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Page 1: AIRSAN Coordinated action in the aviation sector to ... · This document arises from the AIRSAN project which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the

This document arises from the AIRSAN project which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme. Sole responsibility lies with the author. The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

AIRSAN – Coordinated action in the aviation sector

to control public health threats

Work package 1

2nd Annual Work Plan

Nota bene: This work plan is already adapted to the first Amendment to the Grant Agreement which yet has to be confirmed by the EAHC.

Version 1.0 – 27 March 2014

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Content ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Purpose of this work plan ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Objectives and scope of the AIRSAN Project .......................................................................................................... 5

Planning and timetable of the AIRSAN Project ....................................................................................................... 6

Overview of project time schedule ..................................................................................................................... 6

Overview of deliverables ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Meetings ............................................................................................................................................................. 9

Roles and responsibilities of AIRSAN Partners ...................................................................................................... 10

Coordinator ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

Work Package Leaders ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Scientific Advisory Board ................................................................................................................................... 10

Partners Assembly............................................................................................................................................. 11

List of AIRSAN Partners ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Associated Partners .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Collaborating Partners ...................................................................................................................................... 12

Scientific Advisory Board ................................................................................................................................... 12

Executive Agency .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Work package 1: Coordination of the project ....................................................................................................... 14

Objectives .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 16

Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

Work package 2: Dissemination of the project ..................................................................................................... 19

Objectives .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 21

Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 22

Work package 3: Evaluation of the project ........................................................................................................... 23

Objectives .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 25

Work package 4: Development of an AIRSAN Network and a tested set of AIRSAN Guidance Documents for the response to PHT in air transport ........................................................................................................................... 26

Objectives .......................................................................................................................................................... 26

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

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Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 30

Work package 5: Development of an AIRSAN Website linked to an AIRSAN Communication Platform .............. 31

Objective ........................................................................................................................................................... 31

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 31

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

Work package 6: Development of an AIRSAN Training Tool to support countries in implementation of newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR ............................................................................................... 35

Objective ........................................................................................................................................................... 35

Methods ............................................................................................................................................................ 35

Work plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 38

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BMVI Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

CAA Civil Aviation Authority

CAPSCA Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency

EC European Commission

ECDC European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control

EWRS Early Warning and Response System

EU European Union

HSE Office for Nuclear Regulation, an agency of the Health and Safety Executive

IATA International Air Transport Association

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IHR International Health Regulations

IT Information Technology

M Month

MS Member State

PA Partners Assembly

PHA Public Health Authority

PHT Public Health Threat

RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands

RKI Robert Koch-Institute, Germany

SAB Scientific Advisory Board

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

TSE Tabletop Simulation Exercise

UTH-EL Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Thessaly, Greece

WHO World Health Organization

WP Work Package

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Purpose of this work plan

The purpose of this second annual work plan is to serve as a guiding tool for management for all partners of the

AIRSAN Project. The activities had already been planned for all 24 project months in the beginning of the

project and have been revised at the end of the first project year to provide guidance for the second project


The work plan aims:

To assist the partners to monitor the progress of the project in terms of time scheduling and

To manage risks which may arise from events or circumstances outside the project of work package

(WP) leaders’ control that will have an adverse impact on the project or WP.

Objectives and scope of the AIRSAN Project

The objective of the AIRSAN Project is to ensure an efficient, multi-sector, multi-stakeholder, coherent

response at the EU level to public health threats (PHTs) in air transport:

By creating a functioning AIRSAN Network of national public health (PHA) and civil aviation authorities

(CAA), local PHA at location of airports, airport management and airlines across EU Member States

(MS)(around 10 airports and a minimum of 8 major European airlines across at least 8 MS) and

By reviewing existing standard operating procedures (SOPs)and guidelines, followed by the

development and testing of new AIRSAN Guidance Documents on control of PHT in air transport. An

AIRSAN Website linked to an AIRSAN Communication Platform will serve for information gathering

and information exchange. An AIRSAN Training Tool will be developed to support countries with

implementation of AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR.

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Planning and timetable of the AIRSAN Project

Overview of project time schedule

The starting date of the AIRSAN Project was 1 April 2013. The project will run for 24 months. The second year

of the AIRSAN Project will start on 1 April 2014.

The work to be carried out has been broken down in 3 horizontal and 3 core WPs. Table 1 presents an overview

of the time schedule of milestones and deliverables for the AIRSAN Project.

Table 1. Time schedule of milestones and deliverables.

