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Page 1: Analyzing magazines

Analyzing MusicMagazines

By Megan Allen

Page 2: Analyzing magazines

The mast head is very large and is the largest font size on the cover. The font is sharp which shows it is aimed at the male audience. The red gradients from black to a bright red which they have used as for the colour palette of the front cover.

‘The real rap’ shows the audience what this issue of the magazine is about. Plugs are used to show the other stories in this issue which again is related to rap.

This gives the audience to voice their opinion and be apart of the community of the magazine.

The main image is of Eminem and his name is written next to him so the audience know what the main story will be about. The quote is used so the audience can tell what the interview will be about especially through the grey words above ‘ vicodin’. ‘Comes Clean’ makes it somewhat exclusive because he is telling the audience of the magazine what happened.

Mode of address is used ‘Hottest’ is a word that a young audience would use and they can relate to this.

Throughout the front cover other rappers are mentioned which tells the audience who else is in the issue so those who are fans of other rappers will buy the issue even if they do not like Eminem.

The magazine overall is aimed at males with the dark colour scheme and features male rappers. The main image has a male on it and this catches the eye of the audience. The male audience is more likely to buy a music magazine with a male artist than female because they can relate more to them

Page 3: Analyzing magazines

The mast head is very large and with only ‘Q’ is very easy to recognise and is eye catching with the red background behind it. The main images are placed in front to show that the audience do not need to see all of the mast head and the brand is well established.

The magazine appear to be targeting both male and female with the use of colour and pictures. The main images are followed up by the main stories on the left third of the magazine. It features two male and one female which will target both audiences and the use of pink, black, white and red have made it less gender specific . The conventions of a normal cover are not used because they have used long shots for the main image.

The puff has been used to show the other features are within the magazine and because this is quite vague it interests the reader. Plugs are less used here but ’42 pages of reviews’ follows the same colour scheme as the mast head to show its importance. The plugs at the bottom which give information to who else is in the magazine, mean that fans of these artists will buy the magazine to read the features their favourite artist is in.

Page 4: Analyzing magazines

The buzz word ‘exclusive’ and the tour report makes the audience believe that Kerrang! are close to the band and the audience feel closer to the band and know that Kerrang! will keep them up-to-date with their favourite bands.

The masthead follows conventions and takes up the whole width of the page. It is the largest writing on the page and therefore catches the audience's eyes. The black lines through the mast head create a shattered and broken effect which creates Brand identity and also determines the genre of the magazine which is rock. The main image is positioned behind the mast head to get attention.

The main image is a midshot and the plugs and puffs are covering most of the image. The people on the front cover are all staring towards the camera which makes the audience feel more connected to the band. The main image is of men which targets a more male audience.

The colour palette is directed towards male because it has white, black and red. The text fonts are very sharp and bold which again targets a male audience whereas if the font was more curly and soft it would target females.

‘Poster special’ encourages the audience to purchase the magazine so that the audience can have pictures of their favourite band and with ‘Plus’ and the list of extra artists that are in the magazine, means that those who do not like the band with the main story, they still get to read about their favourite bands.

With the buzz word ‘Free ’ the audience get something extra with the magazine in this case music so fans of this band will be glad to have music from the band as well as being able to read about them.

Page 5: Analyzing magazines

The colour scheme is black, red and white and with the use of different font types makes it appealing for both genders.

The mast head is very large and bold with the bright red background. The font is more feminine. It is in front of the image which catches the audience’s attention. Unlike the conventions of most magazines it does not stretch across the width of the page instead it lies in the top left third.

The main image takes up the whole of the page and is a close up shot of Cheryl Cole. This main image is eye catching because it does not have a plain background like most magazines. This main image would target both men and women. The text beneath this image is large and it tells us about the main story .

The sky line draws the audience. It is not following the usual conventions because other plugs are used instead they have decided to use it to promote their magazine and with that statement the audience want to see why it is ‘The UK’s biggest magazine’ and whether it is true.

The Plug ‘new acts’ draws in the reader because they can know about the new acts before everyone else. ‘New interviews’ means that fans of other acts can read about their favourites and get the latest news.

