin (Vancouver). The Dr. Frank Porter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of sur­

gery): Martin G. McLoughlin (Vancouver). The Dr. Lavell H. Leeson Memorial Scholarship, $100 (high standing and promise): Dietmar

E. Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Dietmar E,

Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Walter Stewart Baird Memorial Prize, $50: Man-Chiu Poon (Hong Kong). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications):

David George Haegert (Victoria). The E.E.N.T. Section, B.C. Medical Association Prizes, $125 each:

(a) best record in ophthalmology—Albert A. Brosseuk (Vancouver) (b) best record in otolaryngology—David E. Harris (Burnaby).

The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interneship): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

The Hamish Heney Mcintosh Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty, is best qualified in every respect, to practise his profession): Wayne L. Cyr (Vancouver).

The Health Officers' Prize, $100 (meritorious scholarship in field of public health): Woon-Tak Pun (Ottawa).

The Horner Prize, $100, and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Richard Owen Hooper (Vancouver).

The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications in terms of interest, student affairs, academic standing, character): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $100 (highest standing in paediatrics): Albert A. Brosseuk (Vancouver).

The Myron M. Weaver Memorial Scholarships, $100 each (overall record and special interest in the humanities): David G. Dahlstrom (Vancouver) David A. Kester (Vancouver).

The Northern Building Maintenance Ltd. Prize, $100 (runner-up to Head of Graduating Class): Martin G. McLoughlin (Vancouver).


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The Samuel and Rebecca Nemetz Memorial Scholarship, $200 (special aptitude for medical research): Richard Owen Hooper (Vancouver).

The Signus Club of Vancouver Prize, $100 (best graduation thesis or report in field of nervous diseases): James R. Heyworth (Vancouver).

MUSIC I.O.D.E. Fine Arts Foundation Scholarship, $500: Gertrude H. Silvester (Penticton). Henry Ohlman Scholarship, $100 (major clarinet, overall record): (Mrs.) Shannon Diane

Purves-Smith (Vancouver). Maurice Taylor Scholarship in Music, $450 (overall academic standing): Daniel P. Kravin-

chuk (Vancouver). Prize for Musicology, $25: Bryan R. Gillingham (West Vancouver). Vancouver Symphony Society Scholarship in Music, $200: (Mrs.) Denise L. Phillips (Vancouver).

PHARMACY Bristol Award (books) (general overall record): David F. Donaghy (Vancouver). Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy (most outstanding record in all years of course), $100: Sylvia

M. G. Wallace (Burnaby). Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in both the theoretical and

practical parts of the pharmaceutics courses in all years): Donna Wallace (Victoria). Edith and Jacob Buckshon Memorial Prize, $100 (highest marks in laboratory course in

compounding and dispensing, Final Year): Donna Wallace (Victoria). Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology courses): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby). Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, books and $25 (highest standings in pharmaceutical

chemistry): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby) Donna Wallace (Victoria).

SCIENCE David E. Little Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics):

Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Lefevre Gold Medal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency in chemistry): Kathleen

Brenda Greening (North Surrey). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key): Kathleen Brenda Greening

(North Surrey). Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, $50 (proficiency in Botany): (Mrs.) Margaret

Elizabeth Stirling (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK

Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Work Prize, $50 (aca­demic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): Jean M. Young (Victoria).

GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing

with graduate studies): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver) Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster).

The Brissenden Scholarship, $300 (Creative Writing): Derk Wynand (Cloverdale). Macmillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each:

Short Story—Lynn Patrick Thome (Montrose) Poetry—Carolyn J. A. Wolfe (Halfmoon Bay).

AWARDS BASED ON SUMMER SESSION 1967 Summer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced

in January, 1968): (Mrs.) Hildegarde Bandsmer (Vancouver) Irene Clare Howlett (Vanderhoof) Rienk Koat (Murrayville) Kathleen Elizabeth Smith (Vancouver) Lois Gail Wales (Vancouver) Caroline Mary Webster (Vancouver).



The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research studies by the academic staff and graduate assistants are made pos­sible, in large measure, by such grants. Special teaching projects are supported or assisted by bequests. Many scholarships, prizes and bursaries have been provided by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped build U.B.C.

The basic support of the University is provided by student fees and by grants from the Province of British Columbia and the Govern­ment of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends to a great extent on added support received from friends. Benefactors, during the past year, donated $6,522,608.

A record of private gifts made in the year ending 31st March 1968 will be mailed to the donors and to others concerned with sup­port for higher education. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure please write or call the Resources Council as shown at the foot of the page.

The brochure shows a fascinating variety of thoughtful and meaningful gifts-in-kind, as well as the many hundreds of gifts of money: bison and mountain goat bones from Lulu Island and the skull of an extinct bison found in the Yukon territory; a grinding mill, valued at $1500; a Chinese culture chart, a set of New Guinea arrows and a bow; one purebred Yorkshire boar; the ceremonial robes, Haida crest shirt, church robes and pilot cap of the late Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley, who was a United Church missionary skipper on the "Thomas Crosby" mission boat based in Ocean Falls; a free aeroplane trip (to secure silver ore specimens); a telescope for Cecil Green Park; 1000 day old chicks. Alumni across the world make their contributions, many annually. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends and by bequest in wills. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal Government grants, the mainstay of the University's finances, are recorded in other University publications.

With twelve faculties, seven schools and four institutes, the needs of the University are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching, research and student aid. However, as the needs and priorities of the University change we welcome early opportunities to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small—and none too large—to be of value.

THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL Enquiries regarding the brochure and regarding gifts:

A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 224-4311


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With the installation of Dr. Frederick Kenneth Hare as its fifth President the University of British Columbia enters, once again, a new period in its growth and development. Time alone will reveal the changes that will inevitably take place in the physical structure and the intellectual atmosphere of the University, but the foundations are firm and well-tested.

For some in today's audience the University's history is fresh and vital, for they themselves have participated in the unfolding action. But for many, perhaps most, the story is but partially known. For them, this brief sketch may provide a perspective or background for this significant occasion.

Sixty years ago, on 7 March, 1908, the Provincial Legislature gave final approval to "An Act to Establish and Incorporate a University for the Province of British Columbia." Though earlier attempts to bring a provincial university into being can be traced well back into the nineteenth century, it was this Act that eventually gave birth to the present institution, and it was under this Act, with certain amendments, that the University oper­ated as the sole public university in the province until 1963. In that year the Legislature passed a new Universities Act that allowed for the establishment of additional degree granting institutions, notably the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University.

In the beginning the infant institution had no visible shape, no real existence. For the first seven years following its incorporation, it required shaping, nurture, and a place for growth. In 1911 the Point Grey site was granted to the University; in 1912 the first Con­vocation, consisting "of all graduates of anv university in his Majesty's dominion resident in the Province two years prior to the date fixed for the first meeting together with twenty-five members selected by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council", chose the first Chancellor, The Hon. F. L. Carter-Cotton; in 1913 the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council appointed as first President a young distinguished Canadian, Dr. F. F. Wesbrook, then Dean of Medi­cine at the University of Minnesota; and in 1914 construction of the Science Building started on the Point Grey site.

But even as the skeleton outlines of that first building started to rise above the surrounding forest, war came to the world. Cherished plans were shattered, and it was in temporary quarters in Fairview, on part of the site of the General Hospital, that the first classes of the university were held. The date was September 30, 1915; the total number of students 379, among whom were many who had started their studies at McGill University College of Vancouver or Victoria College, institutions then brought into the new community of teachers and scholars.

In the next three years courses were developed and the Faculties of Arts and Science, Applied Science, and Agriculture were given form and substance. Achievements were recorded; but the disruptions and tragedies of war were ever present. In October, 1918, shortly before the Armistice, the courageous and pioneering President, Dr. Wesbrook, died. The first era had come to an end.

The second era lies basically between the two world wars. Two figures dominate the unfolding story. The first is that of the second President, Dr. L. S. Klinck. Appointed as Dean of Agriculture in 1914, he had served in that role during the early years of the University, and on the death of Dr. Wesbrook had been appointed as Acting-President. Within a few months his position as President was confirmed, and for the next twenty-five years he guided the institution through periods of dramatic change and deep anguish. He retired in 1944 to become the first President Emeritus. During his long term he worked closely with the second dominant figure of the period—Dr. R. E. McKechnie, who became Chancellor on the retirement of Mr. Carter-Cotton in 1918, and held his high office until his death in 1944.

Within these twenty-five years the event of primary importance was the Great Trek in 1922, the culmination of a vast and powerful student campaign which called upon the


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Government to reopen the building programme on the Point Grey site. The protest was successful. Building was resumed, and the first classes to be held on the present campus met at the opening of term in September, 1925. Approximately fifteen hundred students registered in the three faculties that still constituted the University.

Such was the great achievement of the period. All too soon it was followed by the bitterness of the depression years, which brought drastic cuts in revenue. Only by making great sacrifices and by sharply reducing staff did the University survive those dark days, to encounter the sombre years of the second World War.

Towards the triumphant close of that war, the University entered upon its third era— an era of unprecedented change and expansion, the fullness of which could not have been foreseen even by the most visionary of its leaders. Fortunately leadership was not lacking; it came from a series of devoted—even dedicated—chancellors, and from an imaginative President, who rarely used the word impossible.

The Hon. Eric W. Hamber, the first of the post-war chancellors, completed Dr. McKechnie's unexpired term, then continued to hold office until his retirement in 1951. He was succeeded by Chief Justice Sherwood Lett, one of the University's first graduates, and a distinguished soldier and noted barrister. At the end of his second term of office, he was followed by another outstanding alumnus, Dr. A. E. Grauer, who gave unstintingly of his time and energy until his death in 1961. Elected to complete his term of office, Dr. Phyllis G. Ross, another brilliant graduate of this campus, retained the chancellorship to the end of the academic year in 1966.

The President throughout this third era was Dr. N. A. M. MacKenzie, Already well known across Canada as an authority on international law, as a teacher, and as a success­ful university administrator, he was appointed to succeed Dr. Klinck in 1944. With wisdom, with vision, with great daring, and with unfaltering consideration for those around him, staff and students alike, he guided the University through eighteen incredible years.

