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Page 1: ALBANY MRS. HIGHLAND R MISS MRS. LrTCHFl LD€¦ · MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NOIES. MobtalittofCityandCoevtrt..Dr.James BtarU's investigations and statistic* of the relative _**»rtalll.v


Mobtalitt of City andCoevtrt..Dr. JamesBtarU's investigations and statistic* of the relative

_**»rtalll.v of town and rural district» in 8cotlan l are.

-published In Thr Eilintturo* ktetlieal Journal. Of the

.trlklt.g fart* branght to light by Dr. SfarK, the following

ayptBf t«» be among te most imi»ortai)t : That were all

abc town rhiidren of Scotland reared In the country, at

louait 8,(K»() live» wo.ild be annually saved to the populaUon ; second, cor.ld the mortality of the tow ns Ix- broughta*~ n to that «if te ti.ainliind districts, upward of 13,000hves would be thus saved to the population, and every

Individua! living in the large town* would,on an average,live in. vear» lonin-r than he ha» anv eliance of doing

tat présent, Will further, if from the rural dWinct* «Acre

--lauded the towns wiih populations varying from tant

thousand to ten thousand inha>>nants.the ^s-*»si-Jeaih « ould have bt«a-n about 40 rear* instead of ¿\ ana,

-»o»i\d the mortaliiv of the towns be broucht downto that

ml the purely rural district* of tin» mainland, then the

-average lile "of the town p».pulatiou «Would bo increaseJ

si!»i-ui tilt« eii years.One-sided Development..Tho l»B_tt of

_*lng the right hand in prefer, nee to* tb«' left among

ahoae pcs>ples whose monuments dale fro.-the reunite»!

.antiquity appear* to be a universal fact, iWid this is ac-

.ontrted for by the anatoniic:il in.« lianimu ofMlie human

_ody. It is ¡inowu that the right lung, liviV-icbe aid

tete exceed In siie those of the left side, iuvttîv-ig, of

.eouriM«, a greater amount of tissue structure and .**. larger

¦apply of nerves aud teal vessels for thtlr uutritk*B- A

j i»h..ii walking in a dense fog figures with his ft ef'Jheaeiaocnt of a circle, and. If he Is right handed, he takcs\a

direction to the left, because the right leg naturally takes*a «truie. The left side of the brain i» larger (liar.

the ri^-i.t. and. as it appears thai t!i( potter if verbal tir-

liclBlion in the rli_ht-ti»iide«l is confined to acertalnaeavolntlon on thr left skie, ta«-t-rnelaaloa la BirlTed at

thai, In <«pcakiiiKni.dtblnking.tlie leftside of (he brain is

ase«, tht« hela« te resah afdaxtval **dneatlon. The

opiuion !ius also lieen expressed by seme medical writersthat atiiiu-siii and aphasia m right-banded men Indicate«Jnna-e .af the !. ft bruin, and that hainniei palsy andwriter'» cramp »Uow tfet result* of exceaaive working ofthe left brain.Experiments with Lunatics..Dr. Ponza, i

-trector of the lunatic asylum at Alessandria, Piedmont»

.to»*- made some interesting experiments to ascertain the

effect of solar light on lunatics. Several room» were

epecially pr. paaai for this purpose, the walls being jpalate of the same color as the glaws paues of the win¬

dows, these latter being »lulte numerous, in onlcr t«>

favor the action of the light. One of the patients thus

It cited affected with morbid taciturnity, became gay and

affable after throe hours' stay in a red chamber ; anoth.ria maniac, who had refused all food, asked for some

brt.ikfat-t alter having'staved twenty-four hours in the

cameredchan er. Inublueone.ahighl.v-cxcitwlmadinai^with a straight waistcoat on, was kept all day ; an hour

after, he appeared much calmer. A patient was made (o

i»as« te 111 lit in a violet chamber; on the following day-he tiegged l»r. l'onza to send liitn home, Ix-causo he felt Ihimself cured, and he has basa well ever »inee. Dr.

Ponza'* eo'.icliiMous Horn bis experiments arc t!:at theviolet rays, of all oihers, pos-ess ihe most Intense electro¬

chemical power the red ln-'ht is also very rich in calor

ltic rays ; blue light, on the contrary, is quite dt-void ofthem, ae well as of chemical and ele« trie oiks. Its !».¦

netlceiit influence is haul to exph-B, but, a* it Is the at»-

aolute aaxateB CS all excitement, if succeeds admirablyin calming the excitement of furious maniac*.

_Cctti Publications.."nfT amp com-» 5sV.


Just Published bvE. SC1UT.KRTH ». Co..

Aud for »ale bv all music dealers."As bnght *s t newly tome, dollar, right from the mint.".

|Mu3 Kx _

Instruction.For Boys and Ycun«r Men.City.

CLASS for Young GENTLEMEN and Pri¬vate Inatrnctlon, Til'- it. \-H, 17 Ka»t 16th »t.

OOKKEEPINO, PENMANSHIP, ABTTH*METIt',' &o.-Pol.BEAK, 1.1HH Broadway, prepare»

pnvale pnpila (or business »iturklv <»n low tenu*. KlegJUtBusiness wriiliig. *.*. B'.okk»« ¡.tug, flO.Arltlinietle. f5.


AB(' NESH COLLEGE, »outh west corner l'i_on»s(inare, REQPl N*J SEPTEMBKB i._

CHAULIER INSTITUTE. Central Pai_.P«btBttvSSBal yoQBjr ( i-nt lernen of 7 to -.'o vtars..Boartling

aud Pay BehosL college. Bnlines \Ve*t l'oint, an.! B» lenttflcSi -hooU. Freie ti, .erm.iti. Spanish car. fully tangbt andspoken. Building new, the bent of it« kind. Twenty-a»'tuhdyear begins Bept 18.


PABNEY ÜNIVER8ITY SCHOOL, 25 Eat.2011-at Preparation for coOffS. Clrcnlsr» on sppUi

DR. J. SACHS'' COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE;101 West ".Sthst,. eoriier iitb-ave. icopeos Sept. IS itw.i

cn^ii (»»ur-e of Claaalcal. EngUvh, and Oennan fnstinction«tirenare» tsirtai .ally f..i Cornell, Harvard aud Columbia._

DS. EVEBSON1« COLLEGIATE SCHOOL,. nor. Forty ».voin« »t. Bad Sixth «ve.,». Reaervoir

I'ark, itojaeri» SEPT. 20. -'short Leiisons Tnnroaghly Maitared J:< ..:» to the followniip prêtent patroua:HowarT! Croahy, D. I»., 1'rof. if. B. 8-ülb. I». r».,I'lel. 11 !» Hlttiic (k. I) I)., i'luf. Osa L. lTeutHJ», P. P.,Te- (iallandet, I». I»., Tho». s. Hastings, P. P.,

neX,White, D.D.,. has. E-Eaox, P.P.,MsnittT-tmbls.

ENGLISH and CLASSICAL «SCHOOL FOBm a..¦». mow. 4M-**., eons- su-th sve.-C a. milks.

rrinciial. Fur circular» ai>i»ly at the V». ¡uilamr Hot"!, or ml-

«Jits« Box 51'.. (iniltleti.iro, VU After SejiL « »l»plv at 10" W.43d«t.. laattteen 11 ¡oui 3.

ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL forHut », l.'O U'eet Forty iiuril^t.. corner Sixth-av»«..C. A.

MILES, A.M. «Principal For circular» applv at Wiiil-orHot«!, or-lidien» box 51'J. I'.ratlletH.n», Vt. After sept, p ,ij>-ply »t No H n Weal Fcrtv third st., hetween 11 and 3._

FEZANDIE INSTITCTE to y<mnf geatle-.17 Wut 334*4..BsvcatS year complete »tudies

circul_r»i on .1« muni.

H AUVAKI) UNIVEBSlTY-Claai of Mr.%V.M. \V. M:\V1.LU 110 Esst Twenty »ixlhst._

HARLEM Coll. Ins. anil Kiii»l<ri_art«pn, 35Baal "i'Jlti. at.. .» .[an» «». ¡,t. 11. D. F. DIMOX, Prin,

HOLLADAT COLLEGIATE ÏNSTII l TE,i,.--i.", ni-.,.ittat.- a a-leet Mhooifor B«»v». drenlan ut

I'utii.o.» ». Bsndolph *, and u.-i.-aUi school. Keapwi* 8ept 18

\ II. MOKSE'" S( H( )0L, 1.267liroaduäy,a» reopen» Sept. 2V Prepare*lor Hsrvard. Yale, Ac

IOHN MacMULLEN1« SCHOOL, 1,214 B'd-*J* way, itwpem Mi XPAY. Bept. 18, Circulars at Pntnaa'a.

Mis- JACKSON11 FEMALE SEMINARY,.-t l-J.rt »-., r.oieiia »Sept 13. H«.at»l and tulle.n,

1-1*0 per annnm. A tiaei v houie lo: pupils, with thorough m»truel irciilar.

MURRAY HILL INSTITUTE, A SCHOOLMilt liuv -, iijM n» it». tlortKiith year sept. In,atiUmw

room». 1,2711 liroaoway. Entrance 101) West M-Mfc_JOPEPH P. HI LI.

MISS DU VERNET. a»_*_8tod by oonipetonluia«i«i». will reepi n »u r N.anliu« and day sell» »l »I. »nr

H..V- uieiei 15, at No lo-j Weal Twenty-nlntb-at», on* doortu.m sixtlcat-«., on MONDAY, Sept Vij. I»av r» ar»

taken to tin Pan afteraa c-iriv dinner. Cta.o_as eaa Im sa-ta».teil at LsK-kwood'a, 81-J Lroadway.


school for Boya. Preparatiou f,u (.oil. .¡te.. sci«utiit< s. boo! ».

er BaaIneaa. rena begins Kept IV lsTtJ. Hoars ¦.I sssstoa,1» '¿it-> 30. ll.»iir for btiuly oEly 'vi'liuiurr), tescberi>priwntto -Ski

_44» M.-.llm-B-sve.. New-York

PACKARD'» BUSINESS COLLEGE KE-ui'i.M.V..-Thla in at it ii lou will ra-.'ieii for Hi. y» ,«r en

MOBPAY, Best 4 >¡»-. ial ¡ale» foi tuition m i-ataihlfMhed InMay will he atislnablt- duriua Aiuriat Mr. V;u kanl will he athi» other Ironi !» a. iu. to 8 p, m lb* laet two w»«eKs l» ~t;pts Call or »end for elrcnlar, B a*-. PACKABP, 80S Broadway.

TUL ACADEMY OF THE S .CRED H HAKT,for yon-a la«lie», 4H B/«aS iTihat., Baw-Yssfe, will rto¡»en

en the ftrai Mi. ulay ..f »«ieiitember.

THE COLLEGIATE 8( HoôïTTfouiided A. I).1820), 79 Weal _*d-st, rortvir 6th ave., late 101 We»t

14th »t Let. BENBY B. CHAPÍN, 1'h. p., I'nn. i|«l Boy»carefullyt r<-|i»re«l for OoUtgS or Iluaiue»». A wellcradi-dl'rittiaÄfie'.iirtiiieiiL Th»- »Tth school year will heiiiu hent.1H. isTsT Call or »end tor clrsnlar.

1TRSUL1NE ACADEMY, East Moitíshüíb,\J N."*.- (_«. *ichola»tlc year Is .llvldf»:! into two «.-».ion»I« mi» oer «-»»ion, im liuiini/ boan], tuition in KiiKlIah audKreuch, ami taHlillna. »141: Music, fio. btuillea«.will he warned on the ttrst Monday ol s. pteuihar.

For Young Ladi«sa.City.A LADY, wiKhinR to educate her onlv child«J\ a uainx'ita-r, at hotue, would recalce Into her íamUy twortiT«. i/'il«, *o«_ik a motber'» care in every particular, i».in

lulled w it!) Is at «1uc»Uol»I a»l\ aut&Kr» ; »paciou» txuise. am-

Slegrot_i'lM,r.vite carrliK,-«* all U.« aiipointuicnt» of «t.-n»«a an«l CiUU "»'e«l ham«-. luicbi*»t reference». K«ar taartliu-

lair« apply, i*-. »ouiillv or hy I. ;t*r, to Mr». C. _. BEIM»WICK,Ht Pvnis Holt, New York.

