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Page 1: Agri and General Knowledge Questions

1. The _____ states that a foreign key must either match a primary key value in another relation or it must be null.(a) entity integrity rule(b) referential integrity constraint(c) action assertion(d) composite attribute(e) None of these

2. An applet __________(a) is an interpreted program that runs on the client(b) tracks the number of visitors to a Website(c) is a compiled program that usually runs on the client(d) collects data from visitors to a Website(e) None of these


3. A _____ sometimes called a boot sector virus, executes when a computer boots up because it resides in the boot sector of a floppy disk or the master boot record of a hard disk.(a) system virus(b) Trojan horse virus(c) file virus(d) macro virus(e) None of these


4. Which error detection method uses one’s complement arithmetic?(a) Simply parity check(b) Checksum(c) Two-dimensional parity check(d) CRC(e) None of these


5. A result of a computer virus can not lead to ___.(a) Disk Crash(b) Mother Board Crash(c) Corruption of program(d) Deletion of files(e) None of these


6. The network interface card of LAN is related to following layer of OSI Model-(a) Transport(b) Network(c) Data Link

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(d) Physical(e) All of these


7. Which of the following does not describe a data warehouse?(a) Subject-oriented(b) Integrated(c) Time-variant(d) Updateable(e) None of these


8. Which of the following is true ?(a) Logical design is software-dependent(b) In a distributed database, database is stored in one physical location(c) Conceptual design translates the logical design into internal model(d) Logical design is software independent(e) None of these


9. A range check _____(a) ensures that only the correct data type is entered into a field(b) verifies that all required data is present(c) determines whether a number is within a specified limit(d) tests if the data in two or more associated fields is logical(e) None of these


10. The total set of interlinked hypertext documents worldwide is-(a) HTTP(b) Browser(c) WWW(d) B2B(e) None of these


11. With the object-oriented (OO) approach, an object encapsulates, or_____.a programmer.(a) carries out, the details of an object for(b) hides, the details of an object from(c) reveals, the details of an object to(d) extends, the details of an object beyond(e) None of these


12. Every computer connected to an intranet or extranet must have a distinct_____(a) firewall

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(b) proxy server(c) IP address(d) domain name(e) None of these


13. A table of bits in which each row represents the distinct values of a key?(a) Join index(b) Bitmap index(c) B + Tree(d) Hierarchical index(e) None of these


14. The degree of detail that should be incorporated into a database depends on what?(a) Data integrity(b) The type of database(c) The user’s perspective(d) The business practices and policies(e) None of these


15. The ___.converts digital signals to analog signals for the purpose of transmitting data over telephone lines.(a) Modem(b) Router(c) Gateway(d) Bridge(e) All of these


16. Before a package can be used in a java program it must be___.(a) executed(b) referenced(c) imported(d) declared(e) None of these


17. Choose the correct way to indicate that a line in a C++ program is a comment line, that is, a line the will not be executed as an instruction___.(a) begin the line with a # sign(b) begin the line with double slashes (/ /)(c) begin and end the line with double hyphens (-_-)(d) indent the line(e) None of these


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18. Programming language built into user programs such as Word and Excel are known as____(a) 4GLs(b) macro languages(c) object-oriented languages(d) visual programming languages(e) None of these


19. Firewalls are used to protect against___.(a) Unauthorized Attacks(b) Virus Attacks(c) Data Driven Attacks(d) Fire Attacks(e) All of these


20. This is a standard way for a Web server to pass a Web user’s request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to the user-(a) Interrupt request(b) Forward DNS lookup(c) Data-Link layer(d) File Transfer Protocol(e) Common gateway interface


21. Three SQL, DDL, CREATE commands are__.(a) Schema, Base and Table(b) Base, Table and Schema(c) Key, Base and Table(d) Schema, Table and View(e) None of these


22. Data are ________ in client/server computing.(a) never sent to the client machine(b) sent in very large sections to save processing time(c) sent only upon the client’s request(d) sent in complete copies for the client to filter and sort(e) sent from the client to the server for processing


23. Which of the following will not eliminates the ambiguities of a null value?(a) Define the attribute as required(b) Define subtypes(c) Define each attribute as having an initial value that is recognized as blank(d) Define supertypes(e) None of these

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24. The____directory is mandatory for every disk.(a) Root(b) Base(c) Sub(d) Case(e) None of these


25. This is a group of servers that share work and may be able to back each other up if one server fails.(a) Channel bank(b) Cluster(c) Tiger team(d) Serverless backup(e) Logical unit

Part I : General Awareness

1. Article 17 of the constitution of India provides for(a) equality before law.(b) equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.(c) abolition of titles.(d) abolition of untouchability

2. Article 370 of the constitution of India provides for(a) temporary provisions for Jammu & Kashmir.(b) special provisions in respect of Nagaland.(c) special provisions in respect of Manipur.(d) provisions in respect of financial emergency

3. How many permanent members are there in Security Council?(a) Three(b) Five(c) Six(d) Four

4. The United Kingdom is a classic example of a/an(a) aristocracy(b) absolute monarchy(c) constitutional monarchy(d) polity.

