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Page 1: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 1

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

The oldest rocks in New Zealand occur in the northwestern tip of South Island in the Nelson district, and in the southern-most extremity of this island, Southland. These oldest rocks, ranging from Cambrian (500 million years) to Jurassic (145 million years) in age, form the foundation of the

South Island, and are overlain by younger rocks with a much less complex geological history (Table 1). These foundation rocks are known as basement rocks. In Southland they extend in a broad arc from the east coast northwestwards toward Milford Sound, and include the rugged Fiordland region.

The basement rocks occur as a series of subparallel, fault-bounded groupings of rocks which were formed in different times and places relative to one another. Each group of rocks is internally continuous and is representative of a particular depositional environment. Such fault-bounded groupings of rocks are known as terranes. These terranes have been juxtaposed (i.e. accreted) with one another by plate tectonic forces more than 110 million years ago. The oldest of the terranes was part of the old supercontinent Gondwanaland, upon which the younger terranes were accreted. The younger terranes represent fragments of the leading edges of tectonic plates which were deposited over a period of about 180 million years.

The terranes are composed of a wide range of rock types, including volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, limestones, granites and unusual intrusive rocks originating from deep in the crust. They have been folded, faulted, metamorphosed and carved into a range of landforms, with glacial features dominating the relatively young landscape.

This guide uses a series of sites to demonstrate the diverse geology and landforms of this region. The sites are easily accessed and pass though scenic and in many cases visually dramatic countryside. The route linking the sites passes along the coastline from Dunedin to Invercargill, eventually heading inland and northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include:

• The characteristics of a major, regional fold, the Southland Syncline• The characteristics of the individual terranes• The Permian and Triassic marine sedimentary rocks, including limestone• Cathedral Caves, a large sea cave in limestone• The fossilised forest at Curio Bay• The distinctive layered mafic and ultramafic intrusions at Bluff• Permian submarine lavas• Intermixed magmas at Wakapatu Point• Relatively young Miocene limestone and other sedimentary rocks at Clifden and the Waiau River• Glacial landforms, multiple alluvial terraces, broad glacial outwash areas• Granite, gneiss and glacial landforms of the Fiordland area• Diverse rock types of several terranes in the Eglinton River• Exotic, coarse mafic pegmatite near Homer Tunnel• Glacial landforms at Milford Sound

Page 2: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 2

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:


Holocene 0 -10,000

Human Beings Earthquakes, landslides, northeast trending ridges con-tinue to rise. Continued rising of land, down-cutting by rivers and sea, glaciation and loess deposition, contin-ued formation of alluvial terraces. Pleistocene 10,000 -


Grazing and carnivorous Mammals

Modern mammals

Placental animals

Pliocene 1,800,000 -5,300,000

Widespread glaciation started about 2 million years ago, resulting in commencement of extensive loess and thick floodplain deposition. Southern Alps begin forming about 3 million years ago as a result of com-pression by convergent Australian and Pacific Plates. Gravels and sands deposited on land, whilst sands, gravels and limey sediments form in shallow ocean. Uplift of marine sediments along coast form sandstone, conglomerate and limestone.

Miocene 5,300,000 -23,000,000

Crustal uplift followed by deposition of sandstone, con-glomerate and coal swamps.

Oligocene 23,000,000 -33,900,000

New Zealand mostly under sea to 25 million years ago, resulting in widespread sandstone, limestone, siltstone, greensand and coal. Initial movement on Alpine Fault results in regional uplift and retreat of ocean.

Eocene 33,900,000 -55,800,000

Australia separated from Antarctica 55 million years ago. Boundary between Australian and Pacific Plates formed through New Zealand 45 million years ago. Deposition of marine sediments.

Paleocene 55,800,000 -66,500,000

Tasman Sea fully opened by 60 million years. Contin-ued erosion of New Zealand land mass. Deposition of marine sediments.

Cretaceous 66,500,000 -145,500,000

Last dinosaurs. First flower-ing plants

Collision of Gondwana margin 130 million years ago uplifted New Zealand area. New Zealand separated from Gondwana 130-85 million years ago, resulting in formation of Tasman Sea. Final Median Batholith magmas intrude along Gondwana margin.

Jurassic 145,500,000-200,000,000

First birds. Reptiles and am-monites abundant.

Continued deposition of marine sediments. Crustal compression 160 million years ago resulted in meta-morphism with formation of schists in Caples Terrane. Rocks of Murihiku Terrane deposited in a deep ocean adjacent to a plate boundary offshore of Gondwana.

Triassic 200,000,000-250,000,000

First dinosaurs, ammonites and primitive mammals

Permian 250,000,000-299,000,000

Mammal-like reptiles. Last trilobites.

New Zealand area part of Gondwana. Erosion of conti-nent formed marine muds, sands and, gravels and mi-nor limestone. Some volcanic activity. Rocks of Caples, Maitai and Brook Street Terranes formed in deeper ocean waters adjacent to a plate margin which was associated with volcanic islands.

Carboniferous 299,000,000-359,000,000

First reptiles, fern forests Earliest intrusion of Median Batholith magmas along margin of south Gondwana.

Devonian 359,000,000-416,000,000

First amphibians and insects Final deposition of Takaka Terrane rocks.

Silurian 416,000,000-443,000,000

Vascular land plants

Ordovician 444,000,000-488,000,000

First corals, fish with verte-brae

Rocks of Buller and Takaka Terranes deposited in a deep ocean adjacent to a continental margin.

Cambrian 488,000,000-542,000,000

Shellfish, trilobites Rocks of Takaka Terrane deposited in ocean adjacent to plate margin.

Table 1. Simplified geological history of the Southland-Fiordland region.

