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Τηε Ωαψ Οπ Τηε Ωαρριορ 3

Τηε Μανιφεστο Οφ Τηε Δρεαµινγ Χελλ

Σψβοπσισ Οφ Τεξτσ

Πραχτιχαλ Αππλιχατιονσ

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Appendix 1

The Way of The Warrior 3

Structures & Visual Metaphors

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The Way of The Warrior 3

Toltec Sorcery A Perceptual Art Over the past three years in combination with my training in Neuro Linguistic Programming I have designed and presented a four day workshop series called The Way of The Warrior. This is version three. The following is a design structure the body of the program is best appreciated when read in conjunction with appendix 2 – The Manifesto of The Dreaming Cell.

Design Sequence The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge –Long Term Cognitive & Behavioural Filters

The Four Prerequisites ‘Moods’ of Stalking – Behavioural Strategies / Attitudes

Not Doing – Internal / External Pattern Interruption Strategies

Gazing – 2nd Attention V / K synaesthesia Practice For Seeing

Setting Up Dreaming – Shifting The Assemblage Point To New Worlds / Perceptions

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Sorcery Passes – Development of The Double / Dreaming Attention

The Recapitulation –Personal History –Accessing and Redeployment of Personal Power

The Journal – Cognitive 1st Attention Assembly Process

Essays – As above & Discovering what you know

Principles of Sorcery Four Moods of Stalking

Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge

Attributes of a Warrior

Ruthlessness Fear Control

Cunning Clarity Discipline

Patience Power Forbearance

Sweetness Old Age Timing


The Petty Tyrant

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Hierarchy Of Sorcery Procedures

Losing The Human Form The Formless Warrior


Personal History Self Importance

Recapitulation Sorcery Passes

Not Doing Four Moods of Stalking

Ruthlessness Cunning Patience Sweetness

Sobriety Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge

Fear Clarity Power Old Age Attributes of a Warrior

Control Discipline Forbearance Timing Will The Petty Tyrant

Setting Up Dreaming

Walk of Power & Grace Stopping The World


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Hierarchy Of Procedures 2 Gazing Procedure Stopping The World Walk of Power & Grace Procedure Setting Up Dreaming Procedure Four Moods of Stalking Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge Attributes of a Warrior Sobriety Not Doing Procedure Recapitulation Procedure Sorcery Passes Procedure Personal History Self Importance Inaccessibility Losing The Human Form Abstract Core Concepts The Formless Warrior

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Hierarchy Of Procedures 3 Stopping The World Self Importance

The Walk of Power & Grace Losing The Human Form Inaccessibility

Erasing Personal History

Not Doing

Sobriety Four Moods of Stalking Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge

Attributes of a Warrior

Setting Up Dreaming Recapitulation

The Sorcery passes


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Frames of Sorcery Practice

Logical Levels of Practice

Connecting To Intent

Not Doing 1st Attention 1st / 2nd Attention 2nd Attention

Practices Practices Practices

Reading + Not Doing + Sorcery Passes

Essays 4 Moods Recapitulation

Discussion Self Importance Gazing Recapitulation List Petty Tyrant Setting Up Dreaming

Exercise & Diet

Application of The 4 Moods of Stalking

Ruthlessness … … Cunning … … Patience … … Sweetness

Acting with Impeccability

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Appendix 2

The Manifesto Of The Dreaming Cell

The New Mood

Practical Applications Of Sorcery

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Manifesto Of

The Dreaming Cell

The only Important question is, does this Path have Heart? All paths are the same. They lead nowhere. They are paths

Going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say that I have traversed long,

Long paths, but I am not anywhere. My benefactors question has meaning now. If the path has a Heart, the path is good.

If it doesn’t it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere

But one has Heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey, as long as you follow it,

You are one with it. The other will make you curse your life.

One makes you strong, the other weakens you.

Don Juan Matus

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Intention Of The Dreaming Cell

The Intention of The Dreaming Cell and its co ordinator is the cultivation and development of ‘The New Mood of Sorcery.’ This is encapsulated in the methodologies employed by ‘The Toltec New Seers’ of whom Carlos Castaneda was the last Nagual. ‘The New Mood’ consists of those capable of employing their Personal Power in the direction of the task of entering upon and pursuing to its ultimate conclusion ‘The Path Into Freedom.’ This path is clearly outlined by the Sorcery practices of Stalking and Dreaming. In the instance of The Dreaming Cell, employing Models of Excellence a structure equal to this magnificent undertaking has been conceived, designed and activated. It now awaits those who will respond to the call to explore, to walk with Impeccability and Power and enter Freedom.

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Daily Practice

There will be a two month prepatory period in respect of The Recapitulation Practice and Setting Up Dreaming. In the instance of the former, this time will be employed in ‘forming the list.’ In the instance of the latter, this time will be spent : Studying the guideline sheet and the journey you intend to employ during the practice period.

See Guideline sheet for details.

During the prepatory period of two months and for the duration of the nine month practice period, on a daily basis it is a requirement to – Engage upon a Reading Program consisting of The Eagle’s Gift & The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda. The Sorcerers Crossing by Taisha Abelar and Being In Dreaming by Florinda Donner.

Study and Apply within Appropriate Contexts

The 4 Moods of Stalking The 4 Enemies of A Man of Knowledge Not Doing

Prepare material for the writing of 3 essays

The Recapitulation Setting Up Dreaming Synopsis of Practice

Practice Gazing as outlined Practice The Sorcery Passes as outlined Begin and maintain a daily record of practice

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Logistics Of Practice The structure of practice has been designed to fulfil three major criteria.

1. To ensure that a balanced program of 1st & 2nd Attention activities is undertaken.

2. That The Sorcerers predilections of Stalking & Dreaming have been equally addressed.

3. The essential components are ‘in place’ prior to active participation in the Cell itself.

The above can be outlined thus

Essential to 1st Attention

The Reading Program Essay Papers Recapitulation List The Journal

Essential to 2nd Attention

The Breathing Passes Gazing Practice The Recapitulation Practice Setting Up Dreaming

Essential to Stalking

Study and application of The Four Prerequisites & The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge Not Doing The Recapitulation List & Practice

Essential to Dreaming

Setting Up Dreaming Gazing

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Visual Structure of Practice

Participation in The Dreaming Cell

Section 3

Completion & Criteria fulfilled

The Recapitulation Practice Setting Up Dreaming

Section 2

Months 3 - 9

The Recapitulation List Gazing

Section 1

Months 1 & 2

Practices for 1st Attention Reading. Essays. The Recapitulation List. The Journal.

Practices for 1st & 2nd Attention Not Doing. The Four Prerequisites of Stalking. The Four Enemies of a man of knowledge. The Journal.

Practices for 2nd Attention

Gazing. The Sorcery Passes. Setting Up Dreaming. The Journal.

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Procedures & Guidelines Much time and consideration has gone into the design of The Guideline Papers which support the practice period. We request that each is read carefully prior to implementing the procedure. Each element contained therein is to be considered crucial to practice. And as such suggest that a thorough study be made of each section and paper.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 000

The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge Dreaming Cell comment : The above title and the description that follows are quoted verbatim. It is not the Intention of The Dreaming Cell or its co – ordinator to employ language of a gender bias. Do remember that the words were directed towards a male and as such constituted, at the time a personal communication between two individuals, both being male. Likewise throughout these papers the term Sorcerer itself is to be considered applicable to both male and female practitioners. We trust we have demonstrated our respect and neutrality in regard of this matter.

