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Page 1: £ake Geneva Regional News

£ake Geneva Regional NewsLake Geneva The Switzerland of America


Thirteen Local Men«

Leave For Camp Grant

— ON THE —

H o m e F r o n t"There is no hope for any les­

sening o f the restrict.ons upon the use o f gasoline and fuel oil,” OES Director Byrnes said after a conference with the officials In charge o f the nation’s petroleum program. Mr. Byrnes asked the idministrators o f the three agen­cies responsible— the O PA , the ODT, and the Petroleum Adminis­tration for W ar— to submit as soon as possible their suggestions on various phases o f the problem, and m the meantime to t ik e steps to increase supply and im prove ra­tioning methods.

The immediate problem o f pe­troleum is the result o f unantici­pated demands fo r m ilitary pur­poses. and since 30 states are fuel- oil-rationed and all o f the states gas-rationed, the problem is of vital inteiest to the entire na­tion. The suspension order on the sale o f gasoline in the 17 eastern states and the D istrict o f Colum­bia lasted only a day and a half, but when the order was lifted at 12:01 a.m. Decem ber 21, B and C coupons in the area had been reduced in value from 4 to 3 gallons and the issuance o f these books w as suspended. O PA said that when issuance is resumed a "new and tougher” policy will go into effect, with local ration boards in­structed to hold issuance o f extra rations to the “ absolute mini­mum.” Meanwhile, a new drive has been launched against black m arket operations, with 800 in­vestigators in the east coast ra­tioned area w orking to prevent il­legal distribution. This means in­creased emphasis on strict enforce­ment o f all gasoline rationing reg­ulations. and special attention g iv­en to suppliers o f T or com m er­cial vehicles. Gasoline dealers have beon told that they will be held ‘ ‘strictly accountable” for violations.

The ODT asked all truck, bus and taxicab owners whose certi­ficates o f war necessity do not pro­vide sufficient m ileage and fuel allotments to estimate their re­quirements carefully and apply for the minimum amount o f fuel nec- « s a r y for essential operations. Se­cretary W ickard called on fa rm ­ers in the East to cooperate to the utm ost in conserving fuels and to buy only enough fo r current needs. Petroleum Administrator Ickes, to safeguard the Atlantic seaboard's limited stocks, issued an order controlling the amounts o f gasoline and fuel oils which m ay be withdrawn from East coast refineries and terminal supply points.Fuel Oil

W PB has approved the barge, tugboat and towboat building pro­gram recommended by ODT, and construction will begin shortly on 500 wooden tank barges, 21 steel hull tow boats and 100 tugboats, to enable an addit onal daily east­ward barge movement o f 50,000 barrels o f residual fuel oil with­in five months and 100,000 barrels within ten months. Terminals will be built at Jackonsville and Panam a City, Fla., and at Cairo, 111. O PA has issued an amend­ment. perm itting oil brought into the 30-state rationed area in the supply tanks o f locomotives, boats, trucks or other m otor vehi­cles to be consumed without a ration, as the use o f this fuel does not deplete the supply o f oil in the rationed area. Those home-owners who have erhausted their currently valid fuel oil ra­tions can now use up to one-half their coupons fo r the next heating period, and office buildings, apart­ment houses and other com m ercial buildings which, becausc o f a lack o f labor or materials, have been unable to convert heating equip­ment to coal, m ay use tem porary fuel oil rations after the January 26 dealine. Due to the recent protracted spell o f abnormally cold weather, the value o f fuel oil coupons has been increased in the 13 rationed middle western states — Class X coupons (hom e owners) valued at 11 gallons instead o f 10, and Class II coupons (apartment

(Please Tarn to Pajre 6)

Group Includes Two Previous EnlistmentsA group o f 13 Lake Geneva men,

inducted into the arm y last Sat­urday, Dec. 26, at the M ilwau­kee center after they passed arm y physical examinations, will leave here Saturday, Jan. 2, fo r Camp Grant, HI.

The list o f men accepted cut o f the group o f 79 selectees called from W alworth county, will leave E lkhom at 6:45 o ’clock in the eve­ning.

