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Page 1: AIM Global Business VS Traditional Direct Selling Business

[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

AIM Global Business VS Traditional Direct Selling Business

Page 2: AIM Global Business VS Traditional Direct Selling Business


There are two kinds of people in this world. The first kind is the one who does not want to sell, and the second kind is the one who does not want to be sold at. All we want is to earn money. But come to think of it, how can you make money without selling something.

There are negative beliefs about sales. Many people hate selling. That is because we think sales people are crooks. We think they will use all kinds of flowery words for you to buy their product just to earn money. Well, there may be a few out there who work that way, but the sales profession we believe is the noblest profession in the world. All businesses would not flourish without sales.

In reality, we may not know it consciously, but we actually sell every day.

If we are not selling a product, we are selling services in the marketplace.

[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

Page 3: AIM Global Business VS Traditional Direct Selling Business

Employees also sell

During your job interview, you sold yourself by presenting what skills and good attitudes you possess, and that is why you got hired. And you do that every day, otherwise you could get fired.

So, the truth is we are all salesmen and saleswomen. The great thing about AIM Global is that we may be in the

category of direct selling but we are the high-tech or the upgraded version.We have a unique way of promoting our products and services. In short, we have this thing called USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Let us show you why.

One of the major means of how AIM Global could afford to pay out huge amount of money to our distributors is thru the mode of distribution of our products.As you can see in the image at the left, the traditional direct selling set up show a number of channels of distribution a product would have pass thru, before it reaches the end [email protected]

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Let us take Fortune Tobacco Company owned by Mr. Lucio Tan. All cigarettes comes out of the factory, it is then distributed to major wholesalers, who in turn

supplies it to area agents, who then passes it down to middle men who drops it off to retailers (giant malls, or street vendors “takatak boys”) before it finally reaches the end


A stick of cigarette in the Philippines cost an average amount of P5, however that same stick when it came out of the factory probably cost less than a P1 to

manufacture, but again, since it needs to pass thru certain channels of distribution, and everybody needs to make profit, plus the overhead cost of trucking, taxes,

advertising, the price per stick rises to more than a hundred percent of its original value.

We know of one Wellness Company who paid Manny Pacquiao a whopping P8 million pesos for a 30 second commercial just to promote their product.

Now why do you think big corporations pay by the millions to popular actors or sport figures just to endorse their merchandise?The answer is marketing. It pays to advertise.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

BUT with AIM Global:

Instead of paying celebrities huge amount of money, we pay out the millions to our distributors.

You can be the Tom Cruise of our C-24/7 or the Michael Jordan model of our VIDA.

We promote our products by sharing testimonies of real people who have benefited from its effectiveness. We use our personal experience; we don’t need to hard sell, the only one that would do the selling in Network Marketing are the products itself.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

There is lot of money that can be made if you are into the Traditional Direct Selling

Business. We know of people who have made a living out of it and a few had some financial

success. The dilemma of Traditional Direct Sales is that it has its own limits.

> First is the type of product to sell

The real estate, car or even insurance industry has boomed in the last few years. This is largely to the growth of our economy, where there are more investors coming to the country. As a salesman of any of these products, you could surely earn big commission if you get to sell to even one client.

However, you must remember that you are selling non-consumable products, which means, the moment you get to close one sale this month, it is highly unlikely that you can get to sell the same type of product to the same customer the next month.

You may have to wait for another year or in most casesfind another customer.Our point is that, the chances of having repeat sale to the same person are very slim to none. And this could be the reason why a lot of sales people burn out, because they have to tirelessly look for new clients.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

> The second limit of Traditional Direct Sales is the ability to expand

your sales territory

The real estate, car or even insurance industry has boomed in the last few years. This is largely to the growth of our economy, where there are more investors coming to the country. As a salesman of any of these products, you could surely earn big commission if you get to sell to even one client.