Page 3: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 3

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

DUNEDIN TO NUGGET POINTThe drive from Dunedin to Nugget Point (about 105 km) travels mainly along the coastal plain with fewoutcrops to be easily examined (Map 4). The route passes from high grade metamorphic rocks of the Haast(Otago) Schist textural zone 4 (refer to Otago tour guide) through decreasing metamorphic grades untilvirtually unmetamorphosed Carboniferous to Permian rocks are reached. The route passes close to the TitriFault, a major northeast-trending reverse fault which has moved the rocks to the east of the route northwards

relative to the rocks on the western side. The highway passes along a series of plains which have been formed by tilting and sub-sidence of the area along faults, creating a half graben in the south and a graben in the north. The Otago peneplain (see Otago tour guide) is visible to the west of the highway,

sloping to the southeast.Close to the town of Milton the route passes

into layered sedimentary rocks which slope (i.e. dip) toward the southwest and progressively become younger in that direction. These rocks are on the northern flank of the Southland Syncline (Maps 2 and 4), a large fold which has warped the rocks of this region into a wide, asymmetrical U-shaped structure (see cross section, Map 3).

Once the route reaches the coastline near Port Molyneux sedimentary rocks become evident on

Photo 1. View east from Nugget Point showing steeply dipping Triassic marine rocks of the Murihiku terrane.

Map 1. Topographic map of the Southland-Fiordland area of South Island showing suggested route and geological observation sites.

0 50




MILFORD SOUNDMILFORD SOUNDValley intersectionValley intersection

Key Summit walkKey Summit walkHomer TunnelHomer Tunnel

Drumlin fieldDrumlin field

Deer FlatDeer Flat

Multiple terracesMultiple terracesBorland SaddleBorland Saddle

Clifden Miocene limestoneClifden Miocene limestone

Tertiary limestoneTertiary limestone


Layered mafic-ultramafic intrusionLayered mafic-ultramafic intrusion



Page 4: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 4

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

beaches and headlands. These are Triassic (see Table1) siltstones, sandstones and mudstones of the Muri-hiku Terrane which were (at this time) deposited in adeep ocean. Note how the layering (i.e. bedding) in the rocks dips very steeply, mostly to the south. Onthe northern side of the Southland Syncline the rocksdip steeply, whereas on the southern side they dip atlow angles (see cross section, Map 3). This asymme-try in dips may be due to unequal forces directed onthe rocks during folding, possibly during the collisionof the Murihiku and Maitai Terranes.

Map 2. Simplified geological map of the Southland-Fiordland region showing geological sites.

Photo 2. Steeply dipping Triassic marine rocks on Nugget Point.

Page 5: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 5

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

After arriving at Nugget Point, walk to the light-house and viewing platform. The view eastward from here shows the steeply dipping Triassic Murihiku Terrane rocks and the isolated, nuggety rocky islets which give the locality its name. A seal colony is generally evident amongst the rocks of the shoreline. Note how the bedding in the rocks is very regularly layered, and is very continuous (Photos 1 & 2). This is a common feature of sedimentary rocks deposited in a deep ocean, where there are no strong currents or wave action to erode and dismember the sedimentary layers. Bedding dips mainly to the southwest, but can also be seen dipping locally to the northeast. The northeast dipping beds are overturned: i.e. folding by

South North


Photo 3. Steeply southwest dipping sandstone and silt-stone at Roaring Bay.

Map 3. Geological terranes and a generalised cross section of the Southland-Fiordland region of South Island.

Page 6: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

Map 4. Simplified geological map (top) and terrane map (bottom) for the route between Dunedin and Nugget Point.

Southland Syncline

!C!C Nugget PointRoaring Bay

M Caples



Quaternary sediments and volcanic rocks

!C Sites


0 5 10


Southland Syncline

!C!CNugget PointRoaring Bay




Quaternary sediments and volcanic rocks

Tertiary volcanic rocks

Permian-Triassic sedimentary rocks

Permian sedimentary rocks

Haast Schist textural zone 4

Haast Schist textural zone 3

Haast Schist textural zone 2

Carboniferous-Permian sedimentary rocks


Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic rocks

Jurassic sedimentary rocks

Triassic-Jurassic sedimentary rocks

Tertiary-Quaternary sedimentary rocks

!C Sites

0 5 10


Southland Syncline

Page 7: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

the Southland Syncline has locally tilted the rocks so that their original top surfaces now face downward.Walk from Nugget Point to Roaring Bay. Proceed to the rocky outcrops on the southwest side of the

bay. These are Triassic rocks of the Murihiku Terrane. The boundary between the Triassic and Jurassic rockslies very close to this locality and to the south. The rocks here include fossiliferous and non-fossiliferoussandstone, pebbly sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate and some limestone. The rocks dip steeply to thesouthwest (Photo 3).

This is a very important fossil locality. Abundant shelly marine bivalve species (Photo 5), cephalopods,nautiloids and some isolated vertebrae from an ichthyosaur occur throughout the site. Plant fossils occur further south along the headland. The marine fossils demonstrate that the rocks here were deposited towardsthe end of the Triassic period in a relatively shallow ocean (marine shelf). They contrast with deeper waterrocks (slope basin and upper continental slope) in the regions to the north, and indicate that uplift of the ocean

Photo 4. Pebble conglomerate featuring a wide range of igneous rock types.

Photo 5. Fossiliferous sandstone showing numerous large shelly remains.

Map 5. Simplified geology of the route from Nugget Point to Curio Bay.

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

floor was rapidly taking place at this time. As will be demonstrated at Curio Bay, the uplift was accompaniedin places by emergence and deposition on land.

Note that there is a wide range of pebble types in these rocks (Photo 4), including andesitic to daciticvolcanics ash and possible glassy lavas, and rare rhyolite and granite. These typify the composition of theTriassic and Jurassic rocks of the Murihiku Terrane. They indicate that the source area was a volcanic chainalong a continental margin which produced large amounts of ash. The granite pebbles indicate that the oldercontinental rocks of local Gondwana were undergoing erosion.


The route from Nugget Point to Cathedral Caves (about 57 km) crosses the Southland Syncline and passesthrough Jurassic sedimentary rocks (Map 5) of the Murihiku Terrane. After crossing the syncline axis thelayering of the sedimentary rocks changes from steeply dipping, as was seen at Roaring Bay, to low angle. These rocks were deposited in a shallow ocean, and include sandstones, siltstones and lime-stones.Cathedral Caves are two large cave entrances which join within the headland (Photo 6). The caves are only accessible at low tide. A fee is charged for entrance to the site, which requires a 20 minute walk to the beach, followed by a 10 minute walk to the headland. Taking a torch is recommended.

