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    Delaware Ao 7, No. 15, 07 de septiembre de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 15, September 07, 2012

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    TODO sobre el Procesode Accin Diferida


    Deferred Action Process


    Deferred Action ProcessSpecial Edition

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 07


    (recin nacidos hasta los 17 aos)


    302-629-6525 613 High St, Seaford, DE 19973



    Proveedores que hablan espaolVisitas de enfermosExmenes fsicos deportivos

    Citas el mismoda y al

    da siguiente

    Siempre ofreciendo atencin. Siempre aqu.

    Nos asociamos con usted para cuidar de la salud de su familia. Nuestros pediatras matriculados con capacitacin en centrosmdicos importantes son miembros de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatra y, juntos, suman aos de experiencia.Tienen un fuerte compromiso con el bienestar de nuestros nios, no solo porque son expertos en atencin peditrica, sinotambin porque viven y trabajan en esta comunidad. Participan en iniciativas de salud comunitarias y se esfuerzan porcuidar del bienestar de las familias. Por lo tanto, usted puede confiar en que estarn aqu cuando ms los necesite.

    VacunasVisitas/controles de rutina

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process




    GERENTEGeneral Manager

    Mara Vera Rodrguez

    [email protected]

    EDITORGabriel Pilonieta-Blanco

    [email protected]

    302- 588 9584

    PublIcIDaD / [email protected]

    302- 494 3133


    Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi

    Karyl Thomas Rattay

    Carlos Dipres

    Margaret Reyes

    Peter Gonzales

    Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez

    Annette Merino

    Miguel Acosta

    Laura Poppiti

    Tabatha Castro

    Lastenia Narvaez

    Greer Firestone

    Eric Doroshow

    Mara Picazo +

    Samuel Blanco Arizpe

    Eric Soberanis

    Mara Velsquez Naranjo

    Ismael Santos

    Wanda Lopez

    Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe

    Allison Burris

    Christopher Posh

    Ronaldo Tello

    Alfredo Lascoutx

    Vivian L. Rapposelli

    Nelly Arevalo

    Jason Keller

    Alma Villalobos

    Rafael Guerrero

    Javier Moreno

    Antonia Donato

    Ricardo Diaz

    Eli Ramos

    Margie KingMichelle Acosta

    Pierre Smythe

    Luis Alejandro Vera

    Antonio Droz

    Zuleika Cervantes

    Brenda Palomo

    Jaime Rivera

    Nina Qureshi-Ibqal

    Melissa Skolnick

    Lilia Estrada

    Roxanna Valdes

    Antonio Droz

    Amy Libonate

    Tamara Romero

    Jennifer L. Cohan

    DISEO GRaFIcO / GRaPhIc [email protected]

    Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

    FOTOGRaFIa / PhOTOGRaPhYEsteban M.P. Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco

    Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez / Liliana Grajales

    Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos

    Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce.

    Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega

    TRaDuccION / TRaNSlaTIONValentina P. Rodrguez

    Mara Picazo +

    Gabriela Montilva P. / Marianella Vera

    Michelle Acosta

    The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors.Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

    Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware

    07 de septiembre 2012, Vol. VII No.15

    Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper

    Septiembre 07, 2012, Vol.VII No.15

    El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de

    Hola Delaware LLC

    123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

    302-832 3620

    fax 302- 832 3620

    El Tiempo Hispano

    is published by

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    Visit us at


    ltiempohispano.comDewre 07 de Septiemre 2012 Vo. 7 No.15


    Leyes / Laws: Todo sobre la Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia / All aboutDeferred Action for Childhood ArrivalsLocales/ Local: Requirements for Deferred Action /Requisitos necesarios para la accindiferidaEstado / State: Dlare$ y Cntimo$ Latinos / Latino Dollar$ & Cent$

    Y mucho ms / And much more

    >Grie Pioniet-bno

    El prximo 15 de septiembre iniciamos la celebracin del mes de la cultura hispana en los Estados Unidos.

    Cientos de aos, cientos de aportes, miles de personas que han contribuido a enriquecer la vida y la cultura

    en cada uno de los estados de la unin americana.

    Como aperitivo, por primera vez en la historia, un hispano fue el orador de orden en una convencin del par-tido demcrata esta semana. Independientemente del mensaje que el joven alcalde de San Antonio, Texas

    haya compartido con sus co-religionarios y los americanos todos, lo que ms me llam la atencin fue su

    juventud y el hecho de estar acompaado por su hermano gemelo que se ha presentado como candidato al

    congreso por el mismo estado.

    Digo que me llama la atencin porque estas nuevas estrellas en el espacio poltico estadounidense llevan el

    mismo apellido que la gura ms odiada por las ltimas 5 dcadas de la poltica suramericana: Fidel Castro.

    Y de ninguna forma el apellido le ha parado para incrementar su peso poltico, as como ya se anuncia un

    aumento del 4 % de votantes hispanos en las prximas elecciones.

    As como es cierto que llevar un apellido no desacredita a nadie, tambin es cierto que el ser hispano no hace

    mejor ni pero a nadie, al tiempo que ser hispano no implica que el candidato

    represente a los hispanos en general.

    Es mas, me parece un tanto peligroso que un candidato se valga del hecho de ser hispano para ocultar

    su falta de propuestas y plataforma poltica cuando lo que realmente importa es saber qu piensa hacer el

    candidato para mejorar la forma de vida de sus electores o defender sus derechos y lograr sus aspiraciones.Sugiero que veamos con lupa el pasado de quienes nos proponen una opcin de voto, recordando que

    muchos empleos diferentes con poca permanencia en ellos, solo denota una gran inestabilidad y sobre todo

    una enorme ineciencia delatora.

    Mucho recuerdo una ancdota que sucedi aos atrs en el colegio de

    mis hijos. Un hispano se dedicaba a vender drogas y alguien coment que eso no importaba porque haba

    que apoyarle por ser hispano como nosotros. En ese mismo instante dije claramente, yo soy hispano pero no

    vendedor de drogas y eso s no lo acepto yo de nadie, no hay caso de defensa ni lo habr.

    Volviendo a la celebracin de nuestra cultura, lamentamos comunicar que este ao no podr haber festival

    hispano porque aunque se hicieron esfuerzos enromes, no se consigui el apoyo nanciero necesario para

    llevarlo a cabo. Pero tendremos nuestro desle y muchas celebraciones en colegios y centros comunitarios,

    por nuestra parte dedicaremos nuestras pginas a celebrar nuestra historia y nuestra gente.

    On September 15th we begin the celebration of the month of the Hispanic culture in the United States.Hundreds of years, hundreds of contributions, thousands of people who have helped to enrich the life and

    culture in each one of the states of the American Union.

    As an appetizer, for the rst time in history, a Hispanic was the keynote speaker at a convention of the

    Democratic Party this week. Regardless of the message the young mayor of San Antonio, Texas have

    shared with his co-religionists and Americans all, what caught my attention was his youth and the fact of

    being accompanied by his twin brother, who has presented himself as a candidate

    to Congress by the same state.

    It strikes me because these new stars in the American political arena bear the same surname as the most

    hated gure for the last 5 decades of South American politics: Fidel Castro. And by no means his last name

    has prevented him from increasing his political weight; and at the same token it has already been an-

    nounced an increase of 4% of Hispanic voters in the next election.

    While it is true that carrying a surname does not discredit anyone, it is also true that being Hispanic does

    not make anyone better or worse, and also being Hispanic does not imply that the candidate is representing

    Hispanics in general.

    Whats more, it seems a little dangerous for a candidate to take advantage of him being Hispanic to hide his

    lack of political platform and proposals when what really matters is knowing what the candidate intends to do

    to improve the way of life of his constituents or defend their rights and achieve their aspirations.

    I suggest we look closely at the past of whom are proposing us a voting option, remembering that many dif-

    ferent jobs with little permanence only indicates considerable instability and especially

    a huge accusing inefciency.

    I remember an anecdote that happened years ago at my childrens school. A Hispanic was selling drugs and

    someone said it did not matter because we had to support him for being Hispanic like us. At that moment

    I made it clear, Im Hispanic but not drug dealer, and that is something that I will not tolerate from anyone,

    there is no defense case and there will not be.

    Returning to the celebration of our culture, we regret to announce that this year there will be no Hispanic

    festival because although enormous efforts were made, the necessary nancial support to carry it out was

    not achieved. But we will have our parade and many celebrations in schools and community centers, and as

    for us, we will devote our pages to celebrate our history and our people.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    04Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 7 No.15


    Community-based organizations and nonprofit organizations in Delaware are eligible to apply for funding

    for programs that address at least one of the following goals ofA Plan for a Tobacco-Free Delaware:

    Prevent tobacco use among young Delawareans through age 24

    Increase the number of Delawareans who stop using tobacco products

    Reduce routine exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke

    Decrease the social acceptability of tobacco use

    Maintain Delawares position of leadership in comprehensive tobacco prevention to sustain existing

    progress and efforts

    Strengthen and expand indoor air policies

    Implement or expand no smoking policies

    September 13, 2012Deadline for submission of application/proposal

    Additional information and grant applications are available on the American Lung Association website,, or by calling them at 302-737-6414.

    Tobacco Prevention &Control Mini-GrantsAvailable

    These grants are made possible by tobacco settlement

    money from the Delaware Health Fund.


