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    Studiu prospectiv asupra

    evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la

    pacienii cu ciroz hepatic

  • 2 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici




    1. Date de fiziopatologie a cirozei hepatice 17

    1.1.Hipertensiunea portal din ciroza hepatic 17

    1.2.Particulariti fiziopatologice n hemoragiile digestive

    superioare variceale la cirotici 19

    2. Principii de tratament n hemoragiile variceale la cirotici 23

    2.1. Noiuni de profilaxie primar a hemoragiei variceale la cirotici.

    Rolul tratamentului endoscopic n profilaxia primar 23

    2.1.1. Strategia profilaxiei primare a hemoragiei variceale

    prin mijloace farmacologice 24

    2.1.2. Rolul tratamentului endoscopic n profilaxia primar a

    hemoragiei variceale 25

    2.2. Tratamentul specific (hemostaza) al hemoragiei variceale active 26

    2.2.1. Tratamentul cu ageni farmacologici vasoactivi ai

    hemoragiei variceale active 26

    2.2.2. Tratamentul endoscopic al hemoragiei variceale active 26

    2.3. Noiuni de profilaxie secundar a hemoragiei variceale 28

    3. Complicaiile hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici 31

    3.1. Complicaii asociate cu hemoragia variceal 31

    3.1.1. Encefalopatia hepatic 31

    3.1.2. Infeciile bacteriene 32

    3.1.3. Sindromul hepato-renal 33

    3.1.4. Recidivele hemoragice 34

    3.1.5. ocul hipovolemic 34

    3.1.6. Consecinele hemoragiilor variceale asupra bolilor cardiovasculare 35

    3.1.7. Complicaii datorate farmacoterapiei i procedurilor

    terapeutice n hemoragia variceal 36


    1. Ipoteza de lucru/obiective 41

    2. Studiul 1. Etiopatogenia hemoragiilor digestive superioare

    la cirotici i factorii de risc ai hemoragiei variceale 43

    2.1. Introducere 43

    2.2. Obiective 43

    2.3. Material i metod 43

    2.3.1.Grupul studiat 43

    2.3.2.Variabile 45

  • Anca Romcea 3

    2.3.3. Analiza statistic 46

    2.4. Rezultate 47

    2.4.1. Aspecte privind etiopatogenia hemoragiilor digestive

    superioare la cirotici 49

    2.4.2. Aspecte privind factorii de risc ai hemoragiei variceale la cirotici 58

    2.5. Discuii 67

    2.6. Concluzii 69

    3. Studiul 2. Evoluia i complicaiile hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici 71

    3.1. Introducere 71

    3.2. Obiective 72

    3.3. Material i metod 72

    3.3.1.Grupul studiat 72

    3.3.2.Variabile 75

    3.3.3.Analiza statistic 75

    3.4.Rezultate 76

    3.4.1.Aspecte privind prima recidiv hemoragic 78

    3.4.2.Implicaiile tratamentului medicamentos i endoscopic

    asupra recidivelor hemoragice variceale la pacienii cirotici. 85

    3.4.3.Complicaiile recidivelor hemoragice variceale la cirotici 88

    3.4.4. Analiza mortalitii prin hemoragie variceal 92

    3.4.5. Factori de predicie ai supravieuirii dup hemoragiile variceale 97

    3.5.Discuii 103

    3.6.Concluzii 105

    4. Concluzii generale 107

    5. Originalitatea i contribuiile inovative ale tezei 111

    REFERINE 113

  • 4 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    Cuvinte cheie:

    hemoragie variceal, varice esofagiene, hemoragiile digestive superioare la

    cirotici, factori de risc ai hemoragiei variceale, tratament endoscopic n

    hemoragiile variceale, mortalitatea prin hemoragie variceal.


    Hemoragiile digestive superioare la pacienii cirotici reprezint una din

    marile probleme ale patologiei gastroenterologice, de asemenea o problem de

    sntate public prin incidena crescut, severitatea complicaiilor i costurile pe

    care le presupune ngrijirea acestor pacieni.

    n pofida aplicrii msurilor de profilaxie, a mbuntirii metodelor de

    diagnostic i a eficienei sporite a metodelor de tratament, ciroza hepatic

    mpreun cu complicaia ei cea mai de temut-hemoragia digestiv superioar,

    rmne o problem major de sntate public.

    Hemoragiile digestive superioare la cirotici se produc in principal din

    varicele esofagiene si gastrice dar, exist i un numr semnificativ de cazuri de

    hemoragii non-variceale. Din acest motiv, n cadrul primului studiu efectuat ne-

    am propus analiza etiopatogeniei hemoragiilor digestive superioare la pacientul

    cu ciroz hepatic i aprecierea factorilor de risc implicai n apariia hemoragiilor

    variceale, studiul incluznd peste 900 de pacieni cu ciroz hepatic, ceea ce ne-a

    permis s obinem o imagine de ansamblu asupra hemoragiilor digestive

    superioare la pacientul cirotic.

    Dup primul episod de hemoragie variceal, riscul recidivelor hemoragice

    este mare, complicaiile (hepatice i extrahepatice) i mortalitatea pot fi determinate

    de multipli factori: gravitatea hemoragiei (respectiv a dezechilibrului hemodinamic),

    agravarea insuficienei hepatice (apreciat prin criteriile Child-Pugh), asocierea altor

    patologii (infecii, diabet zaharat, boli cardiace, hepatocarcinom etc). De asemenea,

    metodele de tratament urmate de pacieni la prima hemoragie variceal au implicaii

    asupra frecvenei recidivelor, a momentului apariiei lor n raport cu episodul

    hemoragic iniial i a supravieuirii pe termen lung.

    n al doilea studiu, ne-am propus urmrirea recurenelor hemoragice

    aprute la pacieni dup primul episod de hemoragie variceal, a factorilor de risc

    ai primei recidive hemoragice, influena tratamentului medicamentos i

    endoscopic aplicat, complicaiile aprute, aspecte privind mortalitatea i analiza

    factorilor de predicie ai supravieuirii la un an de la episodul hemoragic iniial.

  • Anca Romcea 5

    Ghidurile internaionale cuprind o serie de recomandri printre care, o

    importan major o are indicaia de efectuare a endoscopiei digestive superioare

    n primele 24 ore la toi pacienii cu hemoragie digestiv superioar. n ara

    noastr, conform datelor Societii Romne de Endoscopie, n puine centre

    medicale exist serviciu permanent de gard de endoscopie, iar n multe din

    unitile n care se efectueaz endoscopia digestiv superioar de urgen n

    timpul orelor de program nu exist baza material necesar aplicrii tehnicilor de

    hemostaz endoscopic. n acest sens, pentru realizarea tezei am beneficiat de

    posibilitatea efecturii endoscopiei digestive superioare n cazul tuturor

    pacienilor care s-au prezentat cu un episod de hemoragie n Institutul Regional

    de Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O. Fodor, datorit serviciului de

    gard existent i, mai mult, toi pacienii au beneficiat de tratament endoscopic,

    efectuat de endoscopiti experimentai.

