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Page 1: American studies power point
Page 2: American studies power point

Table of Contents • Film in the 1920s (pg. 2)

• Babe Ruth (pg. 3) by Natalie Trout

• Coco Chanel(pg. 4) by Jen Kuehn

• Radio (pg. 5) by Jen Kuehn

• Music (pg. 6) by Rayven Newson

• Prohibition. Wet or Dry? (pg. 7) by Rayven


• Scopes Trial (pg. 8) by Natalie Trout

• Racial Tensions(pg. 9) by Rayven Newson

• An Economic Depression(pg. 10) by Jen


• Nineteenth Amendment(pg. 12) by Craig


• Consumerism(pg. 13) by Craig Moser

• Urban vs. Rural(pg. 14) by Craig Moser

• The Automobile and the Assembly Line(pg.

15) By Arianna Rodriguez

• Boy meets girl and Girl meets world(pg. 16)

By Arianna Rodriguez

• Film in the 20th Century(pg. 17) By Arianna


• Bibliography (pg. 18)

Page 3: American studies power point

Babe Ruth Breaks Home Run Record By Natalie Trout

“I knew I was going to hit it,” Babe Ruth

said. On September 30th, 1927, Babe

Ruth broke a record for how many

home runs in a single season. It was

the 8th inning of the game, last game

of the season. This was projected to

be Ruth’s last time to try to break the

record.Ruth broke the record with 59

home runs or “Homers”.Ruth tried to

break the record the year before, but

fell short with 54 home runs.

When Ruth made the ball fly in to the

grandstands everybody was ecstatic.

As Ruth took a slow stroll around the

bases, fans threw hats and ripped up

paper into the air. In the next inning

Ruth saluted fans that waved at him.

Babe Ruth. 1927.

Photograph. New

York, NY. Web. 30

Oct. 2013.





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Coco Chanel By Jen Kuehn

Gabrielle Chanel is a French fashion designer who founded the

brand Chanel. Coco was a nickname given to her. She is a

successful business woman and a social icon. She is a fashion

icon with her modern style and “bob” haircut. Along with

running her business she also designs costumes for musicals

and shows. Chanel has sporty and casual clothes. The clothing

is a new women’s style that is loose because Coco believes

that clothes should be simple. Coco Chanel also makes

jewelry, handbags, and fragrance.

Coco likes to hide her past because her family was affected by

poverty. Her mother died when she was young so her dad

abandoned her and her siblings to an orphanage. While she

was living in the orphanage she learned how to sew. When she

left the orphanage at age 18, she worked as a tailor. She

opened Chanel when she was older and it started with just

hats. Her fashion is now spreading throughout the globe.


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Radio By Jen Kuehn

Radio became popular for families starting in 1920. The first

known radio station was a commercial station. It was

called KDKA and was first broadcasted on November 2,

1920. Now, people can listen to any station they want

based on their interests and needs. There are many

different music stations with different styles. There are

now classical, jazz, and popular music stations. There

are also radio stations that have sporting events, fictional

stories, lectures, news casts, weather reports, and market

updates. These stations form a community for people

with similar interests and needs. The number of stations

jumped from 30 stations in 1922 to 556 stations in 1923.

Listening is free to anyone who has purchased the radio. It

is more convenient then records because you have to

change the record every couple of minutes. The radio

also has ads for different products. Crystal radios are the

most common kind of radio. They are common because

they can be homemade and are inexpensive.


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Music By Rayven Newson

Jazz is hip, and new, but not everyone loves it. How

could people hate music that makes you want to

dance and shout? The older generation thinks that

this new form of music is corrupting our minds,

and that it is the devils music. Older generations

don’t agree with how Jazz was played performer

or composer, and didn’t follow traditional classic


Jazz was originally made popular in New

York and Chicago, but it is now played and loved

everywhere. Jazz is very popular in Speakeasies,

dance halls, and roadhouses. Other popular dance

music was Blues-Ragtime; it was upbeat and


Whether writing it, singing it, playing it, or

dancing to it, Jazz is a great pastime, and a great

form of therapy. Who doesn’t love to “Jazz” it up?!

Page 7: American studies power point

Prohibition...are you a Wet or a Dry? It’s time to take a side. By Rayven Newson

Prohibition has led to quite a debate, which has led to many different arguments between

people because of their different views.

Originally, the purpose to have movements to make alcohol illegal, were to decrease the

‘evils’ that came from it. Women and Men joined forces to get rid of liquor. Then, because of World

War One, prohibition was pushed even more, to save the grains that could be used for the Troops

as bread. On January 17th, 1920, the 18th amendment was put into effect;prohibiting the

manufacture, sale, transport, import, or export of alcoholic beverages.

The people who support Prohibition are nicknamed “Dry’s”. Dry’s believe that the

consumption of alcohol breaks up families, and causes crime and other violence to our

communities. The Dry’s are no doubt, ecstatic that this law is passed, after rallying and rallying,

they finally got their way.

The people who are against Prohibition are nicknamed the “Wet’s”. The Wets are obviously

outraged that this law has been passed. Never the less, just because this law was passed doesn’t

mean that everyone would follow it.

Bootleggers are now popping out everywhere! A Bootlegger is a person or people who

create liquor and sell it, even though the use of liquor is outlawed in America. Not only that,

establishments that illegally sell alcoholic beverages, often known as Speakeasies, are showing up

on every corner. It is obvious that no law is going to stop our people from doing what they want to


Needless to say, an individual can argue for Prohibition until they are red in the face. The

same goes to people who argue against Prohibition. The question is, do the so called “evils” of

alcohol sells and consumption truly make our communities a better place? Or, does Prohibition

actually lead to more laws being broken? You be the judge.

