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1. General Information

2. Academic Programmes

- Academic Year and Semesters

- Undergraduate and Graduate Studies at the NUM

- Courses and Credits

- Grading Policies

- Academic Calendar

3. Mongolian Language Programme

4. Summer School Programmes

- Mongolian language

- History

- Anthropology/ Culture

- Programmes Dates and Location

- Students and Staff

- Ulaanbaatar Activities and Free Time

- Sightseeing Excursions

- Practical Information

- Course Fees

- How To Apply

5. Schools and Faculties, Research Centres and Affiliated Institutions

- In Ulaanbaatar

- In Provinces

- Research Centres at the NUM

- Affiliated Institutions

6. Applying to Study at the NUM

- Office for International Affairs

- Visa Information

- Application procedure for obtaining student visa

· Before Arrival

· Visa Requirements

· After Arrival

- Residence Permission Extensions

- Exit Visas

- Before Departure

7. Financial Information

- Tuition Fees (in USD)

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- Living Costs and Accommodation

- Other Expenses

- Bank Details

8. Housing Information

- University Dormitory for Foreign Students and Scholars

9. This is Mongolia

- Physical Geography

- Climate

- Population

- Religion

- Language Spoken by Ethnic Group

- Time Zone and Electricity

- Mobile Phone Service

- Currency

- Credit and Debit Cards

- ATM Machines

- Public Holiday

- Business Hours

10. Food

- Departments Stores

- Supermarkets

- Markets

- Restaurants

- Cafes & Fast Food

11. Transportation

- International Transport by Air

- Airport

- Domestic Air Transportation

- International Transport by Train

- Domestic Land Transportation

- Customs

12. Cautions

13. Useful Contact Details

14. Addresses of Mongolian Diplomatic Representatives

15. Campus Map

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General Information

The National University of Mongolia (NUM) is the oldest University in Mongolia. Established in

1942 with three faculties to provide postsecondary education, the NUM has become the foundation

of modern higher education system of the nation. In 1958, the Veterinary Faculty separated from

the university to become the Agricultural University. In 1961, the Medical Faculty became the

Medical University. The Mongolian University of Science and Technology and the University of

Humanities were founded in 1969 and 1979 as affiliated schools of the NUM.

Throughout its nearly seven decades of historical growth, the NUM played a fundamental role in

creating, promoting and strengthening capacities in contemporary scientific research nationwide.

The university community conducted comprehensive studies in natural resources. Within two years

of its foundation, the NUM successfully organized the first scientific conference and produced the

first volume of research journal “Acta Science” in 1946.

The NUM educated generations of professional people for the government, public sector, and

industry. Graduates of the NUM have been playing a leading role in the political, socioeconomic

and cultural life of the nation, as well as in education and science.

In the 21st century, the NUM remains a leading university for its qualitative education and research

programmes in science, social sciences and humanities. In addition to twelve component schools

and faculties in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, the NUM has campuses in Zavkhan and

Orkhon provinces. The University community in Capital includes 13.000 undergraduate and

graduate students, 800 faculty members and over 400 support staff. The NUM offers a broad range

of Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes. The university is distinguished by the number of

intellectual products applied to industry and business.

The NUM is a globalizing university that pursues freedom of exchange of people, knowledge and

information. The academic community of the university is truly multicultural. Scholars from

different countries work together towards research advancement and academic curriculum

enhancement and preparation of young generation of science and communities worldwide, promote

Mongolia and its values overseas, and contribute to democracy, development and peace in the


The NUM promotes equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation. The University is a

member of the International Association of Universities (IAU), University Mobility in Asia and the

Pacific University Network and maintains partnership agreements with more than 180 international

universities and research organizations.

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Academic Programmes

Academic Year and Semesters

The academic year commences on September 1 and ends in June. It consists of two semesters (Fall

semester and Spring semester) of 16 weeks each.

Undergraduate and Graduate Studies at the NUM

More than 90 degree programmes are open to students over a range of academic levels including

Bachelor Degrees, Master and PhD Degrees. Programmes are organized in departments within

twelve schools and faculties. Students who have successfully completed secondary education (equal

to high school of 11-12years) and passed the national general examinations are admitted to the

University. The Bachelor degree is awarded to students who have obtained 120-128 credits and

fulfilled all requirements determined by the department. The accumulative Grade point Average

(GPA) must be no less than 60 on a scale of 100. The duration of undergraduate study is four years

of full-time study. The formal admission for a Master programme is 120 credits from a recognized

higher educational institution. Master programmes consist of coursework (core subjects and

electives) and research. Master students should obtain at least 30 credit points in coursework and

write theses for the M.A/M.Sc. degrees. The duration of the Master programme is three to four

semesters of full-time study. Students who hold M.A or M.Sc degrees from recognized tertiary

institutions are eligible to study in the Ph.D programmes consist of coursework and research.

Students who have earned 60 credit points and successfully defended their research dissertations

will be awarded with a Ph.D. The duration of the Ph.D programme is three to four years of full-time

study or six to eight semesters.

Most courses at the National University of Mongolia are conducted in Mongolian. Students whose

native language is not Mongolian need to provide evidence of advanced proficiency in written and

spoken Mongolian. The applicants who do not know Mongolian or with a low level of Mongolian,

need to undertake additional Mongolian language courses at the NUM in order to meet the

admission requirements.

Courses and Credits

The courses are divided into foundation courses, major courses and electives. The course unit is a

credit hour. One credit unit is deemed to be equivalent to 48 academic hours of full-time students

work whether in contact with faculty or in independent study.

