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Page 1: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


An improved intrusion detection algorithm based onGA and SVM

Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun∗

Corresponding author: Zhixin Sun(Email:[email protected])

Abstract—In the era of big data, with the increasing numberof audit data features, human-centered smart intrusion detectionsystem (IDS) performance is decreasing in training time andclassification accuracy, and many SVM-based intrusion detectionalgorithms have been widely used to identify an intrusionquickly and accurately. This paper proposes the FWP-SVM-GA(feature selection, weight, and parameter optimization of supportvector machine based on the genetic algorithm) algorithm basedon the characteristics of the genetic algorithm (GA) and thesupport vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The algorithm firstoptimizes the crossover probability and mutation probability ofGA according to the population evolution algebra and fitnessvalue; then, it subsequently uses a feature selection method basedon the genetic algorithm with an innovation in the fitness functionthat decreases the SVM error rate and increases the true positiverate. Finally, according to the optimal feature subset, the featureweights and parameters of SVM are simultaneously optimized.The simulation results show that the algorithm accelerates thealgorithm convergence, increases the true positive rate, decreasesthe error rate, and shortens the classification time. Comparedwith other SVM-based intrusion detection algorithms, the detec-tion rate is higher and the false positive and false negative ratesare lower.

Index Terms—Genetic algorithm; Intrusion detection; SupportVector Machine;


With the development and popularization of informationand network technologies, network information security isbecoming more and more important. Compared with tradi-tional network defense technology (such as firewalls), human-centered smart IDSs that can take initiative to intercept andwarn of network intrusion has a great practical value. Thequestion of how to improve the effectiveness of smart networkintrusion detection has become a focus of network security [1].

Currently, use of smart IDS is viewed as an effectivesolution for network security and protection against exter-nal threats. However, the existing IDS often has a lowerdetection rate under new attacks and has a high overheadwhen working with audit data, and thus machine learningmethods have been widely applied in intrusion detection.SVM, one of the machine learning technologies, is a newalgorithm based on statistical learning theory that has shown

This work are supported by the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (No.61373135, No.61672299, No.61702281, No.61602259)and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK20150866,NO.BK20160913)

Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun and Zhixin Sun are with the Key Laboratoryof Broadband Wireless Communication and Sensor Network Technology,Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing, China. E-mail:[email protected]

higher performance than the traditional learning methods insolving the classification problem of pattern recognition andspeech recognition [2]. Compared with other classificationalgorithms, SVM can better solve the problems of smallsamples, nonlinearity and high dimensionality. However, withthe advent of the era of big data, SVM encounters the problemof long training and testing times, high error rates and low truepositive rates, which limit the use of SVM in network intrusiondetection. Therefore, SVM feature selection, feature weightingand SVM parameter setting are critical to improved detectionperformance. GA shows excellent global optimization abilityvia population search strategies and information exchangebetween individuals. Different from the traditional multi-pointsearch algorithm, GA can easily avoid local optima. In thispaper, GA and SVM are used to select the optimal featuresubset and optimize the SVM parameters and feature weightsto improve the performance of the network intrusion detectionsystem.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. SectionII describes related work, Section III introduces the genet-ic algorithms (including selection operators, and optimizedcrossover and mutation probability), Section IV presents animproved intrusion detection method based on GA and SVM(including selection of the optimal feature subset and optimiza-tion of the SVM parameters and feature weighting), SectionV verifies the effectiveness of the FWP-SVM-GA algorithmby comparing the experimental results with other methods ofintrusion detection, and Section VI presentes conclusions.


In the era of big data, intrusion detection has become themost important topic in security infrastructure. To distinguishbetween attack and normal network access, different machinelearning methods are applied in IDS, including fuzzy logic [3],K nearest neighbor (KNN) [4], support vector machine (SVM),artificial neural network (ANN) [5], and artificial immune sys-tem (AIM) approaches [6]. SVM showed better performancethan traditional classification techniques [7], and several re-searchers proposed SVM-based IDS [8–10]. Although SVM-based IDS can improve IDS performance in terms of detectionrate and learning speed compared with traditional algorithms(such as neural networks), room for improvement still exists.As the number of features of the audit data becomes larger,the performance of IDS degrades in terms of training time andclassification accuracy. To address these problems, we use GAtechnology to supply fast and accurate optimization that canenable IDS to find the optimal detection model based on SVM.