    Ipoteza de lucru/obiective

    Cauzele hemoragiei digestive superioare pot fi variceale sau non-variceale,

    de aici importana efecturii endoscopiei digestive superioare n primele 24 de

    ore de la prezentarea pacientului cu HDS, putndu-se astfel preciza sursa

    hemoragiei i iniia tratamentul endoscopic adecvat.

    Prognosticul de via al unui pacient cu hemoragie digestiv superioar

    variceal depinde de gravitatea hemoragiei, de rezerva funcional hepatic

    (stadiul cirozei), gradul varicelor i localizarea acestora (esofagian sau gastric),

    de vrst, de existena unor boli asociate, de tratamentul aplicat.

    Din acest motiv, ne-am propus urmrirea etiopatogeniei hemoragiilor

    digestive superioare la cirotici, factorilor de risc ai producerii hemoragiei

    variceale, aprecierea gravitii acesteia, a eficienei tehnicilor endoscopice de

    hemostaz, aprecierea recidivelor hemoragice, a mortalitii i supravieuirii

    acestor pacieni.

    Numeroase studii publicate au artat corelaii ntre anumii parametrii

    clinici, biochimici si ecografici i riscul de apariie al hemoragiei variceale, cu

    rezultate variabile i, din acest motiv, ne-am propus n primul studiu urmrirea

    unora dintre ei i cauzalitatea cu hemoragiile variceale la aceti pacieni.

    Rezultatele studiilor de specialitate nu pot fi extrapolate nemijlocit pe

    cazuistica din teritoriu, factorii de risc ai hemoragiilor variceale putnd varia

    semnificativ n funcie de caracteristicile genetice ale populaiei, de condiiile de

    mediu i de condiiile socio-economice i din acest motiv am considerat util

    lucrarea de fa.

  • 6 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    Studiul 1. Etiopatogenia hemoragiilor digestive superioare la cirotici

    i factorii de risc ai hemoragiei variceale


    Obiectivele studiului au fost analiza etiologiei hemoragiilor non-variceale

    la pacienii cirotici i urmrirea factorilor de risc ai producerii hemoragiei


    Material i metod

    Grupul studiat

    Studiul a fost unul de tip analitic, experimental, longitudinal, prospectiv,

    desfurat n perioada 1.11.2004-31.05.2006, n Institutul Regional de

    Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O.Fodor, Cluj-Napoca.

    Culegerea datelor s-a desfurat prin eantionare, grupul de pacieni fiind

    alctuit sub form de eantion reprezentativ.

    Lotul general a fost format din 938 pacieni, diagnosticai cu ciroz

    hepatic dup criterii clinice, biochimice, ecografice i endoscopice,

    documentarea fcndu-se din foile de observaie. Din cei 938 pacieni, lotul

    de interes a fost reprezentat de 217 pacieni cu HDS, care au fost supui

    endoscopiei digestive superioare n scop diagnostic i terapeutic, n condiii

    de urgen, la Cabinetul de Endoscopie Digestiv al Institutului Regional de

    Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O.Fodor Cluj-Napoca. Lotul de

    pacieni cu hemoragie l-am mprit n dou subloturi: lotul de pacieni cu

    hemoragie variceal (N=168) i lotul de pacieni cu hemoragie non-

    variceal (N=49). Lotul martor a fost format din pacienii fr hemoragie


    Au fost exclui din studiu pacienii care au prezentat hemoragie digestiv

    superioar din varicele gastrice.

    Dup identificarea sursei variceale sau non-variceale de hemoragie

    digestiv superioar, s-a aplicat terapie endoscopic, unde a fost necesar.

    n cazul hemoragiilor variceale s-a efectuat scleroterapie endoscopic

    folosind soluie hiperton de glucoz sau montare de ligaturi elastice n funcie de

    posibilitile de moment, n condiii de urgen; n cazul hemoragiilor non-

    variceale s-a injectat adrenalin 1/10000, alcool absolut sau montare de clipuri

    metalice, n funcie de etiologia hemoragiei.

  • Anca Romcea 7

    La intrarea n studiu, fiecrui pacient i s-a ntocmit o fi de urmarire care

    a cuprins:

    datele personale (nume, vrst, sex)

    antecedente personale patologice sugestive pentru boala de baz i

    comorbiditi (infecii cu virusuri hepatice, consum de alcool,

    afeciuni autoimune, diabet zaharat,HCC,etc)

    diagnosticul complet (boala de baz, afeciuni asociate),integrarea n

    clasa Child-Pugh

    simptome i semne:

    - tipul sngerrii (hematemez,melen,hematochezie)

    - severitatea hemoragiei

    - prezena ascitei

    - prezena icterului

    - gradul encefalopatiei hepatice (I,II,III,IV)

    date de laborator:hemoleucograma,INR, bilirubina, transaminaze,etc

    endoscopia digestiv superioar- semnalnd prezena varicelor

    esofagiene i/sau gastrice, prezena/absena hemoragiei active n

    momentul examinrii, cu sau fr semne de hemoragie recent

    (cheaguri), gradul varicelor (I,II,III), prezena/absena semnelor roii

    la nivelul varicelor esofagiene dup Ghidul Societii Japoneze de

    Endoscopie, prezena hemoragiei din alte leziuni (ulcer, gastrit,

    angiodisplazii, gastropatie portal hipertensiv, polipi, sdr.Mallory-

    Weiss, esofagit etc)

    ecografia abdominal-dimensiunile VP, splinei, prezena/absena

    ascitei, a hepatocarcinomului

    prezena infeciilor infecii respiratorii, infecii urinare, peritonita

    bacterian spontan

    tratamentul endoscopic- scleroterapie, ligaturi elastice, injectare de

    adrenalin, alcool absolut, montare de clipuri metalice, coagulare cu

    Plasma Argon

    tratamentul medicamentos urmat propranolol, nitrai.

    Fia de urmrire a pacientului conine datele clinice i paraclinice

    nregistrate la momentul internrii, pe durata spitalizrii i la externare.

    Studiul a fost aprobat de comitetul local de etic al Institutului Regional de

    Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O. Fodor Cluj-Napoca.

  • 8 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici


    Din cei 938 pacieni inclui n studiu, 217 au prezentat hemoragii digestive

    superioare, 168 cazuri fiind hemoragii variceale i 49 cazuri non-variceale.

    Hemoragia variceal a fost etiologia dominant, fiind cauza a 77,42% din

    hemoragiile digestive superioare la pacienii cirotici cuprini n studiu.