Grading Policies

Grades, and percentage are interrelated to each other as they follow:

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A (High Distinction) 4.0 90-100%

B (Distinction) 3.0 80-89%

C (Credit) 2.0 70-79%

D (Pass) 1.0 60-69%

F (Failure) 0.0 <60%

Academic Calendar

Months Activities National Holidays, Festivals and


Date Names

September Opening ceremony 1

Study, research and internship

October Study and research 5 Foundation day of

the University

November Study and research 26 National

independence day

December Study and research 1 World AIDS Day

Mid-term examination 25 Christmas

January Mid-term examination

1* New Year

Winter vacation

February Winter vacation 1 st Sunday Teacher’s day

Arrival of new students 14 Valentine’s day

Registration and orientation Varies* Lunar New Year

March Commencement of the 2nd


8 International

women’s day

Mid-year enrolment and re-


18 Army’s day

April Study and research

May Study and research

June Study and research 1* Children’s day

Semester end and examinations

Graduation ceremony

Applying and admission to NUM 4th


July Summer vacation 11-13* Naadam- National


Summer schools, internships and

field work

August Summer vacation

Summer schools

Arrival of international students

Registration of the students

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Orientation and enrolment


the year

Applications from international


*National holidays

Mongol Studies Programme

The School of Mongolian Language and Culture at the National University of Mongolia (NUM) is

welcoming those international students, who are interested in becoming a specialist on the Mongol

Studies, to a newly designed four-year bachelor program.

The program offers an undergraduate degree to all majors related to the Mongol Studies, such as

Contemporary Mongolian Linguistics and Philology, Mongolian Scripts (Mongol script, Clear

script, ‘Phags-pa script, Soyombo script), Historical Grammar of Mongolian, Mongolian

Dialectology, Ancient and Modern Mongolian Literature,

Mongolian History, Religions and Beliefs, Mongolian Folklore, Culture, Civilization, Ethnography,

and Anthropology, Mongolian Philosophy and Traditional Knowledge, Mongolian Politics and

Economy, Mongolian Law, Mongolian Traditional Music (training in Urtyn Duu (long song) and

Khoomii (overtone) singing, in playing Morin Khuur (horse-headed fiddle), and Dancing,

Mongolian Fine Arts, Mongolian Nomadic Husbandry, Mongolian Traditional Medicine and

Dietary, Mongolian Natural Studies and others. Well-known scholars of Mongol Studies as

Academician D. Tumurtogoo (linguistics), Professor Sh. Choimaa (scripts and sources), Professor S.

Dulam (literature and traditional beliefs), Professor Ts. Shagdarsuren (philology) and others will be

lecturing to this program.

The program provides special courses of Mongolian to all applicants. Those applicants who have

some previous background of Mongolian language will have additional classes of Mongolian

language and culture for one semester before enrolling to the basic courses. These classes are free

of charge. For the applicants without basic knowledge of Mongolian language, one-year certified

intensive course is available.

The successful graduates of the program can be recommended for the further post-graduate

(master's and doctor's) programmes.

The applicants are required to submit necessary documents to the Administration of the School of

Mongolian Language and Culture two months prior semester starts.

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Summer School Programmes

Getting familiar with the history, culture and traditions of the host country is an inseparable part of

foreign students’ life and probably one of the reasons to come to Mongolia. Tours to historic cities

of Mongolia like Khara-Khorum, Amarbayasgalant Monastery and others give an opportunity to

enjoy the majestic peculiarities of nomadic civilization. They travel through boundless steppes and

valleys, sky-high mountains and great Gobi desert where even today the traces of prehistoric

animals remain. The tours are giving a chance to observe the nomadic way of life of cattle breeders

and rain-deer herders.

The Summer School Programmes are organised by the Centre for Mongol Studies, NUM. These

programmes combine classroom studies, research and travel. The programmes broaden the students’

experience of learning in a new environment, gaining a new knowledge of living in a country where

nomadic and modern life coexist.

The Interdisciplinary Summer School of Mongolian Studies composes of three courses: Mongolian

Language, History, and Anthropology/Culture.

1. Mongolian Language - 2 weeks

While immersed in Mongolian speaking environment and the rich tradition of Mongolian culture,

students will improve their Mongolian through diverse learning experiences in and out of the

classroom. Our experienced Mongolian teachers will help students develop Mongolian fluency and

accuracy. The course can be designed differently for those who wish to improve their Classical

Mongolian or their skill of source reading. For this type of private tuition the booking in advance is

needed and the course fee may vary depending on the skills of tutor.

This programme includes 15 hours per week of tuition and focuses on improving all four

Mongolian skills:


Reading comprehension



Our Mongolian curriculum emphasises these skills through the following components:


Students improve the accuracy of their Mongolian by studying grammatical structures, which they

use in class discussions and in written responses to readings.


Students learn how to organise compositions by learning different approaches to writing, and by

reading and analysing essays and articles.

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Grammar & Vocabulary

An emphasis is placed on the study of grammar in context, vocabulary expansion, and increased


Speaking & Listening

Students study and practise listening and speaking skills by working in pairs, groups, or with a

whole class.

2. History -1 week

The Mongols in Past and Present

The course of the History of the Mongols consists of the followings:

Ancient history of the Mongols

The history of the Mongol Empire

Contemporary history of Mongolia

Tour to the Museum of National History

Optional possibility to visit historical places surrounding UB

The course is designed to introduce the main phases of the history of the Mongols and enable the

students to evaluate their own standpoints regarding the historical development of the Mongols.