    Division of Public Health

    Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

    No tiene sentido expulsar a jvenes talentosos

    que, en efecto, son americanos

    - Barack Obama

    Qu es la Accin Diferida?

    La Accin Diferida es una nueva poltica que ha sido diseadapor el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) con el n depermitir que ciertas personas que no infringieron las leyes inmi-gratorias intencionalmente continen viviendo y trabajando en losEstados Unidos.Esto signica que los nios que ingresaron ilegalmente y que hancrecido en los Estados Unidos no tuvieron la intencin de infringirlas leyes inmigratorias. Dado que ellos no son responsables por

    lo que sucedi cuando eran pequeos, resulta ilgico que recibansanciones. El DHS ha determinado que es innecesario deportar alos inmigrantes elegibles si cumplen ciertos criterios.Para recibir este benecio, usted debe presentar una solicitudpara recibir la Accin Diferida junto con una solicitud de Autor-izacin de Empleo. Si esto se aprueba, usted podr trabajar enlos Estados Unidos legalmente.Debido a la complejidad del derecho migratorio y a la inauditacantidad de solicitudes, es probable que los formularios sean in-speccionados de cerca por el USCIS, lo cual destaca la importan-cia de trabajar con gente que est familiarizada con lo que, paramuchos, es un formulario muy complicado de seis pginas. Loseventuales errores en las solicitudes, incluida la insuciencia deinformacin, podran alargar el tiempo de espera. Adems, si unsolicitante no puede responder adecuadamente a un pedido delUSCIS de ms informacin, podra denegrsele el benecio.

    Los funcionarios del USCIS que revisan las solicitudes recibirnuna supervisin mnima, otra razn por la que cada caso debeprepararse de manera clara y meticulosa. Una vez denegadas,las solicitudes de la Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infan-cia (DACA por sus siglas en ingls) no pueden apelarse.

    Quines son elegibles para la Accin Diferida?

    Para ser elegible para la Accin Diferida, usted debe:

    Haber llegado a los Estados Unidos antes de los 16 aos deedad;Haber residido en los Estados Unidos por un perodo mnimo decinco aos antes del 15 de junio de 2012 (los viajes cortos fuerade los Estados Unidos por razones humanitarias no afectan esterequisito);

    Ser mayor de 15 aos para presentar la solicitud;No ser mayor de 30 aos de edad;Haberse graduado de la escuela secundaria o equivalente, estarinscrito en la escuela o ser veterano del ejrcito de los EstadosUnidos;Someterse a una vericacin de sus antecedentes y tener unhistorial limpio con respecto a delitos graves, delitos menores(excepto uno o dos delitos menores no signicativos) o cualquierotra evidencia de que usted representa una amenaza para elpas.

    Cules son los documentos que se requieren

    para solicitar la Accin Diferida?

    Cuando solicite la Accin Diferida, deber proporcionar documen-tacin que pruebe que usted calica.

    Para demostrar que usted lleg a los Estados Unidos antes decumplir 16 aos, que ha vivido en el pas durante al menos cincoaos y que estaba presente en el pas al 15 de junio de 2012,usted necesitar:Registros nancieros,Registros mdicos,Registros escolares,Registros de empleo oRegistros militares.

    Para demostrar que usted asiste a la escuela, se ha graduado oest en el ejrcito o cumpli sus funciones con integridad, ustednecesitar:Diploma,Diploma de Escuela Alterna (GED),Libreta de calicaciones,

    Certicados de estudios de la escuela secundaria,

    Informe de Formularios de separacin,Registros de personal militar oRegistros de salud militar.

    Consejos para la presentacin de la solicitud de

    Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia

    Presentar la solicitud para la Accin Diferida para los Llegados enla Infancia implica varios pasos. Es necesario presentar mltiplesformas, pruebas y pagos. Pequeos errores en la preparacinde su solicitud podra dar lugar a que sea rechazada. Por favor,lea estos consejos para evitar que su solicitud se retrase o searechazada debido a errores de presentacin comunes.

    1. Enve por correo todas las formas juntas - Debe enviar lossiguientes formularios en un solo paquete: a. Formulario I-821D,Consideracin de Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infanciab. Formulario I-765, Solicitud de Autorizacin de Empleo c. For-mulario I-765WS, Hoja ExplicativaLea las instrucciones de envo para raticar dnde debe enviarlos formularios basado en el estado en el cual vive. Recuerdeque debe enviarlos a la direccin de PO Box si lo hace a travsdel servicio postal de los EE.UU. Todos los formularios estndisponibles en de forma gratuita. No pague porformularios de USCIS en blanco ya sea en persona o a travs deInternet.2. Firme sus formas - Usted debe rmar tanto el FormularioI-821D como el Formulario I-765. Si alguien le ayuda a llenar losformularios, esa persona tambin debe rmar tanto el FormularioI-812D como el Formulario I-765 en la casilla correspondientedebajo de su rma.3. Escriba su nombre y fecha de nacimiento de la misma maneraen cada formulario - Las variaciones en la apariencia de la infor-macin escrita puede causar retrasos. Por ejemplo, no se debeescribir Jane Doe en una forma y Jane E. Doe en otra forma. Esimportante leer todas las instrucciones de los formularios concuidado.4. Utilice la versin correcta del Formulario I-765 - Siempreasegrese de que tiene la forma ms reciente al presentar susolicitud ante el USCIS. Revise nuestra pgina de Formulariospara descargar la versin ms reciente. Puede descargar todoslos formularios del USCIS y las instrucciones de forma gratuita ennuestro sitio web Use el Formulario I-821D NO el Formulario I-821 El Formu-lario I-821D se utiliza para solicitar la Consideracin de AccinDiferida para los Llegados en la Infancia. El Formulario I-821 esuna forma diferente utilizad para solicitar el Estatus de ProteccinTemporal, un proceso completamente diferente.

    6. NO enve el Formulario I-765 de manera electrnica Lassolicitudes de Consideracin de Accin Diferida no pueden serpresentadas electrnicamente. Debe enviar su paquete porcorreo (Formularios I-821D, I-765, I-765WS, pruebas y pagos) ala correspondiente casilla Lockbox del USCIS.7. Entregue los pagos correctos - El pago para solicitar la Con-sideracin de Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infanciaes de $ 465 y no se puede condonar. Hay exenciones de pagosdisponibles solo en circunstancias limitadas. Puede enviar doscheques separados por $ 380 y $ 85, o un solo cheque de $ 465.8. Conteste todas las preguntas de forma completa y precisa - Siun punto no es aplicable o la respuesta es ninguno, deje enblanco el espacio. Para asegurarse de que su solicitud sea acep-tada para ser procesada, asegrese de completar estos campos

    obligatorios del formulario:Formulario I-821D: Nombre, direccin, fecha de nacimiento For-mulario I-765: Nombre, direccin, fecha de nacimiento, categorade elegibilidad9. Proporcione toda la documentacin requerida y las pruebas -Usted debe presentar todos las pruebas o evidencias requeridasy la documentacin de apoyo. Estos documentos son necesariospara que el USCIS pueda tomar una decisin sobre su solicitud.Por favor, organice y etiquete sus pruebas de acuerdo al requisitoque cubre.10. Si comete un error en un formulario, comience de nuevo conuna forma limpia el USCIS preere que escriba primero sus re-spuestas en el formulario y luego lo imprima. Si est completandoel formulario a mano, utilice tinta color negro. Si comete un error,por favor, empiece de nuevo con una nueva forma. Los esc-neres pueden leer a travs del corrector lquido (tpex) o la cinta

    correctora, lo que podra dar lugar a que la forma se procesecomo incorrecta, y dar lugar a retrasos en el procesamiento o lanegacin de la solicitud.11. Revise cuidadosamente las pautas de edad antes de la pre-sentacin - Si usted nunca ha estado en proceso de deportacin,o sus procedimientos han sido terminado, usted debe tener almenos 15 aos de edad o ms al momento de la presentacin.

    Para ser considerado para la Accin Diferida para los Llegadosen la Infancia, usted no puede haber tenido o haber sido mayorde 31 aos el 15 de junio de 2012.Para asegurarse de que su solicitud sea aceptada para ser proc-esada, es importante que revise su paquete de solicitud completoantes de presentarlo ante el USCIS.Para obtener ms informacin sobre la Consideracin de AccinDiferida para los Llegados en la Infancia, visite

    childhoodarrivals. Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de la present-acin de una solicitud, llame al USCIS al 1-800-375-5283.

    Requisitos Necesarios para la Accin Diferida

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 7 No.15 05


    Requirements forDeferred ActionIt makes no sense to expel talented young people, who, for all intents and pur-

    poses, are Americans.-Barack Obama

    What is Deferred Action?

    Deferred Action is a new policy which has been designed by the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) in order to allow certain people, who did not intentionally infringe the immigration laws,continue to live and work in the United States.This means that children that entered illegally and that have grown up in the United States did nothave the intention of violating immigration laws. Given that they are not responsible for what hap-pened when they were young, it is illogical for them to receive sanctions. DHS has determined that

    it is unnecessary to deport eligible immigrants if they meet certain criteria.To receive this benet, you must submit a request for Deferred Action together with an applicationfor employment authorization. If this is approved, you may work in the United States legally.Due to the complexity of the immigration law and the unprecedented amount of requests, it is likelythat the forms be closely inspected by the USCIS, which stresses the importance of working withpeople who are familiar with what, for many, is a very complicated six-page form. Any errors in theapplication, including the inadequacy of information, could extend the waiting period. In addition, ifan applicant fails to respond properly to an order of the USCIS for more information, he/she couldbe denied the benet.Ofcials from the USCIS that review requests will be under minimal supervision, another reasonwhy each case should be prepared in a clear and meticulous manner. Once denied, Deferred Ac-tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) requests may not be appealed.