    Hemoragiile non-variceale s-au produs n proporie de 22,58% din totalul

    hemoragiilor digestive superioare. Ulcerul peptic a determinat 12,44% din

    episoadele iniiale de HDS, sindromul Mallory-Weiss 3,68%, gastrita acut eroziv

    1,84%, gastropatia portal hipertensiv 1,38% i restul de 3,22% au fost hemoragii

    din ulcer esofagian, angiodisplazii gastrice, ectazii vasculare antrale, polipi

    duodenali i tumori gastrice.

    Comparnd cele dou loturi de pacieni, cei cu hemoragie variceal

    (N=168) i cei cu hemoragie non-variceal (N=49) i frecvena apariiei

    hemoragiei n funcie de gravitatea cirozei hepatice, se constat o asociere

    semnificativ statistic ntre clasa Child-Pugh i tipul de hemoragie. Astfel se

    constat preponderena apariiei hemoragiei variceale la pacieni aflai n clasa

    Child-Pugh B (74 pacieni) i C (57 pacieni), comparativ cu hemoragiile non-

    variceale care au survenit mai frecvent la pacienii din clasele Child-Pugh A i B,

    adic riscul de hemoragie non-variceal a fost de 2,5 ori mai mare pentru pacienii

    aflai n clasa Child-Pugh A i B fa de cei din clasa Child-Pugh C (p=0,008, testul

    Chi Square, OR=2,5, 95%CI 1,2-5,2).

    Sindromul Mallory-Weiss, prezint o asociere semnificativ statistic

    (p=0,041) cu etiologia etanolic, sexul masculin (p=0,02, RR=1,35, 95%CI 1,1-1,6), cu

    prezena simultan la endoscopia digestiv superioar a varicelor gastrice (p

  • Anca Romcea 9

    Pentru a urmri factorii de risc ai producerii hemoragiei variceale la

    cirotici, am analizat cei 168 pacieni cu hemoragie variceal, iar lotul de control a

    fost reprezentat de 721 pacieni fr hemoragie (variceal sau non-variceal).

    Hemoragia variceal a fost etiologia dominant, fiind cauza a 77,42% din

    hemoragiile digestive superioare la pacienii cirotici cuprini n studiu.

    n lotul studiat se remarc etiologia etanolic a cirozei hepatice ca factor

    de risc (p

  • 10 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    Prezena hepatocarcinomului a fost evideniat la 10,12% dintre pacienii

    cu hemoragie variceal, evideniat ca factor de risc al hemoragiei variceale

    (RR=1,1; 95%CI:0,72-1,65) fr a se asocia semnificativ statistic cu aceasta


    Pentru a determina valoarea diagnostic a unor parametrii numerici

    (vrsta, diametrul longitudinal al splinei, numrul trombocitelor, diametrul venei

    porte), s-au construit i comparat curbele ROC (Receiver Operating

    Characteristic). Curba ROC ilustreaz relaia grafic dintre sensibilitate i

    specificitate pentru anumite valori prag (cut-off) posibile. Sunt considerate puncte

    de cut-off valorile optime din punct de vedere al fiabilitii parametrilor analizai.

    Valoarea de cut-off (punctul unde sensibilitatea i specificitatea au valori

    maxime) determinat cu o semnificaie statistic nalt (p

  • Anca Romcea 11

    studiu a pacienilor i, urmrirea lor, n cadrul controalelor periodice, pe

    parcursul unui an, pn n 31 .08.2007, n Institutul Regional de

    Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O. Fodor Cluj-Napoca. Culegerea

    datelor s-a desfurat prin eantionare, grupul de pacieni fiind alctuit sub

    form de eantion reprezentativ.

    Au fost inclui n studiu 198 pacieni cu hemoragie digestiv superioar

    din varicele esofagiene, care au fost supui endoscopiei digestive superioare,

    n scop diagnostic i terapeutic, n condiii de urgen, la Cabinetul de

    Endoscopie al Institutului Regional de Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie

    Prof.Dr. O.Fodor Cluj-Napoca. Au fost inclui doar pacienii care aveau ca

    surs a hemoragiei efracia din varicele esofagiene, apreciat prin examen

    endoscopic de urgen, efectuat la cel mult 6 ore de la internarea pacientului.

    Ulterior, am urmrit 74 pacieni care au prezentat recidive hemoragice

    variceale, lotul de control fiind reprezentat de pacienii fr recidive

    hemoragice (N=124).

    Am exclus din studiu pacienii care aveau diagnostic de ciroz hepatic

    de etiologie neprecizat n momentul externrii.

    Dup identificarea sursei variceale a hemoragiei digestive superioare s-

    a efectuat terapie endoscopic (ligaturi elastice sau scleroterapie cu soluie de

    glucoz hiperton, n funcie de posibilitile de moment).

    n vederea cercetrii factorilor predictivi ai morbiditii i mortalitii

    dup episoadele hemoragice, precum i ai supravieuirii, am monitorizat

    recurenele hemoragice prin efracia varicelor esofagiene, apariia sau agravarea

    complicaiilor specifice cirozei- encefalopatie hepatic, peritonit bacterian

    spontan, ascit, apariia sau agravarea complicaiilor datorate bolilor asociate

    (infecii, afeciuni cardiovasculare etc), numrul i cauza deceselor.

    Controalele periodice au fost la 6 saptmni, 3 luni, 6 luni i 1 an fa de

    hemoragia iniial.

    Studiul a fost ntrerupt pentru fiecare pacient la finalul perioadei de

    urmrire sau n caz de deces.

    Studiul a fost aprobat de comitetul local de etic al Institutului Regional

    de Gastroenterologie i Hepatologie Prof.Dr. O. Fodor Cluj-Napoca.


    Din 198 pacieni cu hemoragii variceale, recurene hemoragice au aprut la

    74 pacieni: 48 brbai i 26 femei.

    n lotul pacienilor cu recidive hemoragice n perioada imediat urmtoare

  • 12 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    aplicrii hemostazei endoscopice, au fost n total 118 recurene hemoragice (ntre

    2 i 5 episoade hemoragice per pacient).

    Din cele 198 de cazuri la care s-a obinut controlul hemoragiei variceale

    iniiale, prima recidiva hemoragic a fost nregistrat la 37,37% din pacieni.

    Sexul, vrsta i etiologia cirozei pacienilor care au prezentat

    hemoragie variceal nu s-au corelat cu riscul de apariie al primei recidive


    Se constat o asociere semnificativ statistic a apariiei primei recidive

    hemoragice cu clasa Child-Pugh a cirozei (p=0,04); au prezentat recidiv

    hemoragic cu precdere pacienii cu ciroz hepatic clasa Child-Pugh B

    (37,6%) i C (44%), comparativ cu pacienii aflai n clasa Child-Pugh A la

    prima hemoragie variceal (23%).

    Severitatea episodului hemoragic acut iniial influeneaz asocierea

    recidivei, (p

  • Anca Romcea 13

    - prezena hepatocarcinomului a crescut de 4 ori riscul de deces la 48 de ore

    al acestor pacieni, 33,33% dintre pacienii decedai la 48 ore au avut i

    hepatocarcinom (p=0,004, RR=4, 95%CI:1.5 10.63).

