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Page 1: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.

An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union

GCCA Intra-ACP Programme

ACP Consultative meeting in preparation

of the UNFCCC COP20

28th October, 2014

ACP House, Brussels

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Carlos Fuller

International and Regional Liaison Officer

Page 2: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• CCCCC convened a meeting of CARICOM climate change negotiators on May 19 to 21, 2014 in Port of Spain, Trinidad to develop a regional position for the 2014 negotiations

• CARICOM Ministers joined the meeting on the 22nd and endorsed the recommendations


Page 3: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Recognition of the special circumstances of SIDS• Strong mitigation action to ensure the survival of SIDS• Robust environmental integrity• Urgent adaptation action on the ground• Addressing Loss & Damage beyond adaptation• Preferential access to finance, technology and capacity-

building• Avoiding onerous burdens and conditionalities for SIDS• Fairness and equity to all parties• A legally binding agreement based on accepted

principles and international law

Page 4: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Aggregate level of mitigation ambition should be sufficient to ensure the livelihood of SIDS and restrict temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees C from pre-industrial levels

• Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) should focus on mitigation

• Inscription of commitments– flexibility on the form that could be used (refer to the WTO re a

schedules approach)

• Length of commitment: – 5-year time frame could be useful but a longer time frame would

send a positive signal to the market and the private sector

Page 5: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Existing arrangements for adaptation under the Convention mainly focus on studies, reports, pilot projects with limited resources for on-the-ground implementation

• Adaptation needs to be strengthened in the context of the 2015 agreement

• Guidelines for National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) should be strengthened to include greater focus on Adaptation action

• The Adaptation Committee should be anchored in the new agreement as the main body responsible for adaptation

Page 6: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Nairobi Work Programme should be brought under the Adaptation Committee

• Explore possible role for the Adaptation Committee in assisting parties in understanding GCF application process

• Special attention required regarding issue of conditionalities for accessing adaptation funding under GCF

• Adaptation action and support to be included in reporting requirements but with no onerous burden on SIDS

Page 7: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) on Loss & Damage should be anchored in the new agreement

• Linkage (inverse) between Mitigation and Loss & Damage should be emphasized

• Composition of Executive Committee of WIM finalized at COP20

• Work Programme of Executive Committee finalized at COP20

Page 8: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• The Warsaw REDD+ Framework should be anchored in the 2015 agreement

• REDD+, energy efficiency and carbon capture and storage should be included in a suite of tools for enhancing mitigation

• REDD+ mechanism should be operationalised in Lima

• Recommended that consideration be given to application of the REDD+ institutional structure for the WIM on L&D

Page 9: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.

Means of Implementation

• New agreement should define climate finance and establish responsibility for finance under the Convention

• Adaptation Fund– Explore possibility of moving from KP to the


• Technology Mechanism should be anchored in the new agreement

• Existing arrangements on capacity building including the Durban Forum be enhanced to foster implementation

Page 10: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• The Kyoto MRV provisions provide additional value such as those relating to compliance and common accounting framework.

• Participation in new market mechanisms should be conditional on more stringent reporting requirements

Page 11: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Applicability to all: structure, scope and design to allow all to participate, with flexibility for different national circumstances

• Recording differential responsibilities among parties-models (WTO, MP)

• Form of the new legal agreement: protocol to the Convention; Structure-Explore options e. g. both mandatory and voluntary provisions.

• Compliance- should focus on incentivizing participation and should include a strong facilitative component. Probably link compliance to participation in market mechanisms

Page 12: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.


• Every effort to be made to ensure that ADP process be informed by outcomes of the review

• Processes for inclusion of information other than IPCC

Page 13: An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union GCCA Intra-ACP Programme ACP Consultative meeting in preparation of the UNFCCC COP20.

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