The barcode is in the left third and under the mast head which does not follow the conventions because usually it is placed in the right third at the bottom. Instead they have used the space at the bottom to get attention for the cover story .

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The mast head is the largest font size and covers the width of the magazine which follows conventions. The main image is placed in front of the mast head which makes the main image the most important thing and that the brand name is established well. Placing ‘New’ on the V of the mast head draws attention and will make the audience want to know more about the brand.

The colour scheme is black, yellow and white. The yellow is bright which would target a more male audience than if the yellow was more soft. The fonts are quite sharp and this makes it appear more male. The use of the dark background and bright colours makes the magazine really stand out.

The barcode is in the left third which does not follow conventions. It also advertises its website and gives another plug.

The main image is of a mid shot and the plugs are more around the image than on it which shows the image is important. The text on his shirt creates a message and makes the reader want to know more. The second largest text is for the cover story but there is little information about it which makes the reader want to know more.

Buzz word ‘Exclusive’ draws in the reader because they more connected to the person and associates the magazine with exclusive content.

The sky line follows conventions of displaying other artists/ stories that are in the magazine which targets a larger audience because of the fans of that artist who want to know more about them.

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The mast head doesn’t appear to be the largest font but is still very large. It does not follow conventions because the mast head does not cover the whole width of the magazine.

The sky line gives information for another important story and is accompanied by a picture to catch the audience’s attention. His name is written in white to stand out.

The main image is a long shot and is of a live event which creates the feeling that NME have access to this and give information to the audience. The main image is of a male and therefore will target a male audience more. The cover story links with the main picture of the live event and will give information about it.

The colour scheme is white, red and a pale yellow. The overall look of the magazine is used to target a male audience because they cover is very dark and the fonts used are quite sharp and bold Plugs are used again

to get the audience to buy the magazine because it features their favourite artists.

Mode of address is used for ‘Cov’ which gives it more of a personal feel to their target audience because they will relate and use this language.

The convention of the barcode is used being in the right third. There is information on top of it about Gigs which shows the audience that they have all the information about live events and will make them want to see what is going on and if their favourite band is playing.

Page 8: Analyzing magazines

The mast head is the largest font and is placed behind the main image. The font is more curved and softer which makes it more aimed at the female audience. The main image is in front of the mast head which means the magazine is established and the audience will recognise the brand.

The main image is a big selling point for the magazine because all the plugs are placed around the main image. The main image is of a girl and would mostly target a female audience but because of the pose it could also target the male audience. The cover story is the next largest font and ties in the main image and what it involves and attracts the reader. She is looking at the audience which makes the audience feel connected to the person because it is more personal.

The colour scheme is very feminine with the use of pink and black and stand out well. Pink highlights specific words to draw in the audience and point out interesting information for the audience.

The sky line follows conventions and plugs into what else is in the magazine. It uses buzz words and mode of address to target their young audience. ‘Free’ makes it exclusive to the reader and they get extra content through the purchase of this magazine. ‘Hot’ is a form of mode of address which makes the magazine seem current and follow the trends of its target audience.

Although Katy Perry on the front is involved with Pop music other artists are featured such as Metallica to get a bigger market of people to read the magazine and that the magazine doesn’t have a specific genre.

‘Plus’ is a buzz word and must have songs gets the attention of the audience and they want to find out more.

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The mast head follows the conventions because it fills up the width of the page. This is different to the usual Kerrang! Magazine because this time the font colour is black with white lines through it. The white lines through the text create a smashed effect which shows the genre of the magazine and that it is rebellious and is a rock magazine. The font type is bold and sharp and shows that the magazine targets a male audience.

The buzz word ‘Free’ grabs the attention of the audience because they get more content from their magazine. Fans of the bands will want to have the posters and because they are featured they may buy the magazine to see their favourite bands.

The main image is a long shot and is all male which would target a male audience because they can relate to them more. They are all staring to the front which means the audience can relate to them better and it feels more personal. The cover story reveals a bit more about them and the audience will want to know why they are the new ‘hotshots’.

