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Page 1: AIHFS April - June 2014 newsletter

Greetings from Ashley Tuomi, Executive Director...

BabamadziwinBabamadziwinBabamadziwin “Healing Journey”“Healing Journey”“Healing Journey”

April 2014 -

June 2014

Inside this issue:

Carbon Monoxide 2

Native Healthy Start 3

“Healing” at AIHFS 4

Weight Loss Challenge 4

Advisory Council 5

Fitness 5

Systems of Care 6

Dream Seekers Youth 6

High Blood Pressure 7

Sacred Bundle 8

Upcoming Events 9

Gardening 10

Łaxayam, I’m sure that many of us are looking forward to the spring. This has been a rough winter for us at AIHFS with snow days, large pot holes in our parking lot, broken water pipes, and a broken heater in part of our building. I want to say a big thank you to all of our staff and community members who have been patient with us as we address all of these issues. There is a lot of great information in this newsletter but I wanted to take a moment to highlight a couple of important things: Just a friendly reminder that AIHFS is available to assist you with insurance

enrollment through the Affordable Care Act. The Marketplace deadline is fast approaching (March 31st) and unless you are a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe, Indian Health Services Eligible, or meet other exemptions you will be fined if you don’t sign up for insurance by this date! We will also be helping individuals apply for the expanded Medicaid program in April. There are some more details in this newsletter and remember that you can always reach out to us if you have questions about your individual responsibility or how to get coverage.

I also wanted to point out all of the wonderful exercise programs that are

offered here at AIHFS. Best of all they are free! Please pass the word on to your friends and family. All of these classes are taught by our wonderful staff here at AIHFS. There are opportunities during the day and in the evening, so please join us.

Ashley Tuomi Executive Director

Aanii from


Congratulations, Fat Crushers, for placing 1st

in the Ultimate 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge!

Pictured (left to right): Steven Smallwood, Thurman Bear, Rosebud Schneider, Ashley Tuomi, Scott Bowden

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In Your Home By Scott Bowden

What is Carbon Monoxide (CO)?

Carbon Monoxide is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, often formed in the process of incomplete combustion of organic substances including fuels.

Why should you be concerned about Carbon Monoxide (CO)?

Carbon Monoxide gas can build up to dangerous concentrations indoors when fuel burning devices are not properly vented, operated or maintained. Because it has no odor, color or taste, CO cannot be detected by our senses. It is estimated that unintentional CO exposure accounts for an estimated 500 deaths in the United States each year. Poisoning contributes annually to more than 2,000 deaths in the United States.

What are the sources of (CO)?

In general, CO is produced when any material burns. More is produced when there isn’t enough oxygen for efficient burning. Common sources of CO in homes include fuel-burning devices such as: furnaces, gas or kerosene space heaters, boilers, gas cooking stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers, fireplaces, charcoal grills, wood stoves, lawn mowers, power generators, camp stoves, motor vehicles and some power tools with internal combustion engines. Smoking is another common source of CO that can negatively impact indoor air quality.

How can I protect myself and my family from CO poisoning?

Simple measures can be taken to prevent CO problems. Make sure that all your fuel burning appliances and heating devices are properly vented and maintained. Know the symptoms of CO poisoning. Finally, to detect potentially deadly conditions, install and maintain CO alarms in your home.

Never use a barbeque grill or portable gas generator indoors. Never heat your home using an oven designed for cooking.

The following signs may indicate a CO problem: Streaks of soot around fuel-burning appliances Absence of an upward draft in your chimney Excess moisture found on windows, walls, or other cold surfaces Excessive rusting on flue pipes, other pipe connections, or appliance jacks Orange or yellow flames (should be blue) in your combustion appliances Smoky smells - don't assume your fire alarm works Fallen soot in the fireplace Small amount of water leaking from the base of the chimney vent, or flue pipe Damaged or discolored bricks at the top of your chimney Rust on the portion of the vent pipe visible from the outside