Included in the call vere two from this c ity who had previously enlisted in the armed services earlier during the present month. Those leaving from this area in­clude Philip Lincoln Browne (Chi­cago ), Charles Bartos, Arthur LeRoy Schulz, Alvin Raynol John­son (C h icago), Arden Richard Huntress, W illiam Charles Schobel (Miami, F la .), Harold Eugene Cloninger (M ilwaukee), Frank Davis Janowak, W arren W'illiam Netz, Frank James Baake (M il­w aukee), Howard Thomas Borgen, and Ivan Mayland Reed.

Karl Scharf who transferred from Chicago to the local board is also am ong the group.

The two who previously left Lake Geneva were W illiam Kettler Johnson who enlisted in the m a­rines on Dec. 7, and Raphael Le­R oy W est, who joined the navy on Dec. 16.

Men who passed the examination either le ft immediately fo r serv­ice or returned home for a week’s furlough.

Other selectees from this area included: *

Genoa C ity—R oy Emerson M ey­er, Lawrence George Quammen, and Clinton Cecil Housley (Chi-

(Piease Turn to Page 6)

Goodland Will Succeed Heil As Governor

Lieut. Gov. W alter S. Goodland will be the next governor o f W is­consin. succeeding Gov. Julius P. Heil, the supreme court ruled on Tuesday.

The 80-year-old Qoodland will succeed to the office won by the late Gov. Elect Orland S. Loomis who died Dec. 7 in the interim o f election and inauguration, there* by creating an unprecedented situ­ation in the gubernatorial succes- sorship. The supreme court was asked by the attorney generals' office to determine the legal suc­cessor to Heil, whose elective term ends Jan. 4. The court unanimous­ly chose Goodland.

Soldier Thank You’ Letters

Arrive From England AustraliaRoswell Holly Service Men Express Delight In Being

Remembered By "Folks Back Home"Dies f ollowing 7__/

Brief IllnessRoswell Holly died Monday eve­

ning at 7 o ’clock at the Veteran’s hospital in Milwaukee. He was taken ill on December 17 and taken to the hospital where he was in serious condition until the time o f his death.

The body is at the Habecker and Derrick funeral home where funeral services will be held Thurs­day at 1 o ’clock with the Rev. P. H. W eber o f Delavan con­ducting. A t 2 o ’clock services

* will be at the Genoa City Bible church o f which he was a member and the Rev. J. N. Johnston, o f Genoa City will conduct the ser­vices there. Military honors will be observed at the grave by mem­bers o f the local post o f the A m eri­can Legion and Burial will be in McHenry, 111.

Mr. Holly Was bom in Chicago, 111., February 26, 1888. He came

Even before the Christmas edition o f the Lake Geneva Regionai News was off the press more letters continued pour­ing in through the mail from locaf men serving in the camps in the United States and at bases in other parts o f the world— replying to the Christmas Package Fund committee in sending thanks for the box and greetings for the Holiday season. Re­ceived before Christmas D a y , ' '

compliment you on behalf o f m y­self and on behalf o f m y buddies here fo r the splendid job. Your Christmas present, let me assure you, is greatly appreciated. M y sincere thanks to each and every every one o f you. who contributed and who helped in your undertak­ing.

God bless you fo r your deed.A M erry Christmas

and Happy New Year T o each and everyone o f you

PFC Herman Quade 3rd Prov. Co. Bid. 415 Atlanta Ord. M. B.

Atlanta, Ga.

they nevertheless are published below for the interest they contain.

Written on Lake Geneva paper with the Lake < ieneva

Trje Switzerland o f Am erica” sailboat gliding across the en­velope ( the sationery was a Christ­mas present sent to him by a m ember o f his fam ily) Staff Sgt. Kenneth J. Scharf from far off Australia inform s his friends here that, most o f all, he really enioy- ed the cheese.