When a man begins to learn, he is never clear about his objectives. His purpose is faulty, his intent is vague. He hopes for rewards that will never materialise, for he knows nothing of the hardships of learning. He slowly begins to learn – bit by bit at first, then in big chunks. And his thoughts soon clash. What he learns is never what he pictured, or imagined, and so he begins to be afraid. Learning is never what one expects. Every step of learning is a new task, and the fear the man is experiencing begins to mount mercilessly, unyieldingly. His purpose becomes a battlefield. And thus he has tumbled upon the first of his natural enemies : Fear! A terrible enemy – Treacherous, and difficult to overcome. It remains concealed at every turn of the way, prowling, waiting. And if the man, terrified in its presence, runs away, his enemy will have put

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an end to his quest. He must not run away. He must defy his fear, and in spite of it he must take the next step in learning, and the next, and the next. He must be fully afraid, and yet he must not stop. That is the rule! And a moment will come when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel sure of himself. His intent becomes stronger. Learning is no longer a terrifying task. When this joyful moment comes, the man can say without hesitation that he has defeated his first natural enemy.

Once a man has vanquished fear, he is free from it for the rest of his life because, instead of fear, he has acquired clarity – a clarity of mind which erases fear. By then a man knows his desires, he knows how to satisfy those desires. He can anticipate the new steps of learning, and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is concealed. And thus he has encountered his second enemy, Clarity! That clarity of mind, which is so hard to obtain, dispels fear, but also blinds. It forces a man to never doubt himself. It gives him the assurance he can do anything he pleases, for he sees clearly into everything. And he is courageous because he is clear, and he stops at nothing because he is clear. But all that is a mistake, it is like something incomplete. If the man yields to this make believe power, he has succumbed to his second enemy and will fumble with learning. He will rush when he should be patient, or he will be patient when he should rush. And he will fumble with learning until he winds up incapable of learning anything more. As with fear he must defy his clarity and use it only to see, and wait patiently and measure carefully before taking new steps, he must think, above all that his clarity is almost a mistake. And a moment will come when he will understand that his clarity was only a point before his eyes. And thus he will have overcome his second enemy, and will arrive at a position where nothing can harm him anymore. This will not be a mistake. It will not only be a point before his eyes. It will be true power.

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He will know at this point that the power he has been pursuing for so long is finally his. He can do with it whatever he pleases. His ally is at his command. His wish is the rule. He sees all that is around him. But he has also come across his third enemy : Power! Power is the strongest of all enemies. And naturally the easiest thing to do is give in, after all, the man is truly invincible. He commands, he begins by taking calculated risks, and ends in making rules, because he is a master. A man at this stage hardly notices his third enemy closing in on him. And suddenly, without knowing, he will certainly have lost the battle. His enemy will have turned him into a cruel, capricious man. Though he will never lose his clarity or his power , a man defeated by power dies without really knowing how to handle it. Power is only a burden upon his fate. Such a man has no command over himself, and cannot tell when or how to use his power. A man is defeated only when he no longer tries, and abandons himself. Again, he has to defeat his third enemy by defying it, deliberately. He has to come to realise the power he has seemingly conquered is in reality never his. He must keep himself in line at all times, handling carefully and faithfully all that he has learned. If he can see that clarity and power, without his control over himself, are worst than mistakes, he will reach a point where everything is held in check. He will know then when and how to use his power. And thus he will have defeated his third enemy.

The man will be, by then, at the end of his journey of learning, and almost without warning he will come upon the last of his enemies : Old Age! This enemy is the cruellest of all, the one he won’t be able to defeat completely, but only fight away. This is the time when a man has no more fears, no more impatient clarity of mind – a time when all his power is in check, but also the time when he has the unyielding desire to rest. If he gives in totally to his desire to lie down and forget, if he soothes himself in tiredness, he will have lost his last round, and his enemy will cut him down into a feeble old creature. His desire to retreat will overrule his clarity, his power, and his knowledge. But if the man sloughs off his tiredness, and lives his fate through, he can

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then be called a man of knowledge, if only for the brief moment when he succeeds in fighting off his last, invincible enemy. That moment of clarity, power and knowledge is enough.

Don Juan Matus Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge be considered on a daily basis and that you record your observations and comments in the journal as and when appropriate.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 00

The Four Prerequisites ‘ Moods’ of Stalking Ruthlessness is not harshness. It primarily challenges Self pity. A Stalker selects the battleground, studies the surrounding area and discards everything that is unnecessary before entering battle. All the concentration of a warrior is applied to decide whether or not to enter into battle, knowing that every battle could be their last stand. Once a decision has been made, not an instant is wasted and the warrior aiming at succeeding, acts impeccably, aware that to waste even a second in a battle for their life is an eternity that may decide whether they survive or not. The primary battleground of the Stalker is the Self.

Cunning is not cruelty but using behaviours in a secretive and furtive way. As a result, a warrior fears nothing, relaxes and totally abandons themselves, for they know that it is only then that the powers that guide them will aid them.

Patience is not negligence. A warrior is patient yet active. When a Stalker is faced with great odds that cannot be dealt with immediately, they retreat for a moment and occupy their time with something totally different, anything. Patient yet alert, they wait for the right moment to initiate action.

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Sweetness is not foolishness. A warrior is sweet but lethal. A Stalker acquires the ability to mingle and look ordinary, working behind the scenes shielding their true power. When the need arises, however, they transform into a lethal warrior capable of either avoiding or parrying conflict. Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Four Prerequisites be applied in respect of both the practice itself and generally on a daily basis and that you record your observations in the journal.

It is useful to focus on each Prerequisite individually. An example would be to focus on one Prerequisite per month, using it as a filter for ongoing experience. Having spent the first four months in this way, bring all four on line and notice their inter – connections.

The Prerequisites or Moods of Stalking are operational principles within the practice of Sorcery and as such are to be considered essential as they form the foundation upon which all other practices are based.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 0

Not Doing A Sorcerer practices the Art of 'Not Doing'. Actions - the doings - determine who you are in respect of both yourself and others. A Sorcerer employs what is essentially a Stalking skill in order to develop flexibility, taking everyday acts [ habits ] and doing them differently.


The breaking of routines.

Changing your way of dressing or speaking.

If you have a tendency to speak much, practice silence and vice versa.

As you notice elements of character that define you, to yourself and others, change them.

Assume the characteristics and manner of someone for a period of time.

Each day

Do five things that you regularly do, differently.

Do five unique things which you would not usually do.

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Not Doing be applied on a daily basis.

The pursuit of Sorcery itself is to be considered a profound Not Doing and has been described as ‘The Not Doing of human life.’

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 1

Gazing The practice of Gazing is Preparation for and Supports ‘Setting Up Dreaming,’ plays a key part in ‘Stopping the World’ and is a precursor to ‘Seeing.’

Setting Up State

Seated comfortably in a favoured location. Close the eyes and become conscious of your breathing.

Breathe relaxation into the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingertips. Chest, abdomen, groin and back. Thighs, knees, calves, feet and toes. Take time to do this well.