3. Anthropology/Culture -1 week

The course of Anthropology/Culture consists of several special features:

Nomadic culture

Tradition and Customs

Shamanism and Buddhism

Mongolian Kingship and Gender

Introduction to the Mongolian Art

The course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the religion,

culture and customs of the Mongols. It includes a tour to the local nomads’ place to enable them

to learn from the nomadic culture.

Programme Dates and Location

Duration: Mongolian language-2 weeks, History – 1 week, Anthropology /Culture -1 week

Students and Staff

Students attend our programmes from many countries. Making friends from other backgrounds and

cultures is one of the best aspects of taking a programme with the NUM.

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Our teachers come from a variety of different backgrounds, some are teaching or have taught for the

National University of Mongolia for many years. Our experienced and welcoming faculty offers the

Summer School students a diverse range of teaching specialties and skills.

The course takes place on the campus of the NUM.

The course includes lunches in the NUM halls. Soft drinks and biscuits are available in between the

classes. Students with dietary requirements need to provide details at least 30 days in advance of


Ulaanbaatar Activities & Free Time

As a part of the recreational programme, students have the opportunity to try out the Mongolian at

the numerous evening social events to keep the students entertained and challenged.

Students also have an opportunity to visit many museums, galleries and shopping locations.

Sightseeing Excursions

This programme offers many opportunities to explore Mongolia. However, some students wish to

travel further, and there will be an opportunity to sign up for coach excursions to places of historical

and cultural interest. These excursions will be organised by the Centre for Mongol studies. The

schedule and itinerary of excursions will be released before the start of the course.

Practical Information

Arrival day preferably to be Sunday and the departure day-Saturday

On the arrival day students will be able to check into their rooms after 12 noon. There will be a

welcome reception for students in the NUM grounds.

On the departure day students need to check out of their rooms after breakfast. There will be a place

to store luggage if students are not leaving until later in the day.

Course Fees

Fees should be advised by the Centre for Mongol Studies.

Included in the Course Fees: Subject Tuition, Activity & Social Programme, Accommodation

(Single room), Lunch each day, Welcome packet, Study materials /file, ID badge /, Welcome and

Graduation events, Reports from tutors, Graduation certificate.

Not Included: Airfare, Insurance (book separately), Private Tutoring (book separately), Breakfast

and Dinner, Excursions for long distance (book separately), Pocket money.

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How to Apply

In order to make an application for this programme, you should create an account and apply online

through our website Alongside your application, you need to send a

booking fee of USD 500.00. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent once the application materials

have been processed in our offices.

Schools and Faculties, Research Centres and

Affiliated Institutions

In Ulaanbaatar

School of Mathematics and Computer Science

School of Physics and Electronics

School of Information Technology

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Earth Sciences

Faculty of Chemistry

School of Economic Studies

School of Law

School of Social Sciences

School of Foreign Service

School of Foreign Languages and Cultures

School of Mongolian Language and Culture

In Provinces

Zavkhan College

Orkhon College

Research Centres at the NUM

Nuclear Research Centre

Institute of Mathematics

The Asia Research Centre

Institute of Economics

Centre of New Material and Technology

Ecology Training Centre


Ornithology Centre

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Water Research Centre

Computation Research Centre

Computer Language Research Centre

Mobile and Embedded Technology Research Centre

Public Policy Research Centre

International Trade and Sustainable Development Centre

Business Training Centre

Centre for Mongolian Studies

Centre of Buddhist Studies

Centre of Turkish Studies

Centre of Nomadic Culture and Civilization Study

Institute of Social Studies

Centre of Contemporary Political Research

History Research Institute

Research Centre for Comparative and International Legal Studies

Centre for Semantic Studies

Centre for Development Research

Centre for Population Studies

Research and Training Centre for Didactics

Affiliated Institutions

Mongolia-Japan Human Resource Development Centre

Confucius Centre

Baigali Ekh High School

Applying to study at the NUM

Office for International Affairs

The NUM welcomes inquiries regarding admission from students of all countries. The Office for

International Affairs (OIA) is the focal point of international students and provides ongoing support

in their adjustment for living in Ulaanbaatar and studying at the National University of Mongolia. It

can advise you on all matters relating to application, admission, fees, immigration, arrival service,

medical insurance and health service.

Visa Information

All visitors who plan to stay more than 30 days must be registered within seven days at the Office

of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens (on the west side of the Peace Bridge, opposite

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the NIC petrol station). The process is free, but you have to pay ¥1000 for the one-page application.

You will need one passport size photo.

Application procedure for obtaining student visa

Before arrival

-Materials needed (mail to the NUM International Affairs Office):

1. Complete application form

2. Complete medical form

3. HIV/AIDS test for last three months /

4. Copy of valid passport for five years

5. Copy of diploma or certificate from previous study together with transcripts

(in case of admission to the graduate,bachelor, and other degree diplomas with transcripts

will be needed)

6. Three photos /3cm x 4 cm/

7. Application fee $20 (non refundable), except government-funded and incoming exchange


8. Visa fee / ₮5000- equivalent to $4/

9. Travel/ Medical/ Life insurance

Step one: 1-4, send by fax to the NUM International Affairs Office (tel/fax976-11-320159) or by e-

mail: [email protected];

For government-funded and incoming exchange students and for self-funded students.