5. Social Contract Theory was advocated by(a) Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

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(b) Plato, Aristotle and Hegel.(c) Mill, Bentham and Plato.(d) Locke, Mill and Hegel.

6. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by the(a) President(b) Prime Minister.(c) Members of both Houses of the Parliament.(d) Members of the Lok Sabha.

7. Who is called the ‘Father of History'?(a) Plutarch(b) Herodotus(c) Justin(d) Pliny

8. The Vedas are known as(a) Smriti.(b) Sruti.(c) Jnana.(d) Siksha.

9. The members of Estimate Committee are(a) elected from the Lok Sabha only.(b) elected from the Rajya Sabha only.(c) elected from both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.(d) nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

10. Who is the chief advisor to the Governor?(a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.(b) Chief Minister.(c) Speaker of the Lok Sabha.(d) President.

11. Foreign currency which has a tendency of quick migration is called(a) Scarce currency.(b) Soft currency.(c) Gold currency.(d) Hot currency.

12. Which of the following is a better measurement of Economic Development?(a) GDP(b) Disposable income(c) NNP(d) Per capita income

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13. In India, disguised unemployment is generally observed in(a) the agriculture sector.(b) the factory sector.(c) the service sector.(d) All these sectors.

14. If the commodities manufactured in Surat are sold in Mumbai or Delhi then it is(a) Territorial trade.(b) Internal trade.(c) International trade.(d) Free trade.

15. The famous slogan "GARIBI HATAO" (Remove Poverty) was launched during the(a) First Five-Year Plan (1951-56)(b) Third Five-Year Plan (1961-66)(c) Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-74)(d) Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-79)

16. Bank Rate refers to the interest rate at which(a) Commercial banks receive deposits from the public.(b) Central bank gives loans to Commercial banks.(c) Government loans are floated.(d) Commercial banks grant loans to their customers.

17. All the goods which are scare and limited in supply are called(a) Luxury goods.(b) Expensive goods.(c) Capital goods.(d) Economic goods.

18. The theory of monopolistic competition is developed by(a) E.H.Chamberlin(b) P.A.Samuelson(c) J.Robinson(d) A.Marshall

19. Smoke is formed due to(a) solid dispersed in gas.(b) solid dispersed in liquid.(c) gas dispersed in solid.(d) gas dispersed in gas.

20. Which of the following chemical is used in photography?(a) Aluminum hydroxide(b) Silver bromide

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(c) Potassium nitrate(d) Sodium chloride.

21. Gober gas (Biogas) mainly contains(a) Methane.(b) Ethane and butane.(c) propane and butane.(d) methane, ethane, propane and propylene.

22. Preparation of ‘Dalda or Vanaspati' ghee from vegetable oil utilises the following process(a) Hydrolysis(b) Oxidation(c) Hydrogenation(d) Ozonoloysis

23. Which colour is the complementary colour of yellow?(a) Blue(b) Green(c) Orange(d) Red

24. During washing of cloths, we use indigo due to its(a) better cleaning action.(b) proper pigmental composition.(c) high glorious nature.(d) very low cost.

25. Of the following Indian satellites, which one is intended for long distance telecommunication and for transmitting TV programmes?(a) INSAT-A(b) Aryabhata(c) Bhaskara(d) Rohini

26. What is the full form of ‘AM' regarding radio broadcasting?(a) Amplitude Movement(b) Anywhere Movement(c) Amplitude Matching(d) Amplitude Modulation.

