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AmeritalkSimple solution

Project Book

Enjoy the freedom of unlimited

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Designer’s notes


Hello, I would like to present for your enjoyment, Ameritalk. Ameritalk is a sub brand of a company you may already know. T-Mobile is doing its best to compete in the newly formed prepaid cell phone industry. The problem all post paid carriers face, is heavy competition from prepaid wireless providers. The new prepaid companies often offer the same services at almost half the cost. What’s the solution? Ameritalk, offering the same nationwide network access that drives T-Mobiles success. Using unique sales offers and the latest handsets, Ameritalk hopes to attract a more diverse customer base than its parent company T-Mobile. Through out this wonderful campaign document, you will find the information relating to every step of the campaign design process, as well as the meaning behind the decisions.

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Table of contents


1.1 Research

1.2 Target Demographic and Brand Positioning

1.3 The Competition

1.4 Brand Mission and Vision

1.5 Unique Selling Proposition

1.6 SWOT Analysis

1.7 Key Tenets

1.8 Brand Attributes


2.1 Competitive Survey

2.2 Design Research

2.3 Logo Development

2.4 Mood boards


3.1 Logo Standards 3.2 Logo Parts

3.3 Logo Colors

3.4 Logo Clear Space

3.5 Color Palette

3.6 Typefaces

3.7 Textures & Imagery

3.8 Print Guidelines

3.9 Web Guidelines



4.1 Digital Media

4.2 Social Media

4.3 Electronic Media

4.4 Bilboard and poster

4.5 Direct Mail

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1.0 Research

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1.1 ResearchAbstract

1.0 R




Today the average person has more than one cell phone within their household. This trend is placing importance of land lines at an all time low. Activations of new service plans are going to reflect this trend naturally, meaning there will be great deal of new and potential subscribers. The average consumer is also aware of this market change and is more than likely very knowledgeable about the services offered. The average person is most likely lost without his or her handheld device. All of these changing factors serve to foster a perfect business climate for small independent pre-cellular providers. This makes convincing a prospect

customer even more challenging. The market that is far from their home playing field. It was this chronology of events that ultimately lead to the birth of Ameritalk. Most consumers who choose prepaid as their preference have a strong dislike of contracted payment plans. The idea is to use Ameritalk to promote trust in those unsure customers who may not want to do business with T-Mobile or any post paid company. Creating Ameritalk as a sub brand of T-Mobile will effectively restore some equality to the playing field for T-Mobile, giving them the opportunity to create a new relationship with a customer base that they previously were excluded from.

The introduction of the standalone-prepaid companies was an additional roadblock that forced T-Mobile to act on a solution. Creating a sub brand of T-Mobile that offered the same inexpensive services was the only foreseeable solution to this current set of circumstances.

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1.1 ResearchFindings

1.0 R




T- Mobile is a national provider of wireless voice, messaging and data services, capable of reaching over 293 million Americans where they live, work and play. T- Mobile was formed in July, 2002 (“Cellular-news,” ). It’s the fourth-largest wireless carrier in the U.S. market. T-Mobile USA is a member of the T-Mobile International group, the mobile telecommunications subsidiary of Deutsche Telecoms AG (NYSE: DT).

T-Mobile International is the first mobile communications company to offer service on both sides of the Atlantic with a single global brand name and a single digital technology standard, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications).

Prepaid phone companies are slowly taking over the cell phone market. Offering cheaper phones with cheaper plans is the key for prepaid companies to attract consumers. Economic slow down, rising number of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), made the consumers to get their services from different pre-paid carriers, like Cricket, Metro PCS, Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile.

T-Mobile has an image of being an expensive post-paid service carrier like Sprint, Verizon and AT&T in the phone market. Even though T-Mobile has prepaid service, it doesn’t offer many attractive features like unlimited international calling, unlimited 4G data and Live TV.

One world, one standard, which makes T-Mobile the one company that gives customers more ways to stick together.

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1.0 Research


There are many benefits and drawbacks in both prepaid and postpaid services, but if postpaid services like T-Mobile don’t try to minimize the difference in expenses, service qualities and, features with prepaid companies like Metro PCS or Cricket, they will be losing more clients in the future. T-Mobile wants to grow sales and brand awareness, by establishing a sub-brand and make it run far above the competition.