    Who is eligible for the Deferred Action?

    To be eligible for Deferred Action, you should:

    Have come to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;Have resided in the United States for a minimum period of ve years as of June 15th, 2012 (shorttrips outside the United States for humanitarian reasons do not affect this requirement);Be 15 years old or older when presenting the application;Not be older than 30 years of age;Have graduated from high school or equivalent, be enrolled in school or be a veteran of the armyof the United States;Undergo a background check and have a clean record for serious crimes, misdemeanors (exceptone or two non-signicant minor offenses) or any other evidence of you posing a threat to thecountry.

    What are the documents required to apply for Deferred Action?

    When requesting Deferred Action, you must provide documentation proving that you qualify.

    To prove that you entered the United States before age 16, have resided in the country for at leastve years and were in the country as of June 15th, 2012, you will need:

    Financial Records,Medical Records,School Records,Employment Records orMilitary Records.

    To prove you attend school, have graduated, are serving in the army or are an honorably dis-charged veteran, you will need:Diploma,General Educational Development (GED) diploma,Transcripts,High School Diploma or Certicate of Completion,Military Report of Separation,Military Personnel Records,Military Health Records.

    Filing Tips: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

    Filing your request for consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals involves severalsteps. You need to submit multiple forms, evidence and fees. Small mistakes in preparing your re-quest could lead to it being rejected. Please read these tips to avoid having your request rejectedor delayed because of common ling errors.

    1. Mail all forms together You must mail the following forms in one package: a. Form I-821D,Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals b. Form I-765, Application for Employ-ment Authorization c. Form I-765WS, WorksheetRead the mailing instructions to see where to mail the forms based on the state you live in. Re-member to send it to the P.O. Box address if mailing through the U.S. Postal Service. All forms areavailable on for free. Do not pay for blank USCIS forms either in person or over theInternet.2. Sign your forms You must sign both your Form I-821D and Form I-765. If someone helps youll out the forms, that person must also sign both Form I-812D and Form I-765 in the designated

    box below your signature.3. Write your name and date of birth the same way on each form Variations in the way informa-

    tion is written can cause delays. For example, you should not write Jane Doe on one form and JaneE. Doe on another form. It is important to read all instructions on the forms carefully.4. Use the correct version of Form I-765 Always make sure you have the most recent form whensubmitting your request with USCIS. Review our Forms page to download the most recent version.You can download all USCIS forms and instructions for free on our website Use Form I-821D NOT Form I-821 Form I-821D is used to request consideration of Deferred

    Action for Childhood Arrivals. Form I-821 is a different form used to apply for Temporary ProtectedStatus, an entirely different process.6. Do NOT e-le Form I-765 Requests for consideration of Deferred Action cannot be e-led.You must mail your package (Forms I-821D, I-765, I-765WS, evidence and fees) to the appropriateUSCIS Lockbox.7. Submit correct fees The fee to request consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is$465 and cannot be waived. There are fee exemptions available only in limited circumstances. Youmay submit separate checks of $380 and $85, or one single check of $465.8. Answer all questions completely and accurately If an item is not applicable or the answer isnone, leave the space blank. To ensure your request is accepted for processing, be sure to com-

    plete these required form elds:Form I-821D: Name, Address, Date of Birth Form I-765: Name, Address, Date of Birth, EligibilityCategory9. Provide all required supporting documentation and evidence You must submit all required evi-dence and supporting documentation. These documents are required for USCIS to make a decisionon your request. Please organize and label your evidence by the guideline it meets.10. If you make an error on a form, start over with a clean form USCIS prefers that you type youranswers into the form and then print it. If you are lling out your form by hand, use black ink. If youmake a mistake, please start over with a new form. Scanners will see through white out or correctiontape and this could lead to the form being processed as incorrect, and lead to processing delays ordenial.11. Carefully review age guidelines before ling If you have never been in removal proceedings, oryour proceedings have been terminated, you must be at least 15 years of age or older at the time ofling.

    To be considered for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, you cannot be the age of 31 or older as

    of June 15, 2012.To ensure that your request is accepted for processing, it is important that you review your entirerequest package before you le with USCIS.For more information on consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, visit If you have questions about ling a request, please call USCIS at 1-800-375-5283.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process



    www.e Dawar 07 d Spmr 2012 Vo 7 No.15


    Un Punod Vsa

    A MarOf Vw

    | Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

    [ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]ObAMA AND ROMNey NeeD tO Get ReAl ONJObS POlicyIts a testament to how bad the American employment market has gotten that themost recent jobs report was met with applause.The Labor Departments July jobs gures showed that employers added 163,000new workers last month. That exceeds what most forecasters were predicting. Butits only barely enough to keep up with population growth. And the overall unemploy-ment rate actually increased slightly, to about 8.3 percent.Jobs have been and will continue to be the most important issue to voters come

    November. A new Gallup/USA TODAY poll nds that 92 percent of likely voters ratecreating good jobs as either a very important or extremely important priorityfor the next president. That was a full ve points ahead of the second most popularissue (reducing corruption in government).The issue has bipartisan salience. Unlike healthcare reform or tax cuts, creatinggood jobs is a high priority for Democrats and Republicans alike, with 48 percent ofeach ranking it as extremely important.

    And yet neither Obama nor Romney has provided anything remotely resembling arobust, detailed policy package for spurring job grow and getting the employmentmarket back on track.Sure, Romney has his 59-Point economic plan. But he hasnt done much to marketit. No one has read it. And while the plan itself does contain some sensible policyreforms - cutting corporate tax rates and expanding domestic energy production, forexample - it mostly just nibbles around the edges.The President did actually present jobs legislation to Congress. But while it includedsome smart reforms, it was too limited. And it went nowhere.

    A smart, specic set of pro-jobs policies now could win the presidency.Here are the two Id start with. Theyre palatable to the base of both parties andwould generate widespread public support.First, prioritize and pass pending trade deals. Scaling back trade barriers makes

    it easier for foreign countries to buy American-made products, boosting domesticbusinesses and stirring job growth. US rms get access to cheaper foreign goods,leaving more money to invest in their domestic operations and grow their work-forces.The Trans-Pacic Partnership Agreement (TPP) between the US and key Asia-Pa-cic economies is undergoing its next round of negotiations in a few weeks in Lees-burg, Virginia. This is the kind of agreement the candidates should be promoting.

    Among other things, the TPP establishes strong, universal patent protections forinnovative industries like technology and pharmaceuticals. Reaching agreement onTPP would incentivize the next generation of breakthrough ideas - and all the new

    jobs that come with them.Same goes for the African Growth and Opportunity Act, a free trade bill between ourtwo continents that just passed the Senate and House.Second, a pro-jobs move for Romney or Obama would be to stand rmly againstblind, across-the-board cuts in Medicare and other public insurance programs.Lately, this kind of reform has become distressingly popular. Instead of doing thehard work of identifying and eliminating the parts of these programs that are genu-inely wasteful, policymakers are just pushing for huge, brainless cuts.Obamas health bill creates a new Medicare advisory board that will soon startbringing down program expenses with massive cuts in physician reimbursements

    completely insensitive to the quality of care provided. Similarly, Congress is consid-

    ering brute-force cuts in Part B and Part D.These plans arent just dangerous to patient health - theyre dangerous to jobgrowth. For many hospitals and doctors ofces, public insurance is an importantsource of revenue. If payments from these programs dry up, providers could beforced to scale back or even close operations, laying off nurses, physician assis-tants, technicians, and others in the process.Theres a lot of work to be done in Washington to make American workers wholeafter years of job stagnation. No more sloganeering and vague promises. Obamaand Romney need to start getting specic.

    Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist, Fox News contributor,and author of several books including the recently released, Hope-lessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What It

    Means for 2012 and Beyond (Rowman and Littleeld).

    RePUblicAN cONVeNtiON

    Ann Romney during the Republican Convention You are the best of American...Wow... Only the republicans are the best of USA???Oh, yes she try to connect with single mothers.. (Not very good at it). No connec-tion, no motivation. We have a real marriage, she said... What does that mean?.She later said: No one care more? (referring to Romney) Really?? Care aboutwho? Attack in Romney success? He has more negative advertisement aboutPresident Obama than what he promise he can do for the country. By the way theConvention looks more like Romney than the average America. Is the convention

    representative in how his government cabinet is going to look like? God save us.Governor Chris ChristieI havent always agree with him but his passion is admirable and I respect him forit. The man can deliver a great speech. Our leaders should work togetherI agree with him and I agree that he has done a great bipartisan job in New Jerseybut our current Congress has forget to negotiate anymore so it took 2 years to ap-prove 1 bill in Health Care Reform and another to conrm it (which by the way is asimilar bill that Romney proudly create, sponsor and sign in his state when he wasgovernor) Mr. Christie talk about bipartisan work is his state, however, he wentback to say that Republicans are the ones who hold the truth... He came back tobe and repeat the same speech that Republicans have been saying all night long(I guess he has to) Reach compromise? Sure, in your state not in Congress wherethe majority is Republicans and they have made every effort to block every singlepiece of legislation that has come from President Obama. People will think that Iam totally bias. Maybe, because I do believe in Social Responsibility (that is why Ido what I do every day working with people who work hard but are poor) but whatI have stated it is not far from the truth and those are facts. It is not a good feelingwhen your best choice is the best between two bad choices. Will see. God protectand guide this great Nation!

    Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo

    camos n ursoEn mis cincuenta aos de existencia, hay una cosa que s con certeza y es que la vida es constanteen cuanto a los cambios en curso. Esperemos que los cambios vividos sean para bien y para elaprendizaje y el crecimiento que tenemos que hacer para vivir una vida a plenitud para ver converti-dos en realidad nuestras metas y sueos.

    Ayer por la noche, despus de ver y escuchar el discurso de orden televisado de Julin Castro,Alcalde de la Ciudad de San Antonio, Texas, en la Convencin Nacional Demcrata en Charlotte,Carolina del Norte, sent mucho orgullo por lo que l representaba. He aqu un joven de treintay tantos aos de edad, hombre profesional, exitoso latino que comparti su historia deretos y sueos. Una historia que es tan familiar para m en ms de una manera. Suhistoria represent las historias de xito de muchos de mis amigos latinos. Hablde su abuela y su madre y todas las luchas que sufrieron con el n de alcanzarlas metas y sueos que su madre y su abuela se haban trazado muchos aosantes que l.Luego, fue el turno de Michelle Obama para dirigirse a la audiencia, y tengoque decir, esta mujer tiene tanto carisma. Con sus palabras salidas del corazn,fue capaz de conectar con su pblico de una manera que fue fcil para muchosidenticarse. Ella tambin comparti su historia. Una historia llena de esperanzas,sueos y metas que tambin fueron hechas por sus padres muchos aos antesque ella existiera.El tema comn en estos dos discursos, era que sus padres queran una vida mejor parasus hijos. Una vida con mayores oportunidades y es por eso que este pas atrae a tantos,porque es el pas de innitas posibilidades. La Primera Dama tambin habl con cario de sumarido, nuestro Presidente, y estas palabras me conmovieron cuando hablaba de l Ser presidenteno cambia quin eres, sino mas bien revela quin eres, me encant! Cuntas personas realmenteconoces para quienes su pasin de trabajo de toda la v ida verdaderamente revela la esencia de lapersona que ha sido destinada a ser? Yo creo que para m, mi papel como madre revel lo que yoera en una forma en la que yo nunca me vi a m misma. Es por eso que verdaderamente entiendo yaprecio sus palabras. Estoy todava indecisa en cuanto a cmo debera votar este ao, porque creoque no votar no es la respuesta y los cambios en general puede tomar tiempo, sacricio y paciencia.Quedan un par de meses antes de las elecciones, espero que pueda decidirme. Es muy interesantever cmo hay tanta atencin hacia las mujeres y el voto latino. Despus de todo, supongo que porn se han dado cuenta de que nos hemos convertido en una potencia en s misma.

    Ongong changsIn my fty years of existence, there is one thing I know for sure and that is that life is constant ofongoing changes. Hopefully, the changes lived are for the better and for the learning and growth we

    need to make in order to live a life at plenitude in orderto make and see a reality our goals and dreams.

    Last night, after watching and listening the televised keynote address of Julian Castro, Mayor of theCity of San Antonio, TX, at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC; I felt

    much pride for what he represented. Here is a young thirty-something year oldprofessional, successful Latino man that shared his story of challenges and

    dreams. A story that is so familiar to me in many ways than one. His storyrepresented the stories of successes of many of my Latinos friends. Hespoke about his grandmother and his mother and all the struggles theyendured in order to reach goals and dreams that were set on course by

    his mother and grandmother many years before him.

    Then, it was Michelle Obamas turn to address the audience, and I haveto say, this woman has so much charisma. With her heart felt words, she

    was able to engage her audience in a way that was relatable by many. Shetoo shared her story. A story lled with hopes, dreams and goals that were

    also made by her parents many years before her. The common theme on thosetwo speeches was that their parents wanted a better life for their children. A life with

    greater opportunities and that is why this country attracts so many, because it is the countryof endless possibilities. The First Lady also spoke lovingly about her husband, our President and

    these words stayed with me when she spoke about him Being president does not change who youare, it reveals who you are, loved it! How many people do you truly know that their lives work pas-sion truly reveals the essence of the person they are meant to be? I found that for me, my role as a

    mother revealed who I was in a way I never saw myself to be. That is why I can truly understand andappreciate her words. I am still on the fence as to how should I vote this year, because I believe thatnot voting is not the answer and changes in general can take time, sacrice and patience. There are

    a couple of months left before Election Day; hopefully I can make up my mind. It is very interesting tosee how there is so much focus towards the Women and the Latino vote. After all, I am guessing that

    they have nally realized that we have become a power of our own.

    leFtiSt, RADicAl teXAS KeyNOte SPeecH?By Raoul Lowery Contreras

    Israel-hating Democrat Convention goers outshouted pro-Israeli colleagues, when-out-of-the-blue Platform amendments were offered (At President Obamas personal request)Wednesday afternoon to amend the ofcial Party Platform.

    One reinserted the word GOD that had been dropped from the platform despite pres-ence in past platforms. The other was recognizing Jerusalem as Israels capitol that tradition-ally has been in party platforms but was dropped from this one.

    Two embarrassments hit the convention this day: One, Israel-hating and God-hatingdelegates clearly defeated by voice vote the platform amendments to recognize Jerusalem asIsraels capitol and to reinsert GOD into the Platform.

    There was a far worse embarrassment to the Party and to Convention Chairman, LosAngeles Mayor Antonio (I cant pass the Bar Exam) Villar Aigosa as he conducted voice votenumber one, which obviously lost. He called for a second voice vote a yes or no vote anddeclared a two-thirds afrmative vote was necessary to pass. The nos were clearly more thana third, probably 50% or more the second time.

    Looking like a headlight-blinded tiny deer, Villar Aigosa stood there frozen, grim-faced,eyes darting around looking for help. This featured Mexican American front man for the Demo-crat Plantation had no idea what to do with an obvious NO voice vote. It was painful to watch.

    He started to say in the opinion of the Chair, then, he stopped and said I guessAfter a few seconds instructions came through a lady who walked up and told him what

    to do probably directly from President Obama. He called for another voice vote with a two-thirds majority required to pass the amendments.

    Once again, the Nos carried the vote. Villar Aigosa looked out over a predominatelyNo crowd and declared that the Ayes having two thirds of the votes, the amendments pass.

    What BS! If it had been any other Democrat this wouldnt matter much. However, follow-ing the convention keynote speech by San Antonio Mexican American Mayor Julian Castro byjust hours, Mexican American Villar Aigosa looked like a fool.

    Castro did not look too foolish. He looked like he had never spoken to a large audience.He grinned throughout the entire speech, though, which, by itself, made him look a little foolishbut not as foolish as Antonio V.

    His speech was so-so. His familys story saved the speech. His attacks on Mitt Romneyand Paul Ryan were ludicrous. He lied about Romney/Ryan plans. In a word, Julian Castro isfull of crap AKA Democrat talking points. Did he save Marco Rubios Bad President? Did hereect political introspection Like Governor Susan Martinez did At the GOP convention?

    Did he talk about the future? No. Did he talk about saving Medicare? No. Did he talkabout raising education quality? No. Did he talk about creating 12 million jobs? No. Did he tellus how the taxpayers have sunk over $20 billion dollars into General Motors which, Obamaclaims is an Administration achievement? No. Did he tell us how Obama would trim millions

    of people receiving government welfare/food stamp benets off of welfare? No. Did he lamentthat one-in-ve Hispanics are out of work or work part-time? No. Did he lament Obamas bro-

    ken promise to create Comprehensive Immigration Reform in his rst year? No. Did he notethat Obamas health insurance scheme is abhorred by a majority of Americans? No.

    His grandmother arrival from Mexico as a child and how she worked all her life; hismother being the familys r st to attend college -- appealed to me. To this, I say, however...Isnt that the story of many who came from Mexico? His grandmother cleaned houses andbaby sat. My great-grandmother worked in tuna packing plants on San Diego Bay, while my17-year-old mother brought to the U.S. a 3 year-old-boy and her 8th grade education andfound work despite not speaking a word of English.

    Castros mother has been generously described as a political activist by a fawning/friendly media. They and Julian leave out a critical fact of his mothers political background.She was not a mainstream or even liberal Democrat. Unlike my mother who was a Californiamainstream-elected-Democrat ofcial for almost three decades, Castros mother was a radicalleftist revolutionary and that is how she brought up her sons. To a trained ear, it was apparentin his speech.

    She was of La Raza Unida, the leftist radical Chicano political party based in CrystalCity, Texas (The Spinach Capitol of the World), that ran candidates for Texas ofce but wononly some local ofces. La Raza twice ran a gubernatorial candidate who was convicted ofdrug charges and sent to prison. The party disappeared.

    Hispanic men love their mothers despite their politics. I know. We wonder how much of

    Julians politics were inuenced by his mother.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 7 No.15 05


    Requirements forDeferred ActionIt makes no sense to expel talented young people, who, for all intents and pur-

    poses, are Americans.-Barack Obama

    What is Deferred Action?