Now Bring your Attention to The Eyes [ As if you were breathing through them ]

To The Ears [ As Above ]

To the Surface of the Skin [ As if you were breathing through the entire surface of the skin. ]

Opening the eyes, rest your gaze on a distant point, and as you do so, without moving the eyes, become aware of what is within your field of vision. Above you / below you / to your right and to your left. [ This develops and opens peripheral vision. ]

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Gazing [ examples ]

Having set up state : gaze at the spaces between the leaves of trees : bodies of water : clouds : living trees : shadows : rocks : the play of light on water etc. Find examples of your own.

Having gained some experience in the previous practice. Set up state.

Gaze at someone's face, not directly, but at a point two inches from the surface of their skin. [ with practise you will begin to know the difference ]

Gaze at the space two inches to the left of their face. Then two inches to the right.

Begin to practise Gazing : first out of the left eye, and then out of the right eye. [ Do This by 'Intending' your Attention into the appropriate eye. ]

Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Gazing be practised on a daily basis for 30 minutes and your observations are to be recorded in the journal. It is a personal decision as to whether Gazing be practised in one session or a series of shorter ones.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 2

Setting Up Dreaming

Accessing the Third Gate

Operating Premise : Along the continuum between being ‘awake’ and being ‘asleep’ there is a critical point at which, if sufficient consciousness be present acceleration into Dreaming takes place. The alternative is de-acceleration into normal sleep and dreams.

Accelerating into and entering Dreaming. Awake Falling asleep and entering dreams. Critical Point

The following methodology is designed to maintain Conscious Attention, up to and inclusive of the critical point of transference from one mode of consciousness to another.


Stage 1 Study the Structure of Practice.

Stage 2 In the world study a short journey you enjoy [ there and back ] Go over it again and again, noticing as much detail as possible. Commit it thoroughly to memory. The more detail you can recall the better.

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Stage 3 Ensure that the structure of practice is clear to you. Ensure that the study of the journey is complete. Ensure that the Gazing practice has been maintained prior to the Dreaming practice and that it is continued during the practice itself.


1. From the point of leaving the room - house etc. Using memory and imagination travel the route of your journey [ If the journey has been set up at night make it so etc. ] Travel your journey step by step, as if you were walking it in your body, in the world. Upon arriving at your destination turn around and return. Entering the house - room you are situated in, integrate the imaginary body you have been travelling in with the physical. [ It is most important that this is done as an act of ‘Intent’ ]

2. Continuing the above methodology. After some time, and familiarity with the journey arises, place at a specific point a visual marker or symbol. At another location place a specific sound or word that you hear. At another location touch something and feel it. Do the same with a specific smell and a specific taste at other locations.

There are no further guidelines within this process, as What it leads to is highly individualistic. As such any comment at this point is considered inappropriate.

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Setting Up Dreaming [ See description of Stages ] be practised on a daily basis and that you record your observations in the journal in preparation for writing the essay on Setting Up Dreaming.

A suggested approach would be to : Spend 2 months familiarising yourself with the Practice structure and the journey you intend to use within the practice.

Dreaming is a highly personalised procedure, in many respects there are no ‘rules’ only guidelines which serve to indicate what is useful and what is not. Setting Up Dreaming can be regarded as ‘Stalking The Double or Energetic Body’ bearing this in mind it is useful to bring the entirety of Sorcery practice to bear upon this exquisite pursuit.

In regard of the contents of the book ‘The Art of Dreaming’ specifically the elements touching upon the third and fourth gates. Our position is that shared by the Toltec New Seers as described by Don Juan Matus. Whilst finding the concept of the Inorganic Beings Realm fascinating in itself, it is not part of our ongoing endeavour to explore such a realm and its denizens. It is important that we make this point clear at the outset. Whilst respecting your rights to believe otherwise we request that you respect ours in turn. There is a most important distinction here in regard to the approach to Sorcery itself.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 3

Sorcery Passes & Breaths Sorcery Passes complement the Recapitulation and involve Movement and Breathing. These techniques enable the Warrior to gather energy, to create balance and harmony in preparation for and during the practice of the Recapitulation. Sorcery Passes were devised in ancient times and one of their functions is to ‘enflesh’ what Warriors call the ‘double’, our luminous body, The Dreaming Attention.

Breath crucial for erasing false dualism 1. Sit with the back straight, eyes slightly lowered, gazing at

the tip of the nose.

2. Inhale deeply, bringing in the air as if breathing through the genitals. Pull in the stomach and draw the air up along the spine, past the kidneys, to a point between the shoulder blades.

3. Hold the air there for a moment, then raise it even further up to the back of the head, then over the top of the head to the point between eyebrows.

4. Hold the breath there for a moment, then exhale through the nose, mentally guiding the air down the front of the body, first to a point just below navel, and then to the genitals, where the cycle began.

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Circulating the breath in this fashion creates an impenetrable shield that prevents outside disruptive influences from piercing the body’s field of energy, it also keeps vital inner energy from dispersing outwardly. The inhalation and exhalation should be inaudible.

Sorcery Pass to open the crack between the worlds 1. Feet together, looking straight ahead as if facing a door

that you are going to open. Raise the hands to eye level and curl the fingers as if you were placing them inside the recessed handles of sliding doors that open in the middle. You are going to open a crack in the energy lines of the world. Imagine those lines as rigid vertical cords that make a screen in front of you. Now grab a bunch of these fibres and pull them apart with all your might. Pull them apart until the opening is big enough for you to step through.

2. Once the crack has been opened, step forward with the left leg, exhaling sharply to expel stale air and pull the stomach in as you lunge forward through the opening, and quickly using the left foot as a pivot, rotate 180 degrees counter clockwise to face the direction you have come from. By turning in this manner, the energy lines you have pushed apart will wrap around you.

3. Once through the opening, inhale slowly and deeply, filling the lungs completely with the energy. Breathe as many times as you can and be on the alert : stay only as long as you need to.

4. To return, open the lines again by pulling them apart in the same way as before, then step out with the right foot and quickly turn 180 degrees clockwise as soon as you have taken the step. In this way, you will unwrap yourself and will be facing the direction in which you began.

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This is one of the most powerful and mysterious of Sorcery Passes. With it we can open doors to different worlds, provided of course that we have stored a surplus of internal energy and are able to realise the Intent of the Pass.

When Perception expands nothing is real

And nothing is imaginary

There is only Perception

Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Sorcery Passes be practised daily.

Practice whilst forming The Recapitulation List. Apply prior to performing The Recapitulation practice itself, as The Sorcery Passes support and are essential to The Recapitulation.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 4

The Recapitulation

Introduction According to Toltec tradition, transformation is the only true purpose a human being can have. Transformation entails a total change of one’s habitual ways of thinking and behaving and is a task that must be accomplished in the Warrior’s lifetime. This task is accomplished by the Recapitulation. Once old habits, thoughts, expectations and feelings are reframed as a result of the Recapitulation, the Warrior is in a position to gather enough energy to live by new rationales and to substantiate these rationales by directly Perceiving a different reality.

Recapitulation is the apex of the Art of Stalking and is the act of reclaiming the Personal Power invested in past actions, in order to redeploy and enhance the reclaimed energy for extraordinary feats of Perception. The act of recalling experiences - starting from the present, going back to the earliest memories, using the Sweeping Breath, to sweep the memories clean one by one - encapsulates the Warrior’s Recapitulation.