AMERICAN KIXDEKGARTEN-now m it«ICtb Tear at *A East 43d-at Ml»* E. M COE, Pria

A TBAI5I*K¡ CLAWl FOB TEACTIEKS vrtll ha) organizedat tb« Amertcae Kinderaarten Buildin« (near Art OaUen-)on the Centennlgi oroonda, Philadelphia, eomineneinic Jttae '¿0.An entirely new aevaf material, cheap, basnOfoi, Bad pnralrAmerican, inveatt-a By sod manufactured <mly tor Ml** Co*.All the KltHhel l-eia»»»dapu-tl Ui American wtota. Book* with¦sot word», '¿a. voiauaa. Any child eaa make them. Teocber*aad famlliea «nppltad at very reaaonable ratea.


ForlnformatiOT adalrea» l-ECKETABY OP LOCAL CX)SIMITTEE, W» llfth ave.. New York.


MRS. JONSON and Miss J0NE8 will n-ovttuitu BOAKI'INO and PAY bCHOOLtor yoona

^_»*s_SD_de!illi.reB. st Ni» 1- East 31H1-ST.. Bept **&

MRS. ROBERTS and Miss Walker's SCHOOLfor Ypi'No LA OIL«, No. 148 Maoinon aya, r«

funu*roBSS Udiss wUl b* r**celr-ai mto the

M-ñtAf^^uP- BRACKETT and Mi-ssHtDAtâJïutîF "" ru.*1»*¦. °«»' .. titteitlu* »m t on up

M,J5_.¿__ií__i?,, J*.* Lûdi<>»' Kn«f*'«^FrWKjL »"*' V*n>** Boartliu« ann liar achtvi' »_i i»i.

^¦^*?J_!_J?l"^_i>**«!j»_iiu.W-jiM -Piular» io I jJILLE. dOKEMIEULX and Mlii KEtttfi__^?í ._* _»> ."*"' '¦*» v<Hii»S I *Mi»¿ OpaSTaeiï* »5*\m> M t^^^^aaAàml M __S_B__kaa -toi." i


For Younar Ladies.City

MRS. BYLVANU8 REED1" HOARDING ANDHAY SCHOOL, tor Young Ladies, Nim. (inn H Baal

FiflV tlilr»! »t New York, llKOl'KNS (»el. 1. Kiench andOerinan piactlrallv tauirlit careful training in l'rini-iv andl'rei»arat»i'v PepsiIsamlBj OoBsglBtS courue of » meet«

all oemsBda for inghci cd in stloa ¿1 «vouicn. Arrangent« ota forhealth BB- comlori ou a granit scale. A snc/tusfi. Kinder

Karten «.« nected vtith Ok- hciiooU_UTGERS FEMALE COLLEGE..Fall t-erra..¡.. .sept .7. llev.TIIO». D. ANPEltBON. I>. I». Pre*

-THE MODEL KINDERGARTEN and tnter-jl ni..«iii.te .m«! AdvanosdUlasa of Mi». K (tAi's-I'.dkttkand Prof JOHN Kl'.Al'S. l.'.iit, and 1,-68 liroailwtiy, lielweaili8-d »ml Hihi si»., will r« open (»c(. S, and their Noniul Train-lug School im ivi.a 1. carien TeacMC* on Nuv. k\


A.For Both Scx_3.City.ST. JOHN* SCHOOL.

BOAUIHNIi AM) HAY SCHOOLKm Young I_i<:|. » .mil Ciiililrcn,

REV. THEODORE IBVINO, I.I.I»., BaXtor,-1 Wi »I lliiltl'mcl.liil »I.


I/RIENDS SEMINARY for ROYS mid GIRLS,1- lliithei (on!-placeand Ea»t Si_teeiit!>»t , «rill reo]»« n nth

lie »h, 12th, 1876, liiiiler t!ie ehiiriren! BENJAMIN SMITH.A. M. Tl.oai. WbOdeslíe lo Conf» r with the Principal »till Sndlilm it the Seiiuiiiiry ilsily on and after .¿.Mb IiihI.. between thelio.i -i »»! s nal II it. ni Cimnlars BUMr bS hu»l st the semi.

narvj also, at WlllatsA Co., 309 Paari »t.. ami joalaa Maty,H., Kd Beaver at._HEIDENFELD INSTITUTE, 822 Lcxina-tg__

at... ii. w. tor. ol e.:u\ hi (( i»f itii-.m a*» >. iuirtlsham! (¡erin.iii |.»t ami Boar-iin. MjlluuL, ttlll « IV.Bead for circulara. __.._.


BEPT. B8. (is Wesl ;(iiii»t._____AIR*« J. T. BENEDICT* Boai-ine and Day ¡JfJ Mh.Halfor YOUNG I. «OIKS and .Mil Mil V No. 7

1 i*t '.-'.1st., New-Yort.wlll"« semi t.»i . neniara.

Miss BALLOW*"ENGLISH and FRENCHK'CnoOL lor «einig ladle* and children, No.-I Baat

Twenty >*««toi*il-*tt.,v»il) reopen on WEPXE»UAY. Bepl W.

MBS. WILLIAMËS* EiirLsIi and lr.'nehHoaroVii. and L ly School h»r y..uii_ In.'.. «. »n»! chll

dr.««, Ko. 26 Ä'-*t l'fltti »t., *¦._! reopeu on Till. Iihday,

Bept-i-ä.'MADAME C. MEARS.

A»«i»xa««l by MLLE. L. SEE, Englhih. French, and (1er-limn boanling and Pat- School (»>r youn« ladle* ami children,222 M_«ltRoii ate- Will ....,. n «,V«»iiii»**.l»'-, «-et.l. 27._

MRS. MÄ1.T1.0DGERS "GRIFFITTS willr. open lor l'ncli»h. 1'r. m h, ami liiTiiian I»»y School for

Young Ladle» and Children, at No. 33 \V. mi Kml.t eieliih »I»,on n'E«»I)AY, sept. 2«:. Advanced clan». .< In I iikIi»1i Liter

ature«u«i the German I anguage !.»r Poat oraduat» » »ui.i other».

M IL-». HERMANN R<>KI»HKLENS Boardingsu»! l»nv SCHOOL for Younir Ladles Bad Ciillilr.ii. I'ri

maiv Pepartnn-nt fur Boy*. SB East sl\iv In »I »t.. tle.roupliiiiKtfiK ti.-n In English, Kreuch, an.! .lerinsii; oral leasona Inthe language* In Infant Orpartuu nl. Mi» KOEBBELKNwill be «t Koma niter s,pt ... rhe achool will opta Bept. -0.

MRS. GARRETTSON'1BOAHltlMi und HAY SCHOOL f'»rvotini/ladle» and

children. No. 5- WEHT 17TII ST., New Y«>rli, ttili reo-BM i.,i

WERNESU t v. .». pt. 87.Facilities for the Mudy of Presea, (.trinan anil Music untvur

pas iw><!.l t.orotiKhneM In t-yery department.Apply peraonslly or by letter as

MADEMOISELLE TARDIVEL.Nu. 25 h i:- r fob > -BU i u st.,

SEW YORK.Reopens fier FKF.XCH. ENGLIHll, and liKKMAN BOARD-IMi um! liA'i BCHOOL '..i YOl'NO LAP1E*) ami Hll,DKEX sept. 21 Clrenlsr» snd rr.ferencea tent on sppU-stloa.11«m h ipokBB tliietillf in OOe tear.i_tin, îirattiiii/. siiiiriiik.'. Pastel, Water Coto**, Hsedlavark,

etc.. IiicIuiIikI hi Ihe Inltioll. _


MADEMOISI-I-LE 1>I". JANONreapectfully anniiiinc«. tl.nt th. y will i ..ntlnue. nn.i.r «Slllfnltea» lu i a. lin ir et p. uni ut ..I a' KIN PEROARTEN, tt Uli talût.,it». la»» (.»I BOT» Bad lilila. »th.» -.Mil I.» t.iiiKht IBüdilitioii («a resal Mid write. Also, ii (Is»» f..i Boy* only, f»rt!ioron_'h elenMBtarr ItiatrucU'.n. All applications t» bo inadeat 1(» (.liiinei. ¦>. l'ai k. loi H i.'»» -'. » :.!._


CEAHFRY S1:MIXARY mid KINDERGAK-Ö i i;.n, 12] Wesl 4'Jd-at» usai R«****rvoir Park, opens Its10.real Bept 20. KINPEROARTEN andel Mia. M a.iY..»t. YOl'NO'ir.- under a Vaaasr srsdnste i »eparstai LASSH'AL DEPARTMENT for It. ys iitol. r I. Pattlaon,A M r» (. rene -i auJ t ittid-rs uhlalutd at the i-vhool s»i,-!a< lion lZlllllHIl!t..»,.

THE MISSES GRAHAM, anocoi-ora to thatMlasei «¡re« n, w ii! i»»,,]m b ih» it s, boo] t.»r Young i.«.ii. «,

«.ml ciii.ii. n at No 1 l'iüii a\... :.:»!¦:...use from \. .«.»uin/iU.usaynare, on WEPNE8PAY, the 27U. o! Bept» uii« r,

For Boys and Yourtff Men.Country.N (x.-cll.!!! lioiiio, with suitable in*«tni(-tioii,(»»i »n bora s(iH-);i,n'!t'<'. wi K.t i; W. Ill I.[.All!)

A HOME, with suitable ear«- and instraction,fir »ix («'»es er »t'i.ii in». I:. M rs. Monaon, Maaa.

A HOME-UKE BOARDING SCHOOL foiYoiiu-Bo'.a.-E. IIINIis A. M lleiiipm»al. LonflalS-fl.


A L E X A N I) E R INSÏITl TK.-Mililaiv_- Bobi-Ubs BCtraoL White lu.u.a. N. Y. Principal, n.J..W1LL1H, lh P._IT THF. JAMESBURO INSTITUTE, K.J.,

-T. rare ¡a prlren i.» as« h i- ¦¦. » diapoEtlon and need. a.lui« »a,M. PAKE Y. A. M.. l't-ii.l;.il._A BOARDING BCHOOL »or Roy»«.At Crotón, .i-.' mil«-.» New. Voik «, t. tir>»*-, »paclniin. Forcolleceoi hutdneaa. Olrcular» readv. (

B. WATtRINO. A M [latfol pum'ak. i-i. .. Principal '_AB0ARDING-8CH00L foi _:. l'.i.vs-

l'ditT CHEHTEB INHTITCTE, Port Cheater, W»-1ehester t'a, N. Y. O. WINT1ÍBOPBTABR, A M Principal.-.i.:r». uullii.» ve.ry attin. tiv.. Hot-M with rlty aptxalnlnient»,ira*, watir, Ar, hi-at.-.l bj »team Q>una«ínui Orouiidal-.r» l>niia. «f loo i»t aniiutii Pew vacanelea

ADAMS ACADEMY,xa. Di'.'Mv, M i-s.

HON. riIAItl.L« Kll.lMl» AHAMs, LI..I», «ai tin- I'! .t M,i»j-i»-er»


Th» dealim of fh« m-I.««»I i» f> pvspfll. '».»¦« la ¡V n».-t

thon, nth -tanner foi tt.. i.« »t An rbere areum«-1. acia i» ml gentlemen i»f a'.iii'y and exparlen« e.

lief. ia » preparatory (laat lia taas* lou !..t theA «a.!, iny. ami tht iii.-:i m '¡..u K.t« n l- « ai« tul and »rsteinatlc,il» »i muni to flt the pupil» Ui'.r.eishl-.- fot lh* linca, r -t,,rk of theAcsuetnf, No pupila ai« admlitàad andel ten «, .n -, «»i bbb.

II... M.Btér wltB bll ?.._) 1} ¡Ulialilo in the Araih'iu) BoBr-lnB-hoa**» an>l ti». >*oun(ei i^.t»

líate i a« h a ht paral« aloov. in a i«i !'«¦ .loiu.lli.i U.Hl cuín

innnli ateatltrectly with tli« atastet** htttoomt Bo¡ » an ul~.ahuUial'iIi- »n l-lt'alc fanlii.