Step two: 5-9, send by mail to the Office of International Affairs, National University of Mongolia:

POB 46A/523, Ikh Surguuliin Gudamj 1, Ulaanbaatar, 210646, Mongolia.

Step three: Upon receipt of the documents, we will obtain official invitation from the Office of

Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens and send an invitation through the Ministry of

External Affairs of Mongolia to the Mongolian Embassy or Consulate in your country or nearest


Please remember that international student/researcher should enter the country with “S”

category visa and visiting scholars/professors – with “HG” category visa.

In case of entering the country with other category visa, it is impossible to change it within


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Visa Requirements:

1. A valid passport for 5 years

2. Three photos /3x4 cm/

3. Visa application form

4. Official invitation from NUM

5. HIV/AIDS test (for student staying longer than 3 months)

6. Official admission letter from NUM /if it is required/

After arrival

Please bring your passport and ₮24000 /equivalent to USD16-18, which will vary each year /to the

NUM International Affairs Office next days after your arrival and we will register you with the

Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Citizens (Immigration Office) and obtain residence


Anyone planning to stay in Mongolia for more than 30 days is required to register with the

Immigration Office in Ulaanbaatar within the first seven days after arrival, otherwise, the penalty

should be applied up to ₮1 million.

According to the law and regulations of Mongolia, the registration at the Immigration Office is

given only for one year; therefore, all international students have to renew their registration every

year paying a fee set up differently each year by the Immigration Office.

Residence permission extensions

The residence permission of the Immigration Office is given only for one year. Student or scholar

who needs to extend the residence permission please bring below listed documents to the NUM,

Office of International Affairs before one month of the extensions:

1. Passport

2. 1 photo

3. HIV test for last three months

4. Reference from district residential authority

5. Extension fee – $15

Exit Visas

If you are working in Mongolia, or if you obtained your visa from an honorary consul, you are

usually issued a single-entry visa (valid only for entry). In this case, another visa is required to

leave the country.

Exit visa fee is $23

Processing fee is ₮ 5000

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US citizen – $100

The exit visa is valid for ten days, which means that you can stay ten days after your

normal visa has expired.

Before departure

Bring your passport to the NUM International Affairs Office at least 2 weeks before your

departure. You need to be deregistered from the Immigration office. Furthermore, if you only

have entry visa, the exit visa needs to be applied prior to your departure.

Financial Information

(As of 2009-2010 academic year)

Below is an estimate of the costs for your education including both educational and living expenses

calculated on the basis of 10-month study at the National University of Mongolia.

Tuition fees (in USD)

The tuition fees at the NUM are very low compared to the fees of other foreign Universities and

Institutions. The tuition fee for 2009 is stated below:

Undergraduate Programmes USD 2600

Graduate Programmes USD 2800

Pre-Foundation Programme USD 2600

Research internship, field work etc USD 1000

Living costs and accommodation

Students Dormitory USD 400-800

Minimum cost of living USD 80 per month

Other expenses

Residence permission fee USD 16-18

Application and Service Fee USD 20

Medical Insurance to be insured before arrival

The non-refundable two-month tuition deposit (USD 400) should be paid in advance.

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Tuition fees do not cover books and other training materials required in each program.

Approximate monthly rentals for accommodation outside the university dormitory are as


Un-refurbished single-room flat USD 200-250

Refurbished single-room flat USD 300-350

Un-refurbished two-room flat USD 400-800

Home stay USD 200-300 (meal is not included)

Bank details:


Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MONGOLIA, Swift code: GLMTMNUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: HSBC BANK USA, NEW YORK

Swift code: MRMDUS33 ABA: 021001088

Beneficiary`s bank account number with the Correspondent bank: 000123447 USD


Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MONGOLIA, Swift code: GLMTMNUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: SBERBANK RUSSIA, BAIKALSKY HEAD


Swift code: SABRRU66

Beneficiary bank account number with the Correspondent bank: 30112840818000000003




Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MONGOLIA, Sift code: GLMTMNUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: CHO HUNG BANK, SEOUL, KOREA

Swift code: CHOHKRSE

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Beneficiary bank number with the Correspondent bank: 528170001000074 USD


Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MONGOLIA, Swift code: GLMTMNUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: HSBC BANK PLC, LONDON

Swift code: MIDLGB22 Sort code:40-05-15

Beneficiary bank account number with the Correspondent bank: 39 00 83 39 USD

39 00 83 47 GBR


Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MOPNGOLIA, swift code: GLMTMNUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING


Swift code: HSBCHKHH

Beneficiary bank account number with the Correspondent bank: 500-297536-201 USD

500-297536-001 HKD


Beneficiary`s name: National University of Mongolia

Beneficiary`s account number:

Beneficiary`s bank: GOLOMT BANK OF MONGOLIA, Swift code: GLMTMUB

Correspondent bank of Beneficiary`s bank: BANK OF TOKYO MITSUBISHI UFJ LTD,


Swift code: BOTKJPJT

Beneficiary bank account number with the Correspondent bank: 653-0455601 USD

653-0432881 JPY

Housing information

For many students, a suitable accommodation is an important concern. The Office for International

Affairs provides advice on issues relating to the student dormitory and renting /sharing private flats.

Relatives or friends or officers from OIA may be helpful in securing and finding a private

apartment for you. A notice board with housing options is available. If such is the case, please let us

know in advance.

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University Dormitory for Foreign Students and Scholars

The NUM has five student dormitories of which the one is for foreign students and scholars.