Page 2: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


In [11], the genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed to im-prove the intrusion detection system (IDS) based on supportvector machine (SVM), and the optimal feature subset wasselected for SVM. However, the error rate of SVM wasnot considered. In [12], an intrusion detection method basedon wavelet kernel least square was designed to improve thedetection capability of SVM in complex nonlinear systems.However, the training and testing time of the algorithm isrelatively long. In [13], the heuristic genetic algorithm wasapplied to optimize the SVM kernel parameters. The geneticoperator is dynamically adjusted via a heuristic strategy, andthe classification accuracy of the model is taken as the objec-tive function to realize parameter optimization of the Gaus-sian kernel-based SVM classification model. However, thisapproach did not consider the impact of feature weighting onSVM detection accuracy. In [14], the coarse-grained parallelgenetic algorithm (CGPGA) was presented to simultaneouslyoptimize the feature subsets and parameters of SVM. A newfitness function was proposed that includes the classificationaccuracy, the number of features and the number of supportvectors, but it required a long time to train the SVM. In [15],GA was selected as one of the most powerful tools to searchin a large space with the potential to find the best solutionin the search space. However, in the later evolution of thepopulation, a larger crossover and mutation probability mightresult in the loss of good genes and delayed convergence ofthe algorithm.

In summary, although many SVM-based network intrusiondetection methods have been proposed in recent years, theabove algorithms still suffer from certain shortcomings:

• Due to redundant features, the raw dataset confusesthe classifier, leading to inaccurate detection. Traditionalfeature selection (such as PCA) ignores a number ofsensitive features, resulting in a classifier without optimalsensitivity.

• If GA is used to optimize the SVM-based intrusiondetection system, the training time is longer, and the errorrate is higher when selecting the optimal feature subset.After selecting the optimal feature subset, the importanceof the features is not sorted.

For these reasons, we propose a combination of the geneticalgorithm (GA) with support vector machine (SVM). First, weoptimize the crossover probability and mutation probability ofGA, generate the population to speed up the search in the earlyevolution of the population and accelerate the convergence ofthe algorithm in the later evolution of the population. In thestage of optimal feature set selection, a new fitness functionis proposed to decrease the error rate while increasing thetrue positive rate. Finally, the feature weights and parametersof SVM are optimized simultaneously, and the robustness ofSVM is improved.


Genetic operators are the key to optimization, and specifical-ly, the crossover and mutation operators are used to maintainpopulation diversity and avoid local optima. Currently, thecrossover probability and mutation probability are constants

during the period of population evolution and delay theconvergence of the algorithm in the later evolution of thepopulation, leading to the long training time of SVM. There-fore, the method proposed in this paper changes the crossoverprobability and mutation probability of GA according to theevolutionary algebra and fitness value, which generates thepopulation to speed up the search in the early evolution of thepopulation and accelerates the convergence of the algorithmin the later evolution of the population.

A. Selection operators

The selection in GA is designed to seek better individualsand maintain the diversity of the population. The offspringpopulation chooses the individual using the fitness value,which gives the higher quality individual a greater chance tobe chosen. The common selection operators are roulette wheelselection, elitist selection, and tournament selection.

Roulette wheel selection: Selection of a chromosome in thepopulation is proportional to its fitness value. The populationis assigned a circular “roulette wheel” slice, which is propor-tional to the individual’s fitness value, and the wheel rotatesN times (N is the number of individuals in the population).In each rotation, the chromosome under the wheel mark isselected in the next generation.

Elitist selection: The individual with the highest fitnessvalue in the population does not participate in crossover ormutation and is used to replace the individual with the lowestfitness value after crossing and mutation. Elitist selectionavoids loss of the optimal individual by the crossover ormutation operator.

Tournament selection: The selection process runs a numberof “tournaments” between two individuals randomly selectedfrom the population, and the better individual with a greaterfitness value is selected for the next generation. In this paper,the optimal 60 percent of chromosomes was selected using thetournament selection method.

B. Optimized crossover probability

The partial structure of the parent chromosomes is replacedand recombined to form a new individual, and this operationis referred to as the crossover operation, as shown in Fig. 1.With the increase in the population evolutionary algebra, thepopulation approaches the optimal solution set, and thus westress the following points.

In the early evolution of the population, it is necessary toincrease the number of individual crossovers for rapid searchover the whole definition space. At the later stage of populationevolution, the population is concentrated in the vicinity of theoptimal solution, and the number of individual crossovers mustbe reduced to prevent the loss of individual good genes tospeed up GA convergence.