To accomplish these objectives, T-Mobile needs a new name for its sub-brand, new updated logo, print advertisement, TV spot, music video, radio spot, new website, a digital advertising tool for consumers to post comments.

The purpose for creating this project is to examine and explain the reasons for T-Mobile struggling in the cell phone market. After examining T-Mobile’s position in the market place, this paper will explain the opportunities and plans for further growth of the brand and sales.

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1.2 ResearchBrand PositioningTarget Demographics

1.0 R




T-Mobile is no novice in the telecom market. T-Mobile has successfully gained a strong hold on a sizable portion of the market and is not willing to surrender any of its territory. The hopes of Ameritalk are to rejoin many disjointed customers who have had bad experiences with contract phones. Many customers would gladly trade quality and reliability for a more affordable rate. By wearing the Ameritalk persona T-Mobile can silently navigate and be a part of the prepaid environment, all the while remaining safe in the skeptical eyes of the average consumer..

1. College Graduate: Prepaid plan with 4G phones and mobile Broadband plans

2. Heavy data user: With smart phones and mobile Broadband plans

3. Single & Married4. Income between 20,000 – 75,0005. Male & female

The target demo graph for Ameritalks campaign is the age range between 16-35, which is a fairly large area of ground to cover. This means there will be many different campaign deliverable that are custom designed to attract specific sections of this large target audience. By segmenting the workload it makes for a more organized approach for the campaign strategy.

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1.3The Competition

1.0 Research


There are many prepaid competitors with large customer bases and consumer trust. Boost Mobile being the pioneer in the prepaid game, has emerged to be undoubtably the largest competitor. One of the campaign USP is the “ “ add campaign. This lighthearted comedy based ad design is a way of being relatable, hip and young feeling to the intended audience of Boost mobile. Cricket was a late addition to the roster of players in the telecom-prepaid community. Despite their late arrival, they have wasted no time in aggressively campaigning against the competition with promotions that are far more generous in addition to an overall lower monthly cost. It has been this technique that gave them the edge when other companies were unwilling to make adjustment to their policies of there unique sales points that you may recall is “wallet drop”. This also enhanced their arsenal and continues to give them a much-needed edge in a hostile and volatile business environment.

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1.4 Research

Brand Mission

Brand Vision

1.0 R




Ameritalk wants to be a pillar in the telecom industry. Bringing class and quality back to the cellphone market.

To dominate the cellular prepaid market nationwide, and across all demo-graphs.

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Ameritalk is developing several innovative ways to keep the customers interest peeked as well as staying ahead of the competition. One of the USP being developed is the code club. Amerital’s code club is a proprietary barcode-scanning app that will be installed as a stock feature on all compatible Ameritalk handsets. A campaign of very well thought out and strategically placed bar codes would be implemented into the design campaign. If the barcode is scanned by the Ameritalk code club app, the code will direct the viewer to inside offers that are exclusive to Ameritalk subscribers. When and if the bar code is scanned by a third party scanning app, or a non Ameritalk user, the same code will lead the viewer to an alternate area describing the current benefits of switching to Ameritalk. There will also be additional offers such as free wireless Internet tethering for users who have unlimited data packages.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

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1.6 Research




1.0 R




• Strongbrandequityandrecognition• Well-established4Gnetwork.• Steadilygrowingcustomerbase• RelationshipswithindustryleadingCorporationsinmobileservices&technologies• Idealshoppingtoolforshoppingandbuyingdecisions• Awardwinningcustomerservice• Lowsprices/affordable• Callingplanbenefits

• Steadydeclineinaveragerevenueperuser• Nopresenceinkeyemergingmarkets• HighdependenceonHTC• SlownetworkspeedinIphone• Servicecontracts• Customerservice

• Intensifyingcompetition&consolidationintheUSmarket(AT&T,Sprint)• EconomicslowdownintheUS• RisingnumberofMVNOs• Governmentregulations• CurrentInfrastructurecouldberenderedobsoletebecauseofImprovedsatellitecommunication• NodealwithappleforIPhone

• Increasing4GnetworkcoverageintheUS• FirsttointroduceGoogle-basedphoneintheUS(Android)• Mobileinternetexpansion• Costcuttinginitiatives• Workoncurrentweakness• Bundlephonewithaccessories• Improvedwebsites• Createanewsub-brand

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1.7 Research

Key Tenets

1.0 R









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Brand Attributes1.8

1.0 Research






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2.0 Creative Development

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2.1 Creative Development

Competitive survey









AmeritalkSimple solution

With times changing, soon everyone will find himself or herself holding a smart phone, even grandmothers. This is why Ameritalk has a special look for those who are transitioning into the new tech-era, and attempts to guide and comforts them as they make their telecom jump.