Within a few brief months of his installation the flow of returning veterans from the second world war swept across the campus, tripling the enrolment to almost ten thousand. New faculties were born, and fresh accommodation, temporary and permanent, sprang from the soil. In the early fifties came a brief recession, followed by new pressures, constant and unrelenting. By 1962 (the date of Dr. Mackenzie's retirement) the Uni­versity had become a vast and complex organization. Composed of eleven faculties, with many schools and a multitude of departments, it had a student body of over thirteen thousand and a teaching staff of over a thousand. Its international repuation as an excellent institution of higher learning had been firmly established, and to Point Grey came students and faculty from all parts of the world. UBC now served not only the Province that gave it birth but also areas far beyond these borders. Under the guidance of a most distinguished President, the hopes of the founders had been richly realized.

Dr. MacKenzie's successor. Dr. John Barfoot Macdonald, was installed as president in October, 1962. He had arrived on campus in the summer of that year, and his arrival marked the beginning of a new era, the fourth. Having received his dental education at the University of Toronto, and having served with the Royal Canadian Dental Corps during the Second World War, he continued advanced studies in the field of bacteriology and quickly achieved a reputation as a research scientist. As Professor of Microbiology and Director of the Forsyth Dental Infirmary at Harvard University, he was known for his administrative abilities and for his promotion of research and postgraduate education. Almost immediately after his arrival on this campus he gave top priority to the preparation and writing of the now famous report, Higher Education in British Columbia and a Plan for the Future, which, without question, led to the passing of the new Universities Act and the subsequent changing of the pattern of advanced education in British Columbia. It is by this work and its consequences that his regime at UBC will be chiefly remembered.

Within this university proper, he stressed the need for expansion of graduate studies, and he did much to help alleviate the ever present problem of accommodation. He also directed the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry, having laid the groundwork for this project by a report he had submitted to the University some years earlier entitled


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A Prospectus of Dental Education. The era also saw the phenomenal expansion of the holdings of the Library, the direct result of a most generous donation from Dr. H. R. MacMillan. Seen, too, were the completion of plans for the Health Sciences Centre, a vast undertaking which will be ready for operation in the foreseeable future. At the end of Dr. Macdonald's presidency, the student population of the University had risen to over eighteen thousand, with a full time teaching staff of nearly thirteen hundred.

It was during the closing period of this era that the present Chancellor, John M. Buchanan, was elected to office. A graduate of UBC in 1917, he has been one of Van­couver's most distinguished citizens, and since his installation in June, 1966, he has served the University with great diligence and wisdom.

With the resignation of Dr. Macdonald, the Board of Governors appointed as Acting-President, Dean Walter Gage, to serve until the installation today of Dr. Hare. No one could have been better fitted to conduct the University's affairs during the interregnum which now comes to a close. Dean Gage is known to all and knows everybody. He has served the University with love and unremitting labour for many years. He is by nature a skilled administrator. He has wisdom, warmth, and understanding. For his most recent contributions the university community will be grateful for many years to come.

And in conclusion (and especially for those who have heraldic interests) the coat-of-arms of the University is formally described in the following terms: "Argent three Bars wavy Azure issuant from the base of a demi Sun in spendour proper on a Chief of the second an open Book also proper edged strapped and buckled Or inscribed with the words TUUM EST'."


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The Chancellor

The Acting President

Elected by Senate:

J. Stuart Keate, B.A.

Donovan F. Miller, B.Com.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council:

Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc.

Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B.

Einar Gunderson, F.C.A.

Walter C. Koerner, K. St. J., LL.D.

John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc, M.F.

Allan M. McGavin, CD.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Nathan T. Nemetz, B.A., LL.B., Chairman of the Board


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SENATE The Chancellor. The Acting President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary.

The Deans: Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc., Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., M.C.LM. Dean of Arts—Dennis M. Healy, B.A., L. es L., Docteur de l'Universite' de Paris. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc., F.R.I.C.S. Dean of Dentistry—S. Wah Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc, Ph.D. Dean of Education—Neville V. Scarfe, B.A., M.A. Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B, B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F. McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M.A., LL.D. Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W.

Elected by the Faculties: Agriculture: A. J. Renney, B.S.A., M.S., Ph.D. Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., M.Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A., D.B.A. Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H. G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A.,

A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A-I.C Law: A. J. McClean, LL.B., Ph.D. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc, D.Pharm. Science: G. H. N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.

Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C. S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc, Ph.D. C B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.I.E.E.E. J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com.. A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. W. C Gibson, B.A., M.Sc, D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.CP. W. S. Hoar, B.A, M.A., Ph.D, D.Sc, F.R.S.C. D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D. P. Larkin. M.A., D.Phil. C A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.C.I.C, F.R.S.C J. McGechaen, M.A. R. D. Russell, M.A, Ph.D. A. D. Scott, B.Com, B.A, A.M.. Ph.D. W. Opechowski, Mag.Fil, F.R.S.C. H. V. Warren, B.A, B A.Sc B^Sc, D.Phil, A.I.M.M, F.G.S.A, F.R.S.C S. H. Zbarsky, B.A, M.A, Ph.D. W. L. Holland, M.A.


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D. V. Smiley, M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. I McNairn, B.A. S. Black, R.S.W., D.A., A.T.D.

Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: W. T. Brown, M.B.E., E.D., B.A., M.A. J. R. Meredith, B.A., M.Ed. R. F. Sharp, B.A., D.Paed. The Hon. H. Green, P.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.D.

Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. D. M. Brousson, B.A.Sc. F. J. Cairnie, B.A. C M. Campbell Jr., B.A. B-A.Sc. J. Guthrie, B.A., M.A. J. S. Keate, B.A. H. L. Keenleyside, M.A., Ph.D. LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B.A.Sc. D. F. Manders, B.A. D. F. Miller, B.Com.. S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B.A. Mrs. H. J. MacKay, B.A. J. V. Rogers, BA.Sc Mrs. B. E. Wales, B.A. D. R. Williams, B-A., LL.B.

Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, B.A. V. J. Housez, B.Com. E. D. Sutciiffe, B.A.Sc.

Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia, (Theological), Vancouver,

Rev. W. S. Taylor, MA., B.D., Ph.D. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver,

Rev. J. Blewett, B.A., B.D. St Marks College (Theological),

Rev. E. C. LeBel, CS.B., CD., M.A., LLD. University Librarian:

B. Stuart-Stubbs, B.A., B I S .

Stiadeat Representatives: Mark G Waldman—Graduate Student Donald J. Munton Gabor Mate Roger R. Larsen


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1785 UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK - - - - Dr. J. Miles Gibson 1827 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO - - - - - Dean Albert Derrick Allen 1838 ACADIA UNIVERSITY Dr. Clarence R. Tracy 1840 MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITY - - - - Rev. Alfred Allison Rogers 1841 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON - - - Dr. Oscar F. Lundell 1852 UNIVERSITY OF ST. MICHAEL'S

COLLEGE Dr. Robert Alexander Adams 1853 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER UNIVERSITY - - - Mr. T. Joseph MacKinnon 1857 UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR Mr. Eugene Donald Rizak 1871 UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG - - - - - - Dr. Lloyd G. Siemens 1876 UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL Prof. Pierre Dagenais 1877 THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Mr. Willard John Condo

Vice-President and Comptroller 1878 MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY Dr. William S. Hoar 1878 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO - - - Mr. Lawrence Dampier 1899 BRANDON UNIVERSITY - - - - - - - Dean R. F. B. King 1907 UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN - - Dr. John William Tranter Spinks

President 1911 NOVA SCOTIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE - - - Mr. Gordon H. Dunphy 1925 MOUNT SAINT VINCENT UNIVERSITY - - Sister Mary Patrice Langley 1931 SEMINARY OF CHRIST THE KING - Very Reverend Augstine Kalberer

Vice-Rector and Dean of Studies 1942 ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE

OF CANADA - - - - - - Colonel Douglas Barnett Wurtele 1948 SIR GEORGE WILIAMS UNIVERSITY - - - - Dr. John R. Ufford 1960 LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY Prof. John Ralph Harrison 1962 BROCK UNIVERSITY Dr. James Alexander Gibson

President and Vice-Chancellor 1963 UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA Dr. Malcom G. Taylor


OF NELSON The Very Reverend Aquinas Thomas President

1963 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Dr. Gordon M. Shrum Chancellor

Dr. Patrick McTaggart-Cowan President

1966 UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - - - - Dr. Walter Raymond Trost Vice-President

1967 UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE - - - - - - Dr. W. A. S. Smith President


Executive Director CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Douglas McK. Brown

Vice-President for British Columbia NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA - Dr. William Harrison Cook

Executive Director


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COMMONWEALTH 1214 OXFORD UNIVERSITY - - - His Honour Judge Joseph B. Clearihue 1411 UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS - - - Dr. Wladyslaw J. Stankiewicz 1583 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH - - - - Prof. Archibald MacPherson 1836 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Dean Philip H. White 1845 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST - - - Dr. Robert Brian Lowry 1851 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Prof. Eric C. E. Todd 1873 UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY - - - Prof. William Lancelot Holland 1903 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - - Prof. Charles Alexander McDowell 1905 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD Dr. James P. Duncan 1911 UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Prof. Brian Harrison 1946 UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES - - - Prof. Charles B. Bourne 1955 UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Miss Ruth King 1961 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA Mr. Daniel K. Otchere 1963 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE - - Dr. James S. Forsyth 1966 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Prof. Leslie G. R. Crouch

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1740 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - - - - Dr. William G. Slater 1746 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Reverend H. Russell Ross 1754 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Dr. John Mortimer Stephens 1766 RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Dr. Alan David Aberbach 1817 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - - - - Dr. William Francis Slawson 1820 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Dr. Trevor David Heaver 1839 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - - - - Mr. Gordon Jerome Chapman 1850 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Dr. Aldcn Forrest Barss 1851 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Dr. Donald V. Smiley 1851 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Mr. Frederick M. Mann 1861 VASSAR COLLEGE Mrs. Stanley K. Read 1862 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA - - - Mrs. Shirley Mae Bradshaw 1868 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Dr. James B. Parsons 1872 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Dr. Robert E. Knox 1885 BRYN MAWR COLLEGE Dr. A. Jean Elder 1890 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY - - - - Dr. Peter M. Mullins 1891 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Mr. Hiram Ferris Wooster 1891 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Dr. Echo D. Pepper 1893 UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Mr. James P. Ssonc 1893 WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE - - Dr. Charles J. Mora

President Dr. Robert I.. Monahan



FOUNDATION Prof. Robert Richman


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Dr. Frederick Kenneth Hare, who today is being installed as the fifth President of the University of British Columbia, was born in Wylye, Wiltshire, England, on the fifth day of February, 1919. He received his early education at Windsor Grammar School and then entered King's College, the University of London, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science, with first-class honours in geography, in 1939.