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Healthy Start is preparing for our spring Childbirth Class series! Childbirth classes are open to all pregnant moms and their partners and support people. Please join us as we discuss staying healthy during pregnancy, coping techniques during labor, how to support a woman in labor, making a birth plan, breastfeeding, infant care, and more. Whether you’re a first-time parent or already have children, childbirth classes are a great way to explore your options for birth, share your thoughts and experiences, and meet other parents who will have babies the same age as yours. Dinner is provided and raffle prizes will be given at each class. Childcare is available for older children. We will also be incorporating stretching and gentle movement into each class, so please wear comfortable clothing. For more information or to register, please contact the Healthy Start office at 313-846-6030 ext. 1125. Classes are a six-week series on Wednesday evenings, 5:30-7:30pm, to be held on the following dates:

April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 May 7 May 14

If you haven’t joined Healthy Start for a playgroup recently, you are missing out! We gather once a month on Fridays to play, sing, read, and eat delicious food. We’ve been doing fun, kid-friendly projects like making homemade finger paint, using household items for crafts, and making our own play slime! We’ve also started our new Parent Circles during this time. Parents have the chance to gather together in circle, learn more about topics that interest them, and pass the feather to share about the joys and challenges of raising little ones. All families with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are welcome.

Are you a graduate of Healthy Start? Or perhaps you have children that were too old for Healthy Start? The Healthy Start staff is proud to say we have expanded our program and we are now able to enroll families with children up to five years old. Healthy Start/Family Spirit will include a new learning tool, developed by and for Native American communities. Our aim is to increase parenting knowledge and skills; promote optimal development for children; link families to community services to address specific needs; and promote parents' and children's positive outcomes across the lifespan. If you have not enrolled your family yet and need more information about signing up for the new program, please contact Rosebud Schneider at 313-846-3718, ext 1125. May is Asthma Awareness Month. Asthma affects the lungs and can make it hard to breathe and cause wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Some people use an inhaler to get medicine into their lungs while others take pills. There is no cure for asthma so it never goes away. It is one of the most common health conditions among children although adults can have it, too. More children in Detroit have asthma than anywhere else in Michigan. The best way to control asthma is to avoid triggers like mold, cigarette smoke, dust, and air pollution. Secondhand smoke is especially dangerous for children who have asthma. Adults can protect children by never smoking around children, in the car, or at home. They can also help by making sure that homes are free of dust and mildew. Warning signs of an asthma attack include wheezing, coughing, or breathing too fast and too hard. Go to the doctor immediately if you see any of these signs. For a short guide to understanding more about asthma, go to: En español:

Native Healthy Start

Education Corner

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Healing Our Bodies, Healing Ourselves By Shiloh Maples Did you know that AIHFS has programs to help our community eat healthy and stay physically active in a traditional way? Healing Our Bodies, Healing Ourselves is a series of weekly classes that offer our community the opportunity to learn how to cook traditional foods, in new ways that are both nutritious and delicious. This program also offers several traditional dance demonstrations, gentle exercises and stretches for Elders, and games that youth and families can enjoy together—allowing you to stay active in way that is traditional and fun. Every series of Healing Our Bodies, Healing Ourselves incorporates short nutrition lessons into each session to help everyone in our community eat healthy on a budget, make healthy choices at the grocery store, and fit all these things into their busy schedules. Throughout 2014, Healing Our Bodies, Healing Ourselves is offering an individualized set of classes tailored to different members of our community—including a youth series, a series for Elders, a parent series, and a series for the general community. This winter, the 10-week youth series focused on exploring and tasting a variety of fruits and vegetables while learning about the traditional stories for those foods. The youth also learned some Native American games, as well as participated in dance demonstrations and round dancing. Beginning May 8th, the 6-week Elder series will explore how eating healthy traditional foods can help prevent diet-related illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. We will also be learning some simple chair exercises and stretches that anyone can do to stay active. Later this year, there will also be a Parent series and Community series. For more information about any of the upcoming series, contact Shiloh at (313) 846-6030 ext.1113.