The caves occur in layered Jurassic limestone. The cathedral-like cave ceiling is up to 30 m high in places. Note how the limestone layers are almost Photo 6. Cathedral Caves viewed at low tide.

Photo 7. The southern cave entrance, Cathedral Caves. Note the low angle northerly bedding dips. Photo by Greg Steenbeeke

Photo 8. The northerly cave entrance, Cathedral Caves. Note the low angle bedding dips. Photo by Greg Steen-beeke.

Page 9: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

horizontal (Photos 7 & 8 ) on this southern flank of the Southland Syncline. The layering dips downward, andtoward the axis of the Southland Syncline.

After departing cathedral caves it is a short drive to McLean Falls. This is a pleasant locality to stroll through native forest and admire a beautiful series of waterfalls cascading over Jurassic sedimentary rocks.The turn-off to McLean Falls is about 800 m west of the Cathedral Caves road intersection. It is about 3.2 km to the falls car park, with an easy walk of about 300 m to the falls. The falls occur as a series of tiered drops over well bedded sandstones and siltstones with shallow or horizontal dips (Photo 9). The attractive, tiered form of the falls has developed because of different rates of erosion of the horizontally layered rocks, resulting in a stepped appearance.The drive to Curio Bay is about 30 km from the McLean Falls intersection. The road passes through low hills of Jurassic sedimentary rocks. Continue along the Chaslands Highway until the turnoff to Niagara and Waikawa is reached. Proceed to Waikawa and turn into the Waikawa-Curio Bay road in the approximate centre of Waikawa. Follow this road for about 6 km until the T-intersection with Mair Road. Turn right and proceed for 200m to the Curio Bay parking area (Map 6). Follow the walking track to the shoreline.

Curio Bay is a locality world renowned for its petrified forest of fallen Jurassic logs and stumps. This site is best examined at low tide, as the exposures occur on the coastal rock plat-form. The forest extends from here about 20 km southwest to Slope Point. It consists of numer-ous stumps and fallen trunks of silicified (quartz-impregnated) fossil wood in a sandstone bed (Photos 10-13).

The silicified wood shows very well pre-served internal structure, including growth rings and bark. Some rare species are present. Please

Parking area

Map 6. Satellite image of Curio Bay and access roads.

Photo 9. The upper section of McLean Falls.

Photo 10. The Curio Bay rock platform showing raised, elongate logs of silicified wood, and numerous mound-like silicified wood stumps.

Photo 11. Cross section of a silicified wood tree stump with partial covering of sandstone.

Page 10: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

don’t damage or remove the fossils. Excellent examples of the logs can be observed in the rock platform, andin the adjacent cliff faces multiple layers of tree trunks and stumps are evident. In other, nearby localities fernand leaf fossils are found in mudstone layers.

The petrified forest grew on a broad, well-timbered floodplain about 180 million years ago on the eastern margin of Gondwana. The floodplain was flanked by active volcanoes which were the majorcontributor to the sand and silt which was deposited on the plain. Vegetation comprised abundant trees(resembling New Zealand Kauri and Matai, and Norfolk Pine) and tree ferns with a fern-rich undergrowth,including cycads. At about this same time much of the area traveled over from Dunedin was beneath theocean. Over a period of about 20,00 years at least four abrupt, violent sheet floods of gravel, sand and mudderived from the flanks of a distant volcano swept across the plain, flattening the forest which regrew, only tobe destroyed again. Each sheet flood is preserved in local cliff faces as distinct layers of volcanic debris andtree remains.

As the sedimentary layers which encase the forest remains were buried over millions of years, the wood was slowly replaced by quartz (silica). This is the process of petrification.

BLUFF PENINSULATo travel to Bluff Peninsula, travel towards Waikawa and turn into the Haldene-Curio Bay road (Map 6). Follow this road through Haldene to Tokanui, a total distance of about 20 km (Map 7). Turn left onto thehighway and follow this to Invercargill. Navigate to the Bluff Highway and follow this to its very end atLands End (Map 9), a distance of about 30 km from Invercargill.

The Bluff Peninsula comprises a number of complex igneous intrusions of Late Permian age which haveintruded into Early Permian marine sedimentary rocks of the Brook Street Terrane (Figure 1). This terrane isa remnant of an island arc system which has segments exposed near Gympie in Queensland (Australia) and inNew Caledonia. This very extensive arc system was associated with a long subduction zone near the marginof Gondwana during the Permian. The arc was disrupted into separate terranes during accretion to theGondwana margin and in the subsequent breakup of Gondwana. The igneous rocks present in this terraneinclude lavas which erupted beneath the ocean (which will be examined at Howells Point), and the plutonicrocks which fed the volcanic eruptions (examined here).

Two intrusions will be examined on the Bluff Peninsula: the Bluff intrusion, and the Green Hillsintrusion. Age dating has shown that the intrusions range from about 241 to 266 million years old.

These intrusions were emplaced at shallow levels in the Earth’s crust in a magma chamber beneath avolcano associated with a subduction zone. As the magma sat in the chamber it began cooling, resulting inthe crystallisation of some minerals which settled to the bottom of the chamber. Layers of different crystalsand crystal mixes (which later solidified into rock) were built up, with the earliest formed occurring at the baseof the chamber. This process is known as fractional crystallisation. The earliest crystallised mineral was olivine, which formed a body of dunite more than 600 m thick. As pyroxene began to crystallise it settled

Photo 12. Multiple parallel fallen logs showing well preserved internal structure.

Photo 13. Sections of two fallen logs showing preserved internal structure.

Page 11: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 11

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

Map 8. Simplified geological map of the area between Invercargill and Curio Bay.

Map 7. Route and terranes between Curio Bay and Invercargill.

Page 12: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 12

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

with olivine to form a 150 m thick layer of wehrlite. Finally, plagioclase began to crystallise with pyroxene, the two minerals settling above the wehrlite layer to form a 640 m thick gabbro. Additional magma wasintroduced into the chamber, resulting in gabbroic dykes cutting the previously formed layers. Somemovement of the crystal layers (which were still in a mush-like state) caused some degree of mixing of therocks along their boundaries. Finally, the layers of unsolidified crystals were forced higher into the magmachamber and adjacent rocks, accompanied by folding, faulting and intrusion of dykes.

