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Page 1: All Creatures Great and Small! Spring Term 2 … Creatures Great and Small! Spring Term 2 Reception Created Date 3/1/2017

Reception parents and carers, We hope you have a lovely half-term! Next term (Spring Term 2) we will be basing our learning around ‘Living Things’! Some of the exciting activities we will be doing include making our own bird hide and bird seed cake, and learning about the life cycles of different animals. The loan of any books or resources that link with our topic would be brilliant - remember to please label your belongings clearly It would be really useful if you could help your child practise the following at home:

Label all of the single Jolly Phonic sounds and the blends Write their name Write a sentence a week - this can be anything of your choosing. It could be

something such as recording the weather, keeping a diary, writing about a favourite toy. Encourage your child to record the sounds they can hear and encourage the use of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. See if your child can use a connective in their sentence such as ‘and’ or ‘because’. Please feel free to share any writing with us that your child has done at home

Take responsibility for own belongings and get dressed/undressed independently Recognise and order numbers to 20 when found out of sequence Label 3D shapes (cube, cuboid, sphere, cone, prism, cylinder) Add numbers totaling 10 Subtract numbers from 5

Please also try and read with your child at least three times a week - your continued support is much appreciated! Don’t forget the ‘Superstar Notelets’ - if you have run out, please do ask for more or simply take a sheet from our noticeboard! On the reverse is some more detail about your child’s fourth term in school. If you have any questions please ask! A new ‘Show and Tell’ rota has also been sent home, so have a look when it’s your turn! Just a reminder it is Reception J/B’s class assembly on Friday 24th February at 9:00am. It would be lovely to see you there! Best wishes, The Reception Team

All Creatures Great and Small! Spring Term 2


Page 2: All Creatures Great and Small! Spring Term 2 … Creatures Great and Small! Spring Term 2 Reception Created Date 3/1/2017

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