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Page 1: Alpha Co. Newsletter

sibilities of Platoon Leader

alongside the new Platoon Ser-

geant SFC Henderson for 2nd

Platoon; and CW2 Kinsey be-

came the Platoon Leader with

SFC Moore as Platoon Ser-

geant for 3rd Platoon. Con-

gratulations to all of them, and

I am convinced that they will

steer their platoons successfully

through the challenges of tran-

sition in the coming weeks.

Finally, I want to express my

pride in every Archangel that

participated in the Sports Day

event that closed out the month

of July: you all looked great,

and next year we will bring

the cup back to this office.

Death From Above...Burn In


By CPT Christopher Carbone

July was a very successful

month for Alpha Company.

We started off the month with

Warrior Day, where the Arch-

angels validated their warrior

skills and gained some valu-

able leadership experience on

the STX lanes; a big thank you

to all the Family members who

came out to support your Sol-

diers at the end of that day.

We also transferred the re-

sponsibilities of the Company's

top NCO from First Sergeant

Ward Thorp to our new First

Sergeant Frank Fortin, and

while we will miss 1SG Thorp

and everything he has done

for this Company, we look for-

ward to what 1SG Fortin will

bring to the Company's corps

of NCOs.

July also saw the change in

leadership at the platoon level,

as we restructured the Com-

pany and welcomed in Mr.

DeJesus as the new Platoon

Leader for 1st Platoon; CW3

Blanchard assumed the respon-

Commander’s Corner...

Rumor Mill

MyCAA or My Career Advancement Accounts, the spouse financial assistance program, will be re-

sumed on 25 October with some significant changes:

Available to spouses of active duty members in the grades of E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2.

Maximum benefit of $4000, with a yearly cap of $2000.

Requirement to finish program of study within 3 years from the start date of first course

Limited to associates degree, certifications, and licensures

See the MyCAA website for full details.

Mid-term elections are just around the corner (November 2nd). If you haven’t already, ensure you

register for an absentee ballot with your respective state (some states have earlier registration dead-

lines than others). Contact the BN Voting Assistance Officer, CW2 DeJesus, or visit Federal Voting

Assistance Program to register or complete your absentee ballot and make your voice heard!


Inside this issue:






Base Weather Line - 01423 777789 24-hr Emergency - 01423 846700 MHS Police - 01423 846800 Harrogate Hospital - 01423 885959 BN CDR - 01423 777185 BN CSM - 01423 777183 BN Chaplain - 01423 777112 A Co CDR - 01423 777944 A Co 1SG - 01423 774053

Important Numbers



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August at the Family Support Center.

Day 1 (12 August) will run from 0930-

1630 and include the following topics:

Expectations and Impact of the Mis-

sion on Family Life

Military Acronyms and Terms

The Chain of Command

Introduction to Military Customs and


Basic Military Benefits and Entitle-


Introduction to Military and Civilian

Community Resources

Introduction to Family Readiness


Day 2 (13 August) will run from 0930-

1200 and include the following topics:

Supporting Your Child’s Education

Introduction to Family Financial


Basic Problem Solving

CARE Team Training will be held on 13

August from 1330-1630 at the Family

Support Center.

What is a CARE Team or CARE Training?

In the event a casualty occurs within your

unit, the battalion commander may acti-

vate a Care Team based on the af-

fected family’s needs and request for

support. Caring for one of your unit

families following the unexpected death

or injury of a loved one is a difficult task.

The support you will provide to a Soldier

and family during their time of need is


Care Team volunteers provide assistance

that complements the assistance provided

by the CAO, Chaplain, and Rear Detach-

ment Commander. The focus of Care

Team volunteers’ efforts is on providing

practical assistance and emotional sup-

port to the family on a short-term basis

so that the family can continue to function

while dealing with a traumatic event. The

actual support provided depends on

family needs and command guidance,

but can include:

• Call support

• Home care assistance

• Childcare support

• Meal support

• Transportation

• Assistance to visiting family

• Other family support

As the PCS season winds down, we have

welcomed many new Soldiers and their

families. New Army spouses that have

just arrived or even those that may have

a little more experience might just bene-

fit from some upcoming fantastic training


Army Family Team Building (AFTB) is a

series of training modules taught through

your local Army Community Service or

Family Program’s office that cover topics

such as basic information about the

Army, personal growth skills, and leader-

ship skills. AFTB improves personal and

Family preparedness which enhances

overall Army readiness and helps Amer-

ica’s Army adapt to a changing world.