Some of the rocks characterising the Bluff intrusion can be examined on the rocky exposures at LandsEnd. The main rock here is a black gabbro (a rock composed of the minerals feldspar and pyroxene). This iscut by irregular dykes of paler gabbro which are in turn cut by fine-grained, black gabbro dykes (Photo 14).

Photo 14. Pale, coarse-grained gabbro intruded and frag-mented by black , fine-grained gabbro.

Map 9. Satellite image of Land End, Bluff Peninsula, showing rocky outcrops of the Bluff intrusions.

0 1


Gabbroic ring dyke




Sedimentary rocks



Omaui Road

Walking route to beach


Map 10. Geological map (left) and corresponding satellite image of the Greenhills Complex to the west of Greenhills.

Barracouta Pt

Page 13: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

To examine the other rock types which make up the suite of Late Permian intrusions it is necessary toreturn from Bluff to Omaui Road, just to the south of Greenhills township, a distance of 10 km. Turn intoOmaui Road and proceed for 3 km to the first major bend (Map 10), passing two quarries on the south side ofthe road. At the bend, turn left into the lane and follow it for 300 m to the end. Continue on foot southward

(see Map 10) toward the coastline. Thick gorse may be encountered near the start of the walk, but this gives way to grassland after about 100 m. The walk passes through prominent outcrops ofdunite of the Greenhills Complex, a layered intru-sion of gabbro, wehrlite and dunite. After reaching the rocky shoreline, examine the outcrops and wa-terworn pebbles, particularly to the west (see Map 10). These rocks include dark green dunite (composed of olivine), dark green to black wehrlite (composed of olivine and pyroxene), paler gabbro and a pyroxene-poor gabbro (troctolite).

HOWELLS POINTHowells Point oc-curs to the south of Riverton, a dis-tance of about 66 km from Green-hills (Maps 12 & 13). The route largely passes across plains of al-luvial outwash from the glaciated ranges to the north. Howells Point is an excel-lent site to exam-ine basaltic pillow lavas and dykes of the Permian Brook Street Terrane (Figure 1, page 16).

Photo 15. A dyke of wehrlite in dunite. Photo 16. Dunite (bottom of photo) intruded by wehrlite and pale, layered troctolite (top).

Photo 17. Layered gabbro - Barracouta Pt (see Map 10)

Map 11. Street map of the Riverton-Howells Point area, with satellite image of Howells Point geological site.

Area of satellite image Howells Point

Page 14: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

Map 12. Simplified geological map of the route between Bluff and Wakaputa Point.




Permian pillow basalts

Permian pillow basaltsMagma mixingMagma mixing

Brook Street

Quaternary sediments and volcanic rocks

Median Batholith

!C Sites

Route0 5


Map 13. Terrane map of the route between Bluff and Wakaputa Point.

Page 15: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

New Zealand Southland Geological Sites Page 15

From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

Turn off the highway at Riverton and follow Bay Roadthrough The Rocks village to Howells Point, a distanceof about 4.5 km. Stop off the roadside where shown onMap 11. Walk onto the beach and walk eastward to theprominent outcrops on the eastern edge of the headland.This is site 1 shown on the satellite image (Map 11).

The dominant rock types here are basaltic lavas of Permian age which were erupted beneath the ocean.These are well shown at sites 1 and 3 as pillow lavas.

When a lava enters a deep body of water fractures open in the rapidly chilling edges of the flow and moltenrock pushes through. The lobe-like molten lava isknown as a pillow. Successive pillows overlap each other, building up a thick accumulation of pillows(Photo 18). Newly formed pillows flow into the irregu-lar surface below, forming a loose jigsaw texture.

The lavas have undergone alteration of some min-erals during their immersion whilst hot in sea water.This process is called spilitisation, and produces miner-als such as green chlorite and blue pumpellyite through-out the rock.

Some of the lava is very pale due to alteration, and contain amygdales. These are original gas bubbles in the lava which have subsequently been filled with mineralssuch as quartz or zeolite. This is particularly evident atsite 2, where amygdales are sparsely scattered throughthe rock, or are concentrated in curved layers whichrepresent zones within indistinct pillows.

Pillow lavas at site 3 are intruded by black doleritedykes (Photo 20). Dolerite is chemical equivalent of basalt, but is intrusive, whereas basalt is extrusive. The dykes exhibit chilled margins, with increasing grainsize toward the core of the dyke.

WAKAPUTA POINTThe next geological site is at Wakaputa Point. This site gives an introduction to one of the many

plutonic igneous rocks of the Median Batholith. To travel to this site, return to Riverton and follow theOrepuki-Riverton Highway for 16 km to the intersection with the Round Hill-Wakaputu Road. Turn into thisroad and follow it for 6.5 km to the shoreline on Austin Road, (Map 14) stopping just before the road entersa farm.

The Median Batholith (also known as the Median Tectonic Zone) comprises an Early Permian to MiddleCretaceous (110 - 375 million year old) group of large intrusive igneous masses (which make up about 90%

Photo 18. Basaltic pillow lava Photo 19. Pale, altered basalt lava with white amygdales.

Photo 20. Dolerite dyke intruding altered basaltic lava.

Page 16: northwards to Milford Sound via Te Anau (Map 1). Features examined on the route include: • The characteristics of a major,

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From Bob and Nancy's Geological Tour Site:

of the Median Tectonic Zone) with asso-ciated sedimentary and volcanic rocks. This package of rocks represent the deeply buried portions of an island arcsystem (i.e a region of crustal melting

with associated magmatic eruptions on the land surface, commonly as chains of volcanic islands - similar tothe Pacific “Ring of Fire”) which had formed on the margin of Gondwana above an active subduction zone.The intrusions range in composition from granitic to gabbroic rocks. They have intruded the volcanic andsedimentary rocks of the Brook Street and Takaka Terranes (see Figure 1 and Map 3). Part of the plutonicportions of these terranes are included within the Median Batholith.

The rocks examined at Wakaputa Point are examples of one of the many igneous plutons of the MedianBatholith.