27. Who is the author of Gandhi's favorite Bhajan Vaishnava jana to tene kahiye?(a) Purandar Das(b) Shyamal Bhatt(c) Narsi Mehta(d) Sant Gyaneshwar

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28. Which one of the following is not a mosquito borne disease?(a) Dengu fever(b) Filariasis(c) Sleeping sickness(d) Malaria

29. What is the principal ore of aluminium?(a) Dolomite(b) Copper(c) Lignite(d) Bauxite

30. Which country is the facilitator for peace talks between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Government?(a) The US(b) Norway(c) India(d) The UK

31. The highest body which approves the Five-Year Plan in India is the(a) Planning Commission(b) National Development Council(c) The Union Cabinet(d) Finance Ministry

32. Ceteris Paribus is Latin for(a) " all other things variable "(b) "other things increasing"(c) "other things being equal"(d) "all other things decreasing"

33. Who has been conferred the Dada Saheb Phalke Award (Ratna) for the year 2007?(a) Dev Anand(b) Rekha(c) Dilip Kumar(d) Shabana Azmi

34. Purchasing Power Parity theory is related with(a) Interest Rate.(b) Bank Rate.(c) Wage Rate.(d) Exchange Rate.

35. India's biggest enterprise today is(a) the Indian Railways.(b) the Indian Commercial Banking System.

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(c) the India Power Sector.(d) the India Telecommunication System.

36. The official agency responsible for estimating National Income in India is(a) Indian Statistical Institute.(b) Reserve Bank of India.(c) Central Statistical Organisation.(d) National Council for Applied Economics and Research.

37. Which of the following has the sole right of issuing currency (except one rupee coins and notes) in India?(a) The Governor of India(b) The Planning Commission(c) The State Bank of India(d) The Reserve Bank of India

38. In the budget figures of the Government of India the difference between total expenditure and total receipt is called.(a) Fiscal deficit(b) Budget deficit(c) Revenue deficit(d) Current deficit

39. Excise duty on a commodity is payable with reference to its(a) production.(b) production and sale.(c) Production and transportation.(d) Production, transportation and sale.

40. In the US, the President is elected by(a) The Senate.(b) Universal Adult Franchise.(c) The House of Representatives.(d) The Congress.

41. Fascism believes in(a) Peaceful change(b) Force(c) Tolerance(d) Basic Rights for the individual

42. Which is the most essential function of an entrepreneur?(a) Supervision(b) Management(c) Marketing(d) Risk bearing

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43. Knowledge, technical skill, education ‘etc.' in economics, are regarded as(a) social-overhead capital.(b) human capital.(c) tangible physical capital.(d) working capital.

44. What is the range of Agni III, the long-range ballistic missile, test-fired by India recently?(a) 2,250 km(b) 3,500 km(c) 5,000 km(d) 1,000 km

45. Nathu Laa, a place where India-China border trade has been resumed after 44 years, is located on the Indian border in(a) Sikkim.(b) Arunachal Pradesh.(c) Himachal Pradesh(d) Jammu and Kashmir.

46. M. Damodaran is the(a) Chairman, Unit Trust of India.(b) Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India.(c) Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India.(d) Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India.

47. What is the name of the Light Combat Aircraft developed by India indigenously?(a) BrahMos(b) Chetak(c) Astra(d) Tejas

48. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?(a) Tony Blair(b) Jack Straw(c) Robin Cook(d) Gordon Brown.

49. The 2010 World Cup Football Tournament will be held in(a) France.(b) China.(c) Germany.(d) South Africa.

50. Who is the present Chief Election Commissioner of India?(a) Navin Chawla(b) N.Gopalswamy

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(c) T.S.krishnamoorty(d) B.B.Tandon

51. The title of the book recently written by Jaswant Singh, former Minister of External Affair, is(a) A call of Honour - In the Service of Emergent Inida(b) Whither Secular India?(c) Ayodhya and Aftermath(d) Shining India and BJP.

52. What was the original name of "Nurjahan"?(a) Jabunnisa(b) Fatima Begum(c) Mehrunnisa(d) Jahanara

53. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?(a) Lord Dallhousie- Doctrine of Lapse(b) Lord Minto- Indian Councils Act, 1909(c) Lord Wellesley- Subsidiary Alliance(d) Lord Curzon- Vernacular Press Act, 1878

54. The province of Bengal was partitioned into two parts in 1905 by(a) Lord Lytton.(b) Lord Ripon.(c) Lord Dufferin.(d) Lord Curzon.

55. The essential features of the Indus Valley Civilization was(a) worship of forces of nature.(b) organized city life.(c) pastoral farming.(d) caste society.

56. Name the capital of Pallavas.(a) Kanchi.(b) Vattapi.(c) Trichnapalli.(d) Mahabalipuram.

57. The Home Rule League was started by(a) M.K.Gandhi(b) B.G.Tilak(c) Ranade(d) K.T.Telang

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58. The Simon Commission was boycotted by the Indians because(a) it sought tocurb civil liberties.(b) it proposed to partition India.(c) it was an all-white commission Indian representation.(d) it proposed measures for nationalism.