“ W isconsin cheese and I aie good friends,” said he in sending back the furtner information, which undoubtedly will be a sur Pvt. Clarence Voss at Fort Sill,

to Lake Geneva with his parents cheese is hard to obtain in Austra as a small child. He enlisted in lia.” Many persons here associate the arm y in July 1918 and served J Australia with dairying much like for about a year. He was in the | that o f our own state. Later on business o f repairs and school in his letter he tells how pleased supplies operating his business, | he is knowing that Lake Geneva’s known as The Cycle Shop, op- • Civilian Defense organization is posite the school house at 425 “ the tops.’ ’ His letter follows:

prise to many here, that g °°d j Oklahoma, sends his “ best w is h ­es”—

Sunday Afternoon Dec. 20, 1942

Dear Folks at Home:

Cook street for approxim ately 15 years. He was the friend o f all

* the school children from kinder- | garten up through high school. All i o f them called him “ Rozy."• He is survived by his parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holly o f this

Dec. 15, 1942.“ Dear Friends;

“ I wish to take this opportunity o f thanking you fo r the grand package (which you so graciously sent to the boys overseas. It real­ly was a wonderful g ift and I know

j city, four brothers and three s is - ! that every boy who is fortunate ters, Frank P. and Deacon o f R a- * enough to receive one o f those

L A K E G E N E V A S A L U T E Scine, John Hayward, Calif., Lloyd o f W alworth; Mrs. A . W. Lund- gren, Ladysmith, Mrs. C ..C . Carl-

grand packages will enjoy it the same as I have.

“ I enjoyed the cheese most o fton, Chicago, and Mrs. W illiam :a ll, not just because I am fromOninski, Lake Geneva. W isconsin but cheese and I are

Just a note to thank you for the Xm as package that I received in the mail.

It 's m ighty nice to know that the folks back hom e think o f us.

I am sending m y kindest re­gards and best wishes fo r a pros­perous and happy New Year.

Sincerely,Clarence C. L. Voss • * *

S g t . Harris R. Vorpagel is “proud of Lake Geneva"—

Dec. 22, 1942, Seymour, Ind.

“ I wish to express m y sincere appreciation fo r the wonderful Christmas be:* I received from all

Lake Geneva Drops $2,000 Beiow Quota Set fo r December

Ration Board Announces New Schedule

ONE YEARHappy New Year

C L O S E R TO VICTORY. . and may 1943 be one o f purpose and

courage and progress fo r us all . . . a year in which each one o f us can help to lead the world to peace and Freedom . . . and bring to \ this, our land, a triumphant V ictory!

Wisconsin’s Tourist Bureau Director Entertains Soldiers

Freak Lightning

Breaks 8 Windows

In Dr. Cleland Home

“ Hello to Lake Geneva! “ M any thanks for the fine

Because stam p purchase reports are mailed to headquarters at the end o f each week and do not al­ways contain the full am ount for each calendar month. Lake Ge­neva’s standing fo r the month o f December dropped below the set quota.

During the* fourth week, which included Christmas when pur­chases were expected to rise, only $3,332.75 were invested in Uncle Sam ’s w ar effort here. Thus, Lake Geneva missed the December quota by approxim ately $2,000. However, the sales during 1942 are well above the quota fo r the period.

Unless investm ents in W ar Bonds and Stamps pick up at the start o f the new year local chair­men will be forced to plan a spe­cial sales promotional drive in the near future.

North M ichigan avenue, will be form ally opened on the above date and will be operated again this year personally by Mercedes and his staff o f able assistants.

Calendar O f Weekly Events

Thursday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve.

Friday, Jan. 1 Em ployers start withholding 5%

V ictory Tax.Sunday, Jan. 3

Coffee stam p No. 27 In ration book expires.

Monday, Jan. 4 6:30 Knights of Pythias. K.P.

Hall.1:30 Red Cross Hdq. R -opens.

Tuesday, Jan. 5 2 p.m. Methodist Circle B. At

church.Wednesday, Jan. 6

2nd fuel oil heating period ends. 1:30 Woman's Club Board. Mrs.

Loui3 O’Brien.Thursday, Jan. 7

8 p.m. O.E.S. Masonic Lodge. 8 p.m. American Legion

Red Cross Headquarters To Reopen Monday

The Red Cross headquaiters will reopen next Monday after the hol­iday vacation and work will pro­gress every J tem oon thereafter beginning at one o ’clock to take care o f the 2nd quota o f surgical dressings that has been received.