    - prezena ascitei n cantitate mare se coreleaza cu decesul la 48 de ore (p=0,017).

    Sexul i vrsta pacienilor, etiologia cirozei i tratamentul endoscopic

    aplicat nu s-au corelat semnificativ statistic cu decesele nregistrate pn la 48 de

    ore de la momentul hemoragiei iniiale, dar am constatat c, 33,3% din pacienii

    decedai n acest interval de timp au fost diagnosticai cu ciroz hepatic de

    etiologie etanolic (p=0,05).

    n urmtorul interval de timp, din ziua a 3 a i pn la ase sptmni de la

    episodul hemoragic iniial s-au nregistrat 40,43% din totalul deceselor n grupul

    studiat i s-au produs n principal datorit ocului hemoragic (fig. 17).

    Analiza mortalitii pn la 6 sptmni a evideniat asocierea semnificativ

    statistic cu urmtorii factori:

    - clasa Child-Pugh C a cirozei- la pacienii decedai comparativ cu severitatea

    cirozei pacienilor care au supravieuit (p=0,015, RR=2,5, 95%CI:1,4-12,7)

    - tratamentul medicamentos- lipsa tratamentului cu propranolol s-a corelat cu

    decesul (p

  • 14 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    Factori de predicie ai supravieuirii dup

    hemoragiile variceale

    La sfritul unui an de la primul episod hemoragic, 47 pacieni au decedat

    i 151 au supravieuit. Dup episodul iniial de hemoragie variceal, pacienii au

    urmat tratament medicamentos (propranolol, nitrai sau propranolol plus nitrai)

    i au fost chemai la control pentru edine de consolidare a varicelor esofagiene

    prin scleroterapie sau ligaturi elastice.

    Concluzii generale

    Hemoragiile digestive superioare au aprut la 23,14% din pacienii cirotici

    inclui in studiu, hemoragiile variceale reprezentnd etiologia dominant, fiind

    cauza a 77,42% din primul episod hemoragic la aceti pacieni.

    Hemoragia non-variceal s-a produs la 22,58% din totalul pacienilor cu

    hemoragie digestiv superioar, fiind reprezentat n ordine descresctoare de: ulcer

    peptic, sindrom Mallory-Weiss, gastrit acut eroziv, gastropatie portal hipertensiv

    i alte etiologii mai rare n studiul nostru (ulcer esofagian, angiodisplazii gastrice,

    ectazii vasculare antrale, polipi duodenali i tumori gastrice).

    Incidena hemoragiilor digestive superioare este crescut la vrste peste 55

    ani, raportul pe sexe brbai:femei fiind 2:1 n ambele loturi de pacieni (cu

    hemoragie variceal i n cel cu hemoragie non-variceal).

    Etiologia etanolic a fost predominant n lotul hemoragiilor variceale.

    Hemoragiile digestive superioare non-variceale de tip ulcer peptic, gastrit

    acut eroziv i ulcer esofagian au fost nregistrate in numr mai mare la pacieni

    cu ciroz hepatic clasa Child-Pugh A i B comparativ cu cei cu ciroz hepatic

    clasa Child-Pugh C.

    Sindromul Mallory-Weiss, prezint o asociere semnificativ statistic cu

    etiologia etanolic, sexul masculin i clasa Child-Pugh A.

    n ceea ce privete hemoragia din gastropatia portal hipertensiv se observ

    o asociere cu trombocitopenia (plt2 i clasa Child-Pugh C a cirozei.

    Comparnd ntre ele cele dou loturi de pacieni (cu hemoragie variceal i

    non-variceal), riscul de hemoragie non-variceal a fost de 2,5 ori mai mare

    pentru pacienii aflai n clasa Child-Pugh A i B fa de cei din clasa Child-Pugh C .

    Episodul hemoragic a fost mai sever n lotul cu hemoragii variceale fa de


  • Anca Romcea 15

    Efracia variceal este principala surs a sngerrii n hemoragiile severe,

    ulcerul peptic i sindromul Mallory-Weiss fiind diagnosticat preponderent n

    hemoragiile moderate i uoare.

    Efracia varicelor esofagiene este n funcie de gradul varicelor, de prezena

    semnelor roii variceale i crete cu severitatea afectrii hepatice.

    Prezena encefalopatiei hepatice, numrul trombocitelor 140 mm s-au corelat semnificativ statistic cu

    riscul de apariie al hemoragiei variceale.

    Infeciile bacteriene-peritonita bacterian spontan, infeciile respiratorii, infeciile

    urinare au aprut n lotul pacienilor cu hemoragie variceal n proporie de 49,4%.

    Prezena hepatocarcinomului a fost evideniat la 10,12% dintre pacienii cu

    hemoragie variceal, dar nu s-a corelat cu riscul de apariie al hemoragiilor variceale.

    Construind i comparnd curbele ROC pentru lotul de pacieni cu hemoragie

    variceal, s-a stabilit o valoare prag pentru numrul trombocitelor de

    138500/mm3, pentru diametrul longitudinal al splinei de 232,5 mm pentru a

    pune diagnosticul de hemoragie variceal i n cazul dimensiunilor venei porte

    sub 9,6 mm de a infirma hemoragia variceal dar, nici unul dintre aceti

    parametrii nu au AUC suficient de mare nct s pun un diagnostic ferm.

    Prin regresia logistic multivariat s-a stabilit c, cel mai puternic factor

    predictiv al hemoragiei variceale este prezena semnelor roii pe suprafaa

    varicelor esofagiene, urmat de etiologia etanolic a cirozei, clasa Child-Pugh C,

    trombocitopenia sub 138500/mm3 i gradul varicelor esofagiene, cel din urm

    evideniind o relaie de direct proporionalitate ntre creterea gradului

    varicelor esofagiene i influena asupra apariiei hemoragiei variceale.

    Riscul apariiei primei recidive hemoragice la pacienii cirotici crete cu

    severitatea afectrii hepatice (clasa Child-Pugh), cu prezena ocului hemoragic i

    a hepatitei acute etanolice n cursul primului episod de hemoragie variceal.

    Tratamentul medicamentos cu propranolol ca profilaxie secundar, este

    factor de protecie in apariia primei recidive hemoragice; tratamentul endoscopic

    prin scleroterapie a determinat o frecven mai mare de apariie a primei recidive

    hemoragice comparativ cu ligaturile elastice.

    n cadrul tuturor recurenelor hemoragice aprute la pacienii cirotici din

    studiul nostru, lipsa tratamentului cu propranolol s-a corelat semnificativ statistic

    cu apariia recidivelor hemoragice, iar tratamentul endoscopic de ligaturare al

    varicelor esofagiene cu scderea episoadelor de recidiv.

    Complicaiile aprute n cadrul recidivelor hemoragice, s-au corelat

    semnificativ statistic cu severitatea cirozei, cu prezena ocului hemoragic i a

    encefalopatiei hepatice.