Low tide allows easy access along the rocky shoreline to the south of the access point. The rocks here change compositionally along the shoreline. Closest to the starting point the rocks are granodiorite (a plutonic igneous rock composed of quartz, feld-spar, biotite and hornblende; it is darker in colour than granite)


























MaitaiTerrane C





Covering blanket of sedimentary and volcanic rocks









600Figure 1. Age and spatial relationships of the tectonic terranes in the southern end of New Zealand.

Photo 21. Dark enclaves of possible diorite within a granodiorite. Photo 22. A large, dyke-like enclave.

Map 14.!C

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with sparse, dark coloured enclaves (fragments of rock within another igneous rock which are geneticallyrelated) of another igneous rock (Photo 21). The enclaves become more abundant to the south, reaching about50% of the rock near a small slipway. At this point the host rock is a quartz diorite (a grey igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase and hornblende).

The enclaves show a range of sizes and shapes (Photo 22), and some are very angular. It is interpretedthat the enclaves represent a magma similar to a diorite which intruded into a magma chamber containing apartly consolidated granitic to granodioritic magma. The diorite solidified, but was subsequently disruptedby convective motion within the still fluid host. Many enclaves show an alignment of their long axes whichis consistent with flow within the magma chamber.

This is an example of a process known as magma mixing, whereby the mixing of two or more magmas or magma batches form a hybrid magma. The resulting magma commonly inherits intermediate properties ofthe two parent magmas. Therefore, it would be possible to create a granodiorite by introducing a diorite intothe granitic magma chamber. This hybridisation has not happened at Wakaputa Point, as the diorite was ableto cool and crystallise before mixing and assimilation could take place.

CLIFDEN TERTIARY LIMESTONEThe drive from Wakaputa Point to Clifden (Map 15) is a journey of 51 km. It passes through Quaternaryalluvial material associated with the coastal margin, and the Orouea River floodplain. The adjacent rocks are

marine and non-marine Tertiary sedi-mentary rocks which were deposited in a basin formed by the uplift of Fiord-land to the west and the Takitimu Mountains to the east (Map 2). The basin occurs on rocks of the Median Batholith.

From about 55 to 35 million years ago (Table 1) the basin was above sea level, and commenced fill-

Map 15. Simplified geology of the route between Wakaputa Point and Clifden.

Map 16. Location of Clifden suspension bridge.

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ing with river gravels, sands and silts, with minor swampy peat (which are now thin coal seams). By the Oligocene epoch (Table 1) the basin had been inun-dated by the ocean, and in places thick banks of shellfish resulted in the forma-tion of limestone beds. Limestones were deposited into the Miocene epoch, and those exposed in the banks of the Waiau River at Clifden are an important locality for establishing the age and re-lationships of these limestones. Follow-ing their deposition the rocks were tilted into their present position by movement alon major faults.

On reaching Clifden, navigate to the old Clifden suspension bridge (Map 16). The limestone outcrops on the south bank of the river (Photo 23).

The limestone beds at Clifden are locally sandy (Photo 24),and contain fine to coarse shelly material which includes pectens,gastropods, brachiopods and rare sharks’ teeth. These are ofMiddle Miocene age (about 12 to 17 million years old). Theyhave been quarried about Clifden as a source of agricultural lime.

Honeycomb weathering is visible in parts of the limestone on the cliff (Photo 26). This forms from the expansion of saltswhich have been introduced into solution into the porous orfractured rocks either from sea water flung against a rock face,or from saline accumulations in inland areas. Evaporation of thesolution leaves the salts behind, which can expand up to 3 timestheir normal size when heated by the sun. The pressure of theexpanding salt crystals weakens the rock, resulting in preferen-tial erosion of the softer material, creating the honeycomb-likesurface texture.

Photo 24. Sandy limestone with shell remains, including a gastro-

Photo 25. Limestone with abundant shellfish remains.

Photo 23. Dipping limestone beds on the Waiau River, Clifden.

Photo 26. Honeycomb weathering in sandy limestone.

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Walking upstream for about 600 m shows the limestone grading upward into sandstone, with increasingsiltstone and mudstone. Fossils are locally abundant.

BORLAND SADDLE - FIORDLANDThe route travels to Borland Saddle in Fiordland, a distance of about 45 km. The journey to this site passes through alluvial flats of the Waiau River, Tertiary sedimentary rocks, and Ordovician sedi-mentary and metamorphic rocks (Map 17). A granite of the Median Batholith (Map 18) is also examined along the route.

From Clifden the road passes through Black-mount to the intersection with the Lake Monowai Road on the left, a distance of 31 km. Follow this road for 3.5 km, pausing near the suspension bridge over the Waiau River to view some interest-ing outcrops of Tertiary limestone, and thinly lay-ered siltstone and mudstone. Note the steepness of the bedding dips at this locality. The rocks are also dipping in the opposite direction to those at Clifden, suggesting that these rocks are on the opposite side of a large fold. The rocks can be examined on the eastern side of the river. Care is advised in descending the track to the river bank. The river is very deep and fast flowing.

Continue along Lake Monowai Road for 4.4 km to the intersection with Borland Road. Turn

Map 17. Simplified geological map of the route between Clifden and Borland Saddle.

Map 18. Terrane map of the route between Clifden and Borland Saddle.

Photo 27. Steeply dipping Tertiary limestone and siltstone, Waiau River.

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right into Borland Road and proceed for 9.4 km until a tall road cutting in granite is reached (Photo 28). Parksafely to examine this rock and the adjacent ridges. This granite is one of the many plutons of the MedianBatholith. The host rocks, which aren’t accessible at this site, are Ordovician high grade metamorphic rockswhich were very deeply buried but have been brought to the surface by rapid uplift and erosion of theFiordland area. The Ordovician host rocks which have probably melted to form this granite will be examinedat the next site.

Uplifted Tertiary sedimentary rocks overlying Median Batholith rocks occur on the ridge to the east (seeMap 17). These rocks are part of the Tertiary rock package which we have examined at the last two sites.They have undergone significant uplift on the eastern edge of Fiordland since their deposition due to rapidvertical movement along major faults.