‘Plus’ a buzz word tells the audience what else is in the magazine if they do not like the band on the front and so if their favourite band is mentioned they will buy the magazine to see what their favourite band is up to. The sky line follows conventions because it tells more about the other stories/artists that are in the magazine.

The colour scheme is yellow, white and green though it does feature some red. This is more aimed towards the male audience and the use of colour makes it stand out.

Page 10: Analyzing magazines

The mast head does not follows the conventions of covering the width of the page, instead they have kept it within the top left third. It shows the magazine is a special because it has ‘snow’ on top of the mast head to make it more interesting and play with the theme. It is not the largest font on the front which shows that the magazine is well established and is drawing attention to other parts of the magazine. ‘Starring’ shows the audience the other bands that are featured in the issue which gets other members of their audience to buy it because their favourite artist is in it. The Christmas theme shows that the other bands featured are doing something in the magazine to do with this theme and interests the audience to see what they are doing

The sky line tells the audience what this issue is about ‘special’ makes it appeal more to the audience and makes it more personal. It follows the convention because it gives posters and ‘Free’ gives the audience extra content.

The main image is different because it features a background rather than a plain coloured one. This stands out because it is more colourful and different to the usual conventions that magazines follow. They are dressed up as elves which makes it entertaining for the audience and makes them want to see more. This makes them think the rest of the magazine will be fun like this and therefore makes them want to buy it. The cover story has the biggest text on the page for Christmas which shows the theme of this issue.

The colour scheme is white, gold and yellow which are muted to avoid heavy contrast with the background. The colours are quite dull and are more aimed at males because it doesn’t stand out. The font types can appeal to both genders but overall the magazine is targeting males.

Page 11: Analyzing magazines

The mast head is behind the image and is the largest font size which shows it is established but it has to be seen to make it stand out on shelves. The font type is quite sharp and therefore appeals more to men. It follows conventions by spreading across the width of the page. The music magazine is written over the mast head to show its importance and it makes them want to know if it is true

The main image is of men which will draw in both genders and is for an older audience because of the age of the men in the main image. The Beatles are a famous band and attract both male and females to want to know more about them. The cover line shows what the feature is about and The Beatles being in white stands out whereas the dark dull blue fades in more with the background so this is what is meant to tempt readers into buying the magazine.

The colour scheme is quite dull with a dark background and a dull blue for writing whereas the white draws attention to important features of the magazine. The overall look would target a male audience.

The sky line follows conventions by revealing what else is in the magazine. The buzz word ‘Free’ gives the audience extra content with the magazine and makes it more personal to them.

Plugs are used to show the features in the magazine. ‘101’ is written in a large font to draw attention and the list of artists makes the audience think that the magazine is close to the artist as it features lots of artists. ‘Plus’ is used twice to show the other content in the magazine and why else they should buy it and if their favourite band is featured they will be likely to buy it. The text that is important is written in white to grab the attention of the audience.

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The band index is good for the audience because they can easily locate the page of their favourite band although it may mean that they read less of the magazine. It is quick and useful for the audience and is in bright text which draws them to it.

‘Subscribe today’ is a convention of a contents page and draws the audience in because it has a black background and bright yellow text and with the idea that they can save money it is a good place and way to advertise. It stands out on the page well and makes the reader feel like it is exclusive for them.

This main image and article interests the reader. It is the only picture on the page which shows its importance and draws in the reader.

This heading with the mast head and the use of ‘this week’ informs the reader about when the magazines are sold. The date below helps them to see when the next issue is out. This is a convention to have the mast head repeated again.

These headings help break up the magazine. NME is a mainstream magazine and therefore its audience will want different things and breaking it up into sections means they can easily find what they like. The arrows draw attention to certain pages of the magazine that the magazine find interesting.

‘Plus’ is a buzz word and is good at showing the audience that there is more content and with the use of the eye catching red arrow it gives more information to the reader.

The colour scheme is kept throughout of red, black and white. The red is used to bring attention to certain items.