Tot ca_loiruf.,», adilte.»» im; mam : i_

BURLINGTON COLLEGE N. J..Claaneal,BstSBtlflc aad Military i*cheol foi Boy*.


BETHANY ACADEMY, a Family Schoolf..r Bora; hoai.l khi! tint.on, f175pet «i h««.! «-»ar. Ad

«¡i. »r VVM, J 'ill«- \vi i. i|ii:i ii j-,»i. ipaL


S'iih vearT.eiritia "-a*!,«.. 11 BrnphsUeaUv a Howe -»c'lia»!Bltnatlon utiaurpa^»«.«! in baaluf.tneat ..»..»? i.ihn, andailaptuiloii tu lioanliiii' arl.iaii parpo»«« l.xi ¦¦¦!. i.: In uiti»»Im n« i.Htlon anil I..H o ».r -¡..n THOROVOII! i:i»eipliM-. Careful moral and Chrl»0an tralnln*«. Kpcclalatiimi.iii given t.iiu t. im. i»u huaiu.-n». .\u_it». r ii..n'.-1. Ctr-calara aent oa ipphcailon,_

C^IVIL ami Mecbanical Enffinecnng at tin-/ RsBssflserPolytschnlc Itutirate,Tro.v, n. t. (dvantstts*

ntiÄiin*»-«»"'1 in tin» c», um v. uradost» » obtain «-t. rllenl puaiUon». K«*op« n» sejiul 1 >«.r the Annual I'.» _i»iei containing nu

proved eotiraeol »tudy, addre*» Prof. Char!. Ornwne, i.

COLLEGIATE and Commercial Inatitutc.«Lu. RÜHREI I'-' '».I»<».l. >.«> Haven, C.iin., 49d__BT.

Prepara ton* to c».lh ire. ». .entiti. keboohv ami hnalneaa. 1h«.rOUgB» tralUing bj BUlitat] »Iriillns. gyu.uaallr», AC.( alaloguea M-nt on uppiii atlnn.

POLLEGIATË INSTITUTE Newton, SusciV> CO.. K.J-REOPEN*« WEPNEHDAY, Hepl ,. Htudentam« ti«ii.Highly flue«- for t'r>-lim.ui and Bopboniot. rla«ara nlBMÜa or femáis collège* or f..r hu-.m». uuililinga »appliedwith t»ath riwiin» am! cío water thronghont I/x-tlon ooao(uni, fur ni ai-'-e»». PriéeBMO. Send lut catalogua s. s.

BTEVKXN a M., pTinclpsl_DR. _>IKNE0 (a Yule tniwliiate, with imich

»txpeí lenca- in t« a« hiiiK.i will reeelv* lato i.i» laimit alOn-enwKh. r»»iiu n< boj a te be fitted for«*ollege <»t l.iialti.j-a tanas tno.leraie. H*«fe(**BOa. l;>t. Iirs. iI»atuiKa,preBttaa, Irena-na l'rliii., N»» York Mr. B. A. l'ai i and,Newark I-r circular addre*» OR. I'1N.m;d.


ERASMUS HALL ACADEMY, Flatbnsh, L. I._J U'.-.'ll: M ( K, A M , Piiin .¡al.

PNGLEWOOD, N. J.--C-Baskai "and Matbe*AJ matii-l ItoanlinK BdMOl for Boya ÜSBBSBS Kept. 11,ls7i; a-lOOper i,ar, un l'uliug Uuguauc*. _i:iih-

WH1TTE1NEB A IL. l'un.-..

PDÜCAT10N ot YOUNG LADIES.Famil*-Jj >chooi L7 la spruce »t., l-hii-diàphi*. llev. E. U. rll'i'-l'LEE, A. M.. Pnacipai._1AAMILY School for hoys..t.ootl home: thor-JL_»i3#li ni»irii«ll«.ii. » s. H.irtw. 11. tt. A, l'nioinllle, N. Y.

FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARD1NG-I BCaiOOL, Pisa Oc**-), L. 1. M r.. TOWNSEWP, Principal.

FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freaaold, (N. J.)-JL A _toar-iDga»x.Uouii'it hoy».

. .Htv. A. S. . il AM!-.l l:-. Principal.

/JREENWICH, i'ONN., GREENWICH IN-VS RTITLTE- A thor&'iKh Ktifll»h ami cliiasiçii! ». h-nltwenty-hve boy» IikaUo* hcintlrul ami air**-dlnglv health-fnl; aiupiagioa-dk- e«x*l» m Uni«. 11AHKY 1 (/.K, l'un

»lu._'LUSHING. N.Y., IKsflTUTE.-fhis Board*

X' inii si 1uk>î lor Boy» sad v ouiia Mou «*»ll iwiiu, Tnoailiit;,Kept. 12. Addraaa E. A. T \l RCHI I.D._FAMILY SCHOOL for YOUNG B0T8L Gnat

Barrington. Masa., unit»o mental and plirateal cultureWlUi Uic ¡I.t_ieL'.«»oi ai;Uil«' '.. ii li.'ine

_JAM» KI HD, A M Principal.EH)BT WASHINGTON FRENCH AND KN-JT ou vil IJIfTirrTE. 171»t»t. and Kln»r»hrid»r»'toail.New York < !(f. _Z«I ,r<«»» Yor j »ung g»iitleinen. will ro

«i*a-n sept. 1H. Yol i-ircuiaraaiiply *«»»». I.e»plna»»e. 3 Mai,.»t.or at the In-tltuw. r'taAvon M also »t th* C. S. s, ljir»>c-torr. " PoniciU« " liuUrtinir V. PKEVUST. Pnncliial. Suc-cetxar to Le»pi-BSS» A Plirvot*. _

HRANVILbE MILITARY ACADEMY-3(i-i M ouït» Iroro Haï a loa». N.y., (or '-»l T«-»!*» In siauilnnl.f onu.;t.moten lui hei', i ti mW.» auperh huililini;» i »ta-aiu heat in

*rei, ivwu IS »tiS» no i. ¦piSUMM mu l'hiiallun cuitarelor bor» >re na riog f.»r com**, Imalti«»*». ar We*.t l'olut. Korlaiaior»»«*. -vldri-M WIU'OX * 11.1 NT. Priuclpala. Northüi-uvii.e, ti. V.

JOME SCHOOL for Rots from 4 to 12 years.II Ai¡<1 ic«» -IrtCL^BA E. IVF.s, I! |L_

HAMILTON COLLEGE. Clinton. N. Y.-1 ALL TEI!K cpeiri TIU'IU-I'AY. 8,p» f,

Khlr-uta LiaUiiL.Uuu, WK(lM>lMV, Sept. (I,


HOKWYI,.Good SCHOOL for BOYS.-ForÏ-r¦ »..n.-1 u.1. ir. w m U.ia clic, i»i fin u 4!, addre«s lice.

A S,J» AI'».1IAI>., A jt. a*iin*lt-imu«ic. Philadelphia._

HAYEÜFOUI) COLLEGE-Umler th. careof Hi». H'jcnir 0Î Eiu-i. !¦» idlllnxlo»), THOMAS

i u as!'., a m Frrur.eit. v-t Lnisiíimar. Au., stpir ta

Jnotrnction.For Boys and Young; Men.Country.

HIGHLAND Milit-firy Academy, Wowater,Mas«., prepare« It« «ortatoatea f«.r commandm» r>«.aitliin«i

to cotemoo and «. ¡rntllic piii.iilt*. C. B. MKTCAli, A.M., Hupt,

INSTITUTE <>F TECHNOLOGY..Ernmiim-ttonH Sept j.« and 21. B. KNKKLAf-ll), brc'y, Bue.on,

IRVING INSTITUTE. Tarrytown, Ñ. Y..No1 military: no extra» four resident liistrnctiir« 2fl boaril

btwooX Cimilora at THOMAS Kl HK" PA 1'IUCK'H, k»s

Mnoilway. (>i .iddieM_AJlM^NjVÍ¿4 BOWK, Principal«».


E% '«»il/.'OTtie». N. Y.bcbool n-open» Scpr. 14. K«'r full infnrmatloii »d-lreiM


LrTCHFl_LD INSTITUTE, Litclilit Id, Conn.-Sit Ik»v« In famllyof principal. M. It- <¦ «INKH, a. M.

f AWBENCE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL,*** HAHVAIU) UNIVKHSITY.Thl« Hrtiriol próvido* a four Tear»' ootrrae In KN'IINEER-

INO, leodloil t.. u,.« u. rrroe nt fcl VIL KMilNKKIl or MININfl KNCI.N'llKll. anil finir year«'ceiirgiH In ( Il I M I r.'I 111,tu NATIUIAI, HISTOllY. »I'd i" MATHEMATICS. I'llYfjUt ami AHTBONOMY. cacb "f whleb luul» Ui Ihr il««trr«M« of

S. B A lar«re portion of the lti«tnielii.n I» the »aim- as that

given to (((id. ruminate« lu tin- Collette. The I in vi-rslly Is

»mplv provided with l.iil.'.rnlorii«. ApparatnaandCollocUonaKind« lit« ot the Mi'irntltlc helio»! ran occupy room. In Colle«-«BulliiincNiínd boiiiil at Mciuorial Hall, r.xamliiatinnaforadBiivri"!! vt ill I«. I.« hi Hi p. «¡nui r 2H and 20. I" .«.innlna. at s a. in.

«Vor iulnruiailon oddrc»» , ......,,. .

JAM K H W H A II II I s 8ein tory.

T. PLEASANT INSTTE..I-tivnte elnnseafor tmy Amtierst,Mas« r «nil« 1 « lit. ll.c.N.ndi A.M., (In

('. Mitchell's .'.uiii.v School for Boys, W.Tl»tiiiry, Miirttia» Vlnet.ird, Ma«« M.c M m'..-11, A M.


liiKKlioel nt Jamaica. !.. I .-Prendí ami i««-rmi«i wldi«M extra rbsi -.-.l::t!- I. VIKNOT. A. M. ITInrlpol,

\f lt.. Yoi'M;" Cl.utsiral and English BOARD-aTI i m; «nu.mi. for Boya, iiiiimi uni, Elitabeib, H i.will ris.pen r-i.PI 11. l'npil- tln.roiiKlilv prepare«! lor anycolle«« or e< ;. tiiiiii acbool. _


AI' MNd SIM). ON lit liS'iN, N YThe «oiirm« nf iiMtincthiii rtabraeea lit«- folkrwin«. (totavrt

ment« ( I-imsI. il. M.«lern l-aiitriiuffi-t, Kleiiierimrv. Math«rooUoal, i-iii-ii-li Huidle«, nid Natural Heleno«. Ülaaaeoan*l«of««ii.I m Maule, Drawing-, r«'ii«-iiiL-. .nul P.l«..-iitiiiii A(her«« 'nlily oririinu. -l Military fiepartiiieat, ltidina srbool.with », n triiim-ii Hornea, (lyinnaaium, i«««Will NOMO I'll. MÍO] s, i,l la

BENJAMIN .1 AIT.KM, ll,nrlpala._VORWICH University ScioBtific ¡uni Militai vIl «ii,i»«l, .Sailliüil'l. \T«« Pi,,| VUAH. Iinl.l..'

VESVBURGH (N. Y.) INSTITUTE..A f.un-XI Uy Bebool Ior ooyt not ao**oaaoedM pn puui.ny ichaaLP.iiirlei'iitli a nual .«.«.nui I» en« «-« |«t 1.'.

_MOLAB à MaiNII: l'iiiiiipali.

>KI.\CET» »N «COLLE«iE.-Tbf I'.i |»;ir;itoiyKl bon!, Piiiaelon. N. J t, i.-» ni« Sept. 1.1


1PEEK8KILL(N.Y.) MILITARY Ai ADEMY.1 .OtMaaHopt IS, 1S76 BreMdoal laatrnrion bootdin« pupils; tin« ).-» iiiiiu-iiiin «HiiiintK. n ,i. « 0400 per year.

