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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |




Page 2: AIESEC Nigeria Reception Booklet

AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |

Three major ethnics YORUBA – HAUSA


Yoruba? The name "Yoruba" is of more recent origin than the concept. It was originally the Hausa name for the Oyo kingdom,

meaning "the people of the state of Oyo", and was given a wider use by missionaries only in the 1840s. Oyo was the pre-

eminent city-state of the Yoruba between the 16th and 18th centuries, but it was not the only one. The people of the

City of Benin speak a closely related language. They also trace the ancestry of the institution of kingship to Ife.

Yoruba land is not a country, although the number of people now calling themselves Yoruba is greater than the population of

many with a seat in the United Nations. No one really knows how many Yoruba there are. There may be as many as 20 million

speaking a dialect of the Yoruba language.

The vast majority live in the south west of Nigeria, but a considerable number make up one of the major cultural groups in the

neighboring Republic of Benin (not to be confused with the City of Benin). There are also enclaves in Togo, particularly around the

town of Atakpame. A considerable number of people around the world can also claim Yoruba ancestry.


The Hausa Culture is located mostly in northwestern Nigeria and parts of southwestern Niger they call Hausa land. There are several

large cities around Hausa land. The population is the largest in West Africa consisting of over 20 million because of their

intermarriages and constant interaction with different peoples. While most of the Hausa live in Hausa land, some of the people are

found scattered from West Africa all the way to the Congo Republic settled temporarily as traders or sometimes even permanently.


The Ibos are profoundly religious. These polytheistic people worship many gods. They believe that there are three levels of divine

beings: the highest level is the supreme god, or “Chukwu.” Underneath Chukwu are lesser gods, called “Umuagbara”, and under

these is the “Ndi Ichie,” the spirits of dead people. The Ibos also believe in reincarnation. They see death as a transient phase

between life and the spirit world. When someone dies, he or she starts a new life in the spirit world. After a time in the spirit world, a

dead person would be reborn as a new person and the cycle would continue. Each village has priests and priestesses who help in

all spiritual matters, conducting ceremonies and rituals. And since the Ibos believe that everything in life is controlled by higher

powers, there are diviners in a village that attempt to predict the future.

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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |

Who is your witness

A country full of friendly and diverse

people that are the pride of the nation.

Nigeria is the most populous black

nation in the world where the people

develop a nationalistic feeling when it

comes to defending the country‟s


Within minutes of being in the country,

you will find an „artificial nation‟ roughly

made up of 256 ethnic groups and 6

geo political zones.

They are divided first by ethnicity then by

religion and culture. Nigerians are proud

of what they are and who they are. To

the extent, that it can become a

competition. Nigeria is the spotlight of

Africa because we always keep our

selves in the news.

This country has more history, art, food

and lots of culture than most

countries around.

Time is now

Discover Nigeria

Have you heard of Pidgin

English or do you want to learn


Perhaps you are interested in

discovering new Nigerian

slangs and cannot afford a

Nigerian Pidgin English.

E.g., I want to eat fried cake

made out of black-eyed peas

Pidgin: I want chop Akara.

Want to learn more?

The opportunity await YOU

When you have the people, you have

the culture = experienced Nigeria

Get integrated!

Listen to the Voice of

Nigeria on Radio http://www.niger


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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |



We have several packages to

accommodate almost any need, or

you can let us create a custom

travel package.


The Obudu Cattle Ranch now known as the

Obudu Mountain Resort is found in the

Obaniku Local Government area of the

northern part of Cross River State. It is an

area where the wonderful work of nature

can be appreciated with its awesome and

almost indescribable views.


The Yankari National Park is the

premier game reserve in Nigeria.

Yankari Park and Wikki Warm Springs

are placed round the Gagi River,

about 1 1/2 hours byway, southeast

of Bauchi Town.Elephant The beauty

and size of The Yankari Game

Reserve make it the most popular

reserve in Nigeria.


Natural/Physical. The rock is the largest rock out crop within the Abuja metropolis, ranging

about 936m above sea level, dominating the landscape of the capital city and overlooking

residential quarters and office buildings like The National Assembly, The Supreme Court and The

Presidential Villa. The rock has become synonymous with the nation‟s seat of power. It has

some caves within the structure, which can be visited by tourists with the permission of the local

priest. Aso people used to take refuge in the cave during intertribal wars. The rock is a sight

worth seeing for every visitor in Abuja.