LocaJ Girls Pledges O f College Sorority

Discontinue Stop Licjht As Measure To Save Gasoline

One o f the most novel nethods o f exploiting the recreational as­sets o f W isconsin is now being

! employed by Joseph Mercedes, exe­cutive director o f the W isconsin

I tourist bureau, which during 1942 was the center o f Lake Cier.eva’s cham ber o f com m erce prom otions J in the Chicago area.

I Before organizing this prom o- j tional agency, Joseph M ercedes I and Helene Stantone (Mrs. Joseph i M ercedes) were head-lined in I vaudeville theatres all over the world with their fam ous musical telepathy perform ance.

During W orld W ar one, this in­triguing act was presented to the soldiers in the Liberty theatres of the United States A rm y camps throughout A m erica. Todsiy M er­cedes and Stantone are again en­tertaining the men o f the Arm ed Forces with the same perform ance.They are featured in one o f the U.S.O. cam p shows entei-taining thousands o f men and officers weekly. M embers o f the audience are invited to think o f any musi­cal selection that they w o ild like to hear played. M ercedes passes through the audience and mentally transfers the musical suggestion from the mind o f the auditor to Mile. Stantone who immediately names the com position and with­out a second’s hesitation plays the m elody upon the piano.

A s a souvenir o f this shoxr, eachsoldier is given a Wisconsin vaca-. . . . . ______ , __________.. , . , , . . _ . . ith the holiday rush now overMon!and folder to send home to r r , ,. . _. . . . .. . persons who received C instm as1118 and have neglected to send

Acting to save gasoline, now that rationing is the by word of all, traffic officials here during the past week have discontinued the stop and go light at the inter­section o f Main and Broad streets.

Stop signs have been provided and placed on all four corners to com ply with the law as both streets are arterials.

Police officials stress that safe­ty must not be disregarded in an effort to save both gasoline and tires but that any action, con­sistent with safety, than can be taken to conserve gasoline will be provided.

I great friends. Good cheese is very j _ ....................'h ard to obtain over here in A u s -1 >'ou- Everything m it sure hit tralia. When a person walks into the JP<*- mgarettes werea restaurant cheese is one o f t h e i f ^ ’y appreciated too, because many things which is very hard to steady nerves' *nd *>-obtain ' lieve me steady nerves is some*

_ , . . | thing a soldier can be thankful“ The boys over here like to hear : fo r j hQpe ^ final U g push wj|Ifrom all o f you folks back home. i come soon ancj we can then return Just drop us a line and let us|to our homes as ■•Clvllian3," once know that Lake Geneva is still , again UnU, then j remain there. I saw Johnny Powers | Sgt Harris R. Vorpagel“ HanK" Curran, Onnie Ackley, and | x E F T S

The W alworth County W ar ] P ercy Leonard the other day andj Seymour Airbase,Price and Rationing board an- 1 they said to send their regards to j Seymour, Indiananounced yesterday a revision in . all o f you folks. j p s j hope eve’rybody keeps therethe hours the fieidman will spend j “ I read in the Geneva paper I heads up. A lso I want to say that in this area. i about the Civilian Defense pro- j i am pr0ud o f Lake Geneva for

The new scnecule becomes effec-1 gram which Lake Geneva is carry-1 the jo b they are doing in helping tive o f Jan. 4 and is designed to ing on. As for the w ay it is being | National Defense, eliminate unnecessary driving to j carried on, I think it is grand. I j • » •Elkhom . ienjoy seeing the way the things; From Scott Field, III., A. C.

