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Every New Day is a NewOpportunity For Success

Having a rock-solid morning routine helps set the tone for a productive rest of the day. It’s all about getting started on the ‘right foot’. Make sure you are in control of your destiny by following the tips and tricks in the AM routine guide below.

8 Keys to Ensure a Productive Morning Routine:

1 - Drink 16 oz (2 cups) of warm lemon water shortly after waking up.

2 - Enjoy natural sunlight and soak up 20 to 30 minutes between 8 a.m. and noon.

3 - Loosen up and stretch for 15 minutes to relieve tension from the night before.

4 - Get moving and exercise to help kick off the body’s natural metabolism. Take 30 minutes to: stretch (if you haven’t already), warm-up, 20 minutes of cardio or a workout circuit, cool-down.

5 - Take a shower to energize the body and help stimulate the lymphatic system. Set water temperature to your liking. If you start with warm or hot water, punctuate the end with a few mins of cool/cold water.

6 - Eat Breakfast with Fruit. Try out the Sweet Green Machine Smoothie! (recipe below)

7 - Make your bed to give a sense of accomplishment. Decluttered space makes for a decluttered mind.

8 - Set your intentions for the day and think about three things you are grateful for. A positive mindset for a positive day.S




Step 1:When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Lemon Water!


Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body. Lemon juice with warm water is also good for your dental health as it helps with toothache and prevents gingivitis. Drinking lemon juice with warm water helps reduce joint and muscle pain.

You should drink at least 16 oz (2 cups) of water right after waking up.

Build up your tolerance to drinking this much water day by day!

Avoid snacking or having breakfast for at least 45 mins after consumption.

Theacidinlemonjuicehelpsbreakdownfoodmoreefficiently,makingiteasier for the body to extract maximum nutrients from every meal.

Lemon juice can be especially helpful in supplementing stomach acid levels, which can decline as we age.


Step 2:

Natural Sunlight: Enjoy the Rays Get outside and enjoy natural sunlight! Try to soak up 20 to 30 minutes between 8 a.m. andnoon.GettinginyourVitaminDhasmanybenefits!

RISE AND GRINDDaylight helps regulate your circadian rhythms and improves your sleep. Researchers found that people exposed to greater amounts of light during the morning hours fell asleep more quickly at night and had fewer sleep disturbances during the night.

FIGHTS DISEASE Soaking up Vitamin D from the sun is vital in regulating the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function. Vitamin D is important for the growth and development, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.


Step 3:Stretch it OutStretching in the morning can relieve tension or pain from sleeping. After a long night’s sleep, stretching will aid mobility, help avoid injury, and increase focus.

Child’s Pose

This restorative pose is great for gently stretching out your hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine, all of which can be a bit tight in the morning.

Muscles worked: gluteus maximus, piriformis, other rotators, hamstrings, spinal extensors, and more.

1. Begin on all fours on the mat, with your

knees directly under your hips but your big toes touching. Widen your toes if

touching puts any pressure on your knees.

2. Inhale and feel your spine grow longer.

3. As you exhale, take your butt back to your heels and tuck your chin to your


4. Rest here, with your forehead on the ground and your arms outstretched. You can

also put your arms next to your body, palms resting up if you prefer.

5. Hold this for 5 deep, even breaths.



These two poses can increase circulation ofyourspinalfluid.Thishelpslubricatethe spine, stretch back and torso, and gently massage the organs in the abdominal area.

Areas of body worked: moves spine, releases tension in abdominal, and back muscles.

1. PushupfromChild’sPoseontoallfours,thetopofyourfeetflat,shoulders

directly over your wrists, and hips directly over your knees.

2. As you inhale, drop your belly, letting your back arch but keeping your shoulders

rolled back and down (this is Cow). Look slightly upward toward the ceiling.

3. As you exhale, press into your hands into the ground and round your upper back.

4. Continue moving, arching on your inhales and rounding on your exhales,

repeating this for 5 breaths.

Step 3: CONTINUED...Stretch it Out


Downward-Facing Dog

This pose is great for the morning because it’s a mild inversion. It resets your nervous system, calms the brain, and energizes the body. It can also be therapeutic for sciatica and relieve fatigue.

Muscles worked: arms, shoulders, wrists, and core, while it stretches your hamstrings, spine, and calves. A lot of your body is either working or stretching here.

1. From all fours, push into your hands, straightening your arms as you raise your

hips and straighten your legs. (You may want to inch your feet and hands a little


2. As you exhale, press into your hands and roll your shoulders down and back,

moving your shoulder blades down your back and shoulders away from ears.

3. Keep your spine neutral. You don’t want your upper spine working too hard, your


4. Take at least 5 deep breaths here, bending one knee and then the other as you

do, to gently open up the back of each leg. Settle into the pose by not moving

your legs for at least 2 deep breaths.