WP1 Coordination of the project: RKI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Kick-off meeting and annual work plan M

Interim financial and technical report M/D

Annual work plan M

Final partners' meeting, final financial and technical report M/D

WP2 Dissemination of the project: RKI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Dissemination plan produced D

Publish reports and end products M/D

WP3 Evaluation of the project ICAO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Evaluation strategy developed D

Develop, disseminate, analyze evaluation questionnaire (x2) M

Mid-term evaluation report containing feedback from SAB M/D

Summary of SAB suggestions from project meetings M

Final evaluation report containing feedback from from SAB M/D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Questionnaire developed and survey finished M

Creation of the AIRSAN Network M/D

A report of existing public health points that deal with PHT M/D

SOPs and documents reviewed M

New AIRSAN Guidance Documents (draft) produced M

Report on AIRSAN Network members’ capacity gaps M/D

Final version of the field tested AIRSAN Guidance Documents M/D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Development of pilot AIRSAN Website M/D

Development of pilot AIRSAN Communication Platform M

Final optimization of AIRSAN Communication Platform M/D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Development of scenarios for the AIRSAN Training Tool M

Piloting the AIRSAN Training Tool and its components M

Finalizing the AIRSAN Training Tool and its components M/D

AIRSAN Communication Platform: UTH

the implementation of AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR: RIVM

WP5 Development of an AIRSAN Website linked to an

WP6 Development of an AIRSAN Training Tool to support

new AIRSAN Guidance Documents: RKI

WP4 Development of an AIRSAN Network and a tested set of

AIRSAN: Timeline for work packages - Milestones (M) and Deliverables (D)

2013 2015

1st project year 2nd project year2014

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Overview of deliverables

The deliverables of the AIRSAN Project will be produced as presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Deliverables, sorted by month of delivery. The number (No.) in the right column refers to the Grant



project year

Month (M) of delivery

Deliverable Description Work package

Confidentiality level


M3 Dissemination plan A detailed dissemination plan including a lay-man description and a detailed description of the dissemination tools and methods will be produced in M3.

WP2 Public 2

M3 Evaluation strategy An evaluation strategy, including an evaluation plan, methods and means will be developed by M3.

WP3 Confidential 3

M3 AIRSAN Website An open access AIRSAN Website (in contrast to the restricted AIRSAN Communication Platform, see deliverable 9) where updated information will be regularly posted.

WP5 Public 8

M12 Interim technical and financial report

The interim technical and financial report will be produced at M12+2.

WP1 Confidential 1

M12 Interim evaluation report An interim evaluation report incorporating the SAB members’ comments.

WP3 Confidential 3


project year

Month of delivery

Deliverable Description Work Package

Confidentiality level


M20 Creation of the AIRSAN Network

Current public health contact points across the EU MS will be identified. Creation of an AIRSAN Network involving national PHA and CAA, local PHA, airports and airlines across EU MS.

WP4 Public 4

M20 A report of existing public health points that deal with PHT in air transport

A report of existing public health points that deal with PHT in air transport across the EU MS.

WP4 Confidential 5

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M22 AIRSAN Communication Platform

Development of an AIRSAN Communication Platform linked to the AIRSAN Website for communication exchange between the AIRSAN Network members.

WP5 Confidential 9

M24 Final technical and financial report

The final technical and financial report will be produced at M24+2.

WP1 Confidential 1

M24 Dissemination of results Publishing in scientific literature and presentation at national and international conferences.

WP2 Public 2

M24 Final evaluation report A final evaluation report incorporating the SAB members’ comments.

WP3 Confidential 3

M24 A set of field tested AIRSAN Guidance Documents

Draft set of AIRSAN Guidance Documents to facilitate a coherent response to PHT in air transport and to strengthen IHR implementation. Piloting the AIRSAN Guidance Documents at two international airports using real or retrospective events.

WP4 Public 6

M24 AIRSAN Network members’ capacity gaps detection and identification insufficiencies in relevant SOPs and guidelines

The impact of the new AIRSAN Guidance Documents on additional requirements for airport infrastructure will be explored in form of a gap analysis during a dedicated workshop in the last project meeting.

WP4 Confidential 7

M24 An AIRSAN Training Tool that includes a TSE and accompanying training aid.

An AIRSAN Training Tool to support countries in implementation of newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR: developed and tested.

WP6 Public 10

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Table 3 presents the planned meetings and participants within the AIRSAN Project.

Table 3. Meetings.


project year

Meeting Time Location Participants

AIRSAN Associated Partners' Meeting

15 April 2013 Berlin Associated Partners

AIRSAN Kick Off Meeting 18 June 2013 Bern Associated Partners, Collaborating Partners, Scientific Advisory Board

AIRSAN Associated Partners' Meeting

16 June 2013 Bern Associated Partners

Meeting with representatives from the EU

8 July 2013 Luxembourg Associated Partners, EU, EAHC

Demonstration of the pilot version of the AIRSAN Website

16 October 2013 Berlin RKI, UTH-EL


project year

Meeting Time Location Participants

AIRSAN Interim Meeting June 2014 France or Poland Associated Partners, Collaborating Partners, Scientific Advisory Board

AIRSAN Final Partners' Meeting

March 2015 Luxembourg Associated Partners, Collaborating Partners, Scientific Advisory Board

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Roles and responsibilities of AIRSAN Partners

The AIRSAN Project will have a well-defined coordination structure that includes the project management and overall coordination of the project as well as the scientific coordination, project partners and external representation (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Partnership structure of the AIRSAN Project.


The Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project will be primarily responsible to ensure that all actions necessary to achieve the project deliverables are undertaken and that the deliverables are achieved in full and on time. His involvement in the project work will include organizing meetings, preparing reports, monitoring progress, support of the evaluation etc.

The Coordinator will be responsible for informing the partners of any problems occurring and for informing the European Commission (EC) of both the problems and course of action decided upon by the partners in a timely and appropriate manner. All associated partners will meet at biannual meetings; collaborating partners will join these meetings at least 2 times.

Work Package Leaders

The WP Leaders will prepare an annual progress report; all Associated Partners will prepare an overview of the budget utilization annually in order to guarantee an effective financial controlling. In the lifetime of the project two annual work plans will be prepared (M3 and M12) containing the project objectives of the upcoming 12 project months.

Scientific Advisory Board

In order to properly coordinate and steer the project’s progress, a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) will be established consisting of representatives of ECDC, WHO-Europe, WHO-Lyon, IATA, Office for Nuclear Regulation, an agency of the Health and Safety Executive and German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure for scientific advice including an advice on non-biological threats. It will also guarantee the systematic networking between all involved partners and thereby avoid overlap.

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Partners Assembly

All Associated Partners will be part of the Partners Assembly (PA), which will be responsible for the decision making of the project and will be chaired by the Coordinator. The PA will be responsible for all kind of general decisions within the framework of the EC Grant Agreement. In particular, budget allocation, redefinition of the work plan, coordination of activities and the progress monitoring will be performed by the Associated Partners and the Coordinator. Following their proposals, the PA will also update the project plan on a regular basis (including overall budget allocation, changes in partnership and responsibilities).

The meetings will be called by the Coordinator and will take place once a year in one of the proposed locations for which there is project support. The PA meetings will be supported by approved minutes. Decisions are achieved on a consensual basis or simple majority in the consortium (except for decisions affecting specific interests of a partner that can only be made with his/her agreement). Each partner supervises all project activities within her/his organization and will ensure that all necessary administrative, technical and financial information is provided to the Coordinator.

In addition to the specific responsibilities related to the content of their WPs, the partners’ overall responsibilities are:

To review project progress according to the project timetable,

To ensure the project maintains its technical objectives,

To ensure the quality of the deliverables and working documents produced in the WP, including the organization of specific WP meetings; coordination of activities, resource utilization and communication within the WP and

The implementation of dissemination activities and exploitation program.

Each partner will prepare his/her progress report and technical and financial documents and reports, and send them to the Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project, in accordance with the agreed time schedule. Each partner is entitled to inform immediately the Coordinator of any event that may have an important impact on the AIRSAN Project.

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List of AIRSAN Partners

Associated Partners

Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch-Institute (RKI), Germany

Preparedness and Response Unit, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM),


Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Thessaly (UTH-EL), Greece

Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene, Poland

Port Health Authority, Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment,


KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands

Medical Services, FRAPORT AG, Germany

Subcontractor: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Collaborative Arrangement for

the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA)

Collaborating Partners

Swiss Federal Department of Home Affaires DHA, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland

Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Medical Services, Germany

Air France, Medical Services, France

Atatürk Airport Health Control Center, Turkey

Public Health Services of the Israel Ministry of Health, Israel

Varna and Burgas Airport Medical Service, Bulgaria


Airport Health Control Office, Environmental Health Directorate, Malta

Scientific Advisory Board

World Health Organization (WHO)

European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (BMVI)

Office for Nuclear Regulation, an agency of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

European Commission, DG MOVE

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European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

Executive Agency

Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)

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Work package 1: Coordination of the project

Work package 1 consists of actions undertaken to manage the project and to make sure that it is implemented

as planned.


Efficient management is a key issue to the success of the AIRSAN Project. The objectives of work package 1 are:

To plan project activities,

To provide technical and financial guidance to the partners,

To monitor progress and implementation of activities,

To coordinate cooperation between partners,

To promote the CAPSCA project and

To support the relationship among partners, the European Commission and other external



Planning of project activities

The Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project has the overall overview of all partners involved in the project, all

milestones to be achieved, all deliverables to be disseminated and all meetings to be held. The planning of the

project activities will be visualized using a Gantt chart. His involvement in the project work will include

organizing meetings, preparing reports, monitoring progress, support of the evaluation etc.

Provision of technical and financial guidance to the partners

Any questions arising in regard of technical and financial matters can be addressed to the Coordinator of the

AIRSAN Project. He will give his best guidance to tackle the respective issue. Guidance will be given per e-mail,

telephone or meetings, as appropriate.