59. Storm of gases are visible in the chamber of the Sun during(a) Cyclones(b) Anti-cyclones(c) Lunar-eclipse(d) Solar eclipse.

60. The Indian Councils Act of 1990 is associated with(a) The Montagu Decleration.(b) The Montagu- Chelmsford Reforms.(c) The Morley-Minto Reforms.(d) The Rowlatt Act.

61. The age of tree can be determined more or less accurately by(a) counting the number of branches.(b) measuring the height ,of the tree.(c) measuring the diameter of the trunk.(d) counting the number of rings in the trunk.

62. Of all micro-organisms, the most adaptable and versatile are(a) Viruses(b) Bacteria(c) Algae d) Fungi

63. What is an endoscope?(a) It is an optical instrument used to see inside the alimentary canal(b) it is device which is fitted on the chest of the patient to regularize the irregular heart beats(c) It is an instrument used for examining ear disorders(d) It is an instrument for recording electrical signals produced by the human muscles.

64. The disease in which the sugar level increase is known as(a) Diabetes mellitus(b) Diabetes insipidus(c) Diabetes imperfectus(d) Diabetes sugarensis

65. The President of India is elected by(a) members of both Houses of the Parliament.(b) members of both houses of Parliament of State Legislatures.(c) members of both Houses of the State Legislative Assemblies.

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(d) Elected members of both Houses of the Parliament and members of Legislative Assemblies.

66. The nitrogen present in the atmosphere is(a) of no use to plants.(b) injurious of plants.(c) directly utilized by plants.(d) utilized through micro-organisms.

67. Diamond and Graphite are(a) allotropes(b) isomorphous(c) isomers(d) isobars

68. Kayak is kind of(a) tribal tool.(b) boat.(c) ship.(d) weapon.

69. Which of the following has the highest calorific value?(a) Carbohydrates(b) fats(c) Proteins(d) Vitamins.

70. Rotation of crops means(a) growing of different crops in succession to maintain soil fertility.(b) some crops are growing again and again.(c) two or more crops are grown simultaneously to increase productivity.(d) None of these.

71. Suez Canal connects(a) Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.(b) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.(c) Lake Huron and Lake Erie.(d) Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

72. Which of the following ports has the largest hinterland?(a) Kandla(b) Kochi(c) Mumbai(d) Vishkhapatnam.

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73. "Slash and Burn agriculture" is the name given to(a) method of potato cultivation.(b) process of deforestation.(c) mixed framing.(d) shifting cultivation.

74. The main reason for deforestation in Asia is(a) excessive fuel wood collection.(b) excessive soil erosion.(c) floods.(d) construction of roads.

75. Recharging of water table depends on(a) amount of rainfall.(b) relief of the area.(c) vegetation of the area.(d) amount of percolation.

Click for Syllabus of SSC Data Entry Operator Recruitment Exam

1. The banks use ................ device to minimize conversion process.

(a) Keyboard

(b) MICR

(c) OCR

(d) Scanner

2. .................. can't be used for source of data automation.

(a) POS terminal

(b) OCR

(c) Keyboard

(d) UPC

3. Under which case will intranet be an effective networking tool?

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(a) In a distributed decision-making environment

(b) Where heterogeneous applications are involved

(c) In a centralised organization

(d) In a decentralised organization

4. When an organization gives contract for development of software, it has to give data to the service provider. In Such cases, the ownership of data should be_________

(a) Transferred to the service provider

(b) With the client/organization that outsource services

(c) Shared by both parties

(d) Not transferred

5. A modem performs_________

(a) Modulation

(b) Demodulation

(c) Data compression

(d) All of these

6. Which of the following is NOT done by modem?

(a) Transmission Speed

(b) Data Accuracy

(b) Error detection and Correction

(d) Data Compression

7. A program coded in programming language is____________.

(a) Target code

(b) Source code

(c) Block

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(d) None of these

8. "Platform" in computer world means___________.