The Recapitulation is an ancient renewal process developed thousands of years ago. It is a Magical act in which Breath and Intent play an essential role. In the Recapitulation, the Breathing gathers energy and circulates it and the Intent of the Recapitulation guides it to free Warriors from their biological and social ties. The Intent of Recapitulation is

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having an unbending desire to perform it, and its end result is Freedom.

Imagine yourself as a giant memory warehouse. From the moment you are born, parents, teachers, the socialising and educational structures etc. have stored feelings, ideas, mental dialogues, behavioural patterns and beliefs into that warehouse: the conditioning that forms and moulds you into what you become. It is through the Recapitulation that Warriors discard items that are no longer useful from their warehouse, to reclaim the Personal Power lodged within these items and make room for different Perceptions.

The human body can be transformed into a tool capable of gathering, storing and directing energy, for Warriors regard the body as a source of Power, not merely a biological organism. Through the Recapitulation, the warrior becomes aware that as the warehouse becomes empty, energy from infinity can flow through it, which in turn leads to Freedom. In Don Juan’s tradition, Freedom is to be free from Humanness and Freedom is not possible if the Warrior’s warehouse is filled with desires, feelings, ideas, objects that are part of a Human inventory.

Through the Recapitulation the Warrior realises that there is an aspect within them that knows indisputably the outcome of any action they are about to perform. The Warrior calls this moment of direct knowing, the Seer. By undertaking the act of Recapitulation, Warriors grant the Seer the freedom to See and deliberately turn it into a force that is both mysterious and effective which eventually guides them into Freedom. Warriors sink into a state of profound Recapitulation to achieve the emptying process so that energy can flow unimpeded. Then the Seer in them has full reign enabling them to transform the energy of the universe into the force of Intent.

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The Recapitulation Process

Structure and Guidelines Make a list of the people you have met during your life, starting from the present and going back to your earliest memories. The list forms a matrix for the mind to hook on to and does, in part commence the process of Recapitulation.

It is useful to start the Recapitulation by focusing your attention on past sexual activities as the bulk of your energy is caught up in these events, so free those memories first.

Take the first item on your list and set up the scene by experiencing all the details pertinent to the event that you are going to recall. Recall everything you experienced with that person from the moment you met them to the last time you interacted with them.

Once all the elements are in place, use the Sweeping Breath. The movement of the head is like a fan that stirs everything in that experience.

A Recapitulation is complete when several ‘layers’ of the experience have been accessed and ‘swept’ clean and when all emotional turmoil within the memory has been released and neutralised. It is said that with time and expertise, an event can be Recapitulated within the moment it is occurring.

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Procedure 1. Place the chin on the Right shoulder and slowly inhale

until you reach the Left shoulder. Once the inhalation is complete, look forward and exhale.

2. Take the first item on the list. Whilst focusing ahead, fully re-experience the person and event/s. See them, Hear them and Feel them. [ take time to do this effectively ]

3. When the memory has been fully recalled, inhale slowly by moving the head from the Right to the Left shoulder, Intending to breathe in all the energy fibres left behind in the event and the person/s involved.

4. Now, exhale moving the head from the Left to the Right shoulder, Intending to breathe out all the energy fibres left in you by others.

5. Repeat the cycle as many times as necessary so that all the emotional turmoil within that event is released.

6. Finally move your head from Right to Left and back again without breathing to sever all ties with that particular event.

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Guideline Paper 4

Supplement Theoretically and in practice The Recapitulation is completed when all events and persons encountered during ones entire life have passed through The Recapitulation Process. This involves accessing all memories which begin with commencing The Recapitulation Process itself and travel back to ones earliest memories. However insignificant events may seem they none the less are an intrinsic aspect of ones Personal History.

To commence the process items which appear significant are chosen to commence the process. This is a lineal sequenced approach, the purpose of which is to free sufficient energy for further information to make itself known. The first pass of the Recapitulation involves a sequence of selected contexts. Upon completion of this sequence further strategies are then employed. Such as,

The random approach – The items that ones intuition makes known. This represents something of a jigsaw approach and yet it gives the system as a whole the opportunity to make information available.

Recapitulating the events of the previous day – The process of the Recapitulation is far from being static and as one is engaged within contexts that concern the past, history is being created in the present. For this reason it is useful to begin with the present also. This also rehearses Recapitulating events in the moment in which they are occurring. Scanning the previous day as an aspect of practice throws much light upon what we are creating in the present.

Recapitulating dreams – The system releases information which cognitively appears irrational at times and yet coded into these dreams can be meaning of a profound nature. The unconscious speaks to us in symbols and metaphor and irrespective of whether we

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do or do not understand its meaning initially, it represents fertile territory for the Recapitulation.

Recapitulating future expectations – Future events and our expectations of them contain, at times Personal Power out of proportion with what is to be deemed appropriate. By practising in this way we not only Recapitulate the past, as in the formal approach but also the future by employing this strategy.

Recapitulating the moment – Upon completing a practice period it has been found useful to Recapitulate the moment in which the practice has been performed. This is done by performing three sweeping breaths, as outlined in the practice procedure. Breathing in all residual energy left in ones perceptual space and breathing out all residual connections. This is also a way of formally completing a practice period and fulfils the outcome of practising The Recapitulation across the entire matrix of time, that is, Past – Present and Future.

It is appropriate to repeat an important point, one which cannot be over emphasised. This concerns the List or Lists themselves. How one organises the List/s is a matter of personally preference, however as the list/s form the matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to it is most important that the List/s are constructed with due thought and consideration as it/they commence the process itself. It is arguable what is the most important aspect of The Recapitulation :

The List/s – The matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to.

The Reliving in memory of past, present and future events – Minute shifts of The Assemblage Point occur as a result of accessing in an associated way memories.

The Sweeping Breath – The means by which foreign energy is expelled and ones own energy reclaimed.

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The Environment in which one performs The Recapitulation – Minimal stimulus from the environment assures little distraction.

The nature of ones life during the practice of Recapitulation – Setting up ones life in order to perform The Recapitulation and pursue the practice of Sorcery itself can be the difference between a shallow cognitive pursuit and one that fulfils the Intent of all the practices generally and The Recapitulation specifically.

Addressing all the foregoing elements in an appropriate way makes for a thorough and complete Recapitulation. However it is to be remembered that each of us has different criteria, what is of importance to one person is not necessarily the case with another. It is the individual themselves that sets up their own criteria. All else is simple generalised guidelines, some useful some not so.

As with all Sorcery procedures, the process teaches itself as a result of energy being released into the system for Perceptual choices. This begins in small and apparently insignificant ways and yet clearly demonstrates the nature of the pursuit one is engaged within. The rest is purely theoretical and as such rumour.

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that the Recapitulation Process be performed on a daily basis, and that you record your observations in the journal and prepare for the written essay on this subject.

The whole of Sorcery, its practices and directions, is based upon the performance of this practice whether ones predilections are towards Stalking or Dreaming.

During the two month period of working on ‘The List’ spend time each day creating an over view list. Then apply a second, more detailed stage, examining in detail each component of the list. Upon completion of this stage begin a third and final stage consisting of : appropriate time sequencing and prioritisation. Which events are appropriate to The Recapitulation? You will know this by how intensely you are still ‘hooked’ to the experience. Sexual encounters have been said to be an excellent context to begin a list with. So called Positive and negative experiences are to be treated in a similar fashion.