    Deferred Action is a new policy which has been designed by the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) in order to allow certain people, who did not intentionally infringe the immigration laws,continue to live and work in the United States.This means that children that entered illegally and that have grown up in the United States did nothave the intention of violating immigration laws. Given that they are not responsible for what hap-pened when they were young, it is illogical for them to receive sanctions. DHS has determined that

    it is unnecessary to deport eligible immigrants if they meet certain criteria.To receive this benet, you must submit a request for Deferred Action together with an applicationfor employment authorization. If this is approved, you may work in the United States legally.Due to the complexity of the immigration law and the unprecedented amount of requests, it is likelythat the forms be closely inspected by the USCIS, which stresses the importance of working withpeople who are familiar with what, for many, is a very complicated six-page form. Any errors in theapplication, including the inadequacy of information, could extend the waiting period. In addition, ifan applicant fails to respond properly to an order of the USCIS for more information, he/she couldbe denied the benet.Ofcials from the USCIS that review requests will be under minimal supervision, another reasonwhy each case should be prepared in a clear and meticulous manner. Once denied, Deferred Ac-tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) requests may not be appealed.

    Who is eligible for the Deferred Action?

    To be eligible for Deferred Action, you should:

    Have come to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;Have resided in the United States for a minimum period of ve years as of June 15th, 2012 (shorttrips outside the United States for humanitarian reasons do not affect this requirement);Be 15 years old or older when presenting the application;Not be older than 30 years of age;Have graduated from high school or equivalent, be enrolled in school or be a veteran of the armyof the United States;Undergo a background check and have a clean record for serious crimes, misdemeanors (exceptone or two non-signicant minor offenses) or any other evidence of you posing a threat to thecountry.

    What are the documents required to apply for Deferred Action?

    When requesting Deferred Action, you must provide documentation proving that you qualify.

    To prove that you entered the United States before age 16, have resided in the country for at leastve years and were in the country as of June 15th, 2012, you will need:

    Financial Records,Medical Records,School Records,Employment Records orMilitary Records.

    To prove you attend school, have graduated, are serving in the army or are an honorably dis-charged veteran, you will need:Diploma,General Educational Development (GED) diploma,Transcripts,High School Diploma or Certicate of Completion,Military Report of Separation,Military Personnel Records,Military Health Records.

    Filing Tips: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

    Filing your request for consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals involves severalsteps. You need to submit multiple forms, evidence and fees. Small mistakes in preparing your re-quest could lead to it being rejected. Please read these tips to avoid having your request rejectedor delayed because of common ling errors.

    1. Mail all forms together You must mail the following forms in one package: a. Form I-821D,Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals b. Form I-765, Application for Employ-ment Authorization c. Form I-765WS, WorksheetRead the mailing instructions to see where to mail the forms based on the state you live in. Re-member to send it to the P.O. Box address if mailing through the U.S. Postal Service. All forms areavailable on for free. Do not pay for blank USCIS forms either in person or over theInternet.2. Sign your forms You must sign both your Form I-821D and Form I-765. If someone helps youll out the forms, that person must also sign both Form I-812D and Form I-765 in the designated

    box below your signature.3. Write your name and date of birth the same way on each form Variations in the way informa-

    tion is written can cause delays. For example, you should not write Jane Doe on one form and JaneE. Doe on another form. It is important to read all instructions on the forms carefully.4. Use the correct version of Form I-765 Always make sure you have the most recent form whensubmitting your request with USCIS. Review our Forms page to download the most recent version.You can download all USCIS forms and instructions for free on our website Use Form I-821D NOT Form I-821 Form I-821D is used to request consideration of Deferred

    Action for Childhood Arrivals. Form I-821 is a different form used to apply for Temporary ProtectedStatus, an entirely different process.6. Do NOT e-le Form I-765 Requests for consideration of Deferred Action cannot be e-led.You must mail your package (Forms I-821D, I-765, I-765WS, evidence and fees) to the appropriateUSCIS Lockbox.7. Submit correct fees The fee to request consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is$465 and cannot be waived. There are fee exemptions available only in limited circumstances. Youmay submit separate checks of $380 and $85, or one single check of $465.8. Answer all questions completely and accurately If an item is not applicable or the answer isnone, leave the space blank. To ensure your request is accepted for processing, be sure to com-

    plete these required form elds:Form I-821D: Name, Address, Date of Birth Form I-765: Name, Address, Date of Birth, EligibilityCategory9. Provide all required supporting documentation and evidence You must submit all required evi-dence and supporting documentation. These documents are required for USCIS to make a decisionon your request. Please organize and label your evidence by the guideline it meets.10. If you make an error on a form, start over with a clean form USCIS prefers that you type youranswers into the form and then print it. If you are lling out your form by hand, use black ink. If youmake a mistake, please start over with a new form. Scanners will see through white out or correctiontape and this could lead to the form being processed as incorrect, and lead to processing delays ordenial.11. Carefully review age guidelines before ling If you have never been in removal proceedings, oryour proceedings have been terminated, you must be at least 15 years of age or older at the time ofling.

    To be considered for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, you cannot be the age of 31 or older as

    of June 15, 2012.To ensure that your request is accepted for processing, it is important that you review your entirerequest package before you le with USCIS.For more information on consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, visit If you have questions about ling a request, please call USCIS at 1-800-375-5283.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process



    www.e Dawar 07 d Spmr 2012 Vo 7 No.15


    Un Punod Vsa

    A MarOf Vw

    | Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

    [ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]ObAMA AND ROMNey NeeD tO Get ReAl ONJObS POlicyIts a testament to how bad the American employment market has gotten that themost recent jobs report was met with applause.The Labor Departments July jobs gures showed that employers added 163,000new workers last month. That exceeds what most forecasters were predicting. Butits only barely enough to keep up with population growth. And the overall unemploy-ment rate actually increased slightly, to about 8.3 percent.Jobs have been and will continue to be the most important issue to voters come

    November. A new Gallup/USA TODAY poll nds that 92 percent of likely voters ratecreating good jobs as either a very important or extremely important priorityfor the next president. That was a full ve points ahead of the second most popularissue (reducing corruption in government).The issue has bipartisan salience. Unlike healthcare reform or tax cuts, creatinggood jobs is a high priority for Democrats and Republicans alike, with 48 percent ofeach ranking it as extremely important.

    And yet neither Obama nor Romney has provided anything remotely resembling arobust, detailed policy package for spurring job grow and getting the employmentmarket back on track.Sure, Romney has his 59-Point economic plan. But he hasnt done much to marketit. No one has read it. And while the plan itself does contain some sensible policyreforms - cutting corporate tax rates and expanding domestic energy production, forexample - it mostly just nibbles around the edges.The President did actually present jobs legislation to Congress. But while it includedsome smart reforms, it was too limited. And it went nowhere.

    A smart, specic set of pro-jobs policies now could win the presidency.Here are the two Id start with. Theyre palatable to the base of both parties andwould generate widespread public support.First, prioritize and pass pending trade deals. Scaling back trade barriers makes

    it easier for foreign countries to buy American-made products, boosting domesticbusinesses and stirring job growth. US rms get access to cheaper foreign goods,leaving more money to invest in their domestic operations and grow their work-forces.The Trans-Pacic Partnership Agreement (TPP) between the US and key Asia-Pa-cic economies is undergoing its next round of negotiations in a few weeks in Lees-burg, Virginia. This is the kind of agreement the candidates should be promoting.

    Among other things, the TPP establishes strong, universal patent protections forinnovative industries like technology and pharmaceuticals. Reaching agreement onTPP would incentivize the next generation of breakthrough ideas - and all the new

    jobs that come with them.Same goes for the African Growth and Opportunity Act, a free trade bill between ourtwo continents that just passed the Senate and House.Second, a pro-jobs move for Romney or Obama would be to stand rmly againstblind, across-the-board cuts in Medicare and other public insurance programs.Lately, this kind of reform has become distressingly popular. Instead of doing thehard work of identifying and eliminating the parts of these programs that are genu-inely wasteful, policymakers are just pushing for huge, brainless cuts.Obamas health bill creates a new Medicare advisory board that will soon startbringing down program expenses with massive cuts in physician reimbursements

    completely insensitive to the quality of care provided. Similarly, Congress is consid-

    ering brute-force cuts in Part B and Part D.These plans arent just dangerous to patient health - theyre dangerous to jobgrowth. For many hospitals and doctors ofces, public insurance is an importantsource of revenue. If payments from these programs dry up, providers could beforced to scale back or even close operations, laying off nurses, physician assis-tants, technicians, and others in the process.Theres a lot of work to be done in Washington to make American workers wholeafter years of job stagnation. No more sloganeering and vague promises. Obamaand Romney need to start getting specic.

    Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist, Fox News contributor,and author of several books including the recently released, Hope-lessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What It

    Means for 2012 and Beyond (Rowman and Littleeld).

