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Verb Patterns

Verb + “to + base verb”: I like to play tennis.

Verb + “Ving”: I enjoy playing tennis.

Verb + “preposition”: I listened to the radio.

Verb + “that + Clause”: I believe that he is correct.

Adjective Patterns

Adjective + “to + base verb”: It is common to eat a big breakfast.

Adjective + “preposition”: He is responsible for your studies.

Adjective + “that + Clause”: It is clear that he is guilty.

Noun Patterns

Noun + “to + base verb”: All attempts to reach his goal failed.

Noun + “preposition”: Parents play an important role in their child’s life.

Noun + “that + Clause”: The suggestion that we should skip the meal was bad.

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Essay with 10 Word Pattern Mistakes

In various nations around the world, many people advocate1 to take a gap year in order to work

or travel before beginning one’s tertiary education. While this offers a few advantages, there

are also some disadvantages which are worth2 to consider.

There are two main benefits to students travelling or working before their university education.

Firstly, through travelling, they will be able to expand their horizons. When students go

overseas, they will be exposed to different cultures and customs. As a result, they will gain a

deeper understanding of the world. In addition, students who work will learn3 at appreciating

the value of money. This is because they will realize the hard work involved4 to earn money.

Consequently, they would think more before purchasing anything they desire and may become

less impulsive5 to spend.

On the other hand, various drawbacks may be noted. In the first place, travelling could cause6

people feel homesick. Many students have not been apart from their family and friends before

so when they travel, they may miss these people. In extreme circumstances, students may even

become depressed. Additionally, students who work may not want to return to their studies.

The reason for this is that they may enjoy7 to earn money and becoming financially

independent. Therefore, their whole future could be affected negatively as these days it is

common8 that everyone has a degree in order to be competitive in the job market.

In conclusion, if students take a gap year, they could gain invaluable experience and learn9

becoming more independent in relation to money. However, they may also become homesick

and end up10 to not continue their studies. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the benefits

against the drawbacks carefully before coming to a decision as to whether students should go

on such an adventure.

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IELTS Essay Checklist*


1st Sentence: Have I paraphrased the Topic?1

2nd Sentence: Have I written the thesis sentence?1


Do I have a Topic Sentence for each Paragraph?1

For a 4 Paragraph Essay, do I have 2 Main Points per Paragraph?1

Is each point supported by Supporting Sentences?1


Have I Summarized my Main Points?1

Have I written a Recommendation Sentence?1


Is the essay at least 250 words?1


Have I used sufficient Cohesive Devices?2

Have I varied my use of Cohesive Devices?2

Have I used at least 1 or 2 Power Result Verbs?2

Are my Cohesive Devices that are Conjunctions and Adverbs used correctly?2

If I’ve used a Cohesive Device with a preposition, is a Noun Phrase (not a Conjunction) placed after it?2

When using Power Result Verbs, have I used the correct Word Patterns?2


Have I checked all Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns to see if there are any vocabulary mistakes related to Word Patterns? (Prepositions, Ving, to + base, that + CL, etc.)3

* This checklist is based on what you’ve learned so far in Video 1 and 2. There are two more videos in this series. As you go through the series, the checklist will be expanded as I address other areas needed to achieve an IELTS 7.0 score.

1 This is addressed in Video 1.

2 This is addressed in Video 2.

3 This is addressed in Video 3.

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Quiz (True or False)

1) Each word only has one type of word pattern.

a) True

b) False

2) Some words use different types of word patterns for different meanings.

a) True

b) False

3) I can put a “base verb” after a “preposition”.

a) True

b) False

4) The only reason for using a dictionary is to find definitions of words.

a) True

b) False

5) If I have a good dictionary, it will show all possible word patterns for each word.

a) True

b) False

Answers to the quiz: 1) b 2) a 3) b 4) b 5) a

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