  • 16 Studiu prospectiv asupra evoluiei i complicaiilor hemoragiilor variceale la cirotici

    Infeciile bacteriene (peritonita bacterian spontan, infeciile respiratorii i

    infeciile urinare) au fost frecvente n cadrul primei recidive hemoragice fiind

    prezente la 41,2% din aceti pacieni.

    Mortalitatea global prin hemoragie variceal a fost de 23,73%.

    Cauzele de deces au fost: ocul hemoragic (47%), coma hepatic(38%),

    infarctul miocardic(13%) i accidentul vascular cerebral (2%).

    Mortalitatea imediat, la 48 de ore de la episodul hemoragic iniial, a fost

    semnificativ statistic corelat cu gradul de severitate al cirozei, cu prezena

    ocului hemoragic, a ascitei n cantitate mare, a bilirubinei serice>3 mg/dl, a

    hepatitei acute ischemice, cu asocierea hepatocarcinomului, a infactului miocardic

    i a peritonitei bacteriene spontane la aceti pacieni.

    Mortalitatea de la 3 zile pn la 45 de zile (ase sptmni) de la episodul

    hemoragic iniial s-a corelat semnificativ cu clasa Child-Pugh C a cirozei, cu lipsa

    tratamentului cu propranolol, cu tratamentul endoscopic prin scleroterapie

    comparativ cu ligaturile sau terapia combinat, cu prezena hepatocarcinomului, a

    peritonitei bacteriene spontane, a encefalopatiei hepatice, a ocului hemoragic i a

    hepatitei acute ischemice la pacienii decedai comparativ cu supravieuitorii.

    De la 46 de zile pn la un an de la episodul hemoragic iniial mortalitatea

    nregistrat a fost de 6,56% i s-a corelat semnificativ statistic cu prezena

    hepatocarcinomului i a ocului hemoragic.

    Analiza statistic a evenimentelor nregistrate dup un an de la primul episod de

    hemoragie variceal a ciroticilor luai n studiu, a relevat c, pacienii care au

    supravieuit mai mult timp sunt pacieni cu ciroz hepatic clasa Child-Pugh A, fr

    PBS, care au urmat tratament medicamentos cu propranolol, pacieni tratai prin

    scleroterapie plus ligaturi elastice a varicelor esofagiene, cu absena ocului

    hemoragic n cursul episodului acut i cu vrsta sub 55 ani. Cei mai importani factori

    n prognosticul supravieuirii-analizai prin regresia multivariat Cox au fost: ocul

    hemoragic, PBS, tratamentul cu propranolol i tratamentul endoscopic aplicat.

  • 16 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    occurrence of bleeding relapse, while the endoscopic ligation treatment of the

    esophageal varices correlated with a decrease in relapse episodes.

    Bleeding complications that occurred during relapses were found to have a

    statistically significant correlation with the severity of cirrhosis, the presence of

    hemorrhagic shock and the hepatic encephalopathy.

    Bacterial infections (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, respiratory and

    urinary tract infections) were common in the first bleeding relapse and were

    present in 41.2% of these patients.

    Overall mortality by variceal bleeding was 23.73%.

    The causes of death were: hemorrhagic shock (47%), hepatic coma (38%),

    myocardial infarction (13%) and stroke (2%).

    Immediate mortality, within the first 48 hours after the initial bleeding

    episode, was statistically significantly correlated with the severity of the liver

    cirrhosis, with the presence of hemorrhagic shock, with a large amount of ascites,

    with serum bilirubin> 3 mg / dl, with acute ischemic hepatitis, with HCC, with

    myocardial infarction and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in these patients.

    Mortality within 3 days to 45 days (six weeks) of the initial bleeding episode

    significantly correlated with Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis, with no treatment with

    propranolol, with the endoscopic sclerotherapy treatment versus ligation or

    combined therapy, with HCC, with the spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, with the

    hepatic encephalopathy, with the hemorrhagic shock and acute ischemic hepatitis

    in patients who died, in comparison with the survivors from our study.

    From 46 days up until one year after the initial bleeding episode, mortality

    was recorded in 6.56% of the patients and our study found it statistically

    significantly correlated with the presence of HCC and the hemorrhagic shock.

    The statistical analysis of the events recorded after one year from the first

    episode of variceal bleeding in the cirrhotic patients from our study revealed that

    the patients who survived longer were patients with Child-Pugh class A liver

    cirrhosis, without PBS, who were given drug treatment with propranolol and

    whose esophageal varices were treated by sclerotherapy plus elastic ligatures;

    these patients had no hemorrhagic shock during the acute episode and were aged

    under 55 years. The most important survival prognostic factors analyzed by

    multivariate Cox regression were: the hemorrhagic shock, PBS, the treatment with

    propranolol and the applied endoscopic treatment.

  • Anca Romcea 15

    The bleeding episode was more severe in the group with variceal bleeding

    than in the non-variceal bleeding group.

    The variceal intrusion was the main bleeding source in severe bleeding;

    peptic ulcer and Mallory-Weiss syndrome were mainly diagnosed in moderate

    and mild bleeding.

    The esophageal varices intrusion depended on the varices grade, on the presence

    of variceal red wheals and it increased with the severity of the liver damage.

    The presence of hepatic encephalopathy, platelet count 140 mm were found to have a statistically

    significant correlation with the risk of variceal bleeding.

    Bacterial infections - spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, respiratory infections,

    and urinary tract infections occurred in 49.4% of the patients in the group with

    variceal bleeding.

    The presence of HCC was found in 10.12% of the patients with variceal

    bleeding, but did not correlate with the risk of variceal bleeding.

    Building and comparing ROC curves for the group of patients with variceal

    bleeding, a threshold of 138,500 / mm3 for the platelet count was set and of 232.5

    mm for the longitudinal spleen diameter to make the diagnosis of variceal

    bleeding. The size of the portal vein was set below 9.6 mm in order to refute

    variceal bleeding. However, none of these parameters had a big enough AUC to

    make a firm diagnosis.

    By multivariate logistic regression it was found that the strongest predictor

    of variceal bleeding was the presence of red weals on the surface of esophageal

    varices, followed by the ethanol etiology of cirrhosis, Child-Pugh class C,

    thrombocytopenia below 138,500 / mm3 and the grade of the esophageal

    varices, the latter highlighting a directly proportional relationship between a

    higher grade of the esophageal varices and the influence on the occurrence of

    variceal haemorrhage.

    The risk for the first bleeding relapse in cirrhotic patients increased with

    the severity of the liver disease (Child-Pugh class), with the presence of

    hemorrhagic shock and of acute alcoholic hepatitis during the first episode of

    variceal bleeding.

    The drug treatment with propranolol as secondary prophylaxis is a

    protection factor for the first bleeding relapse; the endoscopic sclerotherapy

    treatment resulted in a higher incidence of the first bleeding relapse than that

    performed with elastic ligatures.