Persons living on rural routes are handled. W e over here realize Benoni O. Reynolds wrote— are asked to be guided according j the importance o f the program, as December 20, 1942to their mailing address and those j it means freedom and liberty fo r having an address different than ' all living in the United States.those included in the schedule go | “ i n closing, once again, may I- Christmas package. X found it to their closest city or town. Folks thank the people o f Lake G en eva: brimming over with m any tasty living at Hebron, on Burlington f or the grand package which they i items which remind me o f W is- route 4 and at Zenda will use the R0 graciously sent. A M erry | consin and home. F or many of facilities here. Christmas and A Happy N ew Y e a r ! us, this is the first Christmas

Board representatives will be at to all. I we have spent away from ourthe Lake Geneva police sta-1 Yours truly I homes in many years. It belpstion on Wednesdays from 9 to 12, Ken j a great deal to know that theand 1 to 4:30, at Lyons on T h u r s - lp g j-j enjoy ice-boating now.” ipeople o f Lake Geneva are think- days from 12 to 1 o ’clock, at Gen- « » • ( ing o f us.

t _____ ° a, nC ity on Thursday from 1:30 f , Sgt. W arren L. Huber in Eng- -A rm y cam ps and training areIn Saturdays Lite afternoon 4.30, at W alworth on Fridays |ancj ajr mailed this expression o f m oving in great haste nowdays,

freak electrical storm ligh tn in g ! from 8:30 to 12, at Fontana on thanks on Dec. 8; to the news- an(i in the grimness o f war, struck in the back yard o f the Fridays from 1 to 2.30, and at paper office here— Christmas Carols and H o l l yhome o f Dr. and Mrs.. C. H. Cleland I W ilia m s Bay on ri ay rom 3 Dear Sirs: W reaths seem far away. D o not

i I wish to express m y sincerest f eel that this is a hardship on us, j appreciation fo r the Xmas pack- fo r w e know we have a b ig job i age. you so graciously sent me. ahead. Some o f us realize it now, j B y thinking o f us in the service gome will realize it later. W e .in such a wa^r, I realize, more look to the M erry Christmas’s o f 1 fu lly than ever before, that you future years.1 back home are fulfilling your partj ^ flagg are our ,ors>. but just as we, who are in the se r v --the fo ,ks at home are our ..cauae/, ices, are striving to do.I .. , I “ M erry Christmas and Happyj To know that you are thinking N ew y ea r „

' | o f us (this becom es especially true ■ ^ Reyn0]daA ccording to an announcem ent1 when overseas) is as great a moral , Aviation Cadet.

made during the week by R ay C. builder as is possible to devise. I j A rm y A ir T*’roce ”Schutt, the Modern dairy which J am sure that all those who receiv- j • . . 'has been located on Center street ed them feel just as I do. ( That Lake Geneva young man

causing dam age to t neir home with the breaking o f 8 windows fr o m !

to 5 p.m.

Modern Dairy W illthe concussion.In describing the effect o f the [

bolt, the Clelands s lid upon look- ( f v /J O V e I n t o N e W ing out o f their window they saw .large balls o f fire giving the ap- i p j p i I 1 •pearance o f a dropped bomb, f o l - j D T O d O J * . L O C c i T I O n lowed by the sickly odor o f sul-1 phur.

It was the concusision that broke the windows and put the telephone out o f commission.

William Walker, Long Time Resident Dies Here Sunday

Have You Sent Your

Christmas Seal Dollar?

Miss Betty White and Miss Beverly Owen have been pledged to Alpha Xi chapter of Sigma, Sigma Sigma at the State Teach­er’s College in Whitewater.

The Great Lakes “Hoodoo Ship", wrecked tanker J. Oswald Boyd, has gone to scrap.

man-/ thousands of hom-!s will soon receive this ptjnphlet. thus creating good-will for Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Tourist bureau in the homes of the soldiei*.

Mercedes visits seven cities each week and in each city {ersonal contacts are made with various civic organizations. Copie!' of the annial Wisconsin Tour book are given them to keep on display.

The present tour will cover more than 8000 miles ant' will terminte April 1, 1943. The Chictigo ex­

in their dollar are asked to mail In their report at once to Mrs. Charles Bemdt, chairman of the annual seal sale in Lake Geneva.

Approximately two-thirds have answered the appeal to aid in the fight against tuberculosis. A total of $257.30 has been sent in up to Monday of this week.

Last year Lake Geneva folks subscribed *282.70 to the cause.

Ginkgo trees were growing In many places on the earth 50,000,-

hlbit and headquarter of this or- | 000 years ago and now aie highly ga n iza tlon , which Is located at 200 1 prired ornamentals.

