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T Aswani Kalyan 21-Jun-2005 12:03 Hello,Can anybody please tell me how to make a cell "EDITABLE" in alv grid control. When i use the EDIT option of field catalog, complete column gets editable. But I want only one column to get editable.RegardsKalyan 15325Views Topics: abap Average User Rating(0 ratings) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Guest 21-Jun-2005 12:14 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Hi kalyan,When u want to do edit only for particular column and not for the entire grid then you need to perform fieldcat in that particular column only.for exampleform build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat. data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat. loop at pt_fieldcat into ls_fcat.if ls_fcat-fieldname EQ 'Curr'. ls_fcat-scrtext_s = 'CURRENCY'. ls_fcat-scrtext_m = 'CURRENCY'. ls_fcat-scrtext_l = 'CURRENCY'. ls_fcat-reptext = 'CURRENCY'. Ls_fcat-seltext = 'CURRENCY'.ls_fcat-edit = 'X'. modify pt_fieldcat from ls_fcat. this way you can give editable option to that particular column only.Regards,venu. Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

T Aswani Kalyan 21-Jun-2005 12:21 (in response to Guest ) Hello Venu,Thanks for you answer. But as I specified earlier, I want to make a single cell editable not the complete column editable.RegardsKalyan Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Sandeep Jha 21-Jun-2005 12:36 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) This is taken from a reference doc which was here on SDN few months back.1. In the fieldcatalogue - don't set the edit property for the field.2. add a table to your list data table. data begin of gt_grid occurs 0. . . data cellstyles type lvc_t_styl. data end of gt_grid.3. Then now the logic .. form make_field_edit using pt_grid like gt_grid[]. data: ls_grid like line of pt_grid, ls_style type lvc_s_styl, lt_style type lvc_t_styl. loop at pt_grid into ls_grid. if ls_grid-curr = xyz. 'your condition for the row ls_style-fieldname = 'CURR'. ls_style-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled. append ls_style to lt_style. endif. insert lines of lt_style into ls_grid-celltyles. modify pt_grid from ls_grid. endloop. endform. Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Guest 29-Feb-2012 08:49 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) hi kalyan,here is the right example for your requirement.PROGRAM BCALV_EDIT_02.*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Purpose: ~~~~~~~~ This report illustrates how to set chosen cells of an ALV Grid Control editable. (See BCALV_EDIT_01 for an overview of possible states). Remark: You may set the states for chosen columns using field EDIT of the fieldcatalog, see BCALV_EDIT_03.*-----

To check program behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Switch to the state editable activated. You may then change the price of flights where the capacity of a plane is greater or equal than 300 seats.*-----

Essential steps (search for '') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.Extend your output table for a field, e.g., CELLTAB, that holds information about the edit status of each cell for the corresponding row (the table type is SORTED!). 2.After selecting data, set edit status for each row in a loop according to field SEATSMAX. 2a.Use attribute CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_ENABLED to set a cell to status "editable". 2b.Use attribute CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_DISABLED to set a cell to status "non-editable". 2c.Copy your celltab to the celltab of the current row of gt_outtab. 3.Provide the fieldname of the celltab field by using field STYLEFNAME of the layout structure.*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm, save_ok like sy-ucomm, g_container TYPE scrfname VALUE 'BCALV_GRID_DEMO_0100_CONT1', grid1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo, g_max type i value 100.*1.Extend your output table for a field, e.g., CELLTAB, that holds information about the edit status of each cell for the corresponding row (the table type is SORTED!).DATA: BEGIN OF gt_outtab occurs 0. "with header line include structure sflight.DATA: celltab type LVC_T_STYL.DATA: END OF gt_outtab.*----

* MAIN **----

*CALL SCREEN 100.*----


*MODULE pbo OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN100'. SET TITLEBAR 'MAIN100'. IF g_custom_container IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container EXPORTING container_name = g_container. CREATE OBJECT grid1 EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container. PERFORM select_data_and_init_style.*3.Provide the fieldname of the celltab field by using field STYLEFNAME of the layout structure. gs_layout-stylefname = 'CELLTAB'. set substate of editable cells to deactivated CALL METHOD grid1->set_ready_for_input EXPORTING i_ready_for_input = 0. CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT' is_layout = gs_layout CHANGING it_outtab = gt_outtab[]. ENDIF.ENDMODULE.*----