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The main image grabs the readers attention and shows that this is important which is why they have used this convention. There is a small reference to the page number with a quote to give the audience a feel about what the feature is about. The font size of this is much larger than the others on the page again to bring emphasis.

This is a convention of magazines to have a heading at the top as a mast head. It brings attention to the brand and information about their website and what issue this is.

The Oasis special is written in a gold colour which breaks it from the rest of the information on the page. Gold gives a royalty and importance feel which draws in the attention of the reader well.

The layout is very conventional of magazines, by displaying the contents in a list form with the page numbers written in a different colour and with a heading of what the article is about and a small bit of information.

‘Every month’ gives the audience information about the articles they contain every month which is a good way to keep them coming back if it is something they like.

The heading of this is like the mast head at the top which shows that this is an important part of the magazine and wants to bring attention to it. It has a different coloured background again to bring emphasis on this and along with the picture catches their eye.

The colour scheme is a lot like other magazine contents pages with the red, white and black but Q break it up with the use of other colours to bring emphasis. The colours are very much aimed at the male target audience.

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The editors message is a convention of magazines are Kerrang! have kept theirs quite small but still personal to the audience. It has a picture of the recent issue to bring emphasis on the important articles and the brand.

This main image shows that this is an important feature in the magazine and it grabs the audiences attention. The magazine have also put more pictures on the front page again to draw attention to other parts of the magazine. It is a male targeted magazines and the images reflect their audience well. The page numbers here are highlighted which brings attention to them more than the list contents so they can bring more attention to the parts of the magazine they want their audience to look at.

This quote gives information about the lead story and because it is underneath the heading of the contents it creates importance and the magazine is bring back the cover story and what it contains. The contents is conventional in a list form and highlights the headings for the different parts of the magazines to draw in their audience. The grid view with the pictures makes the contents easier to navigate and makes the layout different to other contents pages. Black, yellow and white are a repeated theme and attracts the male audience with this because they are quite harsh, bold colours.Subscriptions are a convention of contents pages and again this has a discount which makes the audience feel like this is exclusive for them and they are saving money. This uses a different background cover to gain attention and the pictures of the issues show the different bands they feature.

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This does not follow the conventions of a mast head instead they have placed the magazine name at the top right third with the issue date underneath. More emphasis is put on the other parts of the page .

Contents is written in an unconventional way which shows that the magazine is unique and is breaking the stereotypes of magazines.

The layout of the page is different to those of other contents pages because this has a red background and a V at the back to create emphasis on the magazine. The contents layout though in a grid is not in the typical box like layout like most other contents pages. The picture breaks it up and more emphasis is put on the picture.

The contents list has headings but it is unconventional because other contents pages put more emphasis with backgrounds behind the headings to break up the features. The ‘Fashion’ and ‘Features’ font is feminine because it is softer and curly whereas male fonts are much like the ones about what the articles are about ‘Girl interrupted’ is an example of a stronger, sharper font which is aimed more at the male audience.The main image is eye catching because it takes up a lot of the page and is the largest thing on the page. More emphasis is put on this than the text which shows an important. Underneath in small writing is information about the picture. The page is positioned around the picture.

The colour scheme is very unconvential because less emphasis is put on the text and more is on the image. The colours used are different and this features a red background which makes it stand out.

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The mast head and heading are the largest fonts on the page and bring emphasis about the magazine.

The conventions of magazine contents pages are being followed here with highlight being put on the page numbers in a bright colour and then the heading of the feature with smaller writing underneath giving the reader some information about what it is about. It is in a list form which follows conventions.‘Regulars’ is written in white with an orange/red background to catch the readers eye and lets them know what is featured in every magazine. This information can keep the audience coming back for these things and creates an effect that the magazine will always be of the same standard every week.

The main image with the buzz word ‘exclusive’ brings importance to this and shows the reader that this is important and is a ‘must-read’. Smaller pictures are used on the page to bring emphasis on those pages and is a more effective way than just reading a list. The page numbers on the pictures are highlighted boldly to get attention.The conventions of magazine contents pages are being met here. There is a main picture to grab the readers attention, a contents list to bring more information to the reader with bright headings. Important information is highlighted, for example ‘Regulars’.