When the average fitness value of individuals is low, anincrease in the individual crossover probability increases thepossibility of generating excellent individuals. When the av-erage fitness value of population approaches the optimal solu-tion, the individual crossover probability should be reduced.

Page 3: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access




Crossover points

Fig. 1: Crossover operators and their effects in generation ofthe offspring

In summary, the adaptive crossover probability in the ge-netic operation is given as follows:

Pc =Pc0 + Pc1



((N−nN Pcmax + n

N Pcmin

)+ Pcmax·fmin




With the increase of population evolutionary algebra, thevalue of Pc0 decreases, and Pc1 decreases when the averagefitness value of the population tends toward the ideal value. Inthis case, Pcmax is the maximum crossover probability, Pcmin

is the minimum crossover probability, fmin is the minimumfitness value of the cut-off for the current population, fmax

is the maximum fitness value of the cut-off for the currentpopulation, n is the current evolutionary algebra, and N is theevolutionary algebra of the entire population.

C. Optimized mutation probability

Mutation point



Fig. 2: Mutation operators and their effects in generation ofthe offspring

Mutations can alter individual chromosomal genes in theparent population, resulting in a large number of new indi-vidual offspring, as shown in Fig. 2. With the increase inevolutionary algebra, the population grows approaches the

optimal solution set. Choosing a larger probability of mutationproduces many new individuals. These new individuals aredistributed throughout the search space, and the proportionof individuals with good fitness in the population declines.Therefore, at the later stage of the population evolution, alarger probability of mutation affects the proportion of thedominant individuals and delays the convergence of the algo-rithm. Therefore, the mutation probability is given as follows:

Pm =N − n

NPmmax +


NPmmin (2)

where Pmmax is the maximum mutation probability, andPmmin is the minimum mutation probability.


Fig. 3 shows the architecture of the improved intrusiondetection method based on GA and SVM for feature selec-tion, feature weighting and SVM parameter optimization, asproposed in this paper. The input is the network traffic dataset, and the final output is attack detection and alarm. Thesystem consists of four main components:


traffic data

Optimal feature



weighting and







Fig. 3: System architecture of the proposed FWP-GA-SVMIDS

• Feature selection based on GA and SVM: The networktraffic data are entered, feature chromosomes are creat-ed, the chromosomes according to the fitness functionproposed in this paper are evaluated, the chromosomeswith the maximum fitness function value as the optimalchromosome are selected, and the optimal feature subsetis decoded.

• Feature weighting and parameter optimization based onGA and SVM: The weights of the feature and SVMparameter chromosomes are created according to theoptimal feature subset. By evaluating the chromosomewith the highest classification accuracy and selecting itas the optimal chromosome, the optimal SVM parametersand the feature weights are decoded.

• Training: The original data are randomly divided into ksub-portions of the same size to retain the first, second,... k sub-portions, and the remaining k-1 sub-portions

Page 4: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


are used as training data to training the support vectormachine.

• Classification: The reserved first, second, ... k sub-portions are classified as testing data and the combinedk prediction results. The advantage of this technique isthat all testing sets are independent and can improve thereliability of the results. In our experiments, we chose k= 10 and combine k results to estimate the performanceof the SVM classifier.

A. Feature selection based on genetic algorithm (GA) andsupport vector machine (SVM) (FWP-SVM-GA-1)

Calculating the fitness


Optimal feature subset





Feature chromosomes

(initial population)

1 2 3 k

Training SVM

classifier using k-1


Combining k predicted


K-fold cross validation

Validation fold

Stop criteria

Fig. 4: Feature selection based on genetic algorithm (GA) andsupport vector machine (SVM)

1) Flow chart (Fig. 4):2) Steps:• a. The feature chromosomes and original data are gener-

ated.• b. Using the decoding parameters and training datasets

to create the SVM intrusion detection model, the testingdatasets are used to evaluate the classifier (K-fold crossvalidation), and each chromosome is evaluated using thefitness function when the prediction results are obtained.

• c. To evaluate the GA termination conditions, we deter-mine whether the maximum number of 100 iterations isreached or the current generation of the maximum fitnessvalue minus the previous generation of the maximum

fitness value is less than 0.001. If so, we jump to stepe, otherwise, we move to the next step.

• d. Genetic operations (selection, crossover and mutation)are performed on the parent population, and the offspringpopulation is generated. The operation returns to step b.

• e. The optimal feature subset is obtained by decodingthe chromosome that has the maximum fitness functionvalue.

3) Chromosome design:

The chromosome design is binary coded, where 1 indicatesthat the feature index is selected, and 0 indicates that the fea-ture index is not selected. For example: feature chromosome1: 110011110010 ... 10001.