Page 8: American studies power point

Scopes Trial By Natalie Trout

One hot summer day on July 5, 1925. A

trial went on that could of changed the

way children go to school. Throughout

the years, Teacher, John Scopes was

teaching evolution. Evolution was the

reasoning to explain how people were

before us. Scopes was asked to go to

trial because people thought that

evolution was not real. Defending

Scopes was the legendary attorney

Clarence Darrow. Fighting for the

State of Tennessee was William

jennings Brian.

In the end the State and anti-evolutionists

won the trial. Scopes was charged with

$100 in fines. The thought of evolution

was no longer discussed.





BlogSpot. Web.

30 Oct. 2013.







Page 9: American studies power point

Racial Tensions By Rayven Newson

Racial tensions are at high right now. Not only blacks, but Chinese and

Hispanics as well. Blacks are beaten, tortured, and lynched by the

Second Ku Klux Klan, also known as the KKK.

The Second KKK was founded in 1915 by an ex minister

named William J. Simmons. In Atlanta there were as many as 45,000

clan members. The KKK mostly targets Blacks, Catholics, and Jews.

Blacks forced to go to different schools, swimming areas, and

different water fountains than whites. Blacks can’t choose where to sit

at a diner. Blacks can’t get the same quality of books and education as

whites. Most whites believe that they are the superior race. What do

you think?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People or NAACP is a civil rights group that is working on getting

equal rights and opportunity for everyone. Would you join this group?

Page 10: American studies power point

An Economic Depression By Jen Kuehn

The war helped our economy. During the war, our country

switched all of our industries to war industries. The men who

left to fight in the war opened up jobs for many people. When

people learned of all the new jobs people moved to the cities.

The unemployment rates dropped during the war and the

economy boomed. The agriculture industry improved due to

the need for all supplies in Europe.

When the war ended the United States economy

slowed. The U.S. had been depending on these wartime

industries. The U.S. had been making all their money from war

industries and these industries were no longer needed. The

U.S. had to convert their industries back from the munitions for

war. With all the soldiers entering the workforce again, there

were not enough jobs. This caused social tensions as people

fought for the different jobs.

In 1921, President Warren G. Harding was elected in the hope

that he could help improve the United States economy. His

goal was to reduce government spending. He did this by

reducing inflation, eliminating wartime regulations, and

lowering taxes.

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Page 12: American studies power point

Nineteenth Amendment By Craig Moser

Recently on August 18, a great victory was

won for equality among the American populace. The

nineteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution was

ratified, granting American women the long-sought right

to vote. This triumph is the product of the Women’s

Suffrage Movement that lasted over seventy years,

having begun in 1948 at the Seneca Falls Convention in

New York. Though the women who began the

movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott,

are no longer with us today, their determination has

lived on, and what they worked towards for so many

years is now a reality.

The amendment was ratified by a narrow

decision in Tennessee thanks to a single vote:

Representative Harry T. Burn chose to support it due to

a letter his mother wrote him, convincing him to help her

obtain the right to vote. This sudden influx of new voters

like her will surely influence the course the nation. We

need only wait until the next election to find out how!

Page 13: American studies power point

Consumerism By Craig Moser

With the rapid adoption of the radio across the

nation, music and news can be easily broadcasted to great

numbers of people at once. However, entertainment and

current events aren’t the only things they’re tuning in to. Radio

waves have exploded as a new medium through which to

advertise the wide variety of exciting, convenient new

products commercially available to the American public. With

these revolutionary devices, housework and other tasks can

be completed quickly and easily, leaving users with more time

to enjoy themselves. New machines aren’t just limited to

work, though: what better way to spend this newfound free

time than going for a drive through the countryside in an

affordable Ford car, or seeing a thrilling new movie at a local


Eager to sell their products, some vendors offer

flexible payment plans to aid those who cannot afford to foot

the bill for an item all at once. However, they may, also in

pursuance of making sales, make dubious claims or use

backhanded advertising techniques. As there are no

regulations on radio advertisement, it is up to consumers to

watch out for a bad deal!

Page 14: American studies power point

Urban vs. Rural By Craig Moser

America has been experiencing enormous growth

in densely populated cities. Similarly, the economy is shifting

from agriculture to industry. With these changes, it is to be

expected that there be some conflict, and due to their differing

lifestyles and ideals, there is a growing divide between urban

and rural populations.

One issue that is disagreed upon is the Prohibition.

It is more strongly supported by rural communities, while it

faces opposition in urban environments. Some of the

arguments made in the former state that the immigrants that

populate the cities are likely to be irresponsible with alcohol

due to their cultural differences, but opponents from said

cities refute this, denouncing it as discrimination.

Another controversial issue is the teaching of

sciences such as evolution that conflict with religious beliefs.

Such instruction has been outlawed in some states, especially

more rural ones, where there are more people with strong

opposition to these ideas that are incongruous with their

beliefs. However, these people have also faced criticism for

not accepting modern scientific principles. With all these

divisions between people, what will hold us together as a


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Couple Dancing. N.d. Photograph. N.p

Louis Armstrong. N.d. Photograph. N.p.

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Model T. N.d. Photograph. N.p.

Votes For Women. N.d. Photograph. N.p.

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