*MODULE pai INPUT. save_ok = ok_code. clear ok_code. CASE save_ok. WHEN 'EXIT'. PERFORM exit_program. WHEN 'SWITCH'. PERFORM switch_edit_mode. WHEN OTHERS. do nothing ENDCASE.ENDMODULE.*----


*FORM exit_program. LEAVE PROGRAM.ENDFORM.*&----


* text*----

* --> p1 text MC_STYLE_DISABLED to set a cell to status "non-editable". l_mode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. ENDIF. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'CARRID'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'CONNID'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'FLDATE'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'PRICE'. ls_celltab-style = l_mode. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'CURRENCY'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'PLANETYPE'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'SEATSMAX'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'SEATSOCC'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab. ls_celltab-fieldname = 'PAYMENTSUM'. ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled. INSERT ls_celltab INTO TABLE pt_celltab.ENDFORM. " FILL_CELLTAB*&----

**& Form SWITCH_EDIT_MODE*&----

* text*----

* --> p1 text is_ready_for_input( ) eq 0. set edit enabled cells ready for input CALL METHOD grid1->set_ready_for_input EXPORTING i_ready_for_input = 1. ELSE. lock edit enabled cells against input CALL METHOD grid1->set_ready_for_input EXPORTING i_ready_for_input = 0. ENDIF.ENDFORM. " SWITCH_EDIT_MODEYou can make use of the tutorial "An Easy eference for ALV Grid Control".Regards*--Serdar [ BC ] Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

FS CHU 28-Jul-2006 04:21 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Hi Guys,On the example show by the others here before, it is just only apply 1 style for a cell, like below:ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.But im having a requirement to have more than 1 style need to apply to a cell. For my case, i need to apply the hotspot for the same cell in addition. where i put in the code like this:ls_celltab-style2 = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_hotspot.But system will NOT have any effects on the value assigned in ls_celltab-style2. Meaning system will only recognize value from ls_celltab-style but NOT for ls_celltab-style2/style3/style4Pls comment if i missed out any steps... Thanks in advance. Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Andr Fogagnoli 07-Dec-2007 16:38 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Can I use this in ALV Function (REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY)??I have a program that was done a long time ago for another person, and I don't wanna to change all the program to use control... The author put the all the collum editable (using fieldcat) and if the value can be change, he show a message. But now the user want to change this, and only enable to edit what can be edited.thank you all.... Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Vijayaraghavan Narayanan 05-Jul-2013 17:10 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Hi Priya,In this am doing coloring the filed and edit the field.without header line.TABLES: ekko.TYPE-POOLS: slis. "ALV Declarations*Data Declaration*----------------TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp, statu TYPE ekpo-statu, aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat, matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr, menge TYPE ekpo-menge, meins TYPE ekpo-meins, netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr, peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh, line_color(4) TYPE c, "Used to store row color attributes END OF t_ekko.DATA: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko.*ALV data declarationsDATA: fieldcatalog TYPE LINE OF slis_t_fieldcat_alv, t_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv, gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv, gd_repid LIKE sy-repid.*************************************************************************Start-of-selection.START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM data_retrieval. PERFORM build_fieldcatalog ."CHANGING fieldcatalog. PERFORM build_layout. PERFORM display_alv_report.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM build_fieldcatalog ."CHANGING fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_program_name = sy-repid* I_INTERNAL_TABNAME = i_structure_name = 'ZALV_VIJAY'* I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY = 'X'* I_INCLNAME =* I_BYPASSING_BUFFER =* I_BUFFER_ACTIVE = CHANGING ct_fieldcat = t_fieldcatalogLOOP AT t_fieldcatalog INTO fieldcatalog WHERE fieldname = 'EBELN'. fieldcatalog-edit = 'X'. MODIFY t_fieldcatalog FROM fieldcatalog.ENDLOOP.ENDFORM. FORM build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201).* Set layout field for row attributes(i.e. color) gd_layout-info_fieldname = 'LINE_COLOR'.ENDFORM.