The colour scheme reflects a male target audience with the use of black, white and orange/red. The font is strong and bold rather than soft and curly for a female audience. This colour combination is seen on many magazine contents pages which are aimed at males which shows it must be effective and attention grabbing.

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This contents page does not follow conventions because there is no mast head on the page and no headings to break up the sections. Mast heads help establish the brand.The main picture like all magazine front covers is used to bring emphasis and importance to the feature and draw in the readers attention and this is done well.

‘Plus’ is a buzz word and shows what else is in the magazine and gives the titles of the features in the magazine. The page numbers are bold which draws more attention than the regular writing. The contents here is in a list form which is a convention of magazines but this one appears to be much smaller than the usual list of contents that most magazines have.

The layout of the page focuses mainly on the pictures as these draw more attention. Beneath all the pictures is writing which varies in font and size so that it makes it different and breaks up the page. The page is broken up into boxes to make the page look neat and professional. There is only black used for writing but the pictures seem to target a male audience because all the pictures are of males and therefore can relate to them better. The fonts generally tend to be quite blocked and bold rather than curly and soft which again highlights that it is for a male audience. The bold numbers bring more emphasis than the writing underneath to get the audience to get to the page to find out more.

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There is no mast head here but the V in the background establishes the brand. The V is the largest font and is placed in the background in an unconventional way.

Contents is written in a different way to how it is usually seen which helps us to identify the brand as different and unconventional. It is effective because it looks very different on the page and is creative.The main image is

effective because of the use of black and white which ties in with the rest of the page. The red heart is the only colour on the page and therefore grabs the readers attention well to create a statement. The main image is of a male which usually attracts a male audience. Next to the picture is writing about the picture itself to give the reader information on the photographer and other items to give credit.The colour scheme is black, white and grey but the magazine have given it a more modern feel which shows it is for a modern man. This is unconventional when it comes to male music magazines as they tend to use red, white and black to make their page stand out.

The contents is written in list form which is conventional. Again, it gives the heading to the piece and extra information along with it to grab the readers interest and make them want to see what it is about. The headings have a more feminine feel to them as they are more curly than the usual block fonts we expect for males. The block type fonts are used on the headings and information for the articles . The page numbers are bold for the reader to remember them which is a common convention.

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The editors note gives some information about the magazine and often make it personal to the reader. This is a convention of magazines but not so much of music magazines. It features a picture of the front cover of this issue to bring back emphasis on the front cover and main story.

There is no mast head for the magazine name but they have for the contents. The have made the background black with yellow writing much like the headings in the contents page which ties it together and brings emphasis on the information. The quote is used to bring attention to the cover story with a link to the page and it gives the reader more information and interests them to read it.

A convention of magazines is the list form and the have used it to write the headings of the sections and the articles. Lists are simple ways to get the readers attention and are easy to use to get to the page that interests you.Subscriptions is placed here with a red background to really make it stand out. The reader feels like it is exclusive for them because they get a discount because they bought the magazine.

The main picture is a convention of magazines and is used to bring emphasis and attention to the story. There is little information about the article which makes you want to read more. The other pictures help break up the page from lots of information and the layout is neat and boxed. The pictures have small comments underneath. The pictures all have more highlight on the page numbers than on the list on the right.

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This is a convention of magazines to have a mast head at the top. This mast head is effective because the brand is behind the word contents and is larger to grab the attention because this is the largest font.

Like other contents pages it is in a list form. On the cover helps bring even more attention to the cover story and gives some information however the page number is not in bold or highlighted here. The other features all follow conventions of having the page number more emphasised and then a heading with some more information underneath.