However, you must remember that you are selling non-consumable products, which means, the moment you get to close one sale this month, it is highly unlikely that you can get to sell the same type of product to the same customer the next month.

You may have to wait for another year or in most cases find another customer.Our point is that, the chances of having repeat sale to the same person are very slim to none. And this could be the reason why a lot of sales people burn out, because they have to tirelessly look for new clients.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

> The third limit in Traditional Direct Sales is that you could not make profit

from other direct sellers as shown in the figure below.

The image above says it all, and the tendency is to compete against each other.We all know there is competition in business. Competition is good, especially if it is

healthy contest. It brings out the best in you, it makes people more creative. Some of the best products in the market today are developed and enhanced by healthy

competition of the different organizations or companies.The problem is people tend to focus more on competing against each other as oppose to creating value to the market place. And as a result, negative attitudes such as envy

or jealousy sets in when they begin to bad mouth or say negative things to their counterpart just to promote their interest.

Remember this, companies or businesses whose focal point is to destroy other business just for them to shine will ultimately die.

* Note to figure above – some companies have marketing plans that gives direct sellers make money with the sale of other direct sellers.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

Difference between Network Marketing with AIM Global and Traditional Sales and solidify why Network Marketing is

the best business model in today’s advancing information age.

A Business with No Boundaries

As a member of AIM Global, you are given so many benefits and return for your investment. In the Philippines, the most popular ones aside from the products are the accidentinsurance as well as the transferable scholarship program.

These are great benefits, and we are proud to say that:AIM Global is the first and probably the only network marketing company that gives these services to its members upon joining.

However, we believe that the most overlooked benefit that people fail to pay attention to is the ability to expand your business around the country and even international.

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[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

Picture this:

You now have the capability to expand your business anywhere and anyplace you go. Anytime your business

partners or downlines purchase products you can enjoy earning profit.

Think about our LIVEN coffee, if you have expanded your group outside your town, let’s say you live in Manila, and your

downlines spread to Cebu, Davao or even to Dubai and Singapore and every time they wake up in the morning and drink our coffee, you will earn profit. It’s almost like putting up your own version of

Starbucks Coffee and sharing it to the world, only that you did not shell out millions of dollars to make it happen.

And another, if you live in Asia and you have downlines across the globe or vice versa, you now have a chance to make money while you sleep. Why? Because every time you go to sleep, they are the ones who

wake up. So that means, they are the ones who uses the products, shares the business and when their prospect buys or joins your network, you make money.

Then when the time comes that they have to go to sleep, you and your downlines in Asia or vice versa wakes up, and it’s your turn this time to use the products and share the business, you make money again.In short, you can make money 24 hours a day, seven days a week, physically or non-physically.

This is something that most traditional sales business does not have. Most of the time, their area for sales or marketing are limited to certain regions where they are assigned to. Plus if they can’t make a sale, they don’t make money at all.

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Why AIM Global?

[email protected] | 0922-7740860 | 0927-4353221

We could give you a thousand reasons why you should join AIM Global business, but with respect to our topic on its difference with Traditional Sales Business, we believe the most significant reason to join US is because of our Inheritance Income.

When we say you can make money in our business whether physical or not, we do mean up until you’re no longer breathing, or to put it bluntly, you still earn money when you die.


Because when you passed on to another dimension, it does not mean your downlines, however a good leader you are, wants to follow you. In short, they would still resume to do business, which only means that your income would still continue. But since you’re gone, your income can be transferred to your spouse, children or next of kin.So basically, what you plant today would not be wasted; it could be harvested later or much later when you are gone by your children or probably your children’s children and beyond.

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THANK YOU!We hope you will join our DYNAMIC marketing, Alliance in Motion

Global, Inc.

For more information contact us:

Jocelyn San Esteban – 0942-5608513Joan Ramos – 0922-7740860 / 0927-4353221

Email us at: [email protected]

In AIM Global, we are changing LIVES for the BETTER. Truly, HEALTHY is WEALTHY!

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