4) Proposed fitness function:

The fitness function is a basic component in GA that canevaluate whether an individual is suitable for survival. In thispaper, a new fitness function is proposed for GA to decreasethe error rate and increase the true positive rate while choosingthe optimal feature subset.

The new fitness function evaluates each feature subset usingthree parameters, i.e., the true positive rate (TPR), error rate(Error) and number of selected features (NumF (S)). Thecalculation formula is written as follows:

Fitness (S) =W′


b Error +W′

cNumF (S) (3)

The true positive rate (TPR) refers to the proportion ofsamples that the classifier correctly predicts in all samplesfor which the actual category is positive, and the calculationformula is given as follows:

True positive rate (TPR) = Recall =TP

TP + FN(4)

The error rate (Error) refers to the proportion of the samplesthat the classifier incorrectly predicts in all samples, and thecalculation formula is presented as follows:

Error rate (Error) =FP + FN

TP + FN + TN + FP(5)

Where Wa is the weight value of TPR, Wb is the weightvalue of Error, and Wc is the weight value of the selectedfeature number. In general, Wa and Wb can be set from 75 %to 100 % according to the needs of the user. In this paper, Wais set to 40 %, Wb to 50 %, and Wc to 10 %, to obtain thehighest TPR, the lowest Error, and the smallest feature subset.The confusion matrix is shown in Table I, which contains theactual and predicted classification information produced by theclassification system.

TABLE I: Confusion matrix

Predicted Predicted1 -1

Actual 1 True Positive ( TP ) False Negative ( FN )Actual -1 False Positive ( FP ) True Negative ( TN )

Page 5: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


B. Parameters optimization and data feature weighting basedon genetic algorithm (GA) and support vector machine (SVM)(FWP-SVM-GA-2)

After selecting the optimal feature subset, SVM also facestwo problems: how to sort the importance of the feature andhow to choose the optimal SVM parameters. These two issuesmust be resolved at the same time because the weightingfeature influences the kernel parameter and vice versa.



Data feature


Calculate C and

γ according to

Equation 7.8

K-fold cross


Calculating the

fitness value

Stop criteria




Optimal C and γ

and feature


Weight genes

Parameter genes



Fig. 5: Parameter optimization and data feature weightingbased on genetic algorithm (GA) and support vector machine(SVM)

1) Flow chart (Fig. 5):2) Steps:• a. Generation of chromosomes and original data.• b. Decoding and data transformation: The chromosomes

are converted into SVM parameters C, γ(Eq. (7), (8))and feature weights. In the training and testing data sets,we multiply the feature value of an instances by thecorresponding weights using Eq. (6).Where Nxy and Mxy

are the values of the yth field of the xth instance beforeand after the transformation, and Wy is the weight of theyth field.

• c. The C, γ and transformed training data sets are used toconstruct the SVM model. The transformed testing data

sets are used to evaluate the performance of the classifier(K-fold cross validation). When the predicted results areobtained, each chromosome is evaluated using the fitnessfunction.

• d. We determine whether to meet GA termination con-ditions. If yes, we jump to step f, otherwise, the processcontinues to the next step.

• e. Genetic operations (selection, crossover and mutation)are performed on the parent population, the offspringpopulation is generated, and the process jumps to stepb.

• f. The chromosome with the maximum fitness value isdecoded to obtain the feature weights and the optimalSVM parameters.

Mxy = Nxy*Wy (6)

3) Chromosome design:

The chromosome design is real-number coded. The RBF k-ernel function of the SVM is used to convert a completely non-separable problem into a separable or approximate separablestate. The RBF kernel parameter γ implies the distribution ofthe data to the new feature space. The parameter C representsthe degree of penalty for the classification error in the linearnon-separable case. Because the weighting feature and thesupport vector machine parameters interact with each other,the chromosome must include both the parameters and thefeature weights, as shown in Fig. 6.