Why should you attend AFTB? AFTB

helps you to not just cope with, but enjoy

the military lifestyle. Many of the

courses can be applied toward resume’

and career building, self-development

and leadership skills. Active duty Sol-

diers can earn promotion points for par-

ticipating in the training. AFTB provides

the knowledge and self-confidence to

take responsibility for yourself and your

Family. The training is available to Sol-

diers, Family members of all Soldiers,

Department of Defense civilians and vol-


AFTB training will be held from 12-13

common sense and be aware of your

surroundings to avoid possible alterca-

tions with local nationals.

There are plenty of outdoor activities to

enjoy in the Yorkshire Dales including

hiking, bike riding, camping, and sight-

seeing. Planning is essential for any

travel or outdoor activities! This is Eng-

land and the weather is unreliable, so

dress in layers and prepare for rain. If

it is sunny, wear sunscreen and drink

plenty of hydrating fluids. Don’t rely on

mobile phones, but if you do, at least

ensure the battery is fully charged. Tell

someone where you are going and when

While the English summer weather ap-

pears to be over, the days are still long,

and there are still plenty of summer ac-

tivities to take advantage of.

As you enjoy all that Harrogate and the

surrounding community has to offer, re-

member to be safe and responsible in

any activity you may take part in!

If you choose to stay local and visit the

plentiful assortment of pubs in and

around Harrogate, make sure you travel

in buddy teams and plan on how to get

back home when the night is through

(taxi, friend, squad leader, etc.) Practice

you expect to be back. Bring a map

and familiarize yourself with your sur-

roundings to avoid getting lost. If you

are unfortunate enough to need emer-

gency assistance and have cell phone

reception - dial 999.

Finally, POVs continue to be one of the

top causes of off-duty Army accidents

and casualties. Practice defensive driv-

ing when you are traveling and ensure

you obey the local traffic regulations.

Continue to be aware of pedestrians,

bicyclists, horse riders, and motorcyclists,

allowing them the right away. Above

all—BE SAFE!!

Summer Safety

Family Readiness Opportunities

Page 3: Alpha Co. Newsletter

A Co Ice Cream Social/FRG Meeting -

23 August, @ 1800 at the Pavilions

Lightwater Valley Trip - 26/28 August

Only 40 tickets available to Soldiers

and their families - First come, first

serve! Contact CPT Carbone, 1SG

Fortin, or Raven Adye to sign-up.

Family Day at the Hydro - 29 August,

1600-1800; contact the Chapel to sign-

up 262-7850

Marine Corps Endurance Challenge -

18 September; events include 3.5 mile

run, 100 pull-ups/team, litter carry,

eight-count body builders, movement

under fire; register your team by 18

August ($90/team of 5-6 people) by

contacting Sgt. Kenneth Catledge, 262-


Youth Sports Fitness Camp - 9-10 &

12-13 August; call 262-7805/7838 for

details and sign-up

Science & Math Day Camp - 9 August,

0900-1500; Math & Science mini-day

camp hosted by the Cub Scouts, Boy

Scouts, and Girl Scouts of Menwith Hill

at the Community Club, featuring guest

speakers, food, and fun

AFTB (See pg 2) - 12-13 August

CARE Team Training (See pg 2) - 13


Scafell Pike Outdoor Rec Camping Trip

- 14-15 August; cost $50 - includes eve-

ning meal, breakfast, transport, all hik-

ing and camping equipment; contact

Steve Gratton for details 262-7320

MHS Upcoming Items of Interest

A Co, 709TH MI BN

PSC 45

APO, AE 09468


A C O F A M I L Y R E A D I N E S S G R O U P , 7 0 9 T H M I B N , 6 6 T H M I B D E

This newsletter is intended to relay information from the com-

pany commander, highlight military and community resources,

advertise upcoming FRG events, address issues of concern, and

build camaraderie. It contains both official and unofficial infor-

mation. Websites referenced in this newsletter does not imply

U.S. Government endorsement. If you have any suggestions for

content to be included in the newsletter, please feel free to con-

tact the newsletter editor, FRG Leader, or company com-

mander. Submissions are required by 27 August 2010, if you

would like them to be included in the next month’s issue.

The Inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG newslet-

ter has not increased the costs of the Government, in accor-

dance with DoD 4525.8-M, Official Mail Management Manual.

Local sights - Bolton Abbey BD23 6EX

Come see us online: 1. Login or register

2. Click on ‘Find an FRG’ in the left-

hand corner

3. Click on UK on the bottom of the


4. Select 709th MI BN (A Company

coming soon)

5. Choose Family Member or Active


6. Enter your info!

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