    RePUblicAN cONVeNtiON

    Ann Romney during the Republican Convention You are the best of American...Wow... Only the republicans are the best of USA???Oh, yes she try to connect with single mothers.. (Not very good at it). No connec-tion, no motivation. We have a real marriage, she said... What does that mean?.She later said: No one care more? (referring to Romney) Really?? Care aboutwho? Attack in Romney success? He has more negative advertisement aboutPresident Obama than what he promise he can do for the country. By the way theConvention looks more like Romney than the average America. Is the convention

    representative in how his government cabinet is going to look like? God save us.Governor Chris ChristieI havent always agree with him but his passion is admirable and I respect him forit. The man can deliver a great speech. Our leaders should work togetherI agree with him and I agree that he has done a great bipartisan job in New Jerseybut our current Congress has forget to negotiate anymore so it took 2 years to ap-prove 1 bill in Health Care Reform and another to conrm it (which by the way is asimilar bill that Romney proudly create, sponsor and sign in his state when he wasgovernor) Mr. Christie talk about bipartisan work is his state, however, he wentback to say that Republicans are the ones who hold the truth... He came back tobe and repeat the same speech that Republicans have been saying all night long(I guess he has to) Reach compromise? Sure, in your state not in Congress wherethe majority is Republicans and they have made every effort to block every singlepiece of legislation that has come from President Obama. People will think that Iam totally bias. Maybe, because I do believe in Social Responsibility (that is why Ido what I do every day working with people who work hard but are poor) but whatI have stated it is not far from the truth and those are facts. It is not a good feelingwhen your best choice is the best between two bad choices. Will see. God protectand guide this great Nation!

    Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo

    camos n ursoEn mis cincuenta aos de existencia, hay una cosa que s con certeza y es que la vida es constanteen cuanto a los cambios en curso. Esperemos que los cambios vividos sean para bien y para elaprendizaje y el crecimiento que tenemos que hacer para vivir una vida a plenitud para ver converti-dos en realidad nuestras metas y sueos.

    Ayer por la noche, despus de ver y escuchar el discurso de orden televisado de Julin Castro,Alcalde de la Ciudad de San Antonio, Texas, en la Convencin Nacional Demcrata en Charlotte,Carolina del Norte, sent mucho orgullo por lo que l representaba. He aqu un joven de treintay tantos aos de edad, hombre profesional, exitoso latino que comparti su historia deretos y sueos. Una historia que es tan familiar para m en ms de una manera. Suhistoria represent las historias de xito de muchos de mis amigos latinos. Hablde su abuela y su madre y todas las luchas que sufrieron con el n de alcanzarlas metas y sueos que su madre y su abuela se haban trazado muchos aosantes que l.Luego, fue el turno de Michelle Obama para dirigirse a la audiencia, y tengoque decir, esta mujer tiene tanto carisma. Con sus palabras salidas del corazn,fue capaz de conectar con su pblico de una manera que fue fcil para muchosidenticarse. Ella tambin comparti su historia. Una historia llena de esperanzas,sueos y metas que tambin fueron hechas por sus padres muchos aos antesque ella existiera.El tema comn en estos dos discursos, era que sus padres queran una vida mejor parasus hijos. Una vida con mayores oportunidades y es por eso que este pas atrae a tantos,porque es el pas de innitas posibilidades. La Primera Dama tambin habl con cario de sumarido, nuestro Presidente, y estas palabras me conmovieron cuando hablaba de l Ser presidenteno cambia quin eres, sino mas bien revela quin eres, me encant! Cuntas personas realmenteconoces para quienes su pasin de trabajo de toda la v ida verdaderamente revela la esencia de lapersona que ha sido destinada a ser? Yo creo que para m, mi papel como madre revel lo que yoera en una forma en la que yo nunca me vi a m misma. Es por eso que verdaderamente entiendo yaprecio sus palabras. Estoy todava indecisa en cuanto a cmo debera votar este ao, porque creoque no votar no es la respuesta y los cambios en general puede tomar tiempo, sacricio y paciencia.Quedan un par de meses antes de las elecciones, espero que pueda decidirme. Es muy interesantever cmo hay tanta atencin hacia las mujeres y el voto latino. Despus de todo, supongo que porn se han dado cuenta de que nos hemos convertido en una potencia en s misma.

    Ongong changsIn my fty years of existence, there is one thing I know for sure and that is that life is constant ofongoing changes. Hopefully, the changes lived are for the better and for the learning and growth we

    need to make in order to live a life at plenitude in orderto make and see a reality our goals and dreams.

    Last night, after watching and listening the televised keynote address of Julian Castro, Mayor of theCity of San Antonio, TX, at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC; I felt

    much pride for what he represented. Here is a young thirty-something year oldprofessional, successful Latino man that shared his story of challenges and

    dreams. A story that is so familiar to me in many ways than one. His storyrepresented the stories of successes of many of my Latinos friends. Hespoke about his grandmother and his mother and all the struggles theyendured in order to reach goals and dreams that were set on course by

    his mother and grandmother many years before him.

    Then, it was Michelle Obamas turn to address the audience, and I haveto say, this woman has so much charisma. With her heart felt words, she

    was able to engage her audience in a way that was relatable by many. Shetoo shared her story. A story lled with hopes, dreams and goals that were

    also made by her parents many years before her. The common theme on thosetwo speeches was that their parents wanted a better life for their children. A life with

    greater opportunities and that is why this country attracts so many, because it is the countryof endless possibilities. The First Lady also spoke lovingly about her husband, our President and

    these words stayed with me when she spoke about him Being president does not change who youare, it reveals who you are, loved it! How many people do you truly know that their lives work pas-sion truly reveals the essence of the person they are meant to be? I found that for me, my role as a

    mother revealed who I was in a way I never saw myself to be. That is why I can truly understand andappreciate her words. I am still on the fence as to how should I vote this year, because I believe thatnot voting is not the answer and changes in general can take time, sacrice and patience. There are

    a couple of months left before Election Day; hopefully I can make up my mind. It is very interesting tosee how there is so much focus towards the Women and the Latino vote. After all, I am guessing that

    they have nally realized that we have become a power of our own.

    leFtiSt, RADicAl teXAS KeyNOte SPeecH?By Raoul Lowery Contreras

    Israel-hating Democrat Convention goers outshouted pro-Israeli colleagues, when-out-of-the-blue Platform amendments were offered (At President Obamas personal request)Wednesday afternoon to amend the ofcial Party Platform.

    One reinserted the word GOD that had been dropped from the platform despite pres-ence in past platforms. The other was recognizing Jerusalem as Israels capitol that tradition-ally has been in party platforms but was dropped from this one.

    Two embarrassments hit the convention this day: One, Israel-hating and God-hatingdelegates clearly defeated by voice vote the platform amendments to recognize Jerusalem asIsraels capitol and to reinsert GOD into the Platform.

    There was a far worse embarrassment to the Party and to Convention Chairman, LosAngeles Mayor Antonio (I cant pass the Bar Exam) Villar Aigosa as he conducted voice votenumber one, which obviously lost. He called for a second voice vote a yes or no vote anddeclared a two-thirds afrmative vote was necessary to pass. The nos were clearly more thana third, probably 50% or more the second time.

    Looking like a headlight-blinded tiny deer, Villar Aigosa stood there frozen, grim-faced,eyes darting around looking for help. This featured Mexican American front man for the Demo-crat Plantation had no idea what to do with an obvious NO voice vote. It was painful to watch.

    He started to say in the opinion of the Chair, then, he stopped and said I guessAfter a few seconds instructions came through a lady who walked up and told him what

    to do probably directly from President Obama. He called for another voice vote with a two-thirds majority required to pass the amendments.

    Once again, the Nos carried the vote. Villar Aigosa looked out over a predominatelyNo crowd and declared that the Ayes having two thirds of the votes, the amendments pass.

    What BS! If it had been any other Democrat this wouldnt matter much. However, follow-ing the convention keynote speech by San Antonio Mexican American Mayor Julian Castro byjust hours, Mexican American Villar Aigosa looked like a fool.

    Castro did not look too foolish. He looked like he had never spoken to a large audience.He grinned throughout the entire speech, though, which, by itself, made him look a little foolishbut not as foolish as Antonio V.

    His speech was so-so. His familys story saved the speech. His attacks on Mitt Romneyand Paul Ryan were ludicrous. He lied about Romney/Ryan plans. In a word, Julian Castro isfull of crap AKA Democrat talking points. Did he save Marco Rubios Bad President? Did hereect political introspection Like Governor Susan Martinez did At the GOP convention?

    Did he talk about the future? No. Did he talk about saving Medicare? No. Did he talkabout raising education quality? No. Did he talk about creating 12 million jobs? No. Did he tellus how the taxpayers have sunk over $20 billion dollars into General Motors which, Obamaclaims is an Administration achievement? No. Did he tell us how Obama would trim millions

    of people receiving government welfare/food stamp benets off of welfare? No. Did he lamentthat one-in-ve Hispanics are out of work or work part-time? No. Did he lament Obamas bro-

    ken promise to create Comprehensive Immigration Reform in his rst year? No. Did he notethat Obamas health insurance scheme is abhorred by a majority of Americans? No.

    His grandmother arrival from Mexico as a child and how she worked all her life; hismother being the familys r st to attend college -- appealed to me. To this, I say, however...Isnt that the story of many who came from Mexico? His grandmother cleaned houses andbaby sat. My great-grandmother worked in tuna packing plants on San Diego Bay, while my17-year-old mother brought to the U.S. a 3 year-old-boy and her 8th grade education andfound work despite not speaking a word of English.

    Castros mother has been generously described as a political activist by a fawning/friendly media. They and Julian leave out a critical fact of his mothers political background.She was not a mainstream or even liberal Democrat. Unlike my mother who was a Californiamainstream-elected-Democrat ofcial for almost three decades, Castros mother was a radicalleftist revolutionary and that is how she brought up her sons. To a trained ear, it was apparentin his speech.