Monitoring the progress and implementation of activities

The Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project will be primarily responsible to ensure that all actions necessary to

achieve the project deliverables are undertaken and that the deliverables are achieved in full and on time.

Therefore, the Coordinator reminds the partners of upcoming deadlines and documents to deliver in a timely


Coordination of the cooperation between partners

Cooperation between AIRSAN Partners is coordinated through communication per e-mail, telephone or

meetings, as appropriate, in order to facilitate the progress of the project activities and to efficiently identify

and handle problems (risk management).

The Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project will be responsible for informing the partners of any problems occurring

and for informing the EC of both the problems and course of action decided upon by the partners in a timely

and appropriate manner.

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Promotion of the CAPSCA project

AIRSAN and CAPSCA are complementary projects, connecting stakeholders from the public health and the

aviation sector. AIRSAN will promote the CAPSCA project, e.g. by encouraging EU MS to join CAPSCA and by

adding to the existing CAPSCA guidance materials.

Supporting the relationship among partners, the European Commission and other external stakeholders

The Coordinator of the AIRSAN Project facilitates the relationships between AIRSAN Partners, the EC and other

external stakeholders by informing about relevant meetings and project outcomes. More details are available

in the AIRSAN dissemination plan.

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Work plan

Table 4 presents the work plan of WP1.

Table 4. Work plan of WP1.

1st project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M3 Kick-off Meeting Organization of location

Organization of program

Moderate and guide through the meeting

Summarize the main outcomes in a protocol


M3 Annual work plan 1 Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final version


M12 Interim financial and technical report Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final version


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M12 Annual work plan 2 Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final version


2nd project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M24 AIRSAN Final Partners' Meeting Organization of location

Organization of program

Moderate and guide through the meeting

Summarize the main outcomes in a protocol


M24 Final financial and technical report Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final version


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Table 5 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP1.

Table 5. Deliverables under WP1.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M12 Interim technical and financial report

The interim technical and financial report will be produced at M12+2.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M24 Final technical and financial report The final technical and financial report will be produced at M24+2.

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Work package 2: Dissemination of the project

Work package 2 includes actions undertaken to ensure that the results and deliverables of the project will be

made available to the target groups.


The objectives of work package 2 are:

To coordinate the dissemination/publication of project results,

To identify target groups for the various results and deliverables,

To determine the right format of presenting the results and deliverables (presentation, publication


To decide which medium should be used to reach the different target groups and

To determine the date when the target groups shall be informed about the results and deliverables.


Coordinating the dissemination/publication of project results

During the first months of the AIRSAN Project the dissemination strategy was developed. This included a

layman description as well as a detailed description of the dissemination tools and methods.

Jointly with the WP5 leader, an AIRSAN Website was set up which should act as a mean of communication

between the partners and for disseminating the project results to the wider community using free access.

Associated and Collaborating Partners have access to the password protected section, the AIRSAN

Communication Platform. End products will be published in the open section in order to spread the results to

the widest extent. Information on the project partners, annual plans, interim and final reports will be regularly

posted and will be available for the wider audience.

Information on deliverables, project outcomes, successes and difficulties will be regularly communicated to the

EU relevant Committees, including the EWRS contact points, the IHR focal points and the ECDC Advisory Forum.

In addition, the Coordinator establishes a mailing list for exchange of documents with stakeholders of the

project. The outcomes of the AIRSAN Project are presented at national and international meetings,

professional and scientific conferences. It is aimed to produce a final public report in an attractive format as

well as to publish the results in scientific journals (the aim is at least 2 scientific publications).

A link to the AIRSAN Website will be available on the websites of relevant international organizations, thus

facilitating project awareness among a wide international audience including the general public.

All written products and reports as well as all electronic publications will contain a statement on the project

being co-funded by the EC.

Identifying target groups for the various results and deliverables

We group the different target groups into three categories:

Internal audience

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External stakeholders

The community

The internal audience consists of:

AIRSAN Project Partners

AIRSAN Network members

The external stakeholders are:

European/international airlines which are not AIRSAN Network members

European/international airport authorities which are not AIRSAN Network members

EU MS EWRS and IHR focal points which are not AIRSAN Network members

EU MS PHA and CAA which are not AIRSAN Network members

Other relevant stakeholders

The community is:

The public

Determining the right format of presenting the results and deliverables

The following formats will be used for presenting results and deliverables:



Scientific publications

AIRSAN Website

Deciding which medium should be used to reach the different target groups

The internal audience and the external stakeholders can be reached by reports, presentations, scientific

publications and websites. The public can be reached by providing information on the AIRSAN Website.

Determining the date when the target groups shall be informed about the results and deliverables

The project month of sharing results and deliverables can be read in Table 1. A detailed description of the

dissemination of project by month of achievement can be found in the Dissemination Plan.

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Work plan

Table 6 presents the work plan of WP2.

Table 6. Work plan of WP2.

