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By David Daskal Benefits Communication Expert, Jellyvision


Ready, Set, Plan! How to Learn from 2015 and Set Yourself Up for Success in 2016

© 2015 The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTICE: We have put a lot of work into this webinar. Please don’t take this material and put it into your own material without first talking with us. Seriously.

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Your host, David Daskal

•  Benefits communication expert

•  Supermarket free sample expert •  Author of benefits-themed haiku

•  Lover of anagrams

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We survived!

Now what?

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Today, we’ll talk about:

• Conducting a productive post-OE review

• Creating a helpful early 2016

benefits communications plan

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Taking Stock: How to Conduct a Post-Open

Enrollment Review

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Plans never go…as planned

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“What Went Well?” and

“What Could’ve Been Better If…”?

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1. Reflect on your 2015 OE goals • What were you trying to accomplish specifically

during OE this year?

• Consider both hard and soft goals

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2. Make a WWW – CBBI list

What Went Well: Could’ve Been Better If:

•  Benefits questions to HR went down by 20%

•  All employees successfully enrolled in benefits

•  401(k) contributions went up by 30%

•  Communications materials were well-received by C-suite

•  Traffic to benefits portal didn’t

cause downtime •  We hit our CDHP enrollment

goal •  More employees enrolled

earlier in the open enrollment process

•  We had more traction with voluntary benefits

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3. Critique your 2015 benefits communications Ask how you might you have made your messaging: • More eye-catching and engaging • Easier to scan or digest • Less confusing, or boring, or overwhelming • More timely

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4. Survey your employees

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Sample survey questions

1.  How effective were our communications in helping you make confident choices about your benefits?

•  Effective •  Somewhat effective •  Neither effective nor ineffective •  Somewhat ineffective •  Ineffective

2.  Would you prefer if we texted reminders about HR matters to you rather than email?

•  Yes •  No

3.  Which parts of choosing benefits feel most confusing – and what might we do to help you understand better?

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5. Choose two guiding words for next year

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Planning Ahead: Identifying Your Early 2016 Benefits

Communications Priorities

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Benefits messaging themes for Q1 2016

1.  New plan reminder messaging 2.  “Fresh start” wellness messaging 3.  What the heck is a 1095 form?! messaging

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New plan reminder messaging

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•  Provide FAQs about pharmacy visits, doctor visits, and HSA reimbursement

•  Walk employees through interpreting an EOB form

•  Promote price transparency and cost comparison tools

What about high deductible plans?

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•  Send email the first week of January

•  Send a follow-up message the week plan cards arrive in the mail

• Use a third-party explainer tool

How to communicate it:

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“Fresh start” wellness messaging

Smoking cessation programs

Health and fitness programs

Financial wellness programs

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•  A poster and/or

banner ad campaign

Ideas for communicating about health-related programs

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•  An email sent

first 2 weeks of January…with links

Ideas for communicating about health-related programs

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Ideas for communicating about financial wellness programs January: •  Send an email about


•  Create a newsletter, private Facebook group, or blog

•  Tie end of year bonuses with messages about investing

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Ideas for communicating about financial wellness programs February: •  Send an email reminder

about 401(k)s

•  Send a reminder to join your group or follow your blog

•  Send your financial wellness newsletter!

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Ideas for communicating about financial wellness programs March:

•  Send reminder emails about FSA fund deadline

•  Send “Tax Day is coming” message about the benefits of FSAs and HSAs

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Form 1095 messaging

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•  What is this new form? •  Why am I getting it? •  What do I do with it? •  Do I owe more taxes because of it? •  How many of these will I get? •  Do I send this in somewhere or what? •  How will I know if I did everything right?

Anticipate their questions:

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Create clear, simple answers

•  Use clear, ordinary language

•  Consider creating a FAQ list

•  Add visuals!

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Create a multi-platform communication plan

•  Emails •  Postcards •  Posters •  Intranet pages •  Fliers with paychecks?

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PROMOTE: Pricing transparency, prescription transparency  

REMIND EMPLOYEES:  You can make HSA changes, FSA fund deadlines  

EXPLAIN:  How the deductible works    

REMIND EMPLOYEES:  About HSA flexibility    

PROMOTE: Budgeting tools, 1095 awareness  

REMIND EMPLOYEES: Tax advantages of HDHPs    

REMIND EMPLOYEES: About pricing transparency    

REMIND EMPLOYEES:  About HSA reimbursement    

REMIND EMPLOYEES: How HSA funds work  

PROMOTE:  Free preventive care, provider’s EOB resources    

PROMOTE:  Provider’s EOB resources  


*Begin preparing your Open Enrollment materials  

REMIND EMPLOYEES:  How HSA reimbursement works  

  PROMOTE:  The value of low premiums!    


2016 Benefits Communication Theme Calendar

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Let’s review!

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1.  Reflect on your goals 2.  Make a “What Went Well/

Could’ve Been Better If” list 3.  Conduct benefits communication

critique 4.  Survey your employees 5.  Choose two guiding words

Taking Stock

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1.  Send new plan reminder messaging 2. Stagger “Fresh start” wellness messaging Jan- March 3. Create helpful 1095 FAQs – and a communication plan by Jan 2016

Planning Ahead

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David Daskal [email protected]

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