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Page 1: All Creation Sings - Contents - Welcome to Beacon Media acs.pdf1 All Creation Sings - Contents God is Creator: All Creation Sings - 2 Hey diddle diddle - 3 God is Love: God loves you


All Creation Sings - Contents God is Creator:

All Creation Sings - 2 Hey diddle diddle - 3 God is Love:

God loves you - 4 Clap your hands - 5 God is Wise

He’s wiser - 6 Jonah and the whale - 7

God is Protector:

The lighthouse song - 8 Out of Egypt - 9

God is Powerful:

God is Greater - 10 What a mighty God - 11 God is Truth:

The house on the rock - 12 Sunrise, sunset - 13 God is Pure and Holy White as snowflakes - 14 Mud pies - 15 God is Patient: Waiting patiently - 16 Hare and tortoise - 17

God is a Servant:

A servant for Jesus - 19 Willie Wonder - 20 God is Life:

Just think of the fishes - 21 He is alive - 22

God is a Provider:

God is a provider - 23 Old Mother Hubbard - 24 God is Peace:

God is peace - 25 Shalom - 26

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All Creation Sings (God is Creator) All creation sings of the glory of the Lord, Birds and crickets sing to the glory of the Lord. Kookaburras, magpies, cicadas frogs and bees, Sing a joyful song to the Lord. Chorus: Sing, sing, glory to the Lord, Praise, praise, let his name be heard. Let us lift our voices, children of the Lord, Join with God’s creation in praising the Lord. God has given life to every living thing, He has given life so let us sing. Chorus: Sing, sing, glory to the Lord, Praise, praise, let his name be heard. Repeat verse 1

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Hey Diddle Diddle (God is Creator) Verse 1 Hey diddle diddle, it’s God in the middle He made us, the sun and the moon; The stars in the skies, the bees in their hives, The moth coming from its cocoon. Verse 2 Hey diddle diddle, it’s really no riddle How all that’s created began. God made all we see to delight you and me, His special creation is man. Verse 3 “I’m making this creature with one special feature, His nature will be just like mine. I’ll speak as he walks, I’ll hear as he talks, Our friendship will be truly fine.” Verse 4 “Let man have dominion,” was God’s own opinion, Of creatures on earth and on sea. So God was the maker and man the caretaker In God’s royal menagerie.

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God Loves You (God is Love) Do you know that God our Father loves you specially? Do you know He loves you even when you’re bad. Do you know that Father God is like the very best Dad in the world, yes He loves you specially. For God knows the number of the hairs on your head He knows how many freckles on your face, And God knows the colour of your eyes, blue or brown He knows because He made you in the first place. Do you ever wonder how the world just hangs in space? Do you ever wonder how you got to be here? Do you ever wonder who put the stars in place? Well God made everything you see. Repeat verse 1

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Clap your hands (God is Love) I want to clap and praise the Lord, I want to shout and praise the Lord. I want to raise my hands to the living God who has poured his love on me. I want to share his love around, And tell the world of the love I’ve found. I want to tell my friends of Jesus’ love, his love so rich and free. Chorus: Clap your hands and sing, clap your hands and shout, His love so rich and free. Clap your hands and sing, clap your hands and shout, His love so rich and free.

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He’s Wiser (God is Wise) Verse 1 Some people are so very clever, they can even tell the weather. Wouldn’t you like to be an inventor, or to be a wise professor? God knows more than all of these, He’s wiser than you or me. Verse 2 Astronauts are very clever Taking on a great endeavour, Flying all around in space and landing capsules in their place. God knows more than all of these, He’s wiser than you or me. Verse 3 Solomon, he was a wise king, God said ask for anything. Money was not his request, He said wisdom was the best. God gave wisdom to a king, Father God knows everything. Verse 4 God gives wisdom to his children, Shows us how to get to heaven. Jesus is the only way, Let him in your life today. Jesus is a friend and guide, He’ll be with you at your side.

