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  • 1. The United States Looks Overseas1853-1915

2. Eyes on the Pacific 3. Opening Japan to Trade U.S. Merchants were eager to trade w/ Japan Japan Had blocked outside trade & barred foreigners from entering or leaving country for 250 years 1853 U.S. warship commanded by Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay Presented Japanese w/ a Presidential letter calling for trading rights to Americans Japanese were amazed by U.S. warship & its guns 1854 Perry returned to Japan & signed a treaty opening Japan for trade Japan also recognized their weakness w/ Perry visit Set out to transform Japan into an industrial nation that could compete in modern world 4. Purchasing Alaska 1867 Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million Alaska was viewed as a stepping stone for trade w/ Asia & the Pacific Increased the area of the U.S. by almost 1/5 Purchase was opposed by many Americans Was a frozen wasteland Views changed when gold was discovered in 1897 5. The Expansionist Mood Until late 1800s Americans followed George Washingtons advice to steer clear of permanent alliances Isolationism policy followed Avoiding involvement in other countries affairs European nations undertook policy of imperialism during this time Building empires by imposing political & economic control over peoples around the world Late 1800s New spirit of expansionism Arguments for increased involvement in world affairs Promoting economic growth & spreading American values New view of history also encouraged expansionism 6. The Turner Thesis 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis: western frontier had defined American history, built individualism & democratic values Conclusion: And now, four centuries from the discovery of America, at the end of a hundred years of life under the Constitution, the frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history. Few historians accept his thesis Idea of a closing frontier influenced expansionists like Theodore Roosevelt Overseas expansion was the new frontier Would help renew nations vitality & strength 7. Promoting Economic Growth U.S. Powerful industrial economy Produced more than would be bought in U.S. Nervous that expanding European empire would close global markets & access to raw materials Alfred T. Mahan Expansionist support Naval captain & author U.S. prosperity depended on trade Key was a strong navy to control worlds sea lanes, protecting U.S. access to foreign markets 8. Spreading American Values Late 1800s Americans Believed Anglo-Saxon race was superior American had divine duty to spread Christian values &western civilization around the world 9. Gaining Footholds in the Pacific Pacific Islands Essential for expanding trade & U.S. influence Rivalry for Samoa U.S. Steamships Co. & Navy wanted to set up coaling stations Britain & Germany also wanted Samoa 1889 Warships from 3 countries were sent to Samoa Typhoon struck & destroyed most of the warships 1899 U.S. & Germany divided the islands of Samoa People of Samoa had no say in the matter 10. Interest in Hawaii Location between Asia & U.S. Could serve as U.S. military outpost 1st people Came by canoe from other Pacific islands in 600s 1778 Captain James Cook arrived 1820 1st American missionaries arrived To convert Hawaiians to Christianity Later other Americans acquired land & set up plantations Sugar industry As it grew so did power of American planters 1887 American planters forced Hawaiian king Kalakaua to accept a new constitution that gave them great influence 1891 Kalakaua died & was succeeded by his sister Liliuokalani She was a strong advocate for Hawaiian independence & refused to recognize the1887 constitution Wanted to restore power of monarchy & reduce foreign influence 11. Annexing Hawaii 1893 American planters organized an uprising w/o U.S. govt consultation they had 50 U.S. Marines overthrow the queen & set up a pro-American govt Annex proposal was rejected by President GroverCleveland Revolt was illegal & not supported by Hawaiian people William McKinley, Clevelands successor supportedannexation & a treaty to do so July 7, 1898 Congress voted to make Hawaii a territory of the U.S. 12. Carving up China Later 1800s China just finished an unsuccessful war European powers & Japan seeing Chinas weakness forced Chinese empire to grant them land & trading rights Divided China into spheres of influence Areas where another nation has economic & political control 13. Open Door Policy U.S. excluded from initialdividing of China Feared to be excluded from the China trade 1899 U.S. Secretary of Sate John Hay issued to other powers Called for open door in China Wanted