    In all the bleeding relapses that occurred in the cirrhotic patients from our

    study, no treatment with propranolol statistically significantly correlated with the

  • 14 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    Prediction factors of survival after variceal bleeding

    At the end of one year since the first bleeding episode, 47 patients died and

    151 survived. After the initial episode of variceal bleeding, patients were given

    medication (propranolol, nitrates or propranolol plus nitrates) and were called

    for check-ups to undergo consolidation therapy for the esophageal varices by

    sclerotherapy or elastic ligatures.

    General conclusions

    UGI bleeding occurred in 23.14% of the cirrhotic patients included in the

    study, the variceal bleeding representing the dominant etiology and accounting

    for 77.42% of the first episode of bleeding in these patients.

    Non-variceal bleeding occurred in 22.58% of all the patients with upper

    gastrointestinal bleeding and was represented, in descending order, by: peptic

    ulcer, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, acute erosive gastritis, portal hypertensive

    gastropathy and other etiologies which were seldom found in our study

    (esophageal ulcer, gastric angiodysplasia, antral vascular ectasia, duodenal polyps

    and gastric tumors).

    The incidence of UGI bleeding was high in patients aged over 55 years, the

    gender ratio male:female being 2:1 in both groups of patients (both in the variceal

    bleeding goup and in the non-variceal bleeding group).

    Alcoholic etiology was predominant in the variceal bleeding group.

    Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding such as those of peptic ulcer

    type, acute erosive gastritis and esophageal ulcer were recorded in greater

    numbers in patients with Child-Pugh class A and B liver cirrhosis, in comparison

    to those with Child-Pugh class C liver cirrhosis.

    Mallory-Weiss syndrome shows a statistically significant correlation with

    ethanolic etiology, male gender and Child-Pugh class A.

    portal hypertensive gastropathy bleeding was found in correlation with

    thrombocytopenia (plt 2 and Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis.

    Comparing the two groups of patients (the variceal bleeding group vs.

    the non-variceal bleeding group), the risk for non-variceal bleeding was 2.5

    times higher in patients with Child-Pugh class A and B than in patients with

    Child-Pugh class C.

  • Anca Romcea 13

    - large amount of ascites - correlates with death at 48 hours (p = 0.017).

    Gender and the age of patients, the etiology of cirrhosis and the endoscopic

    treatment were not found to have significantly correlated with the deaths

    recorded within 48 hours after the initial bleeding, but we found that 33.3% of the

    patients who died in this period were diagnosed with liver cirrhosis of alcohol

    consumption etiology (p = 0.05).

    In the following period, from day 3 and up to six weeks after the initial

    bleeding episode, 40.43% of all deaths in the study group were recorded and they

    mainly occurred because of hemorrhagic shock (Fig. 17) .

    The analysis of mortality up to 6 weeks showed statistically significant

    correlation with the following factors:

    - Child-Pugh C liver cirrhosis - in the deceased patients compared with the

    cirrhosis severity in the patients who survived (p = 0.015, RR = 2.5, 95% CI:

    1.4 to 12.7)

    - treatment with medication - no treatment with propranolol was correlated

    with death (p

  • 12 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    Out of the 198 cases in which control over the initial variceal bleeding was

    obtained, the first hemorrhagic relapse was recorded in 37.37% of the patients.

    Gender, age and etiology of cirrhosis of patients who experienced variceal bleeding

    did not correlate with the risk for a first bleeding relapse. There is a statistically

    significant correlation of the first bleeding relapse with the Child-Pugh liver cirrhosis

    (p = 0.04); mainly patients with liver cirrhosis of Child-Pugh class B (37.6%) and C

    (44%) presented a bleeding relapse, in comparison with patients in Child-Pugh class

    A who had their first variceal bleeding (23%). The severity of the acute bleeding

    episode originally influences the occurrence of the relapse (p

  • Anca Romcea 11

    inclusion and study of patients within regular check-ups took place at "Prof.

    Fodor O. " Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca,

    for over a year, until 31.08.2007. Data collection was conducted by sampling

    and the study group consisted of a representative patient sample. The study

    included 198 patients, with upper gastrointestinal bleeding from esophageal

    varices, who underwent diagnostic and therapeutic upper gastrointestinal

    endoscopy, under emergency conditions, at the Office of "Prof. O.Fodor"

    Regional Institute Endoscopy Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cluj-Napoca.

    The study included only patients whose source of bleeding was the esophageal

    varices intrusion. This was assessed by emergency endoscopic examination

    performed within 6 hours of the patients admission at the latest.

    Subsequently, we studied 74 patients who had variceal bleeding relapses while

    the control group was formed of patients without bleeding relapses (N = 124).

    Patients, who had a diagnosis of cirrhosis of unknown etiology at the time of

    discharge, were excluded from the study. After the source of variceal bleeding

    in the UGI bleeding had been identified, endoscopic therapy was performed

    (elastic ligatures or sclerotherapy with hypertonic glucose solution, depending

    on the specific possibilities). In order to investigate the factors predictive of

    morbidity and mortality after bleeding episodes, as well as those predictive of

    survival, we monitored bleeding relapses because of esophageal varices

    intrusion, the occurrence or worsening of specific complications of cirrhosis -

    hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, ascites, the

    occurrence or worsening of complications due to associated diseases

    (infections, cardiovascular diseases, etc.), the number and causes of deaths.

    Regular check-ups were carried out after 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1

    year of the initial bleeding.

    The study was stopped for each patient at the end of the follow-up

    period or in case of death. The study was approved by the local ethics

    committee of "Prof. O. Fodor" Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and

    Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca.


    Out of the 198 patients with variceal bleeding, bleeding relapses occurred

    in 74 patients: 48 men and 26 women. In the group of patients with bleeding

    relapses, there were a total of 118 bleeding relapses in the period immediately

    after the application of endoscopic hemostasis, (between 2 and 5 bleeding

    episodes per patient).

  • 10 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    The presence of HCC was found in 10.12% of the patients with variceal

    bleeding and it was highlighted as a risk factor for variceal bleeding (RR = 1.1; 95%

    CI: 0.72 to 1.65). However, it was not found to be statistically significantly

    associated with the variceal bleeding (p = 0.68). To determine the diagnostic value

    of certain numeric parameters (patients age, the longitudinal diameter of the

    spleen, platelet count, the portal vein diameter) the ROC curves (Receiver Operating

    Characteristic) were constructed and compared. The ROC curve graphically

    illustrates the relationship between sensitivity and specificity for certain possible

    cut-off values. The optimal values in terms of reliability of the analyzed parameters

    are considered cut-off points. The cut-off value (the point where sensitivity and

    specificity are at a maximum) determined with highly statistical significance (p

  • Anca Romcea 9

    bleeding. The variceal intrusion is the main source of bleeding in severe bleeding

    (87.42%), whereas peptic ulcer and the Mallory-Weiss syndrome are mainly

    diagnosed in moderate and mild bleeding (71.4%). To analyze the risk factors for

    variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients, we studied 168 patients with variceal

    bleeding, in comparison with the control group, which included 721 patients

    without bleeding (variceal or non-variceal). The variceal bleeding was the

    dominant etiology, accounting for 77.42% of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding

    in the cirrhotic patients included in the study. In the study group, the ethanolic

    etiology of liver cirrhosis as a risk factor (p

  • 8 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    The patients record chart contains clinical and laboratory data recorded

    on admission, during hospitalization and at hospital discharge.