Students from different countries spend their challenging years of living together with common

goal of studying. Rooms are furnished. It is the most secure place to live and dormitory affairs and

complains of students are handled by a manager. To reserve a place at the student dormitory you

should contact an officer from OIA (see the table for room facilities and prices). The dormitory for

foreign students has limited number of rooms. Earlier booking is advised.

The dormitory is guaranteed for government-funded students and incoming exchange students; the

self-funded students may apply for the dormitory for their first and second years.

WARNING: Please keep close your windows and doors tightly every time in order to prevent

the unexpected thieves and suspicious visitors!

International student’s dormitory Address: Sukhbaatar district, 8th

khoroo, 11th

district, NUM

Student Sormitory 4, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Tel: 976 11 351962

floor Rental fee Room conditions Room facilities Common




Monthly fee:

For NUM student

USD 40 - two


USD70 - one




USD 8-10 per


-two rooms in one


-shared toilet

(between two


-one person per


-painted floor

without carpet





Bed setting-1

Fridge shared-

between two rooms

(on the 3 rd floor)

TV-in some rooms











Monthly fee:

For NUM student

USD 45- two




USD 8-10 per


-two rooms in one


-Shared toilet

(between two


-one person per


-carpeted floor







Fridge shared-

between two

rooms(on the 3








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This is Mongolia

Physical Geography

Mongolia is situated in the Central Asia, far from sea. Mongolia is a landlocked country in Northern

Asia, strategically located between China and Russia. The Mongolia territory lies between 42’ and

52’ north latitude. With a total area 1.565.000 square km, it expends for 2405 m from its western

border point to the east and 1263 km from north to south. The total length of the borderline is more

than 7600 km of which there is approximately 3000 km long frontier with Russia and 4670 km long

frontier with China.

Mongolia is country with an average altitude of 1580 meters above sea level. The highest point is

the peak Nairamdal in the Altai Mountains to the west, which reaches 4370 meters and the lowest

point is the basin of Khokh Nuur to the east, which lies at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level.


Mongolia enjoys an average of 250 sunny days a year, although winter is comparatively cold, with

snow and winds. In summer, the country revels in the sunshine and long warm days. Being so far

from the ocean makes the Mongolian climate an extremely dry one. Coldest month: January.

Average temperature: -28 C. Warmest month: July. Average temperature: + 25 C.


The total estimated population is about 2.8 mln. Life in sparsely populated Mongolia has become

more urbanized. Nearly half of the people live in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, and in other provincial

centres. The majority of the people are Khalkha Mongols, with some Kazakhs in the west and

Buyats and other minority groups.


The traditional religion of the majority group, the Khalkas, is Buddhism. The Kazakhs are

traditionally Sunni Muslim. Shamanism is still practiced be a few Mongol tribes (Darkhad, Tsaatan,

Hotgoit, Buryat, Hamnigan and Urianhai). There are 7000 Christians. Of the 150 registered places

of worship, 90 are Buddhist, 40 Christian, 4 Baha’i and one is a Muslim mosque.

Language spoken by ethnic groups

Mongolian is the official language and belongs to Uigar-Altai language group. Kazakh is spoken by

5 percent of the population. Many Mongolian dialects are spoken on spots.

Time Zone & Electricity

Mongolia is a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +8, the same as GMT Beijing. Voltage is 220-volts.

Therefore, travellers are advised to bring a power converter and an adapter for rounded two-prong


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Mobile Phone Service

There are two GSM network operated companies “Mobicom” and “Unitel”. Mobicom

( covers Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Erdenet and all aimag centres. It is located

behind the Central Post Office, west side of the Sukhbaatar Square. “Unitel” (

expanded its network coverage to a total of about 187 regions throughout Mongolia including

Ulaanbaatar, its surrounding areas, aimag centres. It is located at the ROKMON building in the

Bayangol district. Also, there are two CDMA network operated companies “Skytel” and “G-

Mobile”. Skytel ( covers Ulaanbaatar, Uvurkhangai, Zamin-Uud, Darkhan, Selenge

and Bulgan aimags. It is located at the Skytel Building, next to the Bayangol Hotel. G-Mobile

( covers Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, and Erdenet. It is located on the northeast side of

the Flower Centre.


There is no limit on foreign currency, traveller’s cheques, etc brought into Mongolia. The unit of

currency is Tugrig /₮/. Bank notes of ₮ 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 are in


The following currencies are accepted in Mongol Bank and Commercial banks:

US Dollar, Euros, British Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Russian Ruble, Korean Won

and Chinese Yuan.

Credit and Debit Cards

Credit and Debit cards are accepted at main banks, large hotels and few shops and restaurants in

Ulaanbaatar. Credit cards can be cashed at the Trade Development Bank (on the corner of

Khudaldaany Street and the Baga Toiruu), Khaan Bank (corner of Baga Toiruu and Khuvsgalchiny

Orgon Choloo), and Golomt Bank (Baga Toiruu opposite the Bank of Mongolia). To avoid

additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take travellers cheques in US Dollars.

Travellers cheque can be difficult to exchange outside the capital.

ATM Machines

Visa and Master Card can be used in the ATM machines that are springing around town. The most

easily located ATM machines you can find at the Supermarkets, Banks and Hotels.