The formation of an appropriate list is crucial. The list itself is highly personal and under no circumstances is its contents to be divulged to another. In the journal refer only generally to the list and its contents. Keep a separate journal if you wish, in order to record personal details. The list itself does not constitute an aspect of the journal. The foregoing is most important and constitutes an aspect of the practice itself.

At the outset practice for 30 minutes per day and using discretion build this up in stages You will also discover that some sessions will be naturally longer than others. Allow the process to guide itself rather than using the approach set by a clock.

The Recapitulation Practice is always to be preceded by The Sorcery Passes.

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We trust that the foregoing has been useful in respect of questions arising concerning The Dreaming Cell and the nine month practice period prior to participating actively within it.

The Introductory papers supply relevant information concerning our requirements.

Whilst the Guideline papers outline the practices, their duration and useful procedural steps.

It is believed that all matters arising concerning what amounts to being an extensive undertaking have been catered for. However we will be pleased to address any short comings brought to our Attention.

The Dreaming Cell and its co – ordinator congratulate you in advance for demonstrating the curiosity and commitment that such an undertaking requires. The key to Sorcery practice, in a word is Intent. A few words are appropriate :

Two Rings of Power are known to exist. All beings possess the one known as Reason. The world, its societies and ambitions are upheld by the Ring of Reason and its kindred characteristics of ‘Thinking and Talking.’ To unhook the Ring of Reason is a Sorcerers primary endeavour to which he or she brings Dramatic Exertion. In some respects this unhooking is the higher logical level procedure of Stopping The World, which in itself ‘sets the stage.’ The Second Ring of Power is known to Sorcerers, it is The Ring of Intent, to access this is an undertaking that is all but futile, when looked

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at through the filter of success. The all consuming ‘Self Importance’ of an individual, which is a by product of The Ring of Reason makes this so. Hence a Man or Woman of Knowledge only becomes so when the Sorcerer has unhooked one ring, accessing and utilising the other. However, the last enemy : Old Age invariably succeeds in unseating the practitioner in the final instance. Initiation is not static, powers gained may not be lost, yet in the final analysis what does much that we perform as daily activity truly amount to? It is a Sorcerers task to proceed in the light of this, overcoming the inertia by acting with Impeccability and Power. The key to accessing and utilising The Ring of Intent is Intending to do so. A simple first step that unfolds into the magnificent goal of Freedom which is The New Seers only concern.

We wish you well on your journey of discovery and look forward to the time when Power unites our purpose.

May the Great Spirit guide and protect you Throughout eternity

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Appendix 3

Synopsis Of Texts

Mind Maps Of The Toltec Writings

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Synopsis Of The Teachings Of Don Juan The Virtues The Allies Respect Datura Inoxi Fear Psilocybe Mexicana Wide Awake Self Confident The Protector Lophophora Williamsii

A Path With Heart Dramatic Exertion

Man of Knowledge

Rules as opposed to Beliefs Enemies of Fear Intent Clarity Frugality Power Soundness of Judgement Old Age Lack of Freedom to Innovate

Stopping and Collapsing The World

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Synopsis Of A Separate Reality

Luminous Beings Left Eye Right Eye Will and Patience The Navel Seeing Man or Woman of Knowledge Sorcerer Equality of Things Controlled Folly Doing Things Deliberately Looking Detachment Death Sobriety Strategy

Average Man or Woman


Folly A Path With Heart Self Importance

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Synopsis Of Journey To Ixtlan

Stopping The World Seeing

Sorcerers Description Descriptions of the World Erasing Personal History The Hunter Self Importance The Equality of things

The Mood of a Warrior

Accessibility to Power Assuming Responsibility Setting Up Dreaming Death as an Adviser The Sorcerers Ring of Power

Inaccessibility Breaking of Routines Not Doing The Ally

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Synopsis Of Tales of Power

Stopping Internal Dialogue / The World

Erasing Personal History

Not Doing Assuming Responsibility

Death As An Advisor

The Totality of The Self

Setting Up Dreaming Seeing Knowledge


Luminous Beings The Double

The Sorcerers Explanation The Tonal The Nagual

The Abstract Flight

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Synopsis Of The Second Ring Of Power

Manoeuvres The Double

The Transformation of Dona Soledad The Little Sisters

Lidia Josephina

Rosa The Four Winds / Directions The Crack Between The Worlds


La Gorda Attention The Tonal & Nagual

1st & 2nd Rings of Power

Completeness – Incompleteness The Human Mould & The Human Form

The Formless Warrior


The Allies

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Synopsis Of The Eagle’s Gift

La Gorda Parallel Lines Parallel Being Remembering Together Losing The Human Form Seeing Together Dreaming Together The Rule of the Nagual The 2nd Attention


With The Body

The Left Side The Other Self The Nagual Woman Don Juan’s Party


The 3rd Attention

Silvio Manuel – Intent / Not Doing The Eagle Zuleica – Dreaming

Florinda – Stalking

The Eagle’s Gift Awareness

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Synopsis Of The Fire From Within

Old Seers New Seers Sorcerers Warrior who ‘Sees’

Mastery of Awareness

Stalking & Intent

The Assemblage Point

The Glow of

1st 2nd 3rd Attentions Awareness

Self Importance Attributes of a Warrior Petty Tyrants Control - Discipline Forbearance - Timing - Will Redeployed Energy Impeccability

The Known … The Unknown … The Unknowable

Inorganic Beings – The Nagual Julian –The Earth’s Boost The Rolling Force – The Tenant – The Mould of Man

Breaking The Barrier of Perception

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Synopsis Of The Power of Silence

The Abstract Cores Sorcery Stories Stalking - Intent

The Assemblage Point

Connections to Intent

1 : The Manifestation of The Spirit The 3 Riddles of Sorcery Awareness / Mind 2 : The Knock of The Spirit Stalking / Heart Intent / Spirit

Ruthlessness – The First Principle of Sorcery

3 : The Trickery of The Spirit Prerequisites / Moods of Stalking 4 : The Descent of The Spirit

Addressing Self Importance / Self Reflection

The Place of No Pity 5 : The Requirements of Intent 6 : Handling Intent The Eyes The Third Point The Voice Silent Knowledge

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Synopsis 0f The Art Of Dreaming

Dreaming Configurations of the Energy Body Recollecting – Assemblage Point Locations 1st Gate The Dreaming Attention … … Intent Sorcerers Concepts … … Saving Energy Items of the Dreamscape … … Awareness of falling asleep

Self Importance in reference to Dreaming 2nd Gate A Dream within a Dream The Dreaming Emissary

Encounter with Inorganic Beings

Instructions Concerning Dreaming

The Shadows World … … … The Blue Scout

3rd Gate Movement in Dreaming Stalking the Energy Body … … ‘Seeing’ Energy

The Hinge of Sorcery is the Mystery of the Assemblage Point Stalking the Stalkers – Energy from The Inorganic Realm

Awareness as an element of the environment

4th Gate Outline of – Page 200 Lesson of The Tenant Carol Tiggs – The Dream Room The Woman in the Church The Twin Positions of Dreaming Intending in The 2nd Attention Flying on The Wings of Intent Crossing the 4th Gate

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Synopsis Of The Sorcerers’ Crossing


Clara Grau John Michael Abelar Sorcery Manoeuvres Crystals The House Manfred Recapitulation Sorcery passes Sex & Energy The Abstract Flight The Double / Soft Body The Voice of the Spirit The Left Side of The House Intent Nelida Abelar The Caretaker – Emilito The Tree/s Stalking The Double Gates The Room