    She was of La Raza Unida, the leftist radical Chicano political party based in CrystalCity, Texas (The Spinach Capitol of the World), that ran candidates for Texas ofce but wononly some local ofces. La Raza twice ran a gubernatorial candidate who was convicted ofdrug charges and sent to prison. The party disappeared.

    Hispanic men love their mothers despite their politics. I know. We wonder how much of

    Julians politics were inuenced by his mother.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process




    ltiempohispano.comDelaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14



    Abogada de Inmigracin No E





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    e Ho


    No Esperes que haya

    una Reforma Migratoria para Realizar

    tu Sueo Americano

    Djame Ayudar

    te Hoy

    1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE, 19801Tel/Phone: 302-295-4850 Fax: 302-371-9788

    Website: Email: [email protected]

    CiudadanaVisas de Trabajo H 1B

    Y H2BVisas Especiales

    Visas paraMatrimonio

    y FamiliasCartas de Perdn

    Defensa en casos de DeportacinVisas Profesionales yde InversionistasProcesos Consulares


    Atendemos Clientes en DE, PA, NJ, MD y en toda la Nacin

    Nina QureshiA B O G A D A DE I N M I G R A C I O N

    Licencia y AccionDiferidaAlgunos gobernadores de estado han vetado que se les conceda la

    licencia de manejar a los jvenes beneciarios del DACA.

    No es el caso de Delaware en donde, de acuerdo a la Divisin de Vehculos

    Motores, esto es lo que pasa:

    Las personas podrn solicitar una licencia o tarjeta de identicacin Delaware si son capaces de

    demostrar su presencia legal. Por ejemplo, debern aportar documentacin, tales como una tarjeta

    de autorizacin de empleo, tarjeta de seguro social de la Administracin del Seguro Social, y dos

    comprobantes de residencia. No se les calicarn diciendo simplemente que ellos estn bajo el

    proceso de Accin Diferida.

    La nica manera de que un individuo a quien se la ha concedido la Accin Diferida sea capaz de

    obtener una licencia o identicacin de Delaware es si l o ella tiene los documentos de USCIS que

    demuestren que su presencia legal y vlida. Los documentos deben tener un nmero de Extranjero

    (Alien#) o un nmero de la I-94 con fecha de vencimiento de por lo menos 60 das. Vericamos

    todos los documentos a travs de USCIS y no podemos emitir una licencia o tarjeta de identicacin

    hasta que recibamos la aprobacin a travs de ellos. Por lo tanto, siempre y cuando USCIS verique

    que los documentos de la persona son legtimos y que la persona que est aqu legalmente, puede

    solicitar una licencia o tarjeta de identicacin.

    Amy M. Anthony, Supervisora de Servicios de Vehculos Motores - Divisin de

    Vehculos Motores de Delaware

    License and DACASome state governors have vetoed the driver license to be granted to the

    young beneciaries of DACA.This is not the case in Delaware, where according to the Division of Motor Vehicles, this is what


    Individual will be able to apply for a Delaware license or ID card if they are able to prove legal

    presence. For example, they must provide documentation such as an employment authorization

    card, social security card

    from the Social Security

    Administration, and two

    proofs of residence. They

    will not qualify by simply

    stating they fall under the

    Deferred Action Process.

    The only way an individual

    that has been granted the

    deferred action is able to

    get a Delaware license

    or ID is if he or she has

    documents from USCIS

    showing valid legal pres-

    ence. The documents

    must have an Alien or I-94

    number with an expira-

    tion date of at least 60

    days away. We verify all

    documents through USCIS

    and we cannot issue a

    license or ID card until we

    receive approval through

    them. Therefore, as long

    as USCIS veries the

    individuals documents are

    legit and the person is here

    legally they can apply for a

    license or ID card.

    Amy M. Anthony, Mo-

    tor Vehicle Services

    Supervisor, Delaware

    Division of Motor


    Accin Diferida ySeguro SocialA pesar de que el proceso de Accin Diferida, si es otorgado, implica un

    permiso de trabajo, consultamos sobre la obtencin de la tarjeta del se-

    guro social, y esto nos respondieron:

    Las personas que son elegibles para la Accin Diferida pueden solicitar y obtener autorizacin de

    empleo del Servicio de Ciudadana e Inmigracin de los Estados Unidos (USCIS por sus siglas en

    ingls). Si una persona solicita el proceso de Accin Diferida y cumple con los criterios establecidos

    por el USCIS, podemos procesar una solicitud de tarjeta de Seguro Social si el individuo tiene unestatus vlido, vigente y legal que lo autoriza para trabajar. Un extranjero autorizado para trabajar

    debe proporcionar evidencia de estatus migratorio legal con autorizacin para trabajar. La Adminis-

    tracin del Seguro Social (SSA por sus siglas en ingls) no le asignar un nmero de Seguro Social

    a un extranjero que resida ilegalmente en los EE.UU. o que no tenga autorizacin de trabajo, a

    menos que el extranjero tenga una razn no laboral vlida, de acuerdo a la poltica del SSA . Tenga

    en cuenta que una ley federal o una ley estatal o local que requiera de un nmero de Seguro Social

    para recibir benecios de asistencia pblica son las nicas razones vlidas aparte de las razones de


    Con el n de procesar una solicitud de tarjeta de seguro social, el individuo debe tener una autor-

    izacin para trabajar vlida o una causa justicada no laboral. Por favor, pngase en contacto con

    su ocina local del Seguro Social con respecto a su solicitud de un nmero de Seguro Social, si su

    cliente cumple los requisitos basados en nuestra poltica.

    Rosemarie Kosmalski, Especialista en Asuntos Pblicos , Administracin del Seguro Social

    Deferred Action andSocial Security

    Although the Deferred Action process -if granted- involves a work permit,

    we consulted on obtaining a social security card, and following is the an-

    swer we obtained:

    Individuals who are eligible for the deferred action may apply and obtain employment authoriza-

    tion from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). If an individual applies for

    the deferred action process and meets the criteria set out by USCIS, we can process an SSN card

    request if the individual has valid, current, lawful, work-authorized status. An alien allowed to work

    must provide evidence of work-authorized lawful alien status. SSA will not assign an SSN to an alien

    who is residing illegally in the U.S. or does not have work-authorization, unless the alien has a valid

    non-work reason per SSA policy. Please note that a Federal statute or a State/local law requiring anSSN for public assistance benets are the only valid non-work reasons.

    In order to process an SSN card request, the individual must have valid work-authorization or a valid

    non-work reason. Please contact your local Social Security Ofce regarding your request for aSocial Security Number, if your client meets the qualications based on our policy.

    Rosemarie Kosmalski, Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 7 No.15




    4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 302-658-9111

    Sponsored by:

    Delaware Museum

    of Natural History

    Admisin libreDomingo, 9 septiembre, 20129:30 maana al medioda solamente

    Academia AntoniaAlonsoUna escuela chrter de lenguaje dual y aprendizaje expedicionario.

    Nueva escuela primaria chrter de lenguaje dual viene a Wilmington. Padres invitados a asistir a

    sesiones de informacin el 26 de septiembre o el 11 de octubre.

    Los miembros del Consejo de la Academia Antonia Alonso una nueva escuela primaria chrter de

    lenguaje dual (espaol/ingls) y aprendizaje expedicionario celebrar reuniones de informacin

    el mircoles, 26 de septiembre y jueves, 11 de octubre para los padres de los estudiantes que van

    a comenzar el Kindergarten o 1er grado en el otoo de 2013. Los padres estn invitados a conocer

    ms acerca de este programa acadmico nico que viene a Wilmington y cmo pueden solicitar uno

    de los 150 puestos disponibles para Kindergarten o de los 150 para primer grado para el ao escolar


    Sobre la Academia Antonia Alonso

    La Academia Antonia Alonso (La Academia) fue aprobada como una escuela primaria pblica por

    el Departamento de Educacin de Delaware en mayo de 2012. La escuela abrir sus puertas a 300

    estudiantes de Kindergarten y de 1er grado en el otoo de 2013, y poco a poco se convertir en una

    escuela primaria K-5 que prestar servicios a 600 estudiantes en 2017.

    La Academia Antonia Alonso ofrecer una opcin educativa nica, para las familias tanto his-

    panoparlantes como a las familias de habla no hispana que viven en Delaware. El programa ofrece

    a los estudiantes un ambiente bilinge (espaol / ingls) y replica el nacionalmente reconocido

    programa acadmico Expeditionary Learning (aprendizaje expedicionario).

    En este modelo emocionante, la enseanza se transmite a travs de aprendizaje basado en

    proyectos, haciendo participar a los estudiantes y desandolos en expediciones de aprendizaje que

    fomentan la creatividad, cimientan la comprensin de su comunidad, y aceleran el rendimiento, a

    travs del desarrollo por parte de los estudiantes de productos de alta calidad acadmica. A travs

    de una asociacin con el Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano, La Academia tambin pondr a dis-

    posicin servicios de apoyo para antes y despus de clases que ayudarn a acelerar el aprendizaje

    de los estudiantes.

    La Academia Antonia Alonso se une a una red de ms de 165 escuelas de Aprendizaje Expediciona-

    rio en 29 estados y Washington, DC. Los estudiantes que han asistido a las escuelas de Aprendizaje

    Expedicionario en los ltimos 17 aos han mostrado un aumento signicativo en lectura y matemti-

    cas y constantemente han superado a sus pares en las escuelas vecinas. La Academia y sus socios

    estn seguros de que la escuela ofrecer a las familias de Delaware un ambiente de aprendizaje de

    alta calidad.