The main image is a convention of magazines. This shows a behind the scenes shot which makes the reader feel more exclusive because they can see what went on. There is a picture of the main front cover within the main image on this page to help reference it back and show how they made the finished piece. The quote helps the reader know what the interview is like and with the emphasis on ‘None’ written in red it draws the reader in to know more. The other pictures give information to other features in the magazine. The pictures have a small text saying that the pictures were shot exclusively at the Q awards which makes the audience feel like they are apart of it and they have exclusive access to these pictures.The colour scheme follows the same conventions as many other male targeted music magazines with using red, black and white. The fonts change but are still aimed towards the male audience because they are not feminine and curly.

Page 21: Analyzing magazines

The mast head is a common convention of magazines and is followed here. ‘This week’ is written in larger writing to bring attention to the fact that this is a weekly magazine.The ‘band index’ is a good way for the audience to find the stories that their favourite band are in. The red background really highlights this and black on white helps it to stand out more. NME is a mass market magazine and by using the ‘band index’ it shows that they have given thought to what their audience need.The main image and text here give the reader information on a recent event. This is the only picture and catches the eye of the audience and they want to know more. The fact that the picture was taken at a live event creates the image that NME have access to lots of live tours and gigs. The information underneath gives the reader more information.

The contents is written out in the conventional list with headings which break up the information . The headings have a black background with white text which stands out and the audience can look at the parts they are interested in. They follow the other convention that the page numbers have emphasis on them then followed by a heading and underneath more information. ‘Plus’ is a buzz word and here it gives more information that is included in the magazine.Subscriptions are a convention of contents pages and they have draw attention to it by using a black background with yellow writing. It also says you can save money which makes the reader feel like this is exclusive.

The colour scheme is typical of male music magazines and uses red, white and black along with the black and yellow which again is a colour combination aimed towards the male audience. The fonts are sharp and bold and modern which again targets the male audience well.

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The main image really draws in peoples attention. The images in black and white with the different poses allows the audience to see the different sides of the artist. The large main image being in colour really stands out because it does not link with the other colours used on the page. The images are interesting and therefore make the audience interested in this page. The main image is of a girl and so this is more aimed at a female audience with the use of reds and light colours. The image helps break up the text and makes it seem like there is less to focus on.

This small introduction lets the reader know more about the artist. It is the biggest font and therefore catches the readers eye along with the use of bright colours. Her name is written in bold to capture the audiences attention. ‘Created one of the year’s best R&B album makes the reader interested in her music and want to find out more and so this is a good way to promote the artist.

The coloured text makes a change from the usual black on white, the green colour is more aimed towards females and is written in a very standard way.

The overall page layout is very conventional of double page spreads because it has images along with quotes which grab the readers attention.

This quote gives the audience a little information about the artist, what they are like and usually an interesting point they have made to get the reader to know more. This is in a bold black which differs from the other texts used on this page but links well with the overall scheme and look of the pages. It also makes the reader look at all of the text to find that quote which means the article gets a lot of readers and being a double page spread it stands out more than other articles in the magazine.

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The main images are of all live performances which makes the magazine seem like it has exclusive access to live events which makes the reader feel like they have access and get to see what went on without being there. The fact that there are more than one main image shows the range of artists that were there and fans can read about their favourite artists. They are all male artists and therefore will attract more of a male audience.

This gives the double page a heading but without taking away the impact of the pictures and text. The use of yellow really stands out. The font is quite bold and is more aimed towards the male target audience along with the use of black, white and red which are common colours that are used for targeting a male audience.

The text in the yellow boxes stands out because of the use of colour. This allows the readers to know a bit about the artist and how they felt at the event which makes the reader feel exclusive and have a more personal relationship with the artist. The boxes seem quite grungy and messy which reflects the brand of the magazine well because they keep up a consistent image with their fans.

The text is conventional with the use of black text on a white background. The use of the red text makes the words stand out and the reader can quickly find the bit they are interested in. The text allows the reader to know about the event without even being there which brings them exclusive content and news from this magazine.

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The heading of the piece is the largest text and therefore draws in readers. The text above is an unconventional font which shows that this artist is unique and different. The text for the heading in white stands out against the dark background and the text is quite grungy and has bits missing out of it which reflects the rock element of the band. The ‘Two’s company’ in red stands out because it is the only text in red and the reader will want to know more about what it means. The texts are large and are eye catching and target the male audience with the use of red, white and black.