Step 3: CONTINUED...Stretch it Out


Step 4:Hustle For That Muscle Morning workouts typically mean you’re less prone to distractions. This means you’re less likely to get phone calls, text messages, and emails. With fewer distractions, you’re more likely to follow through with your workout.

Exerciseisconsideredvitalformaintainingmentalfitness,anditcanreducestress.Physical activity is a natural remedy. Studies show that it is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive func-tion. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate.

Aboutfiveminutesofaerobicexercisedailycanbegintostimulateanti-anxietyeffects.Morning exercise is a great way to start the day on the positive note. You’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment, giving you an optimistic outlook for the day.

Here are some exercises to try!

JUMPING JACKS: 1-2 minutes

Stand straight with your feet together and arms down by your sides. Jump up while spreading your arms and legs. Return back to the initial position.

SIT-UP VARIATIONS: 3 sets of 15 reps

For the ‘original’ sit-up have your knees bent and the balls of your feet placed flatontheground.Placeyourhandsbehindyourhead.Tightenyourabdominalmuscles gently by drawing in your belly button to your spine. Keeping your heels onthegroundandyourtoesflattotheground,slowlyandgentlyliftyourheadfirst,followedbyyourshoulderblades.Pullupfromthefloorandreacha90-degreeangle. Hold the position for a second. Do crunches variations touching the opposite knee with extended arms.


LUNGES: 3 sets of 12 reps

Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Step forward withoneleg,flexingthekneestodropyourhips.Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Your posture should remain upright and your front knee should stay above the front foot. Drive through the heel of your lead foot and extend both knees to raise yourself back up. Step forward with your rear foot, repeating the lunge on the opposite leg.

PLANK: 3 sets of 30 seconds

You take a pushup like position with the body’s weight on forearms, elbows and toes. The arms should be directly under the shoulders with the entire body in a straight line and the back completelyflatneitherarched,norrounded.

SQUAT: 3 sets of 12 reps

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Begin the movementbyflexingyourkneesandhips,sittingbackwith your hips. As you squat keep your head and chest up and push your knees out.

Step 4: CONTINUED...Hustle For That Muscle


Step 5:Shower For a Fresh Start A warm morning shower, punctuated by a few minutes of cool water at the end, can energize the body and help stimulate the lymphatic system. It’s also an awesome way to focus your mental energy before the day starts, and it can help promote creativity.

While we sleep, toxins are discarded from our system through our sweat. Taking a shower in the morning washes them away.

Morning showers improve your blood circulation. The running water causes your blood to rush to your skin’s surface. Good blood circulation plays an important role in our health as proper blood circulation contributes to the transferring of nutrients to parts of your body.


Step 6:Eat A Filling Breakfast and Include Fruit! Eatingfruitisthebestwaytostartyourdayasitiseasyonyourbodytodigestfirstthing in the morning. It also leads to increased metabolism rates for the next few hours thankstotheinfluxofnaturalfruitsugars.

Smoothies are a great way to make sure you get that fruit intake, as well as some greens by adding spinach or kale and protein by adding whey, pea, hemp, or plant-based protein powder.

I recommend trying this awesome recipe:

The Sweet Green Machine!

INGREDIENTS¼ cup frozen mango¼ cup frozen pineapple2 handfuls spinach½ small green apple½ banana (fresh or frozen)1 tbsp superfood topping1 cup cold water or non-dairy milk

*OptionalSuperfoodtoppings:chia,flax,orhempseedsNon-dairy milk options: almond, coconut, soy, cashew, oat, or rice milk


Step 7:Get Ahead and Make Your Bed It may seem like a small task, but starting your day by making your bed gives you a sense of accomplishment. Doing so can ignite a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Makingyourbedshouldbethefirstthingonyourto-dolisteachmorning.Itisawayofliterally putting yesterday to bed and making way for the opportunities of a new day.


Step 8:Energy Flows Where Your Intention Goes Think about three things you are grateful for in your life at that moment. Acknowledging what you’re grateful creates a positive mindset and helps put off any stress.

Also try to smile! When you smile your body releases the feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and endorphins. This means that by smiling in the morning you’ll be starting your day in a better mood. In addition, when you smile your mood is further lifted by the release of serotonin.


GET ENOUGH RESTFUL SLEEPSleep is the foundation of a well-rested body and mind. The way you feel when you wake up is dependent in part on your sleep habits. If you’ve been feeling groggy or exhausted, you may not be getting enough quality sleep.

MAKE A TO-DO LISTWritingdownyour“to-do’s”insteadofkeepingthemfloatingaroundin your mind helps clear mental chatter. You also give yourself a sense of purpose each day when you know what you need to get done. And there is something satisfying about crossing off tasks on your list—it really cultivates a sense of accomplishment.

A few small changes to your morning routine can lead to BIG results over time!

EXTRA TIPS:A Successful Morning Starts the Night Before.