The New Nagual

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Synopsis Of Being In Dreaming

Dreaming Dreaming Awake

Sex and Women

Delia Flores Yaqui Warriors Suram and a Donkey The Healer – Esperanza Dreams Mariano Aureliano / Mr. Flores The Picnic The Women The Car Park / Café Joe Cortez & Gumersindo The Emissaries of Death Carlos Castaneda / Isidoro Baltazar Florinda Dreaming Awake The Glow of the Surem The Caretaker & The Little House Esperanza Los Angeles – Recollection The Witches House / The Caretaker – Writing the Essay Female / Male Knowledge Departures The Pool Florinda & Zuleica

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Appendix 4

Practical Applications

Extracts From The Way Of The Warrior

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During the period of 1995 – 1997 a four day workshop : The Way of The Warrior was designed and presented on several occasions to various groups of individuals. Each presentation was considered to be a ‘meeting with power.’ An opportunity to focus Intent whilst making information and experience available to those with interest. The evolution of the workshop and its presentation enabled me to refine the practical components of Sorcery and turned what had previously been an academic approach to the subject into something far more exploratory and experiential.

Appendix 1 The Way of The Warrior – 3 and Appendix 2 The Manifesto of The Dreaming Cell ] in combination represents the current version, resulting from the year long practice ‘ Actualisation of The Dreaming Attention’ outlined within the body of the text ‘A Toltecs Witness.’

Including this appendix is a practical consideration, containing as it does several exercises for the reader to explore at their own leisure. Each exercise has been edited in order to exclude any jargon that stems from my own predilection of, being in the world a trainer in the communication technology known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. A field I have personally discovered to be a natural ally in the pursuit of Sorcery. Fascinating though the subject is and as much as I would be delighted to

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introduce and explore this area, it is, in the present context deemed inappropriate. Numerous texts have been written on the subject and should the readers curiosity be aroused you are invited to pursue the subject yourself.

I have also include a glossary of terms which at the very least clarifies my own understanding of the concepts contained within Sorcery and a bibliography for those who are new to the subject. I trust that these elements and what follows is of use to you the reader. Meanwhile you are invited to explore and apply the material.

Walk In Freedom

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Altered States

An Introduction

Within the present context the altered state under consideration is that of ‘Heightened Awareness,’ described as ‘Stopping the World’, it is from this state that the Sorcerer explores the territory accessed as a result of this procedure. It is the supreme challenge of the Sorcerer to assemble in Conscious Awareness [ 1st. Attention ] the experiences and perceptions encountered upon entering the System [ 2nd. Attention ]. It is often the case that engulfed by the experience itself the Sorcerer indulges in simply feeling good as a result of entering an aligned state, whereas this is doubtless beneficial it hinders advancement along the path into freedom, for it is perceived as the destination itself, rather than being the key and gateway into other worlds and perceptions. This state of Heightened Awareness and the methodology for entering it is outlined elsewhere and your experience of its value is yours to determine, it is sufficient here to outline the belief that we are in an altered state of one description or another at all times, these states being sometimes useful, sometimes not. The skill of the Sorcerer lies in their ability to consciously ‘set up’ states sufficient to the purpose of developing flexibility within their own system. It can be stated that ‘Stopping the World’ serves as the foundation of all the procedures outlined within The Toltec Warrior Tradition.

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To reiterate, the challenge lies in remembering, for in this state of heightened awareness all seems clear and simple, yet the ‘pull’ of the world is continuous and as a result the Sorcerer enters the world and forgets, whilst caught up in the day to day events of their life. Maintaining a position in each of many descriptions, many worlds is one methodology for freeing up the fixity that arises within the world view, to achieve this without threatening the integrity of the 1st. Attention is the initial step undertaken by the Warrior upon the path into freedom. To permit 2nd Attention to engulf and overthrow the initial description of the world is an act almost as foolish as living within a world of limited description. Folly is the nature of the world and the only advantage the Warrior has is in the act of controlling the folly of the world and themselves. Maintaining a state of heightened awareness whilst engaged within the world is a useful place to begin. To take the initial steps along a path which is rich in discovery arises from this pursuit and carries the Warrior ultimately into freedom.

What follows is a gradual development of the process called ‘Stopping The World,’ each step is essential and in isolation yields a wealth of information and experience.

Dream Magnificent Dreams

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The Walk of Power & Grace

A model of physiological excellence: how one component of our system, the body itself, can be used as a Gateway into the System, the totality of what we are or might become. Recognising the body / mind fusion, it follows that one will impact the other; as such, by walking with power and grace, we attain a physiological state of excellence which consists of posture, movement, breathing, chemical and neurological exchanges.

Of equal importance when considering the walk of power and grace is the belief, held in some traditions, that the primary expression of the unconscious mind is the body itself, for in some respects we are in part unconscious of the body whilst we focus attention upon the content of our mind, and of course vice versa. We have only to consider the various processes of the body - respiration, cardio-vascular function, organ functions, neural activity, digestive process, and many more - to recognise readily how in the main these processes occur outside of conscious awareness, and as such occur within the realm of the unconscious. It follows that the very act of accessing 'State' physiologically gives us a sense of alignment within what was previously an unconscious domain. This is evidenced by traditions that utilise the body as a trance medium via dance and ritual movement.

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Exercise – 1A

1. Set an Outcome for the exercise. [ Resolution of an issue or information concerning a specific matter are examples. ]

2. Select a pleasant environment, preferably outside, a park or the countryside is ideal.

3. Consider how you are walking, your posture, breathing and notice any tension points which exist.

4. Begin to explore what it is you could do to make your walk elegant, graceful and powerful.

5. Consider what it would be like to be a mighty warrior, a

dancer or a big cat stalking through the jungle. What else could you do ? [ explore your system thoroughly from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, include focus of attention and breathing. ]

6. Having achieved an optimal state of walking, bring to mind and consider your outcome.

7. Put this to one side and re focus on your walk.

Stopping The World As a process this builds directly upon the walk of power and grace, and consists of three primary elements:

1. Enough tension within the body to hold it upright without unnecessary tension.

2. No internal dialogue, forming of images, processing sensations or feelings.

3. The opening of peripheral vision.

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The first item is addressed directly through the walk of power and grace, with the added element of gently curling the fingers, as if one were pulling oneself along energetic fibres passing across the palms of the hands, somewhat in the way that you would pull yourself along physical handrails.

The second item automatically arises as a result of the first and third. In short, it is the resultant state accessed through the process, a state which is a gateway; for though it is a profound state, what is of importance is what you do with it that makes a difference. With practice it becomes a natural state out of which one can operate fluidly whilst interacting with the world. Its primary function however is to directly access and experience Second Attention. The third item is the key to the entire process. It is a way of using the eyes, of using vision in a different way to that which constitutes the norm. In everyday usage the eyes tend to employ foveal vision - the aspect of vision where we focus upon specifics, and out of these build and maintain our perceptual model of the world. Of course a certain amount of peripheral vision is employed in the process of seeing; yet by comparison to foveal vision it is minimal, we open peripheral vision by:

1. Gently resting the gaze upon a distant fixed point.

2. Without moving the eyes, becoming aware of what is above, below and to the left and right.

We effectively open the eyes in such a way that the rods and cones upon the surface of the eyes are saturated with information from the world. The result of this influx of information is saturation of the conscious mind, which can only process a limited amount of information simultaneously. The conscious mind checks out, as it were. What arises is communication of this information in the direction of Second Attention. This is evidenced by the state of utilising See/Feel neurological circuitry which cuts in directly as a result of the process.