After a brief period as lecturer in geography at the University of Manchester, he served for four years (1941-45) as an operational forecaster in the Meteorological Office of the British Air Ministry.

At the end of the war he was appointed as an assistant professor of geography at McGill University in Montreal, but found time to continue graduate studies in geography at the University in Montreal, receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1950.

His academic career at McGill extended over nineteen years. He moved rapidly to the rank of professor in the Department of Geography and Meteorology, and was Chair­man of the Geography Department from 1950 until 1961. In his closing years at McGill he served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, holding this influential office from 1962 to 1964. In that year he returned to England to become professor of geography at King's College, the University of London, and two years later he was appointed Master of Birkbeck College in the same university.

As geographer, meteorologist and administrator, he has actively participated in the work of British, American, and Canadian scientific societies and institutions. He is a Fellow and former Councillor of the Royal Geographical Society, an Honorary Fellow of the American Geographical Society, and has been a member of the National Research Council of Canada, Chairman of the Board of the Arctic Institute of North America, Honorary President of the Association of American Geographers, President of the Cana­dian Association of Geographers, President of the Royal Meteorological Society, and a member of the United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council. He also served as a member of the Commission to Study the Development of Graduate Programmes in Ontario Universities, chaired by Dr. J. W. T. Spinks, the President of the University of Saskatchewan. It was this Commission that issued the well known Spinks Report.

An ever-active scholar, Dr. Hare has written numerous articles on meteorology and geography, and published in 1953 a textbook on climatology *The Restless Atmosphere'* and in 1968 a work entitled "On University Freedom in the Canadian Context'*. His achievements as scientist and educator have been widely recognized, and he was granted the degrees of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) in 1964 by Queens University and in 1968 by the University of Western Ontario.

Obviously his days have been busy, but—somehow—he has found times for recre­ation and relaxation. He is fond of gardening and of outdoor life, has been deeply interested in photography, and has a profound and active love of music.

Dr. Hare is married and has two sons—Christopher John and Robin Gilbert—and one daughter—Elissa Beatrice. In Vancouver, he and his family will live in the President's House on Northwest Marine Drive.


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Friday, May 31st, 1968


The Royal Canadian Engineers Band under the direction of

Capt. L. Camplin, F.T.C.L., A.R.C.M., L.G.S.M.

by kind permission of Colonel R. W. Potts, D.S.O., C.D.

Commander, Canadian Forces Base, Chilliwack

Before The Ceremony

March "Spirit of Pageantry" - - - P. Fletcher Overture "Tannhauser" Wagner Symphonic Poem "Canadian Landscapes" - - - - Gayfer March "Royal Visit" Gayfer

The Processions Enter

Processional March - Grundman

Before Conferring of Degrees In Course

Overture "The Pageant Overture" - Robert Presti

The Processions Leave

Recessional March - - - - - - - - - - - A. E. Matt


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Friday, May 31st

Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies


R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education


H. D. Fisher, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Zoology E. I. Signori, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Psychology J. K. Stager, B.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Geography


Section A. Procession of Visitors

Marshal F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., Professor and Assistant to the

Dean of Pharmacy Section B. Procession of Delegates from Universities and Institutions

Marshal A. H. Cayford, B.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Section C. Procession of Senate

Marshal D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department, Psychology


B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies

Section A. Procession of Board of Governors Marshal

J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Geography

Section B. Procession of Senior Delegates from Universities and Institutions Marshal

C. B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B., Professor, Law

Section C. Procession of the Chancellor Led by the Macebearer

Marshal R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D., Professor, Economics and Director of

Academic Planning Chief Usher

L. R. Kersey, B.A.Sc, Mem.I.E.E.E., Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Usher for Mrs Buchanan's Party

P. Ford, B.Sc, Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor, Zoology


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O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!


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Programme of Ceremony

Friday, May thirty-first


by the RIGHT REVEREND GODFREY P. GOWER Bishop of New Westminster


by JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN Chancellor of the University of British Columbia






by THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE N. T. NEMETZ Chairman of the Board of Governors




WALTER HENRY GAGE Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs


Attorney-General and Minister of Labour of the Province of British Columbia

WILLIAM A. WEBBER President of Faculty Association

DAVID ZIRNHELT President of the Alma Mater Society



GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in Brock Hall


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Barr, Matthew Ronald, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit. Col), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: A 1SF Broad Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of WF„ IF, . AsF«.

SF4 . AsF„. Bcllette, Antony Frank, B.A. (Tasmania);

M.A. (Brit. Col.), Australia English Thesis: Form and Vision in Four Metaphysical Poets.

Boyd, Gary Mclntyre, B.Sc. (Carleton); M.Sc. (Saskatchewan), Ontario Geophysics

Thesis: Geomagnetic Rapid Variations and Ionospheric Perturbations. Brereton, Robert Cloudesley, B.Eng. (McGill), Quebec Mechanical Engineering

Thesis: A Stability Study of Gravity Oriented Satellites. Campbell, Hugh Daniel, B.Sc. M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics

Thesis: Measurement of some Relative Transition Probabilities in Singly Ionized Argon.

Chan, Mrs. Gwendolyn Faye Quen, B.S.P.; M.S.P. (Brit. Col.), South Burnaby Biochemistry

Thesis: Studies on the Combination of Haptoglobin with Hemoglobin.

Cyr, Mrs. Natsuko, B.Eng. (Osako); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Japan Chemistry Thesis: High Resolution NMR of Organotin Compounds and ESR Study of X-Ray

Irradiated Organic Single Crystals.

Cyr, Theodore James Raymond, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry

Thesis: Investigations by 16F Broadline Magnetic Resonance.

Davis, Ronald Stuart, B.Sc. (Alberta); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics

Thesis: Radiative Three-Nucleon Reactions.

Dawson, David Stuart, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Reactions of Some Unsaturated Fluorocarbon Derivatives with Organo

Compounds of Phosphorus and Nitrogen.

Djwa, Mrs. Sandra Ann, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: Metaphor, World View and the Continuity of Canadian Poetry: A Study

of the Major English Canadian Poets With a Computer Concordance to Metaphor.

Gibson, David McLaren, B.Sc (Toronto), Ontario Biochemistry Thesis: Serine Proteases of Sea Anemone.

Golding, Douglas Lawrence, B.Sc. (New Brunswick); M.S . ( P u r d u e ) , A l b e r t a Forestry

Thesis: Regulation of Water Yield and Quality in British Columbia Through Forest Management.

Green, John Marshall, B.S. (Michigan); M.S. (Miami), United States Zoology

Thesis: A Field Study of the Distribution and Behavior of Oligocottus maculosus Girard, a Tidepool Cottid of the Northeast Pacific Ocean.

Hawbolt, Edward Bruce, B.A.Sc; M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Metallurgy Thesis: Phase Transformations in the Silver-Aluminum System.

Haywood-Farmer, John Stewart, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Savona Chemistry Thesis: The Synthesis and Solvolysis of Tricyclo ('1) OCT-8-YL Derivatives.

Hornocker, Maurice Gail, B.S.; M.S. (Montana State), United States Zoology

Thesis: An Analysis of Mountain Lion Predation Upon Mule Deer and Elk in the Idaho Primitive Area.


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Huberman, John, Dr. of Law & Political Science (Pazmany); M.A. (Brit. Col.). Vancouver Psychology

Thesis: A Psychological Study of Participants in High-Risk Sports.

Inaba, Tadanobu, B.Eng. (Osaka); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Japan Chemistry Thesis: Studies in Natural Products.

Ingles, Charles James, B.Sc (Toronto), Ontario Biochemistry Thesis: Studies on Protamine.

James, Harry Gordon, B.Sc. (Queen's); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Phys ,c s

Thesis: Measurement of Spectral Line Profiles in Dense Plasmas. Johnson, Dale Bernard, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.). Rossland Metallurgy

Thesis: Diffusion in Thin Films.

Kay, William Wayne, B.S.A.: M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Microbiology Thesis: Amino Acid Transport and Pool Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Lambert, John David Hamilton, B.S.A. (Vermont); M.Sc. (McGill), Ouebec Botany

Thesis: The Ecology and Successional Trends of Tundra Plant Communities in the Low Artie Subalpine Zone of the Richardson and British Mountains of the Canadian Western Arctic.

Leach, Barry Arthur, B.A. (London). Cloverdale History Thesis: German Strategic Planning for the Campaign in the East 1939-1941.

Lee, Cheuk Yu, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Hong Kong Biochemistry Thesis: Specificity and Kinetic Studies of Deoxyribonucleases from the Intestinal

Mucosa of the Rat.

Ltm, Mrs. Marion-Josephine Sui Sim Chin, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Victoria University of Wellington), Malaysia Mathematics

Thesis: Characterization of Subspaces of Rank Two Grassmann Vectors of Order Two.

Longmuir, Alan Gordon. B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Electrical Engineering Thesis: Numerical Computation of Nearly-Optimal Feedback Control Laws and

Optimal Control Programs.

MacMillan, Robin Frederick George, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Natal), South Africa Mineral Engineering

Thesis: The Effect of Environment on the Fracture of Brittle Solids.

Mallory, Donald James, B.A.Sc; M.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Mathematics Thesis: Limits of Inverse Systems of Measures.

Manville, JohnFieve, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: The Preparation of and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Some

Specifically Fluorinated Corbohydrates,

McLaughlin, Stuart Graydon Arthur, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Anatomy

Thesis: The State of Sodium and Water in Single Striated Muscle Fibers.