Public Holiday

New Year ’s Day: 1 January;

Tsagaan Sar (Mongolian Lunar New Year): according to the Mongolian Lunar calendar, usually at

the end of February;

International Women’s Day: 8 March;

Mother’s and Children’s Day: 1 June;

Naadam (traditional summer festival): 11-13 July;

Independence Day: 26 November

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Business Hours Week days Weekend

Banks 9.30-16.00 closed

Central Post Office 7.30-21.00 9.00-21.00

State Department store 9.00-22.00 10.00-22.00

Restaurants 11.00-22.00 11.00-22.00

Privet Companies and 9.00-18.00 closed

Government offices Lunch at 13.00-14.00


When you arrive in Ulaanbaatar, you can eat out at the number of restaurants serving Chinese,

Indian, Korean, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Latin American and of course

Mongolian cuisines. Basic foodstuff of the Mongols is beef, mutton and noodles. Noodles, rice,

breads, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and onions are likely to be a part of most meals. In

Ulaanbaatar, a lot of supermarkets and markets sell both Mongolian and imported goods from

China, Russia, East Asia and Europe. The domestic meat and dairy products are of a good value and

considerably tastier than one may find at home. Water is of a good quality. For international style

imported foods please check the following shops:

Department Stores:

Sky Shopping Centre located behind the “Chinggis” hotel

State Department Store located on the Peace Avenue

Nomin Hypermarket located behind the international students dormitory

Naran Department Store located on the Seoul Street

Nomin State Department Store located in the Bayangol district

Good Price located next to the Naran Department Store

UB Mart located west of the Wedding Palace

Cashmere House located at the Peace Avenue 5, behind the Russian Embassy


Nomin Supermarket located at the ground floor of the State Department, 2nd

floor of the Sky

Shopping Centre

Tushig Supermarket located on the Seoul street across from the Circus

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Minii Delguur Supermarket located in each micro district

Shim Supermarket located west of the Circus


Dalai Eej market located west of the Circus

Mercury market located next to the Dalai Eej market

Narantuul black market located across the Ulaanbaatar University (the junction of Ikh

Toiruu and Teeverchid Street-East)

Bumbugur market located west of the Ikh Toiruu, opposite the Ger district surrounding the

Gandantegchilen Monastery.


Ulaanbaatar has a plentiful array of international restaurants to suit all tastes. Look out following:

Thai-Sapphire restaurant (Thai), opposite the Central Post Office

Hua Shin restaurant (Chinese) at the Baga Toiruu, north side of the Anod Bank centre

Silk Road, behind the State Library and near the Choijin Lama Monastery Museum

Pizza Della Casa (Italian) at the Peace Avenue near the Peace and Friendship Buildings

Sekitei restaurant (Japanese) at Sansar Shopping Centre

Los Bandidos Restaurant (Indian and Mexican) at the Baga Toiruu 6, opposite supermarket


Hang Gang (Korean), near the Edelweiss Hotel, close to the Korean Embassy

Hazara (Indian), behind the Wrestling Palace

Seoul restaurant (Korean), inside the Children’s Park

Matreshka restaurant (Russian), behind the State Department Store

Cafes & Fast Food BBQ Chicken at the Sukhbaatar district, 4

th khoroo, Baga Toiruu

Big Burger, in front of the Nomin department Store

UB Deli Cafe at the Seoul Street, north of the Circus

Michele’s French Bakery, nearby to the Planet Pizza


International Transport by Air

Currently, all direct flights from Beijing (BJS), Seoul (SEL), Moscow (SVO), Osaka (KIX), Tokyo

(NRT), Hohhot (HET), Irkutsk (IKT) and Ulan-Ude (UDE) are landing at the capital, Ulaanbaatar

(ULN). Flights are run all year by MIAT (Mongolian International Air Transport-OM), Aeroflot

(SU), Korean Air (KAL) and Air China (CA).

MIAT Mongolian Airlines: tel: 322610

Aeroflot: tel: 320720

Air China: hppt:// tel: 452544

Korean Air: hppt:// tel: 317100

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Air Mongolia tel: 330373

One can telephone the airline agencies by 305030 to Airmarket

1818 to Airlink

313131 to Airtrans


The Chinggis Khaan International Airport of Ulaanbaatar is the main gateway to Mongolia. It is

located about 18 km to the southwest of Ulaanbaatar.

Domestic Air Transportation

For domestic flights you can take the MIAT, Aero Mongolia or Eznis Airlines. All destinations

originate in Ulaanbaatar. Scheduled flights to the various destinations in the countryside do not

operate on daily basis, usually once or twice a week.

The MIAT reservations office is next to the Mongol Bank (on the corner of Khudaldaany Street and

the Baga Toiruu).

The Aero Mongolia reservations office is in Ikh Surguuliin Gudamj, behind the Government


The Eznis Airlines reservations office is on Seoul Street, on the left side of the Irish Pub.

International Transport by Train

The visitors coming from Via Russia and China may take direct train via the Trans Mongolian

Railway line. For more information please visit; tel: 24191

Domestic Land Transportation

In the capital city, one can use buses, minibuses and 4 wheels drive vehicles. In the countryside the

4 wheel drive vehicles are preferable. Taxis run for ₮ 450-500 per km and the bus fare is ₮ 300

regardless of the bus lines.


Every foreigner must fill in a customs declaration form, which should be retained until departure.