the guarantee for all nations to be able to trade w/ China on an equal basis Response was quick, mostly saying neither yes or no Hay publicly announced the Open Door Policy had been accepted 14. Boxer Rebellion Many Chinese resented foreign influences Secret society, Righteous and Harmonious Fists, was formed Called Boxers by Europeans 1900 Boxers rebelled to expel foreigners Back by Chinese govt they attacked & killed westerners & Chinese Christians Churches were burned & homes of foreigners Outside powers, including U.S., sent 18,000 troops w/ modern weapons in Freed trapped foreigners, crushed the rebellion, looted the capital, & killed thousands of Chinese 15. The Open Door Again Secretary Hay feared Boxer rebellion would causepowers to seize more Chinese territory Issued 2nd Open Door note Repeated principle of open trade & made strongerstatement about American intentions to preserve trade China should remain one country & not be broken up 16. The Spanish-American War 17. War Clouds Loom Cuba Under Spanish rule since 1492 Discontent w/ Spanish harsh rule 1868 Cuban uprising began, but put down 10 years later 18. Rebellion in Cuba 1895 Cuban uprising Spanish began reconcentration policy Forced movement of large numbers of people into detentioncamps for military or political reasons Food was scarce & sanitation poor 200,000 died Cuban exiles in U.S. Led by Jose Marti Urged U.S. to help rebels 19. Americans React Americans were sympathetic to Cuban rebels Urged U.S. govt to help oust Spain Others for economic reasons Safeguard U.S. investments in Cuba ($50 million invested in Cuban sugar & riceplantations, railroads, & iron mines) President Cleveland Ignored calls for intervention William McKinley Became President in 1897 Also ignored calls for intervention New York press Loudest supporters of intervention William Randolph Hearst Rival of Joseph Pulitzer Worked for New York Journal Used sensational stories & headlines Both Pulitzer & Hearst focused their attention on Cuba in their writings 20. Remember the Maine 1898 Fighting broke out in Havana, Cuba McKinley ordered battleship Maine to Havana harbor to protect American lives & pr0perty February 15 @ 9:40 p.m. Great explosion sank the Maine & killed 260 men Cause unknown to this day Press & public blamed Spain; demanded revenge 21. The U.S. Goes to War McKinley Favored peace @ 1st War would disrupt U.S. economy Gave in to public pressure April 11, 1898 Asked Congress to declare war on Spain 9 days later they did 22. Surprise in the Philippines 1st great battle not fought in Cuba Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt Eager to expand U.S. naval power After Maine sunk, ordered Commodore George Dewey (head of Pacific fleet) to move ships to Philippines May 1 Dewey & small fleet of American warships sunk entire Spanish squadron at Manila Bay No American ship or life was lost 23. Fall of Manila Filipinos Also revolting against Spain Emilio Aguinaldo Rebel leader Enlisted by Dewey to seize Manila U.S. quickly gained control of Philippines Aguinaldo was major help Overlooked that he was fighting for Philippine independence Soon he would be fighting the U.S. 24. War in the Caribbean Santiago & Sea Main place fighting took place American ground forces arrived in June Poorly trained & equipped, eager to fight though Rough Riders Led by Theodore Roosevelt Best known unit July 1st led his men on a successful charge up San Juan Hill Most celebrated event of war Americans black & white fought in Santiago U.S. ships trapped Spanish fleet in Santiago Tried to escape & was destroyed by U.S.; 24,000 surrendered two weeks later U.S. troops invaded Puerto Rico next Quickly brought under U.S. control 25. An American Empire December 1898 Spain & U.S. signed peace treaty Spain: accepted Cuban independence U.S. : acquired Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam, & Wake Paid Spain $20 million 26. Debating the Treaty Angry debate followed treaty signing Taking colonies violated principle of the Declaration of Independence Also brought risk of future wars Expansionists: gave U.S. important bases & providednew business opportunities Duty to spread the ideas of democratic government Treaty ratified on February 6, 1899 U.S. now had overseas empire 27. Governing Cuba & Puerto Rico U.S. new Caribbean power Cuba did not gain independence sought Forced to sign Platt Amendment in 1902 Limited Cubas power to make treaties or borrow money & gave U.S. rightto intervene in Cuban affairs U.S. could also have naval base @ Guantanamo Bay Cuba was made a protectorate of the U.S. An independent country whose policies are controlled by an outsidepower Foraker Act of 1900 Set up govt in