IKHJGHKEEPSIE MILITARY INSIII'I TK.I s r,reopen« Sopt. I3¡ propafoataraal'efCC anil liiiMin ««. s« nil fin colalooni

_II - II W IT. A M PllBi

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY,I Cheater, Ptmn., aaca» SEPT IS »u r.-m.-.-riur.tin-< i.inMi «, »ml RbcIIso, ii «'I'lairiii» toncbi Poi rlrcoloraapply to I'. M. Il( n. 1.1» I. ,«| N" 1 Si««.!! »I.. New \ i.. ««i

I«._I'H III I. IIVAIT. ITi -'¦!' n'.

DARK INSTITUTE, Rye, Wrstebestei County,J. H. V.«m l.-iiir I«!.el Sniit,.!, -Jl mil«, from Net % ««i kCltv (New Xntk an Net» llii'. . n Hal rn id tt« lte Im « in

ir. family of tbe Principal HlKli real a::,-.-« lli.M'.Ytau.«., n x it.. PniKipol, _^_

I.V. ]>. A. HOLBROOK-» MILITARiscildnl.. «-In».' smK-. N. \ v, i,,i f,,i Irro lar._

r. CLEMENT1 II.M.L, EllieoTi City, Md.-Aiii.ld i-,i.ii.|..t,. d lliartx Bcbool. with «rhool of Letten

ol Science in ira-i-.'l1« ie propn Dr. SPKNI KK. Heml M., r«

SJT. I'AI'i;- SCHOOL for BOYS. Qlcn Cove'i» i. I. -n« \t v« it begin» HrpL 11. l'.r Cir. ¡Ui« «.liirtMII.«- I'.« V. J. t .tlM.I.I.i.'N. I.1

REWARD INSTITUTE, f-.r ^s. . Florida,O oraiitr« (xx, lt. Y. Tbl» well koown iti-í:r'iii"n will opeaSept. 18. Iliipi lim «rti«ni«tio (ifli nul dumber ol pupil» lim-n«.! 10 :". l.nn«, t.:i"i t.. r aiininn. Addroaa Ibe l/rlnclpoleither at lii«lltnt< M at SIS ta»«t .7th «t.

1 «. «1 Itl'.IVI 1: A. M.

CTEVENS HIGH SCHOOL,tOinn sL, between lifth .ml sixth «t*

lli.l.ii'.l v NFrendi. (irrman. atul I'r.itt ma t.iii;-!it In nil thi iln«-" In

«ti a !..,n civi I» In tin 1.1« in« nl- nf Natural IIi«l««rt, r beoitry. ando] pli -. -. both i.j I,-, int.-, and I« tt Hooka

l'iipil» ntt« .1 tar coll. _-.. »ml f««r tni-I 111 I. HCIIOI.AIlHlltPM.

F.inr Freo Snbolarddpa to tbe -i-v. n-, nolooy open to Uie competition <«f 1hr gradnati «.«I theIlLrt BcbooL

TERMS HI l'l 1 DI Ftrot .-in«I S. «'tel ( "a... « ¡"I:. '.P'lta

'aiii'lii.l aod nttj «I .¡41« p«r anuuui.'I ni.1 per i« nu in prop rtli o

lall I. tin 1» .«in« >. i..' «.: Ilor ('iiculaln .«( CataJ.««.-'" « »! pit '" ""' PtiOl l|<«l.

_Prof I i'.x \i.i, W XII.,

HE VVATERBURY ENOLISII andCLASSl-( \I. «.( il'ii'l. r.t boj -

'N(i.1.TI»i|..t «-. pi It. la.,- .. . Bddn -.

A M Maat« r. XX il.-rlnii t. 1 «im

rriUNTTV SCHOOL,1 11 voi i-on nu iici'-'.N

II« «Jtbfal loi «lion, boom oml tl « rid»inn« eare of bi »itti, raaaaera, ami n,««r.»i . i««n of

boy», eon ¡»ii n.- t'.ini'i in un« m bool. in 1. iu year willl«. ir-.n .«« |«t (1 ¦.««:.1 ..« .. .1 .:. m Un Bel J. M.n".I', ii., P.i« t-.r


'»rrHK llll.l."S'. lloiil.. I''.xMi.Mi.ti'1 ery ,, Pi :.n 'Ji'.tli mi.m.ii

oaeb triiii.'i,»- r.'t eolle«« «od pi"'« -«."ii beaullfnl and inaltliiblned wltb iin-iirp«- f 1 l< adlfic

Pr.-|,.irili'ij- «-.h««,l in Hi.- HUM J.'IIN Mllli,«. |-i, Ii.PrliM-ipal r r.i.iH«. it. 1.1.1 Poru-r, Yah PnMrc.,1.11, it.'..n Prealilent .an« 11 and Pacolty, |jifa>«It. (,.l!. .-« 01 I «.i!>r«_V't'lNi; MEN íniv.itdy Fitted f.'t College.I I «ilillllli'I.i'l -III'llM» l«i!"|i'«l

y. Uni 1- M INN, «t.,

VONKERH MILITARY INSTI II'II.A ti. 1 n.,,'. :,c '.,,». nit« II ».«.!,t. : ,.,' ,.1111 ip»n.

_RK.NJAMIN MxHiN. ||oxNo.b!M Vookma, M V

«.MÛï~TO *250 PER YEAR..STEVENS-«»'" DALE i.v«.'ii-ii 11. ii.i.'i Boartttas

Kuboulfei lioi-s. ¡Mintii a m 1 ¦. -v. I». J.J II. XX IIIII.N'.i'.N. A. M.



For Youne Ladies.Country.BELECT IK)ARDINQ nod DAY SCHOOLf««l (¡IK!.-«, liil M,.ntir«,1.1. tt «t.. l-.aiirl'«-. p-i, 111.

(ipi'.NS H, 1 1 '.'.i. 1'i.t « -. ..I 11« lii'li. «« Mi- 1 VV I'."« It 1 I

\TIII.\.i;r.M SEMINARY f«.r >..iii.. l.nlii-,J\ Brooklyn, ft, 1'. To« n.ntii \,-ar »till ronimeoi90, A few pop 1« .¡m be roroleea lato Ibe lamllt otto«Principóla it« r OE<> K. liK.KI.dW, A.M., i!..- RonJi'll.V I« BKIKIXlW, I». II.

4 SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES tnll ojien si^'\ (.laoi-.i pla.., aoiiii.i.ii.-'i.i, N.Y., Sept l.i.l-,.; 11..-

11,.-. - ol ih,, ii,»iil'iii.«ii prnroUM Ibcioiioh ia-lrn. lam InI.«,Hi rn pHintor; .11,«I 1 ,ii« i-i.iiii |)epai me11U «.f (itmilHae«clal ontiraea will be an.-m.-« a t«« prepan klodroU >t toet iilii-i-Hllie«, («'lli-XiH, ai«l 1To.'i«««|i.ii.i1 »tboula dial hate«'p. ia ,¡ tli'-ii il>'"r« n, tt oui. n «itiiiii.'f

( Alml.lN I A i'XI«'|i'i K. IT. -id. ni

DROOKS -SEMINARY for YOUNG LAillES,1> |-..ii.'hk.'«-|wii N V. Keupena Kept 13, I«7(1

UÖRDENTOWN PEMALÊ COLLEGE, N. J,An k« in«. 1 in a I'hniiii'iiu locaU'-.i, «, n«l l..i

ialal«>Ki.'' He». WM C. HOWKN. A M ,'., d.-iit.

OARDING S( llooi...Mu«,,-, Diawiii-.'.I.iiftiii)-'. -a. ('ni..m« «ai-iii -,«« itrat n.

_AHM. XX HIT l.l K, Mnutll

HOARDING und DAV «SCHOOL,Mame He niaaeaRYMUMDS «rill ««i

>,:ir «d in« n Scboolfoi »iiiiiiL- Ladle« and Mililrculan, ¡nl'li«-« tin- I'm.« Ipal«, '-"J Pine «I

UROOKLTN UK;UTS 8EMÏNARY.rin- iaiii.Tiiiot in«« -''in. yeai nt (in« Buordlaavobeol

foi xoiinir iHiii. « will commence si pt. iu Ctrcoiar» can Im-bad al l.'.n MuotiiKU» »L, 111 - i. > n, H. Y.

_ClIAltl.K.-« K XX l>T. I'riiKipnl.

C»(niK'* (!olleninte Inst for Yonng l.¡nii(-,ypooa-bkeepale, X, Y.. binnii. 1J i¡.«. W.Cook, Pli 1»

pLASSICAL INS'. I'll JTE.-.Mrs. Hftrw-ood'sV' Nclcal 1 »Luly School for youn»T . nl It« d Battt nil

Uic Sim »«nuiv. Koiojqldeealoptnent en. fully eouiirlered.

DEAN COLLEGE and CON.SEI{VAToUYOP Mlsic for \oung l-nlie», Iliui«l>r»mtoii, K, Y.

Iioaid and all oxlrax fur (.'.(m per ..ear, exceptant; rooal iniinti-ami borp, Kev. It. A. PATKIU40N, A. M.. Preaidoat

PLMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE.-To LEASE,JLJ a 1 ui.i«. ¡S( iioi.AKhillP In ti 1« 111-111 ut.

_II. A. SACK I T T, (T.:nfi,ril, N. J

PLMIRA PEMALE COLLEGE afford» sni.-IJ nor aOvatnope« m ii-L'ii'at .inilli «, ¡.ii«l in iiiiid.i- and artAduriMu.. Kev. A. W. (')WI.Eo, U. Ü., Prctl.leul Nril Maatoa in .-.n« «-»¡m 11,1,111 6.


«L-AMILY BOARDING SCHOOL ici YOUNGI I.A I.II-;s«t "Ceilar (lien." SiiiK sing. N. Y., will reopenWKI)NK«IMV, Sept. Bo. por rmnilai» apply to Mrs M KPfciih'lNi, Prjueipkl, !'. ü lip» .uni. Hing slug,

G1R0VE HALL." Ncvr-lltivcn, Conn..Mlss« Monlfort'»tlolii>ol lor Y»uii( bxdie» inopnn« K««|,1.1,(1, '"o.

OLDEN UILLSEMINÂKY foi ynunc tndtñ»liriujfiuort. 0-iirL__Ail.l/«»«« M I MM KMILY NKlAUkf

GJOTHIC HALL, Stamford, Cniin.--Eiiehal7,» Piencb aod «laixuan fidA IU>I.NO «od 1)A «1 «('I!(ii,l. u,, i.A.'ii ii.,'.,, oopL 20. a. au ¡dimosAI KKW A ( MASK, Principal«.


HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS,BiMhleliÉiu. conn Addrc«» 1 »TI*. Ph. B.

IIOELIDAYSIMJU., I'ENN., SEMINARY.-J J ltrv. JitH. WAUOU, Ph. II.. Piliiripal. Í2M pu annum.

HÄKtPOSD, Cotnt..Mlaa HAINES11 FañTííy»ml !»av i-cliool for youiiR loilm«' and MImho, 801 A»y

luin «v«?. N n min r lliuitcti Bend for circular.

HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAOiEsT-lti«opeii« Sriiu IX, 1876. Aildr»u MimwJ. f». laOUillK

and M .slIIl.ANli. 18 lJiil»ol»«t., îtewbiii/*b. S. V.

HOME INSTITUTE. T.-írryUívvTirN. V.-AP.niiillri).- Jtnl Day Reboot tor Youmr Ladlataad cinldreo

lomb.iilnx bom« caee wltli . Ui«roueli courte ol «luilr wtlim>p«a sept. 11._u\ot M. M'. M Ki'CA l.f, »rtaalaaL

nILLsili)E SEMINARY,7lridfi«i»ürt\l;Jnn.-1 1.fluí». Pi.-nel«. and Oaaalnal ai l»...,. far Yoao« la nj

«11.1 11 i.dri-ii fitudani« pi »pare-I lor Vuw. Addrwa« Mi_Colt.M.I.IA K.VDlVLK*

AI.M-. J «ru.Nl.. »roItXRUA tVOWMU.MAItUKA H. 8I.AI1R.


Will IIKOPK.N hrpt 2(1._

Addroaa Mr». M.C. oll KP pa ft D.

\fISS RANNEY* HOARDING und DAYIt* Ht'HlNil. lor eotiiif l-vlieo, LUtal'tlb, W. ;, »UI bo

Jnôtrnction.For Toun-r LBdies.Country.