W illiam H. W alker, 74, a native o f Lake Geneva, died at the home o f his son, Howard, on Henry street at 5 o ’clock Sunday morn­ing. He had been ill In bed fo r a number o f weeks follow ing a stroke.

The son of Charles and Sarah Hamm Walker, he was born Aug. 3, 1868. In early life he was mar­ried to Miss Maude Morr who died May 1, 1940.

Mr. Walker was employed as a painter all of his life. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge.

Survivors are two sons, Howard and Raymond, both of Lake Ge­neva and a brother. Dr. Charles A Walker, Rockford.

Funeral services were held Tues­day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Habecker and Derrick funeral home. The Rev. Ina Burton, pas­tor of the Baptist church offi­ciated. Burial was In Oak Hill cemetery.

will m ove to 412 Broad street on Jan. 1, in the location form erly occupied by Rasch's market.

I The new location will make pos­sible approxim ately tw ice the floor space fo r the dairy store and will be equipped with new ice cream cabinets, counters and stools. “ N ow — m ore m odem than ever” is the slogan adopted by Mr. Schutt, the proprietor, fo r his

A gam I wish to express m y turned Southern Gentlemanthanks and hope that 43 will be s|noe tak| Qff f(>r North Carolina> a very prosperous year and, above c t j the followi com m unica-all, a victorious one.

Sincerely your,Sgt. W arren L. Huber

* * •Herman Quade places Lake Ge­

neva on the top of the list of com

tion northward—“ Supply Det., Supply Div.

M ilitary Personnel Branch F ort Bragg. N. C. Decem ber 18, 1942.

“ T o The Com m unity o f Lake munities showing the C h ristm as,^ w i^ n s inspirit toward, the men in the serv- 1 „At ^ tame ^ to ex.

business at the new location w h ich ' ice- Before going to cam|), H e r , press m;. appreciation o f the gift w ill continue featuring Pet H om o- | man did his bit on the home front j yo,al sent m e. It is vary thougbt- genized milk. | for the boys—Ae did the beautiful ful o f yQ ^ make this heah sacri-

Future plans include increasing decorating job on the local Am « ri'jj| ce f or us boys. Ah regrets it is the line o f dairy products offered. 1 can Legion roll of honor. His let' , hardly possible to be hom e with Schutt has been associated with 1 ter follows: i y o ’al, this tom e; am lookin ’ fo r - the business here since July, 1941, j " D ec- 20. 1942 | ward to the tom e when we can taking over the ownership in Sep- |Dej r Editor^ ^ ^ ________ jlonga fourlough!tember o f the same year.

ARE YOU COMPLAIN ING7" I know that if those of us

who are raising cries of objec­tion to bein? rationed could vtiit the boys as I did, you would realize the utter shame and infamy of your position. I could not help but think of the fact that the old rubber in one tire was enough to make two or three of those rafts which saved our lives and which are saving the lives of our airmen every day.”

— Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker

Please publish this letter in your I paper the Regional News.Dear folks of Lake Geneva:

With Christmas being at our front door— the holiday o f joy and giving of gifts to loved ones, I

1 might say, that Lake Geneva as a community has taken one of the first places, if not THE first place

! in our country, to show the Christ- 1 mas spirit toward we men in the (Service. You folks at home have made sacrifices, so that each and everyone of us away from home, can have a Merry Christmas. You have done a deed, which will be remembered, not only by those of us frorr Lake Geneva also by our buddies who are with us. May I

“ In closin', please accept ma thanks and best regards o f the holiday season, and may the new year bring us the peace w e al is lookin ’ for.

Sincerely yors,“ H erby” —

Cpl. H. M oorhouse"• • •

Addressed to the “ Soldiers Gift Committee, Lake Geneva, Wi*.,'* Pvt. Darrow sends thanks from Camp Slwt, Texas.—

"December 19, 1942 "Dear Chairman,

"M ay I thank you very kindly for the gift box received from peo­ple of Lake Geneva. It surely is

(PIMM Tm n to P *c* ( )

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