(a) Computer hardware used

(b) Operating Systems used

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

9. Which of these biometric tools use thermal sensors along with infrared rays for identification?

(a) Key stroke dynamics

(b) Iris Retinal scans

(c) Speech recognition

(d)Fingerprint scanning

10. What is incorrect about software?

(a) It can manipulate computer

(b) It has programs, instructions

(c) It cannot be touched

(d) It can be touched

11. Disadvantage of distributed database is.

(a) Unreliability

(b) Easy implementation

(c) Insecurity

(d) High communication cost

12. Which of the following transmission techniques let computer to alternatively send and receive data?

(a) Simplex

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(b) Half duplex

(c) Full duplex

(d) Multiplexing

13. What is NOT a feature of networking?

(a) Reliability

(b) Greater storage space

(c) Connectivity

(d) All are features of networking

14. Taking back-up of a file against crash is a

(a) Preventive measure

(b) Curative measure

(c) Decisive measure

(d) None of these

15. A memory that is referred by its contents instead of physical address is called ________

(a) Associative memory

(b) Content addressable storage

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

16. Most dangerous risk in leaking of information is :

(a) Ready access to online terminals

(b) Online processing of data

(c) Ignorance about the existence of risk

(d) All of these

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17. A camera is an

(a) Input device

(b) Can be either input or output

(c) Processing machine

(b) Output device

18. Using anti-virus software is

(a) Preventive measure

(b) Detective measure

(c) Corrective measure

(d) All the above

19. An online transaction is

(a) One that is done in real time

(b) Transaction done via internet

(c) One that is done via telephone

(d) None of these

20. A clerk in a bank has to access data n customer account. Logical access control for these users would be.

(a) Use of individual passwords

(b) Use of an Accounts Receivable Section password

(c) Use of individual passwords plus separate access passwords for customer data and product data

(d) Can't say

21. To stop unauthorized access to the computer system we should

(a) Have a trustworthy system administrator

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(b) Have a good passwords policy

(c) Have a sound encryption policy

(d) All of the above

22. Which cannot assure data accuracy in an application?

(a) Limit and reasonableness test

(b) Echo checking

(c) Control total

(d) None of these

23. Maximum storage space is available on

(a) CDs

(b) ROM

(c) Hard disks

(d) Floppies

24. Jon Von Neumann developed:

(a) First electronic chip flip flop

(b) Stored-program concept

(c) The first electronic computer

(d) None of these

25. Which of the following is single user computer with many features and good processing power?

(a) Minicomputer

(b) Workstation

(c) Macintosh

(d) None of these

Page 21: Agri and General Knowledge Questions

1. Which is the largest airport in the world?(A) Singapore Airport(B) The Kaulalumpur International Airport(C) Heathrow at London(D) The King Khalid airport at Saudi Arabia

2. Prithvi is a?(A) Surface-to-air missile(B) Surface-to-surface missile(C) Air-to-surface missile(D) Air-to-air missile

3. At the end of 2001, the Indian government approved the cultivation of B. T. Cotton. Which multinational company is the major beneficiary of this deci sion?(A)Cargil(B) BASF(C) Monsanto(D) All of these4. The World Literacy Day is celebrated on?(A) 8th September(B) 5th June(C) 15th August(D) 5th September

5. Which was the first University to be established in the world?(A) Harvard University(B) Nalanda University(C) Oxford University(D) None of these

6. The speed of light will be minimum while passing through?(A)glass(B) vacuum(C)air(D) water

7. Which of the following chemicals has been recently allowed by the government of India to be mixed with petrol?

(A) Methanol(B) Ethanol

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(C) Kerosene(D) Butanol

8. What is the name of the instrument used to measure blood pressure?(A) Barometer(B) Hygrometer(C) Hydrometer(D) Sphygmomanometre

9. Who was the Prime Minister of England when India got independence?(A) Attlee(C) Thatcher(B) Churchill(D) Wilson

10. Which, among the following, would you consider a historical source?(A) Numismatics(B) Epigraphs(C) Rock paintings(D) Census reports

11. What is not correct about a soft loan?1. It is a loan bearing no rate of interest2. It has an interest rate which is above the true cost of the capital lent3. The world bank gives soft loans to developing countries for long-term capitalprojects(A)Only 1(B) Only 2(C)2and3(D) 1 and3

12. Which is the only historical monument which can be seen bythe naked eyes from the moon?(A) The Leaning Tower of Pisa(B) The Pyramids of Egypt(C) The Statue of Liberty, NewYork(D) The Great Wall of China

13. Formal services of Credit do not include?(A) Self-help groups(B) Cooperatives(C) Employers(D) L.I.C.

14. The most common route for investments by MNCs in countries around the world is to?1. Set up new factories

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2. Buy existing local companies3. Form partnerships with local companies4. Invest in companies with low turn over(A) 1,3 and 4(B) 2and3(C) 2,3and4(D) All of the above