Abeokuta (literarily means under the

rock)-the name comes from the

famous 'Olumo' rock, which served as

a place of refuge for some of the

Yorubas during one of the fierce tribal

wars in those days. Here is a view of

the city/town from the rock


Tarkwa Bay is a sheltered beach along the Lagos

harbor. It is accessible by boat from Maroko or from

under Falomo Bridge on Victoria Island. This beach

provides a pleasant outing with safe swimming

conditions, even for small children.

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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |


Nigeria is popularly known to

transport with „OKADA‟, „B.R.T‟

and „DANFO‟ The fastest

means is the motorbike

popularly known as „OKADA‟

but however it is very

dangerous as there are several

accident with OKADA riders so

my advice is to use the normal

buses which are; B.R.T or Danfo


Transportation fee:

The fee varies per distance, minimum fee for Danfo is 20Naira, B.R.T buses have fixed prize

even though you are going short distance and it is 70Naira. OKADA minimum fee

according to region e.g. Lagos is known to be expensive in transporting and OKADA fee

varies minimum of 50Naira and maximum of N500, they can take you anywhere

depending on your negotiation. One key thing you should know is that when taking

OKADA, you have the privilege to negotiate prizes as they may raise the prize since you

are a foreigner.

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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |

You must know!

Nigerians like to stare at foreigners and they have a

popular word they call them “OYINBO” means

white people. Generally, Chinese are known to be

yellow but in Nigeria, you are still called “OYINBO”

Currency There is a conditional inflation in

prizes on every commodity in

Nigeria i.e. the prize you buy in one

location is different to the prize in

another location.

Exchange currency rate:

1 Dollar = 150Naira

1 Euro = 210Naira

1 Pound = 248Naira

Food There are different foods according to 3

major tribes in Nigeria. It is the culture of

the people to eat with hand e.g. eating

food like EBA, AMALA, Fufu, Iyan, Lafu,


Sometimes foreigners do not like to eat

local food, not to worry, we have rice,

beans, noodles etc.

There are also fast food places to buy

food such as Chicken republic, Mr

Biggs, Tantalizers, KFC. You might be

interested in buying your country local

food, I am sure you will find it most

especially in Lagos but the issue is it

might be expensive to buy.

You need not worry about what kind of

food you want to eat

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AIESEC Nigeria | Experience Nigeria Booklet |

Getting ready

Now it is time to apply for visa entry to Nigeria and

The best we will do is to provide you adequate

information to obtain the right visa for your duration of

stay in Nigeria.

For short-term stay | Developmental Trainee-ship:

Usually the maximum duration is 6 to 12weeks and to

get visa you will need to apply for tourist visa to

Nigeria. AIESEC Nigeria will write you an official letter

of invitation to apply for visa.

For long-term stay | MT, ET, and TT Trainee-ship:

Most time the duration last between 25 to 72weeks, so

you will need to apply for a STR „Business‟ visa to

Nigeria. AIESEC Nigeria will do the letter of invitation

and you will need to take your acceptance note

signed and stamped by the organization, which you

are doing your internship with to apply for visa. For

more information visit the National immigration Portal


Important note:

At the point of entry the immigration stamp just one

month stay in Nigeria because of new entry policy for

foreigners but AIESEC Nigeria having cooperation with

the National Immigration Service will help in extending

your visa. Kindly contact the MCVP ICX/Project

AIESEC Nigeria: Abayomi Ogundipe |

[email protected] | 2348026118180 |

Skype: ogundipe.abayomi.baba


Insurance It is important and advisable to

obtain your health insurance

before coming to Nigeria.


ensure you have medications for

prevention against sicknesses such

as Malaria etc. It is advisable you

bring drugs prescribed by your

doctor; sometime Nigerian

mosquito can get immune to

whatever drugs you bring

whatever situation it is our core

responsibility to provide actual

drugs for malaria.

Landing in

Lagos & Abuja

For those of you doing your internship in

different cities except Lagos & Abuja. It will be

better to communicate with your TN manager

about means of transporting to city which you

will do your internship.


For long distance travel it is advisable to fly. You

can book in advance through our local airlines

| Booking advance

saves you a lot of money; you might need to

communicate with you TN manager about it.

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