Medley, Sidney Sylvester, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond Physics Thesis: A Laser-Excited Optical Resonator for Electron Density Measurements on

a Z-Pinch Plasma.

Munro, Donald Deane, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.); M.S. (Oregon State). Richmond Forestry

Thesis: Methods for Describing Distribution of Soundwood in Mature Western Hemlock Trees.

Ng, Leung-Kai, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Physics Thesis: Re-Investigation of the Excited States of Gd 154.

Northcote, Kenneth Eugene, B.A.; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Geology Thesis: Geology and Geochronology of the Guichon Creek Batholith, B.C.


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Parsons, Robert Raymond, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Physics Thesis: Optical Studies of the Internal Acceptor States in Boron-Doped Silicon.

Passmore, Jack, B.Sc. (Bristol), England Chemistry Thesis: The Preparation and Properties of Nitrogen Oxide Trifluoride.

Peters, Walter Joseph, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Microbiology Thesis: Consequences of Bacillus subtilis in Iron Deficiency.

Raddi, Arvind Govind, B.Sc. (Poona); M.Sc. (Bombay), India Zoology Thesis: The Pelage of Columbian Black Tail Deer Odocoileus hemlonus colum-

bianus (Richardson).

Reed, William, B.Sc. (Durham); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), England Chemistry Thesis: Solutions in Difluorophosphoric Acid.

Rempel, Garry Llewellyn, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Kinetic Studies on Catalytic Properties of Rhodium Complexes in Solution.

Reynolds, Peter Herbert, B.Sc. (Toronto), Ontario Geophysics Thesis: A Lead Isotope Study of Ores and Adjacent Rocks.

Robinson, Gordon George Christopher, B.Sc. (St. Andrews). Scotland Botany

Thesis: Cytological Investigations of the Genus Alaria Greville, as It Occurs on the West Coast of North America.

Roche, Laurence, B.A.; B.Agr. (For.) (Dublin); M.F. (Brit. Col.), Quebec Forestry

Thesis: Geographic Variation in Picea glauca in British Columbia.

Schulson, Erland Maxwell, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ladysmith Metallurgy Thesis: The Plasticity of 8 'AuZn Single Crystals.

Shipley, George Elias, A.B. (California); M.Sc. (Alberta), United States Physics

Thesis: A Spectroscopic Determination of the Nuclear Moments of Bismuth.

Soregaroli, Arthur Earl, B.Sc. (Iowa State); M.Sc. (Idaho), Vancouver Geology

Thesis: Geology of the Boss Mountain Mine, British Columbia.

Squire, Gordon Balfour, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.); M.F. (Yale), Vancouver Forestry

Thesis: Examination of Cellulose-Lignin Relationships Within Coniferous Growth Zones.

Stevens, Ernest Donald, B.Sc. (Victoria); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology

Thesis: Cardiovascular Dynamics During Swimming in Fish, Particularly Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdnerl).

Vongsuriya, Khien, B.Sc. (Chulalongkorn); M.A.SC. (Brit. C o l . ) , T h a i l a n d Electrical Engineering

Thesis: The Application of Lyapunov Function to Power System Stability Analysis and Control.

Von Tigerstrom, Richard Gerhard Christian B.S.A. (Br i t . C o l . ) , N o r t h V a n c o u v e r Microbiology

Thesis: A Study of an Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Wiebe, John Peter, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Reproductive Physiology of the Vivaparous Sea Perch, Cymatogaster

aggregata Gibbons.

Yee, Kim Kuo, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Formation, Reactions and Spectra of Some Group V Free-Radicals.


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Abdurahman, Nizam-U-Dien Ebrahiem, A.R.C.S.T. (Glasgow), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Chemistry

Thesis: Synthetic Studies of Indole Alkaloids.

Bedard, Jean Hugues, B . S c ; M.Sc. (Laval ) , Quebec Zoology Thesis: Ecological Segregation Among Plankton-Feeding Alcidae (Aethla and


Blackmore, Ewart William Allan, B.Sc. (Queen's); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Quebec Physlc<»

Thesis: Final State Interactions in the Reactions He»(He3,2p)He« and T(He»,np) He*.

Catton, Richard Carl Jr., B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Crescent Valley Chemistry Thesis: Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Reaction Intermediates in Metallic


Causey, Allan Robert, B.A.Sc; M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Metallurgy Thesis: The Structure and Deformation Characteristics of 8'AuZn.

Cheng, Yiu-Chung, B.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Physics Thesis: Effects of Internal Electric Fields on Optical Absorption in Impure Semi­


Chiu, Norman Wing Kwai, B.Sc. (Dalhousie); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry

Thesis: Thermal Rearrangements of c/j-2-Alkylcyclopropanecarboxylates and Methyl 2- and 3-Pentenoates.

Church, Barry Neil, B.Sc; M.Sc. (McMaster), Ontario Geology Thesis: Geology of the White Lake Area.

Cockayne, Ernest James, B.A. (Oxon.); M.Sc. (McGill), England Mathematics Thesis: On the Steiner Problem.

Dorothy, Robert Glenn, B.S. (Iowa State); M.S. (Wyoming), United States Physics

Thesis: Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Dilute Gases.

Hall, Mrs. Judith Eleanor, B.Sc, M.Sc. (Alberta, Calgary), Alberta Chemistry

Thesis: Synthetic and Structural Studies in Natural Products.

Henton, Jeffrey Ernest, B.Sc. (Leeds), England Chemical Engineering Thesis: Back-Mixing in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Spray Columns.

Hojvat, Carlos Federico, Licenciado (Cuyo), Argentina Physics Thesis: A Method for Determining Total Proton Reaction Cross Sections.

Jarial, Mohinder Singh, B.Sc, M.Sc (Panjab); M.Sc (Brit. Col.), India Zoology

Thesis: Histophysiological and Ultrastmctural Studies on the Hindgut and Brain of Cenocorixa bifida (Hemiptera-Insecta).

Jonkel, Charles Joseph, B.S., M.S. (Montana State), United States Zoology Thesis: The Ecology, Population Dynamics, and Management of the Black Bear

in the Spruce-Fir Forest of Northwestern Montana.

Kakar, Ashok Kumar, B.Sc. (Panjab); B.E. (I.I. of Science. Bangalore) , India Metallurgy

Thesis: Deformation Theory of Hot-Pressing. Kambanis, Stamatis Athanasios Michael,

Dip.Chem. (Athens'); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: A Kinetic Study of the Generation and Reactions of AIM and Cycloproovl

Radicals in the Gas Phase.

Koch, Hans-Jurgen, B.Sc. (Brit. C o l . ) , Surrey Chemistry Thesis: The Application of the Oxo Reaction to Various Carbohydrate Derivatives.


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Lee. Yam, B.F. (Taiwan Provincial); M.F. (Brit. Co l ) . Vancouver Forestry Thesis: Stand Models for Lodfcpoie Pine «nd t unit* to their ApplKatioo

Millward, Stewart, BSc.. MSc. (Brit. Col.). Vancouver Biochemistry Thesis: Studies on Yeaat SoluWe-Ribonucleic Acid.

Montgomery, Joseph Hilton, B.Sc.. M.Sc. (Brit. Co l ) . Vancouver Oeoionr Thetii: Petrology. Structure and Origin of the Copper Mountain Intrusion* Near

Princeton, British Columbia.

McClaren, Milton, B.Ed. (Brit. Col ) . West Vancouver Botany Thesis: Genetic Studies in the Genus Coprlnia.

Nautiyal, Jagdisb Chandra, B.Sc. (Agra); M.F. (Brit. C o l . ) . India Forestry

Thesis: Possible Contributions of Timber Production Forestry to Economic De­velopment.

Pike, Robert Leeson, B.Sc. (Brit. Co l ) . Vancouver Physic* Thesis: Investigation of Fluid Surface Waves with a New Microwave Resonance


Tam, Wing-Gay. B.Sc. (Hong Kong); M£c. (Brit. Col.), Hong Kong Physics

Thesis: Magnetic Operator Groups of an Electron in a Crystal.

Tam. Yun-KwongSebastian. B.Sc. (Hong Kong); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Hong Kong Phv.ics

Thesis: Limitations of Magnetic Probe Measurements in Pulsed Discharges. Tripard, Gerald Edward. B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col ) , Vancouver Physics

Thesis: The ProducUon of a Well CoUimated Neutron Beam Using the Associated Particle Technique.

Whitteker, James Howard. B.Sc. (Carleton). Ontario Physics Thesis: Polarization of Electron Impjact Light from Helium.

Wootton, George Claude, B.A.Sc.; M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.). Ontario Metallurgy Thesis: The Effect of Alloying and Cold Rolling on the Texture and Mechanical

Properties of Magnesium and Magnesium-Lithium Alloys.


Austin, George Marshall. B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Electrical Engineering Thesis: Design and Construction of an Opaque Optical Contour Tracer for Char­

acter Recognition Research.

Bath. Murray Damon, BSc. (Witwatersrand). South Africa Metallurgical Engineering Thesis: Some Aspects of the Acid Dissolution of Hematite.

Bemheim. Philippe Georges, Dip. Met. Eng. (Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures), France Metallurgical Engineering

Thesis: Viscosities of Phase-Separated Glasses.

Butler, Jeremy Bruford, B.Eng. (Royal Mitary College), Victoria Chemical Engineering Thesis: Thermodynamic Functions for Halogenated Benzenes.

Chan, Donald, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.). Vancouver Electrical Engineering Thesis: Analytical and Subjective Analysis of Differential Pulse Code Modulation

Voice Communication Systems.

Charlwood, Robin Gurney. Dip. Civil Eng. (Brighton Technical College). West Vancouver Civil Engineering

Thesis: Lateral Stability of Glulam Arches.

Claassen, LutZ, B.Sc. (Brit. C o l . ) . Richmond Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Combined Free and Forced Convection From Horizontal Plates.


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D e Vai l Rona ld Homer , B.A.Sc. (Bri t . C o l . ) , Sou th B u r n a b y Civil Engineering ' Thesis: The Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Doubly Symmetric Wide Flange Sections.