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Having arrived at this state, it is to be noted that with all the components deeply and congruently in place, the cessation of internal dialogue is effectively cessation of the conscious process of maintaining our model of the world. We experience the world through new eyes. It is from this state of Stopping the World that we have the opportunity to assemble new worlds, to shift the Assemblage Point to new locations and experience and explore these worlds.

Exercise – 1B

1. Whilst walking rest your gaze gently on the horizon point and curl your fingertips, as if you were holding cylinders in each of your hands, this is done in a relaxed way.

2. Without moving the eyes and gently resting your gaze, become aware of what is present in your peripheral vision, above you, beneath you, to your right and to your left.

3. Continue this until such a time as the ‘ State’ deepens and settles.

4. Again briefly re call the outcome, then set it aside.

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Active Dreaming

Exercise – 1C

1. The Walk of Power and Grace and The Stopping The World. [ Parts A & B ]

2. Begin to notice what you become aware of, consider this to be the unconscious reaching out and formulating itself around something/s specific or as a gift from the universe rich with meaning.

3. Permit this process to unfold naturally and take note of what arises within you.

4. Assume 2nd Position with the symbol by acting ‘As if’ you were the symbol. What would it be like to be ‘X’?

5. Assume 3rd Position by asking : What is the relationship between the Symbol and the Outcome set at the beginning of the exercise ?

6. Assume 1st Position by integrating the information whilst walking.

7. When completed [ to your satisfaction ] end the exercise by gently ‘sweeping’ your gaze left to right three times this will return you to a relaxed and natural state. Allow time for the process to continue prior to rationalising it consciously and continue to enjoy your walk.


At the outset it may be appropriate to practice each part separately and when you have gained a sense of one part move on to the next and then on to the next. Take time to become familiar with each exercise as they are, individually powerful components. At the commencement of each part of the exercise it is useful to set up a Safety Line, this is a signal that lets you know it is time to return to a normal state of consciousness. It is enough to make the arrangement and agreement internally.

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The System

A graphic representation of the preceding processes

Second Attention Active Dreaming The Interface between The Walk of Power and Grace Conscious and Stopping the World Unconscious Process Optimum Physiology whilst Walking No Excess Tension Cessation of Internal Dialogue Use of Peripheral Vision The Modelling State First Attention Outcome Intention

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The Assemblage Point

We are ‘Energetic and Perceiving’ beings, our energetic nature manifests in our awareness of who we are and the world in which we live. The energy body takes the form of a cocoon consisting of countless fibres, within this cocoon is located the Assemblage Point, a point where our representation of the world is assembled into a coherent structure, dependant upon its location within the energy body, the fibres illuminated internally, illuminate externally fibres of a similar resonance. The Assemblage Point is accompanied by The Glow of Awareness, a numinous quality that effectively is our awareness and consequent experience of the world.

It is through movement of the Assemblage Point that new Perceptual worlds are assembled and entered, sometimes through choice, sometimes not. The Art of the Sorcerer is to move the Assemblage Point to as many locations as possible in order to develop flexibility within their system, a system often fixed into rigidity which results from a life time of habits, beliefs and perceptions of who we are and the model of the world we have been educated into accepting. The Sorcerer challenges this limiting perception of the world and ultimately achieves Freedom, a Freedom from their own perceptual bias, an almost impossible task, yet one achieved through the Arts of Stalking and Dreaming. To shift the Assemblage point to a new location and enter that world is

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a supreme act, an act dependant upon the amount of Personal Power available to the Sorcerer at the time. It is for this reason that all the procedures undertaken by the Sorcerer exist. The distance between one perception, one world and another is simply a matter of energy, and with this in mind the Sorcerer engages in the act of reclaiming energy, energy which is spread across the range of their Personal History. To shift the Assemblage point to a new location, to fixate it upon that world, enter it, to ‘Stop’ that world and ultimately ‘Collapse’ that world is a methodology for collecting energy. Actions which serve as preparation for the Sorcerers’ supreme act of flying upon the wings of perception and entering freedom through undertaking the Abstract Flight. An act enabled by developing elasticity within the movement of the Assemblage Point, the gathering of Personal Power and of acting Impeccably within the world.

It is sufficient to Intend this, for the power of Intent supports and brings into manifestation all phenomena within both the world of the Sorcerer themselves, and the world at large. In this way the Sorcerer assembles their world piece by piece and enters Freedom.


Perceptual Shifts through Intent In Pairs

1. The Guide invites the Explorer to enter State by facilitating The Walk of Power and Grace and the Stopping the World Processes.

2. Once the State has been elicited, the guide invites the explorer to develop an awareness of the point just below the navel, and to develop a sense of a bundle of ‘Luminous Fibres’ emanating from this location and coming to rest at the point on the horizon where the gaze rests. This is achieved by an act of ‘ Intent. ’

3. The explorer now begins to explore the point below the navel [ The point of Origin ] The point on the Horizon [

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The point of Destination ] and the relationship between these two points.

It is most important to maintain State throughout.

4. Once completed to your satisfaction, withdraw the Fibres and integrate them at the point below the navel. [ Intend this ]

5. Extend the fibres to a second location and again explore,

The point of Origin, The point of Destination and the Relationship between the two.

It is advised that healthy trees and inanimate objects are selected, rather than people.

6. At the appropriate time withdraw the fibres, by an act of ‘Intent’ and again fully Integrate them at the point below the navel.

7. Repeat with one more object.

8. Upon completion, Break State by gently ‘ Sweeping ’ the eyes from left to right three times and enter a gentle, relaxing walk.

Outcomes of the exercise

A series of developmental stages

1. To develop an awareness and appreciation of The point of origin, The point of Destination and the relationship between them and the Fibres themselves.

2. With practice to experience The point of Destination as a Perceptual Position. Ex. If the location is within the branches of a tree, to experience the world from that Perceptual Position or view point.

3. With further practice and the development of the ‘ Double ’ to actually be there i.e. to be within the branches of the tree, as with the previous example.

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Shamanic Journeying

A combination of story telling and guided phantasy Performed in groups of [ x ] number, or a minimum of 2.

1. Seated in a circle, [ in the instance of a pair sit facing each other ] so that the arms when extended touch at the finger tips.

2. Set an Outcome for the exercise, examples might be, an issue you require more information about, the resolution of something specific or a journey of exploration.

3. Put the Outcome aside.

4. At the point where the finger tips touch, create a surface of reflection, this can be visualised or simply sensed. The surface itself can be of any form appropriate, it might be the surface of a mirror, a pool of water, the open sky, a simple sphere or ‘?’

5. When the reflective surface has been created, open the peripheral field of vision by gazing ‘softly’ at the surface created and whilst keeping the eyes still, become aware of what is above you, below you, to your left and right. Take some time to become aware of the change in State.

6. The first person now begins to tell a story, a few lines are sufficient, the next person picks up the story line and

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develops it, the next person [ etc. etc. ] complete as many rounds of the circle as are appropriate and then gently return to the present.