TNGIIAM UNIVERSITY FOR LADIE.S,1 LÉ KO Y. Oene-»ee Comity, N. Y. -Pull C«illege cnrriculum.IiMinct Hrhool of Miialc. (lemn»n and Coii-a-rvatnry method»employed. New Art College, an_uged after the mettio.« »>(

N Y Academy oILMMOgn, nndrr the direction of arcompllaheilartista. Drawing and Painting fr.iui life. L«>< atliiti healthy,heautifiil, und convenient» Term» ni<»l«.rat«i. Forty-»econdyear open» sept. 14. Eor cataloguen, addrei«» Mr». E. E. I.'SI'ACNTON. ______

MISS I'LUMLEY'« ROARDINir and DAYSCHOOL for 1.1 I'll I'. HI III..», Meturticn, Newjeraey.

AtISS M. 8. GIBSON" BOARDING ¡in»i DAYITI BCnOOL for Yoong I_die<«, I,*»ii_ I'lnu »1.. I'litlmlelphi.-

MRS. JAMES MASON'» HOARDING andIiaY HCIIOOLIor tailing livlle», Troy, N. Y.-\Vill opun

Kept. 16. Lor iln ular» addre«»-.:( Etr»t»aj IToy._\IISS BULKLEY" BOARDING Bod DAY111 SCHOOL for YoCNi. LAD.ks, larrytown on the.

Iludinn, «ill reopen WEDNESDAY, r- ,»t. 13. Adilru-S hyletter until sept. I._MKS. WEST* HOARDING and DAY

SCHOOL (or YOINU I.AHIKS und LITTLE OIKLH,Oreeowich. Conn., »ill REOPEN WEDNESDAY, Bspt 1J.He»l.h'iicc, Mi-u»l-ave. I*, o. Uox lHH._\| HA. GOODWIN" Geniian-Aiiicricnii Bonrd-iYI. lug and li»y Hch»»il for Young Ladle«, 151 Montagnu-it..Ui'okhn (fiirini rly Dudley Iimtitutei, «till rSOpSB Sept. '_<).Kindergarten under the management of an clHclent teacher.

MAPLKWOOD INSTITUTE"for~YOUNGLADIES, I'lttelleld, KSSBJ M veara old ground» »d

iinrlt :il,,! Iie.nily, laxmi» tiettlv fin lililí» o excellence of It»pieeent advantage* never »iirpamicd. Aildrc** llev. ('. V.Ml: A It, th. i »til., fin Btalngue,_


(invaiiHinttii, llallltuore County, lid ('«inducted hy the SchoolKill. IS of .Noll. lU'lie.

'I hi» in»lltuti»«n la mi »t deatrahlv lnrati-d. 3 mile* North »tBaltimore, and la provhlad rnltAtreaty m¦<. maty f..i iie.ilih an»!ruiniert. The »yslcm of «tvlnc.itt in panned la i'.c.»igueil lo de¬

velop the mental, uionil. .ind pswan of the puplU -t«iinn We 1 li.-iii refund, ,ii on.planed, niel nasful no loh« I» "Itoetety. In ihr caoorse, which birlad«** the Oermsn languacut, uuiuher uf pupil» lUulted to one hundred. ml f.rtv.Parlar Imiinler», or vounir HBSSB-S rii hire private apirt-

nn um, niniiii. limitad la fonrts. n.Young ladle* Whoa« health r..|ii!rr» »pedal privllein», cm

haB-coauBOdatad »ta lirai claaa country re*i»lcn.c, laratod n

the ground* provided Bitaca poaiUve anphraUona are mea.

beton the-5th ol Autrui- Education»! mliiiutagea .n«- (hoa.uni i'.r «II. K»»r particular* Retid fur calaluiriiu.


OSSININ*. INSTITUTE, Kinj- Niiij-, Ñ. Y.,wiïlnop« u Htipt.10, Misa H, M VAN VLECK, Principal.

OREAD LNSiTTUTE for YOUNG LADIES,\r Wi.mater. Mana. Koiiniliil liai». Aililrv»» .ruf. 11. U.OREEN, »i Newport, 11. L. until Ain* 2H._i.S Till-: III'Dson, :»i rode*, from New-York" "

(Hi, a .1. Ii.-h'tnl ( i.iintrt' ll'.iue and s, hiw.l. Pup!!» ».in

reniai-» the ruUre year. Ad.It. aw A. it. Iim ...-1 i P. 0- .<¦ Y.

pLAINFIELD «COLLEGE foi You»!!- Ladle*,I I'latnfleld, N J reopen« Sept. I. Mix K IV K«mon. I- In.

PROSPECT HILL SCHOOL, Greenfield,I Maa.a.-Ml»» SAKAII WKIOHT, l'rtnrlpul. Sand loi

pASSAlC FALL* INSTITUTE.Pot YoungI I.Ä.II..» »lid Little liirl», I'at« IM.n, .N. .1. Principal, Pat.J.»' WYl'BOKF.

PRINI ETON, N. J..Family and Day SchoolI for Youug I.aiiu» : opena Bepl I.*) Pur circular*, addrea*Mra KAI II C. IIOMMEII am! Ml»» E. H. Km'K >«¦ KLL.

RYE SEM IN AU Y.lite. VewVnr«.

Kur particular» ad»!r»-»» Mi«. J. 1.1 FF.

RÜCKLAND INSITOTE l»»r YOUNG LA-DIEH, Nya» k .m iIii.Imhi lt..uiiiriii »nu.n...ti. Mi».- I.

F. JOHNSON lak« Well» College, laid) l'riuclp-l.» WETrlELI *nd AI III KT «* I l.i.s. Prtnelp*!«.


CT. AUNTS SCHOOL,, N. Y., un.!« rtv direction ot Ut 11. v W. C. DOANE, ( u« niai» ».._( .»n

application._.TUITION, Room, Board, Fuel, Light, Washing,1 I'. 'A- lient. <fT |- r .t.. k AI I Il la. !¦;-. It. Nt.i. k

Ai...Lu,,« -1..I l'rUnary. Mr. aud Mr», I». P. LHK, l'iinclpal».

'rill: MISSES BUCKNALL" HOARDING-J BC'IIOOL d»r rammt} iBSIaasndIrttlsBirla, Ne» Bi «¦

'¦ J. 1 !,. « iiriilii« ». Iiu«.| yi...r «Mil ...i me 11r.., i-:-.._r|>!I¡: MISSES \" IT- and Freoch1 B *r. c anal l*BJ S» Moot, for Youtt* l..»!.»». S3 W .H!

<i *..« ii-\e.i. »-..un. Thsach'. i- i

circular»appli_________________-T'HOSE -».» \m», u flrst-claas Sel.I. tuaiiti-1 tal rt «Batane« (mm \ew Y»»rk «H-» (Loi |hl .-.'.it-a, anp-nor advantaàra lof«lu... »n I the I ... ... a ,.. .;... [|. 1». o K.t ..-.

frili: MAI LIS.r.tiuilv and D.iy Scliool ioiI .«oaf». ifili. HtS-Btord, < »B. Mt»

,i. Inatriiil t',..i.. iu'Ii. l'erm» modérât»'. I'.I'urcircularaaaldrea* MUa M. U A IEH1E.NOEN,

Principal._l'IliA, N. Y..Mrs. PIA! I "" SI IIOOL :. «

«U J-l » -»'|.t. I"_

W'ilill. l'LMNS SEMINARY. - EBirlish," |:a,ail P.. ir-'H c -, »¦¦» l"l toill.l.- llK.a-»

¡ i- ..«aiii ui, i-, ualriu iluu ,¦¦,. ut M l-.l t Ll.-I i Y. l-r.hilp-l. While l'I.dua.

A ...,'... M s »,


« I mill'. I M l'\. M.» Mh t M. ..Il I ..I \ I 1.

A full rnrp» I l .:. Il« la her»'i..l tnim'.er ..f »tad. ut» hi «l»'.ful and

>. .¡e location; »perial opfaortonlttcaAn Mi .¦ Kreneh,:il,,| .. n . ¦.;.;,>i . Ou. n»

Sept .'..]...: rue« ,,|.ii, ..

J II | : I 1 I'. ,. . -* \f ni. « '. an,'.. i»l««,r . I'. nu

VONKERS..IaOOIUl Hill M'iill,.:!.. lui Yuan«I f .i'li- . |!.-..iMii- Ha-pl .'" Ml»a l'unit A II'. «, l'on

.>»>D ^ I. .Ii-En-i.-iii.ld. iN. .1.» Young I.;nli« -'*9'me ¦-¦.-¦.ilion

For Sexos.Countiy.GOOD HOME E(ii. CHILDREN in ¦

trim. I«, »ill- Ad

BOARDING SCHOOL _4 ÍHghA (.-v. rhllilr» D «a U t.» et. »ni . ii,i CABr .. il

IM I' >N I.II -it .» - .1 ... iKsailtltul!).. at« ¦.liuiptou II >.| I«*». !.»-t<.»la'.urt ti,. ». !... hln i -i i.'¦ i. .» n. lo« Call apon

. Mill HELL. Illftl .!--« Ne-.t Yelk.


.A ,i ..i.... ¦... i inn i nui. i..... \..ik ¦'¦ per week tot board, Trsr*ilB*f. un!..'., u. I Um

Huinuirr vacatl.n., i..


Apple to Mr». II «' MOBBR1.' wart, »ma (»land.

fhLAVERACK COLLEGE mi.I 11. I«'. IN>'I'-V / I ( i. _. N \ .1 I..II Bf» II» - -,.1. 1 1 I'l« ten

1». ¦¦..min ni- ». ii v I,' »it ¦. i..t» thorough pri-pauralmili f ato» In ^ *i» i.» u

cut nit!. I, i. i'.i m at. dt'«nv«. f in..IV l'a l'aitm. Ut 11. AI US/.. I.AI k. I'll I».. I'l. I.

pi ÑTENARY (i.l.l.l.i.iA IK INs I I I I i i!.V> II». W. n»!..». n. N tiiiat yra npena ¦». j.i. »1 Yonniinen pieisran! f..r oolli .>. ..i lor b^alnaas Vouna ladle»

la Itr. a »fid in |.a/i|!«r . ol

legt .i». Bnlldina i. «iilu-.a la all i» .,.«» I». lein, (..intoit». In»(met ion ihm

in II WHITNEY, p I».. 1'ie».

|\i; GARMO INSTITUTE. \ ftrst-elsiasI " tehonl at modertfU ratea, lor both taxe*. Kor calaJorne»and pirn, ila« ulilreaaJAMES M OEOABMO, Hhloahaefc,S. Y

LWIJ.EV SEMINARY, Fulton, Oswwo Co.,1 N. Y. Both Hesea Brupana llth Hrpteinber i S-VS pelJear ; no etli.i. A ,i r. »» lla-t Jinn» » nuiioi n. A. M.

I.'DUI EDWARD INSTITUTE, N. Y~forI la.. . .n I1B4 per rear foi BoardandConimon l.ii'ilal,. c pi 11 are for oolleaa lor ».ne,», und toi life.AtWrtuta Jos. K. KINO. H. I» Kuli lern., .j«

JjToMÈ SCHOOL for -»ix ehiídreu: no chll-1 di. n n, lio ,i: i Board and Inatruuuoo, Including

m .-»i.inie and .m ni.-ini., »ik. simio, M un-, rooal aad in»;r.ii .»i. i il .'a »¦. i: i ilia .m i i :¦ i. h ..( di airad. A.i.iiv»» iiuxVia, P.O., Nia. a. V Y.

\IISS E. ELIZABETH DANA' BOARDING-M and i'\'i *.' Hi-il. t... yonnf Udieaand Chtldrca, atlioi.i.a Perry. M Y. (ou the lludaou). will UEOi'EN on ri Es.OAY, sent. -JM Term». *M0. Ym rrulara addreaa the or JAMI.» \S II.Ii; .ji IK'.' Iit,, N. \\_MADAME (). DA SILVA

undMI'.-. A I. KV lUtADKOIlliS

(formerly Mr* Oa.lirj Ifofmaa'») i-niíiiaii, Preach, aad Oain m Doardini and i» i] School hi Y .un« adl. » ana hlldren,ttilli iuII-IIuiiii » No. 17 Weat Hi.rty ml.l!i Kt, .\e» York.lé api n» .».inl .. ',, ,l»e_;... iu_> b» ui.m1l'by letter m i» ie. 11.111 ', »a al»,!.



f|N THE NEW LINE fron Phil», ko N. Y.-"/ ! Ii.iiouik'Ii teiiliinc, home comfort»; «.-(Xa.! di-dpllne.Term*low. AddraaaTUOB Iiam.on, ii.o., I'«'iiuiiik«>u,n..i.

