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Page 1: Amr Kilani CV.PDF

Amr T. Kilani C u rricu lu m Vitae


Nationality: Syrian

Statu s: M arried

DOB: 04/ 05/ 1982

L ang u ag e: Eng lish& L ang u ag e: Eng lish& Arabic


M obile: + 971 55 774 0466

Em ail:am rk ilany82@ g m ail.comam rk ilany82@ g m


� M BA (M aster in Bu siness Adm inistration) form Arab Academ y for science and Technolog y and m aritim e Transport (AASTM T) Dam ascu s branch.

� Bachelors in Bu siness and Econom ics and Inform ation System 2000 – 2004: M isr U niversity for Science and 2000 – 2004: M isr U niversity for Science and Technolog y - Eg ypt.Departm ent: Bu siness Adm inistration.

� C ertificates from BBSI (Bou rnem ou th Bu siness School International). M ay 2005 – Au g u st 2005: Eng lish cou rses in Eng land.Specialty: G eneral Eng lish IBE, International Bu siness Specialty: G eneral Eng lish IBE, International Bu siness Eng lish


• Bu dg eting and C ost analysis

• M ark eting plan for the cu rrent m ark et.

• C ash flow s and g raphs analysis

• Interests and statistics Analysis and im plem entation

•• Advanced M ark eting and sales analysis and planning • Strateg ic Hu m an Resou rces and Org anizational charts • Determ ining the org anization’s financial situ ation and propose expanding plans if possible.

• Im plem enting conting ency plans w hen needed

•• Expert in W indow s (M S office: W ord – Excel – Access – Pow er Point - O u tlook )

Page 2: Amr Kilani CV.PDF


Nationality: Syrian

Statu s: M arried

DOB: 04/ 05/ 1982

Lang u ag e: Eng lish& Lang u ag e: Eng lish& Arabic


M obile: + 971 55 774 0466

Em ail:am rk ilany82@ g m ail.comam rk ilany82@ g m

Amr T. Kilani C u rricu lu m Vitae


* FEB 2012 - PRESENT: AL ANSARI EXC HANG E HOU SE W ORK ING AS AN ASSISTANT BRANC H M ANAG ER:- - Bank Transfers - C ash Pick u p - Telex Transfer Prog ram - National Bond Representative - C ash Express System AREX, AM EX, W PS and W ESTERN U NION - In C harg e of all u tilities paym ents

* NOV 2005 - M AR 2006: M U RAD C O M EDIC AL SU PPLIESW ORK ING AS A PU RC HASING OFFIC ER - Preparing Local Pu rchase Orders - C om m ercial C orrespondence - Neg otiate Paym ent Term s - Im port/Export Arrang em ents - Docu m entations and Filing - C u stom C learance

* M AR 2006 - AU G 2008: ARAB BANK DAM ASC U S BR.W ORK ING AS A TELLER - Accepting Retail and/or com m ercial Deposits w ith proper docu m entation. - Verifying chequ es and the requ ired au thorization - Provide all cu stom er services inclu ding :- - C ashier C hequ es - Saving s Bonds - Personal M oney Orders - Halt Paym ents - C ertifcations of Deposits - Balance C ash Flow s - Accepting paym ents for all Loans and C redit

* OC T 2009 - OC T 2011: Served in the Syrian Arab Arm y

all references shall be furnished upon request

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