The amount of rounds is determined by :

[ A ] Time constraints or [ B ] a natural completion point will arise.

Allow some time for integration before examining the ‘possible’ meanings consciously.

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Preparatory practice.

Seated comfortably in a favoured location become conscious of your breathing.

Breathe relaxation into your head / neck / shoulders / arms / hands / fingertips / chest / abdomen / groin / back / thighs / knees / calves / feet / toes. Take time to do this well. Become aware of any areas of tension and breathe into them, expelling the tension as you exhale.

Gently rest the eyes on a distant point; and as you do so, without moving the eyes, become aware of what is within your field of vision, above you / below you / to your right and to your left. Exercises

Having set up state - gaze at

The spaces between the leaves of trees - bodies of water - clouds - living trees – rocks etc.

What do you notice? What happens? It is a good idea to keep a record of your explorations.

Having gained some experience in the previous practice: Set up state [ as outlined above ]

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Gaze at someone's face - not directly, but at a point two inches from the surface of the skin.

Now gaze at the space two inches to the left of their face. Then two inches to the right.

Set up state.

Now begin to practise gazing first out of your left eye, and then out of your right eye.

Simple as the foregoing exercises are, the intention is to use the eyes differently. In the everyday sense of 'looking' at the world and its contents, our conscious mind deletes, distorts and generalises vast amounts of information. This information is taken on board unconsciously, yet in the process, we miss so much that would otherwise enrich our lives and world.

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The Petty Tyrant

Who do you dislike ?

Who drives you to distraction ?

Who makes you rage ?

The role of the Petty Tyrant is crucial in the development of the Warrior's Stalking skills. In seeking out and utilising the presence of The Petty Tyrant the Stalker begins to address the issue of Self Importance. Exercise

1 Identify the Petty Tyrant.

2 Become aware of what they are doing ? Study their strategy.

3 Notice what you do in their presence. Notice their effect upon you. What are you doing to yourself that brings about the specific state which you experience in their presence?

4 What do you need to do that is different? How do you neutralise their effect upon you?

5 When prepared, enter their battle ground.

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Begin acquiring resources and skills in order to interact with them at different levels.

Select relatively straightforward issues / persons before moving on to more intense contexts.

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1. Select a context, something or someone you have an issue with or about.

2. Set an Outcome to resolve the issue or have more information about the issue.

3. When you have done this [ from a neutral position ]

4. Step into a location and fully associate in to the issue. What do you See, Hear and Feel ?

5. Anchor this to the location.

It is sufficient to consider the location itself as the Anchor.

6. Step out of the location and Break State. [ by doing something different ]

7. Now begin to Stalk the issue/location by circling it and discovering the boundary line.

You will know this by noticing how close or far away you need to be in order not to have the issue state arise.

8. Continue circling and noticing how close you can be without experiencing the initial issue State.

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9. Whilst Stalking consider the location as if it were prey you were stalking or something you are merely curious about.

10.Finally when you are satisfied that you have the State to do so, step into the location and notice what you See, Hear and Feel.

11. If the original State arises, step out and continue Stalking.

12.If the original State does not arise, notice the new perceptions and information you have in respect of the original issue.

13. Step out and Break State.

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1st & 2nd Attention

Neurological levels as the Stalker Exercise

1. Select six locations on the floor in front of you.

2. Enter each in turn starting with Environment and finishing in Connection.

3. Take the experience from Connection back down the levels finishing where you started.

4. Step out and Break State.

CONNECTION Entering 2nd Attention IDENTITY The Impeccable Warrior WHO ? BELIEF Intent WHY ? CAPABILITY The Art of Stalking HOW ? BEHAVIOUR Stalking WHAT ? ENVIRONMENT The Individual / The Context WHERE ?

1st Attention Start here

Finish here Adapted from the Neurological Levels Model

Developed by Robert Dilts

Page 78: A Toltec Witness Appendices

Glossary of Terms

Assemblage Point – Within the cocoon, which constitutes the energy body, exists the Assemblage Point and its 'glow of awareness'. The location of this point determines which 'fibres' are illuminated internally and in turn, which fibres with a similar resonance are illuminated within the world. This interaction determines the 'model of the world' which we uphold and experience.

Dreaming – One of the two predilections of the Warrior. Through dreaming, the dreamer 'shifts' the Assemblage Point; in the process, he or she enters directly the world so accessed. The entire process is made possible by the skill of 'Setting Up Dreaming'.

Impeccability – The Warrior is said to be impeccable when he or she deploys their energy in a manner which is waste-free and effective and demands total congruence within the act. To act with impeccability requires a full Recapitulation having been undertaken, thereby making available to the Warrior the sum total of his or her energy at any given time.

Intent – This is basically to act 'as if'. In no way is intent to be understood as 'pretence'. To commence the process of intent, it is a requirement to intend intent itself. The Sorcerer maintains their Perception of the world by ‘Intent’, whereas the everyday person upholds theirs by ‘Reason’.

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Petty Tyrant – Various categories of petty tyrant exist, ranging from those who hold the life and death of a Warrior in their hands, to those who simply make Warriors rage. In the world, the petty tyrant serves the role of aiding the Warrior to develop the behavioural flexibility necessary to maintain the congruent use of his or her energy.

Recapitulation – The supreme act of the Stalker. The technique involves reviewing the entirety of one's life with the specific intent of reclaiming all personal energy fibres still contained in past events, and to releasing fibres belonging to others still hooked within our luminous cocoon: an act of mutual freedom. The resultant freed energy becomes available to the Warrior in order to develop and to expand his or her perceptual model of the world, and paves the way for impeccability.

Stalking – Manifests the other predilection of the Warrior. Through behavioural flexibility, the stalker acts directly upon the world, and is concerned with the dream that he or she has with their eyes open. The Stalker, using intent, fixates the Assemblage Point on a given perceptual world and enters it congruently and consciously.

First Attention – The Tonal State, the conscious mind, the process of cognition. Our model of the world and understanding is determined as surface structure through conscious processes. It is the modeller in the system which organises and creates order from the appearance of chaos. It contains the known, and the potential for the unknown becoming the known. All conscious processing is therefore described as the First Attention.

Second Attention – The Nagual State, the unconscious mind. The state more akin to the one we are born in. This is the systemic model of existence, and in most respects consists of the unknowable. In short, all which remains outside our conception of the possible is said to be the realm of the Second Attention.

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Essential Bibliography

The Teachings of Don Juan A Separate Reality Journey to Ixtlan

Tales of Power The Second Ring of Power

The Eagle's Gift The Fire From Within The Power of Silence The Art of Dreaming

The Active Side of Infinity.

Carlos Castaneda

The Sorcerer's Crossing – Taisha Abelar Being In Dreaming – Florinda Donner

Turtles All The Way Down John Grinder & Judith Delozier

A Toltec Witness

Damian Alexander Sinclair

Page 81: A Toltec Witness Appendices

The Toltec Predilection Of Not Doing

Is Performed by the body. Set up by Gazing And is a method of storing Personal Power

Sorcery is the Cunning of the 1st Attention And serves as the interface

Gazing is the Cunning of the 2nd Attention And facilitates Active Dreaming

Setting Up Dreaming is the Cunning Of the Double it lures the one to Flesh the other which one does

What is open to conjecture For it is a matter of

The ‘Dreamer And the Dreamed

[email protected]

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