Everest Edwin Alber t , B.Eng. (Roya l Mi l i ta ry C o l l e g e ) , A l b e r t a Civil Engineering ' Thesis: Lateral Stability of Continuous Glulam Beams.

Hanif, Chaudhry M o h a m m a d , B.Sc. . (West P a k i s t a n ) , Pakis tan Civil Engineering

Thesis: Boundary Conditions For Analysis of Waterhammer in Pipe Systems.

Kerr , Peter Alexander , B.A.Sc. (Brit . C o l . ) , V a n c o u v e r Civil Engineering Thesis: The Strongest Column: A Matrix Approach.

Miller, Douglas Burton, B.A.Sc. (Brit . C o l . ) , Quesnel Physics Thesis: The Temperature Effect of Positron Annihilation in Argon.

Nguyen, Kim-Khanh , B.A.Sc. ( L a v a l ) , V i e t n a m Geophysics Thesis: K*0 - Ar40 Isotopic Age Determination of the Nelson Batholith, B.C.

Nishikawa, Masabumi , B.Sc. ( K y o t o ) , J a p a n Chemical Engineering Thesis: Fermentation of Sulfite Spent Liquor.

Peal , Kenneth Richard, B.Eng. ( M c M a s t e r ) , On ta r io Electrical Engineering Thesis: An Electronic Scanning Technique for Continuous Tracking of Human

Eyeball Movements.

Sahay, Vishnu, B.A.Sc. (Brit. C o l . ) , V a n c o u v e r Electrical Engineering Thesis: The Design of a Submillimeter Gas Laser.

Siddall, Rober t Gordon , B.A.Sc. (Brit . C o l . ) , Tra i l Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Prime Mover - Governor Test Model for Large Power Systems.

Stremlaw, Ar thu r John , B.A.Sc. ( W a t e r l o o ) , On ta r i o Electrical Engineering Thesis: The Determination of Conductor Clearances-to-Ground for EHV AC and

DC Transmission Lines.

Wei, Jiin-Piau, B.Sc. (Provincial Cheng K u n g ) , T a i w a n Civil Engineering Thesis: Influence of Large Oscillations on Stability of Simple Surge Tank.

Wickwire, Kenne th F r e e m a n , B.Eng. ( N o v a Scotia Tech. Col lege) , N o v a Scotia Electrical Engineering

Thesis: The Design and Testing of Time-Varying Inductors and Capacitors for an Electrical Speech Synthesizer.

Wiland, Erl ing, B.Sc. (S t ra thc lyde) , N o r w a y Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Unsteady Aerodynamics of Stationary Elliptic Cylinders in Subcritical Flow.

Zavitz, Bryant Al lan. B.Sc. ( A l b e r t a ) , V a n c o u v e r Civil Engineering Thesis: A Stiffness Matrix for Twist Bend Buckling of Narrow Rectangular Sections.


Basham, Peter Wil l iam, B A . S c . (Bri t . C o l . ) , W e s t b a n k Geophysics Thesis: Time Domain Studies of Short Period Teleseismic P Phases.

Bond, John Anthony , B A . S c . (Bri t . C o l . ) , V a n c o u v e r Electrical Engineering Thesis: Solid State Voltage Regulator and Exciter for a Large Power System Test


Har t , John Laur ie , B.A.Sc. ( T o r o n t o ) , On ta r io Metallurgy Thesis: Superplasticity and Creep Behaviour in Pure Zirconia.

Janaki raman, Coimbatore S u b r a h m a n y a m , B.Eng. ( M a d r a s ) , Ind ia Mineral Engineering Thesis: Determination of Viscosity of Rocks by a Dynamic Resonance Technique.

Loewen, Fred , B.A.Sc. (Brit . C o l . ) , C lea rb rook Metallurgy Thesis: The Pressure Leaching of Copper Sulphides in Perchloric Acid Solutions.

Lou, Chao-Lin, B.S. Eng. (Nat iona l T a i w a n ) , V ie t -nam Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Study of the Double-Cone Ring Gasket.


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Lou, Jian-Kwei, B.Sc. (Cheng Kung), Taiwan Civil Engineering Thesis: The Effect of Secondary Compression on Shear Strength.

Mahapatra, Bijaya Chandra, B.Sc. (Uttal); B.Tech. (LI. of Tech., Kharagpur), India Civil Engineering

Thesis: Finite Element Method in Application to Plane Stress Problems.

Martin, Alan Desmond, B.Sc. (Leeds), England Electrical Engineering Thesis: Synthesis Methods for Antenna Arrays with Non-Uniformly-Spaced Ele­


Purushotham, Salla Kanniah, B.E. (Annamalai), India Civil Engineering Thesis: The Effect of Rate of Shearing Strain on the Shear Strength of Freshly

Mixed Concrete.

Teather, George Griffiths. B.Eng. (McMaster), Ontario Eectricai Engineering Thesis: Devices Employing Conductivity Modulation in Semiconductor Films by

Ferroelectric Polarization Charging.

Thorleifson, Jon Michael, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), South Burnaby Eectricai Engineering Thesis: The Transient Response of Nonuniform Dispersive Media.

Vandermousen, Roland Francois Lucien Ernest, Dip. Eng. (Brussels), Belgium Metallurgy

Thesis: Periodic Precipitation in Cu-Ni-Co. Wang, Hua, B.S. (Cheng Kung), Taiwan CWi Engineering

Thesis: Head Losses Resulting from Flow Through Wyes and Manifolds.


Addison, John Walker, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Some Factors Affecting the Survival of Planted Douglas-Fir Seedlings in

the Coastal Forests of British Columbia.


Cottell, Philip Leroy, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Influence of Changing Logging Technology Upon the Economic Ac­

cessibility of the Forest.

Hejjas, Joseph, B.S.F. (Sopron), Vancouver Thesis: Comparison of Absolute and Relative Standard Errors and Estimates of

Tree Volumes.

Johnstone, Wayne David. B.S.F. (Brit Col.), Alberta Thesis: Analysis of Biomass, Biomass Sampling Methods, and Weight Scaling of

Lodgepole Pine.

Pfeiffer, Kurt, Dip.For. (E.T.H., Zurich), Switzerland Thesis: Analysis of Methods of Studying Operational Efficiency in Forestry.


Foster, William Fraser, LL.B. (Auckland), New Zealand Thesis: Fact Finding and the World Court.


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Abramson, Arnold Murray, B.Com., Vancouver Alexander, William John, B.Com.

(Saskatchewan) Vancouver Anderson, Laurence Wilford Vancouver Armstrong, Harold Michael, B.A.

(Waterloo) Ontario Armstrong, Peter Evans, B.A. Vancouver Askew, Carolyn Judith Vancouver Atkinson, Brian Kennedy, B.A. Vancouver Auerbach, Wallace Issachar, B.A. Vancouver Balshine, Lome Ian, B.Com. Vancouver Banno, Robert Tadashi, B.A. Kamloops Benson, Keith Robert Vancouver Berger, Peter George, B.A. Vancouver Bolton, Philip Michael, B.A. Kamloops Brown, Alexander George

David, B.A. Vancouver Bryenton, Gordon Melbourne, B.Com., Langley Bundon, Paul Michael, B.A.

(Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Burns, Mark Peter, B.A.

(Loyola) West Vancouver Buss, Donald Walter Vancouver Cashman, Harris Lyle, B.A. Vancouver Cave, Derek Andrew, B.A. Vancouver Coleman, Michael Garland, B.A. Vancouver Collier, Daryl James, B.A. North Vancouver Davidson, Allen Barrie, B.A., New Westminster Doell, Robert Carl, B.A. Victoria Doidge, John Lloyd, B.Com. Vancouver Donald, Ian Thomas Vancouver Donald, Richard Bruce, B.A.

(Victoria) Vancouver Donaldson, Alan Wallis Victoria Drabik, Raymond Edward New Westminster Duhaime, Maurice James Michel,

B.A. Vancouver Fan, Wai Yung William, B.Sc. Hong Kong Finkelstein, Lyon Thomas, B.A. Kelowna Fletcher, Charles Thomas, B.A. Vancouver Foster, William Alexander, B.A. Vancouver Gifford, Martin Nelson, B.A., New Westminster Gill, Stephen Donald, B.Com. Vancouver Glasner, Kenneth, B.Com. Vancouver Hales, Gary Wayne, B.A. Vancouver Harcourt, Michael Franklin, B.A. Vancouver

Harris, Robert Gordon, B.Com. Victoria Heath, Robert Gordon Vancouver Hoem, Allan Kenneth, B.Com. North Surrey Hoole, Michael Edward,

B.Com. West Vancouver Hungerford, George William, B.A., Vancouver Hyde, Patrick Albert, B.A. New Westminster Jawl, Mohan Singh, B.Com. Victoria Joe, Barry You Chung, B.Sc. Vancouver Johnston, Robert Lawrance, B.A. Vancouver Karby, Howard Mark, B.A.

(Manitoba) Vancouver Kay, Gordon, B.A. (Alberta) Alberta Kincaid, Peter John, B.A. Burnaby Kirkby, Donald Bertram, B.A.

(Victoria ) Victoria Kravinchuk, Ivan Samuel, B.A.

(Alberta) Alberta Lemiski, Robert John, B.A. Vancouver Lewis, Robert Thomas, B.A. Vancouver Lipetz, Arthur Leon, B.A. Vancouver Lister, Derek Alexander, B.A.

(Victoria) Vancouver Lusk, Russell Walter, B.A. (Brandon) Victoria Macarthur, Clifford Boyd Prince George Mann, Stuart Keith, B.Com.

(McGill) Vancouver McConkey, Andrew James, B.Com., Vancouver McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, B.A. Vancouver McJannet, William James,

B.A. West Vancouver McShane, Gary Edward New Westminster Milos, Constantinos Stratis, B.A. Vancouver Morrow, Michael Wayne, B.A. Vancouver Nagler, Ernest John, B.A. Vancouver Nichol, David Alexander, B.A.