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2.1These case studies because these two companies are very similar in their attempts to take hold of the prepaid wireless network market. The only difference is in how they approached the task of winning over their customers. Each of the case studies tried some very new ways of getting the customers attention, and at the same time stuck to the tried and true methods. The question is what can I take away from both of their failure and successes. One of my biggest inspirations from reading these two case studies is not to place all of my hopes in one method. What makes Ameritalks campaign different is its customer versatility in its ads and billboards. A new addition to its (USP) list is the free hotspot service. Customers who have compatible devices and unlimited data will have the luxury of enjoying fee hotspot capability over Ameritalks 4G network. I think one overall campaign agenda is fine, but there is a need for several sub campaigns that are demographically specific to the unique customer’s needs. That is what Ameritalk hopes to bring to the table and change the game for the average cellular consumer.Based on our consumer demo-graph the brand essence of Ameritalk is always changing to meet the current demands of its many styles of people it may be serving. For the young crowd not too much color and straight to the point, active social people like to see their products in motion. While shifting gears to the professional demo-graph, Ameritalk changes its look to fit a more mature business oriented individual. Light color schemes and smooth rounded graphics make up the professional backdrop for the business campaign of Ameritalk.

2.0 C

reative Development


With times changing, soon everyone will find himself or herself holding a smart phone, even grandmothers. This is why Ameritalk has a special look for those who are transitioning into the new tech-era, and attempts to guide and comforts them as they make their telecom jump.

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2.2 Creative Development









Design Research Initial Tag line Ideas

Simple solution

Get it right

Control your world

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Initial Tag line Ideas

Simple solution

Get it right

Control your world


Creative Developm



Through comparing the Ameritalk campaign to similar companies, a number of ways were found to weed out the aspects of my design that did not fit. In the research done it was very important to be very care full to not be too similar to the competition while still remaining within the realm of” industry essence” that a consumer may look for. Most companies have a very similar way of delivering their campaign agenda. This is mostly due to the fact that they are all fighting to gain the attention of the same or similar demo graph. The trick was to stay within these guidelines with a unique flare that did not confuse the audience.

Simple solutionThis chosen tag line is a very easy to understand phrase which covers a great deal of the common issues in the telecommunication industry. It also speaks to the user in terminology that is common in the information technology field. For example a repair company may often have the word solution in its name.

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2.3 Creative Development









Logo development







AmeritalkSimple solution

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AmeritalkSimple solution


Creative Developm



While developing the Ameritalk campaign, many logo variations were experimented with. After careful consideration about half of the rough draft ideas were kept as permanent logos to be used in the campaign. The Antipasto font was chosen for its ability to be clearly read. The outline of the telephone was a brilliant addition to the log; it adds the abstract design quality that is needed for memorable logo. To create a feeling of energy the red dot at the top of the “ Ameritalk “ “I “ was added.

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2.4 Creative DevelopmentMoodboard









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2.4The theme of this mood board is ‘Active and sociable’. This mood board will represent the mobile generation; they have grown up with cell phones and cannot imagine life without them. Cell phone devices are a central part of their everyday lives. Communication is vital in their lives, and cell phones allow them to keep up-to-date with friends and social events. Their phone is the bridge to their social world. The target audience of this mood board is people from the age of 18 to 35. The images in this mood board are the images of young ages, busy with social interacting. The images of two cell phones shows their life style. The background image of cell phone in a jean pockets represents the attachment of cell phones with their busy life. The purple text is used to preserve a similarity with the original company “T-Mobile”. The typefaces are chosen based on legibility and readability. For the company name I have chosen Antipasto. It is chosen for its clarity and readability. I have chosen Mathilde for the theme of the mood board. Antipasto is a soft round font and really charming. It is very organized and friendly.

The background of this mood board is light blue jeans and blues can be energizing. The dark blues give a feeling of reliability, while the brighter and lighter blues keep it from feeling serious. In this design, purple has been used to provide a sense of variety and supportive. In some places of this mood board, brighter colors have been used to give it a rich and energetic look.