15. How many faces are there in an octahedron?(A)4(B)6(C)8(D) 12

16. Night-blindness is caused by lackof which vitamin?(A) Vitamin A(B) Vitamin B(C) Vitamin C(D) Vitamin D

17. The most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere is?(A) Argon(C) Oxygen(B) Nitrogen(D) Krypton

18. The breadth of the railway broadgauge is approximately?(A)2m(B) 1.88 m(C)1.67 m(D) 1.33 m

19. Which is the richest soil among the following?(A) Black soil(B) Red soil(C) Laterite soil(D ) Alluvial soil

20. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the?(A) shape of earth(B) revolution of earth around the sun(C) rotation of earth on its axis(D) movements of the sun

21. A person of which of the following blood group can receive blood of any group?(A)A

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22. Evergreen type of forests are found in?(A) Equatorial climate(B) Monsoon climatic region(C) Desert regions(D) Mediterranean region

23. What is the other name for River Gangas?(A) Sapthanadi(B) Bhageerathi(C) Savitri(D) Bhadravati

24. The earth is?(A)Spherical(B)Elliptical(C)Oblate spheroid(D) Pralate spheroid

25. Which of the following set can not enter into the list of fundamental quantities in any system of units?(A) Length, mass and velocity(B) Length, time and velocity(C) Mass, time and velocity(D) Length, time and mass

26 Which of the following is / are the main agents of soil erosion?(A) Wind and water(B) Rocks(C) Sand(D) High temperature and humidity

27. Who is the Minister of Agriculture of India?(A) Sharad Pawar(B) Ran Vilas Paswan(C) Shiv Raj Patil(D) None of these28. Monsoon is caused by?(A) Revolution of Earth(B) Movement of Clouds(C) Seasonal reversal of the winds(D) Larger change in amplitude of seasonal cycle of land temperature

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29. Which is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?(A) Omega(B) Sigma(C) Zeta(D) Chi

30. Which is the birth place of Hitler?(A) Germany(B) Hungary(C) Austria(D) France

31. Who elects President of India?(A) Lock Sabha(B) Rajya Sahha(C) People of India(D) Parliament and State Assemblies

32. Which country is called the ‘Land of Cakes’?(A)Britain(B) Spain(C)France(D) Scotland33. Which of the following books is not written by Kalidas?(A) Kathasaritsagar(B) Meghdutam(C) Raghuvansham(D) Pushpavan Vikasam

34. In India, the Chief Minister of a State is not eligible to vote in thePresidential elections if?(A) he himself is a candidate(B) he is yet to prove his majority in the State legislature(C) he is a member of the upper house of the State legislature(D) he is a caretaker Chief Minister

35. When can the Speaker exercise his right to vote in the house?(A) Whenever he desires(B) Whenever the house desires(C) In the event of equality of votes(D) Whenever his party directs

36. which of the following is not a cash crop?(A)Jute(B) Paddy(C)Cashew-nut

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(D) Rubber37. Which TV channel has been in the news for its coverage of theBin Laden crisis, especially for having carried out the broadcastof Osama Bin Laden to audiences in West Asia?(A) Star Asia(B) B. B. C. Asia(C) Al Jazeera(D) Khaleed Times

38. The oldest monarchy in the world is that of?(A) Nepal(B) U. K.(C) Spain(D) Japan39. Who was Karl Marx’s main collaborator on his famous works?(A) V.I. Lenin(B) Max Weber(C) Fredrick Engels(D) Joseph Stalin

40. Which is the first Asian country to host the CommonwealthGames?(A) South Korea(B) Japan(C)Malaysia(D) China

FCI AGRICULTURE Solved objective Question:

1. How many factors are identifiedfor influencing plant growth tillnow ?(A) 55(B) 60(C) 52(D) 50Answer:C2, How does the moisture stressaffect the cell (A) Affect cell division(B) Affect cell expansion(C) Cell mortality rate is affected(D) No effect on cellAnswer:A3. At the vegetative growth stage,flowering is stopped in food-grain crops, known as-(A) sigmoid growth curve(B) determinate growth