This allows the free import and re-export of articles intended for personal use for duration of stay. It

is prohibited to import and export the following items without proper permissions from the

appropriate Mongolian authorities:

Guns, weapons and ammunitions;

Explosive items;

Radioactive substance;

Opium, hashish and other narcotics;

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Pornographic publications, records, films;

Paleontological and archaeological findings;

Collection of various plants and their seeds, birds, wild and domestic animals;

Raw skins, hides, furs and wool without the permission of the appropriate Mongolian



Ulaanbaatar is not the safest places in the world, therefore, you MUST be aware of the dangers and

apply common sense.

- It is not a good idea to walk around suburbs and dark places in Ulaanbaatar late night after

10 pm, especially alone.

- If you do go out to nightclubs or bars leave your belongings in a safe place.

- If you do go out to nightclubs in group, please look for each other and do not attempt

yourself for any adventure.

- Use only recognizable designed taxis and buses.

- You should carry a photocopy of your travel documents at all times. Never leave money,

valuables and hand baggage unattended.

- Be careful when you are in the markets, shopping centres, museums and theatres, and also

on public transports. There are pickpockets in Mongolia too.

- We advise you to buy souvenirs, precious things, cashmere and leather goods in shops and

not from street vendors and get a receipt or custom certificate from the shop assistants.

- Do not buy anything precious, antique items and products of animal origin offered by


During your stay in Mongolia you may visit some religious places, Buddhist monasteries. When

visiting Buddhist monasteries and temples, you need to take into account the following in order to

avoid cultural misunderstandings:

- Do not dress immodestly when you visit a Buddhist temple, and take your hat off.

- Do not take photos or videos of anything or anyone without permission.

- Do not make a loud noise or smoke inside.

- When entering a temple do not step on the door threshold.

- Never touch the Buddha images and other accessories in the temple because there are

considered sacred.

Useful contact details

National University of Mongolia

1. Office for International Affairs 976 11 320159

e-mail: [email protected]

2. School of Mongolian Language and Culture

NUM second building third floor 976 11 325435

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e-mail: [email protected]

3. Office of Undergraduate Studies 976 11 318161

Room-220, second floor NUM Main Building,

Ikh surguuliin gudamj 1

e-mail:[email protected]

4. Graduate School 976 11 321983

Room#219, second floor NUM Main Building,

Ikh surguuliin gudamj 1

e-mail:[email protected]

5. Student Health Centre 976 11 319077

Student Dormitory No1 (behind Japan centre)

Ulaanbaatar (976 11)

City taxi 343433/324499

Emergency 103

Fire 101or 328171

Police 102

District police office

Bayangol district police 361709

BayanZurkh district police 451848

Sukhbaatar district police 326724

Songinokhairkhan district police 631669

Khan-Uul district police 341494

Chingeltei district police 311883

Trauma and injury hospital 361709

Yonsei Friendship hospital 323055

Airport Information Bureau 198

Telephone inquire 1109, 1939

Sight Seeing

Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet 322854

Academic Theatre of National Drama 323213

Bogd khaan Museum 341995/343071

Central House of Culture 329173

Choijin Lama`s Monastery 324788/328547

Fine Arts Museum 323966

Gandan Monastery 360337

Modern Art Gallery 327177

Museum of National History 325656

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Museum of Religious History 342195

National History Museum 321716

State Circus 320795

State folk Song/Dance Ensemble 323213

State Philharmonic Orchestra 323672

Tumen Ekh-National Folk Group 327379

Express mail service

DHL 325772

EMS 321976

FeDex 312092/320064

THT 311655/313389

Freight Forwarding agencies

Mongolian express 318329/95151818

Mongolian Trans 682100/682478

M&M Mongolia 310236

Tuushin 320064/312092

IFFCC 312509/311342

Railway Ticketing

International ticketing 94133

Domestic ticketing 94137


Mongolian Resort 324545

Addresses of Mongolian

Diplomatic Representatives


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Level 10, 80 Mount st.,

North Sydney NSW 2060,

PO Box & Fax:+61-2-9966 1922

E-mail: monconoz


Ambassade de Mongolie

Avenue Besme 18, 1190


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Phone: +32-2-3446974

Fax: +32-2-3443215



Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Auhofstrasse 65, A-1130

Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43-1-877 3733

Fax:+43-1-877 373 340

E-mail: mong.consulate.vienna


Embassy of Mongolia

Federek Jolio Kuri street 52,

Sofia, Bulgaria, 1113

Phone: +359-2-9630765

Fax: +359-2-9630745

E-mail: E-mongemb


Consulate General of Mongolia

1 Bedford Rd, Suite 1, Toronto,

Ontario M5R 2J7





Embajada de Mongolia

Calle 66 No 505, Esguina a 5

Ta-A, Miramar, Havana CUBA




Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

UNISCRAP A/S, Genvidings

Industry, Fiskerihavsgade 6

DK-2450 Kobennavn SV,



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Embassy of Mongolia

No 2, Xiushui Beijie Jian

Guo, Men Wai Da Jie Beijing, China

Phone: +86-10-6532-1810

Fax :+86-10-6532-5045



Republic Velvyslanectvi Mongolska

Na Marne 5, Praha-6

160000, Ceska Rupublika

Photo: +42-2-24311199

Fax :+42-2-24314827

E-mail: mongemb


Embassy of Mongolia

No 14, Str. 152, MAADI,

Cairo Egypt

Photo: +20-2-3506012


E-mail: monemby


Ambassade de Mongolie

5, Avenue Robert Schumann,

92100 Boulogne – Billancourt

Phone: +33-1-46052318;

Fax: +33-1-46053016

e-mail: 106513.2672

Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Eschersheimer Landstr.62-60,