WnW2W1 ... c y

Fig. 6: Structure of chromosome of C, γ and feature weights

All genes in the chromosome have values in the range [0,1].The two genes c and y represent the gene values of C and γ,and W1 through Wn represent the gene values of the featureweights (the weight of the unselected feature W = 0). Thus,the SVM parameters C and γ map c and y to [C1, C2] and[γ1, γ2] to obtain the formulas as follows:

C = C1 + c ∗ (C2 − C1) (7)

γ = γ1 + y* (γ2 − γ1) (8)

4) Fitness function:

In the decoding process, the ith feature of the training andtesting datasets is multiplied by the corresponding weights Wi

(i = 1, . . . , n), and the SVM with the RBF kernel functionis built based on C, γ and the transformed training datasets.The classification accuracy of the testing datasets is used toassess the quality of the chromosome. The fitness function isexpressed in terms of accuracy, and the calculation formula isgiven as follows:

Page 6: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


Fittness = Accuracy =TP + TN

TP + FN + FP + TN(9)


A. Simulation environment

In this experiment, the simulation model is built on Matlab2014a software. The datasets are sourced from KDD Cup 99,and the parameter settings are shown in Table II.

TABLE II: Parameters of GA and SVM

Parameter ValueNumber of generations-N 100Size of population 500Maximum crossover probability-Pcmax 0.9Minimum crossover probability-Pcmin 0.4Crossover type Two pointMaximum mutation probability-Pmmax 0.1Minimum mutation probability-Pmmin 0.0001Search range of parameter C [0.001,1000]Search range of kernel function parameter γ [0.00001,64]Mutation type Simple mutation

B. Experimental results and discussion

1) Influence of optimized genetic operators on SVMconvergence:

The optimized crossover and mutation probabilities varywith the number of iterations, and the crossover and mutationprobabilities take on constant values when not optimized.Fig. 7 contrasts the SVM convergence algebra between thetwo values. The x-axis represents the number of iterations, andthe y-axis denotes the accuracy of SVM (Accuracy). It can beobserved from Fig. 7 that the SVM of the optimized geneticoperators converges faster than those that are not optimized.

Fig. 7: Comparison of convergence speed of SVM

2) Improved algorithm for selection of the optimal featuresubset (FWP-SVM-GA-1):

The support vector machine (SVM) classifies datasets byselecting important features. In this paper, based on the geneticalgorithm and support vector machine, 19 important featuresare selected. From the experiments using these features, asshown in Table V, it can be observed that feature selectionreduces the classification time and increases the classification

accuracy. The improvement in classification accuracy is dueto the elimination of confusion caused by irrelevant attributesby reducing the features. In addition, because the number ofrules for decision making is reduced, the classification time isreduced. The KDD Cup 99 datasets contain the features shownin Table III. The features selected in this paper are shown inTable IV.

TABLE III: Features of the KDD Cup 99 datasets

No. Feature name No. Feature name1 duration 22 is guest login2 protocol type 23 Count3 service 24 serror rate4 src byte 25 rerror rate5 dst byte 26 same srv rate6 flag 27 diff srv rate7 land 28 srv count8 wrong fragment 29 srv serror rate9 urgent 30 srv rerror rate10 hot 31 srv diff host rate11 num failed logins 32 dst host count12 logged in 33 dst host srv count13 num compromised 34 dst host same srv count14 root shell 35 dst host diff srv count15 su attempted 36 dst host same src port rate16 num root 37 dst host srv diff host rate17 num file creations 38 dst host serror rate18 num shells 39 dst host srv serror rate19 num access shells 40 dst host rerror rate20 num outbound cmds 41 dst host srv rerror rate21 is hot login

3) Simulation results of improved fitness function whenselecting optimal feature subset:

The choice of the appropriate fitness function plays a highlyimportant role in the genetic algorithm (GA). The fitnessfunction locates the GA search strategy, which can obtainthe best solution in a large search space. The appropriatefitness functions help the GA to explore the search spacemore efficiently. In contrast, inappropriate fitness functions cancause the GA to fall into local optima solutions easily and thuslose the ability to explore. Compared with the fitness functionF-measure, the improved fitness function makes SVM obtain ahigher true positive rate (TPR), as shown in Fig. 8, and a lowererror rate (Error), as shown in Fig. 9, and the convergence rateis also faster than that of the F-measure. As shown in Table VI,

TABLE IV: Feature selection based on GA and SVM

Selected featuresduration,protocol type,dst byte,urgent,su attempted,num root,num file creations,num access shells,num outbound cmds,is hot login,rerror rate,same srv rate,srv count,srv serror rate,srv rerror rate,dst host diff srv count,dst host srv diff host rate,dst host srv serror rate,dst host srv rerror rate

TABLE V: Comparison of support vector machine (SVM)performance for selecting the optimal feature subset and notselecting the optimal feature subset

Training set (10000)Accuracy Classification time

SVM ( 41 features ) 0.9956 5.1875FWP-SVM-GA-1

(19 features selected in this paper) 0.9975 5.0781

Page 7: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access


TABLE VI: Support vector machine (SVM) performancecontrast between the fitness function proposed in this paperand the fitness function F-measure when selecting the optimalfeature subset