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Jonah and the Whale (God is wise) Verse 1 Have you ever heard the tale Of Jonah and the whale? Jonah had a job to do for the Lord. God said, “Go along to Ninevah and tell the people there, Not to break the Lord’s commandments but to turn to him in prayer. Verse 2 But Jonah was a foolish man, he disobeyed the Lord. Went down to the sea instead and tried to run away. He took a ship upon the sea, but to his dismay, He was swallowed by a whale, that’s not the end of the tale. Verse 3 For Father God is always there, he answered Jonah’s prayer. The whale he spouted Jonah out, give thanks to the Lord! Jonah went along to Ninevah to tell the people there, Not to break the Lord’s commandments but to turn to God in prayer. Verse 4 The lesson of the story is to obey the Lord. Obeying God is being wise, it’s no disguise. Jonah was a foolish man but God forgave his sin. Saved him from the whale and that’s the end of the tale.

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The Lighthouse Song (God is Wise)

Verse 1 If I could be a ship on the sea, I’d sail the ocean blue, From Canada to Africa I’d safely take my crew. If I was traveling in the night I’d look for lights I knew. I’d let the lighthouse light my way and safely guide me through. Verse 2 If the sky was foggy and I couldn’t see my way, I’d fix my eyes upon the light to guide me through the day, And when the rocky shore was near, the light would show the way. I’d travel boldly without fear around the stormy bay. Verse 3 Jesus is the light and he will guide you every day, When you are in danger he’ll protect you when you pray. When you’re very frightened and you’re looking for a guide, Just fix your eyes upon God’s light and he’ll be by your side.

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Out of Egypt (God is Protector) Verse 1 Way down there is Egypt land When Pharaoh was the king, The Israelites worked hard all day and they weren’t paid anything. Then God said Moses listen here My servant you shall be, To lead my children out of fear To a land where they’ll be free Verse 2 But Pharaoh answered “No, no, no No matter what you say, I cannot let God’s children go In Egypt they must stay.” So God sent frogs and grasshoppers To Egypt land that day, But Pharaoh wouldn’t change his mind In Egypt they must stay. Verse 3 Then God sent down a terrible plague, Though it broke his heart Egyptian children died that day Across the land in every part God kept his children safe and sound He protected them from the plague Above their doors a cross was found And they were not afraid. Then Moses led his people out Out of Egypt land that day God kept his children safe from harm Cause they loved him and obeyed.

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God is Greater (God is Powerful)

Verse 1 God is greater than a king in all his majesty, Greater than the waves upon the sea God’s more powerful than anything you see. God can do anything for you or me. Verse 2 God can heal the sick and mend a broken heart, And he can put a life together when it’s all apart. He sent the Holy Spirit like a mighty rushing wind, To give his people power as they trust in him.

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What a Mighty God we Serve (God is Powerful)

What a mighty God we serve. What a mighty God we serve. What a mighty God we serve. Verse 1 Well he opened the Red Sea, Yes he opened the red Sea Well he opened the Red Sea, And he set his people free. What a mighty God (x3) Verse 2 At the battle of Jericho, At the battle of Jericho, At the battle of Jericho, Well the walls came-a-tumblin’ low. What a mighty God (x3) Verse 3 Jesus calmed the angry storm, Jesus calmed the angry storm, Jesus calmed the angry storm, And his friends were safe from harm. What a mighty God (x3) Verse 4 Rose Lazarus from the grave, Rose Lazarus from the grave, Rose Lazarus from the grave, From death he has power to save What a mighty God (x3)

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The House on the Rock (God is Truth) There once was a man built his house on the sand Silly wasn’t he! His friends said, “Listen now your house won’t stand,” But the man said “Let me be.” Then down from the sky the rain came and the storm rose on the sea And up through the floor the floods came while the man was having tea. Now a wise man built his house on a rock Stable as can be. He said, “I know that my house will stand when the storms rise on the sea.” Then down from the sky the rain came while the man was having tea And the house on the rock just stood there Stable as can be. Now the foolish man who built his house on the sand had a big calamity. But the wise man knew when the cold winds blew that safe and sounds he’s be. So build your life on Jesus. He’s a sure and solid rock. His word is truth, he’s the way, he’s the life, He’s the only one for me.