D – 60322 Frankfurt am Main,


Phone: +49-69-153 096 10;

Fax: +49-69-153 096 66

E-mail: pfeildirk

Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Reitmorstrasse 15,

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D – 80538 Muenchen, Germany

Phone: +49-89-21 024 910;

Fax: +49-89-21 024 919

E-mail: Mongolia


Botschaft der Mongolei

Dietzgenstrasse 31, 13156

Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49-30-474 806-0;

Fax: +49-30-474 806-16

E-mail: mongolbot

E-mail: post


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Schachte 39-40,

D – 28195 Bremen, Germany

Phone: +49-421-176 230;

Fax: +49-421-1769 315

E-mail: fischer

Hungary Mongol Nagykovetsege

Bogar Utca 14-c, 1022

Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36-1-2124579;

Fax: +36-1-2125731

E-mail: mnk mail,


Embassy of Mongolia

34, Archbishop Makarious

Marg, New Deli 110003, India

Phone: +91-11-4631728;

Fax: +91-11-4633240

E-mail: Embassy.mongolia


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Via Giulia, 10, 34126


Phone: +39-40-575422

Fax: +39-40-575 431

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E-mail: consolato.mongolia


Embassy of Mongolia

Aubakerova 1/1, Alma alti,


Phone: +7-3272-200865

Fax: +7-3272-293259

E-mail: monkazel


Honorary Consulate of


9 Frishmen Street, Phone Aviv

63578, Israel

Phone: +976-3-524 3929

Fax: +7976-3-527 2361

E-mail: clascard


Embassy of Mongolia

21-4 kamiyama Cho shibuya

Ku Tokyo

Phone: +81-33-469-2088


Fax: +81-33-469-2216

E-mail: embmong


Embassy of Mongolia

Q. Wat Nak Km.3

370, Ventaine, Loa P.D.R

Phone: +856-21-315220

Fax: +856-21-315221

E-mail: mongemb


Honorary consulate of



floor Empire Tower, City

Sq. Center, 182 japan Tun razak

50400 Kuala- Lumpur, Malaysia

Phone: +60-3-262-1933

Fax: +60-3-2620-1933

E-mail: Baizura

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Ambasada of Mongolii

00478 Warszawa, Polska, ul.

Rejtana 15m, 16

Phone: +856-21-315220

Fax: +856-21-315221

E-mail: mongemb

General Consulate of Mongolia in Irkutsk

Str.Lapina 11, Irkutsk, Russia

Phone: +7-3952-342145,342445

Fax: +7-3952-342143

E-mail: irconsul


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Notarissen De Cuserstraat 5,1081CK Amsterdam-Buitenveldert,

Postbus 791094,100888


Fax: +31-20-6449638


Embassy of Mongolia

Str. Faragas-6, Buharest, Romania

Phone: +40-1-6387370;

Fax: +40-1-3121325


General Consulate of Mongolia in Ulan-Ude

Erbanoba str, 12, HoPhone

Baikal, Ulan Ude, Russia

Phone: +7-30122-15275, 20499

Fax: +70-301522-14188

e-mail: mnc


Trade Representative of Mongolia

100, St. Patrick Road, St. Patrick Garden

Singapore 424191, Singapore 424191, Singapore

Phone: +65-3481 753


South Korea

Embassy of Mongolia

1-104 Riverside village I-Dong 300-24, Dongbuichon-Dong

Yong san-Ku, Seul, 1-104 Korea



E-mail: monemb urial. Net

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Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

Gotabergsgatan 34,S-411 34,


Phone: +46-31-160770;

Fax: +46-31-160770

Democratic Republic of Mongolia Korea

Embassy of Mongolia

Mansu-dong, Pyongyang,



Fax: +850-2-3817616

Honorary Consul of Mongolia 189-17, Onchon 1-Dong

Dongrae –Gu

Pusan 607-061, Korea

Phone: +82-51-555 81 82, 5583 891;

Fax:+82-51-555 4715


Mission Permanente de la Mongolie 4, Chemin des Mollies 1293

Bellevue/GE, Switzerland

Phone: +41-22-7741974;


E-mail: mission.mongolia itu.

Chor Mongolia


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

94 Rimklongprapa road

Banksue, Bankgog 10800


Fax:+66-2-2590 359

United Kingdom

Mongolian Embassy

7 Kensington Court, London

W8 5DL, United Kingdom

Phone: +44-171-937 0150;

Fax: +44-171-937 1117

E-mail: embmong

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Consulate &UN Representative 6 East 77

th st., New York, NY


Phone: +1-212-4746 517;

Fax:+1-212-8619 464

E-mail: mngun or



Mongolistan Buyukelciligi Koza Sokak 109, G.O.P.

Ankara , Turkey

Phone:+90-312-446 7791

e-mail: mogolelc


Embassy of Mongolia

2833 M street, N.W.,

Washington D.C.20007, USA

Phone:+1-202-3337117, 298 7137;

Fax: +1-202-298 9227

E-mail: monemb aol.comor


Honorary Consulate of Mongolia

1221Lamar Suite 1201,

Housten TX 77010 USA,

Phone: +1-713-759-2922;



Mongolian Embassy

M.kotsibinckogo 3, Kiev

252030, Ukraina

Phone: +7-44-2168639;

Fax: +7-44-2168751

E-mail: postserv


Embassy of Mongolia

39,Tran Phu str., Hanoi


Phone: +84-4-8453009;


E-mail: mondembhanoi

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