(Western Ontario) North Vancouver Orr, Robert James Vancouver Owen, William David Vancouver Pellatt, George Robert, B.Com. Vancouver Phelps, Willard LeRoy, B.A. Vancouver Powell, Wayne Ross, B.A. Vancouver Reid, Harold Graham, B.Sc. Vancouver Robson, Douglas Boyd, B.A. Vancouver Rosenbloom, Donald Jacob, B.A.

(Carleton) Quebec


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Ross, Larry Lee, B.Com. Vancouver Rowles, Mildred Anne, B.A. Westbank Sandilands, Andrew George, B.A. Vancouver Schuck, Andrew Philip, B.A.

(Saskatchewan) Richmond Shelling, Louis John, B.A. Chemainus Sigurgeirson, Darwin Sigurgeir,

B.A., B.S.W. Vancouver Simpson, Bernard, B.A., B.S.W. Vancouver Specht, Kenneth Stephen, B.A. Vancouver Stevenson, Ralph Kenneth, B.A.

(Alberta) Ladner Stewart, Allan Michael Vancouver Stewart, Terrence Wayne Vancouver Stinson, Laurence Ralph, B.A.

(Alberta) Vancouver

Taylor, James Dalrymple, B.A. (Victoria)

Taylor, James Paterson Thomas, Kenneth Robert, B.Com Van Eijnsbergen, Heiko, B.A. Wallace, Brian John, B.A. Ward, James Thomas, B.A. Ward, Rodney Kay, B.Sc. Watts, Peter Duggan, B.Com. Webber, Paul Arthur, B.A.

(Washington ) Ontario Welwood, Lome Kenneth, B.A. Vancouver Wilson, Robert George Dean, B.A.

(Long Beach State College) United States

Vancouver Vancouver

Mission City Vancouver

Victoria Kamloops

Vancouver West Vancouver


Hudson, Lome Philip, B.Com. Vancouver


Ashton, Peter Mark Wildlife Management

Becker, Richard Edmund Silvics

Belik, Kenneth Walter Business Management

Chamberlin, Langford Clarde Wildlife Management

Cosco, John Niccolo Land Management

Craig, Robert James Land Management

Deere, Jerry John Business Management

Dryburgh, John Glen Business Management

Dupilka, Allan John Business Management

Dyck, Ronald John Land Management

Erickson, Hilding Arnold Silvics

Fairhurst, Kenneth Barton ' Business Management

Harper, John Stuart Business Management

Hewson, Clare Arnold Silvics

Jolliffe, Harold Alfred Harvesting


England Kramer, Gerry Allan Business Management

Vancouver Lancaster, Eugene Peter Wood Science

Vancouver Landry, David Raynor Land Management

Sechelt Lay, Robert Gregory Land Management

Kamloops Lewis, Terence Silvics

Vancouver Long, Alvin Roy Land Management

Alberta MscNicol, Bruce Douglas Harvesting

Vancouver Motyka, Edward William Silvics

Alberta Nield, Roger Stephen Silvics

Westminster Norris, Donald James Silvics

Vancouver Olsen, Neil Andrew David Wildlife Management

Vancouver Ormerod, David William Silvics

Vancouver Ottens, Johannes Silvics

Vancouver Slack, Donald Alexander Business Management

Cranbrook Van Eerden, Evert Land Management



Dawson Creek


North Surrey

Burns Lake



Madeira Park


Yukon Territory

North Vancouver


Mission City



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Van Mol, Philip Frederick S W f ' , J o h n E d i n b u r « h Vancouver Campbell North Vancouver Wood Science

Business Management


Froning, Klemens Vancouver Walden, Terrence Lee Vancouver SlMcs '

Lawson. Bruce Duncan Vancouver Forest Land Management

Walden, Terrence Lee Forest Harvesting


Baehr, Brian Ernest Holmes, Lloyd William Joel

Askew, Richard David Baxter, Bruce Henry Bell, Frederick Douglas Berkeley, Donald Edward Boyle, John Alexander Bradbury, Robert Donald Cooke, John Philip Doak, William Gerald Erickson, Robert Douglas Filek, Gordon Allan Gordon, Stephen Kelly Gormely, Lynton Spencer Goymour, Christopher



Cloverdale McLeod, Colin Dale Vancouver


Salmon Arm Richmond

New Westminster Courtenay Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

New Westminster Vancouver

North Kamloops Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver

Hagan, Stephen Leslie Howe, Douglas Robert Joubert, Louis Kelly, David Anthony Kennedy, Roland Gordon Kingsford, Patrick Ardern Macauley, Roger Bryce Munro, John Donald Omstead, Donald George Paton, James Albert Voksepp, Toivo Walker, Charles Graham Wolfe, Larry William


Alberta Vancouver Coquitlam Vancouver Vancouver

Alberta Port Moody

Vancouver South Burnaby

Vancouver Vancouver

North Vancouver Merritt


Berlin, Robert Dale Bowering, Richard John Comerford, Terrence Joseph Davidson, Lome Sirai Falloon, Edward Albert Finch, Kenneth James Fuller, Ronald Graham Fulton, Robert Harry Grant, Michael James Janzen, Verne Victor Lightfoot, James Norman Lundgren, James Reinhold

Wells Vancouver

Victoria New Westminster

Quesnel Terrace

New Westminster New Westminster

Vancouver Chilliwack Vancouver Vancouver

Maras, John Victor Vancouver McBean, Edward Arthur Vancouver McDougald, Donald Breen Vancouver McGregor, Gerald Hugh Victoria McNally, John William Caldwell Vancouver Melnechenko, Lorrence Vancouver Meyer, Peter Vancouver Morse, John Randolph Vancouver Newton, Richard Warwick Langley Radomske, Brian Arthur Vancouver Schurer, Peter Clearbrook Shevkenek, Alan Floyd Fort St. John


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Smith, Peter James Spraggs, Lynn Dickson Stephenson, Norman George Thate, Dale Lloyd

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Thompson, John Theo Vancouver West-Sells, Robert John Burnaby Whitehead, Douglas William Geoffrey Kitimat


Allan, Donald Peter Andrews, Donald Joseph Bond, James Murray Boyd, Patrick Joseph Chang, Dwight Anthony Chao, Cheng-Nin Samuel Chung, Choong Voui Cossalter, John George Curwen, David Wilfred Dadson, Joseph Essien Dollinger, Edward Joseph Elliott, James Hugh Grant Erickson, Verne Gerald Erickson, Vernon Allan Ferraro, Andrew Joseph Fletcher, Thomas Ralph Fussell, Colin Francis Hamilton, Frank Robert Inglis, John Richard Kehl, Gerhard Carl Keillor, Terry Lee Koombes, Michael Edor Ralph

Valerie Krombholz, Klaus Otto Laakso, Jarmo Kalervo

West Vancouver Alberta

North Surrey Vancouver Vancouver

Hong Kong Singapore

North Burnaby Richmond

Ghana West Vancouver

Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Fruitvale

Vancouver Mission City

Vancouver Vancouver

Kitimat Vancouver

North Vancouver Vancouver


Lifchus, Ian Michael Lovick, James Douglas MacLean, Martin Douglas Madderom, Jake Martison, Michael Bruce John McCracken, David Reginald McDonald, Robert Glen Moore, Ralph Stanley Moore, Richard Albert Panton, Stanley Peardon, Douglas Norman Pokrandt, Kurt Adolf Prinet, Dominique Francois Riddler, James Terrance Robinson, Joseph Martin Schuler, Max Michael Sladen, Leslie Harold Smart Leonard Wilson Smee, Robert Ernest Smith, Richard Arthur Tarnai, Ernest John Thompson, Neil Edward Wilson, Bryan Rainier Wurst, Walter Kenneth Young, Gordon Donald

Vancouver Vancouver

Ucluelet Bradner Alberta

Richmond Vancouver

North Vancouver Kelowna Burnaby

Abbotsford Vancouver

France New Westminster New Westminster

Victoria West Vancouver

New Westminster Vancouver

Prince George Vancouver Vancouver

New Westminster Burnaby

Prince George


Beaudoin, Peter George Holm, Viggo Angus Kern, Christopher Bryan Ogilvy, Alexander Cameron

North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Blubber Bay

Ohison, Robert Nigel David Alberta Richards, Gordon Gwyn Trail Whitcomb, William Alvin Robert Manitoba


Baines, Fredric Alexander Callow, Brian John Challenger, Barry Stenning Clark, Donald Wilson Clendenning, William Roy Cunliffe, Donald Gordon Dadson, Anthony John

Victoria Victoria

West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

West Vancouver

Davis, Gary Kenneth Denton, Brian Lawrence Dobson, David Kenneth Dumont, Robert Steven Duncanson, Murray Ian Elfstrom, Gary Macdonald Ellett, John Stuart

Victoria Penticton

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver


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Evans, Robert Lancelot Foster, Ian David Haslam, William Andrew Janssen, Alfred Hinrich Johns, Kenneth Brian Johnson, Dale Patric Laur, Veljo Liem, Sing Djien McDonald, Roy Alan

Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

West Vancouver Lac La Hache

Ontario Vancouver Vancouver

Newell, Edward John Owen, Robert Edward Reynolds, Martin John Sangster, Robert John Smith, Lome Douglas Stanley, Thomas Richard Unwin, William Brian Woron, John

Vancouver Vancouver

Haney Vancouver

New Westminster Christina Lake

Victoria Hatzic

Woytowicz, Wolfgang Eckhard Vancouver


Barclay, George Allan Burnaby Barton, Robert Irwin Donald Manitoba Campbell, Finlay Vancouver Clark, Michael John Haney Clarke, James George New Westminster Kaempffer, Frederick Leonhard Vancouver Lefevre, Donald Edward Kimberley MacDuff, David New Westminster

Radford, Clifford Lloyd Davis Vancouver

Madeley, William David Northcott, James Edward Olson, Peter George

Bapty, Michael Bruce Bussey, Edwin William Chatterson, Delvin Ralph

Dewdney, Peter Edward Forbes Elms, Christopher John Hill, Murray Keith Kothari, Suresh-Chandra

Quesnel South Burnaby



Prince Rupert Vancouver Kimberley


frail Vancouver Vancouver


Reynolds, Robert Frederick Ross, Alan Munro St. John, Richard Monro Salkus, Neil Joseph John Shinde, Seishi Somerville, Francis Stuart Turner, David Malcolm Wadham, Alan John Weaver, Clark Howard