Continue along the road for a further 2.2 km, where a long and high road cutting is encountered. Parksafely. This cutting has exposed the Ordovician metamorphic rocks which have melted locally to formigneous rocks of the Median Batholith. The metamorphic rocks are gneisses: layered, crystalline rocks composed of quartz, feldspar and biotite (Photo 30), and amphibolite: a black rock composed of amphibole and feldspar. The layering in the gneiss is produced by alignment of platy minerals by the high pressureswhich formed the gneiss. An increase in the pressures and accompanying high temperatures resulted in partsof the gneiss melting to form a range of partial melts or local pods of melt which migrated into larger massesto form plutons. The compositions of those partial melts depends upon the material being melted. At thislocality a range of different igneous rock types reflect the various compositions of the original rocks. Palegranite and somewhat darker granodiorite (Photo 31) were formed from the melting of feldspathic sandstoneor rhyolitic to rhyodacitic volcanic rocks (and their gneissic metamorphic derivatives). Amphibolite formedfrom the metamorphism of basaltic rocks, but has not melted. Dykes of coarse grained, quartz and feldspar-rich pegmatite and fine-grained aplite have intruded into the rocks, representing the migration of late stagecrystallisation products.

Continue along the road for 4.1 km to Borland Saddle. This site offers some great views of Fiordland,

Photo 28. Road cutting in granite, Borland Road. Photo 29. Tertiary sedimentary rocks forming ridge crest above Median Batholith rocks.

Photo 30. Quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss. Photo 31. Granodiorite with cross cutting pegmatite vein.

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and views of the world’s largest land-based landslide, the Green Lake landslide. A walk along a spur to thenorth of this site presents an excellent view of paired glacial valleys, complete with cirques and hanging valleys and moraines, and the Green Lake landslide.

From the saddle parking area and plaque, walk or drive to the track which gives access to the powerpylons on the spur to the north. It is possible to park beneath the pylons, shortening the walk to the crest ofthe spur (Photo 32). The walk to the crest is steep in places, with a sheer drop on the southeastern face.

Whilst ascending the spur it is possible to view the southern pair of the intersecting glacial valleys (Map19). The head of the valley is marked by a cirque (Photo 33), a bowl-shaped landform which developed at thehead of a glacier. A cirque forms by accumulations of snow in favourable site which is protected from sunlightand winds. The snow thickens and compresses into ice, and a process of freeze-thaw weathering takes placebeneath the ice. As the mass of ice continues to build up it eventually begins moving down slope under

Map 19. Satellite image of the Borland Saddle area, showing access road, spur walk and glacial valley.

Photo 32. View toward the crest of the spur overlooking Borland Saddle.

Photo 33. View of cirque to the south of Borland Sad-dle, with access road below.

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gravity, eroding the base of the cirque and commencing the process of grind-ing a typical U-shaped glacial valley.

From the crest of the spur the main glacial valley (Map 19) can be examined (Photo 34). This valley, and others within Fiordland contained gla-ciers during the last glaciation which ended about 13,000 years ago. The abundance of glaciers during this pe-riod eroded deeply into the land sur-face, weakening the intervening ridges. Following the melting of the glaciers many ridges collapsed, form-ing large landslides throughout Fiord-land. The largest of these, the Green Lake landslide is visible to the west of this site (Photo 35).

The landslide comprises an area of 45 square kilometres of disrupted rocks and semi-intact blocks of debris which occupy a broad area ofhummocky, irregular topography surrounded on three sides by tall ridges (Figure 2). It is estimated to have avolume of about 27 cubic kilometres, is up to 1 km thick, and transported debris up to 2.5 km laterally.

The Green Lake land-slide occurred about 12,000-13,000 years ago followingglacial recession in a warm-ing climate. The withdrawalof numerous glaciers fromtheir deep valleys and theremoval of support for theover-steep, glacially erodedmountain walls reduced thestability of the region. A lowangle fault zone exists be-neath the range and valley,acting as a failure surface.Research indicates that thelandslide was triggered byan earthquake of magnitude7.5 or greater on the AlpineFault off the Fiordland coast.The resulting landslide col-lapsed about 700 m verti-

cally into a deeply glaciated valley occupied by a glacial lake. The lake was cut in two by a landslide damabout 800 m high. The impounded lake was up to about 11 km long, and was gradually infilled with glacialsediment and subsequently peat and swamp deposits. The former lake is now the Grebe Valley whichcommences at the toe of the landslide and ends at Lake Monowai.

One phenomenon which is clearly shown from this locality is the alpine tree line (Photos 33-35, Map 19). This is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing. In this region the tree line is probablyrelated to cold temperatures.

Return to the main road and turn left towards Manapouri. After a distance of about 8 km the route entersa broad river valley with prominent, elevated river terraces visible on the eastern side of the road (Photos 36and 37). These are Pleistocene terraces resulting from the deposition of large volumes of glacial debris duringand after the last period of glaciation, about 13,000 years ago. This material filled the river valley, but hasbeen uplifted in at least two events to form the multiple levels of terraces visible here. The periods between

Photo 34. Glacial valley viewed from the crest above Borland Saddle. The cirque is visible at the valley head.

Photo 35. View of the Green Lake landslide (relatively low region) from the spur over-looking Borland Saddle. The spur forms part of the landslide head scarp. Island Lake shown in foreground.

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uplifts allowed the river to plane the sands and gravels which form the terraces into flat sheets. After eachuplift the river began cutting downward into the older terrace, planing a new terrace top as it progressed. Thesatellite image (Photo 36) shows two terraces, with the present river flats potentially forming the top of a thirdterrace should there be further uplift.

The route continues to Te Anau and northward to Milford Sound. It passes initially through Pleistoceneand younger alluvial sediments (Map 20), then follows the shoreline of Lake Te Anau before entering rocksof the Median Batholith. Glacial-carved vistas and landforms are common along the route, and some unique,coarse mafic pegmatite is examined near Homer Tunnel. High terraces border the Eglinton River. Ageological site on a tributory of the Eglinton River reveals a range of pebbles and boulders brought downstream from otherwise inaccessible terranes further to the east.