ROCHLAND ColIefB, iSywk, N. Y.-EDgTandlfd. .-..".'.. p. Tern. open»*.. ¡.:. 11 Hand Ii»rclrrular.

KIVERS1DE HEMTOAKY, Wellsrille, AI1--ainiii.t Co.. N v a Boat-taf s<-Baal f»u Ladiaaaaduan

liiiu-ii » ill open Kept. U Boatloc, hiiihlic, atmiiaatlc»,riiiiti: imIi.k.1. henil for circular. Addrv»» (.'!1A*1 TYJ o,>., r, ll.ii OSa, Wellavlllc .s. Y.

CWARTHMORE ('(H.LECE, for both «»x^I' nu I' i Un- rare of Friend». Eor cat-lo.ue BSdrsaa (he Pre.-IrBUEUWAKI) n MAOILL. Bwarthptorc, Penn.

COUTH JERSEY INSTl'ITTE, Bri«_gptim,-7» N.J. K'.r hi.tli a.\>» Coll«« lucpai'iitiiiv. mallliite, ela_a|ea!. »ml .¦ lentille courte*, iiuli.lin- hrlek ; rrtodera Improveai-uu (hiinaU, tnild very heaiiin inatiu» ii...i thorough.L»»iua _».j.:. (J. Scud fur BBtSlagai II. X. 1ÍU-8K, liiULipal.

Miscellaneous.M A ME«. BCHOOL INSr." is a rrlialilo E.l-J\ bssiubibI Aatmty atm *«._.>»' larraaatMl experience

In ieiire*rntntg Teacher» nl »uottii iO.IUtv lu laiulhe» and»rliool» el »M-rt «rinde, lliillilin ol eftialnt.ite» for Autumn»eaaion nute m pieiiaratlun. Eiplanati-rv» lor »tump.J \V. BCilXftfLKBUOlLN, A. M., Ait-àr», U lloml »t, NewYo; k._A LADY (^INirAHKnÂD f»»r t!..« piirinmi.

o! «Kliicatln« her rhlldrnli varoiitcl TA K h «"Il A lliiK of t»iiar Ihieeoihei». ji»ui(» iheui u moi lier « CBt* aaj null v ttith luioiru. hhe iiiop»,«.« I.., u.U. m a town lu (liTiuiiny d »

lu,»iiialu-.i l«.i il» » l«antiiite» mnl il« h.I.iiul »unaI...C «lid m » »ehnol »ht knotta to lu« lliorouclily eicelleuL'I ma will **. Icotiil an onutiiiil opportuiiily (»r parent» or«uan1l:iii»!e»lrlii¡: to aducale their children la l-.ui.ipc, vetlir.ii. in t.» bar« ihr in entirely eipoac! in ii.»« lurturnce».M.'-i aiüal.tioi« líi.i-,,,,., (jltcti Ad.llu»» Y B.O., I'libuii»

>AKENTS AND GUARDIANS.rn« s, s. school and OOLLMI dibeltoby

Kill Ka'.. -.'Ill |. iee,



M a! ! ED FltKK in thoM batnn*' flnldrea to *dne*t« uponr*csipt ol putKcc, 9 crnta. »I ih* olflc«, frr«. To oil.ora, 51 c.

r. i O-l ESWOIITII P1NCKNEY.Domeatlr Bull.tint. Fourl(«nth41. «ml llroadwST. N*w

I'M*. Attd *( itai __* bOSJtltorM Ol UXUlCtfsl QÜ»

£am öcijoolo.

ALBANY LAW SCHOOL, N. Y., connectedwith UNION UN*VEllHITY.-'rheconr»oof Instruction

In 11.1« «i will nee on the tir»t TUKSDAY (the 5thday) of September. For Information or clreulan» apply to


COLUMBIA COLLEGE LAW .SCHOOL.-V; The nuii'te. nth annual term of till« lnmitntion will com-

n,flier at No. H (¡real Jonen-«.!., New York on WKDNKBDAY,Oct. 4. and will continue until May 17, 1877. cataloirm i» con-

tuliiluo full Information may bo obtained by penmual applica¬tion ntNo. H ílreat Joue« «t., or by letter addressed at tbemine number to TIIEOHOUE W. DWIU1IT. Profesaor. Au.

r AW SCHOOL.XJ HAKVAP.D UNIVT-TlfilTY.The m iidemlc year 1R70-77 will begin on ThUttday, Pentem-

bei 2r). II.e i-xainlnailnn for advanced «tandlng will ii.-«inon Thursday, «September 2K at » x m. At the beginning ofthe academic year 1877-7H, and afttrward», »ppllcoiita foradrulrriinu who are not graduate!» of collège« will ne roaxdrodto prui« a preliminary examination. At tbe beginning of fieacademic rear 1870-80 the Vacuity will odd a third year to »he

rmir.e of iiiHtriii-tinii. and rondidate« for a degree who ei.torthe Hchoul after tin» academic year 1870-77 will be examinedIn tbe entire cmirm- of three tear*. They mu»t also be mem¬ber« of th.« s< IiikiI at ii-aHt two yean. For Infonnatlou andfor circular» gtviug full particular« nildre««

JOUN H. ARNOLD,Librarian.

«Ccacliers.N EXPERIENCED TEACHEB wishes one

. or two PI PI I». Addree« TKACIIEH, .»08 We«t 2,»rim.

ALL «renting TEACHËB8J School«, or Pupils,¡ul.ii«'«« " Amer. I'nloii," 7.17 »roadway, N. Y.

Daily liitroductiuUH. ll«'«' opimrtuulttee. Kutabllahed 1867.

AYOUN'I. LADY of filupation, oxjtpríprire,aii'l eomni.'ii «en«.-, v. lab«« a .«ituatioii as AS»[«TANT In

PBIVATK or PUBLIC SCHOOL. Addri«» O. L., Post, (Jillen

ii.n4,i;iH._AITOUNG MAN wlio lias »««ven years' f\-

pciietii) want« a pn«itiou In puliiie or private «ein«,I«¦nod reference will tic given. AddroM FIDELI'i'Y, liox 15,Tribnne mllce._A LADY and f*cntl<«nian hnvinir no children,

and hHVIn« l> l«nr<-. d>»ir>« to aatOBM (he entire CAKE¡nal I.JDt i A'l ION of Ittn m three children. Adilreo» W.Tribnne 1 p-towaOfflcc, l.'j.u» liioadwoy.".. AMERICAN Sebón] Iiistiniu«," lh«"), in-J\ (toned by tiiKln-Kt i'«lueiii.oiial authorltle«., tapplio«

fiiiiillii-i«jDd m tinol» with n«tiabli t.nelii-r«. Explanatory cir, f««r M.imp .1. w. si ni-.itMI.KH'.I.N, li l'...nd «i

A GERMAN LADY, k<«h1 player anil thoroughA* and exp.-rieiit.-d ««n Piano, desire«« poalttona» imiMc I« aelnr. A1-«. loeokn En«/ll«h and itih Ii. Porparticular« apply to MUSIC TKACAEB, liox 14 TribuneOtüCf, New V««iK_A THOROUGH GRADUATE in Froebel'a1\ IvTiidei'uarleii By«leni v. ill take into tier rlaae of trainm«,'ttt.» nr lina« pn| «. ami nt tin in lot ]" «in«.a« «oceeaa noi an

t« ..1 Hi. i,.-t i. 1.¡fence« from pupil«. Aildreo« YAs.s.wi

AltAI'CAl K, I'nl.iiii« Iffl «-.

YOUNG LADY, tbe ilautxhtiT of an Epis¬copal eli .-yih.iii. t.i.o Un* had ««.me experleooein («-¡i. b

In«, would like à Kit nation In a pi Iviit.e «clioo! nr family to teachtbe l.'it' tirinii lie« mil tin' riii'.niaiit« ««t mimic, diawin»., and.::iiii,,i..iti.«:i. Addrco» II. W., P o. Box I.MS, Ñ. Y._A YALE GRADUATE, -ho hm taken a post

ÜKADUATK eoorae ta I.11I.11. OUt ha«t h*<l expertem e ina « a .i-ii-'ii a« «¡a. i.ii Inatraetor, in Laña, «n

in lam. «li'-s or .ia leocber «if othi i iraucbo«, II« «t ««f reeotnnu iiil.H,.!:« J. W. I)., II «x ."s", Ni-w-IiOliilon, ( Otin._

AN (-(Iticiiti (1 Gtsrman «¿cntleinan, witli px|m'-ra uia in tooehiag aad u «i («t uMiuiouiaU, dealwo to

maki ¡in nirii««lineal f«.r tht-«-ii.««iiiig year entier ¡vu PRIVATKrr r.iit «n m a HCBOOL in U)«efly or eeoatty ln«t:v.« H"ti

airea m llaaaiea, M.ui,, n, a :.. «. Freoflb, i.«rman. »uu Oyot-\'i «II -, N« » Vort Trlbnoe OfBcc.


i »«KAIH'A I'E of Dartmouth, who lias been¿\ lor two year»»t New ii.i.«u iitting i«nv« I«or iroIlaM and«.n¡.' Yalo «lu.ii-iii.« in Latin, drei k. and llaihotnatxca, de-«.ti « pu-, ¡it«- pup.I«. Reference« l.r »A'ro. A. H«mmood «ndWi'i M.iiil' \. i-«n of N V., It »aD. sin.H,, PtfO» "I Halt.(.«II and Uat. L ('((«!.in».', eaq.. I'nn, pal of llonklini (

m,n -. I,a«.I. Ni », iiavtn. Conn. Adtlrtoa CD., No 2d Weal-.'j«i -t., N V._IT THE "TEACHERS' AGENCY,''

__ 1,71'T ( Ii« .«(nut ht., I'liila l.-lpiic.Woatod.A BWitietnan and la«ly to t.-aeti mathemaii«¦«. cIjk«-

n .. m..«.,, a,'-.:, m loaaxiaaxto, aod l.ngitnii atanahaa Poaov

A hiipeiior viM-iiist, who it «lao a teacher of elocution: m«t-

Alabama1.1¦'«. i« irherol I id.''- i.i: I .¦« *lm r in «Im tea« bdl nt

lie.iii.l pan,un. «'..« t.i.,. an al«o t« «i« Ii pi'Mnacdiip Boa«t«II"l - ti J.-i «« v_

/ JOVERNESii..A North Oennnn lady, tpeak-"I Iuk I.i.nii-ii weU, with bent retereoi pomtloaa« mr-> it eovrtne« a «« obj ction t.unit

..II at Bt ¦¦ M MU« s I'J Item«, n ,1.. rtp«"-

MRS. Ml ICH1 I.E. -I j lomee, öfters free ofaw,berlUtol .',.1 a. ¡1 i-.-« oni'iietid.-1 )..¦

i. id. nt or i i-.tinit K««t«f ail int.iiialiü « iDtormatlon «ivea of *«

mb'Miin. piofroam« "f loafoa«twi rail «. ami »U «Iii'-j'lum.a,Ml- M ...qooIbandfamllie» r \i lli.K ,' m ¡il.A l

We» .lath«!. _

pMNCII'ALälllP WAN I ED.-Uy collpfrianI ,«t 7 -.«ai«- expel «¦'.« a« PrioclpoL Church i.n-i

i, n« m«I hoto «. rr,

i«.i-"U. liox No ..«i.'\. .i ¦;, .,.-n. ,«nn._

SCHOOLS ¡.implied with l'c;i( licr-i : no. hi:.."'.i..ii«pi.»ul. lier I. i« !i«-t«i. Th.KTIi.Hs' A'.;

I Ilia_r|1¡: M'llEU..A ui r.tlciti.r.i \»Ik> h;i- boen etn-1 ployed for o nomber ol rear« n. teacher ol ti.« i

a. lie city, a

i «noil ' f««r the cumin«; year. Addrea» A, i.