Reading, Martin George Smyth, Terence Dean Tough, James Brian Logie

Mobley, Douglas Miles Steane, Alan Harold White, Ross Murray

Vancouver Victoria

Richmond Nanaimo

Greenwood West Vancouver

Ontario Victoria

New Westminster

Vancouver Victoria


Courtenay Vancouver Chilliwack



Vancouver Ellis, Daniel Henry

Brown, David Wayne Clements, Ralph William


Yale Goodman, Tevy Joel Port Alberni Meehan, Patrick Joseph

Vancouver Vancouver


Williams, David Montgomery North Vancouver


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Allen, Donald Bruce Lee, Conty

Hamaguchi, Henry Takeshi

Macdonald, David Murray

Alberta Mohler, John Alan Vancouver Purdy, Alec Raymond


West Vancouver


West Vancouver Oraas, Sherman Roy

Vancouver Ontario



New Westminster Hope

Quebec Abbotsford Vancouver

Alberta Kelowna

Busslinger, Mrs. Jocelyn Elaine

Christian, Marjorie Lynne Cranna, Marilyn Ann Crocker, Beverley Mae Deighton, Mrs. Karen Elizabeth Foster, Janet Isobel Gregory, Donna Lyn Hales, Mrs. Marion Rosalia

Louise North Vancouver Hilton, Barbara Ann Vancouver Hooper, Valerie June Vernon Joensen, Elinor Kathryn Burnaby Kelly, Patricia Margaret

(Sister M. Wilfrid ) Vancouver Lapoint, Heather Mary Frances Vancouver Lee, Mrs. Fiona Margaret Stuart Vancouver MacCallum, Ruth Geraldine Alberta Marlin, Margaret Ruth Quebec McCleery, Mrs. Suzanne Merrilees Victoria McKay, Patricia Vancouver

Meredith, Lynn Patricia Miller, Mrs. Winifred

Margaret Moret, Simone Jean Nairn, Linda Maureen Nelson, Barbara Helen Nelson, Mrs. Jacqueline

Dawn Peterson, Rannveig Heather Pollard, Leann Lynn Ratsoy, Mrs. Mary Bernadet Roberts, Frances Norma Scudamore, Carroll Diane Nadine Semadeni, Mengia Maria Semmens, Elizabeth Carol Smith, Patricia Ann Sones, Ariel Margaret Ueda, Jenny Kayoko Veregin, Patricia Ann Welsh, Margaret Luella Woelk, Mary Ann


North Vancouver Vancouver

New Westminster New Brunswick

New Westminster New Westminster

Port Coquitlam Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

Penticton Alberta Gibsons

West Vancouver Kelowna

Vancouver Quebec



Lang, Mrs. Beverley Ann Ontario Wong, Jeanette Tsan Ying Vancouver


Acasio, Estela Consuelo Aquino Philippines Beaulieu, Huguette Marie Madeleine Quebec Bryant, Susan Joan Victoria Carrier, Mrs. Ruby He mice New Westminster

Gesy, Heather Lorane Gunter, Alexandra Jean Hage, Gertrude Sarah Hage, Grace Marie

Kamloops Alberta

New Westminster New Westminster


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Inouye, Fumiko Iwanczyk, Mrs. Maroarita

Hanna Kerr, Mrs. Vema Jeanette Krasney, Donna May LaVigne, Dennis Roy Majak, Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth


West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

South Burnaby Ontario

McGregor, Verna Grace McLeod, Isabell Jean McMichael, Mary Diane Petersen, Mrs. Birgitte Plate Ravenhill, Linda Joan Woolley, Valerie Anne Young, Mrs. Valentia Adela

Vancouver Victoria Ontario

New Westminster Vancouver

Port Moody Burnaby


Bell, Mrs. Marie Antoinette May Alberta Kaspersky, Alexandra Marie Ontario McMillan, Mrs. Betty Irene New Westminster Maung, Maung U. Burma

Parnell, Anne Elizabeth Thompson, Shirley Anne Wallace, Sarah Jean

Ontario Ontario



Duncan Trail

Qualicum Beach Castlegar

Victoria Alberta

Alex, Mrs. Jean Margaret Allegretto, Joyce Carol Almond, Margaret Geraldine Black, Margaret Ann Brouwer, Gertrud Edith Ten Cate Butcher, Lynne Marie Casselman, Mrs. Geraldine Mamie

Karen Chisamore, Molly Elaine Clark. Edith Odessa Emily Cosulich. Mrs. Leone Evelyn Dare, Edith Marilynne Eaton, Janet Edythe Elkin, Jacqueline Ann Gerdes, Mrs. EMe Louise Gregson, Anne Halvorson, Karen Teoline Hopkins, Mrs. Florence Reitta, West Vancouver Kalinovich, Mrs. Nancy Louise North Burnaby Lafek, Maureen Carol North Vancouver

Vancouver Ontario Creston

Pemberton Buffalo Creek

Victoria Saskatchewan

Prince George England


MacKay, Cheryl Grace MacLean, Mrs. Sally Ann MacLennan, Jean Glenna MacPherson, Barbara Ann Mawer, Stephanie Robin Minter, Mrs. Genevieve (Jean) Palmer, Mary Deneys Penwill, Patricia Frances Provan, Mrs. Donna Marie Randolph, Mary Jane Robertshaw, Norma Mary Rowell, Carol Jean Schick, Rita Elodie Sidsworth, Mrs. Margaret

St John Prince George Silberaagel, Margaret Patience Vancouver Stevlingson, Mrs. Phyllis Madeleen Richmond Swanson, Evely Ellen Mae Manitoba Takeda, (Terry) Tetsuko Vancouver Worsley, Phyllis Marian Crofton

Sooth Burnaby Courtenay Clearwater Vancouver

Alberta CmTiiwack

Rhodesia Vancouver

Victoria Ontario

Kelowna Haney



Burton, Dian Lenora Phyllis Nanaimo Melanson, Doris Antoinette Alberta


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Battie, Raymond Albert Bond, Stephen David Bosomworth, Neil John Brosseuk, Albert Alexander Cairns, John Allan

Vancouver Vancouver Armstrong

Kelowna Trail

Chacko, Mrs. Marilyn Joan, B.Sc., Salmon Arm Clarke, Robert Earl Fort St John Collins, Larry Raymond Patrick,

B.Sc. Vancouver Cumberlidge, Malcolm Charles Vancouver Cyr, Wayne Lawrence Frank Vancouver Dahlstrom, David Goran Rossland Demco, Thomas Alan, B.A.

(Washington) Vancouver Dimmick, James Edmond Vancouver Fill, Ian Howard Victoria Freedman, Joseph Phelan Alberta1

Haegert, David George, B.A. (Victoria) Victoria

Harris, David Edward Burnaby Heyworth, James Rolland, B.A.Sc. Vancouver Hii, James Francis King Hieng Malaysia Hooper, Richard Owen Vancouver Irish, Barry Edward Vancouver Kester, David Anderson Vancouver Kirby, Henry Alberta

Lillie, Gordon MacKay Vancouver Lowe, Benny Chemainus MacDonald, Myron Keith Vancouver MacKenzie, Kenneth Roy,

B.Sc. North Vancouver

Mallek, David Roy Marr, Lanny Brian Martin, David John McLoughlin, Martin Gale Meek, Robert Norman, B.Sc Melton, Patrick William Mendum, Eric Stanley Morgan, Rees Roy Morris, Herbert Douglas Nielsen, Kurt Videbaek Nishimura, Tad George, B.S.A Piper, Michael Stafford Poon, Man-Chiu Preto, Adele Francesca Pun, Woon-Tak Randsalu, Toivo, B.Sc.

Vancouver North Vancouver

Alberta Vancouver

White Rock Vancouver

New Westminster Vancouver Vancouver

Port Alberni Kamloops

Vancouver Hong Kong

Monte Creek Ontario

North Vancouver Raudzus, Dietmar Eberhard, North Vancouver Seidelman, William Edward, B.Sc. Vancouver Sharma, Mahendra Datt, B.Sc.

(Sacramento State College) Smiley, Peter Wayne, B.Sc. Trajan, Marc, B.Sc. Vanandel, Morris Wagner, Robert, B.S.A. Warkentin, Walter Warren, Linda Jean Wickett, Richard Earl Woollends, Michael John

Fiji Isles Vancouver Chilliwack

Burnaby Prince George

Vancouver Port Alberni

Penticton Vancouver


Cleaver, Judith McDonald Home, Sylvia Jean

Kelowna Storey, Patricia Frances Alberta

Port Hardy


Christianson, Marvin Leonard, North Kamloops Suen, Richard Allen Lewis, Donald Raymond Vancouver Tierney, Kenneth, B.Sc. Rokus, Imre, B.Sc. Vancouver Wells, Michael Alan

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver


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Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later.

HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science,

B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture,

B.S.A. degree): Ian Garnett (Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in

Engineering, B.A.Sc. degree): Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Commerce,

B.Com. degree): John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Science, B.Sc.

degree): Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, CaU and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating

Class in Law, LL.B. degree): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree

of M.D.): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy, B.S.P.

degree): Sylvia M. G. Wallace (Burnaby). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N, degree):

(Mrs.) Winifred Margaret Miller (North Vancouver). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of

course, B.S.F. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry,

B.S.F. degree): Terence Lewis (North Surrey). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

B.Ed, degree, Secondary Teaching field) : Douglas Frederick Cole (Burnaby). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education,

B.Ed, degree, Elementary Teaching field): Anthony W. Rogers (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating

Class in Dentistry, D.M.D. degree): Richard A. Suen (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture

degree of B.Arch): Donald Irwin Gutstein (Ontario). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianship (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship

degree of B.L.S.): Ann R. Wierum (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of

the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, B.PJB. degree): Robert G McGill (Vancouver).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B H E degree): Margaret Elizabeth Howell (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Social Work, M S.W decreeV (Mrs.) Nancy Rae Stibbard (Vancouver). u«=grcc,.

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, B.Mus degree)-Michael M. Longton (New Westminster).

Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine degree of B.S.R.): Judith McDonald Cleaver (Kelowna).

THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Richard D. French (Cloverdale).

AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions

m student or community affairs): Norma Jean Scott (Vancouver).

ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prize, books ($100): Alan S. Bell (West

ARTS The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Mary K. White (Vancouver). B r i t i S ^ ^ ^ U f n b i a p.sychol°8Jcal Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding record in Psychology): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver). "uu.wnaing


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The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Philosophy): Gregory John Lanning (Vancouver).

The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in Geography): Douglas John Caruso (Vancouver).

The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in graduating class, English Honours): Geraldine Sinclair (Vancouver).

The English Honours Prize, $300: Geraldine Sinclair (Vancouver). Frank de Bruyn Memorial Prize, $100 (highest standing in 17th Century English literary

studies): Rosemary Elizabeth Webber (Montrose). French Government Bronze Medal (proficiency in French): Ellen Janet Hunter (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reid Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): Harvey

Chisick (Vancouver). Prize Of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and

Literature): Marie-Luise Schoenfeld (North Vancouver).


Graduating Class of 1958 Memorial Shields (outstanding academic records, personal qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dilworth Memorial—Kathleen K. Campbell (Trail). Matthew Henderson Memorial—John Joseph Cameron (Vancouver).


The Edna Baxter Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's Litera­ture): Patricia O. Miller (Salmon Arm).

The Stella Shopland Memorial Fund Prize, $75 (distinction in English 311 - Children's1

Literature): Ingrid Barbara Kallus (North Vancouver).


The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prize, $50 (highest standing in highway engineering): James R. Lundgren (Vancouver).

The Anna Margaret Armstrong Memorial Prize in Metallurgy, $300 (outstanding overall contribution to class and to profession of metallurgy (awarded in April): Alan Munro Ross (Victoria).

The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): William R. Clendenning (Vancouver).

Merrill Prindle Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contri­butions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Lynn Dickson Spraggs (Vancouver).

Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Lynton S. Gormely (Vancouver).

The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—James Norman Lightfoot (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—John Victor Maras (Vancouver). Third Prize, $30—James R. Lundgren (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Ronald G. Fuller (New Westminster)

Norman George Stephenson (Vancouver) Lloyd Dale Thate (Vancouver).


Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prize in Forestry, $100 (proficiency, harvesting option): Harold A. Jolliffe (Cranbrook).

Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest Harvesting

option): Harold A. Jolliffe (Cranbrook). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency):

Richard Becker (Vancouver) John Nicholas Cosco (Kamloops).

HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing pro­

ceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): Carolyn Dawn Ritchie (Fort Langley). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): Margit

L. Kristiansen (Salmon Arm). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and

skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Susan Kathleen Burns (Vancouver).


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LAW The Allan S Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court) (awarded during Session):

David Alexander Nichol (North Vancouver), $125 Stephen D. Gill (Vancouver), $75.

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, highest standing courses in Succession), $50: Mohan S. jawl (Victoria).

Best Printer Co. Ltd. Prize in Law (Third Year, Mercantile Law): Laurence Wilford Anderson (Vancouver).

Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (highest overall standing): Douglas Boyd Robson (Vancouver).

The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): Robert G. D. Wilson (Vancouver).

The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver).

The Insurance Company of North America Prize in Insurance Law, $200 (highest standing): Allen Barrie Davidson (New Westminster).

Special Prize Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arnold Murray Abramson (Vancouver), Vancouver-New Westminster Newspaper Guild Prize in Labour Law, $125 (proficiency):

Russell Walter Lusk (Victoria).

LIBRARIANSHIP The Marion Harlow Prize in Librarianship, $25 Oeadership and academic or research ability

in studies relating to special librarianship): David G. Jones (Nanaimo). The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each:

Neil Brearley (Vancouver) Barbara J. L. Stevenson (Vancouver).

MEDICINE CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): John Allan Cairns (Trail). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of

studies): James Edmond Dimmick (Vancouver) Morris Vanandel (Burnaby).

The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): David George Haegert (Victoria). The Dr. A. B. Schinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery):

John Allan Cairns (Trail). The Dr. A. M. Agnew Memorial Scholarship, $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynae­

cology): Martin G. McLoughlin (Vancouver). The Dr. Frank Porter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of sur­

gery): Martin G. McLoughlin (Vancouver). The Dr. Lavell H. Leeson Memorial Scholarship, $100 (high standing and promise): Dietmar

E. Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Dietmar E.

Raudzus (North Vancouver). The Dr. Walter Stewart Baird Memorial Prize, $50: Man-Chiu Poon (Hong Kong). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications)-

David George Haegert (Victoria). The E.E.N.T. Section, B.C. Medical Association Prizes, $125 each:

(a) best record in ophthalmology—Albert A. Brosseuk (Vancouver) (b) best record in otolaryngology—David E. Harris (Burnaby).

The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interneship): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

The Hamish Heney Mcintosh Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty is best qualified m every respect, to practise his profession): Wayne L. Cyr (Vancouver).

The Health Officers' Prize, $100 (meritorious scholarship in field of public health)- Woon-Tak Pun (Ottawa).

The Horner Prize, $100, and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Richard Owen Hooper (Vancouver).

The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications in terms of interest, student affairs, academic standing, character): John Allan Cairns (Trail).

M e a ^ r r B f o s ^ a d ^ a L n c o u v e r Z ) e " ^ ^ $ 1 ° ° ™»* ***** ta ****** T h e ta^huniMftfe?)1 M e m o r i a l Scholarships, $100 each (overall record and special interest

David G. Dahlstrom (Vancouver) David A. Kester (Vancouver).


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Tba Samuel •<*> Rebecca HtmeU Manorial Scholarship, $200 (special aptriod* for medical research) Richard O t a Hooper (Vancouver 1

The Ssgnu* Club of Vancouver Pru>*. $100 ihe*t graduation ihrui or report in twisJ of nervous ili»c*»e») Jamrt R Itey worth I Virmnno I

Mine I O D E Fine Ana Foundation Scholarship. $*» Gertrude 11 Sib-ester (Pcwictoni. Henry Ohlman Scholarship, $100 (major clarinet, overall record) (Mr* I Wunmrn Diane

Purves-Smith (Vancouver) Maurice Taylor Scholarship in Music, $450 (overall academic standing) Daniel P Kiasm-

chuk (Vancouver) PrUe for Muakology, $25: Bryan R. GUHngham (Wc»t Vancouver) Vancouver Symphony Society Scholarship In Mu*ic, $200 <Mr» ) Drm»e I Phillip* (Vancouver)

PHARMACY Bristol Award (book*) (general overall record) David F. Donaahy (Vancouver) Cunningham Prize In Pharmacy (moat outstanding record in all year* of course). $100 Sylvia

M O . Wallace (Burnaby). Dean E. L. Wood* Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in both the theoretical and

practical parti of the pharmaceutics course* in all years). Donna Walljcc (Victoria) Edith and Jacob Buckahon Memorial Prlre. $100 (highest mark* in laboratory course in

compounding and dispensing. Final Year): Donna Wallace (Victoria). Poulenc Gold Medal (higheat standing in the pharmacology courses): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby) Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, book* and $25 (highest ttandings In pharmaceutical

chemistry): Sylvia Wallace (Burnaby) Donna Wallace (Victoria).

SCIENCE David E. Little Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics):

Khoon Hock Chew (Malaysia). The Lefevre Gold Medal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency In chemistry): Kathleen

Brenda Greening (North Surrey). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key). Kathleen Brcnda Greening

(North Surrey). Vancouver Natural History Society Prlre, $50 (proficiency In Botany). (Mrs.) Margaret

Elizabeth Stirling (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK

Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Work Prize. $50 (aca­demic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): Jean M. Young (Victoria).

GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing

with graduate studies): John Robert Anderson (Vancouver) Clark Howard Weaver (New Westminster).

The Brissenden Scholarship, $300 (Creative Writing): Derk Wynand (Cloverdalc). Macmillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each:

Short Story—Lynn Patrick Thornc (Montrose) Poetry—Carolyn J. A. Wolfe (Halfmoon Bay).

AWARDS BASED ON SUMMER SESSION 1967 Summer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced

in January, 1968): (Mrs.) Hiidcgarde Bandsmcr (Vancouver) Irene Clare Howlctt (Vanderhoof) Rlenk Koat (Murrayville) Kathleen Elizabeth Smith (Vancouver) Lois Gall Wales (Vancouver) Caroline Mary Webster (Vancouver).


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The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research studies by the academic staff and graduate assistants are made pos­sible, in large measure, by such grants. Special teaching projects are supported or assisted by bequests. Many scholarships, prizes and bursaries have been provided by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped build U.B.C.

The basic support of the University is provided by student fees and by grants from the Province of British Columbia and the Govern­ment of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends to a great extent on added support received from friends. Benefactors, during the past year, donated $6,522,608.

A record of private gifts made in the year ending 31st March 1968 will be mailed to the donors and to others concerned with sup­port for higher education. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure please write or call the Resources Council as shown at the foot of the page.

The brochure shows a fascinating variety of thoughtful and meaningful gifts-in-kind, as well as the many hundreds of gifts of money: bison and mountain goat bones from Lulu Island and the skull of an extinct bison found in the Yukon territory; a grinding mill, valued at $1500; a Chinese culture chart, a set of New Guinea arrows and a bow; one purebred Yorkshire boar; the ceremonial robes, Haida crest shirt, church robes and pilot cap of the late Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley, who was a United Church missionary skipper on the "Thomas Crosby" mission boat based in Ocean Falls; a free aeroplane trip (to secure silver ore specimens); a telescope for Cecil Green Park; 1000 day old chicks. Alumni across the world make their contributions, many annually. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends and by bequest in wills. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal Government grants, the mainstay of the University's finances, are recorded in other University publications.

With twelve faculties, seven schools and four institutes, the needs of the University are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching, research and student aid. However, as the needs and priorities of the University change we welcome early opportunities to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small—and none too large—to be of value.

THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL Enquiries regarding the brochure and regarding gifts:

A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council, U.B.C, Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 224-4311


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