1st project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M3 Dissemination plan produced Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final version


2nd project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M24 Publish reports and end products Preparation of draft versions

Circulate the draft versions among the project partners

Adjust the drafts corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Disseminate the final versions


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Table 7 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP2.

Table 7. Deliverables under WP2.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M3 Dissemination plan

A detailed dissemination plan including a lay-man description and a detailed description of the dissemination tools and methods will be produced in M3.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M24 Dissemination of results

Publishing in scientific literature and presentation at national and international conferences.

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Work package 3: Evaluation of the project

Work package 3 consists of actions undertaken to verify if the project is being implemented as planned and

reaches the objectives.


The objectives of work package 3 are:

To conduct a questionnaire-based survey on three occasions among the partners to evaluate their

satisfaction with the work and

To conduct the mid-term and final project evaluation in collaboration with the SAB to assess the

progress against specific indicators and to account for conceptual advice/concerns.


The evaluation of the project will be subcontracted to ICAO. ICAO is responsible to define an evaluation

strategy, to design the evaluation tools and to prepare the evaluation reports. It will be based on the partners’

satisfaction with the work evolvement and on assessment of the progress against relevant indicators, to

monitor all milestones and deliverables, timeliness and quality.

The main partner will have no role in the design of the evaluation process, except by participating in the PA.

Conducting a questionnaire-based survey on three occasions among the partners to evaluate their satisfaction with the work

A questionnaire aiming to assess the partners’ evaluation of the project will be developed and disseminated

among all Associated and Collaborating Partners at several stages of the project for all relevant activities

(meetings, workshops, trainings etc.). The questionnaire feedback will be evaluated, presented to the RKI as

the main partner of the project and further disseminated within the project. The project overall management

and targeted actions will be adjusted accordingly by the main partner.

Conducting the mid-term and final project evaluation in collaboration with the SAB to assess the progress against specific indicators and to account for conceptual advice/concerns

Evaluation of the feasibility of the proposed work plan is expected from SAB members who were invited to the

AIRSAN Kick-off Meeting. SAB members will also be invited to the penultimate meeting of the AIRSAN Partners.

ICAO will be responsible for summarizing the comments of the SAB members from both meetings.

An assessment of the progress against specific indicators in different WPs will be performed as formal mid-

term (M12) and final reviews (M24) by ICAO and made available in form of reports. ICAO will communicate

these reports to the SAB and incorporate the feedback into respective evaluation reports. The project plan and

conceptual content will be modified to the possible extent based on the SAB recommendations.

ICAO will take the responsibility of communication with the SAB members in terms of their role and required


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Work plan

Table 8 presents the work plan of WP3.

Table 8. Work plan of WP3.

2nd project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M13 Mid-term evaluation report containing feedback from the SAB members

Draft a report

Circulate the report among SAB members

Write a final mid-term report


M19 Summary of the SAB members suggestions from project meetings

Collect suggestions of SAB members at project meetings

Summarize the suggestions


M23 Develop and disseminate evaluation questionnaire to the partners, evaluate the results (at least 2 rounds)

Develop questionnaire

Disseminate questionnaire to the partners

Evaluate results


M24 Final evaluation report containing feedback from the SAB members

Draft a report

Circulate the report among SAB members

Write a final report


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Table 9 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP3.

Table 9. Deliverables under WP3.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M3 Evaluation strategy An evaluation strategy, including an evaluation plan, methods and means will be developed by M3.

M12 Interim evaluation report

An interim evaluation report incorporating the SAB members’ comments.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M24 Final evaluation report

A final evaluation report incorporating the SAB members’ comments.

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Work package 4: Development of an AIRSAN Network and a tested set of new AIRSAN Guidance Documents

Work package 4 consists of actions undertaken to create an AIRSAN Network and to provide a tested set of

new AIRSAN Guidance Documents.


The objectives of work package 4 are:

To develop an AIRSAN Network,

To perform a survey amongst AIRSAN Partners in order to gather information on existing SOPs,

regulations and guidance documents,

To review existing international SOPs, regulations and guidance documents,

To develop a set of new AIRSAN Guidance Documents,

To field test a set of new AIRSAN Guidance Documents and

To perform a gap analysis of the field tested AIRSAN Guidance Documents in context of the IHR core

capacity list and to determine the impact of the AIRSAN Guidance Documents on additional

requirements for airport infrastructure.


Developing an AIRSAN Network

Contact details of all identifiable national PHA and CAA, local PHA responsible for designated airports, airport

management responsible for public health events on designated airports in EU MS and airlines serving EU

airports will be collected by e-mail. The respective authorities and companies will be asked to participate in the

AIRSAN Network. A list of contact names will be accomplished and based on the list, an AIRSAN Network will be

created. It will involve national and local PHA and CAA across the EU and the main hub airports with the

collaboration of major European airlines. The AIRSAN Network should start functioning in pilot mode in 2013-

2014 with the AIRSAN partners and scientific advisory board members. The AIRSAN Network will then gradually

be expanded during the life of the project.