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Sunrise, Sunset (God is Truth) Verse 1 Sunrise, sunset (Hands make a sunrise / sunset) Lord you are the same, Praise you father God, (Rise hands to heaven) Praise your name. (Clap) Verse 2 Like the sunrise (Hands make a sunrise / sunset) God doesn’t change. We can depend on him (Point upward) Praise his name. (Clap) Verse 3 High tide, low tide (Hands make waves at high level then low level) Every day the same Praise you father God (Raise hands to heaven) Praise your name. (Clap) Verse 4 God’s word in my heart (Hands together like a book, then hand over heart) It doesn’t change. God’s word is the truth (Hands together like a book) Praise his name. (Clap)

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White as Snowflakes (God is pure) Verse 1 White as snowflakes, pure as raindrops, Clear as the mountain stream, God our Father is so pure, Holy is he. Verse 2 Jesus came to serve the Father, To live like you and me, Not one word came from his mouth, A perfect man was he. Verse 3 We can all be pure and holy, White as snow within, Asking Jesus to forgive, Frees us from all sin.

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Mud Pies (God is Pure) Verse 1 I like to make mud pies, and castles in the dirt, But mud gets in my eyes and sand gets in my shirt. Then Mum starts getting cross with me and says that this is not to be, “I can’t be washing clothes all day, from mud and dirt please stay away, Mud pies are not for play.” Verse 2 I like it in the bath, hot water all around. The bubbles make me laugh, so shiny big and round, Then Mum says scrub your hands and face, That mud must come off every place. You can’t just sit in there and play, You must be clean in every way, Clean in every way. Verse 3 Sometimes I disobey, and answer back my Dad. I won’t come in from play, I know I’m really bad. But when I say my prayers at night before my Dad turns out the light, I ask God to forgive me then for all the times I’ve saddened him And he makes me clean within.

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Waiting Patiently (God is Patient) Verse 1 Have you seen a gum tree grow? No, because it’s much too slow. Little seed as small can be, takes many years to become a tree. Waiting patiently, waiting patiently, Waiting patiently, a little seed becomes a tree. Verse 2 Washing dishes is so slow, putting them away just so, I know where I’d rather be, watching cartoons on TV. Working patiently, working patiently, Working patiently, gets the job done 1,2,3. Verse 3 Guess what it’s my birthday soon! There’s a present in Mum’s room, Wrapped up very beautifully, I know that it’s just for me. Waiting patiently, waiting patiently, Waiting patiently, what’s in that present I’m dying to see. Verse 4 On the slide it is so fine. Have to wait my turn in line. Pushing in is not the way, it only causes fights each day. Waiting patiently, waiting patiently, Waiting patiently, letting others go before me.

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Hare and Tortoise (God is Patient)

Verse 1 Hare and tortoise had a race. Who do you think would win first place? Ready, set, the race began, Out in front the bold hare ran. Chorus Slow and steady, no not speed, Patience is the thing I need. Verse 2 Hare he was as proud as punch, Thought he’s stop to have some lunch. Then he stopped to have some tea, While tortoise plodded patiently. Chorus Slow and steady, no not speed, Patience is the thing I need. Verse 3 ‘Cause old tortoise took all day, Hare just whiled the time away. “Really this is no race to run, I think I’ll lie here in the sun.” Chorus Slow and steady, no not speed, Patience is the thing I need. Verse 4 Tortoise passed the sleeping hare, Who didn’t think he had a care. Passed the finish line he crept, While the hare just soundly slept. Chorus

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Slow and steady, no not speed, Patience is the thing I need. Verse 5 Then the hare to his disgrace, Awoke to find he’d lost the race. He lost the race you must agree, Because he had no humility. Chorus Slow and steady, no not speed, Patience is the thing I need.