The main image is in black and white and with the background creates a sense of darkness and rock. They are both males and with the use of colours reflect the target audience of males. The image is up close and the background is unconventional because text is usually black and written on a white page. The quote is used

to grab the readers attention and let them know about what the article contains and lets the reader know more about the artists as well. This is written in black on a white background which stands out against the darkness of the page but also compliments it well. The box again is grungy and rock which reflects the image of the magazine as well as the identity of the band.

The text is white on a red background but the box is unconventional and cuts through a bit of the text to outline the shape around the artists and link it together. Some text is written in bold to highlight important parts and sections. The text is written in a conventional way.

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This has a small heading with ‘News’ and ‘World exclusive’ which makes the reader feel like this content is exclusive just for them.

This is the biggest text and grabs the readers attention. ‘The best MCR’ is written in white and a slightly larger font which makes it stand out more. The best resembles the rock genre because bits are taken out of it to make it look messy and different which helps also to reflect the band itself. The text underneath gives the reader a little more information and makes the reader want to know what is being said.

The main image is of a performance which makes the reader feel like they are seeing an exclusive picture and makes them have a more personal relationship with the magazine and brand. The smaller pictures show more about what went on and the use of black and white make it interesting and eye catching.

The colour scheme is typical of a male targeting magazine. The use of red, black and white create a contrast on the page and can draw attention to the interesting parts that will grab the readers attention. The background, though black, links well with the main image which has instruments in the background.

The ‘lowdown on MCR’s new tracks’ lets the audience get a review of exclusive content and they also get the latest news and songs from the artist which makes them feel like this content is exclusive for them. ‘Lowdown’ is a mode of address which helps the magazine stay in touch with its audience. The text on this double page is small and more emphasis is put on the pictures. The white on black is unconventional and the red ‘M’ stands out amongst the text and interests them to read it.

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The heading is a quote and is the largest font which makes it really stand out. The font makes it look like newspaper cuttings which gives the impression she is often in the media. The black on white is contrasting and grabs the readers attention well. It also gives the audience information about what the article is about and information about the artist as well.

The main image is conventional with a mid shot. The female is shown looking ‘rock n roll’ which reflects the brand of the magazine. Her outfit goes with the use of the colour scheme used on the page. She doesn’t have the typical stereotype image of a women which is usually glamorous and girly whereas this is more ‘rock’ and thererfore is targeting a more male audience. This is the only image on the page and brings a lot of emphasis to it.

The text is conventional white text on a white background. The small bit of information under the heading gives information about what the article is about and ‘Lily Allen’ in red text and a different font makes it stand out. The ‘I’ is written large like a typical newspaper which reflects back to the theme that the magazine is trying to convey and is almost making fun of newspapers by taking its conventions.

The colour scheme is aimed towards male and is conventional with music magazines. The main image colours and the text colours link together well and creates a page which is more aimed at males which the use of colours and bold, sharp fonts.

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The main image is eye catching because it has a lot of colour when usually most do not. The picture links well with the heading and tells the audience what the article is about. The woman is not looking at the camera which makes the audience feel like the picture has been taken when the artist is busy and therefore makes it seem more exclusive but less personal. The ‘In the studio’ heading at the top lets the audience know what is it about and makes it seem exclusive.

The text is written in the conventional way of black text on a white background. The introduction has bold writing which catches the audience’s attention and lets them know a bit about what the article is about.

The quote is written in bold to grab the attention of the reader. It has an underline at the end to break it from the text but bring more emphasis to the quote. It lets the audience know more about the artist and about what the article contains.

This remains linked with the text with the use of the blue background. It gives information on other celebrities but still based on the topic of the article and gives the audience more to look at.

This picture is added in its own border which still links it to the article and artist but to show it is not a picture that was taken on this shoot. The text below gives information to the audience about what it is and why it was done and makes the reader more interested in the article and want to read more about her. This double page spread is aimed more towards females with the light blue but still keeps the convention of red, black and white which is usually aimed at males however the font used is aimed towards females.