The Ultimate 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge By Michele Ramsey

AIHFS concluded the “Ultimate 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge” on February 7, 2014. With the overall goal of promoting wellness, physical activity, and healthy eating, 30 participants stepped up to take the challenge and stuck with it! Participants received free health assessments at the beginning, midpoint, and end of the challenge in efforts to assess their starting point, monitor progress, and connect to necessary resources for improving health. Monetary prizes were awarded to the two teams with the highest average percentage weight loss:

1st place: Fat Crushers - 5.0% (see cover story)

2nd place: The Chunky Bunch - 4.4% (pictured to the right) The most common barriers to increasing physical activity and healthy eating among participants were motivation, time, and cost (inability to purchase healthy foods that are expensive). That’s where AIHFS can help! All of our fitness classes are FREE and include a variety of morning and evening options for staff and community members. Fresh Food Share, a community-based monthly produce delivery program, allows participants to purchase a variety of fruits and veggies at a reasonable cost. Place your order online or call us at (313) 846-6030 and pick up your goodies at AIHFS on the delivery date!

Congratulations are in order to ALL participants with a combined weight loss of a whopping 171 pounds!!! AIHFS

would like to thank everyone for participating in this very exciting event.

Healthy Eating + Physical Activity = Healthy Weight

The Chunky Bunch placed 2nd!

Pictured (left to right): Tina James, Rosa Bear, Kasandra Fry, Joaquin Bear

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Community Advisory Council By John Marcus

In December we had a presentation by the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program. The REACH program is focused on nutrition and physical activity to improve the health and wellness of our community. What is an example of a health disparity? The 3rd leading cause of death for the American Indian/Alaska Native population is unintentional injury, for the White population this is only the 5th leading cause of death. As part of their presentation the REACH program asked for suggestions of what type of traditional activities could be incorporated to increase physical activity. One of our Elders on the CAC said, “When you ask to incorporate cultural pieces into programming you should follow them as closely as possible because the youth are the ones that are affected.” One of the pieces they have been moving forward with is starting up community gardens. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested in keeping informed of the community gardens. Several members said they wanted to be included in the next phase. January’s CAC meeting was an introduction to Systems of Care, presented by our Emotional and Spiritual Wellness Director, Tina Louise and Systems of Care Coordinator, Deirdre King. AIHFS is a part of the Wayne County Mental Health Authorities’ System of Care grant called CONNECTIONS. This includes over 40 agencies all working together. One of the pieces AIHFS will be involved with includes the VCE. The VCE stands for Virtual Center of Excellence which is Wayne County’s online training program. In February we will be following up with a presentation from a CONNECTIONS representative, Sundra Kollie. Most attendees said they would be returning to hear more about this. Lastly, if there is a specific program or topic you would like featured at a community advisory council meeting let me know and I will see if I can arrange it. Stay warm and think spring. John Marcus ph: 313-846-6030 x1121 email: [email protected]

Fitness at AIHFS By Rosebud Schneider

Being physically active doesn’t have to be work! We all can think of a million reasons not to exercise. A very common comment I hear is, “I don’t like exercising.” Who does when we make it sound like work? What I’ve come to learn is that when people say that, they’re actually saying, “I don’t like certain types of exercise.” There are lots of ways to make it fun and effective! Just like there are a million reasons not to exercise, there are a million ways to disguise your exercise. You may be one of the lucky ones that are exercising when they don’t even know it. Here are some really fun ways to get in your exercise without it feeling like exercise: hiking, walking, dancing, playing with your kids on the playground, cleaning your house, yoga, bike riding or even joining a

rec team like softball or a bowling league! The key is to just move and have fun while doing it. Invite some friends and just enjoy yourselves!

AIHFS is committed to providing many ways to keep you and your family healthy and active. We are pleased to offer FREE fitness classes five days a week for all fitness levels! Our classes have been going strong! Our walking group (funded by the Healthy Environments Partnership) – Mamaajiiwag (We Move) meets three times a week. In addition to the walking group, we have Yoga, Zumba and strength/cardio classes throughout the week. Check our website for the most current fitness schedule. You can also call Rosebud Schneider for more information, 313-846-3718

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AIHFS needs your direction, voice, and input for the Pii Maamwinokiyaang, Miidash

Nibwaakaayaang (When We Work Together, Then We Are Wise) project! By Deirdre King