Puerto Rico w/ U.S. appointed governor Limited self-rule U.S. developed Puerto Ricos economy & educational system 1917 were made citizens of the U.S. Many still wanted to be free from outside control 28. Revolt in the Philippines Emilio Aguinaldo Renewed Filipinos fight for independence 3 year war followed 4,000 American & 20,000Filipinos were killed 1901 Aguinaldo wascaptured & fightingcame to an end 1946 Philippines gainedindependence 29. The U.S. & Latin America 30. Linking the Oceans During Spanish-American war Took naval ships too long to sail around South America Faster Way? Canal across Central America President Theodore Roosevelt was determined to build thatcanal Would improve global shipping Easier for navy to defend the nations new overseas empire 31. Choosing a Site Isthmus of Panama 50 miles wide Perfect place for canal 1902 Panama was province of Colombia Roosevelt offered Columbia $10 million in cash & $250,000yearly in rent to allow U.S. to build canal Some opposed Give U.S. permanent control over stretch of land & land was worth more money Govt held out for more money; Roosevelt was impatient & did not want to lose time in bargaining 32. Revolt in Panama Roosevelt Plan Knew Panamanians disliked Colombia Secretly let them know U.S. would help them claim independence Panamanians would reap rewards of canal November 3, 1903 U.S. gunboats waited in harbor to provide support U.S. marines landed to prevent Colombian troops from reaching Panama City Americans criticized Roosevelts gunboat diplomacy 33. U.S. recognized independent Republic of Panama 3 days later a Frenchman acting for Panama signed a treaty Gave U.S. Permanent use & control of 10 mile wide zone U.S. paid $10 million plus $250,000 yearly rent 34. The Panama Canal 1904 U.S. began building canal Fighting Disease 1st obstacle was malaria & yellow fever Worked could not start until these were controlled William C. Gorgas U.S. expert on tropical diseases Took challenge of fighting diseases Carlos Juan Finlay Cuban doctor Discovered a certain type of mosquito transmitted diseases Ronald Ross English doctor Found another type of mosquito that transmitted diseases William Gorgas ordered workers to clear brush & drain swamps weremosquitoes lived 1906 Gorgas wiped out yellow fever & reduced malaria 35. The Big Ditch 3 Construction Tasks Cut through a mountain Dam a river Erect the canals giant locks Big Challenge Digging Gaillard Cut 9 mile ditch through the mountains Thousands worked under extreme temps & rainstorms & constantmudslides Engineers & supervisors were from U.S. Laborers were West Indians of African descent 6,000 lost their lives during construction Work on canal finished 6 months early August 15, 1914 Panama Canal opened 36. Wielding a Big Stick in LatinAmerica Roosevelt wanted the world to know that if diplomacy failed U.S. would not hesitate to use military force to protect its interests Big Stick Policy 37. Roosevelt CorollaryBig Stick Policy Applied in Latin America U.S. was leader in Western Hemisphere Wanted to prevent European nations from becoming too powerful in the region 1904 European nations Considered using force to collect overdue debts from Dominican Republic Roosevelt announced new policy Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Corollary: logical extension of a doctrine or proposition Theory When U.S. neighbors got in disputes U.S. had right to exercisean international police power to restore order Marines sent in to Dominican Republic & took over countrys finances 38. Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft Dollar Diplomacy: policy based on the idea thateconomic tie were the best way to expand Americaninfluence Want U.S. bankers & businesses to invest in Asia & LatinAmerica Led to more military interventions Nicaragua, Haiti, & Honduras Latin Americans resents U.S. involvement 39. Relations With Mexico Woodrow Wilson Became President in 1913 Own foreign relation ideas Aim to support & nurture democracy 1st test of policy was w/ Mexico Mexico Overthrew dictator Porfirio Diaz Violent revolution followed until 1917 Wilson followed watchful waiting policy 1914 U.S. sailors who went ashore were arrested in Mexico Later released w/ apology Wilson sent navy to occupy port of Veracruz 100 Mexicans died ; U.S. & Mexico close to war; peace talks cooled tempers 40. Francisco Pancho Villa Mexican rebel general 1916 rebels crossed into New Mexico Raided & burned town of Columbus, killing 18 Americans Mexican president allowed U.S. pursue Villa into Mexico General John J. Pershing led thousands of soldiers acrossthe border 11 months later they withdrew w/o capturing Villa

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