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A Servant for Jesus (God is a servant) Verse 1 A servant I’ll be, for Jesus my Lord. I’m learning to read, and trust in his word. I’ll live by his promises all the day through, I want to serve Jesus in all that I do. Verse 2 I’m learning to serve in work and in play, To be kind and thoughtful in all that I say. Sharing with others is what Jesus asks, For the first in God’s kingdom is the one who is last.

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Willie Wonder (God is a servant) Verse 1 Willie Wonder was a star. He had a flashy motor car. He drove it all around the place. His boasting was a big disgrace. “Stand back, me first!” was his way. He’d never give you time of day. “Sorry I’ve got things to do, I really haven’t time for you.” Verse 2 When his mother asked for help, He’s run outside with such a yelp. “Housework’s not for me,” he said. “Mum is there to make my bed.” Willie Wonder was a star, But really he just went too far. His friends they got fed up you see And left him lonely as can be. Verse 3 The lesson Willie didn’t learn Was that friends you just can’t earn By acting like a superstar And driving around in a flashy car. To be a friend you have to know That serving is the way to go. Letting others have their say, Taking last place is the way.

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Just think of the Fishes (God is Life) Verse 1 Just think of the fishes that live in the sea. Hundreds of millions I think you’ll agree. They swim and they leap and they dive in the deep. God has given life to the sea. Verse 2 Just think of the creatures aboard Noah’s ark. Lions and tigers and magpies and larks. All of the animals two by two, Living together on a floating zoo. Verse 3 God is in charge of the universe. He has a plan for us living on earth; We’re his special people right from our birth. God has given life to the earth.

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He is Alive! (God is Life) Verse 1 He … is alive! He … is alive! He has come that I might have life and more life than I have had before! Verse 2 He … is alive! He … is alive! He has promised life forever to those who receive him as their Lord. He … is alive! He … is alive! He … is alive!

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God is a Provider (God is Provider) Verse 1 God is a provider Even for a spider. The birds of the air he daily feeds And for us he will provide our needs. He gives to all creation, to creatures great and small, He watches every living thing He sees the sparrows fall, Verse 2 Look at the wild flowers, Wearing such fine clothes. They don’t even have to knit or sew But God provides for them you know. He gives to all creation, to every living thing, So much more will Father God To us give everything. Verse 3 God gives rain and sunshine, To make the food crops grow. He always gives enough to eat, He gives us shoes to wear on our feet. He gives to all His children, He gives to you and me, Enough to share with others in lands across the sea.

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Old Mother Hubbard (God is Provider) Verse 1 Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard To get her poor doggy a bone, But when she got there, the cupboard was bare, And so the poor doggy had none. Verse 2 The dog started yelping, and that wasn’t helping She couldn’t think what to do. Now calm down my Rover, I’m thinking it over, For now you can chew on my shoe. Verse 3 While Rover was chewing Old Mother was stewing, How can I fill doggy’s insides? Hey I know the way, I’ll just start to pray The Bible says God still provides, Verse 4 It says that God cares, He counts all the hairs, That grow on each person’s head So surely He’ll see what’s worrying me And let my poor Rover be fed. Verse 5 As Mother stopped praying her neighbour was saying “I’d better give Mother a bell.” “Dear Old Mother Hubbard I’ve just stocked your cupboard with one year’s supply of ‘Pal’

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God is my Peace (God is Peace) Verse 1 God is my peace, in him will I trust. He is my shepherd, obey him I must. I will not far, I’ll go anywhere When Jesus my Saviour is holding my hand. Verse 2 The Lord is my Shepherd, he’ll always provide. By quiet calm waters he’ll be by my side. He’ll lead me in safety, I need never fear, When Jesus my Saviour is holding my hand. Verse 3 He’s with me in danger; I know he is there, And when I’m in trouble he’ll answer my prayer. God is my peace, I’ll go anywhere, When Jesus my Saviour is holding my hand.

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Shalom (God is Peace) Shalom my friend, shalom my friend Shalom, shalom. God’s peace be with you, God’s peace be with you, Shalom, shalom.

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