Fitness function TPR Error Number of IterationsF-measure 0.9066 0.041 18

Fitness functionproposed in this paper 0.9453 0.024 15

the fitness function proposed in this paper results in a SVMfinal true positive rate of 94.53 %, an error rate of 2.4 %,convergence algebra of 15, and the fitness function is the F-measure (Eq. (10), Precision is obtained by Eq. (11). Recall isobtained by Eq. (4)), making the SVM final true positive rate90.66 % with an error rate of 4.1 %, and convergence algebraof 18.

F − measure = 2 · Precision ·RecallPrecision+Recall


Precision =TP

TP + FP(11)

Fig. 8: Support vector machine (SVM) true positive rate (TPR)contrast between the fitness function proposed in this paperand the fitness function F-measure when selecting the optimalfeature subset

Fig. 9: Support vector machine (SVM) error rate (Error)contrast between the fitness function proposed in this paperand the fitness function F-measure when selecting the optimalfeature subset

TABLE VII: Comparison of performance between FWP-SVM-GA and other algorithms

Algorithm DR FNR FPRCSVAC [16] 94.86 1.00 6.01

HGA-SVM [13] 91.38 - -GF-SVM [17] - 2.5 0.31

FWP-SVM-GA-1( SVM performance of the

optimal feature subset is selected )96.61 0.07 3.39

FWP-SVM-GA-2( SVM performance in optimizing

feature weights and SVM parameters )100 0.07 0

4) Performance of the improved intrusion detectionalgorithms based on GA and SVM(FWP-SVM-GA):

In this paper, we propose two-step optimization of SVMbased on GA. The first step is to select the feature subset(FWP-SVM-GA-1) that can result in the SVM with the max-imum true positive rate and minimum error rate. The secondstep is to optimize the selected feature weights and SVMparameters (FWP-SVM-GA-2). Compared with the intrusiondetection algorithm, which is based on the ant colony networkand support vector machine (SVM) proposed in [16], the de-tection rate (DR) of each step in the FWP-SVM-GA algorithmis higher than that of CSVAC, and the false positive rate (FPR)and false negative rate (FNR) of each step in the FWP-SVM-GA algorithm are lower than those of CSVAC. Comparedwith the support vector machine using the heuristic geneticalgorithm proposed in [13], the FWP-SVM-GA algorithm hasa higher detection rate for each step. Compared with the GF-SVM algorithm proposed in [17], the final false positive rate(FPR) and false negative rate (FNR) of the FWP-SVM-GAalgorithm are lower than those of GF-SVM, as shown inTable VII.

The false positive rate (FPR) refers to the proportion ofsamples that the classifier incorrectly predicts in all samplesfor which the actual category is negative, and the calculationformula is given as follows:

False positive rate (FPR) =FP

FP + TN(12)

The false negative rate (FNR) refers to the proportion ofsamples that the classifier incorrectly predicts in all samplesfor which the actual category is positive, and the calculationformula is given as follows:

False negative rate (FNR) =FN

TP + FN(13)

The detection rate (DR) refers to the proportion of samplesthat the classifier correctly classifies in all samples for whichthe predict category is positive, and the calculation formula isgiven as follows:

Detection rate (DR) =TP

TP + FP(14)

Page 8: An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM · An improved intrusion detection algorithm based on GA and SVM Peiying Tao, Zhe Sun, Zhixin Sun Corresponding author:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2810198, IEEE Access



This paper proposes an alarm intrusion detection algorithm(FWP-SVM-GA) based on the genetic algorithm (GA) andsupport vector machine (SVM) algorithm for use in a human-centered smart IDS. First, this paper makes effective use of theGA population search strategy and the capability of informa-tion exchange between individuals by optimizing the crossoverprobability and mutation probability of GA. The convergenceof the algorithm is accelerated, and the training speed of theSVM is improved. A new fitness function is proposed thatcan decrease the SVM error rate and increase the true positiverate. Finally, the kernel parameter γ, the penalty parameter Cand the feature weights are optimized simultaneously, and theaccuracy of SVM is improved. Simulation and experimentalresults show that the improved intrusion detection technologybased on the genetic algorithm (GA) and support vectormachine (SVM) proposed in this paper increases the intrusiondetection rate, accuracy rate and true positive rate; decreasesthe false positive rate; and reduces the SVM training time.


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