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(C) indeterminate growth(D) grand growth periodAnswer:B4. Which one of the following canbe assessed by using the follow-ing equation ?A= Economic Production / Biomass Production(A) Panicle emergence rate(B) Rate of flowering(C) Harvest Index(D) Leaf production rateAnswer:C5. How much radiation energypercentage radiating on plant isused in photosynthesis ?(A) 0-50%-210%(B) 0-42%-1•66%(C) 0-25%-0-30%(D) 0-16%-0-24%Answer:B6. The crop with yarns of sunnhemp is prepared in-(A) 12-15 weeks(B) 15-17 weeks(C) 10-12 weeks(D) 8-10 weeksAnswer:A7. Which is not an inorganic matterin the following ?(A) Magnesium(B) Iron(C) Fat(D) IodineAnswer:C8. Which is the highest digestibleprotein non-leguminous cropamong the following (A) Napier(B) Maize silage(C) Maize(D) IowarAnswer:D9. Which disease occurs, whenmore sorghum is consumed ?(A) Rickets(B) Scurvy(C) Nightblindness(D) PellagraAnswer:D10. Which Sorghum variety is notmulticut ?(A) Pusa Chari-2(B) M.P. Chari-2(C) M.P. Chari

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(D) U.P. Chari-1Answer:D11. Which is not true in relation toBajra ? ‘(A) Penniseturn typhoides(B) Graminae family(C) Chromosome No. – 20(D) OriginAfricaAnswer:D12. Which variety of Barley is husk-less(A) Pragati (K 508)(B) Ritambhara (K 551)(C) Geetamjali (K 1149)(D) Karan-3Answer:D13. Which is not true in relation toGram ?(A) Subfamily——Papilionaceae(B) Chromosome No.—22(C) Acid——Ma.lic and Oxalic(D) Origin—North AmericaAnswer:D14. Which does not match in relationto Cotton ?(A) C-520 —— Diploid(B) G-27 — Diploid(C) Vikas — American(D) Ranivan — AmericanAnswer:D15. Which is not matched in relationto sugarcane ?(A) Seed treatment—-Aglol 3%(B) For seed—6-7 month old crop(C) Sowing—Upper portion is more used(D) After flowering—Used for sowingAnswer:D16. Which is not basic principle ofAgronomy ?(A) To select appropriate mate-rials for seed & sowing(B) Management of soil andclimate(C) Appropriate intercroppingactivities management for crop(D) Livestock management forAgricultureAnswer:D17. Where and when was WorldMeteorological Organizationestablished ?(A) New York – 1980(B) Washington-1978

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(C) Geneva—1978(D) Rome- 1976Answer:C18. Effective cause of atmosphericpressure is not-(A) temperature(B) altitude from the sea level(C) rotation of earth(D) soil erosionAnswer:D19. Which is not correct in thefollowing ?(A) X-rays and Gamma rays— 9% of energy(B) Visible lighting rays -41%of energy(C) Infrared rays -50% ofY energy(D) Ultraviolet rays- 10% ofenergyAnswer:A20. Match List-I with List•II andselect the correct answer usingthe codes given below-List-I(a) Paddy (b) Wheat(c) Maize (d) GroundnutList-II ’1. 20°C 2. 22°C3. 25°C 4. 26°CCodes(a) (b) (c) (d)(A) 4 2 3 1(B) 2 1 4 3(C) 3 4 2 1(D) 1 3 4 2Answer:B21, Which states are the highest 8:lowest producers of Potato crop ?(A) Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand(B) Gujarat and Assam(C) Uttar Pradesh & Himachalpradesh(D) Bihar & KashmirAnswer:A22. Which elements are useful inenergy storage, transfer andbonding ?(A) N P K(B) N S P(C) N K S(D) None of theseAnswer:C23. Which of the following elements

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play an important role in nitro-gen metabolism ?(A) Magnesium(B) Manganese(C) Molybdenum(D) IronAnswer:C24. How much Brinjal seed may beobtained from one hectare area 7(A) 150-200 kg(B) 100-150 kg(C) 200-300 kg(D) 75-125 kgAnswer:D25. Which species of honeybee is notIndian ?(A) Apis florea(B) Apis dorsata(C) Apis cerana(D) Apis melliferaAnswer:D26. Which of the following is thecross of Karan Swiss ?(A) Sahiwal x Brown Swiss(B) Sahiwal x Holstein(C) Hariyana x Brovsm Swiss(D) Hariyana >< ]erseyAnswer:A27. For how many years is Sheepable to breed ?(A) 10 years(B) 7years(C) 5 years(D) 12 yearsAnswer:A28, l-low much area mz is requiredfor a Goat ?(A) 0-9 ~ 1•O m2(B) 1-1-5 m2(C) 0-75 — 090 mz(D) 1-5 – 1-75 mzAnswer:C29. Goal of extension education is-(A) To promote income of thefarmers(B) To promote production ofthe crops(C) To promote new crops(D) To promote scientific out-lookAnswer:D30. The major fungi that effect food-grains in storage are-—

