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Page 1: Alien stories

My spaceship is green and red. My planet is Outer Space Family. My alien is riding my rocket. He traveled to Mars.

By Kegan Sutton

Page 2: Alien stories

My alien’s names are Zod and Clod and Zoodube. A meteor hit Zod’s spaceship. A star scratched Clod’s spaceship. But Zoodube fixed his friend’s spaceships. The three friends are from the planet BYG (which means BLUEYELLOWGREEN).

By Connor Main

Page 3: Alien stories

My alien’s name is Zodor. She came from Spain. It’s antennae looks like a unicorns horn. It’s mother said good-bye because she was going to the museum. It’s baby was thinking about their mommy.

By Melanie Zook

Page 4: Alien stories

I have an alien in the museum and he is attacking some people. My alien’s name is CooCoo. His father’s name is BooBoo. My alien is going to space. My alien has a big family. My alien cries a lot. He thinks outer space is awesome!

By Adriana Warrner

Page 5: Alien stories

My alien is named D.D. He is taking his family to the planet museum. His wife is name MeMe and his daughter is named Lavaboo because she is red. His son is named Fluffy because he is fluffy. His family is magical because when they are on Pizza Planet, they have invisible powers! I love my aliens.

By Emily Hood

Page 6: Alien stories

My aliens are a big family. They live on a planet called Polka Dot Planet. My alien’s names are Pizza Crazzzzy and Carmen! Today my aliens are going to the planet with the museum because they like to go on adventures. Pizza and Crazzzzy like to play Plants and Zombies. At the museum, the aliens are celebrating Crazzzzy’s birthday and he is 11.

By Anneliese Kerchenfaut

Page 7: Alien stories

His name is Booboo. His mother’s name is Crystal. His father’s name is Bret. My aliens live in outer space. Aliens are green. Aliens have a big family. Aliens do not like to sleep. My aliens do not like to go to Earth. My aliens do not make music.

By Olivia Johnson

Page 8: Alien stories

My alien is Eric James Luparell because I want it to be because the name is awesome. My alien has 3 eyes. It has a green face. It likes to travel. His ship is colorful. Maybe he will take me for a ride. His wings on his rocket ship are orange, red, and gray. The back of his ship is blue, red, and yellow. The front is brown. He has a great ship.

By Eric James Luparell

Page 9: Alien stories

A baby girl got up from her naptime. Her mom looked for her and fed her. She has three eyes and she has different colors. Her family drives her friends to play. Their names are May and March. Her name is April. She lives in a hole. She is happy. She is 8. Her birthday is March 14.

Rylee Dawson-Howard

Page 10: Alien stories

My alien is from the planet Darbutto. When they close their eyes, they can see throw their eyes. They are taking an adventure to the museum to look at bones! My alien’s name is Zoopo. Then they are going to celebrate with pizza.

By Austin Elliott

Page 11: Alien stories

My astronaut comes from Earth and he is visiting planet Neutron! In the background you can see the moon and the United States of America’s flag and Earth. My astronaut is driving all around planet Neutron and is just about to get out and jump on planet Neutron. My astronaut is friends with my friends because it is my dad!

By Kellen DeSchepper

Page 12: Alien stories

My aliens are green. One of the aliens has kids. The kid’s names are Boon and Soon. The mommy’s name is Moon. The daddy is at work and his name is Doon. No one came to their planet. The person who almost came to their planet was named Lexi.

By Lexi Darbutt

Page 13: Alien stories

My alien’s name is Name. He can scare the pants off you. He came from the Name planet. He has special powers. He can shoot missiles off his arm.

“Hey, your ship is leaving!” Yes! It is man!”

“So are you going to get on man? Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Okay, you better go.”

By Connor Engel

Page 14: Alien stories

I have a blue rocket and my alien is called Zoso. He can shoot fire out of his eyes and he can explode on his friends. One day Mars exploded, but all of the aliens escaped and Zoso did too.

By Daniel Henderson

Page 15: Alien stories

My alien has a buggy. My alien’s name is Klien. My alien friend is Klien. I love my alien. My alien is nice to me and my friends. My alien is good to me and to my friends. My alien family is good. My alien can shoot lasers. My alien helps people in Gibson City.

By Lani Morgan

Page 16: Alien stories

My alien is named Anneliese. Some of the aliens have a spaceship but not all of the aliens have spaceships. Some have cars. My alien is nice to me and my friends. I love my alien. He helps people in Gibson City. My alien is nice to everybody.

By Carmen Pondel

Page 17: Alien stories

A boy was playing but then an alien ship transported him. Rescue astronauts came to get him but could not find him. So they went back to Earth. When they go back again, the astronauts chased the aliens. They distracted them and took the boy back to Earth. The aliens never came back.

By Aidan Laughery

Page 18: Alien stories

My alien’s name is Nefloec. He comes from the planet Pezzy. He is very cool. My alien is getting chased. He has a very, very fast rocket. He can shoot lasers. His plants are his pets. They are still trying to find him. The astronaut just found him on Wednesday. When they found him they were amazed.

By Mikey Lindy