Figure 2. An aerial view of Green Lake landslide from its toe to the head scarp. Borland Saddle (Pass) is shown.

Photo 36. Flat topped terraces bordering the Waiau River. Photo 37. Satellite image of terraces shown in Photo 36.

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TE ANAU TO MILFORD SOUNDThe journey from Te Anau to Milford Sound is about 116 km. Passing north-ward from Te Anau the road cuts through unconsolidated pebbly and bouldery de-

posits of terrace material. Following the shoreline of Lake Te Anau the high ridges of the Median Batholith are evi-dent to the west, with remnants of Terti-ary sedimentary rocks overlying them above the shoreline (Maps 20 & 22). The Tertiary rocks can be seen dipping to-wards the lake, commonly high on the ridge in the foreground.

About 60 km from Te Anau a sign posted gravel track to the west leads to the Deer Flat campsite (Map 20). Follow the track for several hundred metres until it passes close to the gravel beds of the Eglinton River. This watercourse and its tributaries is sourced from the north,

northeast and northwest, and through its gravel beds provides an example of the rocks to be found in that region (Map 21).

This area is significant as rocks of the Maitai and Brooks Street Terranes are sandwiched between those of the Median Batholith and Caples Terrane. The Brook Street and Maitai rocks are attenuated,

Map 21. Simplified geology of the Deer Flat area.

Map 20. Simplified geology between Te Anau and Milford Sound.

Photo 38. Bare ridges of Maitai Terrane rocks east of Deer Flat. Note the layering on right of photo.

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squashed and interleaved along faulted margins. Examples of these rocks can be found as pebbles and boulders in the creek. Boulders of volcanic breccia (a rock composed of angular fragments of other rocks) and black andesite (a lava commonly formed above subduction zones) which are representative of the Permian Brook Street Terrane are com-mon. The site also provides views of the bare ridges of Maitai Terrane rocks to the east (Photo 38).

Continue along the river valley for about 3 km from the Deer Flat turnoff, passing the small settlement at Knobs Flat. Evidence of the presence of a glacier is supplied by sparse clusters of drumlins (Photo 39) on the western side of the road. These are elongated, whale-shaped hills formed by deposition be-neath a glacier on the valley floor. The long axis of an intact drumlin is parallel with the movement of the glacial ice, and the blunt, higher end is the down-stream portion. They commonly occur in clusters. The drumlins shown along this route have undergone modification by flood-related erosion and have lost some of their characteristic form. At least six drumlins, some of which are vegetated with trees, are evident over a distance of about 400 m.

Key Summit Walk. The staging area for the Routeburn Track and the Key Summit side track is sign posted on the eastern side of the road as The Di-vide. The Department of Conservation indicates a duration of 1 hour 20 min-utes to reach the end of the Key Summit walk, although this is dependent upon many factors. The Key Summit track is

suitable for any walker capable of managing steep gradients on a well formed and signposted track. This walk passes through native forest, and exposures of the bedrock are visible in the drainage trenches along the track. On a day with no low cloud, this is an ideal site to view impressive post-glacial scenery. Be aware that weather conditions can deteriorate rapidly in this environment, so travel prepared!

Various facies of the Permian Maitai Ter-rane are apparent along the track Lowermost outcrops are of bright green, metamorphosed andesitic to basaltic rocks of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite. The track subsequently passes into Photo 39. Drumlins on the Eglinton River floodplain.

Map 22. Map of terranes between Te Anau and Milford Sound.

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dark grey siltstone and sandstone. Quartz veins are locally apparent.A self-guided tour at the crest of the ridge uses fixed signs to describe the flora, fauna and landforms of

the site. The landforms result from glacial sculpting which took place during the last ice age between 2 millionand 13,000 years ago. Fiordland was carved into its present geometry by huge glaciers which cut deeply intothe surface rocks, forming curved networks of U-shaped valleys. A huge glacier flowed down the main valleyvisible from the top of Key Summit (Photo 40) and overtopped the locality by 500 metres. The present valleyshows glacial smoothing from the valley floor nearly to the height of the tree line (Photo 40). U-shaped glacialvalleys, which are visible from the crest, bifurcated from the main glacial valley (Photos 41 and 42). Theangularity of the ridges is indicative of their periodic uplift and resulting instability and rapid erosion.

Valley intersection. From the Routeburn Trackstaging site travel 10 km to the parking area con-structed near the intersection of two large valleys.This site represents the confluence of two very largeglaciers, which have carved out the present U-shapedvalleys (Photo 43).

These landforms typify the deeply eroded char-acter of Fiordland (Figure 3). Numerous glaciersduring the previous ice age were developed in aclosely packed, curved array, with many intersectingand bifurcating. The glaciers were many hundreds ofmetres thick, carving very deep, U-shaped valleys into the rocks. The resulting very steep, high valley walls

are very unstable and prone to avalanches and rockfalls.

Homer Tunnel diorite and horn-blende-plagioclase pegmatite. Park safely off the road on the eastern portal of Homer Tunnel. This site examines the diorites and associated pegmatites of the Median Batholith (Maps 20, 22) which typify the bedrock between Homer Tun-nel and Milford Sound.

Fresh samples of the diorite (Photo 44), with some coarse pegmatite are present as boulders on the edges of the parking area. The diorite is a dark col-

Photo 40. The glacially-carved Hollyford valley below Key Summit.

Photo 41. The high level Lake Marian glacial valley adja-cent to Key Summit.

Photo 42. High level glacial valley east of Key Summit.

Photo 43. U-shaped valley profile with gla-cially-eroded range in background.

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oured rock comprising crystals of white plagi-oclase feldspar and black hornblende, possibly with small amounts of white quartz, black biotite mica, or dark green pyroxene. Very coarse-grained equivalents of the diorite, known as pegmatite occur here. However, the best exam-ples of pegmatite (Photo 45) occur toward the head of the valley, several hundred metres from the tunnel entrance. To reach these rocks, walk toward the head of the valley on the northern side of the road using one of the unformed walking tracks amongst the boulders. An icy snow drift may be present near the head of the gorge.