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(A) Mucor(B) Rhizopus(C) Candida(D) AspergillusAnswer:A31. The leaching loss of Nitrogen (N)is more in the form of–(A) Ammonia(B) Nitrate(C) Nitrogen(D) Water solutionAnswer:B32. Which is not a natural factoraffecting soil fertility ?(A) Topography(B) Soil age(C) Air(D) Parent materialAnswer:C33. Approximately how much areain lakh hectares of saline andalkali soils are there in UttarPradesh ?(A) 15-00 lakh hectares(B) 12-4 lakhhectares(C) 10-4 lakh hectares(D) 14-4 lakh hectaresAnswer:B34. How much percentage of solublesalts are present in Alkali soils ?(A) 1% • 2%(B) 0-1% — 0-2%(C) 1-5% — 2-5%(D) 2% ~ 3%Answer:B35, How much is the cropped area inUttar Pradesh ?(A) 9%(B) 11%(C) 12%(D) 8%Answer:C36. The monsoon airs in the countryreaches at which bank first ofall ?(A) Coastal region of Orissa(B) Bay of Bengal region(C) Coastal region of Kerala ofSouth Indian region(D) Kachchh region of GujaratAnswer:C37. A.D.P. to A.T.P. change is called(A) Photosymthesis

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(B) Phosphorylation(C) Transpiration(D) OxidationAnswer:B38. What is the order of C 4 plants 7(A) Sugarcane — Maize — Sudangrass — Bajra(B) Sugarcane — Cotton – Paddy- Maize(C) Sudan grass – Sugarcane -Paddy •- Bajra(D) Cotton — Maize ~ Bajra —SugarcaneAnswer:A39. At what stage are more nutrientsessentially required in cerealcrops ?(A) Growth stage of plants(B)` Formation of leaves(C) Particle initiation(D) Maturity of cropsAnswer:A40. At which stage of crop, there isno compehtion for light, moistureand nutrients 7(A) Node formation stage(B) Seedling stage(C) Grain formation stage(D) Before maturity stageAnswer:D41. Approximately how much HCNdose is harmful for animal feeding (A) 0-25 gm(B) 050 gm(C) 2•50 gm(D) 3-50 gmAnswer:B42. Due to which reason is theNapier Grass mixed with Clusterbean or Cowpea for feeding ?(A) Due to high crude fibre(B) Due to oxalic acid(C) Due to more carbohydrates(D) Due to more HCN contentAnswer:A43. Which is the perennial variety ofElephant Grass (Napier Grass) ?(A) Pusa Giant(B) NB-21 `(C) Pusa Giant Napier(D) Napier-1Answer:C44. More than how much percentage

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of loss of urea should not beduring silage fermentation ?(A) 20% — 22%(B) 15% — 18%(C) 10% — 12%(D) 8% — 10%Answer:D45. From where is Krishak Bharatimagazine published ?(A) G. B. Pant University ofAgriculture & Technology, PantNagar(B) C. S. A, University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur(C) Narendra Dev University ofAgriculture and Technology,Fajzabad(D) Sardar Vallabh Bhai PatelUniversity of Agriculture andTechnology, MeerutAnswer:B46. How much minimum temperature is essential for wheat germi-nation and optimum temperature for crop growth in degreeCelsius ?(A) 3•5°C-5•5°C and 20°C—22°C(B) 5•6°C—7•5°C and 16°C—18°C(C) 8°C—10°C and 30°C—35°C(D) 10°C—12″C and 25°C—30°CAnswer:D47. In case of availability of twoirrigations for wheat, at whichcritical stage crop should beirrigated ?(A) Tillering and Flowering(B) Crown Root Initiation andMilking stage p(C) Crown Root Initiation andFlowering(D) Late joint and Dough stageAnswer:C48. Which is not the symptom ofKhuim disease(A) Dark grey colour spots onleaves(B) Adverse effect on rootgrowth(C) More diseases stop the cropgrowth(D) Stem of plants tum and fall 1downAnswer:A49. What is the suitable Rabi maizevariety ?(A) Sharadmani

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(B) Azad Uttam(C) Naveen(D) Ganga — 5Answer:A50. Which disease is not related toBajra ?(A) Green Ear(B) Ergot(C) Wilt(D) RustAnswer:C

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