    The study was approved by the local ethics committee of "Prof. O. Fodor"

    Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca.


    Out of the 938 patients included in the study, 217 patients had upper

    gastrointestinal bleeding (168 variceal bleeding cases and 49 non-variceal cases).

    The variceal bleeding was the dominant etiology, accounting for 77.42% of the

    upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the cirrhotic patients included in the study.

    Non-variceal bleeding occurred at a rate of 22.58% of the upper gastrointestinal

    bleeding. Peptic ulcer caused 12.44% of the initial episodes of UGI bleeding,

    Mallory-Weiss syndrome caused 3.68%, acute erosive gastritis 1.84%, portal

    hypertensive gastropathy 1.38% and the remaining 3.22% were bleeding from

    the esophageal ulcer, gastric angiodysplasia, antral vascular ectasia, duodenal

    polyps and gastric tumors.

    Comparing the two groups of patients, those with variceal bleeding (N =

    168) and the non-variceal bleeding ones (N = 49), in terms of the incidence of

    bleeding depending on the cirrhosis severity, a statistically significant association

    was found between the Child-Pugh class and the type of bleeding. Thus, there is a

    higher occurrence of variceal bleeding in the patients from Child-Pugh class B (74

    patients) and C (57 patients), compared with non-variceal bleeding that occurred

    more frequently in patients from Child-Pugh A and B, ie the non-variceal bleeding

    risk was 2.5 times higher in patients from Child-Pugh class A and B than in those

    from the Child-Pugh class C (p = 0.008, Chi Square test, oR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.2 to 5.2).

    The Mallory-Weiss syndrome shows a statistically significant association (p =

    0.041) with ethanolic etiology, male gender (p = 0.02, RR = 1.35, 95% CI 1.1-1.6), with

    the simultaneous presence of gastric varices on the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy


  • Anca Romcea 7

    After the variceal or non-variceal source of the UGI bleeding was identified,

    endoscopic therapy was applied where necessary.

    In the cases of variceal bleeding, endoscopic sclerotherapy was

    performed by using hypertonic glucose solution or by inserting elastic ligatures

    according to possibilities, under emergency conditions; in the cases of non-

    variceal bleeding, adrenaline 1/10000 and absolute alcohol were injected or

    metal clips were inserted, depending on the etiology of the bleeding.

    A record chart, which included the following data, was completed for each

    patient, upon inclusion in the study:

    personal data (name, age, gender)

    personal pathological history suggestive of the underlying disease and of

    comorbidities (liver virus infections, alcohol consumption, autoimmune

    diseases, diabetes mellitus, HCC, etc.)

    complete diagnosis (the underlying disease, associated diseases),

    classification according to the Child-Pugh criteria

    symptoms and signs:

    - type of bleeding (hematemesis, melena, hematochezia)

    - severity of the bleeding

    - ascites

    - jaundice

    - the degree of hepatic encephalopathy (I, II, III, IV)

    laboratory findings: complete blood count, INR, bilirubin, transaminases,


    upper GI endoscopy - signaling the presence of esophageal and / or

    gastric varices, the presence / absence of active bleeding on examination,

    with or without signs of recent bleeding (clots), varices grade (I, II, III),

    the presence / absence of red signs on the esophageal varices according

    to the Guide of the Japanese Society of Endoscopy, the presence of other

    bleeding lesions (ulcers, gastritis, angiodysplasia, portal hypertensive

    gastropathy, polyps, Mallory-Weiss syndrome - MWS, esophagitis, etc.)

    abdominal ultrasound- spleen, VP size, presence / absence of ascites, of


    infections - respiratory infections, urinary infections, spontaneous

    bacterial peritonitis

    endoscopic treatment- sclerotherapy, elastic ligatures, injection of

    adrenaline, absolute alcohol, metal clips insertion, argon plasma

    coagulation (APC)

    patients drug therapy -propranolol, nitrates.

  • 6 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis

    The results of speciality studies cannot be extrapolated directly onto the

    cases in the territory as the variceal bleeding risk factors can significantly vary

    depending on the populations genetics, on environmental conditions and on

    socio-economic conditions. This is the reason why, we considered the present

    doctoral thesis useful.

    Study 1. The etiopathogenesis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in

    cirrhotic patients and the variceal bleeding risk factors


    The objectives of the study were to analyze the etiology of non-variceal

    bleeding in cirrhotic patients and the risk factors for variceal bleeding.

    Materials and methods

    The study group

    The study was an analytical, experimental, longitudinal and prospective

    type of study conducted in the period 1.11.2004-31.05.2006, in the "Prof. O.Fodor

    " Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca.

    Data collection was conducted by sampling, the patients study group

    consisting of a representative sample.

    The general group included 938 patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis

    according to clinical, biochemical, ultrasonographic and endoscopic criteria,

    whereas the documentation was completed from the patients observation

    charts. Out of the 938 patients, the group of study interest included 217 patients

    with UGI bleeding, who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for

    diagnosis and treatment, under emergency conditions, in the Digestive

    Endoscopy Office of the"Prof. Dr. O.Fodor" Regional Institute of

    Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca.

    The study group of patients with bleeding was divided into two

    subgroups: the group of patients with variceal bleeding (N = 168) and the group

    of patients with non-variceal bleeding (N = 49). The control group consisted of

    patients with no bleeding (N = 721). The patients who had upper

    gastrointestinal bleeding from gastric varices were excluded from the study.

  • Anca Romcea 5

    treatment, the complications and the mortality issues. We also analyzed the

    prediction factors of survival at one year of the initial bleeding episode. International

    guidelines contain a number of recommendations including an essential one, namely:

    the indication to perform the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy within the first 24

    hours in all patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

    In our country, according to the data from the Romanian Society of

    Endoscopy, there are few medical centers in which on duty permanent endoscopy

    service exists, and in many of the units in which emergency upper gastrointestinal

    endoscopy is performed during office hours there are no resources required for

    performing endoscopic hemostasis. In this respect, in order to complete the

    present thesis, due to the existing on duty service, we benefited from the

    possibility of performing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in all the patients who

    presented with an episode of bleeding, in the "Prof. O. Fodor" Regional Institute of

    Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Moreover, all the patients received endoscopic

    treatment conducted by experienced endoscopy specialists.

