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2. The Brief: This is an experiment conducted by Ranjan Raghuvir Joshi as a resource person at the Bal Mahostav-24th to 28th December, 2010 at Nasik, on the invitation of Community Health Foundation The Event was organized by Media- Advertising & Marketing- Nasik. 3. I had only one day to conduct this workshop, to be precise 3hours, (25th Dec. 2010). The participants were divided into four age groups. Group A =4 years to 6 years, Group B=6 years to 8 years, (Crayon/ Oil Pastels), Group C =8 years to 12 years, Group D =12 years to 15years, (Water colours/Poster colours). Total participants of all the groups were nearly 700(Seven Hundred). I had a tough time to conduct this workshop. With the help of nearly 30 volunteers, I managed to separate Group A which was of smaller age and decided to finish with them in just an hours time. Children were too small to sit for such a long time. 4. About the Drawing Competition, it was being announce that fun and learning, combined with their imaginations, creativity and skill to come up with colourful finished outcome. 5. This focus of the organizers allowed me to innovative approach. They did not announce the subject for the Drawing Competition. I took this to notice, Mother, this being a universal subject nobody objected. For the small group, it was a surprise for the parents because in the school and so- called art class operators influences them with patterned drawing subjects specially meant for such mass Drawing Competitions. Some tried to argue but when I explained that any child in world first see his/her mother. About the question of Drawing, correctly leave it to their spontaneity and originality. The likeness of a mothers image is less important rather than capturing other visual details around her. It was most spontaneous and original. This innovative approach the Event organizers Media- Advertising & Marketing- Nasik appreciated because they had visualized on similar line. 6. Here are prize-winning examples. 7. Conceptual Element Visual Element Practical ElementRational Element Representational Element Schematic presentation to appreciate the inner qualities of the child art painting 8. Conceptual Element: They are not visible. They do not actually exist, but seem to be present. It is just what ones eyes perceives it to be. Here in this case a strong drawing of letters in green color and figure 10 together seem to convey something of time pressure and how the mother tackles it in hurried situations. 9. Visual Element: In any drawing line is visible to represent any concept. This line has its own color, texture because the tool to draw and the surface on which it is drawn forms the final visual impact. Here a strong Red color of vigorously drawn hand in a particular line rendering is a visible strong form which creates final impact. 10. Practical Element: This element underlie the content and extension of a composition. It is exactly how a person reads or interprets a particular situation on the basis of his practical intellectuality. Here in this case a child showing a subject of Mother with two extra hands. The hands are painted in strong Red color. This also depicts the power of a person to handle multi faceted actions at a one time. It is rendered in a most animated style. 11. Representational Element: When a shape is derived from nature or the man- made world, it is representational. It may be realistic, stylized or near- abstract. Here the face of a MOTHER depicted like strong muscular in Red color. This shows how empowered she is in the mind of this child. 12. Rational Element: This group of elements governs the placement, interrelationships and shapes in design. Some are to be perceived such as direction and position and some as size and gravity. 13. This is the whole painting when seen through the said visual elements then one can understand the visual thinking of the child. We can go through other paintings likewise by appreciating in the manner shown as an example, which will give an insight about this child art. 14. For other two groups Mother and her environment in context to what each, one perceives and observes, to be visually mind map on the left hand side corner of drawing paper. Here a doodle of visual thought was the expectations. Next to it students are suppose to create an interesting final composition from these doodles. This final composition was to be painted using Water colours/Poster colours. It was challenging for this grown group since they were not use to the concept of visually mind map. 15. What is Patterned drawing subjects ? A pattern is meant to copy the defined visual form. It has been found that the art coaching classes gives false promises to the parents of creating an artist by means of copying famous artist works without any insights. Tracing the outlines of such work blindly and asking them to fill colors thereby completing a job to prove how success can be achieved in this competitive world. They even try to lobby some subjects in circulation to enhance their business. They have created a myth that art is just imitation. Myths of such kind being wrongly encouraged by so-called art class operator were shocked by my this innovative approach on the spot and started questioning me. Finally the results were original and creative in compositions of the entries. 16. Here are prize-winning examples. 17. The last D group of =12 years to 15years, was put to different task of visual INTERPRETATIONS from textual poetry. A printed copy of poetry on Global Warming by my art guru poet, painter and creative art director Prof. Shantaram Pawars Ritusahnwar being circulated, concept remained Mother, but they had to do visual INTERPRETATIONS as final composition. The concept of mother earth extended of being by the poet to save it from destroying by her own human being. The participants understood the gist of the poetry and visually mind map to make final composition in water colours/poster colours. The results were original and creative in composition. 18. Here are prize-winning examples. 19. The judging was easier, because the parameters of the concept could be visible in the outcomes. Visual Mind mapping was new methodology. An attempt to the idea of INTERPRETATIONS, Visual Mind mapping did challenged their Drawing by memorizing set visual patterns which had stopped their visual thinking. For smaller ones Mother, to create through their own drawings became new experience for them. I supplemented few of photocopy notes of my late father (Prof. R. P. Joshi) and Uncles (Prof. Ramesh S. Joshi) published articles on childs mental growth and educational insights for the childs mind nurturing. These notes discusses in details about scientific methodologies. I hope parents increase their literacy about CHILD ART .

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