This site is within Devonian and younger intrusive rocks of the Median Batholith (Maps 21 and 22). A pegmatite is a very coarse-grained igneous rock formed by the slow cooling of minerals squeezed into veins from a crystallising igneous rock. Pegmatite composed of very large crystals of black hornblende and white plagi-

oclase feldspar is examined here (Photo 45). The parent diorite which produced the pegmatite occurs in theadjacent ridge. This is a rare form of pegmatite, as the most common pegmatites throughout the world areassociated with granites and are composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. It is advisable not to approach thevalley walls, as ice-weakened rocks can plummet downward without warning!

It is worth considering that this site is at the head of a glacial valley (Figure 3). Consequently, this sitemust have been a cirque, the point of origin of the glacier which carved the valley.

Continue to Milford Sound through tall, glacial ridges and flat, moraine-filled valleys. The route passes

Figure 3. Digital terrain model for Fiordland in the region about Key Summit and Milford Sound. Ridge crests shown in dark blue, valleys in pale blue. Note the smoothly curved geometry of the valleys and the close spacing of all val-leys, with relatively narrow ridges. Each valley represents the previous site of a glacier. Data from NZ Crown Minerals.

Photo 44. Typical diorite from Homer Tunnel.

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through hard intrusive rocks of the Me-dian Batholith which end at Milford Sound village. Most of Milford Sound occurs within Ordovician sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (Map 20).

Milford Sound is a 15 km long fiord (a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by gla-cial activity). It is surrounded by gla-cially-carved ridges up to 1700 m high and is up to 450 m deep.

Fiordland is a region of crustal elevation, yet many seaward glacial val-leys are inundated by the sea. This phenomenon is due to sea level rise since glaciation ended, about 13,000 years ago. During the previous ice age

the sea levels fell significantly as water was locked up in the extensive ice sheets which covered large parts ofthe Earth. As the ice melted the seas rose, flooding the previous glacier channels.

One of the prominent features of Mil-ford Sound are the numerous hanging valleys(Photos 46 & 47). These are tributary valleys with their floor at a higher elevation than the floor of the main valley. They are most commonly associated with U-shaped valleys when a tributary glacier flows into a glacier of larger volume.

Most of Milford Sound occurs within Ordovician metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (Map 20). These were formed in deep oceans, and generally composed of volcanic debris and fine silt and clay. They have been folded and metamorphosed and are now ex-posed as tilted, very hard outcrops of meta-sediment which are cross cut by later veins which are also folded (Photo 48). Minor copper mineralisation occurs within the

rocks, and is evident in places as green and brown staining resulting from the decomposition of copper- and iron-bearing sulphide minerals (Photo 49). In places the metasediments have par-tially melted, and include veins and masses of granitic material (Photo 50). In the eastern parts of Milford Sound these rocks are interlayered with green to black nephrite jade and pale green bowenite, precious stones to the Maori who extracted them for the manufac-ture of jewellery, tools and weapons. Nephrite and bowenite are only found

Photo 45. Pegmatite comprising black hornblende and white plagioclase crystals cut by a plagioclase vein.

Photo 46. Stirling Falls drops from a hanging valley

Photo 47. Mitre Peak (right of photo) sits adjacent to a hanging valley.

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in the South Island . Nephrite is a calcium and magnesiumrich amphibole which forms in narrow alteration zones atthe contact of serpentine rocks (serpentinite) and metasedi-ment. The serpentinite is remnants of oceanic crustal igne-ous rocks which have been metamorphosed and altered.

Photo 48. Cliff face in Milford Sound showing folded, steeply dipping bedded metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and abundant veins.

Photo 50. Metasediment with veins of melted rock.

Photo 49. Metasediments with brown and green staining resulting from the decomposition of copper minerals.

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Nephrite has formed by the chemical interaction of metamorphic fluids from the serpentinite and metasediment.Bowenite is the rare, gem form of the pyroxene mineral antigorite. This is one of the serpentine group

of minerals, which indicates that they are the common components of serpentinite. Bowenite generally occurspervasively throughout some serpentinite, and may also occur as veins within the serpentinite or adjacentmetasedimentary rocks.

Further evidence for the glacial origin of Milford Sound can be seen in the many cliff exposures ofstriations (Photo 51) gouged into the hard rock by the movement of the glacier. Rocks carried by the glacialice were forced against the sides and base of the valley, cutting grooves into the otherwise smoothed rock face.Surfaces such as this are common at present glaciers such as Fox and Franz Josef.

The waters filling Milford Sound comprise a surface layer of relatively dark coloured, tanin-rich fresh water overlying saline water of the Tasman Sea. The fresh water layer is from 1 to 10 m thick, but filters sunlight passing into the salt water. This has the impact of encouraging deep sea plant life which prefers dark conditions to grow in relatively shallow water. The head of the fiord, about the village, has more fresh water than salt.

This concludes the Dunedin to Milford Sound geological guide. The third guide of the South Island series continues northward from Te Anau to Picton. We would be pleased to receive any feedback or comments to aid in the improvement of this, and any of our guides.

BIBLIOGRAPHYC.J. Adams, R.J. Beck, and H.J. Campbell (2007). Characterisation and origin of New Zealand nephrite jade using its strontium isotopic signature. Lithos, Volume 97, Issues 3-4, September 2007, Pages 307-322

Simon Cox & Belinda Smith Lyttle 2003. Field trip guides, 1-4 December University of Otago, Dunedin. Geological Society of New Zealand Inc, 2003 AnnualConference.

Hancox G.T. & Perrin N.D. 2000. Green Lake Landslide - New Zealand's largest landslide. GNS Science web page -

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd. (2002). Mesothermal gold in New Zealand: GIS data package and prospectivity modelling. MR4342.

Graham I.J. 2008. A continent on the move. New Zealand geoscience into the 21st century. The Geological Society of New Zealand in association with GNS Science. ISBN 978-1-877480-00-3

Jocelyn Thornton (1985). The Reed field guide to New Zealand geology. ISBN 0 7900 0405 4

Department of Conservation - Southland - Key Summit Track.

Ministry of Economic Development - Crown Minerals - New Zealand Information Pack. GIS data package and prospectivity modelling. CDROM.

Photo 51. Glacial striations on the Milford Sound valley walls.

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