AIHFS is currently seeking participants from the AIHFS community for the formation of a new Systems of Care (SOC) Advisory Council. The SOC Advisory Council is a great way for AIHFS’ community, youth, and families to be active partners in shaping and evaluating activities of the Systems of Care Implementation grant: The Pii Maamwinokiyaang, Miidash Nibwaakaayaang (When We Work Together, Then We Are Wise) project. SOC Advisory Council participants would take a strong role in leadership and decision making for the project on a county wide level. This project will include collaboration with Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority’s ‘Connections’, the University of Michigan School of Social Work, Family Alliance for Change, The Guidance Center, the Virtual Center for Excellence, and Youth United. Project

activities will include expansion of Wraparound services, cultural competency trainings to workers across all systems, expansion of Parent Support Partner services to AIHFS, as well as outreach and advocacy activities. In order for the project to be driven by youth, family and community, we need your voice! The SOC Advisory Council will be made up of Detroit community members from all age groups, genders and races from diverse communities across the city. The SOC Advisory Council meetings will provide oversight on all aspects of the collaboration between agencies and the proposed project. This project is supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Systems of Care (SOC) Implementation grant awarded to Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority (DWMHA), in

partnership with AIHFS. The Pii Maamwinokiyaang, Miidash Nibwaakaayaang (When We Work Together, Then We Are Wise) project will allow for a new Systems of Care partnership between DWMHA and AIHFS to better provide culturally competent services to SED children (age birth to 21) in Wayne County, and specifically Native children, youth and families who are “out of balance and challenged by spiritual unrest.” For more information on joining the SOC Advisory Council, or other information on the Pii Maamwinokiyaang, Miidash Nibwaakaayaang (When We Work Together, Then We Are Wise) project, please contact Deirdre King, SOC Outreach Coordinator at 313-846-6030 or by email at [email protected].

Dream Seekers Go On A Winter Camping Trip!

“On the trip we went hiking. I enjoyed meeting The Scholars youth group. We had a really fun time and enjoyed each other’s company. As a result we all agreed that

we wanted to go back and stay with them again.”

– Adazha Bryant, Dream Seeker

Dream Seekers Summer Youth Program July 7th-July 24th (Monday-Thursday), the Dream Seekers youth program will be holding a culture day camp—using the GONA (Gathering of Native Americans) curriculum and incorporating language, crafts, gardening, field trips, and much more. The GONA curriculum uses traditional values of Belonging, Mastery, Interdependence, and Generosity to promote healthy living and community healing. We look forward to a summer camp full of fun and healthy learning experiences for our native youth. If you know a youth between 8-18yrs old that would like to register for our summer program, contact Martha or Shiloh at (313) 846-6030 ext. 1113.

Dream Seekers Youth

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Make an appointment at AIHFS by calling (313) 846-6030

What You Need to Know

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The Manidookewigashkibjigan - Sacred Bundle team members

and everyone affected by the project have been hard at work promoting the culture of healthy minds in our community.

Minobimaadiz Baagosenmaang- Wellness and Hope Screenings are still happening! Youth ages 10-24 be sure to ask about being a part

of the GLS project and get Screened! Make an appointment with Behavioral Health today– eligible youth will receive a $20 Meijer Gift Card

Biboon [Winter] - We had a great Winter this year, and continued to do beautiful things in our


Winter Solstice -The team decided to spend this time with the community and do some

outreach about our screening programs that are ongoing and at the different powwows and other large community events.

Mural Project - The Sacred Bundle Mural has come a long way. Special thanks to our artist

Daniel Vallie and all of our community members and youth who were able to contribute and be a part. This mural is to tell a story of our culture and Wellness by focusing on the 7 Grandfather Teachings. I hope that it is a healing piece of art. In the coming months the mural will be celebrated through a film screening and interactive gathering so be on the lookout for this event soon!

Wellness and Hope Screenings - A presentation was shared with our Advisory Council

this winter of all the data collected and compiled by Debbie Tauiliili on our Screening Program so far. We have been able to screen a good number of youth. In order to increase the reach of our project we would like to increase our number of screenings in the 15-24 age range. Our data, though a relatively small sample indicates that those in this older age range seem to be at a higher risk for suicide. This could correlate with the many transitions and life circumstances for this age group, so we hope to brainstorm better ways to reach out and make screenings and Mental Health Services more readily accessible.

Again Be on the lookout for future ASIST, safeTALK Trainings, and Cultural Events– We are all caretakers and create wellness in the


Call Christy Bieber– GLS Program Coordinator for more information on upcoming efforts and events (313-846-6030 X1205)

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Want to learn more about what’s going on at AIHFS? Follow us on the web!