FORM display_alv_report. gd_repid = sy-repid. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = gd_repid is_layout = gd_layout it_fieldcat = t_fieldcatalog i_save = 'X' TABLES t_outtab = it_ekko EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF.ENDFORM. FORM data_retrieval. DATA: ld_color(1) TYPE c. SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh UP TO 10 ROWS FROM ekpo INTO TABLE it_ekko.LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko.ld_color = ld_color + 1.IF ld_color = 8. ld_color = 1. ENDIF. CONCATENATE 'C' ld_color '10' INTO wa_ekko-line_color.* wa_ekko-line_color = 'C410'. MODIFY it_ekko FROM wa_ekko. ENDLOOP.ENDFORM.

Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Clemens Li 05-Jul-2013 14:05 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) ask google. Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

sivajyothi yellamelli 08-Jul-2013 13:40 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Hai priya,I also faced the same using the following code we can edit single row.


*& Form set_specific_field_attributes


* populate FIELD_STYLE table with s pecific field attributes


FORM set_specific_field_attributes.

LOOP AT it_makt INTO wa_makt.

IF wa_makt-indcat NE 'H'.(By using the condition iam editing single row)

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'INDCAT' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'ZMRDAT' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MINO' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'ERDAT' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'EMPID' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'ERNAM' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MATNR' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'KZECH' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'RAUBE' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'BEHVO' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'LGPBE' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'EKGRP' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'DISPR' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'PRCTR' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'STPRS' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'VERPR' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'VPRSV' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'PRFRQ' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MVGR2' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'EXTWG' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'VTWEG' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'VKORG' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'SPART' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'BKLAS' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MATKL' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MSEHI' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MTART' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'LGORT' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'WERKS' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'LONGTX' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'MAKTX' 'X'.

PERFORM field_attributes USING 'ZMCDAT' 'X'.

MODIFY it_makt FROM wa_makt.







* text


* -->P_0952 text

* -->P_0953 text


FORM field_attributes USING p_field


DATA ls_stylerow TYPE lvc_s_styl.

DATA lt_styletab TYPE lvc_t_styl.

ls_stylerow-fieldname = p_field.

ls_stylerow-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.

INSERT ls_stylerow INTO TABLE wa_makt-field_style.

CLEAR: ls_stylerow.

* *******

ENDFORM. Alert Moderator Like (0) Re: Editting a cell in ALV Grid Control

Viswanathan s 08-Jul-2013 15:59 (in response to T Aswani Kalyan) Hi priya,when build a field catlog assign "X" to particular one column gs_fieldcat-input = 'X'.gs_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.my code assign three filed catlog in 2 filed is editable filed:i1 = i1 + 1.PERFORM fieldcat USING i1 'GT_SMY_ALV' 'DEVELOPED_BY' text-006 '25' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''.i1 = i1 + 1.PERFORM fieldcat USING i1 'GT_SMY_ALV' 'PROJECT' text-008 '30' '' '' 'X' 'X' '' '' '' ''.i1 = i1 + 1.PERFORM fieldcat USING i1 'GT_SMY_ALV' 'PROJECT_MANAGER' text-009 '30' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''.Am using Form and perform easy to assign a filedcatlogFORM fieldcat USING value(col_pos) value(tabname) value(fieldname) value(reptext) value(len) value(no_out) value(sum) value(nozero) value(edit) value(no_chk) value(dtype) value(tdropdown) value(tfieldname). gs_fieldcat-col_pos = col_pos. gs_fieldcat-fieldname = fieldname. gs_fieldcat-tabname = tabname. gs_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = reptext. gs_fieldcat-outputlen = len. gs_fieldcat-no_out = no_out. gs_fieldcat-do_sum = sum. gs_fieldcat-input = nozero. gs_fieldcat-edit = edit. gs_fieldcat-checkbox = no_chk. gs_fieldcat-datatype = dtype. gs_fieldcat-ref_tabname = tdropdown. gs_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = tfieldname. APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. CLEAR gs_fieldcat.ENDFORM.