    Hypothesis/ Objectives

    The causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGI bleeding) may be

    variceal or non-variceal, hence the importance of performing the upper

    gastrointestinal endoscopy within the first 24 hours of admission of the UGI

    bleeding patient. Thus, the source of bleeding can be specified and the

    appropriate endoscopic treatment initiated.

    The life prognosis of a patient with variceal upper gastrointestinal

    bleeding depends on the severity of the haemorrhage, on the hepatic functional

    reserve (cirrhosis stage), on the degree and location of the varices (esophageal or

    gastric), on the patients age, on the existence of associated diseases, on the

    specific treatment, etc.

    For this reason, we decided to monitor the etiopathogenesis of upper

    gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic patients, the risk factors for variceal

    bleeding, its severity, the efficiency of the endoscopic hemostasis techniques, the

    assessment of bleeding relapses, the mortality and survival of these patients.

    Numerous published studies have shown correlations between certain

    clinical, biochemical and ultrasound parameters and the risk for variceal bleeding,

    with variable results. Therefore, our first study, in this thesis, looked into some of

    these aspects and into what causes variceal bleeding in these patients.

  • 4 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis


    variceal bleeding, esophageal varices, upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic

    patients, variceal bleeding risk factors, endoscopic treatment for variceal

    bleeding, mortality in variceal bleeding.


    The upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic patients is one of the

    major pathology problems of Gastroenterology and it is also a public health

    issue with high incidence, severe complications and high costs involved in giving

    the required health care to these patients.

    In spite of the application of preventive measures, as well as despite the

    improvement of diagnostic methods and the greater efficiency of treatment

    methods, liver cirrhosis with its most feared complication - the upper

    gastrointestinal bleeding - remains a major public health problem.

    The upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic patients mainly occurs

    because of esophageal and gastric varices. However, there are a significant

    number of non-variceal bleeding cases too. Therefore, the first study aimed to

    analyze the etiopathogenesis of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients

    with liver cirrhosis and to assess the risk factors involved in the occurrence of

    variceal bleeding. The study included 900 patients with cirrhosis, which allowed

    us to have an overview of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic patients.

    After the first episode of variceal bleeding, the risk for a bleeding relapse is

    high, whereas complications (hepatic and extrahepatic ones) and mortality may

    be due to multiple factors: the severity of bleeding (ie hemodynamic imbalance),

    worsening of the liver failure (assessed by the Child-Pugh criteria), the

    association of other diseases (infections, diabetes mellitus, heart disease,

    hepatocellular carcinoma, etc.). Moreover, the methods of treatment applied to

    the patients, when they experience the first variceal bleeding, involve a change in

    the frequency of relapses, in the timing of their occurrence in relation to the initial

    bleeding episode and in the long-term survival.

    The second study looked into the bleeding relapses that occurred in patients

    after the first variceal bleeding episode. Moreover, we studied the risk factors for the

    first bleeding relapse, the influence of medication and that of the endoscopic

  • Anca Romcea 3

    2.3.3. Statistical analysis 46

    2.4. Results 47

    2.4.1. Aspects of pathogenesis of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in

    cirrhotic patients 49

    2.4.2. Aspects of risk factors of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients 58

    2.5. Discussions 67

    2.6. Conclusions 69

    3. Study 2. Evolution and complications of the variceal bleeding in cirrhotic

    patients 71

    3.1. Introduction 71

    3.2. Objectives 72

    3.3. Materials and methods 72

    3.3.1. Study group 72

    3.3.2. Variables 75

    3.3.3 Statistical analysis 75

    3.4. Results 76

    3.4.1. Aspects of the first bleeding relapse 78

    3.4.2. Implications of the drug and endoscopic treatment in relapses

    of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients. 85

    3.4.3. Complications in relapses of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients 88

    3.4.4. Analysis of mortality in variceal bleeding 92

    3.4.5. Prediction factors of survival after variceal bleeding 97

    3.5. Discussions 103

    3.6. Conclusions 105

    4. General conclusions 107

    5. Originality and innovative contributions of the thesis 111


  • 2 Prospective study on the development and complications of variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis




    1. Pathophysiology data of liver cirrhosis 17

    1.1. Portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis 17

    1.2. Pathophysiological features of upper variceal gastrointestinal

    bleeding in cirrhotic patients 19

    2. Treatment principles of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients 23

    2.1. Concepts of primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients.

    The role of endoscopic therapy in primary prevention 23

    2.1.1. Primary prevention strategy of variceal bleeding by

    pharmacological means 24

    2.1.2. The role of endoscopic therapy in the primary prevention

    of variceal bleeding 25

    2.2. Specific treatment (hemostasis) of active variceal bleeding 26

    2.2.1. Treatment with vasoactive pharmacological agents of active

    variceal bleeding 26

    2.2.2. Endoscopic treatment of active variceal bleeding 26

    2.3. Concepts of secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding 28

    3. Complications of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients 31

    3.1. Complications associated with variceal bleeding 31

    3.1.1. Hepatic encephalopathy 31

    3.1.2. Bacterial infections 32

    3.1.3. Hepato-renal syndrome 33

    3.1.4. Bleeding relapses 34

    3.1.5. Hypovolemic shock 34

    3.1.6. Variceal bleeding consequences on cardiovascular diseases 35

    3.1.7. Complications due to pharmacotherapy and to therapeutic

    procedures in variceal bleeding 36


    1. Hypothesis / objectives 41

    2. Study 1. The etiopathogenesis of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding

    in cirrhotic patients and the variceal bleeding risk factors 43

    2.1. Introduction 43

    2.2. Objectives 43

    2.3. Materials and methods 43

    2.3.1. Study group 43

    2.3.2. Variables 45

  • Cover

    Prospective study on the

    development and complications

    of variceal bleeding in patients

    with liver cirrhosis

    CopertaCuprinsCuvinte cheie:IntroducereIpoteza de lucru/obiectiveStudiul 1. Etiopatogenia hemoragiilor digestive superioare la cirotici i factorii de risc ai hemoragiei varicealeObiectiveMaterial i metodGrupul studiatRezultate

    Studiul 2. Evoluia i complicaiile hemoragiilor variceale la ciroticiObiectiveMaterial i metodGrupul studiatRezultate

    Analiza mortalitii prin hemoragie variceal Factori de predicie ai supravieuirii dup hemoragiile variceale Concluzii generaleRezumat EN Anca Romcea Teza de doctorat (v.2014.10.14).pdfCoverContentsKeywords:IntroductionHypothesis/ ObjectivesStudy 1. The etiopathogenesis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotic patients and the variceal bleeding risk factorsObjectivesMaterials and methodsThe study groupResults

    Study 2. Evolution and complications of variceal bleeding in cirrhosisObjectivesMaterials and methodsThe study groupResults

    Analysis of variceal bleeding mortality Prediction factors of survival after variceal bleeding General conclusions

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