2.0 C

reative Development


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3.0 Style Guide

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Style Guide

AmeritalkSimple solution

T-Mobile Logo

Ameritalk Logo

Logo Standard3.1



le G



When choosing our new companies fresh new look, Ameritalk exercised great care in leaving no detail left un- explored. The intent is to draw an unspoken connection between Ameritalk and T-Mobile using colors , other similar features you may find in the two designs. Ameritalk plans to use the mother companies purple but only as an accent. The color of Ameritalk pink and will be delivered much in the same way T-Mobile has in the past. The main franchise color (pink) will fill up the adds and be very warm and vibrant. Playing on the emotions of the customer before they have even read a word of the add is the strategy behind the emotional thought process of the logo and color palette. The Ameritalk logo type face is Halohandletter and Helvetica.

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3.2Logo Parts



Simple solution

For the Ameritalk logo I chose to use one logo emblem to the right of the name, observing the proper spacing to keep the logo highly visible under any viewing conditions. The font type logo this logo is Halohandletter, the tag line that Ameritalk is using for this logo is “simple solution” its font is Helvetica. The font type is never to be used without the logo and in this format. In addition to this static rule, the color of the logo letters is never to be altered as well . the logo is considered a contained stand alone style and the same spacing that was used for the distance from the tag line and the logo and gives it an asymmetrical feel. What Ameritalk means by saying this simple phrase (simple solutions)is to simply correct and resolve any previous grievances one may have had with T-Mobile or any service provider for that matter. Most people are looking for an easy way to solve their dilemma of which company to choose. Sometimes less is more and by evoking this feeling through the logo Ameritalk hope to make their decision a bit easier.




3.0 Style G


Ameritalk Logo with and without tagline


5.65 cm

10.95 cm

7.25 cm

5.65 cm



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3.3 Style GuideLogo Colors





Simple solution

Simple solution

Simple solution

Simple solution



le G


These are the colors to correctly use the Ameritalk logo























A one color version of the entire logo may be used in some cases. Depending on the back-ground color, the logo may appear in any one of the colors contained in the full color logo.

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3.4Logo clear space

Logo usage

Ameritalk Ameritalk AmeritalkAmeritalk



Simple solution Simple solution Simple solutionSimple solution

Logo clear space

The minimum clear space that is acceptable for the Ameritalk logo is of an equal measurement and sur-rounds the exterior of the icon body within its colored back round. In any situation the Ameritalk logo is printed or shown, it should always have this distinct feature.

Logo usage

When using a different arrangement of colors to create the Ameritalk logo, there are a few constant rules that should always be observed. The Ameritalk logo can appear in many different shapes and forms however whenever a black back round is used no colored font would be considered acceptable. When altering the color of the font for the word Ameritalk, please always take care to never change the tag line font color. The color (Blue) that is chosen for this portion of the logo has great effect on the brand essence otherwise takes

3.0 Style G


For use only when color is not an option

Logo should never be used in color on black background.

The tagline should never be used in any other color other than the original blue color.

Logo can be only used on solid color background

A minimum clear space equal to the height of the letter ‘s’ must be maintained at all times.

AmeritalkSimple solution




Simple solution

Simple solution


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3.5 Style GuideColor Palette



le G


The color pallet is one of the key tools. Creating a sub brand, does not mean to mimic the mother company completely. Please stay away from things that were too similar, while keeping the same brand essence. By using similar colors, will create an unspoken connection between the two.









The colors that are chosen for the campaign are designed to attract a fresh new audience. By using soft hints of the parent company, Ameritalk hopes to draw an unspoken connection between the two entities. This will give the consumer a reason to trust Ameritalk as well as a reason to view Ameritalk separately.

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3.0 Style G


HalohandletterA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , ; ’ : ” ?

Antipasto Extra Light

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , ; ’ : ” ?

Antipasto Regular

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z sa b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Helvetica Light

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , ; ’ : ” ?


Logo The typeface Halohandletter is the font that is used for the Ameritalk logo.


For the campaign headline typeface two fonts were used as needed. The two fonts that appear are Anti-pasto extra light as well as Antipasto regular. Depend-ing on the need of the individual circumstances, either typeface could be used.

Body copy

Ameritalk’s body copy typeface is made up of one option. Helvetica should be used everywhere with no exception.