..-...-. A.; - .klyn._

'IH.Ai'HEIi FOB EUROPE..A Indy of *»ue-l ««(ni i traveled < .t«-t«.« elj n

il up. ran« nd the'«tin »il««u ¦.( t.mi,'/ I id:«-« .tudrtna at«:-

i. .. i n » i. n., ê Elm^_'_

\VaNTED.A » «(lu. .'¡.i iädj "to inotrmtt t n, m - i. .m «.i KM i n a t «¦ '' .««I «.-

partlrulai Bd retel N.J.

U'A ¦« I ED l»'ily El'iMES |n I5i(»..klyn. ornI« «IIn>n i» I« -!.!«¦. t '_"\. ri.i --..-.«.,,. |, ¡,. .1.

I'niiii. r. ii 1.1.. «,t in teocbloa iborouflM «l«l,- .111,1

lo going BouUl Adilr» . !« / I ,. «un,'"ill. .-. N, s Y'.'k Jiistrnmc'tta.t LARGE STOCK ol PIANOS, Stjnnw

. \ ,.i nut. t.« RKN "i --I I.I beanI til M. M. MKUUM.I. s, .So. .1 I iiinu «niuni

iNii. llljl «iiiit'i if

V MAGNIFICENT T1 .«(». tuve i-owwood Wimi-».,r I'll'' H 1. OR s.M.K eant ll.flOO, ft«

,.-, .:.«.I, «,t

i.,\ tor »i ii pul,-, »t. Call t privat« iW.-«l 2 Id «i.. Ill «I Mi. .1' c


\ BRÄUTIGAM'* Upriirht and s.iinrcil, PIAMOS ata «««'".I '" t "in« |i tree tuoi1<«rate. Una«un',1» «m ii.iii'i. .i lore« »aecitmeal ««f Secondhand P « .

fr««in 'in «t n.jvei«. \(-n aad .-«.'cud Laud Piano») to i«'iu.Walen mu«. No -ill ai. :. «a.. ii«"


I IGHTE «V ERNST, oW horuns .-f Urirtt, t«,-Ii Il, i'1'i irv. off a III-.« «; ..-¦ lid PlAN-'-P'iltl Is at b)«

E'lithlt p.u-. eula, otl'J Kant litli «u .i


«s, X. HALL vV Co..ito. ia i;ast i4TH.«r.

ciiickertn« ». sti'iuw ,v «. and ««l 1er Piano» and Organ» low«in [nal lUroenu and l"r regt.

REMOVAL.200 PIANOS wd ORGANS a.M .id ifHit iir.-i -" pile««. 1 tic «utmi-tititr »till Bill tbcll

rntlro rtoct ol Piano« hmI i rasa* box* out »ecood han.l¦liOOl iini«ic, inn«'., book«, iii'l in«n hainll«e, st WhOleaole

« Pa caab ¡«i. » loa« t«. reuoi al to tin it new «tor.«, (fa toml l «ni «t.. i n.«naare, Oct. 1 kfoatbl) inatatlmeata re

reived. Piano« Bad Organ« i" let tiotU paid tor a« per conii,ui in,.«tint, «t util!'«.n. ¦. m .i.i.-.t. Agenta wanted -i».i Iin, im «ii'« ni« t.« th.- trade. IIOKACK WATKKM n sum«,m .1,1«.... in .i uni in ui. i«. So. 481 Brooaway, New York.

Saleo bn QVattiou


«UCTION »ALE nf over 10,000 choice,\ PLANT»*. '.« i"- ¡».«Id by YOUNG A Kl.l.lnn, .«a

Till i.«i'.\ i, 31 i li.«i.,.u 11 0'cl.ak«. m., at No. 11 ton

Anextennvccollection «f UREEÄHOU8E, HOTHOUSE,linn OKCHIDACKOUS PLANTA, tu-iiKiBiiig to Mr. J. II.Ki).««r ol» l«liilid, BOOT Norwalk, Cnmu

_NV.M. KIT.luí 1, Alictioneoi.

A. Ml iiwis'. Aintioneer.Y BANG?, MEI.WIN _ Co- tw> BndNrny,iiurlM goleoul Hook« Wort»«of Art, tc. no.

|>V .SAMEEL HATCH & Co..U No. U congrri« «t noeUiii

(lltl VT TRAD! ««AI.K OP OLASMWAKE.t«V the Nett Bagtaad, BOOtOn au«l saiulanli. ¡iimI I uiou«««( oinpiinii », .«r

si\ rilut SAM) PA( KAtiES.On WKDNKMiAV ¡mil III I HsUAY, Sept. ti »ml 7, l«J7fl,

at OS o.I.hK a. ui.,at licit (CULTURAL HALL,Nu. 109 Tremotit-«! , ilonton,

will tie wild to the liiicln-M biild.-r. to the trade and exp«»rTer,over r.i'(K) pi, -«.agi-aol i.l.AS.s'AAUK of the beat deacrlptiouand foil «aaortmenl modo. Tcruu« at Hale.

.1'iili.l.iKU«-« now tOUty, MAJt't, HATCH * Co.



MEUCIIAN IS, FAMILIES! DOWN PRICESBlanket« ,.i ¡ill kind«, i.niru, Matting«, ouvlothi

Ciirriagi« elodi.«. Canvaa, Hnilnpit, liut.krnm«, CpboUtery'¦.'"¦ .«'.¦ «ANDREW LEoTErl A Co.. No. ;>7l tranAwny.

Ilegal iXoticc«.

N j)iir8iiRiiP(« of mi oidi-r of Delano C. Cal-»:i, im... siii-Kigiii, of Hi.« Ciinly of Kb« \ur«. notice W«) «ivin t.i »i! itrnon» iiHMiiir clmtii» Rviiiii»! \\'liltmn «i.»A Bad. iaU« of trie Cit\ uf N,-w-York. iti«ce««cd, t.» pre«eiii (heuume woUi vom en thereof t.« the .«in.eriin-rH at the ofBce <>|* liai lia H. llniley, No. Itt Bowanr, tu Die Cltv of Naw.YorWon or Ul«« e Hit- 5th datai No\.'iul.eruext-Uatod. .N«w York.tin-'.'.M!i din i«r ftjf«.'

( li.irim H. Ballojr, J.»me* striker, Jon»» is. I'ni-rturum.niyll lawtimW. ix«r-i¡i«ív.

IN iiiivaiuinre of un oidir of DELANO C.('. «*i|., gaitapale o, i «<¦ county uf Xcw-Yor

liollie I« liereliv giv. ti to «Il M r-oii« linvun* ClllttM a){-lii«íJAM s liKW.iK, Iule ol ll,r I It» uf Now-YoTk. ct cbum-iI to¡«lernt tlie »ame, wllli «OOCiMN ttltlWOf, 10 th« vitmi I.r* ^t

{lit ufBco 01 llAHCAIX* CTKTSOJÍ, «trorotve, UennVtilliiildii g, Ni,.tHl Nm_ii it., lu tbe Git» oí Xew-VJrk. on orlie-fuie Hu- fluí il«y i»f Nov.-iiilin ni-xl.-- Datod .~cw. Yn-k Ihetw.nii ,ult, day of ApiII, .«S7li. JANE DK»AAit, Ex-aoolrU.aynj uwCmiY_tames pan pon. ExT^tot

ncal (Rotate (Eo (ftchange.WVllT EXCHANGE. Hul»jict to I\STITTV-

TION MORTOAOE, two l.olx. ek«««otl» locatiil on.MidiMn-ate, oxcBv»ti«il ¡um «ewereil and full tul cornerIi »inirtDD »ru. cle*r. for liniirovcd nropertr owner menu»bU-Uta] OAMltLUll,l'A'»t«»«i»>»,

REAL ESTATE.Nbw-Yobk. Tuesday, An*. 29, 1876.

The following auction business waa trans*acte«! at the Exchange Snlearoom to-day :

_v Jot. Miller.1 3 »tory and h***m*_t crick honte, with Jot, e i* tA _(

diiilKn-Mt, 131.7 It n of ( »t, lot lit.ïxHO Fh'uiiíler.,. ft' 'O

1 lot, n j of West 100th »L extóodins to iÖUtat,' "-SO '

ft wot .di-ave,-0X201.10! »ü Campbell. 3,0002 Im*, n » of Weat looth st, extending to ¡(Hstat, 450ltW0tStU-Sve,60ji.01.10; »anie.uyr. 7,500

_"¥ «. V. llarnett.1 4 «tory hric_ _oi_e<f_».nt), I «tory hrick hoane (rear),5SdJ?*» .N" °' B<"íe"T_e *. 60.2 ft . of Canal-st, tot2-X-.¡ EL& Tfioalf.appen.

By .ii«. Kennellv.»pen.S3..03O

..'in. Kennen v.

0^X*tm7J>"c*i teaeraent bouse, with lot. a . Ea*t«¦*__ 26<*tt w of Aveuuo A, lot. 2-X04.8 MartinWent-Un*. tl.lOO

_ By Barnard Smyth.. ? ^tory brick tenet-cut hou*n. with lot», n * Eaat45Vh.*t, 220 ft w of, lota, 25_1<)0.5 each ; Pl**-c_*.1-4,642

By H. W. Coat**.One plot on 8th sve, n w cor of 143d»', 74.11x126, andone lot a . Went 144th *t, 100 ft t of (Jth-ave, lot. 35x124.11 i-Wni Held. |7,aou

fly A. If. Mullrr * Son.One 3-story snd ba»« meut broiwT) »tone h»u»e, with lot,n a Eaat 128lb at, 2(i4 ft e of 4Ui-ave, lot, 16x9». 11.ranci» Byrne. S6.170

By J. L. Well*.'

One 2-story frame honae, with loi. n » Elton at, 100 ftw of Morn, ave, Morrlsanla, lot, 25x100 M Union.. «f>>>3()


3d ave, s e cor 7_th*t, 21. >cxH5 ; T l)ncb*n*n to A Imirard.«30,000

2«ili.Ht, n », IDO ft e of 4t_ at e, F Cliarezand wife to E Mckeniia.. 18,000

10th at, n a, 144 ft w of Ave A, 2ÖXD4.8 ; H lY.ckin«und wife to H (I Autenrelth. 6,00r>

Uli ave. e », 60 ft « of 127tu »t, 50 x 90 ; Marv M Hen¬nin« to HO Peter*. 12,000

luth m, . a, 200 ft w of Uth-ave, i.'.x 100 Wm J ilur»tto Oto Hunt.Nomitial

Attorney-»*» a w cor Itlvimrton st. 20x50.8 I» Katzen»tajln to N lti'1* . 11,4(10

8_d »t, » s. 228.9 ft w ot 2d ave, 25x102.2 0 Lambertmid wlfetoj llircell. 8.00O

1 Ht h »t. n «, luO ft w of Ut-ave, _0x!i_ 11 Moaer to U.ri-ihuider. 42,000

2d ave, h w cor 28th «L 55.4x irrcKular Tho* Pahl toMary Smith..... 9,600

37(h-»t, n »,375 tt e of Hih-avc, 98.9x23.6; (leorire CMo» ncer to Amo* Tuck. Nominal

37th »t, n a, 375 ft e of Oth-ave,'.».«xSatî, B Se b tw¬in in r »nil wile to (liiirge E SB-BBCC. 90,1)00

2.1,-iv«', n w cor of 2xtli »t., fió.4x irregular t T Huiith.iii.l wifn Ut Thomaa Kahl. 0,Wi>

2«! ave. tt », 1(12 ft n of í,_d.»t, .-6.2x100 ; U F Herrt-lland huabaiid toc Btlnn. 60,00»)

3»! av.-, » e cor of 7-th-at, 21x86 K Smith and buabamit.. Huí na'.ai.. SU/iOU

Chry-ticat, ü « Ilot No 316), J II «tick and wife to WJ N au ff. -S.tViW

.'Ulli »t, n s, 190 ft w ot -«lave, 98.9x10.8 K Wirtliai d «Alfa« to KTirnmer. 10,000

_i...«i*on.»l, n a, 2.13.7 ft e of seaniiiial »t, 23.9x9(3; MEly (refeieci to It KColville. 9.200

»t.'i .ne, e a. 71.11 ft » of 143-»t. 25x100 ; O P Haine»(rarst-a) to Henry a lieu. 2,< oo

3»! »vc i\o585) e s, 65.9 ft n of »t. 17.4x75; JKoch (referee) to > I lauer. 4,100

79th »t. » a, 250 ft e of loth ave, M.8x1 ir..'.2, H VPultz« (referee) t« M E Miller . 6,000

S2d»t. n », 30») ft e uf lith-ave, 100x98.9, J ü Sinclair.referee, K, J Telll . 10,000

Otáis st, c », 222 ft « «>f Amity »t, 20.10x trreKular;E-aiifonl (r.-feiec) to A J IiitieuhiMafur . 5H,l)»K)COfBclal.] J. V. tjAVAi.B, Deputy KeirluU r.