Upcoming Events at AIHFS!

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aihfsmich @AIHFS_Detroit

Agency Needs & Wants Support AIHFS by helping with the following:

New pavement for Parking Lot

New flooring for meeting room (2,000 square feet)

Chi-Miigwetch (Many Thanks) for your support!

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Congratulations, Employees of the Month!

December 2013 - Chip Reisdorf

January 2014 - Charla Sanders

Growing Your Fresh and Healthy Foods Is Easy! By Shiloh Maples

It may be hard to imagine with the long cold winter we had, but spring has sprung and it’s time to begin awakening our gardens from their winter slumber. Whether you are an experienced grower or new to gardening, there are a few simple steps to remember for a successful garden this year—

Choose a location that has some open space, has access to water, gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day, and the soil is safe from lead exposure. You can contact Keep Growing Detroit at (313)757-2635 for help getting your soil tested. Sketch a map of your garden plot—try using grid paper or drawing each square foot on to your garden map. Mapping your garden will allow you to plan how many plants can go in a certain area of your garden—certain plants need more or less space to grow, so this can help make sure you give them enough space; it can also help you to remember where you planted certain items. After you get your garden planned, you can head out to clear any weeds or other brush that may be in your planting space.

Select plants that you will enjoy eating and that will grow well in your garden plot. Root vegetables like beets, turnips, and carrots can grow well in limited space. A traditional Three Sisters Garden of corn, beans, and squash is also a good choice for limited space—they help each other grow and produce an abundance of delicious, healthy vegetables throughout the growing season. Tomatoes and peppers also do very well in limited space, but they do take longer to produce edible fruit. Planting certain flowers—such as marigolds, geraniums, nasturtium, and cosmos—around the perimeter of your garden can help keep pests away.

Remember to water and weed your garden regularly—it may be helpful to some gardeners to get

yourself on a routine of going out on the same days and times each week. Here’s a tip: It pays off to pull weeds while they are small because it is a lot easier to pull out a plant that hasn’t grown large roots and hasn’t spread its seeds all around your garden yet. How often and how much you water your garden depends on rainfall—if it’s a really rainy week, then you probably don’t need to do any watering yourself. However, if there’s barely any rain then you will need to go out to water more frequently. A general rule for watering is that your soil should feel and look moist—not muddy with puddles and not dry like sand. Look at your plants for clues—if they are perky and growing fast than you are giving them enough water. But if your plants look shriveled with drooping leaves than they could use a big drink of water.

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How to Support AIHFS!

Only with your support can AIHFS continue to try to meet the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well being needs of Native American families and other underserved populations in Southeastern Michigan.

Additionally, as a 501(c)(3), your generous support is tax-deductable.

Won't you make a donation today to help us get closer to meeting these needs?

To donate by check or money order, please send payable to:

American Indian Health & Family Services P.O. Box 810, Dearborn, MI 48121-0810

To donate online:


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This Issue’s Native Quote: May the stars carry your sadness away,

May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears,

And, above all, may silence make you strong.

~Chief Dan George

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American Indian Health & Family Services, Inc

P.O. Box 810 Dearborn, MI 48121

Clinic Hours: Monday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Clinic: 313-846-6030

Services Provided at AIHFS

Medical Services Women's Care Maternal Health Diabetes Health & Education Substance Abuse Counseling Behavioral Health Counseling Dream Seekers Youth Program WIC Tobacco Cessation Native Healthy Start

Insurance Enrollments Health Education & Outreach Immunizations & Flu Shots HIV/AIDS Testing & Referrals Sweat Lodge Community Garden Annual Events Fitness Classes GLS Suicide Prevention Training Visit us at:

Here at

American Indian Health we offer great care & services

for your health care needs.

If there is anything we can be more helpful with, please let us know!

Return Service Requested

Seeking Board Members! The AIHFS Board of Directors is looking for new members! If you have a passion for the Native Community, Wellness program and services,

Accounting, Finance, Development or Fundraising, please consider applying!

In order to be considered please submit letter of intent and resume to:

American Indian Health and Family Services, ATTN: Nickole Fox

PO Box 810, Dearborn, MI 48121 and/or email: [email protected]