Performing a survey

The survey questionnaire asked for:

In which networks the institutions are integrated,

The frequency of public health events involving people, covering all PHTs, and

Expectations of the AIRSAN Project.

Reviewing existing SOPs, regulations and guidance documents

The WP leader will jointly with stakeholders at international level (ICAO, WHO) compile a list of existing SOPs

and documents of the WHO, ICAO/CAPSCA, IATA, ACI and other international organizations covering public

health threats and air transport. On basis of this list of existing documents, a survey will then be conducted

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among all AIRSAN Partners to identify missing documents and documents which need to be revised. Based on

the outcome of the above mentioned survey the existing documents will be reviewed and systematized by two

scientists in terms of their correspondence with the core capacity list of the International Health Regulations


The outcome of the review will be an annotated bibliography, which is an organized list of sources. In this

bibliography, each source is followed by structured general information (e.g. author, year of publication, target

group), IHR specific keywords (e.g. screening, quarantine) covered, references to the pages that contain the

keyword and a score that informs about the level of detail the keyword is described with. The process of

relating existing documents directly to the IHR should support EU Members States in the process of IHR

implementation and enforcement.

In cooperation with WP6 a review of works published after the completion of the RAGIDA and REACT projects

that are relevant for AIRSAN Project is planned within this WP.

Developing AIRSAN Guidance Documents

In parallel to the review, the AIRSAN Partners will be asked to prioritize for which topics missing or need-to-be-

revised documents should be developed. According to this and accounting for the resources and timescale of

the project the AIRSAN Guidance Documents will be developed. The development of the AIRSAN Guidance

Documents will be a joint process, they will be prepared by the WP leader, but input of all partners is necessary

in the project meetings and via e-mail. Especially, input of airlines and airports is needed.

With the help of collaborative partners and SAB members representing relevant expertise in the field of non-

communicable disease threats, generic aspects in the newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents that can

be applied to all health threats will be identified.

Field testing of newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents

The newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents will be tested for their usability at two international

airports using real life events. If real events do not occur during the life of the project, the new AIRSAN

Guidance Documents will be tested in an exercise based on a previous real life event. The two international

airports will be identified among representatives of the project partners and possibly among new AIRSAN

Network members. The airports would be asked to give feedback on the different sections, regarding usability,

areas of improvement, etc. Finally all feedback and comments will be summarized and the AIRSAN Guidance

Documents will be revised in light of the feedback from the evaluation.

ICAO will be subcontracted to field test the new AIRSAN Guidance Documents and to participate in the

assessment of existing and development of new guidance documents as well as the revision of these

documents following the field testing.

Gap analysis

In the final AIRSAN Project Meeting the impact of the field tested AIRSAN Guidance Documents on additional

requirements for the airport infrastructure in terms of personnel and equipment and also in context of IHR

core capacity list will be discussed in detail with all project partners during a dedicated workshop in form of a

gap analysis. AIRSAN Network members will be invited to contribute to this analysis via e-mail. This should help

the AIRSAN Network members in the implementation of the AIRSAN Guidance Documents, by identifying their

requirements and training needs to adapt the AIRSAN Guidance Documents, contributing to the strengthening

of the IHR core capacities at the airports.

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Work plan

Table 10 presents the work plan of WP4.

Table 10. Work plan of WP4.

1st project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M6 Questionnaire developed and survey finished Preparation of a draft version

Circulate the draft version among the project partners

Adjust the draft corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached

Preparation of an on-line survey

Conduction of the on-line survey


M10 SOPs and guidance documents reviewed Review of existing SOPs and guidance documents from CAPSCA

Collection of existing SOPs and guidance documents


2nd project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M18 New AIRSAN Guidance Documents (draft) produced Preparation of draft guidance documents

Circulation of the draft guidance documents among the project partners

Adjustment of the draft guidance documents corresponding to the partners comments until consensus is reached


M24 Report on AIRSAN Network members’ capacity gaps detection and impact of the new AIRSAN Guidance Documents on additional requirements.

Preparation of gap analysis

Organization of meeting


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Performance of gap analysis

M24 Final version of the field tested guidance documents developed

Development of a strategy for the field testing of real or retrospective events

Preparation of a feedback form for the field testing

Testing of guidance documents at two international airports (using real-time events or retrospective events)

Adjustment of the draft guidance documents corresponding to the feedback from the field testing

Preparation of final guidance documents

Disseminate of the final guidance documents


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Table 11 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP4.

Table 11. Deliverables under WP4.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M20 Creation of the AIRSAN Network Current public health contact points across the EU MS will be identified. Creation of an AIRSAN Network involving national PHA and CAA, local PHA, airports and airlines across EU MS.