OFFICTAL RECORD OF KOBXOAOtf,Bnclian, Daniel ami wife, to H F H Clau«en, a * of44tli»t, w o( 2d ave ; 1 year. Í&0O

i.'.i uiiiiiiií», (.' ati'l uuabanú, U» J Peunell, Klm av»M_4UlWard i 3 raata. 1,200

Cotvllle, l'.olieit K, m II Meii»»,truste«-, a »of KaB-SSB)>al, ami Jiuksoii. ó year* 10,000

Foater, Martin O, toJ I) Torr«-y, No 11 lTankfort« ;Syean. 4,50o

Fluh. Hannah l» and husband, to Kevenilble Collar Co,_»-.f-aiie«t, eof Itb-U. 30,000

F.uti, Morri» (Uni w lie, to name, a » of Croaby-Mt, u oll»nnc.i-*t. 30,000

7B1TS Jusliua 11, to 11 Van Loan, n » at 40th-»t, e of «th¬at. ;i yeara. 4.500

Henry, C, aid h-»baud, tu C JJouotiui, « . of 41 »i »i, wof 3<lave; 5 year». l,.!7í

I'.olin.s, KA, to Kotiert IMtou, 3''3 Vaiidam »t ; luutall-nirnt«._. »>0_

Eey»er, Ernat, mui wife, to J W odell, n e corn, i otII ir*and ¦. -a -t, and n w corner of 1 »t-ave and-Stb-S. 2 ve.,1». 1.000

K.alin, I'h«o A. aud *lk' to Mutual Lit«; Insuranc« Co.e a of 8d ave, n ot S9th-st; 1 year. «.ooo, Ellen, to John Carey, Jr, n» of 28tu «t, e of.ithati. :.}.;>'.. '¦Cáh)

Spencer. Oeo E, toB Schle«_i(rer, n . oi 37t!i »(, eofotiiat. Bjraar*-. 3.»,ooo

Tun!» r. J» ,'ni !.. Jini B if.-, to ILawery (Saving»; Hank, n

» .»I l'ltl st, w nl 3Uave; 1 rear. MMj i:l.iiai. J.'Y. .savauI- Bag-MSB.



Citn Utal Cstatc fox Sale.

FOR! ED SALE^-Oood HOUSE. 6 room:an, >'.i .Ii'.'; fine iruit and *.inl»-n »pl.-iniiii 1.« atlon MM

excellent nelfrhborbood fiai»' »ldewalks ind gx», very healthy;in i_n.uic» in .N« v» Jersey: oalySS.OOO; b:iraain.

STANLEY FtUOCsoN. ^»»1 Broa<lway._n.TM)"& WHITING, Bed Estate Amenta,

vi »:., n .irnt'W Poet office, ma..- »[k-. la! til. a

for the cara of aatata* and uroyertv tu tin* va ....ft. l'«n,lonir i \'..n. nee In the builne-* enable* them to render HioT,o»t lhti.-nt »ertl. -.

(Toantrn ßcai Cßtat, fox Sale.

4 \vki.i.-i.'t\ti:i) buWrban kfsi-.\ 1'l.M K-one !,i ur fi.m. city. t*!ue<! »i ilO.OilO; mort-

H.700: to KJ-CHJLXOE lor a l'A KM.Y. il. Uni »Tti.N. ',»(» Utierty »f.

i i:ai:K CHANCE <»» BUY in Mokii:s-.\ TOWX.-Tti Baal i'Mut«-i plana i iari;»» mtayttm* -n«*

noon» -. « ith u a Impruveineiita otTere.l !or .. (».»* at ¦..1 Ill-.N KY J.'IlN-o.N, M'ini.-tottii, N J.

HOME IN GEORGIA..To Physiciuu andoi.,.-..-FOB BAUE a ta.u_lil"»lxr«*oui MVKI.I.IM1

In a iI'miialitiiK town la Middle (leornia. in two pavuicnt»;»pieudid well ol water, «.'o»! oiitbuil,ilii»r», and _*_a«.'t«'a oflandatta» » »chootii aocietv, Ac. _c., Cue openiu»-inra ¡.In si« tan. Apply at Tilbnae Offlce._É_BEÁUT-FÜLLY LOCATED PARU» 4«*»j

..i.» Sac lawa aud » iu»_i!t!reut rlvar traat,lii.-e. *«.».5u0; t» nu» «a*y. Bulhllna» wortli ouo-bAll lb« i,iu;-u,k..'.


E. H.ioKol r. 55 Liberty-at.

POR BALE-A »good KAHM, in Dmtcbesa1 County, n« u In w 8S a» re*, with puy.u»»-viuejar.1 ;bo ifaau AddressC. 1>. wo.Mi. Poat-Oflc« H.._ 24;».

1?0R SAI.K, cheap, on easy tenus, ;t i-st«»!ybrwwn »tone 11 irSE In one of the uio»i de*lrBhls in iirti

borttood* of .i«i»-v city, sr w.iud axshSBS* for c«>unirv r«-*i.rang» ui 'i.«;. th Id ;u. !¦ 11..1. Adtlrea* 1'., Boi 486 l' 0,

IÔ0R SALE..A Hue BUILDING PLOT, «JOE l»y l'.o, oi C.»ihv l».lloet, desirably locat»»! and dry «oil;lo'itetiuiii lo turé- .1. ikii«, tu .LCSHTWO, L. L; 41 tr_lu*.achwaj iiri.» '.,.« f.arca.h. Call on owner, Nu. T rtpriu tf'..X. V.. or addrv»» K (j.. Ho- 11". I rtbuue «)f*l««\ N. Y Klimh-Injr combine* conntr} ailvantage» with the city convi uieuccaot gat, aairera, water ,.»<-.


L"oU SALE or EXCHANGE.-Property in,X oraaf« Canaty, eomprlalnc a Orlat-mUl vitii ln-v» r i.iii-",» waterpower, 2j year* » »tabll.ahed ¡sawmill. Ht«.re, and

» iillh-«l.op, two Iiail'.ll.ic-liaaiiHei» i BU bUI'dlli«,-.« Hi . «a!f;..¦ iron. ;n. ui..lii'.tu.e , t\ill in» mU at .i low iik'..r», .it

KxehauK**! for i»r »tuctive city property that l» u"t mortxacedj(..i .....i. half lu parvfjaa. POBT1-B a BUSH, l,.05llii.«.l«*»y, cormi Slst-Bb____________________1 ARGE MANSION on SouUi-si., M0RRI8-1- TOWK.. Amp!«- k'loiilida, »ha.le. «lid u.iali II -BffBBBilin'iit-i to LI.T V«*» low for ».:«¦ r lucre re u».

.1 IIENK. JOHN*)»)**. Morrixown, N. J.

\\o VALUABLE FARMS for SAl.K.-Onei 170

.mi Rival aalltt a-, !»«tw , eu two rallroiuls 1 ft« tu N«w-York liillt c.inn, t.rv htallh) g«*tad »tall will be itildlow. «lili liarn», »t«.tk. _c. Apply to

11. K. HOY, Ilia Ulielty »t

(Eitn propertn <£o £ct.A SMALL luivate family who will j.ayJA il.»«) Hfiarterly Bad lK»»r»l Ivtii l».ii.¦*. m.iv BBWitlierentol the me.ii,"r part ot a lniiiru', haiiilMiaie y locatod*thrssar(sortsoataonly batBCtvaarvadfai ahrat ..|*a. »xi.oolt-...i«! re.eietic. » aiita u liint required. AddreaS --«A- liu«»l. ItoX,Tribtim i:»»t M e Olli«e, No.500 Hd-aVQ._

FRENCH the apartiiiptit builil-lii(t, I'.ii-Mli Eaat»Ttv.nty (t»urth-»i.; luca-.i n c.utial.

havi-ral choice unfurnished »nit«»», Ur*re, ll^rbt, tuinuiodlniusausttint'jr tl.e i»eni;l;. nicul» of any lanilly »teaiu h».it, c!oatit, in u». «nitor, ».


TX) LET.66 West*»* pos«*1 H«-.«»i .!! +!.i. m !.. _-.ll'-lt) in,It. pall Tl lii».a.!'.t iy-

TO LET.-FÜRNI8HED HOUSE on MudUm-ave. hetweeu :c*!hatid J!»tli.«t.a.. and STABLE .ui,l"in-'

luir on HOthmt. Apply to J. KoM.U.SK ÜKOWN, l.-i*0Urottdway.

Í3rooklnn Propertn (Co £ct.FURNISHED HOUSE to LET^-Tb. lut»

i'l».»» 4 »lory und basement brown »tone hou»e, with »u»

lot, known a* _1 Kint-place. near CliutonaL The hnuneiafully .in.! haniUuuiely furni-liod. and will be rented low to Sde»irahle tenant Apply on preniiaaa.

TO LET-3-ston-brick SCHOOL-HOUSE. No.15H Rana*--*!.; S-aU» brick DWBLLINU, 17-* WiL

hiUKhhy^L OQUKOX 1, EtHtl). »7 Clark »l. Umoklyti.

TO LET-219 CarroU-st, $81)0.Mia llriirv-»!.. .t 1,(10(1.S05 i «rltoii .it ¦, «Uijûi).

A-WiKht-r liOI.-»LS. RrLAND A WHITIVtl,_6 Beekiuan »t, near Nc« l'o»t.ofli«*e.

4 PLACE in |Hrf(«rt order coB-i«iniiiK ^vet>a. acre«, an orchard ol apple« and i« ai * d» eliiiiK. cirnw*-.Bolina, and other neceaaary bulMlig-a. at Poru-Ueater, W'twivçh^ier Co., to lot, .¿ou a year. U.C. HAV1UNO, No. »Bowery. ^

HOUSE TO LET and FURNITURE FOR*-AI.1C .stt.nt. ,i at Paiurap« un Um Caatral R. B. ot*

NewJer»«'). I inn-, ..; inltnite« iroiu laberty »L Houaa oon-,tula» etalit room», tin.« la iiidry. and dry -»fiai, with foar cityi»t« lud out In lawn, Miiirer ami »erifelable aarern walei IB,kit. lieu mui lauudir. Unit, A'\ p» i '.»until. Kumiture newand complete in e«. ry reatiect. Niatliln* nvaded (ur a iturif.tiirttinc lousekfi'iiiic. luitillur. will b* »old lor cuii »*oe.« tl.lrtl ii* value lloua«, (our ujiiiuie»' walk froui depot FOXpuimeularaapply to jaxI'KK a. CADMUS, Pa_rai>o,_N.¿_r|\) LET ('i.EAP.-Lan(e country RKS1-S> LCNC'E, R!ire*»»burT Hiver, tfve luinute«' walk from da-

_Addrea»(ll .*.,-». LKIOIIION. He.1 Hunk. Nev

wm^mmtmm a»ajr#«t' «uni»'- -«»'» ll'MJ II DSI HHM(( .-»ml It. !'.. ol N. J.), and 41) iniiinU-«' ride by frequenstrain» Iroiu (ool ..( Liberty»M.. N Y. (la* aad » «tor !u hoof« i

Ç»« iii.-iii» nein . i.e.iiuiv locaUoa paalara lot It d**-**_>»»relu! r»»rtlo* atipo ikli weak oo tita pitaniMia, ar ta U«H M-B, tkw» A Sa » Mmuil

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