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The heading uses a large font placed behind the main image. It is then followed by ‘got the love’ in curly, soft writing which shows the target audience is more female. This heading makes the reader interested and is different from most headings.

The main image is bright compared to the writing with the bright red which brings a lot of attention to it. Her outfit can target both male and females because whilst the image is a bit provocative the image still is modest enough to get the attention of the female audience.The text is black on a white background which is a convention of magazines. More emphasis is put on the image than the text because the text is not highlighted.

The introduction lets the audience know about what the article is about and only her name is highlighted to bring emphasis on who it is about. The introduction is quite vague and therefore the audience will want to read more about her. The introduction is a convention of magazines. There is no quote highlighted from the text to get the audience’s attention, however the article is small and more emphasis is put on the image

The colour scheme of the text is basic with just black and red however the main image uses red which contrasts this and grabs attention well and because the image is so large and takes up a lot of space on the page there is little need for parts of the texts to be highlighted. The colour scheme would get the attention of both male and females, however the font type seems to suggest it is more aimed at females.

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‘Will he wont he?’ is the main heading and is the biggest font on the page. The ‘will he’ is in the same colour range as the main image which shows the audience that the article is about him. The text underneath explains more and gives the reader information about what it is about and therefore makes them want to read more.

The main image shows a band however the man is more colourful and is in front of the others whilst the band is more washed out which shows the article is about him and because he is separated from the band it leads the audience into believing that maybe he will leave the band which refers back to the heading.

There is a quote which is a convention of magazines and tells the audience more about the article and the artist which makes them more interested in reading it. The quote is white writing on black which brings a lot of emphasis to what is being said.The text is conventional of magazines to have black text on a white background. The questions are written in bold to make the reader interested so that they wonder what the answer will be. This is effective to get the readers attention and make them interested.

The main image is of importance here because it takes up most of the page. The colour scheme is white, black with a bit of gold which is aimed more at males because the colours are quite dull. The font type is quite sharp and bold which again shows the magazine are aiming this towards the male audience.

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The main image is for a male audience because of the dark background and a male artist which would appeal to the male in order to relate to the artist. The smoke of the cigar is seen as ‘cool’ here and denim jackets and large watches are seen more as male items. The picture is large and takes up a page. The male in the image is not looking at the camera therefore it does not make the audience feel like they have a personal relationship.

The quote lets the audience know about the article and the artist and is an effective way of getting the audience to read the article. The white text on the picture stands out well and the font type is quite bold and sharp and blocked therefore showing it is aimed at a male audience.

The article has a more modern font than those of other magazines which shows that it is adapting with modern times and keeping up with its audience. The article has bold questions which makes the reader want to know about how the artist answered a certain question. The font colour is conventional with black on a white background.

The colour scheme is black and white which is neutral however the main image and the use of colour there shows it is aimed more at a male audience especially with the use of props.

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‘Jamelia’ is used to show who the article is about. The image behind has had the colour taken about however through the heading the colour is shown which is an interesting effect which shows the audience that this magazine is different. The introduction in white explains to the audience about what the article is about and catches their attention well. The white font colour helps this to stand out well. The text underneath the heading explains some more about the article and what the audience should expect which gains their interest.

The main image is unconventional because it looks less like a studio shot and therefore the audience feel more personal with the artist. The image is of a woman and therefore would target a more female audience. She is looking directly towards the camera to still create a sense of a personal relationship and openness with the audience.

This quote is used to grab the readers attention. ‘Sing’ is written largely to grab the readers attention. This quote lets the audience know what the article is about and what the artist is like. This quote gives the audience advice about singing which makes the audience feel closer to her because she is helping them and giving them advice.

The colour scheme is browns and white and the use of these makes the text stand out well. The questions are bold which is a convention of magazines and the answer is written in white which is more attention grabbing. The font is more curvier and softer which shows that the magazine is targeting a female audience. The layout is different to those seen in most magazines which makes the magazine more unique.

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