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3.7 Style GuideTextures & Imagery



le G



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Style Guide

The Ameritalk campaign hopes to take on a wide range of imagery and print styles. While being versatile as well as effective, the imagery is meant as a blank canvas for additional parts to be added. The texture and images represented here are hoped to evoke a young free feeling, while also conveying a sense of reliability and strength. By using the specific textures and imagery it will be very easy to shape a noticeable brand essence. This will make staying in the customer’s minds for longer and easier. The ultimate purpose of the imagery is to leave the consumer with a lasting impression that makes sense.


The ultimate purpose of the imagery is to leave the consumer with a lasting

impression that makes sense

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3.8 Style GuidePrint Guidelines



le G


With Ameritalk, party never stops.Simple solution to your 4G needs.

Conquering the pitfalls of the telecom conclusively.Nationwide 4G coverage with unlimited everything.


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Conquering the pitfalls of the telecom conclusively.Nationwide 4G coverage with unlimited everything.


Style Guide

Print guidelines

While using the Ameritalk brand essence in print, there are a handful of simple rules to help in the design projects.

Logo placement When placing the Ameritalk logo in print, it should always appear at the bottom and be at least if not more 3.5 inches from the edge of the paper.

Imagery Whenever one is adding a smaller logo in the printed add, logo size should never be allowed below 75% of the original logo size.

Body copy text

For the body copy of the Ameritalk printed adds, Helvetica has been chosen. This decision was simple; Helvetica offers the most recognizable font that is also easily read.


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3.9 Style GuideWeb Guidelines



le G



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Style Guide

The guideline for the look and feel of the website is very much similar to the printed guideline. The rules are created from the designer’s perspective based on many factors. The fonts that will be used for the web display are Antipasto for headlines and Helvetica for the body copy. When placing the Ameritalk logo in a web-based image, if there are any secondary logos for any reason, they would appear no smaller than 75% of the original logo. The Ameritalk logo is always to appear at the top or bottom at least once if not more. The website should strongly mirror the add campaign in most areas of imagery and texture.


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4.0 Final Design

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4.1 Final DesignDigital Media



al D




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Social Media

4.2This will be the most relevant way of connecting with the consumer, most people get most if not all of their info from the web. This is why I believe this is the most relevant way to reach the consumer.Website is a dynamic multimedia sales tool and will include video and audio plus a wealth of company and product information. The sales force can directly interact with a customer online! Increased hours of operation and more sales through e-commerce, the website will work for the consumers 365 days a year 24 hours a day and will be available not only locally but globally as well.

Social media is a great way to network with your targeted consumers. In many ways it can be very viral. Reaching out to customers that all share the same likes and desires.We will tweet about new deals and coupons codes to help give Ameritalk the extra boost. Social media will help to retain happy customers. Recruiting new customers can be hugely expensive. So, using social media will be a cost effective way of making Ameritalk more profitable.


Ameritalk $35 Monthly Unlimited


Prepaid - Pay As You go








Buy minutes. Talk and text away. When you run out, come back and buy more minutes. It’s a simple way to stay connected with no monthly payments, no hi-dden fees. Just a price that’s right for you. We also offer 4G monthly plans. Ourmonthly 4g plans get you going on Ameritalk’s nationwide fast 4G network fortalk, text, gaming, streaming videos and music, and more.


3.0 Final Design

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Intense static and inteference for 5 second

The narrator chimes in, “is this what you’re used to?”

TThis is what you can expect from Ameritalk

Lively sound in the background Sudden silence“With Ameritalk the party

never stops.”

4.3 Final DesignElectronic Media



Radio is a great way to reach your targeted audience. Placing adds with like minded products is a sure fire way to snag your intended consumer. It is a far more affordable and effective advertising media. Well-written radio ad, coupled with frequent exposure will help to improve the business.

For the first 5 seconds there will be intense static and interference, suddenly a break in the connection and the narrator chimes in, “ is this what you’re used to?” Then a clear connection comes through and you hear a voice, “hello “. This is what you can expect from Ameritalk. The narrator will also announce a slew of custom promotions. Also talk about the code club and let the narrator explain how it works.

Intense static and inteference for 14 second

The narrator chimes in, “is this what you’re used to?”

TThis is what you can expect from Ameritalk

Lively sound in the background Sudden silence “With Ameritalk the partynever stops.”

Scene one Scene two Scene three

Scene four Scene five Scene six

Scene six

Tv ad



al D



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Intense static and inteference for 14 second

The narrator chimes in, “is this what you’re used to?”

