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Page 1: Ambition for Mission  Paul Winstanley Stewardship Adviser Diocese of Ripon & Leeds

Ambition for Mission

Paul WinstanleyStewardship Adviser

Diocese of Ripon & Leeds

Page 2: Ambition for Mission  Paul Winstanley Stewardship Adviser Diocese of Ripon & Leeds

ContextBishop’s Council in 2011 decided to revisit strategy for growth to address the continued downtrend in church attendance and explore new areas of Pioneer Ministry & Fresh Expressions within the parishes.

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Three tasks groups formed to focus on Financial Sustainability of churches Mission Innovation and DevelopmentClergy and Lay development and deployment

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Group process had 6 stages- first 5 Engagement and dialogue Diagnosis and analysisSynthesis and critique of evidenceDevelopment of recommendations Agreement to recommendations

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Stage 6 - delivery programme featuresClear timescalesDefined accountability Reshaping of resourcesDefined outcomesRegular monitoring and reporting

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Following goal emerged from the Groups ‘Our goal as a Diocese is to give local churches the opportunity, the resources, the permission and the direction to think and act missionally in order to see spiritual and numerical growth across the Diocese, and churches growing in their capacity to love, serve and transform their communities’

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Task Group One - sustainable solutions to financial challenges – focused on

Financial health and viability of parishesReview models of share collection Review stewardship and good practiceRe consideration of the housing strategy

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Financial viability Measure – compare Total Unrestricted Income averaged over 3 years to current Ministry costs.Reviewed in two deaneries one in the north and one in south of the Diocese

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Mission Health Measure – growth/decline in church attendance and AWC (adult worshipping community)

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Is the current Financial position sustainable – looked at Significant growth/decline in attendanceAnticipated building costsIncrease/decrease in investments or other income

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Is the current position sustainable - Health measures looks at Age profile Ministry resources clergy to congregation sizeLeadership (new vision)

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Resources Invested by the Diocese Calculated by comparing share paid in relation to Ministry (clergy) costs Parishes are therefore either Net receivers of Net givers into the Diocese

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Ministry costs include: Stipend NI & pension Housing costs (council tax, Ins, water & maintenance) Average of related overhead costs i.e. resettlement grants, cost of director of Clergy development & training

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Parish viability recommendations Complete Viability toolkit matrix Results - key element in resource allocation and strategy Develop Missions Action Plans within the parishes

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Need for objective assessment of existing parish church ministry is required with agreed definitions of health and viability, so the same principles are applied to different local contexts rather than ad hoc ones.

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Resources decisions are ultimately one of prayerful discernment. The tool kit seeks inform the decisions and provide a rationale of the priorities the diocese chooses to make in the context of local and diocesan objectives.

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What is the mission health & financial viability who are receiving subsidy?

Is the subsidy justified? Should funds continue to be invested

& how long? Is there a case to increase it? Should it be scaled down /closed?

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Broad strategies Leave alone parishes which are healthy and financially viable Support parishes which are healthy but not currently financial viable Invest in healthy but not financially viable Reduce support not healthy or financially viable

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Share system Retain our current system but with financial safety net for parishes who are struggling Share limited to 70% of Previous year’s Income

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Advantages of the cap Parish retains sufficient funds Greater clarity and transparency Support on increasing income rather than share deals, with 30% being retained by the parishes

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Application PCC resolution to apply by 31st July Criteria being share more than 70% of TVI of the previous year and reserves both restricted and unrestricted less that TVI Renewable every year

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Stewardship recommendations Encourage parish to use procurement websiteBetter use of church buildings Archdeaconry seminars to share good practice

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Stewardship - continuedUse of finance co- coordinator Existing database of funders to the Observatory Just text giving offered by Vodaphone to piloted in 2 churches

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Strategic approach to housing Energy efficiency improvements Divert Capital receipts to fund revenue budgetMaximise return on housing stock by selected sales and lettings

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Task Group Two – Innovation Mission Areas of focus Mission in the inherited church Fresh expressions, Church Plants and Missional communitiesMission to all ages, positively reviewing mission to under 25’s

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Some of the recommendations wereEncourage Mission Action PlansDevelopment Interns ProgrammeEvery Local church have annual nurture courseRecognise and affirm lay peoples gifts

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Task Group Three – Clergy and Lay development - Areas of focus

Appointment processes for clergyDecision making on deployment of ministry resources Identifying and supporting leadersFostering a vision for spiritual & numerical growth

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Some of recommendations wereDevelop an appointment pack for PCCDeployment of SSM (self supporting

minister)Look at role of Diocesan Mission and Pastoral committeeDevelop deanery plans

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Timeline for implementationTask groups set up in July 2011 Feb 2012 report to Bishop’s Council Approval implementation planTargeted conversations with key StakeholdersProgress report to Diocesan synod in October 2012

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