M20 A report of existing public health points that deal with PHT in air transport

A report of existing public health points that deal with PHT in air transport across the EU MS.

M24 A set of field tested AIRSAN Guidance Documents

Draft set of AIRSAN Guidance Documents to facilitate a coherent response to PHT in air transport and to strengthen IHR implementation. Piloting the AIRSAN Guidance Documents at two international airports using real or retrospective events.

M24 AIRSAN Network members’ capacity gaps detection and identification insufficiencies in relevant SOPs and guidelines.

The impact of the new AIRSAN Guidance Documents on additional requirements for airport infrastructure will be explored in form of a gap analysis during a dedicated workshop in the last project meeting.

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Work package 5: Development of an AIRSAN Website linked to an AIRSAN Communication Platform

Work package 5 consists of actions undertaken to make the AIRSAN Project known to the public and to create a

communication platform specifically for the AIRSAN Network members to exchange relevant information on

PHTs in the aviation sector.


The objective of work package 5 is:

To develop an AIRSAN Website linked to an AIRSAN Communication Platform.


The AIRSAN WEBSITE will be developed at the early stage of the project (month 3) and contain regularly

updated information on the project objectives, content, deliverables, results, information for PHA, CAA,

airlines, airports; guidelines, EU legislation, materials from international conventions; news, events;

newsletters and publications. The AIRSAN WEBSITE will facilitate the dissemination of the results of the project

and will be linked with the WP2. The AIRSAN WEBSITE represents a public domain with a free access. It is

aimed to ensure that the websites of major international and national organisations active in the field of the air

transport will link to the AIRSAN WEBSITE.

The AIRSAN WEBSITE will contain a password protected Members’ Area that will be accessible for authorized

users only (AIRSAN project partners and AIRSAN NETWORK members). Through entering the Members’ Area

the users will gain an access to an AIRSAN COMMUNICATION PLATFORM. The aim of developing the AIRSAN

COMMUNICATION PLATFORM is to facilitate the exchange of information on cross-border PHT supporting the

implementation of the IHR (2005). The AIRSAN Communication Platform shall not serve for the official

notification of public health events but for an informal exchange of information between the AIRSAN network

members. The AIRSAN COMMUNICATION PLATFORM will be piloted using at least 5 competent authorities and

airports as users. Training on the usage of the AIRSAN COMMUNICATION PLATFORM will be provided within

the framework of this project to all the AIRSAN NETWORK members.

Benefiting from the WP5 leader being the main coordinator for the SHIPSAN projects, the AIRSAN project will

build on the experience gained in electronic networking in the area of the maritime transport, i.e. the SHIPSAN

TRAINET Communication Network.

A software development company will be subcontracted in order to develop the AIRSAN WEBSITE and the

AIRSAN COMMUNICATION PLATFORM based on minimal requirements developed by the project partners. The

WP5 leader will administer the AIRSAN WEBSITE and the AIRSAN COMMUNICATION PLATFORM providing the

system and content management and the facilitation of the system functionality.

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Work plan

Table 12 presents the work plan of WP5.

Table 12. Work plan of WP5.

1st project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

Coordination Employ IT researcher and administrative

Prepare timesheets for public and non-public officials

Prepare biannual progress report

Prepare financial documents and reports as per coordinators request


M3 Development of the pilot version of the AIRSAN Website Design the structure of the web portal (member/public areas, forums and wiki) in collaboration with RKI


Develop the content of the web portal UTH-EL, RKI

Prepare call for tender and subcontract a company for the development of the AIRSAN Website and the AIRSAN Communication Platform


Develop the pilot version of the AIRSAN Website and inform all stakeholders


Create a plan for website content management UTH-EL

Participate in the development of the evaluation questionnaire for the AIRSAN Website


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1st project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M12 Development of the pilot version of the AIRSAN Communication Platform

Design the structure – specification, functionalities, users UTH-EL in collaboration with all partners

Decide on users rights UTH-EL in collaboration with all partners

Prepare user’s manual UTH-EL, subcontractor

Develop the pilot version of the AIRSAN Communication Platform and inform all stakeholders

UTH-EL, subcontractor

2nd project year

M22 Final optimization of the AIRSAN Communication Platform and development of operational guidelines

Finalize AIRSAN Communication Platform and AIRSAN Website incorporating all changes from pilot testing

UTH-EL, subcontractor

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Table 13 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP5.

Table 13. Deliverables under WP5.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M3 AIRSAN Website An open access AIRSAN Website (in contrast to the restricted AIRSAN Communication Platform) where updated information will be regularly posted.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M22 AIRSAN Communication Platform

Development of an AIRSAN Communication Platform linked to the AIRSAN Website for communication exchange between the AIRSAN Network members.

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Work package 6: Development of an AIRSAN Training Tool to support the implementation of AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR

Work package 6 consists of actions undertaken to support the EU MS applying the newly developed AIRSAN

Guidance Documents.