TThis is what you can expect from Ameritalk

Lively sound in the background Sudden silence “With Ameritalk the partynever stops.”

Scene one Scene two Scene three

Scene four Scene five Scene six

Scene six

Tv ad

4.3Television is the ultimate medium for advertisement still to this day. Although many people do not rely on TV for all their info, They do watch TV so cleverly place adds can have a great effect if placed carefully. Television is the most exciting and dynamic medium; sight, sound, motion and emotion are combined to create an exciting sensory experience. Advertising on a variety of TV networks will help to reach new potential customers currently missed by other forms of media.

Scene one: Black screen fades quickly to a very vibrant Ameritalk colored orb suspended in a very busy dance floor. Scene two: The orb will be shining individual beams of color to each dancer randomly and to the music. Scene three: Suddenly the orb singles out one dancer and a woman’s voice chimes in eagerly “hello?Scene four: Then back to the spinning orb but this time looking down on the crowd blanketing the whole room with larger triangular shaped beams filling the dance floor (Ameritalk logo inside orb)Simultaneously, a male narrator will say smugly, “With Ameritalk you are always covered”. Scene five: The orb fades to a solid shape with no lights emitting, and then disappears.Scene six: Fading from the disappearing orb emerges a clean Ameritalk logo with a plain white background,Simultaneously. You hear slightly lower and farther away sounding, “you’re here? I will be right out”. Immediately the male narrator states, “with Ameritalk the party never has to stop”. 47

3.0 Final Design

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Final DesignBillboard and Poster

With Ameritalk,party never stops.


4G Nationwide

Simple solution



The printed word will never lose its validity. Using the correct combination of product placement can definitely have an affect on your target audience.



al D



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Final Design


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4.5 Final DesignDirect Mail


Current resident:

Ameritalk would like to welcome you into their wireless family. You have been selected for a limited grand opening promotions package from your local Ameritalk outlet. Right now Ameritalk is offering a one-time deal of 50 % your first months bill as well as no activation fee, in addition, Selected smartphones will be 50% off. Plans include features such as unlimited talk text and 4 g data plans ranging from 256mb at 4g to all the way up to 5 gigs of data at 4g speeds. For more details please pay your local Ameritalk show room or visit us at

Sincerely, your local ameritalk provider.



Scan this bar code to be a member of our Code Club for special promotion.

Visit us at or call at 1888-987-9000

AmeritalkSimple solution

current resident115 Summit aveUpper DarbyPA 19082



al D



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4.5 Final DesignDirect Mail


Current resident:

Ameritalk would like to welcome you into their wireless family. You have been selected for a limited grand opening promotions package from your local Ameritalk outlet. Right now Ameritalk is offering a one-time deal of 50 % your first months bill as well as no activation fee, in addition, Selected smartphones will be 50% off. Plans include features such as unlimited talk text and 4 g data plans ranging from 256mb at 4g to all the way up to 5 gigs of data at 4g speeds. For more details please pay your local Ameritalk show room or visit us at

Sincerely, your local ameritalk provider.



Scan this bar code to be a member of our Code Club for special promotion.

Visit us at or call at 1888-987-9000

AmeritalkSimple solution

current resident115 Summit aveUpper DarbyPA 19082



al D



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AmeritalkSimple solution

current resident115 Summit aveUpper DarbyPA 19082

Direct Mail 4.53.0

Style Guide


One of the more overlooked methods, direct mailing is a great way to map up much of the local customers that you may have missed in your advertising campaign.

One of the more overlooked methods, direct mailing is a great way to map up much of the local customers that you may have missed in your advertising campaign.

The mail will be in full color. Glossy paper.Letter sizeIt will carry the similar design like the rest of the campaign

Proper explanation of the most desired month-ly plan for the target audience. Which are unlimited talk, text, and web with free hotspot. And access to the code club.Will have a primary offer of 50% off on the first month to bring the customer in.If the primary offer only attracts a fraction of the target audience, there will be a secondary offer of the first month free that will include the hot spot service.

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4.6 References and Credits


Wheeler, A. (2009). Brand Identity: An essential guide for the whole branding team.

Mindy, W. (2009, 12 30). What exactly is a mood board? Retrieved from

Cameron, C. (n.d.). Color theory for designers, part 1: The meaning of color. Retrieved from


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