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  1. 1. Animation workshop Animaatiotypaja
  2. 2. In Hranice, we started by drawing the background for the fish figure. Hranicessa teimme taustan kalalle vahaliiduilla.
  3. 3. Then we filmed the action with cameras and edited the film. Sitten kuvasimme kamerat telineiss ja editoimme.
  4. 4. Kotona Suomessa Back home in Finland Sovelsimme oppimaamme Hranicessa koulumme vlineille sopivaksi. Ptimme tehd animaation Ipadeilla ja Stop Motion - ohjelmalla. What we had first learned in Hranice, we then applied to suit our schools equipment. In the end Ipads and Stop Motion-application were used.
  5. 5. Kuvaaminen-Filming the animation Stop Motion/Ipad Kolmasluokkalaisten typajassa oli innostunut tunnelma! We have a great atmosphere at the third grade`s workshop!
  6. 6. Musiikin tekeminen-Music making Kytimme rytmisoittimia sek Song Hi-ohjelmaa musiikin tekemiseen ja nauhoitim suoraan Ipadeille. We used rhythm instruments and the Song Hi-program for music making and rec everything on the Ipads.
  7. 7. Valmis! Done! Kolmasluokkalaisten tit- Some works of third graders
  8. 8. Pupils opinions about the animation-workshop It was a nice, longer project mixing art and math. It was nice to use Ipads and the Stop Motion- application. It was nice to decide the background and the animal for the work. It demanded creativity from all of us. We had lots of fun doing it and watching finished films. It was nice making our own music and working in a group.

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