The objective of work package 6 is:

To develop an AIRSAN Training Tool to support countries in the implementation of the IHR and the

newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents.


The WP6 aims to develop an AIRSAN Training Tool to provide assistance to the relevant stakeholders and

authorities (e.g. airport health authorities, other airport staff, local PHA, medical services of the airlines) with:

The evaluation of the means and required capacities for incorporation of the revised or newly

developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents and guidelines (see WP4) into the existing airport

preparedness plans,

The subsequent planning, coordination and implementation of the relevant activities, therefore

facilitating the strengthening of the IHR core capacities and

The ensuring of an efficient and coherent response at the airport level to serious cross-border PHT on


The AIRSAN Training Tool will include the following components:

A Tabletop Simulation Exercise (TSE)

Accompanying training aid: different scenarios used for the TSE, trainers’ manual, trainees’ guidelines,

short films (footages)

The TSE methodology is widely used in all kinds of operational and field exercises; it is recognized as an easy,

fast and cost-effective tool to improve the implementation of (new) processes and to equip the relevant

stakeholders with the competent skills. The TSE requires a minimum of preparation for the participants, but

achieves a maximum outcome. The discussion is facilitated by a leader. In practical terms a training group

consisting of the individuals involved in crisis management talks over a particular scenario in a format of a

round-table discussion.

A number of scenarios will be developed in consultation with all the AIRSAN Partners including the ICAO. Each

scenario will aim to test the implementation of the revised or newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents

by the involved competent authorities. The ECDC guidance “Risk assessment guidelines for diseases

transmitted on aircrafts”, Stockholm 2010, should be used as a decision making document for the involved

consultants in communicable disease control. The scenarios used in the past by the Dutch National

Coordination Center for Communicable Disease Control in its IHR guideline will serve as a basis for developing

new scenarios. Possible scenarios could be: 1) while being in the air a pilot reports a suspected infectious

disease in a passenger; an investigation of the patient and provision of information to other passengers after

landing is required; 2) a passenger with a contagious disease is notified to the PHA several days after travelling

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by plane; contact tracing and subsequent quarantine of other passengers is necessary; 3) radio-active

contamination of the cargo on an airplane is suspected; relevant actions are pending.

In the end of the training, the participants of the TSE will have a common understanding of the AIRSAN

Guidance Documents and will reach agreements on distribution of responsibilities and the structure of contact

lists that should include availability and details on how responsible authorities can be reached. These

agreements will be in line with the existing preparedness plans of the airport and airlines.

Short films (footages) illustrating each scenario will be developed to create the right picture and atmosphere.

In the developing process of the AIRSAN Training Tool, two pilot trainings will be conducted at at least two

airports (from the project partners and beyond) which will permit testing of the AIRSAN Training Tool

usefulness and will be followed by necessary adjustments.

The AIRSAN Training Tool will be made freely and continuously available for all EU MS through the AIRSAN

Website to guarantee sustainability of the developed actions; the link to the newly developed documents will

also be directing the users to the AIRSAN Website where the materials will be allocated. It is aimed to promote

the AIRSAN Training Tool through posting the relevant information and the links on the websites of

international aviation as well as public health organizations. Additionally the materials of the AIRSAN Training

Tool will be distributed in a form of supportive leaflets and information booklets among the AIRSAN Network

members and beyond as promotion material.

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Work plan

Table 14 presents the work plan of WP6.

Table 14. Work plan of WP6.

2nd project year

Month Milestones Tasks Responsible partner(s)

M18 Development of scenarios and accompanying materials for the AIRSAN Training Tool including TSE and accompanying aid

Evidence based literature study on transmission of infectious diseases in airplane and effectiveness of control measures as input for selection of scenarios

Survey amongst AIRSAN Partners on existing trainings and preferred guidance documents to be used in scenarios

Compose working group with Municipal Health Services Kennemerland and Schiphol for developing scenarios, AIRSAN Training Tool and preparation of 2 pilots

Development of scenarios and accompanying material (footage, guideline)

Development of the AIRSAN Training Tool


M20 Piloting the AIRSAN Training Tool and its components Arrange pilot test in Schiphol and in another airport (of associative partners of AIRSAN)

Results of the two pilot tests lead to adjustments in the AIRSAN Training Tool


M24 Finalizing the AIRSAN Training Tool and its components Integrate AIRSAN Training Tool in AIRSAN Website developed by WP 5

Disseminate AIRSAN Training Tool material among AIRSAN Partners, designated airports and competent authorities within EU


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Table 15 presents the deliverables that will be produced under WP6.

Table 15. Deliverables under WP6.


project year

Month Deliverable Description

M24 An AIRSAN Training Tool that includes a TSE and accompanying training aid.

An AIRSAN Training Tool to support countries in implementation of newly developed AIRSAN Guidance Documents and IHR: developed and tested

Related Documents