    Se ofrecen sesiones de informacin para padres en espaol y

    en ingls; disponible cuidado de nios gratis

    Los padres y miembros de la comunidad interesados en aprender ms acerca de este programa

    acadmico nico y cmo pueden aplicar, deben asistir a una sesin informativa. Disponible cuidado

    de nios gratis en ambas sesiones. La informacin ser emitida tanto en espaol como en ingls.La primera sesin de informacin para padres se ofrecer el mircoles, 26 de septiembre en el

    Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano ubicado en 403 North Van Buren Street en Wilmington. La

    sesin comenzar puntualmente a las 5:00 pm y se anima a los invitados a traer un plato platillo

    para compartir.

    Los padres pueden asistir a una sesin alterna el jueves 11 de octubre en la Iglesia Presbiteriana

    First and Central Presbyterian Church, ubicada en la calle Market 1101 en Rodney Square en

    Wilmington. La sesin informativa del 11 de octubre comenzar puntualmente a las 7:00 pm, y se

    repartir caf y postre.

    Los padres que deseen asistir a una sesin de informacin, favor conrmar su asistencia con Piedad

    Kim al 302-655-7338.

    Aclaratoria: Estimado Editor,

    Despus de revisar el artculo escrito por Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco, pareca que haba algunos

    errores que hemos querido traer a su atencin. Es crtico que la informacin que se comparte con

    la comunidad sea exacta. Agradecemos la oportunidad de corregir esta informacin en su prximapublicacin.

    Correcciones al artculo La Escuela Bilinge Tony Alonso publicado en agosto de 2012:

    El nombre de la escuela es Academia Antonia Alonso. La escuela tambin se reere a s misma

    como La Academia.

    La escuela se encuentra actualmente en el proceso de solicitud del Edicio de Educacin de la

    Comunidad como una posible ubicacin para la escuela. El edicio de Educacin de la Comunidad

    est estrechamente conectado con la Fundacin Longwood, pero es una entidad separada. Se trata

    de un proceso competitivo; otras escuelas chrter tambin estn aplicando al Edicio de Educacin

    de la Comunidad. No hay ninguna garanta de que La Academia ser aceptada. La Junta Directiva

    de la Academia Antonia Alonso tambin est investigando otras oportunidades, pero se sentira

    honrada si su solicitud por el edicio CEB fuera aceptada. Sin embargo, no hay negociaciones entre

    la Academia Antonia Alonso y la Fundacin Longwood.

    Una vez ms, gracias por su atencin a este asunto.

    Kathy Laskowski

    For English Version see page 16.

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 7 No.15



    Seguros de AUTO

    Seguros de AUTO

    Seguros deAUTO

    Seguros de AUTO

    Un Pago Inicial Compra Cobertura el Mismo Da

    Descuentos por plizas Mltiples

    Servicio Rpido y Justo de Reclamos

    Cotizacin Gratuita

    We Speak English

    Un Pago Inicial Compra Cobertura el Mismo Da

    Descuentos por plizas Mltiples

    Servicio Rpido y Justo de Reclamos

    Cotizacin Gratuita

    We Speak English

    Pagas ms de $55 dlares al mes?Aceptamos licencia de conductor de tu pas o licencia internacional.

    Insley Insurance4633 Ogletown Stanton Rd

    Newark, DE 19713

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    Harry T Insley (302) 286 0777-Nmero Gratuito 1 877-286-5777

    Flor Jaquez

    En Delaware es ilegal manejar con una concentracin de alcohol en la

    sangre de 0.08 o mayor ya que puede ser mortal. El alcohol afecta tu velocidad

    de reaccin y tu juicio. Checkpoint Strikeforce (fuerza de ataque en un puesto

    de control) de Delaware es una campaa de aplicacin a nivel estatal

    de seis meses que cuenta con un mayor nmero de patrullas y puestos de

    control para DUI durante todas las semanas desde ahora hasta el 31 de

    diciembre. Si te atrapan, pierdes tu licencia y debes pagar miles de dlares

    en multas y sanciones. Evita siempre manejar si has estado bebiendo.

    Infrmate en


    UNA VIDA?Unos cuantos tragos pueden hacer de ti un asesino al volante.





    con la ComunidadLas bibliotecas de Delaware invitan a los

    delawarianos a sostener Conversaciones


    Todos tenemos sueos sobre el futuro - para nosotros mismos,nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades. El sueo de las bib-liotecas de Delaware es ayudar a nuestro estado convertirse enun lugar an ms vibrante y prspero donde todos los sueos sehagan realidad.nete a los eventos de Conversacin Otoo 2012, las bibliotecasde Delaware sern el antrin de conversaciones comunitarias so-bre El sueo de Delaware en todo el estado.Todos tenemos sueos sobre el futuro - para nosotros mismos,nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades.Las bibliotecas de Delaware quieren conocer sus sueos tantolas esperanzas individuales como la visin colectiva, a lo cual lla-mamos El sueo de Delaware.El Dr. Bill McGowan, un agente de Extensin Cooperativa de laUniversidad de Delaware, facilitar estas conversaciones comu-nitarias. Vengan a pasar una noche en una conversacin sobrelo que es importante para ustedes. Las dos primeras estn pro-gramadas para septiembre:Mircoles, 19 de septiembre, 6 pm, en la Biblioteca Pblica LaurelMircoles, 26 de septiembre, 6 pm, en la Biblioteca Pblica deLewesMartes, 2 de octubre, a las 6:00 pm en la Biblioteca Pblica deHarringtonMircoles, 17 de octubre, 6:00 pm en la Biblioteca Pblica de Do-verMircoles, 07 de noviembre, a las 7:00 pm en Corbit-Calloway Me-morial LibraryMircoles, 28 de noviembre, a las 7:00 pm en la Biblioteca de New-arkEl sueo de Delaware puede ser cualquier cosa - una comunidadsegura, avances mdicos, un nuevo hogar para usted y su familia.Queremos saber lo que es importante para usted - sus esper-anzas, sus sueos, su visin de una vida mejor y para un mejorDelaware. El Dr. Norman Annie, bibliotecario estatal, aade, suparticipacin en las conversaciones de la comunidad ayudar alas bibliotecas de Delaware y sus socios facilitar oportunidades deaprendizaje y colaboraciones comunitarias destinadas a permitira usted y a los dems maximizar sus talentos nicos y lograr suSueo de Delaware.


    ConversationsDelaware Libraries invite Delawareans to

    Community Conversations

    We all have dreams about the future for ourselves, our fami-lies, and our communities. The dream of Delaware Libraries is

    Wednesday, Sept. 19, 6 p.m., at the Laurel Public LibraryWednesday, Sept. 26, 6 p.m., at the Lewes Public Library

    Tuesday, Oct 2, 6:00 pm at Harrington Public Library

    Wednesday, Oct 17, 6:00 pm at Dover Public LibraryWednesday, Nov 7, 7:00 pm at Corbit-Calloway Memorial Library

    Wednesday, Nov 28, 7:00 pm at Newark LibraryThe Delaware Dream can be anything a safe community,

    medical advances, a new home for you and your family. We wantto know whats important to you your hopes, your dreams,

    your vision for a better life and for a better Delaware. Dr. AnnieNorman, state librarian, adds, Your participation in the commu-

    nity conversations will help Delaware Libraries and their partnersfacilitate learning opportunities and community collaborations

    meant to enable you and others to maximize your unique talents(whatever you geek!) and achieve your Delaware Dream.

    to help our state become an even more vibrant and prosperousplace where all dreams are realized.

    Join the Conversation Fall 2012 events, Delaware Libraries willbe hosting community conversations throughout the state on the

    Delaware Dream.We all have dreams about the future for ourselves, our fami-

    lies, and our communities.Delaware Libraries want to hear about your dreams the indi-vidual hopes as well as a collective vision that were calling the

    Delaware Dream.Dr. Bill McGowan, a University of Delaware Cooperative Exten-

    sion agent, will facilitate these community conversations. Comespend an evening in conversation about whats important to you.

    The rst two are scheduled in September:

  • 7/29/2019 ALL ABOUT Deferred Action Process


    www.eltiempohispano.c omwww.eltiempohispan Delaware 07 de Septiembre 2012 Vol 6 No.15 / September 07, 201210

    Llame a la lnea gratuita Delaware Quitline

    para dejar de fumar


    El precio de los cigarrillos sigue subiendo. De hecho, el dinero quegasta mensualmente en un paquete de cigarrillos al da podra pagar

    el pago de su carro, dos semanas de vveres, o tiles escolares para

    dos por todo el ao. No es el momento de dejar de fumar?Ahorrar

    dinero y se sentir mejor. La lnea para dejar de fumar le puede

    ayudar. Recibir conserjera por telfono o en persona. Podra incluso

    recibir parches de nicotina gratuitos, chicles u otros medicamentos

    que le ayudarn a dejar de fumar para siempre. Este servicio es

    gratuito para cualquier persona mayor de 18 aos de edad y que

    viva en Delaware.

    Hablamos espaol. Mantenemos su

    informacin personal privada y confidencial.

    To quit smoking,call the Delaware Quitlinetoll-free at 1-866-409-1858.

    We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.


    Division of Public Health


    The price of smoking keeps going up. In fact, the money you spend on a pack of

    cigarettes a day for a month c

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